Procedure For Retrieving Data From SQL Tables With VBA

Oct 24, 2005

Hi All;

I'm new to SQL, the long and short is I am trying to access some data from an SQL Table to use in my VBA Code in my MS Access front-end.

Here is what I am doing now;

HSTUHoursPriorPeriods = CDbl(Nz(DLookup("[Hours]", "dbo_TIMS_HSTU_HoursHist_Insync", "[eeLink] =" & EmployeeLink), 0))

I am accessing data (YTD Hours for a selected employee) through the view "dbo_TIMS_HSTU_HoursHist_Insync" which is connected by ODBC to my application. The result "HSTUHoursPriorPeriods" is used to determine the rate of pay for a specific employee and is run literall each time a user enters a pay record at data entry.

Because the view itself returns about 1,000 records, before I select the specific record and associated Hours, it is a little slow from a data entry standpoint.

I understand I can achieve the same result through an SQL Procedure, but
for the life of me I don't know how.

ANY thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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Select Query For Retrieving Data Using 3 Tables?

Apr 21, 2015

I want to retrieve the data from table "Document" and i need to check the below condition using 3 tables.


Here Project and Group is an another table.

Query : Select Document.Name from Document, Group, Project where
Document.ID = Group.ID and Document.ID= Project.ID.

is this right a way?

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Retrieving Data Using A Stored Procedure

Mar 31, 2007

I have created the following stored procedure and tried to retrieve it's output value in C#, however I am getting exceptions. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks!  1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCustomerById]
3 @CustId NCHAR(5),
4 @CustomerName NVARCHAR(50) OUTPUT
6 AS
9 SELECT @CustomerName = ContactName
10 FROM Customers
11 WHERE CustomerId = @CustId
13 END
22 SqlConnection conn = GetConnection(); //retrieves a new SqlConnection
23 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
24 cmd.Connection = conn;
25 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
26 cmd.CommandText = "GetCustomerById";
28 SqlParameter paramCustId = new SqlParameter();
29 paramCustId.ParameterName = "@CustId";
30 paramCustId.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NChar;
31 paramCustId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
32 paramCustId.Value = "ALFKI";
34 SqlParameter paramCustomerName = new SqlParameter();
35 paramCustomerName.ParameterName = "@CustomerName";
36 paramCustomerName.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar;
37 paramCustomerName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
39 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramReturn);
40 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramCustId);
41 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramCustomerName);
43 conn.Open();
44 SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
46 string custName = cmd.Parameters["@CustomerName"].Value.ToString();

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Retrieving Data From Stored Procedure

May 25, 2008


For a particular application i retrieve records using stored procedure and bind the same to the data grid and display the same. The data are fetched from a table say A joined with couple of tables to staisfy the requirement. Now this table A has around 3700000 + records. The Select statement is as

Select column1, column 2, column 3...................... column 25
from table A

inner join hash table D
on A.Column3 = D.Column3
and A.Column4 = D.Column4
and a.nColumn1 = @ParameterVariable
Inner join table B
on a.nColumn1 =b.nColumn1
inner join table C
on A.column2 = C.column2

Indices defined on A are
IDX1 : Column 3, Column 4
IDX2 : Column 1

Around 350 records per second are inserted into the table A during the peak operation time. During this time when executing the procedure, it takes around 4 mins to fetch just 25000 records.

I need to fine tune the procedure. Please suggest me on same.


