Putting Dates Into Varchar

Mar 8, 2004

I've got 2 tables :

TABLE DateSqlServer
Date as DateTime

Date as VarChar(26)

I run these queries :

INSERT INTO DateSqlServer (Date) VALUES (GetDate())

Then, when I run :


I get
"march 8 2004 3:45 PM"

instead of
"2004-03-08 03:45:12:000"

How can I transfer the date as I see it in table DateSQLServer
WITHOUT doing FORMATs on the Date column ?

Why does the INSERT transform the date format ?

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Searching For Dates In A Column Of Type Varchar

Feb 22, 2008

I have a DB named zCIFRecord with a column named CIFUpdateDate which is of datatype varchar. The data is a date MM/DD/YYYY 01/30/2008, this is al that is in this column. I can search this colum for individual dates and for a range of dates. My problem is with a range of dates that is not within the same year, such as;





FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE [CIFUpdateDate] between '12/01/2007' and '01/30/2008'

will return nothing because it seems to only search on the 12 then the 01 then the 2008. this search can be performed properly on dates within the same year such as;





FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE [CIFUpdateDate] between '01/01/2008' and '01/30/2008'

will return the proper values because now all the numbers are in correct order. How can i create a search that lets me perform the first query as well as the second query. I tried to convert to a float but you cant convert a varchar to a float.

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Searching Varchar Field That Contains Future Dates Error

Feb 25, 2008

I am doing a search on a column of type varchar, the columns all contain dates in the future. When i perform a query






FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE CAST([CIFExpDate] AS smalldatetime) between '12/01/2000' and '01/30/2015'

I get error:

Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.

I can use this same query on an exactly same other field that contains dates in the past. Is there some kind of limitation on the dates as far as them being in the future or past?

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Problems Converting Dates As Varchar To Datetime Data Type

Sep 11, 2007

Hi all,

I need to migrate from a DB with a column containing dates as varchar to a new DB which will have a column with the same content as the source DB but in datetime format.

I have tried to use the cast function but i always get a message saying that the conversion result in an out of range error.

Someone can help me? PLEASE


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Want To Use Parameters To Filter For Dates Between Two (parameter, User-input) Dates

Mar 2, 2006

SQL 2005 Dev

How can I do this with Parameters? I can get a single parameter to filter for a single date (or even a combo list of the dates in DB). But I want my parameters to interact so that they specify a range. Is this possible?

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Problems Moving Data Over 8000k In DB2 Varchar Column Into SQL Server Varchar(max) Using SSIS

Nov 20, 2007

I have looked far and wide and have not found anything that works to allow me to resolve this issue.

I am moving data from DB2 using the MS OLEDB Provider for DB2. The OLEDB source sees the column of data as DT_TEXT. I setup a destination to SQL Server 2005 and everything looks good until I try and run the package.

I get the error:
[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft DB2 OLE DB Provider" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: Failed to retrieve long data for column "LIST_DATA_RCVD".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: There was an error with output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (287). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: The "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "OLE DB Source" (277) returned error code 0xC0209029. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Any suggestions on how I can get the large string data in the varchar column in DB2 into the varchar(max) column in SQL Server 2005?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Calculate Sum Of Dates Minus Repetitive Dates

Jul 18, 2014

Today I have got one scenario to calculate the (sum of days difference minus(-) the dates if the same date is appearing both in assgn_dtm and complet_dtm)/* Here goes the table schema and sample data */

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[temp_tbl]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl](
[tbl_id] [bigint] NULL,
[cs_id] [int] NOT NULL,


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The Data Types Varchar And Varchar Are Incompatible In The Modulo Operator

Jan 4, 2008

I am trying to create a store procedure inside of SQL Management Studio console and I kept getting errors. Here's my store procedure.

Code Block
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sqlOutlookSearch]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@OLIssueID int = NULL,
@searchString varchar(1000) = NULL
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
IF @OLIssueID <> 11111
SELECT * FROM [OLissue], [Outlook]
WHERE [OLissue].[issueID] = @OLIssueID AND [OLissue].[issueID] = [Outlook].[issueID] AND [Outlook].[contents] LIKE + ''%'' + @searchString + ''%''
SELECT * FROM [Outlook]
WHERE [Outlook].[contents] LIKE + ''%'' + @searchString + ''%''

And the error I kept getting is:

Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sqlOutlookSearch, Line 18

The data types varchar and varchar are incompatible in the modulo operator.

Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sqlOutlookSearch, Line 21

The data types varchar and varchar are incompatible in the modulo operator.

Any help is appreciated.

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SSIS - Importing Varchar From Access Into SQL2005 As Varchar

Nov 20, 2006

For the life of me I cannot figure out why SSIS will not convert varchar data. instead of using the table to table method, I wrote a SQL query so that I could transform the datatype ntext to varchar 512 understanding that natively MS is going towards all Unicode applications.

The source fields from Access are int, int, int and varchar(512). The same is true of the destination within SQL Server 2005. the field 'Answer' is the varchar field in question....

I get the following error

Validating (Error)


Error 0xc02020f6: Data Flow Task: Column "Answer" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004706b: Data Flow Task: "component "Destination - Query" (28)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004700c: Data Flow Task: One or more component failed validation.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0024107: Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

DTS used to be a very strong tool but a simple import such as this is causing me extreme grief and wondering of SQL2005 is ready for primetime. FYI SP1 is installed. I am running this from a workstation and not on the server if that makes a difference...

Any help would be appreciated.

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Putting A One To Many Relationship On One Row

Apr 8, 2008


I'm pretty new to SQL and I've got a bit of a sticky problem. I've looked around on the net for a solution but possibly I just don't know what I should be searching on.
I'm trying to join tables together where there is a one to many releationship - but I'm trying to put the results for each relationship on one row (which kind of results in dynamic columns).

table one:


table two:

Number Code
1111 15
2222 18
2222 13
3333 22
2222 26

I want the resulting table to look like:

Number Code1 Code2 Code3
1111 15
2222 18 13 26
3333 22

Is this possible? There is no limit on how many rows in table 2 can be related to table 1.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for what I should be looking at?

The reason I'm trying this is for SQL reporting services if that makes a difference?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Insert Into Table Dates In Between Two Dates

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table that has hotel guests and their start stay date and end stay date, i would like to insert into a new table the original information + add all days in between.

CREATE TABLE hotel_guests
[guest_name] [varchar](25) NULL,
[start_date] [date] NULL,
[end_date] [date] NULL,
[comment] [varchar](255) NULL


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How To Test Before Putting In Production

Jul 17, 2006

Hi all,
I have a asp .net 1.1 application running on the intranet which uses SQL Server 2000.
The application is in production and everytime I want to do some changes, i do the changes on my
development machine then I copy the application dll on the server.
The problem is that I'm using Stored Procedures for all my Select, Insert and Delete statements.
These stored procedures are live on the server so I can't do the modifications locally and test them then copy to the server.

How can I do modifications without affecting the production server and the users ???

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Putting SQL SELECT Sum() Into A Variable

Jan 18, 2008

I just want to get the sum of a table's column into a variable, in a stored procedure. The best I can do is
SET @TotalBalance = SELECT SUM(Balance) FROM AccountDetails
Not good enough, of course.

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Putting Date Into SQL Server

Feb 2, 2006

I'm trying to put a date into a SQL Server table.  The database field type is "smalldatetime".  The variable dDate is type "date" and contains: 2/2/2006 (although I think Cdate actually converts it to: #2/2/2006#).  When I run the following code the date in the database is always ends up being: 1/1/1900.
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO MyTable(MyDate) " & _                                 "VALUES (" & dDate & ")", SqlConn)daAppts.InsertCommand = cmddaAppts.InsertCommand.Connection = SqlConndaAppts.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Any other field types work fine, it's just dates that aren't working ????  Can someone please provide a code snippet showing me what I'm doing wrong??

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Putting These Results Toghether

Nov 27, 2002

The two queries:

set dateformat 'dmy'
select count(c.id), e.name
from call c left outer join employee e
on c.req_id = e.id
where c.posted between '01/01/2002' and '30/11/2002'
group by e.name
order by count(c.id) desc

set dateformat 'dmy'
select count(ch.id), e.name
from call_hist ch left outer join employee e
on ch.req_id = e.id
where ch.posted between '01/01/2002' and '30/11/2002'
group by e.name
order by count(ch.id) desc

the results:

34Dirk Deloof
13Annick Leirman
11Ronny Loosen
9Geert Benoot
9Nicole Ferrari
8Mosselmans Christoph
7Geert Pets
7Mireille Dutrieue
6Laurent De Schrijver
5Jeanette De SChrijve
5Marc De Vlieger
5Pascal Saesen
5Rik Haghebaert
5Sonja Van Kerckhove
4Luc Willems
3Brigit Brocken
3Francine Kopp
3Luc Steyaert
3Marie-Rose Buysse
3Marnix Van Steirtege
3Mattias Denys
3Pieter Frooninckx
3Rik De Scheemaecker
3Thierry Linard
2Carlos Van Alboom
2Dorine Sierens
2Els Poelman
2Jean Claude Vermeir
2Katrien Colman
2Kim Impens
2Kris Lejeune
2Roger De Wilde
1Agnes Lebon
1Carla Van Den Broeck
1Eric Vlaeminck


58Marie-Rose Buysse
47Dirk Deloof
45Ronny Loosen
43Annick Leirman
41Geert Pets
38Pascal Saesen
28Teamleiders afwerkin
24Kim Impens
22Ilse Soetens
22Rik Haghebaert
22Severine Balduck
21Teamleiders print
20Mosselmans Christoph
20Jeanette De SChrijve
19Geert Benoot
19Francine Kopp
18Geert Meuleman
17Rik De Scheemaecker
16Katrien Colman
15Gaby Eloot
14Kris Lejeune
14Gilbert Callebaut
14Laurent De Schrijver
13Els Poelman
13Luc Steyaert
11Marnix Van Steirtege
10Frans Hoogewijs
10Sonja Van Kerckhove
10Dorine Sierens
9Eric Vlaeminck
9Thierry Linard
7Frederic Denis
7Michel Poppe
6Carla Van Den Broeck
6Pieter Frooninckx
5Katlijn Poleyn
5Mireille Dutrieue
5Agnes Lebon
4Guido Antoin
4Jeanette Van Brussel
3Roger De Wilde
3Sofie Gabriels
3Marc De Vlieger
2Luc Willems
2Regina Decoster
2Monique Kohl
2Pierre Hanet
2Isabelle Torrelle
2Nicole Ferrari
1Robert Zwaak
1Carlos Van Alboom
1Brigit Brocken

How do I put these results in one? I need not two but one Query.
Please help me. Thanks

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Putting A Cursor Into A Fuction

Oct 18, 2007

Hi, I am trying to incorporate a cursor into a table function so that i can use the function to insert values inot a table. Everytime i add the INSERT INTO @MyTable syntax then the cursor seems to start an endless loop.

Does anyone have any ideas for me?

Code Block
ALTER PROC csp_ICASTransaction_AskDoc
@ClientID INT
SET @ClientID = 1
DECLARE @cOccurance INT
SET @AskDoc = Cursor FOR
select @ClientID, Month_Year, SUM(AskDocs)
FROM zzenrolled$
WHERE ICASClientID = @ClientID
GROUP BY Month_Year
OPEN @AskDoc
INTO @cClientID, @cMonth, @cOccurance
SELECT @@Cursor_Rows
PRINT @cClientID
PRINT @cMonth
PRINT @cOccurance
DECLARE @MyTable TABLE (ClientID INT, Date DATETIME, Occurance INT)
WHILE (@@FETCH_Status = 0)
SET @Counter = 0
VALUES (@cClientID, CASE @cMonth
WHEN 'Jan-03' THEN '20030101'
WHEN 'Feb-03' THEN '20030201'
WHEN 'Mar-03' THEN '20030301'
WHEN 'Apr-03' THEN '20030401'
WHEN 'May-03' THEN '20030501'
WHEN 'Jun-03' THEN '20030601'
WHEN 'Jul-03' THEN '20030701'
WHEN 'Aug-03' THEN '20030801'
WHEN 'Sep-03' THEN '20030901'
WHEN 'Oct-03' THEN '20031001'
WHEN 'Nov-03' THEN '20031101'
WHEN 'Dec-03' THEN '20031201'
WHEN 'Jan-04' THEN '20040101'
WHEN 'Feb-04' THEN '20040201'
WHEN 'Mar-04' THEN '20040301'
WHEN 'Apr-04' THEN '20040401'
WHEN 'May-04' THEN '20040501'
WHEN 'Jun-04' THEN '20040601'
WHEN 'Jul-04' THEN '20040701'
WHEN 'Aug-04' THEN '20040801'
WHEN 'Sep-04' THEN '20040901'
WHEN 'Oct-04' THEN '20041001'
WHEN 'Nov-04' THEN '20041101'
WHEN 'Dec-04' THEN '20041201'
WHEN 'Jan-05' THEN '20050101'
WHEN 'Feb-05' THEN '20050201'
WHEN 'Mar-05' THEN '20050301'
WHEN 'Apr-05' THEN '20050401'
WHEN 'May-05' THEN '20050501'
WHEN 'Jun-05' THEN '20050601'
WHEN 'Jul-05' THEN '20050701'
WHEN 'Aug-05' THEN '20050801'
WHEN 'Sep-05' THEN '20050901'
WHEN 'Oct-05' THEN '20051001'
WHEN 'Nov-05' THEN '20051101'
WHEN 'Dec-05' THEN '20051201'
WHEN 'Jan-06' THEN '20060101'
WHEN 'Feb-06' THEN '20060201'
WHEN 'Mar-06' THEN '20060301'
WHEN 'Apr-06' THEN '20060401'
WHEN 'May-06' THEN '20060501'
WHEN 'Jun-06' THEN '20060601'
WHEN 'Jul-06' THEN '20060701'
WHEN 'Aug-06' THEN '20060801'
WHEN 'Sep-06' THEN '20060901'
WHEN 'Oct-06' THEN '20061001'
WHEN 'Nov-06' THEN '20061101'
WHEN 'Dec-06' THEN '20061201'
WHEN 'Jan-07' THEN '20070101'
WHEN 'Feb-07' THEN '20070201'
WHEN 'Mar-07' THEN '20070301'
WHEN 'Apr-07' THEN '20070401'
WHEN 'May-07' THEN '20070501'
WHEN 'Jun-07' THEN '20070601'
WHEN 'Jul-07' THEN '20070701'
WHEN 'Aug-07' THEN '20070801'
WHEN 'Sep-07' THEN '20070901'
WHEN 'Oct-07' THEN '20071001'
WHEN 'Nov-07' THEN '20071101'
WHEN 'Dec-07' THEN '20071201'
END ,'3' )

