Problems Restoring With Seagate Software

Aug 28, 1998

Has anyone else out there had problems restoring tape backups with Seagate. I believe we have the latest version (and even a CD bug fix which was overnighted to us), but we still can`t successfully restore. The process gets to about 34% and fails. We`re awaiting more info from Seagate`s Tech Support group; but are beginning to wonder seriously about this. What good is doing a backup if you can`t restore it when you need it?

Any wisdom is appreciated.

What backup software has everyone found to work best, particularly for SQL Server?

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Backup Agents ( Arcserve / Seagate)

Jan 21, 1999

Any thoughts or experiences (good or bad) on using the SQL agents from Arcserve or BackupExec for backups as opposed to standard dumps to disk?

I have always used dumps and taken the position that these tools work well, reliably and do not depend on another device ( tape device) for backups. Also they should be quicker and not cause any problem with table / log concurrency or delays in updates while the backup takes place.

Also, does anyone know how these products actualy maintain concurrency? Has anyone ever used one of these backups as a recovery?

Thanks in advance.

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Seagate Backup Exec For SQl Server

Nov 2, 1998

Does anyone want to give me a few glowing reviews for me to show my bosses? I would like to recommend this product, but the only place I am finding info (such as reviews)is tha seagate site, which may be more than a little biased.

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Seagate Backup Exec And MS SQL Server 6.5 Problems

Mar 8, 1999

Has anyone had any problems with Seagate Backup Exec and MS SQL Server? We have been having server "lockups" occur when the Seagate Backup
Exec does it's DBCC CheckDB before it backs up the databases. The server starts repeating "lazywriter" errors which take up all the server resources
to where we have to "reboot" the server to recover. Apparently this is a known problem (per Microsoft Tech. Support). Has anyone else experienced
this problem? and if so, how did you get around it or repair it?


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Seagate Backup Exec Will Not Copy DAT Database Files

Feb 10, 1999

We are having a problem with trying to backup the database device and log DAT files located in the MSSQLData directory.
The Seagate Backup Exec. states that the files are busy and skips them during its backup cycle. It skips all the devices in the

Any suggestions?

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Restoring Database Leaves Me With (Restoring...) Message

Jan 9, 2007

I did a full backup of a db from one server(Express2005) and trying to restore it to a different instance of SQL2005 on the same development machine. (Also had some fulltext columns if that means anything)

Many failures but finally got it to report all was successful except the icon in Object Explorer shows (Restoring...) with no indication of any real activity going on. It's a tiny database with hardly any data in it.

Just not sure what the heck is going on there. It also won't let me into the database until this the (Restoring...) goes away.

Any advice on how to get this thing finished out?

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Restoring DB

Oct 18, 2000

Hi, I am restoring a database as a complete step. The database icon, under the Sql server Group in the Sql server enterprise manager, turned into gray and got a word (loading) infront of the database name, what does that means?


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Restoring A DB

Nov 1, 1999

I am just curious to know whether it's possible to restore a SQL 6.5 DB from a DB device file. For e.g. i have a device file abc.dat which contains a db. Now thru this device file can i restore the data on xyz database.

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Jun 2, 2003

Hi All,

I'm trying to restore a database to a completely new database from an exsiting full backup.

On the backup device there are two full backups from different dates.

How can I specify which one of the two backups I want use for my restore (The only difference is the date ??


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Restoring A DB

Feb 27, 2002

I had SQL win2k running on a machine and had 2 dbs. unfortunately the hard drive failed (ntldr crashed). i was able to copy the contents of from the old drive (so i have the DB files) but no backups.

Is there any way to import this data into a new DB?

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Aug 18, 2005

Can you restore a backup (bak) file to a different server? E.g. client gets server nicked, they have bak files, can I run a restore to my sql server?
I can see the with MOVE option, but I can't see how to attach (to the new server) if the database wasn't detached (from the nicked server).

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Restoring Db

Sep 24, 2007

i am getting the following error when i try and restore a datbase

The log in this backup set begins at LSN 110000000011300001, which is too late to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 102000000188100001 can be restored..

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Feb 4, 2008

while iam restoring my back up i got this error message

Msg 3117, Level 16, State 1, Procedure res, Line 26
The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Procedure res, Line 26
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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Restoring A DB

Jul 23, 2005

Hey all.Can anyone point me in the general direction of documentation whichwould tell me how to restore a DB via the command line instead of usingenterprise manager?ThanksMatt

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Restoring DB

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have a very old MSSQL data backup file.I do not even remember that it was created in SQL7 or 2000.Anyway, I'm trying to recreate DB from this backup.Is it possible to create DB from backup file?I tried restore from that file and SQL server complaining."The file on device '***' is not valid Microsoft tape format backup set."Thanks-Jay

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Restoring From .MDF/.LDF

Jan 15, 2007

Hi there,

I've got a .mdf/.ldf database/log. I'm trying to bring it into SQL Server Management studio, but can't figure out how. I've gotten as far as "Attaching" it, but can't figure out where to go from there. Can anyone help me out. I know this is very basic.


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Restoring DB

Jun 1, 2006


I have created a DB on my local machine.

Now I would like to copy this on to another machine.
I stopped the service and then copied both the MDF file and the
log files into the same folder as in Data folder of the second machine.

When I run theStudio express I cannot find the MDF file.It does not show up in the
the DB folder or window.
When I try to create one it says that the DB exists.

What am I missing?

I tried doing a backup and restore but then the DB is not created on the second machine and
hence wont work.


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Restoring From .bak

May 11, 2007

i have sql server 2005 dev installed on a laptop. i have 2 .bak's from production sql server 2005 database. i went through the gui restore procedure and both backup files completed successfully. now both databases are in the (Restoring...) status and have been for quite some time. i have sp2 applied. when will these become available? each .bak was around 400 mb. it has been a few hours.