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Getting Error When Retrieving Data From Stored Procedure

Jan 9, 2008

I'm at my wit's end with this. I have a simple stored procedure:
PROCEDURE [dbo].[PayWeb_getUserProfile] ( @user_id_str varchar(36), @f_name varchar(50) OUTPUT)AS
BEGINDECLARE @user_id uniqueidentifier;
SELECT @user_id = CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, @user_id_str);
select @f_name=f_name FROM dbo.tbl_user_profile WHERE user_id = @user_id;
The proc runs perfectly from the Management Console. In my form (C#), the following always results in: "Invalid attempt to read when no data is present." (I'll highlight the line where the error results):
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(<connection string data>);SqlDataReader reader;
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("dbo.PayWeb_getUserProfile", conn);comm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter f_name = new SqlParameter("@f_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
f_name.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;comm.Parameters.Add(f_name);
comm.Parameters.Add("@user_id_str", SqlDbType.VarChar, 36).Value = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString().ToUpper();reader = comm.ExecuteReader();Response.Write("Num: " + reader["@f_name"].ToString()); // ERROR: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.
The data is there. When I put a watch on 'Reader', I see the correct first_name data there.
Your help is appreciated.

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Stored Procedure Retrieving Duplicate Data

Apr 17, 2008

Hi i have the following stored procedure which should retrieve data, the problem is that when the user enters a name into the textbox and chooses an option from the dropdownlist it brings back duplicate data and data which should be appearing because the user has entered the exact name they are looking for into the textbox. For instance
Pmillio Jones
Pmillio Jones
Pmillio Jones
Robert Walsh
Here is my stored procedure;
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_UserFind]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@userName varchar(100),
@subCategoryID INT,@regionID INT
SELECT DISTINCT SubCategories.subCategoryID, SubCategories.subCategoryName,
Users.userName ,UserSubCategories.userIDFROM Users INNER JOIN UserSubCategoriesON
Users.userID= UserSubCategories.userIDINNER JOIN
SubCategories ON UserSubCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHEREuserName LIKE COALESCE(@userName, userName) OR
SubCategories.subCategoryID = COALESCE(@subCategoryID,SubCategories.subCategoryID);

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Retrieving A List Ot Tables

Mar 7, 2007

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance.  I am working on an application that connects to SQL Server.  I need to find out if there is any way (I know there is, not sure how) to retrieve a list of tables within a database and also, a way to retrieve a list of databases within a server.  I am using VB.Net in a web application.  Any help on this owuld be greatly appreciated.

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Retrieving All Tables For A Database

Nov 23, 2004

i want to know if there is any way to retrieve all the tables for a Database programmatically.
i want to connect to a server and select a database .then by selecting the database all it's tables be loaded into a ComboBox(for example)..the tables name i mean.
i want to give the user the option to select a table from a database.if it is possible help me
my programming language is C#.Net
any information is appereicated

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Retrieving From Two Temp Tables

Mar 31, 2014

I have two temporary tables, both contain field 'BranchID'.

First table @TEMPNET returns 10 different BranchIDs, but the second table @TEMPCREDIT returns only 7 of those IDs, so when I run select from both tables 'WHERE N.BranchID = C.BranchID2' the result is blank. If I limit both tables to the IDs that are the same in both sets, it works.

How can I get ALL the results from table1 AND the results from table2 which match table1?

( BranchID int
, NetSales decimal(18,4)
, Cost decimal(18,4)
, SaleMonthNbr int
, SaleMonth varchar(15))

[Code] ....

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Tables, Stored Procedures, Inserting, :-)

Apr 8, 2008

Hello there!
I've been sitting here thinking how to work through this problem but I am stuck. First off I have two tables I am working with.
Request TablerqstKey (this is the primary key and has the identity set to yes)entryDte                  datetimesummary                 nvarchar(50)etryUserID               nvarchar(50)rqstStatusCdeKey    bigint
ReqStatusCode TablerqstStatusCdeKey   bigintstatusCode             nvarchar(50)
I have webforms that are using Session variables to store information from the webpages into those variables and insert them into these tables. However, I am wanting to insert the rqstStatusCdeKey (from the ReqStatusCode Table) value into the Request Table. The rqstStatusCdeKey value i am wanting to insert is '3' which stands for "in Design" (((this is going to be the default value))). I need help :-/ If you need me to explain more/ clarify, and show more information I can. Thank you so much!!!

