Problems With Win2000 Connecting

Dec 28, 2006

I have a SQL Server 2005 in use locally. I'm trying to connect a remote location. Using WinXP Pro, I can connect just fine. However, when I try the same connect string on a Win2000 or WinXP Home computer, I cannot connect.

All these computers are plugged into the same network (hub even).

I've updated all the computers to MDAC 2.8.

To connect, I open the ODBC Administrator in Windows, enter my SQL Server IP and instance name: xx.xx.xx.xxabc, change the network library to TCP/IP and enter my username and password.

This works great on the WinXP Pro machines.

This is the error I get on the other machines:

[Microsoft][OBBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen(Connect()).

[Microsoft][OBBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]Specified SQL server not found.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Jun 21, 2000

Anyone running sql7 on a win 2000 box? Running advanced server? Any problems? suggestions? hints?


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SQL 7 And Win2000

Dec 7, 2000


I am about to make the transition from Win98 and Access 97 to Win2000 and SQl 7.0.

I was hoping for some basic/strategic advice on how to make the transition as painless as possible.

I have already installed Win2000 and SQL 7 and they seem to be coexisting. But, is there anything I should know or famialarize myself with straigth away to hit the ground running... Many Thanks >>

Cape Town, South Africa

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SQL6.5 On Win2000

Sep 19, 2000


when I installed SQL6.5 on a server with Win2000 I received a message saying that SQL6.5 could "not be installed on this version of Windows."

Can someone please tell me what the story is here.

De Waal

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1st Of 2 SQL 7 & Win2000 Problems

Oct 22, 1999

Running SQL Server 7 Enterprise edition SP1 on NT 4.0 server and installed it on 2 Toshiba laptops 1) running Windows 2000 Professional Beta 3, 2) Windows 2000 Professional RC2.
Neither one can login to the NT 4.0 domain (Odessa) which is the PDC- get error message that domain not found. Can login to local copy and then map a drive to the domain and utilize all functions etc. as both users have administrative privileges on the NT 4.0 server.

Because of this we can't (and we have had 3 different MS tech support people working with us) can't get either a push or pull subscription from the Odessa SQLServer databases to either one of the laptops. Continually getting OS error 5, Access denied.

We have 4 other laptops running Win98 getting pull subscriptions with no problems.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated,

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Win2000 Platform??

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm planning to purchase Sql Server2000 St. Edt. and install it onwindows 2000 server machine. I would like to know please if it isadvisable to work on the same machine that host both servers or shouldI work on a separate one???MTIA,Grawsha

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Installing SQL 7 On Computer With Win2000 O/s

Sep 23, 2001

Hi Everybody,
I am looking for help on how to proceed. I have only 1 drive that has Win 2000 Prof o/s. I am installing SQL 7. Should I install to the same partition or create a new one for SQL, and are they compatable. I know Win 2k o/s post dates SQL 7. Would SQL 2000 be better? or Win98SE w/SQL 7? The main reason I ask is that I don't want to lose any of the stuff that's on the Win 2k o/s already. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Phil

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SQL Server 7.0 Compatiblity With Win2000

Feb 23, 2001

When I installed SQL Server 7.0 on Windows 2000 Server, I got "File Protection Error" saying Windows 2000 system files are being updated by other version.... to restore the Windows 2000 files insert CD.

The same error I received when i tried to install SP3 of SQL Server 7.0, is there any compatibility issues? I canceled the above error and the Server works well after installation.

Please HELP..!!!

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Information On Installing 'QMF' In SQL Server On Win2000?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am installing SAP R/3 on Win2000/SQL Server. There is a CD with theSQL Server RDBMS, as well as another one with SP 3A (Both are fromSAP). According to the SAP installation manual, after installing thoseI have to install 'QMF' for SQL Server. It indicates to checkMicrosoft's documentation on installing QMF on SQL Server. I searchedMicrosoft's Website, but I did not find any information on QMF.Any ideas on the procedure involved, where it is documented, etc..would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,SAP BASIS Consultant

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Win2000 OS Access For SQL Server Admin

Jul 20, 2005

I am interested if anyone can point me to "best practices" regarding thelevel of administrative authority a SQL Server database administrator shouldhave. Alternatively, I'd be interested hearing what level of authority onthe server you/your SQL Admin has. I have been told that in order to dotheir job, a database admin needs full admin authority on the operatingsystem in a Microsoft environment, but I find that hard to believe.Thanks.

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Backing Up Trans Logs To Win2000 Server

Jul 31, 2002

I have my SQL7 server running on NT4 server. Currently the transaction log backups are on the same server but I want to back these up to a Win2000
server in another building. When creating a Backup Device in Enterprise Manager on the NT server it cannot see the drive but not the folder I have created on the Win2000 server, even though I have shared this folder out and set the permissions. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks

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Upgrade Servicepack For SQL 7 Enterprise In Win2000 Cluster

Aug 29, 2002

When upgrading servicepack for SQL Server 7 in a Windows 2000 cluster, do I need to uncluster the servers before installing SP?
Install on Node 1 first?

