Problems With Parent Variable Configuration After Moving Packages To New Machine...
Oct 3, 2007
Hi everybody,
I moved my packages to the new machine, and have problem with parent variables.
When child package tries to get parent variable value I get an error:
Information: 0x40016042 at LoopPackage: The package is attempting to configure from the parent variable "MAIN_SesId".
Warning: 0x80012028 at LoopPackage: Process configuration failed to set the destination at the package path of "Package.Variables[User::MAIN_SesId].Properties[Value]". This occurs when attempting to set the destination property or variable fails. Check the destination property or variable.
I've found this problem that when I change settings in my configuration file it does not automatically apply to all child packages which uses the same configuration file if run from a job in SQL Server Agent. I need to open the package and save it again from BIDS. I use one "load group" package to execute all other packages.
Is there a way from the job configuration to set a setting so the package allways will have the newest configuration?
I have a bunch of SSIS packages that were created on a 32-bit machine (OS as well as SQL Server) where they run without error. I have moved them to a machine with a 64-bit OS as well as 64-bit Enterprise SQL Server, SP2. Initially I encountered errors with the packages that contained Script Transformation tasks where I had to set PreCompile=True. This allowed me to execute the packages individually. When I try and execute them as a batch, I encounter errors on various packages. They don't seem to be consistent - sometimes the error occurs on one package, the next time it will be on a different package. Sometimes they occur pre-execute, sometimes post-execute. Here are a couple of example errors:
[OLE DB Command [1007]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ". [Insert Destination [1177]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ".
The source database is on a different server, but the destination database is on the same server as the SSIS packages for testing purposes. Any information would be appreciated...
How can I specify the target object when trying to set a parent variable package configuration programatically?
I am trying to set the Target Object to be "ParentLogID" and the Target Property to be it's "Value". I think this is how I'd add the configuration and set the source.
I have one package that executes 4 child packages (5 total). All 5 packages are set to log information using a connection string with a variable set at runtime for the location. The child packages use a parent variable to get the log connection string from the parent package.
The parent package logs fine, but a strange behavior occurs with the child packages.
The child packages all log data to the location used in the configuration file variable during runtime (like it's supposed to). However, I would get an error right before the first child package finishes execution saying path not found. Just for giggles, I created the folder I use in my development environment on the production environment. The error goes away, but the log file is created in that folder with no data in it. Subsequently, the log file with the data is created in the location set in the configuration file. Now I have two log files!!!!
I've created an SSIS package that uses parent package variables at several steps in the data flow. However, those parent package variables are only visible during runtime, making debugging the package practically impossible. Let me give you a simplified example:
In the parent package, I have a string variable named "sqlLookup" that looks like this:
"SELECT * from tblTest WHERE city = " + @city
Also in the parent package is a variable named "city" which I can set to the name of the city that I want to query on. This dynamically updates the sqlLookup variable, which is being evaluated as an expression.
In the child package, I have an OLE DB Source control which is using the "sqlLookup" variable for its query. I have set up my parent package variable configuration, and it works when I run the package.
The problem is this...when I open the child package, I get an error on the OLE DB Source control using the parent package variable, "Command text was not set for the command object". Presumably, this is because the parent package variable is only available during run-time, and not at design time. And, if metadata changes (which it has), I can't get into the OLE DB Source control to edit it, because it throws the error.
So, my question is this: are there any workarounds for this problem? Is there a better way to do this? This seems like such an obvious problem that I'm wondering if I either missed a step somewhere, or if I'm just doing it the wrong way.
Hi, I have a child package running under main parent pakage. I am passing value of integer & string type variables from parent package to child package's variables ( as disscussed in following artical ,values assigned in child package variables are futher used to build connection string for flat file connection manager in child package.
I have been using this whole SSIS package sucessfully for last three months,but suddenly the following error arises
on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property."
When I see the result of above mentioned expression through Log file than it appears that my string variable
Code Snippet"@[User::StrTextFileImpDirectory]
in child package has not been populated with any value from parent package variable, I.e it has been populated with empty string(While this is not desired value).
Same problem arises with my integer type variable
Code Snippet@[User::Staging_Date_Key]
,it has ben populated with value zero (i.e default value at design time for integer type),while this is not desired value.
Can some one guide me how to figure out the cause for error.... Is it possible that such kind of error may arise due to any change in enviornment of server....
I have a fairly simple SSIS project that has nested parent-child packages. I am trying to find the best way to manage the connections strings so as to make the package portable across machines and environments. Currently there is one "master" package which calls 6 child packages. 1 of these child package calls 3 child packages of its own.
For the database connections, I've settled on creating a standardized .dtsConfig file for each server/login. This is a relatively small number (intially 8) that I don't expect to grow much.
I've taken a different approach for the file-system connections used by Execute Package components that call the child packages. For each package that has child packages, I store all the connection strings (paths) to the child packages in a single .dtsConfig file. This works well for the top-level "master" package where I can pass in the .dtsConfig file (that has the paths to the child packages) as a run-time option in the Execute Package Utility.