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Retrieving Rights Of An User On All The Tables In A Database

Aug 8, 2001

How to ennumerate the Rights of an User for all the tables [Select/Insert/Update/Delete] in a database or how to ennumerate/list all the Table rights for a particular user in a database? By User, i mean the Login names [like bill, sam, sa] and not dbowner, public, etc. thanx in advance.

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Problem In Retrieving Firebird/Interbase Tables

Aug 7, 2007

I am using the following:

VS 2005
SQL 2005 Reporting Services
Firebird.Net Data Provider 2.0
Firebird Database 1.5

This is what I am trying to do:

In SQL Server 2005 Analysis project,

Create a Data Source
Create a Data Source View
Create a Report Model

I have successfully created the data source.
When I try to create a Data Source View, it lists all the tables in the Firebird database.
In the last step, when VS tries to import the metadata to its storage (I think), the Firebird Client throws the following exception:

<Error start>


Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -104
Token unknown - line 3, char 8
[ (Microsoft Visual Studio)

Program Location:

at FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.DataSourceConnection.FillDataSet(DataSet dataSet, String schemaName, String tableName, String tableType)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.DataSourceDesigner.AddRemoveObjectsFromDSV()


Exception of type 'FirebirdSql.Data.Common.IscException' was thrown. (FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient)

Program Location:

at FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Gds.GdsConnection.ReadStatusVector()
at FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Gds.GdsConnection.ReadResponse()
at FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Gds.GdsDatabase.ReadResponse()
at FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Gds.GdsStatement.Prepare(String commandText)
at FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbCommand.Prepare(Boolean returnsSet)
at FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbCommand.ExecuteCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean returnsSet)
at FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)

<Error end>

Few notes:

If I remove the checkbox of ��Create logical relationships by matching columns�?, the wizard proceeds smoothly. But when I open the data source view, there are no tables there and if I try to add more tables, I receive the same error as above.

I am also trying to follow this up the Firebird Client project since the error was thrown by Firebird DLL.
However, has somebody done this before and/or can provide me some direction/information as to what I might be doing wrong?



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Retrieving The Tables Relationship From SQL Server Database Diagrams

May 26, 2004

Hi All,

Currently i am defining a simple relationship between
Customers->Orders->Order Details through the Database Diagrams feature in
the SQL 2K. Using the Server Explorer, i can see the Database Diagrams, but
when i try to "drop" the Database Diagrams into the page, it gives the error

I would like to know the procedures to retrieve the database relationships
from Database Diagrams and manipulate them through ADO.NET

I prefer to "convert" already defined relationship using SQL Server Database
Diagrams into XSD file or probably there is another method to "read" those
relationship and manipulate them.

Thank you very much for all your help

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Error Retrieving Result From CLR Procedure

May 15, 2007


We are using a simple CLR sp where an SQL statement is executed inside the same. THe execution happens in a server of different context that is connected inside CLR sp. The result set is returned in tabular format using pipe. But, when we access the result as below

create table #t(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int)
insert #t exec TestProc
select * from #t

it give the following error. Any help is appreciated. It seems to be some error with distibuted transaction. We tried adding BEgin Distributed trnasaction, but still the error comes.

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure TestProc, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "TestProc":
System.Transactions.TransactionException: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D025) ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D025)
at System.Transactions.Oletx.ITransactionShim.Export(UInt32 whereaboutsSize, Byte[] whereabouts, Int32& cookieIndex, UInt32& cookieSize, CoTaskMemHandle& cookieBuffer)
at System.Transactions.TransactionInterop.GetExportCookie(Transaction transaction, Byte[] whereabouts)
at System.Transactions.Oletx.OletxTransactionManager.ProxyException(COMException comException)
at System.Transactions.TransactionInterop.GetExportCookie(Transaction transaction, Byte[] whereabouts)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull(Transaction tx)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.Enlist(Transaction tx)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.Activate(Transaction transaction)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.ActivateConnection(Transaction transaction)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()

at Class1.RunRemoteMetalProc()



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Linking Tables In Data Set Or Stored Procedure

Mar 10, 2008

Im currently in the process of developing a new system in The system uses multiple tables from a SQL database. To link information from say the products table to the suppliers table a unique key from the suppliers table is stored in the products table to show which products each supplier has bought...simple so far.

