Procedure Has No Parameters Error Constantly

Jun 15, 2007

Hi, I've been trying to figure out this error message I'm getting.  The exact error message is: " Procedure addservicerequest has no parameters and arguments were supplied." and this is applied to a SQL Command, but what confuses me is that I've got parameters already created and added.  Is there any advice to help me out with this problem?
 Here's the code for reference:
 1 Dim sqlparadate As New sqlparameter
2 Dim sqlparacompany As New SqlParameter
3 Dim sqlparalocation As New SqlParameter
4 Dim sqlparacontact As New SqlParameter
5 Dim sqlparaphone As New SqlParameter
6 Dim sqlparadetails As New SqlParameter
7 Dim sqlparaso As New SqlParameter
8 Dim sqlparadrive As New SqlParameter
9 Dim sqlparawork As New SqlParameter
10 Dim sqlparaback As New SqlParameter
11 Dim sqlparaproblem As New SqlParameter
13 Dim sqlcon As New SqlConnection
14 Dim sqlinsert As New SqlCommand("addservicerequest", sqlcon)
16 'txttest.Text = caldateofservice.SelectedDate
17 If sqlcon.State = Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then
18 sqlcon.ConnectionString = "***"
19 sqlcon.Open()
20 End If
22 sqlinsert.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
23 'sqlinsert.CommandText = "addservicerequest"
24 'sqlinsert.Connection = sqlcon
26 With sqlparadate
27 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.SmallDateTime
28 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
29 .ParameterName = "@dateofservice"
30 .Value = caldateofservice.SelectedDate.ToString
31 End With
32 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparadate)
34 With sqlparacompany
35 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
36 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
37 .ParameterName = "@company"
38 .Value = txtcompany.Text
39 End With
40 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparacompany)
42 With sqlparalocation
43 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
44 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
45 .ParameterName = "@location"
46 .Value = txtlocation.Text
47 End With
48 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparalocation)
50 With sqlparacontact
51 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
52 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
53 .ParameterName = "@contactname"
54 .Value = txtcontactname.Text
55 End With
56 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparacontact)
58 With sqlparaphone
59 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
60 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
61 .ParameterName = "@contactphone"
62 .Value = txtcontactphone.Text
63 End With
64 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparaphone)
66 With sqlparadetails
67 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
68 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
69 .ParameterName = "@details"
70 If ddldetails.SelectedValue = "Other" Then
71 .Value = txtreason.Text
72 Else
73 .Value = ddldetails.SelectedValue
74 End If
75 End With
76 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparadetails)
78 With sqlparaso
79 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
80 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
81 .ParameterName = "@serviceorder"
82 .Value = txtserviceorder.Text
83 End With
84 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparaso)
86 With sqlparadrive
87 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
88 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
89 .ParameterName = "@drivetime"
90 .Value = ddldrivetime.SelectedValue
91 End With
92 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparadrive)
94 With sqlparawork
95 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
96 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
97 .ParameterName = "@worktime"
98 .Value = ddlworktime.SelectedValue
99 End With
100 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparawork)
102 With sqlparaback
103 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
104 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
105 .ParameterName = "@backhome"
106 .Value = ddlbackhome.SelectedValue
107 End With
108 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparaback)
110 With sqlparaproblem
111 .SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar
112 .Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input
113 .ParameterName = "@typeproblem"
114 .Value = ddlproblem.SelectedValue
115 End With
116 sqlinsert.Parameters.Add(sqlparaproblem)
118 sqlinsert.ExecuteNonQuery()
120 sqlcon.Close()

 Specifically it occurs on line 118.

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Our Report Servers Are Constantly Getting The Symmetric Key Error - Why Does This Happen.

Feb 6, 2007

Our report server are constantly getting the below error.

What causes this - I know how to fix it, in fact, I've automated it but why does it constantly happen on some servers? I guess I'd like to know what causes it to try and fix it at those points instead of having to fix it here. Proactively.

Reporting Services Error

The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) (rsRPCError) Get Online Help

The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)

The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)

Bad Data. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800900


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Error Stored Procedure Parameters

Feb 17, 2004

Hi i'll get the following error

The SqlParameter with ParameterName 'xxxxx' is already contained by another SqlParameterCollection.

