Problems Connecting To SQL Server(data Source)

Aug 31, 2007


I am new to SQL server and am experiencing problems with connecting to SQL server express from my VS C++ 6. Since its just the start, I am trying to play around with data access on the computer with the server installed.

I want to connect to the server through ODBC and understand that I can do so by first creating a data source. However, at the Data Source Administrator, there were errors when connecting to the server. I tried with different server names, with Shared memory/TCP/Named pipes enabled(in all combinations) at the Configuration Manager but to no avail.

However, I am able to contact to the server through Shared memory at the Management Studio Express. I don't know what is wrong.

Let me know if you need extra information to give me assistance.

Thanks in advance.


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Error Connecting New Data Source To SQL Server Express

Dec 8, 2006

In ODBC Data Source Administrator, I add the SQL Server driver, complete a name and select my local SQL Server instance, select Windows NT authentication (the client configuration is set to TCP/IP, dynamically determine port) and on clicking Next, the following errors occur:

Connection failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server error: 2
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server error: 17
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

I note that in the Help it says: "The SQL Server system administrator must have associated your Microsoft Windows login with a SQL Server login ID".

Is this the problem? If so, where do I make this association?

Thanking you in anticipation.

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Truncation Of String Data With Data Reader Source Connecting To ODBC DSN

Mar 18, 2007

A data reader is using a connection manager to connect to an ODBC System DSN . A query in the SqlCommand property is provided. Data is being truncated in the only string column . The data type in data reader output-->external columns shows as Unicode string [DT_WSTR] Length 7.

The truncated output in a text file is the first 3 characters from left to right . Changing the column order has no effect.

A linked server was created in SQL Server Management Studio to test the ODBC System DSN using the following:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'server_name',
@srvproduct = '',
@provider = 'MSDASQL',
@datasrc = 'odbc_dsn_name'

Data returned using "OPENQUERY" does not truncate the string column indicating that the ODBC Driver returns data as expected with sql 2005, but not with the Data Reader.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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Connecting To Data Source Rs2005sbsDW

May 21, 2007

I'm trying to connect to the sample database (rs2005sbsDW) that I installed from a CD that came with the book SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. When I try to connect to this database in the report wizard following instructions on page 41, it tells me my database doesn't exist. The following path was entered into the New Project dialog box which does exist. C:Documents and SettingsBrett SomersMy DocumentsMicrosoft PressRS2005SBSworkspace. The book guides me to enter Localhost as the server name. The rs2005sbsDW database does not appear in the "select or enter a database name" dropdown field.

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Nov 1, 2006

Hello All,

I have a unique problem while connecting to oracle source with a 64 bit processor. I can connect to the oracle from the command prompt in the 64 bit processor but not from SSIS.

The acutal problem is, when check the properties of the connection manager and provide a provider for oracle, and then provide username and password and click on test connection. I get the following error:

"Test Connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.ORA-06413: Connection not open"



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An Error Has Occurred During Report Processing. A Data Source Instance Has Not Been Supplied For The Data Source DetailDS_get_o

Mar 13, 2008

hi ,

i am trying for a drill through report (rdlc)

ihave written the following code in drill through event of reportviewer, whenever i click on the first report iam getting the error like

An error has occurred during report processing.

A data source instance has no
t been supplied for the data source "DetailDS_get_orderdetail".

the code is

using System;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using System.Configuration;

using System.Collections;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Security;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

//using Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data;

using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;

using DAC;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


ReportViewer1.Visible = false;


protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


DAC.clsReportsWoman obj = new clsReportsWoman();

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

ds = obj.get_order();


ReportDataSource reds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1_get_order", ds.Tables[0]);


ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "C:/Documents and Settings/km63096/My Documents/Visual Studio 2005/WebSites/drillthrurep/Report.rdlc";


ReportViewer1.Visible = true;


protected void ReportViewer1_Drillthrough(object sender, DrillthroughEventArgs e)


