Problem With Output Parameters That Are Varchar And Null
May 30, 2006
I am using version 9.00.2047.00 SP1 of Visual Studio 2005.
Using ADO.NET, I have been unable to get the Execute SQL task to successfully return the value of an output parameter defined as varchar or nvarchar when the value is null. No other data types seem to have this problem, including the sql_variant data type.
The variables to which the three output parameters return their values have a data type of Object. The task runs fine when the integer or datetime parameters are used, and the variables can be identified as null using IsDBNull. But as soon as the nvarchar (or varchar) parameter is included, the task fails with this message:
"The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 1 ("@vc"): Data type 0xE7 has an invalid data length or metadata length."
I have seen a couple of postings that sound similar to this problem, but so far I have found no resolution. Any advice would be much appreciated.
I have an event: Private Sub SqlDataSourceIncome_Deleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs) Handles SqlDataSourceIncome.Deleted Dim command As SqlClient.SqlCommand command = e.Command If command.Parameters("@nReturnCode").Value <> 0 Then DROPDEAD() End If That fires from: <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="nDeletebyId" Type="Int64" /> <asp:Parameter Name="nOtherId" Type="Int64" /> <asp:Parameter Direction="Output" Name="nReturnCode" Type="Int64" /> <asp:Parameter Direction="Output" Name="nReturnId" Type="Int64" /> </DeleteParameters> End Sub
When I: GridViewIncome.DeleteRow(GridViewIncome.SelectedRow.RowIndex) But nReturnCode is ALWAYS NULL... I even did a stored procedure that just: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_nDeletebyId] @nReturnCode bigint output, @nReturnId bigint output AS SET @nReturnCode = 0 SET @nReturnId = 0 And STILL got nothing but the NULLS... the insert & update stuff works fine, with identical code... it's just the DELETED event that I can't seem to knock. Has anyone seen this before? The above sample stored proc did return 0 when executed one the server... and, BTW, the row is deleted!
Inside some TSQL programmable object (a SP/or a query in Management Studio)I have a parameter containing the name of a StoreProcedure+The required Argument for these SP. (for example it's between the brackets [])
I can't change thoses SP, (and i don't have a nice output param to cach, as i would need to change the SP Definition)All these SP 'return' a 'select' of 1 record the same datatype ie: NVARCHAR. Unfortunately there is no output param (it would have been so easy otherwise. So I am working on something like this but I 'can't find anything working
Hi all, From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlDbType
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")
Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)
testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)
Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))
End Sub
End Class
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.
Is there any set option with which, the text output from select statement can be changed. A select of any varchar field defaults to 256 characters. If I define a field of varchar(1024), how can I get an output representing all the 1024 characters. Thanks
Hi Guys I am wondering if you could spare some time and help me out with this puzzle. I am new to this stuff so please take it easy on me.
I’m trying to create procedure which will take 2 input parameters and give me 1 back. Originally there will be more outputs but for this training exercise 1 should do. There are 2 tables as per diagram below and what I’m trying to do is Verify username & password and pull out user group_name.
For my proc. I am using some ideas from this and some other sites, but obviously i've done something wrong.
'==================================================== ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.try01 ( @UserName varchar(50), @Password varchar(50), @Group varchar Output ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT TBL_USERS.USERNAME, TBL_USERS.PASSWORD,@Group = TBL_USER_GROUPS.GROUP_NAME, TBL_USERS.USER_ID, TBL_USER_GROUPS.GROUP_ID FROM TBL_USERS INNER JOIN TBL_USER_GROUPS ON TBL_USERS.GROUP_ID = TBL_USER_GROUPS.GROUP_ID WHERE (TBL_USERS.USERNAME = @UserName) AND (TBL_USERS.PASSWORD = @Password) '====================================================
and this is what i'm getting in VS.Net while trying to save.
'==================================================== ADO error: A select statement that assigns a value to variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operation. '====================================================
I did not see any samples on the net using ‘varchar’ as OUTPUT usually they where all ‘int’s. Could that be the problem?
hi all, I'm after a way to produce a single-lined output of a char/varchar string replicated over 8000 times.
basically I've been given a task to create a stored procedure which can accept any integer to replicate a string X times.
From what I've read the replicate() fn will covert to varchar of max 8000 bytes.
I've thought about creating a UDF to accept the varchar and int and run a loop to keep outputting but 'print' will pass an endline to the buffer which is no good for my loop.
