I am using SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Charts. I am using Chart Type as Column (3-D Cluster Cylinder). I am using X axis of graph as Time/Date field. I have two questions while displaying report in desired format:
1. Currently I have grouped Category field on Date field fetched from database. It groups values per day. Now whenever there is no data for a particular date, it skips that date in chart. How can I show each and every date on report graph in user given date range?
2. If there is no data for a legend of a chart, how can I display a Bar in Chart with value 0. This means, I have to show Bar with Zero value.
Currently if I Show data labels of Chart, it just shows data for 0 value but does not show Bar with 0 value which could be residing as flat on X axis for a particular legend.
Please help me resolving this issues for Chart graphs.
I am making the switch from using MSACCESS to do required reporting to using Reporting Services to accomplish the same tasks.
A requirment I have is that whenever a graph (chart) is created, it contain the underlying data in a connected and aligned data table. MSACCESS allows this by selecting the chart options and then "show data table".
Is this ability included in Reporting Services in MS Visual Studio 2003 .NET? If so, how can I enable it? I currently can only enable the legend.
Currently we are using:
SQL Server 2000 (sp3a) Reporting Services (sp2) Visual Studio .NET 2003
When I export the report in excel format the chart is displayed as picture. I want it to be displayed as editable chart.Does Office Writer work in this situation and did anyone use Office Writer to accomplish same type of problem.Is there any other method or product we can use instead of the office writer.
I want to create a line chart showing the bases, split by 6 month periods, on the X axis and a count on the Y. I have tried but am well and trult stuck!
I have a scatter chart in SSRS (SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2010) that is producing the following:
There are five data points on there, however the result set I am using has 10 rows (a 'Completed Date' of datetime and a 'Lateness' integer whose values can be positive or negative.
This is the Dataset and the results it produces:
How can I tell SSRS to show every data point in my chart?
I added a new windows user "ReportUser" which is a local user (not in administrator group). When I connect to the report manage's web page, I use reportuser to log in (when the anonymous access is disabled it will ask a log in). Report builder icon is not showing up on the report manager home page.
If I log in as a user in administrator group, the reportr builder icon shows up so I can download it and build report.
I have assigned reportuser "Content manager" and "repoter builder" access to the home folder. Is there anything else I have to do to make the report build icon show up on the home page?
When generating a SQL report, external images from a Sharepoint image library are not shown (red X).
An unattended execution account is set correctly, the image exists. I have tried with setting the UseSessionCookies to true/false. nothing seems to work.
Which one should be my Data fields? Which one should be my Category Fields? I don't think I need "Series Field". But the "ValueOFTheDate" was keeping showing as "Series Field".
The value of 'y' axis shows the value of "#of record for the date" which is wrong.
I need to create a report showing the title the first and last name of all sales representatives-This is what I have so far but am having difficulty retrieving ONLY the "Sales Representatives" Titles.
Select Firstname, Lastname, Title From Employees Where ???
I have a report that pulls a customer balance. In crystal there was a way to have the page not show up if it met a certain criteria(say if the balance was 0 or negative).
I'd rather not filter them in SQL because it takes a few calculations to figure out what their balance is, and I already have SRS doing that calculation. So is there a way to have a report page not print based on a certain criteria?
I have a matrix report that I am using with MonthName(Fields!Month.Value) across the top of the report. However, when there is no data under the column, the month is skipped. So, for example, I get this:
I am just designing a simple chart in Report Builder - but when trying to drag any field into the value field of the chart (it doesn't change colour and won't accept any field).
If I drag a field into the category or series the curser changes and on approaching the chart properties they seem to change colour.
Hi, Is there a way to set the visibility of a chart as can be done for a textbox or table or matrix? My requirement is that the chart should be visible only if certain data conditions are met.
Hi, I've just started using Pie Charts and I'm stuck on a value problem (I think!). My category will be "Connection Status", and the values can be: success:human; success:machine; Connected; Null.
What I want to do is merge the "success:human" and "connected" values into one slice of pie. Is this possible?
Does anyone know how to create a bar chart in which the x-axis is dynamic (meaning I can have 0+ bars) and have the width of the bar being a fixed size?
I have a report with 5 filters which can be applied to it. The records are grouped by the Rotation programme there are on, with a subtotal for each unique programme name.
The report seems to work fine, but upon closer inspection - we noticed that 2 of the records are not being displayed. As a result, the total count is out by 2.
We tracked down the missing records so I ran the SQL query with a Where clause, and it was able to find the two records.