DAC.clsReportsWoman obj = new clsReportsWoman();

ReportParameterInfoCollection DrillThroughValues =


foreach (ReportParameterInfo d in DrillThroughValues)


Label1.Text = d.Values[0].ToString().Trim();


LocalReport localreport = (LocalReport)e.Report;

string order_id = Label1.Text;

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

ds = obj.get_orderdetail(order_id);


ReportDataSource reds = new ReportDataSource("DetailDS_get_orderdetail", ds.Tables[0]);


ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath(@"Reportlevel1.rdlc");




the code in method get_orderdetail(order_id) is

public DataSet get_orderdetail(string order_id)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@order_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters["@order_id"].Value = order_id;
ds = SQLHelper.ExecuteAdapter(cmd, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "dbo.get_orderdetail");
return (ds);
}pls help me.

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OleDb Source Error - Connecting To Oracle 9i

Nov 14, 2006

I have my datasource in Oracle9i and destination is Sql2005. I am connecting to Oracle 9i through OLEDb provider and when I connect to my DataSource using OLE DB Data Source, I get the following error:

Warning at "guid code": Cannot retreive the column code page info from the oledb provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale Id will be used.

Could anyone please help me trouble shoot this problem.


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Amo And Creating Data Source And Data Source View Code

Feb 2, 2008

In this code how can I create a new data source and new data source view and model and structure that it run dynamic.
In this code I have a lot of errors, that they are about server and database don€™t have in current code,
In this code, first I should definition server or no?

Database dbNew = new Database (databaseName,
Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID(databaseName, typeof(Database)));

How can I create data source and data source view and model and structure?
Please say code of that, and guide me.
databasename and srv is unknown.
Do I add other reference with analysis services?
Please explain about these codes:
RelationalDataSource dsNew = new RelationalDataSource(

dsNew.ConnectionString = connectionString;


RelationalDataSourceView rdsv;

rdsv = db.DataSourceViews.Add(

rdsv.DataSourceID = ds.ID
OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(ds.ConnectionString);
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(
"SELECT * FROM [" + tableName + "] WHERE 0=1", cn);
OleDbDataAdapter ad = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);

DataSet dss = new DataSet();
ad.FillSchema(dss, SchemaType.Source);


// Make sure we have the name we thought

dss.Tables[0].TableName = tableName;

// Clone here - the original DataTable already belongs to a DataSet


MiningStructure ms = db.MiningStructures.Add(miningstructureName, Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID(miningstructureName,
ms.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding(dsv.ID);
ms.CaseTableName = "Customer";

Add columns:
ScalarMiningStructureColumn smsc;

// From table "Customer" we will add a couple of columns
// CustomerID - key
smsc = new ScalarMiningStructureColumn("Customer ID",
Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID("Customer ID", typeof(ScalarMiningStructureColumn)));
smsc.IsKey = true;
smsc.Content = "Key";
smsc.KeyColumns.Add("Customer", "customer_id", OleDbType.Integer);


MiningModel mm = ms.MiningModels.Add(miningmodelName,

mm.Algorithm = "Microsoft_Decision_Trees";
mm.Parameters.Add("COMPLEXITY_PENALTY", 0.3);

MiningModelColumn mc = new MiningModelColumn("Customer ID",
mc.SourceColumnID = ms.Columns["Customer ID"].ID;
mc.Usage = "Key";


Please exactly say, whatever I want
Thanks a lot for your answer
Please don€™t move this question because I don€™t know where I should write this.

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How Do I Add An ODBC Connection Data Source As A Data Flow Source

Mar 2, 2007

I have set up a new connection as a connection from data source, but I cannot see how to use this connection to create my Data Flow Source. I have tried using an OLE DB connection, but this is painfully slow! The process of loading 10,000 rows takes 14 - 15 minutes. The same process in Access using SQL on a linked table via DSN takes 45 seconds.

Have I missed something in my set up of the OLE DB source / connection? Will a DSN source be faster?