However, this approach seems to fall apart for the 2nd generation package that in turn call 3rd generation packages because I don't know how to get the .dtsConfig file (with the 3rd generation .dtsx package paths) path to this downstream dtsx package.
Though I'm sure there are others, the only two solutionsI can think of now are (a)don't nest packages beyond 1 parent/child relationship -- not really an option or (b)Store the path of .dtsConfig files for each .dtsx package as an environment variable on each machine. This option is unappealing because it would require adding an environment variable for every .dtsx package that has child packages. I don't think it would take long for this to grow into a large number, that would make managing environment variables cumbersome.
So far my experience with SSIS has been that there was a simple solution for each scenario I had. So this hoop jumping I'm going through seems to indicate I am just missing something.
My SSIS packages which has parent packages and childpackages. the parent package is configured to pull environment specific information from an xml configuration file, to execute child pakages. i have connection string as well. and every child package has its variables mapped. when i build the solution in VS studion it builds and then i deployed to different machine as file deployment and manually copy .dtsconfig file to same folder. but whenever i run that parent package it gives me error saying can't load child packages. i am tired to look at configuration ( connection string) ..preety new to SSIS , so expecting somehelp guys.
I have a Business Intelligence project containing 4 packages. One of the packages is a parent package that just runs the other 3 packages sequentially (passing in variables via Package Configurations).
When I set the properties of the Execute Package tasks in the parent package, it seems that I can only select SQL Server or File System locations for the child packages.
What I want to do is for the parent to run the packages in the Visual Studio Project so that I can debug the whole process. I don't want to be bothered deploying the child packages so that I can run them from the parent, at least not while I am debugging the whole process.
How do I get the children to run within Visual Studio as well as the parent? I can't for the life of me find anything on the MSDN about this.
I though i'd been going about setting up my SSIS package to run via a SQL job in the correct way. It would appear however that is not the case.
I have 4 SSIS packages, one of which is the parent package which calls the other three in sequence. I want to run this from a SQL job so that it calls the parent package and it deals with the others. There are connection managers in the package which use a SQL account to access the relevant databases. In addition i have encrypted the package.
I have set up a configuration file which holds the password package and the BillingSystem connection manager password. This file is re used by each package.
After deployment i have set up the SQL agent job to run the parent package. The job returns an error. Looking at the SSIS logging it appears that it completes the SQL task in the parent package and then fails when trying to launch each of the sub packages with an error stating that the SQL account used in the connection manager login failed. It looks as though the sub packages are not getting the password value from the configuration file and this is causing the failure. I though that each package would automatically pick up the config file as it has been setup to do. I have specified the configuration file in the SQL job but this appears to make no difference. Running the integrations seperately i have to add the configuration file in manually to the Run Package dialog box before they will work. This is not saved for the next run.
Can anyone help me get around this problem as i think i have the wrong idea as to how it is supposed to work.
hello everyone. i am new to the group so i aplogize if this question hasbeen answered recently...our sql db machine is too old. we bought a new server with which to replaceit. the trick is, we want to keep the name of the machine and db instancethe same.obviously, we don't plan on having two machine with the same name on thenetwork at the same time. how do we handle this?my first thought is to name the new machine with a new name (mach2),transfer over all the db's, take the old one (mach1) off of the network.rename the machine/instance to the old one (mach1).if i do this, can i drop the original instance on the new machine(mach2)-->register the new (mach1)? will my data be there?Thanks so much for any relplies!!!
Hi, I have to buy a new machine for SQL 7.0/NT. I know the db size it's going to have. How can I get what machine configuration I should suggest. I mean...what should be the RAM/HDD size/etc..? We are expecting around 40hits/day? Anyone have any idea? Please suggest. Thanking you.!
Hi to all, I'm having problem to enable FTS and re-configure FTS when I'm restoring the existing db with FTS in another machine. In this database the FTS is running and FTS catalogs as well, the path for FTS of this database is in drive M. When I'm restoring this database in another server I have problems to re-configure FTS, in this server there's no drive M, how can continue using FTS, please suggest!
I'm a beginner user. I'd like to move the whole database from a work station to a server, how should I do it in a safe way? First of all, I have a very basic question: How could I save a database in SQL Server? Thanks in advance.
SQL Server 2005, when moving a machine to a different domain and changing the hostname the logins such as domainSQLServer2005MSSQLUSER$hostname$MSSQLSERVER are still showing the old hostname and domain name. Does anyone know what impact this has on the system and also if there is anyway to update these accounts without reinstalling SQL Server?
Hey, I have copied a C# express edition project from another machine and have opened the project up and changed the connection string but the project is not updating the database when I try to insert values from textboxes in forms. They seem do be getting into the dataset but not the sql datatabase. I am getting alot of messages saying that it could not find the schema information for the dataset. Could these errors have anything to do with the project? What else do I have to change in the project?
Has anyone had experience of using Parent/Child packages while enlisting them in Transactions. I tested this on a small sample and thought that I had got it to work, but in my real-world package it does not.