From this I can then pull out any of the information relating to that product instead of just displaying the ID. Currently this is done by creating a stored procedure and then dragging the stored procedure onto the dataset layer to create the data adapter.

Im not 100% this is the best way to be doing this. Is it possible to simply just link the tables in the dataset layer to display a string from another table instead of an ID referencing number?!

any help on this would be much appreciated as I cant really continue untill I have sorted out the data structure problems.Thanks in advancedmowfo 

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How To Get Data From All Related Tables Using Stored Procedure

Sep 16, 2005

I have a situation where I want to load some entities from one table lets say the table is customers and i would like to load all the customers with first name = dummy, not only this i would like to load all the orders  and order details for these specific customers (these are two different separate tables) . I want all this within one stored procedure that return me three results for three different tables. Please tell me whether it is possible and how.

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Retrieving Return Value From Stored Procedure Declaratively

Nov 1, 2007

I have a stored procedure "sp1" which returns a value (with the sql statement Return @ReturnValue).
Is it possible for my page to retrieve this return value, and to do it declaratively (meaning without writing code to connect to the database in the code behind). If it is possible to do it like this please tell me how, and if not please tell me how to do it with code.
Thanks in advance .

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Retrieving Output Parameter From A Stored Procedure

Feb 28, 2008

Lets say I have the following stored procedure


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Retrieving Parameter List For A Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2004

Is there a way to retrieve the parameter list for a given stored procedure?

I am trying to create a program that will autogenerate a list of stored procedures and their parameters so that changes to the database can be accurately reflected in code.

Allen K.

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Retrieving Server Time Using Stored Procedure

Jul 21, 2000

Hello all,

We have a domain where all computers are on GMT(Greenwitch Mean Time). We have an access front end that timestamps certain fields according to the client time that the program is running on, but we will be moving our client workstations off of GMT time and keep our SQL Server on GMT time, and want to keep the timestamps GMT.

So, I wanted to know if it was possible to create a stored procedure that gets the Server's time and returns it to the Access frontend for entry into the timestamp fields?

Or, if anyone has a better idea of how to get the time from the server to use on the clients, I would greatly appreciate it!!!

Kevin Kraus

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How To Insert Data Into Two Tables Simulatneously, Using Stored Procedure?

Jul 4, 2007

Hi all,I have heard that we must insert into two tables simultaneously when there is a ONE-TO-ONE relationship.
Can anyone tell me how insert into two tables at the same time, using SP?

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SQL 2012 :: Store Procedure - Inserting Same Data Into Two Tables

Nov 13, 2014

In one store procedure I do insert same data into two tables (They have the same structure): OrderA and OrderB

insert into OrderA select * from OrderTemp
insert into OrderB select * from OrderTemp

And then got an error for code below.

"Multi-part identifier "dbo.orderB.OrderCity" could not be bound

IF dbo.OrderB.OrderCity=''
update dbo.OrderB
set dbo.orderB.OrderCity='London'

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Retrieving Values From Stored Procedure Using FormView && SqlDataSource