Thanks in advance


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Create Data Source, Data Source View From XML?

May 8, 2007

hi everybody,
i want to create data source and data source view for data mining, with using C Sharp.
i have create data source and data source view and export to XML file, but when i change to another computer, run those XML file, it return error, when i run statement to create and biuld mining model, what can i change on xml or how to run XML on another computer sucessfully,
and have i build data source and data source view, how to do it.?

thanks for you helps

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Cannot Create A Connection To Data Source 'data Source Name'

Dec 11, 2007

Today I was making a few reports.
When I tested the reports in Visual Studio, they worked great: I got the expected result.
But when I deployed the reports to our reportserver the problem started.
When I click on the directory in which my reports are deployed, I got my 4 reports.
Till now everything worked correct.
But when I click on a report to view the results it went wrong.
I got an error:
"Cannot create a connection to data source 'Live'"
(Live is the name of our data source).

We are using the Windows Logons and I am sure that I have all the rights on the server, I gave myself 'sysadmin' rights, so it should work.
I also have tried it with all the roles assigned on my account, but then it still won't work.

When I modify the data source, and set it to another server en database it works.
The datasource 'Live' exists on a x64 MsSQL server, en the other datasource is on a x86 MsSQL server.
Maybe that is the problem?

Can someone tell me what is wrong?

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HELP: A Data Source Instance Has Not Been Supplied For The Data Source

May 20, 2007

Hi there,

I'm trying to build a report for Windows Forms (C#) using .rdlc files.

But every time I run it, I get this error message. I've followed the step-by-step from MSDN instructions... but it doesn't work!

Could anyone help me?!

Tks a lot!

Luis Antonio - Brazil

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Loading Data Using Ole Db Source With Input Source Being A View

Dec 13, 2007

I was trying to load data using SSIS, Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source, source was a view to a OLE DB Destination (SQL Server). This view returns 420,591 rows from Query Analyzer in 21 seconds. Row length is 925. When I try to executed the Data Flow Task from SSIS, I had to stop the process after 30 minutes, because only 2,000 rows had been retrieved. I modified the view to retun top 440, 000 and reran. This time all 420, 591 rows were retrieved and written in 22 seconds. Next, I tried to use a TOP 100 Percent. Again, only 2,000 rows were return after 30 minutes. TempDB is on a separate SAN Raid group with 200 gig free, Databases on a separate drive with 200 gig free. Server has 13 gig of memory and no other processes were executing.

The only way I could populate the table was by using an Execute SQL Task and hard code an Insert into table selecting data from the view (35 seconds) from SSIS.

Have anyone else experience this or a similar issue? Anyone have a solutionexplanation?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Getting Duplicate Data When Connecting To Another Table

Jul 25, 2015

I have the following two tables:

CREATE TABLE [MailBox].[Message](
[Id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[SenderId] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[Message] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[SentDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

I'm building a messaging functionality in to my application, I'm able to insert a message into the database and this message then appears inside the other users inbox. The issue I have it when I click on this message to view the conversation I make a call to the following sp as shown here:

@UserId bigint,
@SenderId bigint

[Code] .....

The problem with this is I'm trying to connect to the user photos table to return their profile picture, but for some reason even though I have specified IsProfilePic I get all the photos returned, instead it should be two photos, one for the @UserId and the other for the @SenderId, its equivalent to me doing this:

Select *
From [User].[User_Photos]
where (UserId = 1 or UserId = 2) and IsProfilePic = 1

And this returns me the correct information.

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Oct 12, 2006

HI All, forgive me but I am new to SQL Server.

My question is in 2 parts. THe first - Could anyone point me to a tutorial or give me a quick pointer? I want to View my Access 2003 datatables through Server MAngement Studio. I cannot however work this out or find articles on it. Is it possible? Are there any wlakthroughs?