I've created a stored procedure that takes a varchar(10) as a parameter. However calling this stored procedure from an ASP page, with a string of greater length, generates an error. However this does not happen in Query Analyzer (it simply truncates the string to 10 characters). I was under the previous impression that this truncation was implicit, but now it seems that it is not. Can someone please give me a quick overview of how to work around this issue (is there an SQL setting I can flip on). I know I could pre-truncate every value in my page, but that seems like a design nightmare (seeing as how I would need to know the size of every varchar parameter in every stored procedure old and new, also I'd like to be able to simply increase the size of the data field in the table, at a later point, without having to match it up in every stored procedure and ASP page ). P.S. I am using SQL Sever 2000
We use SQL 7.0 and I want to know some guideline for choosing varchar or char data type. I heard that varchar takes more computation than char, then we should use all character type as a char. If then, it will takes more storage, so Is there any guideline for choosing varchar data type? And also, Is the NULL value type same as varchar data type ?
How may extra bits does a NULL column contain.And how many extra bits does a varchar column contain.(I 've worked with Ingres and in that environment it both needed 2 extrabits)Bye,Arno de Jong, The Netherlands
I have a stored procedure that accepts a parameter of type varchar(32). This parameter gets tested against NULL as part of an IF statement. The behavior I'm seeing is that this test never evaluates to TRUE, even in cases where NULL has been passed in as the value of the parameter.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspNewVital @Description varchar(32), @Type tinyint, @DeviceType varchar(32), @Dimension varchar(32), @Unit varchar(32) AS IF (@Dimension != NULL AND @Unit != NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR ('You must specify either a dimension or a unit.', 15, 1) ; RETURN 0 ; END IF NULL = @Dimension BEGIN DECLARE @UnitID AS int ; SELECT @UnitID = ID FROM tblUnit WHERE Description=@Unit ; IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR ('Unit not found.', 15, 1) ; RETURN 0 ; END INSERT INTO tblVitalType VALUES (@DeviceTypeID, @DatumID, NULL, @UnitID) ; END ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @DimensionID AS int ; SELECT @DimensionID = ID FROM tblDimension WHERE Description=@Dimension ; IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR ('Dimension not found.', 15, 1) ; RETURN 0 ; END INSERT INTO tblVitalType VALUES (@DeviceTypeID, @DatumID, @DimensionID, NULL) ; END GO
When I pass in a NULL for @Dimension, code execution still goes to the ELSE block.
At first I thought this might have something to do with the ANSI_NULLS option, but the database has this defaulting to OFF.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
But It has a problem because when AUXILIAR.DESTINO returns null (it means there is no registry) the condition AND PABX.LOCALIDADE <> AUXILIAR.DESTINO doesn't work, like 'SAO PAULO' is different from 'NULL' but for my query no it's not even equal, and this condition ommit the can I solve it ?
PS: Both auxiliar.destino and pabx.localidade is varchar(255)
I have 1 files, one is .sql and another is stored procedure. SQL file will call the stored procedure by passing the variables setup in the SQL file. However, everything ran well except at the end, I try to get the return value from SP to my SQL file ... which will send notification email. But, I get the following msg ... I am not sure how to fix this ... help!!! :( Syntax error converting the varchar value 'ABC' to a column of data type int. SQL file ====================== DECLARE @S AS VARCHAR(1000) EXEC @S = PDT.DBO.SP_RPT 'ABC' SELECT CONTENT = @S -- this is the value I am trying to pass as content of the email EXEC PRODUCTION.DBO.SENDEMAIL '', 'Notification', @S ====================== Stored Procedure ====================== CREATE procedure sp_RPT( @array varchar(1000) ) AS DECLARE @content AS VARCHAR(2000) SET @content = 'RPT: ' + @array + ' loaded successfully ' SET @array = 'ABC'RETURN CONVERT(VARCHAR(1000),@array) GO
My store procedure get the QuestionID (PK) from the page and then it's to return a few varchars but gives me the error that string can't be converted to int. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_getQuestionsforEditPopulateText]@QuestionID int,@QuestionDescription varchar(MAX) OUTPUT,@Option1 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option2 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option3 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option4 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option5 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@reference varchar(50) OUTPUT,@chb1 int OUTPUT,@chb2 int OUTPUT,@chb3 int OUTPUT,@chb4 int OUTPUT,@chb5 int OUTPUTAsSet @QuestionDescription =(Select questionDescription from QuestionsBank Where questionID = @QuestionID)Set @Option1 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 1)Set @Option2 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 2)Set @Option3 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 3)Set @Option4 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 4)Set @Option5 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 5)Set @reference = (Select referencedescription from reference where questionID = @QuestionID)Set @chb1 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 1)Set @chb2 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 2)Set @chb3 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 3)Set @chb4 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 4)Set @chb5 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 5) RETURN This is what the page callsDim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("myconnectionstring ") Dim cmdUpdate As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("usp_getQuestionsforEditPopulateText", dbConnection) cmdUpdate.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@QuestionID", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@QuestionID").Value = QuestionID cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@QuestionDescription", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@QuestionDescription").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option1", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option1").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option2", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option2").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option3", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option3").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option4", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option4").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option5", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option5").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@reference", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@reference").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb1", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb1").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb2", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb2").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb3", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb3").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb4", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb4").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb5", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb5").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output 'open connection dbConnection.Open() 'Execute non query cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery() 'close connection dbConnection.Close()
declare @xmldoc as xml select @xmldoc = '<Text>This is firstline<Break />This is second line<Break />This is third line</Text>' select @xmldoc.value('(/Text)[1]','varchar(max)')Result is: "This is firstlineThis is second lineThis is third line"
My problem is, that the <Break /> tags within the text are removed in the conversion to varchar. How to preserve the such tags in the varchar output? Or to get the <Break /> tags "translated" to e.g. CHAR(10)?
