Publisher Cannot Be Droped Becaused Remote Distributor Down

Oct 13, 2006

Hi all,

I am having a problem now. I cannot drop my publisher and publication because i was uninstalled the remote distibutor before i disable al lthe publication. Now the remote distibutor no longer exist.

Can another one help me? Urgent!!

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Replication :: Reg Remote Publisher And Distributor Set Up

Jul 16, 2015

I am setting up  transaction replication in SQL Server 2012 with three individual servers for Distributor, Publisher, Subscriber, But I want to know how to set the folder for Snapshot agent like whether the folder should be a network shared folder or normal local folder.

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Replication :: Unable To Connect To Remote Distributor From Publisher Using Administrative Link Password?

Jan 29, 2008

I am not able to connect to Remote Distributor from Publisher using Administrative Link Password. I have configured the Distributor on 1 m/c and Publisher on another m/c. When i use the wizard to configure the publisher using remote distributor. I have also specified the same Admin Password link (distributor_admin) in the distributor m/c.
I am getting the following message:
TITLE: New Publication Wizard------------------------------
SQL Server could not connect to the Distributor using the specified password.


------------------------------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:

Connection to server [SANMENON] failed.OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "D956CF83-AE2E-4FC5-83DD-BE90D84A3950" returned message "Login timeout expired".OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "D956CF83-AE2E-4FC5-83DD-BE90D84A3950" returned message "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21670)



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64 Bit Distributor And 32 Bit Publisher

Apr 3, 2007

Does anyone know if there are any known issues with using a 64 bit distributor and 32 bit publisher together?

This is SQL 2005 and Push Merge replication.

Thanks in advance


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Who Is Distributor, Publisher And Subscriber ?

Mar 28, 2007


I'm reading the MS online docs about replication. there's something not so clear until so far.

I have one central server and 7 client servers.
Sometimes new data is entered at one client server. This should be replicated (when client comes online) to the Central Server (merge replication).

Also, the other way, once the central server gets new data (that was replicated from a client), it should be again replicated to all 6 other clients (from the central server).

now, who should i configure as the distributor, publisher and subscriber?

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Distributor On SQL2005 Using Oracle Publisher

Jun 26, 2007







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SQL 2000 SP 4 Publisher To SQL 2005 Distributor

Aug 6, 2007

Hi - hoping some folks here can help me. I've got a SQL 2000, Service Pack 4 database that I need to publish, but I'm getting the following error on the exec sp_addpublication statement when I try to set up publication in Management Studio:

Msg 8526, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_addpublication, Line 802
Cannot go remote while the session is enlisted in a distributed transaction that has an active savepoint.

I also tried to set up the Publisher in Enterprise Studio, on the theory that the system sproc was not backwards compatible, and there I got this error:

Error 627: Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction

There is one proc in the publisher's database that uses SAVE TRANSACTION, but it isn't currently being run and it isn't dependent on the table being published. Has anybody else encountered this? Any ideas about how to make this go away?

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Who Works Harder Publisher Or Distributor

Apr 3, 2007

I am investigating scenarios for our new replication strategy and we have 2 very powerfull machines. 1 however more powerful than the other.

The distributor will be pushing (merge) data to 40 replicas around the globe, the database is about 5GB in size and uses dynamic filtering to sort out who needs what data.

The publisher will only be working with the distributor it is not doing any other work.

I am guessing the distributor will have the majorty of the work to do in this case and should have the more powerful machine. Does anyone know if this is correct?

Thanks in Advance


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Help In Setting Up Oracle Publisher To 64-bit Distributor

Aug 28, 2007

I have Oracle 64-bit drivers installed. I can run SQLPLUS and it works. I can create linked servers to oracle and that works also. I am having this error when I try to add oracle as a publisher. OraOLEDB.Oracle is already set to 'Allow InProces'.

Msg 21626, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_testconnection, Line 110

Unable to connect to Oracle database server 'DTMART' using the Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21626 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online.

Msg 21747, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_adddistpublisher, Line 463

Cannot establish a connection to the Oracle Publisher 'DTMART'. Verify connection information and ensure that you can connect to the Publisher through a tool like SQL*PLUS.