I'am trying to create an dataset in which data of the different connectionpoints are separated into different tables. Herefor i'm using an stored procedure.

Below you'll find part of the main function and the full function which will execute the stored procedure.

kind regards

main function

Dim Parameters As SqlParameter() = { _
New SqlParameter("@ConnectionPointID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255)}

For x = 0 To myds.Tables("ConnectionPoints").Rows.Count - 1
connectionpointID = myds.Tables("connectionpoints").Rows(x).Item("Eancode")
Parameters(0).Value = connectionpointID
mydb.doStoredProcedure("SP_EDS_Dyomes_XML", Parameters,connectionpointID.ToString, myds)

Public Overloads Function doStoredProcedure( _
ByRef Mycommand As SqlCommand, _
ByRef myds As DataSet, _
ByVal Table As String)

Dim myda As New SqlDataAdapter

Mycommand.CommandTimeout = 180
If Mycommand.Connection Is Nothing Then
Dim mydb As New Database
Mycommand.Connection = mydb.generateconnection
End If
If Mycommand.Connection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
myda.SelectCommand = Mycommand

myda.Fill(myds, Table)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Function

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Application Given En Error When Parameters In Stored Procedure Is Changes

Apr 26, 2008

Hi,I am developing application in 2.0 using C#. My back end is sql server 2005. I also use microsoft enterprise library 2006.My problem is:First i pass three parameters to stored procedure from the application. After i increase one more parameter in both application as well as stored procedure, the application gives an error that parameter does not match with the stored procedures parameters.after couple of hours when i restart the machine and again run the application it works fine with four parameters.does sql server 2005 stores the parameters in cache??

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T-SQL Error In Creating A Stored Procedure That Has Three Parameters: Incorrect Syntax Near 'WHERE'

Feb 17, 2008

Hi all,

I copied the the following code from a book to the query editor of my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE):
USE AP --AP Database is installed in the SSMSE--
@InvTotal money OUTPUT,
@DateVar smalldatetime = NULL,
@VendorVar varchar(40) = '%'

SELECT @DateVar = MIN(InvoiceDate)

SELECT @InvTotal = SUM(InvoiceTotal)
FROM Invoices JOIN Vendors
WHERE (InvoiceDate >= @DateVar) AND
(VendorName LIKE @VendorVar)
Then I executed it and I got the following error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure spInvTotal3, Line 12
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'.
I do not know what wrong with it and how to correct this problem.

Please help and advise.

Scott Chang

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ADO.NET 2-VB 2005 Express Form1:Printing Output Of Returned Data/Parameters From The Parameters Collection Of A Stored Procedure

Mar 12, 2008

Hi all,
From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlDbType

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")

Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)

testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)

RetValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue

Dim auIDIN As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@au_idIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11)

auIDIN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

Dim NumTitles As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@numtitlesout", SqlDbType.Int)

NumTitles.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

auIDIN.Value = "213-46-8915"


Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = testCMD.ExecuteReader()

Console.WriteLine("Book Titles for this Author:")

Do While myReader.Read

Console.WriteLine("{0}", myReader.GetString(2))



Console.WriteLine("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value))

Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))

End Sub

End Class

The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Is It Common To Have CPU Usage At 50% Constantly.

Jul 19, 2007

The comapny i work for has a server running the following.

Opteron 246x2

2 Gig memory

320 Gig Sata 2 drives

Windows 2003 Standard Edition

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The Free one.

There are approx 10 users that connect to the server.

There are two programs which seem to use sql server. Act 7.0 and service ceo.

When the computer is rebooted its at 0% for sqlserver.exe

Than when all connect it maxes it 50% and its steady there. Seems Service ceo affects it the most.

Told by comapny need to buy full blown sql server to resolve problem. But i dont think this is the problem.

Questions: Is it common for server to be at 50% all the time with sql server running?

And if its not is there a way to reduce the sql cpu usage.

I am new to sql server and have done alot of research and fixes. Ive unsitalled and reinstalled all sql instances and done the tweaks suggested. Any fresh ideas would be great thanks.