Will both statements above access only a single page (as it fits into one page) or does the VARCHAR(MAX) always put its data on a separate page. If so, is the null insert treated differently from the '' insert?
Hi there, I've a question regaarding datatype conversions... I can't convert the above mentioned datatype. I always get an error message that the conversion fails. Doesn't matter If convert or cast is used.
How would you convert the above mentioned variable into float???
Hi everyone, can anyone help me please I have a stored procedure that works quite well and returns one of the following codes, 1 2 3 or 4 which is dependant on business criteria. This sp works well and satsisfies all the criteria etc. I am calling this SP in (c#) like this using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["blah"].ConnectionString)) { int? intSQLCheck = null; con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("check_values", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@param_clothing_id", this.DropDownList2.SelectedValue.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@empNo", this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@createdBy", this.txtEmpNo.Text.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@price", this.txtPrice.Text)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@qty", this.txtQty.Text)); //cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@returnValue", 0)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@returnVal", 99)); cmd.Parameters["@returnVal"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
What I would like to do know is use a variable intSqlCheck to hold the return value from the SP (and then do some processing of business logic using the variable) Any ideas anyone please
Hi, I have a form with a detailsview and a sqldatasource. The sqldatasource uses a stored procedure as the select command. This stored procedure requires 2 input parameters and returns 3 output parameters. A button on the form is enabled or disabled depending on the value of the output parameters. When the page loads, I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" message, caused by the null value of an output parameter. SQL Profiler shows that the input parameters are correct, and if I run the stored procedure directly, it's okay. Can anybody tell me why I wouldn't get the output parameters? Thanks,Neil
I am new to SQL and trying to work out how to do this
i have a table called projectAllocationLog with 4 fields, there can be many users of any particular project, ie ID,projectID, User, Date 4 5000, 6, 10/02/2007 3 5000, 12, 08/07/2005 2 5004, 13, 08/05/2003 1 5000, 14, 04/05/2001
I want to write a stored proceedure that I can pass in the projectID, and return the most current user, this will always be the user with the highest ID for the project
ie for project 5000 it will be user 6
I was thinking along the lines of for each project select the top 1 from the table. where I can pass in the projectID, and pass out the ID field of the table. i am just not sure how to start this.
I am trying to select multiple values from the row with the max id,and output them within my stored procedure. How would I combine thefollowing two rows so that I only need to use "from mytable whereIDnum = (select (max(IDnum)) from mytable))" once. I have at least 8other outputs I will be setting and would like this to work moreefficiently than setting each individually... if possible.set @outmtd = (select outmtd from mytable where IDnum = (select(max(IDnum)) from mytable))set @outytd = (select outytd from mytable where IDnum = (select(max(IDnum)) from mytable))Thanks for any help you can giveMatt
Hello, i got this working using but becuase I'm learning I thought it would be a ggood idea to replicate the same function using C# as well1
The problem is I receive an output parameter through a stored procedure which is the users id.
I want to add this to a cookie as I know I'll be using it again and again, but the error I keep getting is cannot cxonvert type 'string' to type 'int'.
I've tried using conversion functions to make the value returned into an int value but I had no success!
I did this -
int id = (int)mycommand.Parameters["@id"].Value;
and then try to save that to the cookie but the error keeps appearing, I've also tried using the parse and ToInt32 function but the same/similar problems - any ideas?
Hi all,Is there a data transfer difference between returning a datareader that only has one row or using output parameters? For instance, I have a login page that shows the last login, member since, display level, number of file views, etc. Currently I am returning a datareader that reads one row and assigns this data to labels. But would it be quicker to use OUTPUT parameters instead of using a dataread and just get the values from the command object?ThanksJosh
When I call a proc with one input parameter and two output parameters, (all the three parameters having defaults in the proc), I was expecting to see these values defaulted to in the proc. But apparently, this not the case. Could someone tell me what am I doing wrong here? Appreciate your time.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MyTestProc (@InputParamVARCHAR(30) = 'Input', @OutPutParam1VARCHAR(30) = 'OutputParam1' OUTPUT, @OutPutParam2VARCHAR(30) = 'OuputParam2' OUTPUT) AS BEGIN SELECT @InputParam, @OutPutParam1, @OutPutParam2 END GO
Hi can any one explain why when I specify an outparameter as a string I only get back the first letter of the string when I call the procedure from .net?