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Can I Install 2005 / 2002 / SQL 2005 / SQL 2000 In One PC Win2000 Sp4?

Dec 1, 2005

P4 2.8G Hz, 512 M RAM.thanks.

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Connecting To SQL In 20

Aug 6, 2006

I have a database that is currently connected and working properly in My SQL Server Management Studio. The problem I am havings is when I open My 20 and Look in my Server Solutions I can not  find the database to connect to it . It seems to be trying to use SLQ Express and not my SLQ Server Management Studio. How do I get my database to connect in my application? All I can see from within the Server solutions in ASP is the database .bak file which is the backup of the database. I thank you in advance.

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Connecting To SQL 6.5 With VB.NET

Apr 5, 2004


I am trying to connect to a SQL 6.5 database with VB.NET.

Is this possible, and if so, what kind of connection string is used and what mode of data access (OleDB, ODBC, etc.)

I have had several problems doing this and I am starting to wonder if there is anything special that needs to be done or if it is even possible. Thanks in advance!

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Connecting To SQL 6.5

Oct 28, 1999

Has anybody experienced SQL 6.5 to stop responding to new connections to the server but still letting the existing connections run?

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Connecting To DB

Sep 21, 2004

is ther a system stored procedure to connect to a database passing the username and password as parameters.. ??

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Connecting To 6.5 Over TCP/IP

Dec 8, 1999

I am trying to connect through a wan over TCP/IP to a SQL Server v.6.5 sp5a.
I am not logging into the domain, I am just trying to connect via ODBC. I keep getting an error 1326
which when I look in TechNet or MSDN refers to problems with Named Pipes. I have
TCP/IP configured for port 1433, Named Pipes, and Multiprotocol support all configured on the server.
Should I remove the Named Pipes support, or is that not the problem?

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Connecting To SQL DB

Jan 13, 2005


I have a server (Server A) and would like to retrieve a query from a SQL DB which is held on another server (Server B), if I created a VPN or opened a port from one server to another could I acheive this?

BTW I do not have SQL running on the Server A

Am I asking for trouble?



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Connecting To MS SQL

Mar 2, 2004

Hey everyone. I'm having some serious problems connecting to my database. I've pretty much bugged my server admin to death and I still can't connect to it. I've tried almost all the programs out there as well as I've probably spent a good 12 hours on this task (im trying to put MaxWebPortal on my site) and I'm going to ask for help. This is what my admin gave me for the SQL db:

Database Name: S5464_sehs
SQL Server:
ODBC DSN: S5464_sehs
Password: **********

Would anyone be able to help me to connect to this?

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Connecting To Sql 2k Thru Sql 7 EM

May 17, 2004

Can I connect to SQL server using sql 7 EM? currently it is not allowing me
to connect, but some one told me that there is a work around.Anyone heard/aware of it?


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Connecting To Dbf

Aug 21, 2006


I am having trouble connecting to a dbf file inside an SSIS package. How do I connect to a dbf file in SSIS.



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Connecting From

Jan 16, 2008

Hey all! I am new in this form and also new with the SQL serve. I have installed that free express edition of SQL server 2005 and when i am trying to connect to server from my application i am not able to do it and the error i am getting is the user is not SQL thrusted user. I am able to connect directly thru SQL server using this userid and password but not thru application.

I have read online that so many people are having that problem. so is it the problem of swl server Express edition or do i have to make some setting to connect to the application.

Please please please please someone guide me . I am stuck here in the beginning only. I would really appreciate it.

the code that i wrote is here:----

using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (!Page.IsPostBack)



protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


String querry;

SqlDataReader dbread;



SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Conn1"]);

SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand();


querry = " Select password from login where userId='" + TxtUser.Text + "'";

comm.CommandText = querry;

comm.Connection = conn;

dbread = comm.ExecuteReader();

dbread = null;

if (dbread.HasRows)


while (dbread.Read())


if (dbread["password"].ToString() == Txtpwd.Text)





Response.Write("Your Password Doesn't Match");




Response.Write("Your User Name Is Wrong");




catch (Exception ex)


Response.Write(" This is an Error - " + ex.Message );




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Connecting To IBM DB2

Jul 18, 2007

We need to connect to an DB2 server using ODBC provider, so we tried witht he folowing:

Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};database=FirstDB; hostname=IP address; port=50000;protocol=TCPIP;

But when we try to connect using the above connection string we get teh following error:

"Test Connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. ERROR [IM004][Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed"

we are not getting wat is the problem. we are able to connect to this DB2 database from the same DB2 server but we are not able to connect to the server from a remote machine.

