Provide Monthly Report To Shows How Successful Deployment Was For Particular Patchgroup
Sep 1, 2015
I need to calculate the success rate of our OS Patch deployments. the data from system is stored in SQL with corresponding states (installed, missing, ...)
I would need to provide monthly report that shows how successful the deployment was for particular patchgroup. I have the following 2 dummy tables (just used as example)
table5 ==> Table containing patch groups + patches
table6 ==> Table with machines names, patches and patch state
select * from table5
[Code] ....
Result would be
pgroup install missing
group1 80% 20%
group2 50% 50%
group3 55% 45%
Ideally I would like to do this in T-SQL but if necessary can also do this in .NET Function. Only mention this but both Patchgroup and machines are dynamic each month can be different.
below are the sql scripts to create tables and populate with data
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[table5](
[pgroup] [varchar](128) NOT NULL,
[patch] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[table6](
[machinename] [varchar](128) NOT NULL,
I have developed a custom report item that works fine in design and preview mode while in Visual Studio. I cannot get it to show up on my deployed reports. Here's what I have done so far:
1. Deployed the report using Visual Studio
2. updated the rsreportserver.config file with the following entry:
I've also tried using the StrongNameMembershipCondition with no better results.
4. The dll and its dependencies are copied to the bin directory of the report server.
5. When I load a report with this custom report item on it, the report loads fine with no errors or warnings in the log file (even with verbose tracing). The area where the custom item should be is just white. It's almost like Reporting Services isn't registering the item correctly.
This is particularly frustrating because the report works fine in Visual Studio - apparently I configured that correctly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm stumped.
I m Maran. I am trying to write a SQL Query to retrieve the following report format. But I'm not sure how to go about it.
Input values:
Starting Date: 09/14/2007 End Date: 12/06/2007
Monthly Report :
Start Date - End Date - Number of companies 09/14/2007 - 09/30/2007 1 10/01/2007 - 10/31/2007 0 11/01/2007 - 11/30/2007 4 12/01/2007 - 12/06/2007 0
Please its very urgent, Plz do the needful help. Actually this same report format i was posted already and got some methodology, but its not satisfied my requirements :( :(
I am Maran. Am facing the problem to retrieve the following format of output using the sql query. Is it possible 2 solve this.. I tried this, but i am unable to.
I have created a database table in MSSQL 2000 like this
[empcode] [leave_date] [type] [reason] 100 2008-12-29 00:00:00.000 T Tour 100 2008-12-30 00:00:00.000 T Tour 101 2008-12-31 00:00:00.000 CL Casual Leave 102 2009-01-01 00:00:00.000 R Restricted holiday 100 2009-01-02 00:00:00.000 T Tour
This table contains only leave details.... but i need to create monthly attendance report such as below
empcode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ............. 100 P P P P S P T CL P P P S P P T ............ 101 P T R R S R R T CL P P S P P P.............. 102 P P P P S P P P P T T S CL P P P............
I want to display the reports in weekly format suppose
today is sept 27 2006, so i know from datepart(weekday,..) its value is 4 and end of this week is sept 30 2006 and again next week will start like that....also search should be monthly...
my report looks like Weekly Report (09/27 - 10/12) Week====09/27-09/30======10/01-10/07======10/08-10/12 Sales======50===============100===============80
I would need to add a monthly based parameter to my reports. In my actual scenario i have 2 datetime parameters : "start date" - "end date", that denotes the time interval in days. Is there any standard way to customize these parameters to set an interval between months? In other words, i would need 2 parameters like these : "start month" (eg. august 2005) - "end month" (eg. march 2006), with the report filtering data among this given interval of months.