The second Part - Eventually I want to create an SQL database, which is comprised of tables which use (point to) MS ACCESS as there datasource. An unchangeable existing piece of software uses Access as the UI, so I want to leave my data in access, and just set up some pointers from the SQL database tables to read in data from these access tables as when required.

Is that a clear question? Am I making any sense?? PLease let me know as I am scratching my head a lot at the moment!!

Cheers guys,


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Data Source=%?SERVER%... ?

Oct 23, 2006

Hi all...I have a data source string being passed to a SqlConnection object in the format "Data Source=%?SERVER%[...]". Now, to me this kind of looks like an environment variable query, but I'm not sure (and I can't find any system environment variables with that name on the server. Can anyone tell me, specifically, what the "?" is for?This project uses VS2005, C# 2.0 Thanks in advance. 

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SQL Server Data Source Not Available

Dec 27, 2007

When trying to create a report, the SQL Server Data Source is not available. I am not sure how to enable this data source that should be a default... Or how to even trouble-shoot.

Any help or direction is appreciated.


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Weird!! &&< Sign Doesn't Work Within DataReader Source Connecting To Mysql Using ADO.NET ODBC Option

Jul 25, 2007

my package contains

Two connections ==> one is using OLEDB connecting to SQL server 2005 and the other using ADO.NET's ODBC option to connect to mysql;

Two "Execute SQL Task" ==> one gets maximum ID(bigint) from a SQL server table and the other gets the maximum ID(unsigned) from a mysql's table and bind them to two variables ID1(string) and ID2 (int 64). ;

And one DataFlow whose data source is DataReader Source which queries mysql "select * from table where ID > cast(@ID1 as signed) and ID <= cast(@ID2 as signed) ". To debug, I put a DataViewer between Data Flow Source and Data Flow Destination.

Run the package, I found no data coming into DataViewer and no error message as well. However if I remove the "<=" sign and change the DataReader Source query to "select * from table where ID > cast(@ID1 as signed)", It works perfectly. Initially I thought it's variable @ID2's issue. But if I replace "<=" sign with ">=" sign in the query ==> "select * from table where ID >= (cast(@ID2 as signed) -100)", there is no problem. After tried many times, I found that query just doesn't work with "<" sign or "between". Plus the result of running package tells it's successful but just no records got inserted into Data Flow Destination.

Anyone could help? Thanks!

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Web Data Mining - Help On Connecting Remotely To Analysis Servicers Server

May 26, 2007


i am trying to connect to Analysis services server through another pc but i am unable to do so.

Using the following commands i manage to connect to analysis services server at my pc

Server.srv=new Server ();

srv.Connect('ip address or name');

but not to another pc. Are there any settings under sql server should i change ?

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Connecting To Local SQL Server With Third Party Software (EMS Data Export)

Jun 19, 2006

Hi all,

I'm currently running a SQL Server 2005 setup (or so I believe) to use Windows Authentication. When I load Management Studio, the following popup box appears:

Server Type (greyed out): Database Engine

Server Name: Thor

Authentication: Wndows Authentication

U/N and P/W: greyed out

I can connect to my databases using PHP by specifying 'Thor' as my DB host, the DB name and then the username and password of a user I created.

The problem is that I cannot connect to my local server using EMS Data Export 2005 for SQL Server. I can use it to connect to a remote SQL DB on our web server but if I try to connect locally, it generates an error saying that the 'SQL Server does not exist or access denied'.

Does anyone have any experience with connecting to a local SQL server? I'm assuming that I need to setup my server to allow for external connections or something but I'm in the dark on the matter.

Any help would be very appreciated!


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Connecting To Data Base In Sql Server 2000 - ActiveX Script Of A SQL Job

Jan 21, 2008

Hi All,

I' m trying to execute activeX script from a job. I could do it successfully. But when i tried to access data base the job is failed when running.

My Requirement : I would like to send a mail in a scheduled base using a job and activeX script.