Thanks in advance.

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Connecting Through C#

Jan 23, 2007

When I look at the connection string it's:

Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ProcBuilder.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True

This works fine on my machine, but when I try to run it on another computer it tells me:

"An error has occurred while
establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server
2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default
settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections."

It should not be trying to connect remotely, it's a local DB. Do I
have to install SQL Express on the machine I'm installing this on for
it to work?

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Connecting .mdf Through RDA

Feb 8, 2008

Dear All,

We have Database in local system and another database in remote system.
We have to connect to the database in the remote system through RDA.
How can we achieve this?
Kindly help.
Thanks in advance.


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Connecting To Sqlserver In

Jul 15, 2006

hi , I want to connect to sqlserver2000 with VS.Net2003 in I
've added a new user in security section in enterprise manager and
wrote my code , but there is no output from database , codes are
correct and I think there is something wrong with sqlserver or IIS or
sqlconnectin setting , plz help me to fix my problem , tnx .

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Connecting To SQL Issue

Aug 2, 2006

I have a mdf file and log file from msde. I have successfully connected to it in my Visual Studios 2.0 Desktop. I am having a problem where it connects. fine but it does not list the tables , diagrams etc. I am trying to build the intake screen with this data but have no tables. Can some one give me a couple of suggestions of why? I am very new to and would appreciate any help .

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Error While Connecting

Sep 18, 2006

Hey all,I am new to ASP.NET. While executing a simple  code , i got the error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.Whats wrong? RegardsYasir

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Connecting Instructions?

Dec 19, 2006

My host sent these instructions, think they will work?
To access your SQL Server you can use your choice of database management software, including Microsoft Access, Visual InterDev, or the SQL Enterprise Manager.
If you are using Microsoft Access or Visual InterDev you will be connecting to the SQL Server via an ODBC connection, which requires you to make a Data Source Name (DSN) on your local computer.
If you have a Microsoft Access database, and you use the Microsoft SQL Upsizing Wizard to export your database into SQL, the Upsizing Wizard will assist you in the process of creating your ODBC connection.
To create a SQL DSN:
1. Log on to your hosting account's control panel at 2. Click "Database Connectivity."
3. Choose "Create DSN."
4. Choose "Microsoft SQL Driver" from the Type drop-down list.
5. Enter a name for your DSN in the DSN field. It can be anything you want it to be, such as "Orders" or "MyDatabase." The Filename field is not required for SQL.
6. In the SQL IP Address field, enter the SQL Server name.
7. Enter your SQL user name in the SQL User Name field.
8. Click Submit.
To access the SQL Server using the SQL Enterprise Manager:
1. Open your SQL Enterprise Manager software. This is not supplied by
2. Right-click on "SQL Server Group", then select "New SQL Server Registration"
3. Once the dialog box is open, fill in the fields. In the server field, type in your SQL Server name.
4. Type in the login information with your username and password.
5. Once all the information is entered click "Register." This will make contact with our SQL Server, and you will be able to add tables, manipulate your information and work on your database as you wish.
Please note that Technical Support will only troubleshoot connectivity to the SQL database, and cannot support issues with third-party software. has also created a SQL 2000 User Guide to walk you through the process of setting up your account and database connections. To view or print it, go to

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Connecting To MSSQL In VBA?

Jan 9, 2007

This is kind of the wrong place to ask VBA questions, but I've been poking around for a day and haven't got the answer, so I am hoping I can get some help here.
 I am wondering if I can connect to MSSQL in MS Word Macro. If so, can I have some sample code please?

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Connecting To SQL Error 40

Mar 9, 2007

I'm trying to connect to an SQL server, but I'm unable. It suggests this is because SQL server does not allow remote connections, and points me to the named pipes provider, error 40 Could not open a connection to SQL server.
I am running SQL express service pack 2 under Vista. I am a member of SQL administrators (set during installation).
 Under the SQL Server Configuration manager, SQL server and Browser are running, the protocols for sqlexpress and the native client have enabled shared memory, named pipes, and tcp/ip.
I tried removing and creating a new database. Now it sits under the database Engine section of Management Studio Express, with a white circle on the database icon. When I try to connect to this database, using either windows authentication or sql server authentication, it fails.
 What else is there to try? If there was a troubleshooting guide, that would be helpful.

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Connecting SQL Server To The Net?

Jun 28, 2007

Hi all.  Im using Visual Web developer 2005 and have successfully connected my SQL Server to Visual Web developer website.  When i run it locally, its fine.  But, i now would like the site to be placed on the net - but im not sure how to connect it properly in the webhost.  Can someone tell me how this is done please, or a link?  cheers.

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