What could possibly cause this behaviour? Please see included SQL statement :
Code Block
SELECT Posts.PostNumber,COUNT(Posts.PostNumber) AS RPCount, Incumbents.Name AS IncumbentName, Grades.GradeTitle, Specialties.SpecialtyTitle, Hospitals.Name AS Hospital, Genders.Gender, [Incumbent History].YearGraduated, COUNT([University Origins].Origin) AS OriginCount, Incumbents.Nationality AS NationalityID, Countries.[Country Name] AS Nationality, [Rotation Programmes].[Programme Name], Posts.[Post Approved for Training], [University Origins].Origin, Posts.OldPostNumber, [Rotation Programmes].[Programme ID] FROM Posts INNER JOIN Incumbents ON Posts.PostNumber = Incumbents.PostNumber INNER JOIN [Incumbent History] ON Incumbents.[Incumbent ID] = [Incumbent History].IncumbentID INNER JOIN Grades ON Incumbents.[Official Grade] = Grades.GradeID INNER JOIN Specialties ON Posts.Specialty = Specialties.SpecialtyID INNER JOIN Hospitals ON Posts.HospitalID = Hospitals.[Hospital ID] INNER JOIN Genders ON Incumbents.GenderID = Genders.GenderID INNER JOIN Countries ON Incumbents.[Country Of Birth] = Countries.[Country ID] INNER JOIN [Rotation Programmes] ON Posts.[Rotation Programme] = [Rotation Programmes].[Programme ID] INNER JOIN [University Origins] ON [University Origins].[Uni Origin ID] = Incumbents.[University Origin]
GROUP BY [Rotation Programmes].[Programme Name], Posts.PostNumber, Incumbents.Name, Grades.GradeTitle, Hospitals.Name, Genders.Gender, [Incumbent History].YearGraduated, [University Origins].Origin, Incumbents.Nationality, Countries.[Country Name], [University Origins].Origin, Posts.[Post Approved for Training], Posts.OldPostNumber, Specialties.SpecialtyTitle, [Rotation Programmes].[Programme ID]
I added tooltips to the column headings in a report deployed to SQL05 RSvc. When the report is viewed in the web-based report viewer, the tooltips display properly. The report is normally launched by a Winforms app that opens a window containing a .Net report viewer (2008 version). In this viewer, the tooltips do not display. Does the desktop viewer not support tooltips on report items?
I am having a problem with Print button not showing up. I tried everything but I can get it to show itself on the toolbar. I am using reporting viewer on local report on the web page. I published my local report on the server but still not showing. If anybody knows how to fix this problem please help.
I am also tring to insert a report parameter in the header section of the report but when I get to parameters section it tells me that "This report does not contain any parameteres".
I have log shipping every 15 minutes working between 2 servers, and while the secondary server reports everything ok (time since last copy, restore are all under 15 minutes), the primary server reports that the time since last backup is 7400+ minutes. I have verified that the LS backup job has no failures. How can I correct this false error state and get the primary server to start reporting actual statuses?
I have used Report viewer control to show ssrs 2005 report in my aspx page. Can we show the SSRS 2005 report on the aspx page in any other way? any info on this is appreciated.
We have a SSRS report that runs on snapshots. The report contains a textbox that displays the report name using the Global!ReportName built-in field.
Recently, we changed the RDL name to something else but this seems to have affected the snapshots too. The older snapshots (generated before the name change) are showing the updated name.
Just wondering if there is some way to say that the snapshot will show the report name based on the time it was generated (same as the ExecutionTime built-in field). Why is there a difference?
When I deploy a report, and then browse to it with FireFox, I only see 2 inces of the report. I can scroll through the entire report, but only see the 2 inch window's worth at any time.
Its like the html element the report gets put into has a hard coded height, and doesnt auto size to show the eintire report.
Hi to everyone.I have this problem in my chart control in report.I am retrieving datas from my database.My x-axis is consist of dates of the year,y-axis is the hit counts.My problem here is when i only have hits in only one month(ex december) and almost over 20 hits are retrieved,the bars of my graph become so overcrowded and overlayed which make the value unclear to see.And also another thing is my legend repeats the color when there are too much data.is there anyway to fix this or this is just a ReportingService bug??Hope not..hehe.. Thanx
I have a case. I have 3 numeric fields and 1 category field to be displayed on bar chart reports. the problem is 2 of the 3 numeric fields have significant different scale value. so I need to add additonal scale at the right side of bar chart to represent 1 numeric fields + the 2 other numeric fields at the left side scale (Y). Please advice. Thanks.
I have a question about how to have multiple chart options for a report? Like when I view a report, I want to see the report in different charts formats. It is possible in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (designer) to change from different chart options? Hope my question is clear for your advices.
Thank you very much in advance for your help and advices. And I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I have successfully installed the reporting services in SQLServer 2005 and have integrated with WSS 3.0. When I go to a site to add in the Viewer web part it is not there. Any ideas?