SET @Counter = @Counter + 1
IF @cOccurance > @Counter
INTO @cClientID, @cMonth, @cOccurance
--INSERT INTO [Transactional$New] (ClientID, [ Date], [ Occurance])

I want the Cursor to insert the values into the table that i commented out, but it doesn't seem to insert the values, it just loops.

Any help will be greatly appreaciated.

Kind Regards
Carel Greaves

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Putting Variables In SQL Strings

Apr 11, 2008

Atm this is my Test SQL String

"INSERT INTO tblPDFFiles (fileType, PDFcontent) SELECT 'Test' AS Expr1, BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'F:websitesTESTarchived est.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) AS BLOB"

When I try to put in a variable as follws

"INSERT INTO tblPDFFiles (fileType, PDFcontent) SELECT '" + @[User::MyFileValue] + "' AS Expr1, BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'F:websitesTestarchived est.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) AS BLOB"

I keep getting errors Saying it contains an illegal escape sequence of w any ideas ?

Btw the above is used as an expression

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Datatype Question Varchar(max), Varchar(250), Or Char(250)

Oct 18, 2007

I have a table that contains a lot of demographic information. The data is usually small (<20 chars) but ocassionally needs to handle large values (250 chars). Right now its set up for varchar(max) and I don't think I want to do this.

How does varchar(max) store info differently from varchar(250)? Either way doesn't it have to hold the container information? So the word "Crackers" have 8 characters to it and information sayings its 8 characters long in both cases. This meaning its taking up same amount of space?

Also my concern will be running queries off of it, does a varchar(max) choke up queries because the fields cannot be properly analyzed? Is varchar(250) any better?

Should I just go with char(250) and watch my db size explode?

Usually the data that is 250 characters contain a lot of blank space that is removed using a SPROC so its not usually 250 characters for long.

Any insight to this would be appreciated.

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Putting The Like Keyword In My Select Statement

Jan 23, 2008

I have the following sql string in my asp.net, its meant to retreive a value based on a text box value being "like" a value from my database, however when i place a word in the textbox nothing happens, can someone please  take a look at the statement and see if its well formed,
String sql = "SELECT fName FROM Customers WHERE fName LIKE " + "'" + fName.Text + "/%' OR PostCode= " + "'" + Postcode.Text + "'";

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Putting Breakpoint For Stored Procedures

Mar 31, 2008

Hi All,
How we breakpoint to the vb.net code to analyse the code. Is it possible to put breakpoint to stored proceudres so that analysis can be done.