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Connection Pools Constantly Grow

Oct 26, 2006

I've got a little console app that basically pulls back a recordset from our SQL Server 2005, goes through each row in the dataset and may/may not insert a record into a different table in the database.  We use sproc's for every transaction and I close every connection in the application.  However, when the application ends, I still show connection pools open in the performance monitor.  Same with websites that I know have no traffic or that have been stopped by me in IIS.Last night I showed a total of 6000+ "Current # pooled and nonpooled connections".  Should I be worried about what seems to be unending growth in the connection pools?  If so, how can I look to manage this better? 

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MSDB - Tasks Fail Constantly - Please HELP!

Jun 21, 2000


In my production environment, ALL OF THE SUDDEN, my backups via EM schedule tasks, fail, yet when i examine the error, it says that the DUMP/LOAD was successful. I receive the following error:
'Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in msdb.dbo.sysbackuphistory or sysrestore history. This may indicate a problem with the msdb.. . . . . .
I expanded the MSDB database, and ran sp_purgehistory (no params) and it still FAILS. Is this related to the log? Please HELP asap. Thank you in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: Trigger Or Agent Job To Run SP Constantly?

Aug 22, 2014

I have a database with a table called RAW, this table receives msgs via XML, sms and various other formats. The data is written into this table at a rate of approximately 50-100 rows per minute.

I have a SP which takes the data written into the raw table and performs various actions looks for account information, writes to a log table, writes to incident table’s gets GPS information and so on.

The records written into the raw table need to be processed at almost instantly with a maximum of under a minute from when they arrive into the table.

At present there is a sql agent job which executes the SP, this consist of a step to execute the SP which on completion moves to the next step which is a loop waitfor delay and then back to step 1.

The trouble is it never actually finishes and runs 24/7 there is no break point for error handling and occasionally the records that arrive in the raw table do not get processed and the job has to be restarted for it to pick them up again.

I am looking for best way to handle this process, I thought about a trigger but the performance impact on using a trigger was too heavy to consider.

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Received Message Constantly Processed.

May 21, 2007


when is seemd that everything works some weird behaviours comes out.

I try to summarize the problem without to post the complete code.

Service Broker is set to have a dialog between two databases on the same SQL Server instance.

The Initiator queue has retention=on and there is an activation SP to handle errors and Target's end dialog message.

The Target queue has retention=off, MAX_READER =1 and there is an activation SP to receive the message (WAIT FOR (RECEIVE (1) ...), TIMEOUT 30000 and do something with this message (sample insert into a DB).

The conversation has a Timeout Dialog to end the dialog after a while.

The problem that the message is constantly processed. The Process doens't stop is I end the dialof after the processing either.

n.b.the Receive is within a Transation that I commit at the end.

some other informations that in the meanwhile I found out :

This was my complete WAIT FOR(RECEIVE :

WAITFOR ( RECEIVE top(1) -- just handle one message at a time
@message_type=message_type_id, --the type of message received
@message_body=message_body, -- the message contents
@dialog = conversation_handle -- the identifier of the dialog this message was received on
FROM [TargetQueue]
), timeout 1000;

if (@@ROWCOUNT = 0)

IF I delet TIMEOUT 1000, everything works as expected ...
Inside if (@@ROWCOUNT = 0)BEGIN..END I wrote also an Insert into a table to see wheter the end of the queue was reached but this insert never occurs (neither with not without timeout)
I'm happy that it works what if this is the solution, it make no sense to me!

Any ideas?
Thank you!


Thank you very much


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Pull Merge Constantly Have All The Same Conflicts

Jun 30, 2007


Let me describe first my replication setup:

- SQL Server 2005 SP1 (SP2 coming soon)

- Approximately 35 remote users (Salesrep laptop) using Pull Subscriptions

- Merge (Bi-Directional) (8 articles - tables only)

- Merge (Uni-Directional) (5 articles - tables only)

- Transactional (5 articles - tables only)
Users receive data based on their territory #, therefore they receive their customers sets of data. It happens that customer change from one territory to another but not frequently. When it happens, so far so good, the data is redirected to the new salesrep using the model we configured (Territory table with SUSER_NAME() to filter the data).