Hi Guys, I need some help and suggestion to rewrite one of my screens (using ASP.NET) which is using stored procedure. The processing on this screen is taking more than 3 minutes (which i know is totaly unacceptable). I am making use of cursors within the stored procedure (SQL Server 2005). I really intend to get rid of cursors as they have their performance hit. I have been told to rewrite this screen (or the stored procedure) so i need some help for SQL Gurus. Following are the details: 1. This is a Monthly Employee Attendance Report on a day by day basis for any given month (maximum 31 days in a month) 2. The values (for each day) have to be computed at runtime and not stored. e.g. Since an employee may have signed in/out several times in a day 3. There are around 500 employees data im dealing with 4. The user will select any given department and employee's data for the respective department has to be displayed for any given month 5. If the user selects [All Department], the entire 500 employees have to be displayed on the screen 6. This report will look like an excel report on the screen i.e. Employee's basic info and record of 31 days (maximum days in a month) are displayed in one row for each employee 7. This report involves are 7-8 tables. 7 tables are for employees basic info whereas one table has the attendance record Kindly give me your suggestion on writing the SQL stored procedure. I cannot use any other option such as a real Excel Sheet or anything. I need suggestion on how to write this monthly report. By the way, we dont intend to Cache the data since the report can be viewed at anytime of the day, so fresh data is required everytime. Also the data for 500 employees may be too much to be cached. Also in the attendance table, we are dealing with approximately half a million attendance records. Thanks and waiting for your suggestions...
but instead putting 31, I'd like to pull the totaldays from the actual_date using the Extract function so I try this
SELECT sum(sf.ORDER_QNT)/EXTRACT(DAY FROM LAST_DAY(to_date('05/01/13','dd/mm/rr'))) as AVGPERDAY, dd.month_number FROM sales_fact sf, date_dim dd WHERE dd.date_id = sf.date_id AND dd.month_number = 1 GROUP BY dd.month_number;
The result is nice, but now when I change the date with the dd.actual_date it gives error
SELECT sum(sf.ORDER_QNT)/EXTRACT(DAY FROM LAST_DAY(dd.actual_date)) as AVGPERDAY, dd.month_number FROM sales_fact sf, date_dim dd WHERE dd.date_id = sf.date_id AND dd.month_number = 1 GROUP BY dd.month_number; Error at Command Line : 1 Column : 53
Error report - SQL Error: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression 00979. 00000 - "not a GROUP BY expression"
I am using SQL Server 2005 with Reporting Services (Using the Visual side - not direct code)
I am having problems understanding the dates. eg where to put them,
I want a report that runs on the 1st day of the month for the previous month. I know you can set up something in subscriptions but then how do I get my report header to say from
I have been through the AW reports but can't see what I need.
Happy if someone wants to direct me to somewhere that has date examples.
I have a daily report which each morning generates monthly information for the current month which was implemented in December. Everything was working correctly untill January 1st. On the 1st the report generated blank since it was suppose to generate 1-31 Dec but but the currently month was Jan, so it failed. How do I program it so if it is the 1st of a month generates the previous month but still would generate current month but while in the current month? Any help is appreciated.
I have a VS2005 Windows application that displays a reportviewer (SQL 2005) report in a tab control, then displays a second report in a second tab with reportviewer, and so on. The really strange thing is that I had this application working for about 3 months. I even had up to 30 reports in 30 tabs at one point. BUT, for some reason now all I get is the first report and the second, third, etc. tabs show a reportviewer with "Report being generated" that never displays the report. Even worse, another user is able to run this application and DOES get all the reports displayed. So what could have been updated on my PC that is causing this problem?
The last page of the report has a table or rectangle (tried both) which is supposed to be invisible based on a parameter. However, the page still shows up with only the header! Apparently the report knows that the next element (table or rectangle) has to be on a new page, and only too late figures out that the element is invisible.
Anybody else encountered this, or has a solution? Thanks
I have a SQL Agent job that runs at 4:15 in the morning. The job has 5 steps, each step only runs if the preceding step succeeds. The second step, which calls an SSIS package that does the main processing, appears to finish as it goes on to the next step; however, when looking in 'View History' there are 2 entries for this step - the first one shows it as still running (Circled Green Arrow) but with a start and end time. The second entry says the job succeeded.