I could send a mail giving static parameters. But as i need to make the parameter values of activeX script dynamic, i tried to connect data base and retrieve the required data as shown below.
When i parse the script it showed success.But this is failing when it is running.

while creating a job i had selected ActiveX script option with vbscript language
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;password=welcome;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Data Source=(local); "
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set rs = con.execute("select fromid,toid,seqid from MailsLog where status='N'")
while rs.eof <> true
con.execute ("update MailsLog set status='Y' where seqid = " & rs("seqid"))
set rs = nothing
set con = nothing


Could any one please help me in this regard, of accessing activeX script with connecting to data base.

I' ll be so kind of any immediate response.
Thanking You


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SQL Server Not An Option As A Data Source

Jan 17, 2007

I'm in VS 2005 trying to access a database running on MS Sql Server Express 2005 (local machine). In VS i choose Data | Connect to Database | and then i select change on the Add Connection Dialogue box. For some reason I'm only given two options which are the following:

MS Access Database File or MS SQL Server Database file. I've seen options in books showing MS SQL Server but that doesn't show as one of my options. I'm running the Server express locally and can access it through my Management Studio Express as localmachinesqlexpress.

Is this a limitation of Express or do i need to adjust some options in the IDE?

Any help would be great.


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Sql Server Compact Edition Data Source Missing In Server Explorer

Apr 3, 2007

Trying to learn how to use Sql Server CE, Tutorial says to open server explorer, add connection, new connection, select data source as .net sql ce (words to that effect). On my visual studio, it ain't there and I can't figure out how to get it there. I have uninstall all of the Sql Ce stuff and reinstalled it. So I'm missing some key link. What are the magic incantations to get to first base?

Ed Warren

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SQL Server 2008 :: Capture Database / Server Name In A Derived Column To Identify Source Of Data?

Feb 1, 2012

I am task with identifying the source database name, id, and server name for each staging table that I create. I need to add this to a derived column on all staging tables created from merging same tables on different servers together.

When doing a Merge Join, there is no way to identify the source of data so I would like to see if data came from one database more than the other servers or if their are duplicates across servers.

The thing that bugs me about SSIS Data Flow task is there is no way to do an easy Execute SQL Task after I select my ADO.NET Source to get this information because my connection string is dynamic and there is no way of know which data source is being picked up at runtime.

For Example I have Products table on Server 1 and 2:

Server 2 has more Products and would like to join the two together to create a staging table.

I want see the following:

Product ID, Product Name, Qty, Src_DB_ID, Src_DB_Name, Src_Server_Name
1 IPAD 1000 2, MyDB1, Server1
100 ASUS Pad 40 1, YourDB, Server2

get database name and server name in DATA FLOW only (without using a for each in Control Flow)

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Data Access :: Connecting To Server Using SSMS - Login Failed For User

Mar 21, 2014

I have a windows 2008 with SQL Server 2008 R2 VM on Azure. I am trying to connect to the SQL server for the first time using SSMS, but have not been able it. I have a VPN tunnel, so I am connecting using Windows authentication. The error I get back from SSMS is:

Login failed for user 'domainusername'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456).In the event viewer I see this error message: Login failed for user 'domainusername'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

I have done the following:

- created an endpoint for port 1433
- opened port 1433 in the firewall
- Ran the MSSQLSERVER service as the build-in users Network Services, Local System, and Local Service, and as a local and domain administrator, with the same exact result each time.
- I get the same result trying to connect locally or remotely.
- I get the same result trying to connect using sqlcmd.

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Copying Table Data From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000 - Very Slow When Using OLEDB Source And Destination Sources?

May 8, 2006

An SSIS package to transfer data from a DB instance on SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 is extremely slow. The package uses an OLEDB Source to OLEDB Destination for data transfer which is basically one table from sql server 2005 to sql server 2000. The job takes 5 minutes to transfer about 400 rows at night when there is very little activity on the server. During the day the job almost always times out.

On SQL Server 200 instances the job ran in minutes in the old 2000 package.