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Push And Pull Subscription From Publisher/Distributor?

May 30, 2001

Hi All,

Can push and pull subscriptions be configured on the publisher/distributer server?

We have server A running SQL Server 2000 configured as Publisher/Distributor and also a Push subscription (transactional replication) to Server B configured as Subscriber.

The idea was to have Server B as backup server if Server A goes down. Users will continue to update data in server B till server A is up.

Once server A is up, I want to synchronise the up-to-minuit date from Server B to Server A in the form of Transactional replication configured as "Pull Subscription" from Server A.

Is that possible?


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(publisher Sql 2000)-(distributor 2005):problem

Aug 29, 2007

Im I want to configure my sqlserver 2005 server as both subscriber and distributor for transactional replication purposes.
I want to configure the sql server 2000 as the publisher.

When I try to configure the publisher in the sql 2000 server, Im not being able to establish the connection with the distributor 2005 sql server in any of the 2 possible cases.
case1-Using windows authentication- message:need to use management studio or SMO
case2-Using sql server authentication-message:authentication failed

Is it possible at all to do this? or should I make the distributor to reside in a sql 2000 server?

thank you

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32-bit SQL 2000 Publisher And SQL 2005 64-bit SQL Distributor And Subscriber

May 16, 2006

For transactional replication, are there any issues and is it even possible to have 32-bit SQL 2000 publisher and SQL 2005 64-bit distributor and subscriber? Thanks

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SQL 2000 (publisher &&amp; Distributor) &&<&&> SQL 2005 (subscriber) - Is It Possible

Jul 30, 2006

We have a SQL 2000 Server (publisher & distributor) with around 15 databases being replicated (all using merge replication).

My question is the following:

Is it possible to perform Merge replication from a SQL 2000 (acting as the publisher & distributor) to a SQL 2005 server acting as the Subscriber)?

If anyone has a link to any instructions somewhere that would be great.


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Seperate SQL 2K Publisher, SQL2K Distributor, SQL2K5 Subscriber

Feb 17, 2006


We are about to alter our replication architecture from

 SQL 2K publisher/SQL 2K5 distributor/subscriber


 SQL 2K publisher, seperate SQL 2K distributor and SQL 2K5 subscriber.

 The subscriptions will be pulled from the distributor and pushed to the subscriber. Basically, all the work will be done by the distributor (in the hope of improving performance).

Has anyone had any experience of a similar architecture? All SQL servers are running with the latest service packs.

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Does The Transaction Log On A Publisher SQL Server Get Truncated When The Database Is Backed Up, But The Distributor Is Down?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,The setting is SQL server 7, on Windows NT.If the distributor can not access the log on the publisher database ( butsubscribers are not deleted yet), will the full backup of the publisherdatabase truncate the transaction log? My guess is, it will not truncate thelog.Can any one confirm please?Thanks,Mokles

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Transactional Replication From SQL 2000 Sp4 Publisher/distributor To SQL 2005 Sp2 Subscriber

Jun 26, 2007


Are there any requirements that dictate the SQL Server version for the distribution agent for a SQL 2000 publisher with a transactional push subscription to a SQL 2005 subscriber?

Thanks in advance,


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SP1 And Remote Distributor ?

Oct 3, 2006

Hi There

If i apply Sql Server 2005 SP1 to a remote distributor can i keep all publication and subscriptions intact?

I am hoping i simply stop all repl jobs on the distributor, apply SP1 and then restart the jobs.

Is this correct ?


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Changing Remote Distributor

Nov 15, 2007

SQL 2000.

If I have a server setup to use a remote server for replication distribution can I actually change which server is the distributor?


Server1 has publications
Server2 is distributor for Server1's Publication
Server3 is new hardware

Can i Make Server3 replace Server2 as the distributor?

How can I do this?

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Remote Distributor Cluster

Feb 13, 2008

using SQL 2000,
Can you setup a SQL Cluster to work as a Remote Distributor? Would there be any challenges in doing this?

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Remote Distributor And Subscriber On Same Machine - Is That OK?