I have been seeing conflicts, such as deadlocks, with later jobs. I suspect this job is causing the conflicts - maybe the package is still running in the background instead of having actually completed?
what conditions a job step my be showing in the job history as both running AND completed successfully?
I want to select data from a cube using an MDX statement and show the data on a graph report.
I want to select the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly descriptions all in one column to make it easy to represent it on the report.
Then set the 'Date' Column to the x-axis and the Value column to the y-axis.
The user also must have the option to not show certain periods (Switch of daily and weekly)
My MDX works when I select from the SQL Management Studio but as soon as I copy the MDX over to the SSRS Report Designer is splits the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly values into seperate columns which makes it very difficult to report on.
---- Code
SELECT NON EMPTY { ([Measures].[ValueAfterLogic])} ON COLUMNS,
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Day Of Month] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Week Of Year Name] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Month] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Quarter Of Year Name] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[YEAR] ELSE NULL END,
(SELECT ( {[KPI Values].[KPI Id].&[{97754C54-AB43-403D-A2C2-21C04BDE93E3}] } ) ON COLUMNS
FROM [Workplace])
WHERE ( [KPI Values].[KPI Id].&[{97754C54-AB43-403D-A2C2-21C04BDE93E3}])
I have created a report with a stored proc which takes a parameter whose default value is null. Now when I run my stored proc in Enterprise Manager without any params I get 4 rows otherwise with proper parameter I get 2 rows.
Now I set the params value to allow for Null and blank values. When I run the report if I provide parameter value it works fine but if i try to run it without any param it shows an empty report while the stored proc running without params shows 4 rows.
I have earlier sucessfully created reports where stored procs had 4 params out of which 3 where defaulted to null. And so I set the allow nulls, Allow Blanks values to be true for those params in Rep services. So when I selected value for 1st param and ran the report I got the desired report. But this time I have only one param which can be null. But its not working.
Hi all. My name is Guilherme and I'm a Braziliam software developer.
I've installed on my computer all the software required to work with MS SQL RS. I log on this computer using my domain user. and a few days ago i needed to change my password (network policy)
Now, when I open the adress http://localhost/reports on my computer, I can't see the installed reports, neither the configuration page.
Currently, I have a report that takes two parameters: StartDate and EndDate.
I would like to schedule the report to run on a Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly basis, but this doesn't work too well with StartDate and EndDate because the parameter is static. What is the most elegant way to implement this change?
I have deployed a report in our server. After few days I tried accessing the report in Internet Explorer. It shows old data. Then I verified the .rdl file in BIDS. There it show actual data. So I deleted the Deployed report in Report manager and done the fresh report deployment.But Still it shows wrong / Incorrect data.Then I tried accessing the same Report link through Mozilla Browser.There it shows the perfect value.
All users are accessing the report in IE only. How to fix this issue.
Additional Info: The same link works fine in One of my colleague system (IE). Then I verified his IE version. He was using IE 11.But I'm also using same version.
Then I verified with some other systems. There they found the same issue which I faced. They were also using IE 11.
We run std 2008. In my ssrs log I see this for one of our most critical reports...
library!ReportServer_0-64!2244!07/07/2015-08:24:53:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(/somedirectory/somedirectory1).... which I assume is an indication of a report starting to render by first checking permissions.
Around the time my user says he still saw the revolving arrow and he stopped the report because he felt it was running too long, I see...
webserver!ReportServer_0-64!1dbc!07/07/2015-08:54:44:: i INFO: Processed report. Report='/somedirectory/somedirectory1/importantreport', Stream=''
How can it be true that he stopped it and ssrs reports that it processed the report?
About 4 minutes later I see this entry in the log...
webserver!ReportServer_0-64!15e4!07/07/2015-08:58:34:: i INFO: Processed report. Report='/somedirectory/somedirectory1/importantreport', Stream=''
Which processed report message is right? Could there be multiples cuz of subreports? I see a number of errors and exceptions around these same times but do not know how to tie either to a specific report. Is there a way?