Ok, here's my problem. Since a while, I can see in the replication monitor that some users seems to log the same conflict again and again (Merge process). I mean, checking the history for many subscribers, there is always the same number in the "Conflict" colums.
As an example:
- Merge completed after processing 18 data change(s) (4 insert(s), 14 update(s), 0 delete(s), 31 conflict(s))
- Merge completed after processing 27 data change(s) (10 insert(s), 17 update(s), 0 delete(s), 31 conflict(s))
- Merge completed after processing 20 data change(s) (5 insert(s), 15 update(s), 0 delete(s), 31 conflict(s))

and so on...(Those are only 3 historical entries for a single subscriptions but there are many like that, always with the same count of conflict - vary per user). It appears to me that the same conflicts come over and over.

The thing is that if I decide to reinitialize a subscription, conflicts will disappear, therefore I know that it is not a process on the server that keeps changing the data; anyway, even if it was, changes would be applied on the subscription because the server always win in my setup.

Any idea what should I do with this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Constantly Growing Version Store

Jul 7, 2015

We have an issue with the Version Store growing constantly. According to sys.dm_os_performance_counters, "Version Generation rate (KB/s)" is growing, but "Version Cleanup rate (KB/s)" isn't. We use read-committed snapshot isolation

While dbcc opentran and sys.dm_exec_requests don't show any long running transactions, I wrote a query looking at sys.dm_tran_ active_snapshot_ database_transactions. This shows a number of long running transactions but, according to sys.dm_exec_sessions, they are all sleeping. The transactions that are running come and go very quickly, as I would expect.Could these sleeping transactions be responsible for preventing the version store from cleaning up?

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Why Is SQL 2000 Constantly Logging Starting Up Database Messages?

Nov 21, 2001

The log for our SQL 2000 database shows constant "starting up database dbname" entires. Is there a option that causes the databases to constantly be starting or is this a new feature of SQL 2000.

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Package Attempts To Query Source Db Constantly When Editing

Aug 16, 2006

Trying to set up a tranform task between a mysql db using and ADO.NET connection and sql server.
My query to pull from the mysql db is something like "select x,y,z from table where last_updated" > @User::LastUpdated. This command is set up as an expression for the Data Flow Task and is the value for the [DataReader Source].[SqlCommand]

I have two questions.

Why does the package attempt a query against the mysql database all the time?
And Why is the query attempting to pull the entire table instead of having any regards for my where clause?

I've even added where last_updated > greatest('2006-08-15', '" + @User::LastUpdated to attempt to get it a where clause even when the parameter isn't set yet.

What is the trick? This is not feasible when pulling from multi-million row tables.

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From The Sql Profiler Constantly Displays Exec Sp_executesql N'BEGIN CONVERSATION TIMER ... It That Ok?

Mar 8, 2007

I'm using SQL service Broker 2005 with ASP.NET 2.0 in order to use the sql cache dependency.
everything works fine...
I have only a doubt regarding a query that is constantly executed on mu db ( i can see it be means of the SQL Profiler)

The query is:
exec sp_executesql N'BEGIN CONVERSATION TIMER ("'') TIMEOUT = 120; WAITFOR(RECEIVE TOP (1) message_type_name, conversation_handle,
cast(message_body AS XML) as message_body from [SqlQueryNotificationService-GUID]), TIMEOUT @p2;',N'@p2 int',@p2=60000

The web application is not running from a browser ...

It this ok or I forget to clean/reset something from my web application and/or sql server?

Thank you

Marina B.

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SQL Procedure Parameters

Jul 20, 2005

Hi everyone,I need to create a procedure that would take the two parameters @FieldNameand @FieldValue and replaces it in my SQL statement without using Execbecause Exec can take at most 128 characters.CREATE PROCEDURE Get_Person_By_Field@FieldName varchar(20),@FieldValue varchar(100)AS......INSERT INTO#TempPerson(PID,Title,PhNum1,PhExt1,PrimaryEmail,F ullName,CompanyName) SELECT PID,Title, PhNum1, PhExt1,PrimaryEmail,FullName, CompanyName FROMPerson LEFT JOIN Company ON Person.CID = Company.CID WHERE@FieldName='@FieldValue'Thank youMaz.