DECLARE @tmpGUID as uniqueidentifier /*stores the temp guid from the function */ DECLARE @ReturnDomainName as varchar(32) /*stores the tmp domainname of the user who has the PACS name */
SET @Message=CAST('' as varchar(32)) SET @MessageNumber= 0
/* first check if PACS user name already exists or not */ SET @tmpGUID = dbo.fncFindPACSName(@UserPACSName)
IF @tmpGUID IS NOT NULL /* if the value is null the the PACSusername doesn't exist if its not null then does the current user already own that PACSUserName? */ BEGIN
/*if the users ids are different then another user already has the PACS name */ IF @tmpGUID<>@UserGUID BEGIN SELECT @ReturnDomainName = UserDomainName FROM tblUsers WHERE UserGUID=@tmpGUID SET @Message=@ReturnDomainName SET @MessageNumber = 1 RETURN
/*now check the PAS name to see if it exists or is already in use by someone else first check if PACS user name already exists or not */ SET @tmpGUID = dbo.fncFindPASName(@PASName)
IF @tmpGUID IS NOT NULL /* if the value is null the the PACSusername doesn't exist if its not null then does the current user already own that PACSUserName? */ BEGIN
/*if the users ids are different then another user already has the PACS name */ IF @tmpGUID<>@UserGUID BEGIN SELECT @ReturnDomainName = UserDomainName FROM tblUsers WHERE UserGUID=@tmpGUID SET @Message=@ReturnDomainName SET @MessageNumber = 2 RETURN
UPDATE tblUsers SET UserPACSName=@UserPACSName,UserPACSPassword=@UserPACSPassword, UserPACSPasswordIV=@UserPACSPasswordIV, PASName=@PASName, UserFriendlyName=@UserFriendlyName
SET @Message=CAST('' as varchar(32)) SET @MessageNumber=3
I call this proc via a program using a command.executenonquery and then look at the parameter.
For some reason I only get the first letter of the string back! i.e. if the string is LSDNET/nik I get 'L'.
If I run the proc from visual studio step in to procecure it works fine!
the vb I'm using is... (the createaddparameter simply creates a bunch of parameters to add to a command -with the specified names and dbtypes).
I'm obviously missing a trick but what it is I can't see. I seem to be able to pass all other data types back easily!
Dim LoadUserCommand As New SqlCommand
'create add command Dim CreateAddParameter() As String = {"@UserGUID", _ "@UserPACSName", "@PASName", "@UserPACSPassword", _ "@UserPACSPasswordIV", "@UserFriendlyName", "@Message", "@MessageNumber"} Dim UpdateDBTypes() As DbType = {DbType.Guid, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.StringFixedLength, _ DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.Int32}
Dim lclRet As Integer = LoadUserCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Dim tmpDomainName As String tmpDomainName = LoadUserCommand.Parameters(6).Value.ToString 'read the name back
Dim tmpMsgNumber = LoadUserCommand.Parameters(7).Value 'read the message number back
Select Case tmpMsgNumber 'not written yet as I haven't got this far!!! Case 1 'pacs username already exists Case 2 'pas username already exists Case 3 'execute fine and all names updated
can somebody let me understand how this Output parameters works in sp_executesql / Dynamic TSQL
I want to store a integer value resulting from executing a dynamic query. I was trying to follow the syntax but to be honest I didn't get it, and resulted in err. So can somebody help me in understanding how it works and how and where to declare the variables to be output and what command does that Output etc.
I'm trying to output all the values selected through a multivalue parameter, but I am having difficulties. In the text box, the parameter contains only four member functions (value, label, count, ismultivalue). However, to output a value or label for the parameter you need to specify an index in the form of:
Ideally, I would like to be able to obtain all these values with a function call, but it doesn't look like there is one. Any ideas of how to get all the values?
Hi, i'm new to SSIS and trying to import some csv files (comma delimited) into SQL Server. A NULL value for a CHAR column is correctly regonized as NULl in SQL Server, but a NULL value for of a mapping to a VARCHAR column in SQL Server is not recognized correctly and i get the value "'NULL'" in SQL Server (including the single comma.
CSV file contains columns A and B. A and B contains the Text NULL. Column A is mapped to a CHAR field, and column B is mapped to a VARCHAR field in SQL Server. After the import, SQL has the following value: A = NULL as NULL, B 'NULL' as text.