Nov 2, 2006


Server A houses the Production DB which services an OLTP system. Transactional replication is configured on this server which has two subscribers - on two separate servers (servers B and C). The Distribution database currently resides on Server A (which is also the Publisher).

Server B is on the same LAN as Server A (on the same rack). I'm considering moving the Distribution database from Server A to Server B to offload some of the processing overhead from Server A.

Are there any gotchas/performance problems associated with having the Distribution database (remote distributor) and the Subscriber on the same server (server B) in a transaction replication topology?

Please advise or point me to the appropriate documentation - I haven't found anything that addresses this specific question...thanks in advance,


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Failover Options For Remote Distributor

Oct 23, 2007

MS recommends to use remote Distributor for mirroring. It looks like it will be a single point of failure. What are my options ? We can't mirror it, is failover clustering the only way to go (SAN being single point of failure) ? How would log shipping work, if I didn't get the very last completed transaction log fast enough to the other machine, so that recovered distribution database would be behind ?
Also, if distributor fails, would my transaction logs on publisher fill up the entire disk space ? Can it be stopped ?

Thank you.

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Replication :: Changing Password For Remote Distributor

Jul 22, 2015

We have inherited a remote distribution db where the password has been lost.  I would like to confirm that if you change the password in the distributor properties-->publishers--> administrative link password that the password will be changed on all publishers without having to resnap the publications?

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DB Engine :: Remote Distributor In Always Availability Groups

Sep 11, 2015

I am planning to have AlwaysON Availability Group setup between Server 1 and Server 2

Server 1 -->Publisher-->2014 SQL Enterprise edition-->Windows Std 2012 --> Always on Primary Replica
Server 2 -->Publisher(when DR happens)-->2014 SQL Enterprise edition-->Windows Std 2012 --> Secondary  Primary
Server 3 -->Subscriber-->2012 SQL Enterprise edition-->Windows Std 2012 --> NOT involved in Always ON 
Server 4 -->Subscriber-->2012 SQL Standard edition-->Windows Std 2012 --> NOT involved in Always ON 
Server 5(VM)-->Distributor-->2012 Standard edition-->Windows Std 2012-->not involved in Always ON

i know Publisher and subscribers can be mix match of 2014 and 2012 rom the above scenarios can i use (VM)SQL2012 std. as Distributor ? while publisher is being SQL 2014 ent.?

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Cannot Connect To Remote Distributor -- Linked Server Error

Mar 8, 2007

I have 2 servers: #1 -- SQL 2005 SP1 publisher ; #2 -- SQL 2005 SP2 subscriber

originally I had #1 as pub and dist but dist but killing my CPU so I was in the process of moving the dist to #2... Got it all configured and when I tried to add #2 as a dist for #1 it fails when I get to the administrative password screen... It give me an error about how it cannot connect with the given password but under that is says linked server failed.

Since it mentioned linked server I tried to connect via the previous linked server to #2 and it failed... I cannot connect to #2 anymore from #1. I can login directly to #2 and I can use osql to connect to #2 but linked server does not work. I tried all drivers and many configurations...

Any ideas??

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What Are The Implications For Changing The Remote Distributor SQL Server Service Details

Mar 1, 2006


I am replicating a couple of SQL2K databases via transactional rep and remote 2K distributor to 1 SQL2K5 database.

I want the distributor to email me when/if any of the agents fail etc. In order to set this up, I think that I need the SQL Server service to use a domain account (from error messages that I have been getting). It is currently using a local system account (it was a test box in a previous life).

I have tried this briefly, and found that it lost the publisher details in the replication monitor. Can anyone tell me what the implications for changing the SQL server service user and password are? Am I going to have to tear down and rebuild replication? The SQL Server Agent is fine - I am trying to get the two services in sync.