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Restoring Problem

Oct 24, 2007

When i try to restore my back up i got this error: Solution? 

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Restoring A Db From A .bak File?

Apr 10, 2006

Hi,I'm new to sql but have a website running it on a hosted site.  I want to have a local copy of the site running here for testing.  I have everything set on my local machine to run it including MSDE and Enterprise Mgr.I've created a blank db with the same name,username and password on my local machine.  From my host I received a dbname.bak file which they said I should just restore to my local machine.  This sounded simple but I have no idea how to do this.  When I right click on the db file within Ent.Mgr I see the Restore option but I can figure out how to designate the dbname.bak file as the source.  I also see an option to import but that isn't any better.Does anyone have some simple directions which will show me the proper steps and where I should be to do this?  I'd really appreciate it.  I assume it's simple but not having ever done it it has me stumped.Thanks!

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Restoring DB From The Network

Apr 4, 2001

I am trying to restore SQL7 DB from the Network M/C,here is the Procedure i am following

i have backup file on ABCsqlbackup where ABC is M/c Name on the network

from my Server i mapped ABCsqlbackup to the I drive
then from enterprise magager i tried to restore DB and i gave path as I:xyz.bak
for backup device location where xyz.bak is backup file name.

when i tried to restore like this it is giving error "unable to verify backup file location"
and i checked in SQL server logs i found that message like..
"Unable to open Backup Device I:xyz.bak Failed to open.Operating system error,Unknown user name or bad password"

and that Sqlbackup directory is shared and it has full access to everyone.

Can anybody tell me how to restore from the Network, and where i am doing wrong.

Thanks in Advance

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Restoring Database

Oct 4, 2001

1) We have got the database dump (.bak) file in one machine and we need to restore this to another machine where the SQL server (version 7) is running. But in the restore option there is no way to choose any mapped or shared drives in remote machine. Any pointer to resolve this problem?

2) Can you set up a database if you have the .mdf and .ldf files?

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Restoring A Database

Jan 12, 2001

I am running SQL 7 on two seperate NT4 servers, a production server and a standby server. Both servers are configured for Mixed Mode authentication. If I back up a database on the production server, do I also need to back up the master database and restore it. My reasoning behind this is that users' login details will be held in the sysxlogins tbl in the master, while their access rights will be held in the sysusers tbl in the database I am backing up and restoring. If I back up and restore a database without backing up and restoring the master db as well, will the connection between the system login and the database user be broken.
Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

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Restoring 6.5 DB From File

Aug 10, 2000

"Restore Now" button is greyed out after choosing to "Add File". I know I've done this before, can't figure out the problem.

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Nov 19, 2000

Hi, i've struggled in the past to get ms sql 7 db's from one server to another server and always end up getting frustrated. I usually just export and then import..... more work but it does the trick.

Now i've been sent one single db data file that i'm told is a backup copy of someones database. How do i get this loaded onto my server. I've tried restoring from this file but it complains that the backup file is not for the database i'm restoring to.... which is correct.... this has to be something that many people deal with? isn't it?

Can someone please help me out.... some pointers would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Restoring Databases

Nov 28, 2000

I am fairly new to SQL Server and have a question about restoring a database . If a server that contained SQL Server was totally destroyed, and we have backups stored on an external server, how do we restore these backups. I am assuming I would have to install a new instance on the server we buy to replace the destroyed one. Once installed how do I convince or tell SQL Server that there are backups out there. I could move the archived backups back to the new server, but how do I point the new instance of SQL Server to these backups? Thanks in advance for any help.

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Restoring Without Dumps

Aug 13, 1998

Hi !

I have one crashed database !

I have no dumps at all !

I have cold backup of the data files !!

Is it possible to just restore the datafiles and everything`s nice again ??

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Restoring Master_DB

Jan 29, 2001

This is ugrent matter, I am trying to restore master database and it fails and the error message was the database must be in a single user mode. I went the master database properites and the single user mode is grey out, what can I do now? Any suggestion is welocme with very ugrent matter.


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Restoring Database

Sep 14, 1999

Hi there...

can any one help in following situation.

Suppose in a network I have two sql server ABC and XYZ and XXX (NT server) on same sub net.

1) I take a backup from server ABC on XXX (NT).(ie.. backup on network)

2) Can I restore database in XYZ which was backed up by ABC? How???

3) Suppose My ABC machines fails and I have to again install SQL Server 7 on it, will I be able to restore database from XXX(NT)? how???


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Restoring A Backup

Aug 25, 2000

HI everybody,

I have a problem in restoring a backup. In the restore command there is one option called <file> = 'file_number'. Where do we get this 'file_number'?.

tks in advance

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Restoring A SQL DB From A Differnet SQL 7.0

Feb 22, 2001

Trying to restore a backup database from another SQL 7.0 and get the error: this backup sort ID is different from the current server sort ID, cannot restore. Question: Where can we change our sort ID so that it matches? Or is this the wrong approach?

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Restoring SQL 6.5 Database

Jan 23, 2001

Currently have large database in three devices, named Cabinet cab2 and cab3. Cab3 device has been expanded twice. We are upgrading the hardware and would like to get the database into one device named cabinet and clean the mess up our vendor initially created for us. Any Ideas/steps on how this could be accomplished??? TKS Jerry

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SQL 6.5 Restoring To A Different Server

Oct 20, 1999

I have a database that I am restoring from a different server. I have created the devices and the database to match that of the original. However, on clicking restore I get the following error:

[SQL Server] User specified volume id 'SS0001' does not match te volume id ' SQL001' of the device <database path>.

This seems to imply that I cannot restore to a different server, but from what I have read about other problems here, this isn't true. Can anyone shed any light as it is most frustrating.


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