Is there an alternative to this. Tranfer Objects task does not work as there is apparently a defect according to Microsoft. Please let me know if there is any other option other than using a Execute 2000 package task or using an ActiveX Script to read records from one source and to insert them into the destination source, which I am not certain how long it might take and how viable will that be?

Any inputs will be much appreciated.



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Setting Up ODBC Data Source For SQL Server

Jan 22, 2007

I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, and I am having difficulties setting up an ODBC User Data Source to connect to the SQL server. 
I have tried going through "Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)" to add a user data source. For the SQL Server to connect to, I have tried specifying "localhostSQLEXPRESS", "SQLEXPRESS", "(local)", etc. -- but nothing seems to work. When the DSN configuration wizard tries to connect to the SQL Server to obtain default settings, it fails with the error "SQL Server does not exist or access denied". (Same error occurs if I try connecting to this ODBC data source later.)
But I know that the SQL Server exists and I have been using it through the SQL Server data provider in another application.
I am new to this, so any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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Transferring Data Between External Source And SQL-server

Dec 9, 1999

How can I move data from an external source to SQL-server 6.5.

If you for example has an oracle database on a UNIX or VMS-system and want
to move table data from a table in the oracle database to the SQL-server database.

There must be plenty of tools to do that via ODBC.

Any suggestions ?

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Create ODBC Data Source To SQL Server DB

Jun 3, 2002

We have more than 10 databases on the same server. When I try to set up ODBC connection through my desktop to a specific database (DB1) using SQL authentication, it acts weird:

-- I give the login (testkz) access to DB1, DB1 does not show up in the default database list; I tried to type in the database name, it is not taken

-- If I give 'testkz' access to two other databases (and only these two), even though I did not give access to DB1, DB1 together with some other databases show up on the default database list. Seems to me that there are some dependency among the dbs.

Does anybody have any issues like this?

Your input is appreciated.

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Import From An ODBC Data Source Into SQL Server

Feb 7, 2007


I am trying to import tables from an ODBC data source into an SQL Server 2005 database. I presume that one way to achieve this is to create an Integration Services package, via Business Intelligence Studio (I already used DTS in SQL Server 2000, but not Integration Services) ?

Or is there a simpler way ? For instance, is there an import wizard that woult include an ODBC Data source ?

Thanks i advance.

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Add A New Data Source To A SQL Server Compact Edition

Feb 21, 2007

I have installed SQL Server 2005 CE on my computer, but when I try to add a data connection to a CE database in Visual Studio 2005, I cannot find the option "SQL Server 2005 Combact Edition". Why?

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Unable To Create A New Data Source Using SQL Server.

Feb 24, 2007

I have recently installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express. The installation seemed to go OK (Dell Optiplex I86, Win2K).

The SQL Server Management Studio Express (also installed OK) appears to connect to the database server and shows the database tree as I would expect, consisting of Databases, Security, Server Objects, Replication, and Management.

However, when I attempt to create a new data source (Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources(ODBC ->ODBC Data Source Administrator -> Add->SQL Server)


Descr: Test SQL Server

Server: (local)


x With Windows NT Authentication using the network login ID

[Client Configuration]

Server Alias: MYSQLS1

Server Name: MYSQLS1


x Dynamically determine port [1433]



Connection failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server Error: 11001
[Microsoft][ODC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen(Connect()).
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 6
[Microsoft][ODC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]Specified SQL Server not found.

Can anyone please tell me what's going on here ? What am I doing wrong?

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Creating A Data Source On The Server To Connect To SQL SERVER.

Dec 15, 2006

My question is what is the proper way to do this? I have been try the ways that it is instructing me to do.

By creating the name, then I go to a list of potential sources, one being: the local, then another being: the actual domain on the network, last one being: the name of the created data source. I have already tried the local & domain, I will try the last one.

But, my question is if this selection is not going to connect to SQL SERVER. Then, "What should I do within the server to make this connection possible to a client computer look for the access?"

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