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The Process Could Not Connect To Distributor 'Distributor-name'. 20084

Feb 8, 2006


Windows 2000 Server

SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.818 (Intel X86) May 31 2003 16:08:15
Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)

SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86) May 3 2005 23:18:38
Desktop Engine on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)

IIS 5.0

SQL Server CE 2.0 (sp3a)

Merge replication previously working fine.
The problem

After migrating MSDE from sp3a to sp4 (in order to fix CE replication bug) I can't sync to MSDE.
I got the following error code: [29045]->[Initializing SQL Server Reconciler has failed.] so I've looked into SQL Server CE log file and I've found the following error message:

2006/02/07 19:44:23 Thread=9A8 RSCB=4 Command=SYNC Hr=00000000
The process could not connect to Distributor 'Distributor-name'. 20084

2006/02/07 19:44:23 Thread=9A8 RSCB=4 Command=SYNC Hr=00000000
Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I've already tried without success

Uninstalling all SQL Server 2000 (EE) instances (except for the "no instance")
Unistalling and re-install MSDE (sp4)
Re-registering sscerp20.dll.
Rebooting server.
Restarting IIS.

Any ideas?

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Publisher Is Empty Under Replication Monitor - Publisher.! But Replication Is Still Running Fine..

Nov 9, 2006

I have a wired situation..!I set up transactional replication on one of my development server (SQL2000 Dev Edition with sp4).It is running fine without any issues and all of a sudden, i noticed inmy repication monitor tab under Publisher where I usually see thepublication is empty now.I do see the snapshot agent, log reader and distribution agent under myagents inside the replication Monitor. But its usefull to see all 3agents in one window under publisher before. What happend? Is there anyway to get that inside that monitor? Has someone encountered thissitation before? Please advise....After that I tried to create a new set of replication on differentdatabase on the same server and i dont see those either underReplication Monitor - Publishers....All it says is (No Items)....I would appreciate any help to correct this issue... Thanks in advance..

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How Can I Get The BCP's To Run On The Distributor?

Mar 23, 2007

After extensive testing I have found that bcp's run almost twice as fast on my dedicated Distributor than on either the Publisher or Subscriber. I was wondering if there is a way to make the bcp's spawned by creating a Snapshot run on the distributor and not the Publisher.

Any comments?

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Replication Distributor

Aug 3, 2005

I was wondering if you could set up multiple distributors for one database?For example:Server A needs to publish data to server B so I set up server A's distributor as server B. Later Server A needs to publish data to server C so I want to set up the distributor for this replication to use server C.I don't think this is possible as you need to set up the distributor for the entire DB when its created not for each individual replication job.Any help is appreciated.Nick

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Replication - Distributor Help!!

Apr 3, 2002

I am having problem creating a distributor on my sever, when i do it thru the enterprise manager it defaults to another sever's path and when i put the severs path it dosen't find it.
and when i do it thru query analzer this is what i get

sp_adddistributor @distributor = 'vivian'
,@heartbeat_interval = 10
, @password = 'grants831'
-- , @from_scripting = from_scripting

The error message that we get is,

Server: Msg 6, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_adddistributor, Line 147
Specified SQL server not found.
Remote logins for remote server 'repl_distributor' have been dropped.
Server dropped.
Server added.
Server network name set.

and for this it is going to another server
sp_adddistributor @distributor = ''
,@heartbeat_interval = 10
, @password = 'grants831'
-- , @from_scripting = from_scripting

error message

Server: Msg 18482, Level 14, State 1, Procedure sp_adddistributor, Line 147
Could not connect to server 'GEMS' because 'vivian' is not defined as a remote server.
Remote logins for remote server 'repl_distributor' have been dropped.
Server dropped.
Server added.
Server network name set.

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Replication - Distributor

May 30, 2001

Completed SQL 2000 Transactional Replication from distributor/publisher to Subscriber. (with identity problem solved)

NOW wizard disallows set up subscriber to publish back to the Distributor/Publisher. "Distributor not known" message on Subscriber server when we open configure Publisher-Subscriber tool.

Any experience using this wizard to set this up would be appreciated.

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Distributor Question

Oct 26, 2007

For remote distributor (transactional replication,distribution database 50GB, 3 day retention), what is the most critical resource except disk ?
Is it CPU intensive ? does it use lots of memory (i.e. would 4GB be enough) ?

Thank you

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Change Distributor ?

Aug 2, 2005

Hi There

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