I have created a report that works how I want it in the visual studio 2003 designer. I have deployed it to our test box (sql server 2k, reporting services with sp2) and when we preview the report, there is a giant white space between the graph in the report and the matrix object below it. This white space was not in the designer. It only shows when previewing the report. If you print from the report manager, it does not print the white space.
Is there a way to remove it from the report manager when the report is previewed? I am sure users will complain when they see this.
I have a rdl where its working fine while report preview, for parameter it shows <Select a value> only first select . for next select its just showing dropdown list of values .
How can i get <select a value> for all selections. I referred few links which says only for first select you will get <select a value> ,from second select it just shows dropdown.
If we want <select a value> again then we should go back design part and then preview again. But I don't want. What is the possible way to see <select a value> for every select without going back to design.
Not sure if I really have the correct forum for this posting so appologies if it is not. My question refers to the basic functionality of the new Sharepoint 3.0 both WSS and MOSS.
In version 2.0 of Sharepoint Services reports were displayed in Sharepoint using Report Explored to navigate and Report Viewer to display the report. Also KPI's were displayed in a web part which came from Business Scorecard Manager 2005.
I have been investingation both WSS3.0 and MOSS and have installed WSS3.0 to test. I notice that I can connect to reporting services with CTP2.0 for sql server. I can upload reports into document lists and run them from there. My question is has the old idea of using the report explorer gone as when you have report manager running in sharepoint integration it has no website to upload files or manage permissions. Is the document upload method the new way or am I missing something.
More importantly though is the display of KPI's is this now only available in MOSS 2007 and no longer a function of WSS3.0 as you cannot install Business Scorecard manager on WSS3.0 but it appears this is built in to MOSS.
Any guidelines to this new functionality would be greatly appreciated
I have created a report which contains a sub report.But the problem is when i deployed my rdl in my report server,my sub report wont show : "Error SubReport could not be shown".
But still,when i also deployed my sub report for that main report,still, it wont show.. what could be the reason for this?? Thanks...
I would like to be able to deploy a report to a particular folder in the report server. It seems when I deploy a report it always shows up in the root even after I have moved it into another folder where I wish it to reside.
I have a question about Report services scale out deployment.
In the technet document it states that reporting services must be Enterprise edition for scale out deployment functionality, does anyone know if the database engine has to be Enterprise also, or can it be standard edition?
Here is the article excerpt from technet:
The Reporting Services edition must be Enterprise, Developer, or Evaluation. Standard edition does not support a scale-out deployment. You can create a scale-out deployment using a combination of editions as long as the edition supports the scale-out feature.
I'm using the reports designer in Visual Studio 2005 Professional and have successfully been deploying reports to my client's server for several months. Now I can't deploy any reports, when I try Visual Studio almost hangs, tries for about 5 minutes to deploy a single report and then fails with an error message:
TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer ------------------------------ A connection could not be made to the report server http://winserver/ReportServer. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The operation has timed out (System.Web.Services) ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
It used to ask me for username/password for the server (credentials), now it doesn't do that. I can go to the reports server and reports interface pages in my browser OK. The reports build without any errors.
Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas on how to get it working again?
I just asked you about how to hide the sub report from showing it in the drop down list. I have done it with the report manager [Report properties--> general --> Hide in Listview]. I am using RSBuild tool to automatically deploy the reports.I don't know what modification I have to make in the RSBuild code to incorporate this new functionality[Hiding sub report]. Can you please let me know how to do it?
I am using the following code, The description property is working correctly. But the Hide in List view property is not working. Property[] properties = new Property[2];
Property Prop1 = new Property(); Property Prop2 = new Property();
Currently within the Configuration manager you are able to set the Target Deployment parameters such as serverurl , folder etc.. However is there a way to set the Datasource within these configuration settings. For example we have Dev,Demo, and Production sql servers that ideally would be set to to switch with their corresponding deployment target areas DEV,Prod,Demo Reporting service servers. However as it stands I find myself having to manually change the datasets to point to different Servers for testing and then back to the production when its ready to roll out.
did I miss some feature that allows me to do this within the vs ide or does this have to be done programatically?