Mar 3, 2008

Please excuse me if this question has been asked before; I couldn’t find it.  Perhaps someone could point me to the solution.
A few years ago I wrote an order-entry application in classic ASP that I am now re-writing in ASP.NET 2.0.  I am having very good success however I can’t figure out how to retrieve data from a stored procedure.
I am using the FormView & SqlDataSource controls with a stored procedure to insert items into an order.  Every time an item is inserted into the order the stored procedure does all kinds of business logic to figure out if the order qualifies for pricing promotions, free shipping, etc.  If something happens that the user needs to know about the stored procedure returns a message with this line (last line in the SP)
 SELECT @MessageCode AS MessageCode, @MessageText AS MessageText 
I need to retrieve both the @MessageCode and the @MessageText values in my application.  In classic ASP I retrieved these values by executing the SP with a MyRecordset.Open() and accessing them as normal fields in the recordset.
In ASP.NET I have specified the SP as the InsertCommand for the SqlDataSource control.  I have supplied all the parameters required by my SP and told the SqlDataSource that the insert command is a “StoredProcedure�?.  Everything actuly works just fine.  The items are added to the order and the business logic in the SP works fine.  I just have no way of telling the user that something important has happened.
Does anyone know how I can pickup these values so that I can show them to my users?  Bassicly if @MessageCode <> 0 I want to show @MessageText on the screen.

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Retrieving Default Values For Parameters In A Stored Procedure.

Jul 23, 2005

I'm generating a list of parameters needed by stored procedures, and
I'd like to know which ones have default values assigned to them.
To retrieve the parameter information I use:

sp_sproc_columns @Procedure_Name='InsertUser''

However, the column that is supposed to give the default value,
'COLUMN_DEF' always returns as NULL, even when that column has a
default value assigned to it.
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertUser@UserID INT = 10,.....

And then if I do a sp_sproc_columns @Procedure_Name='InsertUser'', the COLUMN_DEF value for the @UserID column is still NULL.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong and how I can retrieve the default value?


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Problem With Stored Procedure And Retrieving Inserted Identity Value

Jul 11, 2006

Hello!I use a procedure to insert a new row into a table with an identitycolumn. The procedure has an output parameter which gives me theinserted identity value. This worked well for a long time. Now theidentity value is over 700.000 and I get errors whiles retrieving theinserted identitiy value. If I delete rows and reset the identityeverything works well again. So I think it is a data type problem.My Procedure:create procedure InsertProduct@NEWID int outputasbeginset nocount oninsert into PRODUCT(D_CREATED)values(getdate()+'')set nocount offselect @NEWID = @@IDENTITYendMy C# code:SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("InsertProduct", sqlCon);comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;comm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@NEWID",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)).Direction =System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;try{SqlDataReader sqlRead = comm.ExecuteReader();object o = comm.Parameters["@NEWID"].Value;//...}catch ( Exception ex ){throw ex;}The object o is alwaya System.DbNull. I also tried to use bigint.Any hints are welcomeCiaoSusanne

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Correct Way To Insert Data Into Multiple Tables (Stored Procedure)

Nov 3, 2007


I am currently developing my first database driven application and I have stumbled over some quite simple issue. I'll describe my database design first:
I have one table named images(id (identity), name, description) and one table named albums (id, name, description). Since I'd like to establish a n:n connection between these, I defined an additional table ImageInAlbum (idImage, idAlbum). The relation between these tables works as expected (primary keys, foreign keys appear to be ok).

Now I'd like to insert data via a stored procedure in sql server 2005 and I'm not sure how this procedure will look like.
To add a simple image to a given album, I am trying to do the following:
* Retrieve name, description from the UI
* Insert a new row into images with this data
* Get the ID from the newly created row
* Insert a new row into "ImageInAlbum" with the ID just retrieved and a fixed Id from the current album.

I know how I would do the first two things, but I am not used to Stored Procedures syntax yet to know how to do the other things.

Any help is appreciated ... even if it means telling me that I am doing something terribly wrong

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Retrieving Data

Jun 15, 2004


I've got a module that contains the following function.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Module SQL_Sprocs
Function ListUsers()

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DBConn"))

Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("list_users", conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim dr As SqlDataReader

dr = cmd.ExecuteReader

ListUsers = dr


End Function
End Module

I then want to call this function from my webform. So I'm using the following

Dim dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader

dr = Timetracker.SQLProcs.ListUsers()

Do While dr.Read
Label1.Text &= dr("first_name") & " " & dr("last_name") & ", "


But it's not working. I want to have a module that contains all my sprocs and be able to call them from the individual webpages.