The parent package essentially calls three child packages. In each child package there are multiple DFT's that import and transform data into SQL Server. All data must be imported or not at all. Therefore I created a FELC container into which three Exec child package tasks were placed. The FELC is set to Trans Option 'Required' and the Exec child package tasks to supported. Unfortunately upon failure of one of the DFT's in the child the data was not rolled back.
So initially we had in terms of container hierarchy for the Trans Option property: Parent package Supported FELC for calling child packages Required Task execute child package Supported Child package Suppored Tasks Suppored
Looking at this more closely we thought that we would need Parent package Supported FELC for calling child packages Required Task execute child package Required Child package Required Tasks Suppored
for it to work. However, the latter now gives us failures with error messages on the tasks on the child packages. [Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "Conn ECARS1CEDImport". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
Even more strange the first couple of tasks in the child pkg complete successfully even though they use the same connection listed in the error. These tasks also have Event handlers.
I am moving my SQL 2000 Server from a Small Business Server to a full version of Windows 2000 Server and SQL 2000 Server. I have had no experience doing this but have backed up and restored my production databases for practice in case a of disaster situation. Is there anything special I need to do to move everything, including the system databases to a new server and not loose any of the user logons, etc.?
Dear All,We have a procedure that takes12 minutes to run on the first server butthat same procedure now takes 3 hours to run on the second server using thesame data. Does anyone have any suggestions why this is happening and howto make the procedure faster on the second serverThanks in advance.Jeff Magouirk
Hi everybody. I have such problem: After I move my integration services packege to another machine it failed. I tried to recreate connection manager, but result is the same. If I create a simple SQL task in that package and try to execute it - it fails with info:
SSIS package "Main_Package.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC00291EC at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Failed to acquire connection "". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
I would like to install the components I need to develop a SSIS custom component. Is there an SDK or install option for just the visual studio components?
Books On Line makes breaking out the report server databases on to a separate machine from the report server itself sound very easy. I have tried it and it is but I can't get the report server to connect to the databases once they are on the other machine.
Everything was done by the book(s). We use SSRS only for intranet use so all inside firewall. The SQL Server 2005 services on both machines (including the RS Windows service) all run as the same domain administrator account, this account was used to log in to RS Config Tool and it was told to use this account under Windows Authentication to connect to the database server. The two machines are in the same domain, even on the same switch. The only difference is the one with report server on is Windows 2000 Server SP4 and the one to which the rs databases are moving is Windows Server 2003 SP1. The account mentioned above has sysadmin rights on both SQL Servers, as well as having all the RSExecRole rights as specified in BOL. And it has rights to logon as a service in group policy on both machines. Its password hasn't been changed.
The RS Config Tool completed fine and reported no errors.
But when you try to connect to the report server you get the error:
"The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. The logon failed. (rsReportServerDatabaseLogonFailed)" The log shows that a privilege required by the client is missing but doesn't specify what! I thought this was all taken care of when the RS Config Tool told it which account to connect with.
This is driving me daft. It should be so easy!! Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? Nothing says I need to do anything with the encryption key when I am keeping the report server itself exactly as it was and just moving the catalog - or have I missed something here?
I have a set of packages that use an Indirect Configuration to a XML config that gives each package a connection string to the Configuration database. The configuration database has all the connection strings for every connection I use.
I just moved my dbs to a new server. I updated the XML config file to point to the new server and updated the connections in the configuration table. I am having two problems. When I open packages in BIDS, I am receiving errors because the connection strings embedded in the packages were pointing to the old server. I updated the Data Sources in the solution and that didn't fix it. Why is it not using the configurations?
Also, on the production box (64bit), I am having the same problem. It is not reading in the connections from the new SQL configuration table. All my connections that are producing errors are OLEDB for SQL.
I have SQL Server 2005 installed on a Vista Home Premium edition machine. I want to open my DTS packages on this machine in order to have a look at them.
I have installed the SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components on this machine. I have also rebooted after the installation.
However, I still get the message
"SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components are required to edit DTS packages. Install the special Web download, "SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components" to use this feature"
I have previously done this on an XP machine with no problems. Does anyone know if this is an issue and what the possible solution is?
I would just like to give my feedback on the configuration packages implementation in SSIS:
I have trolled through these forums and found that I am not alone on this issue. Note for SSIS Team: Please bring out a HOWTO on this subject that details all the little work arounds because intuitively used it does not work.
Consider this:
I develop in BIDS on my client and everything runs. I create a config package and I choose only the Name and ConnectionString Properties for each Connection Manager. (Thanks to Jamie for that tip)
I build the app and a deployment utility is created. I navigate to the deployment directory, and deploy. I point to a mapped share on the production server, change all the properties for production and continue until finished.
On the production server I run a script containing:
Still: Cannot find the configuration file: source.dtsConfig
I have to MANUALLY edit the dtsx file to put the path in from the the name of the config file and THEN it works.
Thinking that it might not like a mapped share from desktop to deploy to, I copIED the contents of the depLoyMENT directory on my desktop to a folder on the production server and deploy from there. It should pick up the proper path from there. NOT!!!!
So it was back to editing the dtsx file.
So there you have it. I await all comments with great interest.
I hope this is all fixed in SP2, Because I don't want to waste anymore time on what should be a simple task.