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Stored Procedure Parameters

Oct 3, 2006

Hi,I have a problem with a call to stored procedure on SQL server. I created stored procedure for inserting a row to a table.In my application I read data from ASP.NET form and prepare parameters for calling my stored procedure. Like:            SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand("AddToMyTable");            try            {                sc.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;                sc.Connection = new SqlConnection("myconnectionstringhere");                SqlParameter param;                param = sc.Parameters.Add("@MyFirstParam", SqlDbType.NVarChar,50);                param.Value = "something";                 ..... here I repeate "add" and value assignment for all my parameters            }...When I call ExecuteNonQuery(); I get exception that one of the parameters for stored procedure is expected but not supplied. However, I can find this very same parameter in my source code to be added to list of parameters. I think my problem is caused by large number of parameters. I have 55 parameters, half of them are of type nvarchar(50) and half of them of type bit. My reasoning is based on the fact that if I remove parameter that is reported to be missing from my stored procedure and from my application, I get the same error with next parameter in the list.Where should I increase maximum number of parameters that are allowed? Do I have some buffer problem? Where to specify that I need more space for parameters? Nenad 

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A Stored Procedure With Many Parameters

Jan 1, 2008

There is a form in my project which users can add their emails through it. The maximum numbers of emails are 60. I put a textbox and a button for adding email. But I don’t know which of the following solutions is suitable:
1.       After each click by user , the insert stored procedure will be called
2.       All the emails entered by users will be saved and then, the insert stored procedure will be called. This SP must have a loop but I am not sure about the right code for this SP because I have to define 60 input parameters for this SP.

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Stored Procedure Parameters

Mar 31, 2005

what's the difference between using parameters in these two ways:
@PortalName = Portals.PortalName ...
first one will NOT be a result set, and second one will
Whats the basic difference between that? I need to use a NextResult method within a .cs filebut it is not working

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Array As Parameters To Procedure

Jun 1, 2005

Hi friends,Please help me I want to pass an Aarry parameters from to sqlserver stored procedure. Is it possible, if yes how.regards,Asad Mahmood

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Regarding Stored Procedure Parameters

Jun 29, 2007

I am creating a advanced search that I have 11 fields.i wrote a stored procedure which having all 11 parameters.
If I don’t enter any one of the value I am not getting the result and it will goes on exception handling.

Now what I want is even I enter one value this must be excute………….i think some validations should be done in
Stored procedure's 'where' clause.but I don’t know how

i would be very happy if someone guides me with sample code for this.

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Stored Procedure Parameters

Jun 16, 2008

I know there ar in parameters and out parameters, but are there any other kinds? Are there in/out parameters? If so, how would you declare one in the stored procedure?


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Stored Procedure With Parameters

Dec 6, 2006

Hi, I am using isqlw from SQL Server 2000. Is it possible to create T-SQL script that can receive input parameter from outside?

Example, my stored procedure is:

create my_sp @inputvar varchar(12)
select @inputvar

then I will create an .sql (such as mysql.sql) file that contains line:
exec my_sp parameter

next, I would like to call this .sql file using:
isqlw.... -i mysql.sql parameter?? -o output.txt

is it possible to do that way? Or is there any other way to do so?

Thanks a bunch,

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Regarding Stored Procedure Parameters

Jun 29, 2007

I am creating a advanced search that I have 11 fields.i wrote a stored procedure which has all 11 parameters.
If I don’t enter any one of the value I didn’t get the result and it is raising exceptions.

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Passing Parameters To A Procedure

May 30, 2008

How does we pass dynamic number of parameters to a procedure?

DECALRE @IDs varchar(50);

SET @IDs = '1,2,3'

SELECT Description FROM MyTable WHERE ID IN (@IDs )

Here ID is int. When I tested this, it shows an error 'Cannot covert '1,2,3' to int'. No errors while it is one number ie '1'

How I can manage this type of problem in a stored procedrue that receive the @IDs as parameters?