What am I doing wrong?


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Retrieving Data

Dec 21, 2006

Faculty member writes:

"I meant to delete just one assignment, doing which was giving me difficulty.

I deleted a whole category by accident which had most of my daily grades in it for a course with quite a few of them. I was negligent in backing them up, so I cannot restore them. I have an XLS file from the midterm, but am missing about 6 grades after that.

Is there any way to recover the grades I had in the deleted category. It has been a couple of days since I entered any new grades. HELP!"

My current backup strategy is to do a full backup 5 pm, differentials every 2 hours, logs every 30 min, all so they arenot simultaneous. Backing these all to same backup device via three different jobs.

Then the server is backed up to tape shortly after the 5 pm full backup.

Obviously, I can't restore from the backup for this situation because it would hurt other data.

But - is there a way I can take last night's backup from tape and restore it to a different database than our production database? (Such a database doesn't at this time exist. Would I detach, copy over the files, and then reattach on prod and attach on the devl side, and then restore from the backup device to the devl copy?)

I've never had to perform this kind of rescue and am wondering if my backup strategy is flawed since it isn't immediately evident how I can easily do this.

I needed a similar thing from our Oracle DBA yesterday, and he went to tape, copied out a table and put it on the Oracle database under a different owner, and I easily fixed the few records that I had botched.

That's exactly what I need to do now with MS SQL 2000.

As the faculty dude said, "HELP!"

And Thanks.

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Retrieving Data

Oct 26, 2005


I was hoping someone would be able to help me, I trying to go through several databases, 111 to be exact, and get the data out of a particular table which is present in all the databases on the same server.

I know how to get the names of the databases from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but how can use the name for it to cycle through all the databases and get data out of the one particular table.

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Retrieving Data From SQL

Apr 23, 2007

Hi, I need some help. I have this query where i need to pull up students that have more than or equal to 3 absences in a row. Now I am getting all those students that are absent but not in a row. But i was wondering if there is a way to tell if a student was absent three days in a row . There is a date field that is being used to identify the day of the class and a status field that identifies if the student was absent or present. Please help someone.


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Retrieving Data From .MDF???

Jun 26, 2006

Dear fellows,

Up to the moment I've got enough knowledge for read data stored into .LDF files by dbcc log and so on. It's very useful and interesting. Now, I wonder how to retrieve the same information but on MDF files.

At first, I want to make sure that is not possible by mean of traditional methods (dbcc or something like that) I suppose so but I'd like to hear opinions regarding that.

Thanks in advance for any idea, though or further information.

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Retrieving Data From SQL Table

Feb 5, 2008

 this is a simple problem but it's just driving me mad as it's not reading from my dB. basically, I've have reviews stored in my dB and want to display them in a textbox by clicking on a button called btnReviews. I think the problem might be that there is too much text stored per row of the table (as it is a review), but I have the datatype set as text in sql. here's the simple un-errorred code I have behind the button. any ideas where I went wrong. i've a feeling it's something small but it's just taken too long to figure out.protected void btnReviews_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        String strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conLocalDatabase"].ConnectionString;        SqlConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection(strConn);        SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand("Select [ReviewC] From [Review])", dbConnection);          dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("Review", txtReviewView.Text);        try        {            dbConnection.Open();            dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();        }        catch (SqlException ex)        {            Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());        }        finally        {            if (dbConnection != null)            {                dbConnection.Close();            }        }            }

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Retrieving Data From More Than One Table

Apr 28, 2008

  I ve a datagrid . And Two Database table in sqlServer2005.  The name of the tables are 'Property' and 'userid'.
  My datagrid wants to retrive all records from Property table and one record from userid table. The Property table contains Propertycode, lastdate , departmentname.   
  The userid table contains so many record along with 'id'  record  which my datagrid wants to retrieve.
pl tel me how 2 write code for that? 

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