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Parameters In Stored Procedure

Feb 14, 2008

Parameters are passed to Stored Procedure from VB.NET Application like

Dim param As SqlParameter
param = New SqlParameter("@name",DbType.String)
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
param.Value = "ABC"

But is there any way to specify parameters without specifying the
parameter name and type like

Dim param As SqlParameter
param = New SqlParameter
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
param.Value = "ABC"

But when i try like this i am getting an error saying that "Parameter1 is not a parameter in the procedure"...
Can anybody tell me how to solve this .
Thanx in advance

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Accessing Stored Procedure Parameters Through XSD

Dec 9, 2006

Hi All,
 I have created a stored procedure (in SQL Server 2005 - Developer) with input and output parameters. Please somebody let me know how I can call this store procedure from code behind using TableAdapter i.e. through XSD.
Long Live Microsoft ;)

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About Inserting Some Parameters To A Stored Procedure.

Feb 4, 2007

Hello everyone,
I am having problem with a program that gets some input from a webform and inserts to a stored procedure, I am getting the two error Error messages below, can somebdoy have a look my code below and put me in the right direction. thanks in advance
'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand' does not contain a definition for 'InsertCommandType' 
'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand' does not contain a definition for 'InsertCommand' 
 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
/* These two variables get the values of the textbox (i.e user input) and assign two local
* variables, This is also a good strategy against any Sql Injection Attacks.
string Interview1 = TextBox1.Text;
string Interview2 = TextBox2.Text;

string Interview3 = TextBox3.Text;
string ProdMentioned = TextBox4.Text;

string ProdSeen = TextBox5.Text;
string Summary = TextBox6.Text;

string Compere = TextBox7.Text;
string Duration = TextBox8.Text;

//Create Sql connection variable that call the connection string
SqlConnection SqlConnection = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString());

//Create a sql command to excute SQL statement against SQL server
SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand();

// Set the command type as one that calls a Stored Procedure.
Command.InsertCommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

//Call the stored procedure so we can pass it on the user input to retrieve user details
Command.InsertCommand = "Summaries";

//open the command connection with the connection string
Command.Connection = SqlConnection;

// Pass the user input to the Stored Procedure to check if user exists in our system.
Command.InsertParameters.Add("interview1", interview1);
Command.InsertParameters.Add("interview2", interview2);
Command.InsertParameters.Add("interview3", interview3);

Command.InsertParameters.Add("ProdMentioned", ProdMentioned);
Command.InsertParameters.Add("ProdSeen", ProdSeen);

Command.InsertParameters.Add("Compere", Compere);
Command.InsertParameters.Add("Duration", Duration);

int rowsAffected = 0;

rowsAffected = Command.Insert();

catch (Exception ex)


// open the connection with the command


private static string GetConnectionString()

return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["BroadcastTestConnectionString1"].ConnectionString;


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Stored Procedure Parameters Question

Mar 7, 2007

Hi Y'all,
On how many ways can i pass parameters IN a stored procedure? I want to boost my performance and get rid of 4 for loops in my page load.
SO how can I create a resultset (grid) with the same result as looping?
I hope i made myself clear....
Thanks in advance

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Passing Parameters Into Stored Procedure

Apr 11, 2007

I have two variables in my code behind .cs,
string Zip;int MenuCode;
I am trying to pass them to the stored procedure below and am getting compile errors.  How do I properly construct the parameter object?
error: Cannot create an object of type 'System.TypeCode' from its string representation '"String";' for the 'Type' property. (points to Parameter Name ="Zip" Type="string"
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="LocalPremiumLinks" runat="server"            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2 %>" SelectCommand="CPLink"            SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">            <SelectParameters>                        <asp:Parameter Name="Zip" Type="string" />             <asp:Parameter Name="MenuCode" Type="double" />                               </SelectParameters>

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Pass Parameters Into Stored Procedure?

Aug 11, 2007

How do I pass values from my ASP.NET page code into my Stored Procedure, to become parameters to be used in my Stored Proc?
Much thanks

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How To Write Stored Procedure With Two Parameters

Aug 23, 2007

 How to write stored procedure with two parametershow to check those variables containing  values or  empty in SP
 if those two variables contains values they shld be included in Where criteiriea in folowing Query with AND condition, if only one contains value one shld be include not other one       
Select * from orders  plz write this SP for me thanks  

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