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Putting @Parameters In Stored Procedures

Nov 18, 2005

I am creating a stored Procedure and I am getting an error which relates to DATENAME.
WHERE (COMMERCIALS='1') AND (CALLSTARTTIME >= @StartDate) AND (CALLENDTIME <=@EndDatesql doesn't like: DATENAME( @varDate, CallStartTime)sql works fine if I change @varDate into 'yy', 'mm', 'dd', or 'wk'Since I do not want to make 5 unique Stored Proc just because of @varDate.....Is there any way to work around this problem?

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Putting Encypted Values In A Database

Jan 10, 2006

hi  guys,
Could any one tell me whats the best way to put encypted data into a table.i have a textfield that a single integer is entered into it. It is then encrypted using DES encrption algorithim.It converts the value to byte(Convert2ByteArray method) I pass the data to a stored procedure which converts it to char before inserting it into the table. when i checked the database all it entered was System.Byte[]. Does anyone know where im goin wrong?

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Putting Query Results In A File

Sep 23, 1999


In 6.5 you could run a query and then make a flat file with whatever format
you wanted.

I cannot find that option in 7.0. Can someone please tell me where it is????

Dianne Watson

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Putting A Stored Proc To Sleep.

Jun 2, 2004

is there a way to pause a stored proc for x amount of time and then continue. I rather not go through a loop x number of times if I had to.


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Putting Images In An Unpopulated Table.

Sep 1, 2005

Here's what I've got.

We have a table that needs to be populated with a Foreign Key and an image file that matches it. The image file is named the the person's SSN which matches the FK.

Is there a way I can use the name of the file (123456789.jpg) to import it into the database or is there a better way?

View 1 Replies View Related

Putting CSS And Web Settings In The DataBase Expensive?

Sep 20, 2006

I had an idea to put all my web design settings, css text and web content in the database..This way it would be easy for others to edit remotely. Do you guys think this would have an impact on performance if I do this?

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Bcp Putting Extra Line At The End Of The File.

Apr 3, 2008


I have a bcp that create an extra line at the end of the file--how do u fix--

bcp "select upload_data FROM %DRI_DB%.dbo.chf_upld_wkstn" queryout %DATA_DIR%test.txt -S %DRI_SERVER% -U %DRI_USERID% -P %DRI_PW% -c


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Pivot Transform Not Putting All Values On Same Row

Feb 28, 2007

I have a pivot transform that it believe is configured correctly but is not distributing the values accross the columns on the same row. for example.


id seqno codevalue

1 A red

1 B red

2 C blue

2 A green

2 B violet

3 A green

desired output:

id Seq_A Seq_B Seq_C

1 red red null

2 green violet blue

3 green null null

what I am getting:

id Seq_A Seq_B Seq_C

1 red null null

1 null red null

2 green null null

2 null violet null

2 null null blue

3 green null null

I do have the pivot usage for the id column set to 1. I have the pivot usage for seqno column set to 2 and codevalue column set to 3. I have the source column for each of the output columns set to the lineageID of the apprpriate input columns. I have the pivotKey values set for each of the destination columns. A for column Seq_A, B for column Seq_B, C for column Seq_C. All four columns have sortkey positions set; 1 for id, 2 for Seq_A, 3 for Seq_B and 4 for column SEQ_C.

It seems like the id column's pivot usage is not set to 1 like it should but when I check it is 1.

I also have several other pivot transforms in the same data flow and they are working as expected.

I have a suspicion that there is some hidden meta data that is messed up that is over-ridding my settings (just my guess) I have deleted this transform and re-done it several times, checking each configuration value, but still getting the same result.

Need some help or thoughts on making this work.


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Putting Dbo Explicitly In Select Staetement

Nov 1, 2006

I have witten a lot of stored procedures in my project where I did not put dbo before the user tables.My colleague told me that I have to put dbo for all statements other there could be a problem.

Any thought?,

Please assist.

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Putting The Date And Time In A Log Filename

Mar 11, 2008

Here's what I want:
I have a DTSX package run as a SQL Server agent job, that each time it runs I want it to create a new log file with the date & time in the filename.
e.g. MyJobLog.20080311_103613.txt

I have implemented this using the SSIS log provider for Text Files, and defining the Connection String as an expression as follows:-

Code Snippet"MyJobLog." + (DT_STR,4,1252)YEAR( DATEADD( "dd", -1, getdate() )) +RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) MONTH( GETDATE() ), 2) +RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) DAY( GETDATE() ), 2)+ "_" +RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) datepart("hh", GETDATE() ) , 2)+RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) datepart("mi", GETDATE() ) , 2)+RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) datepart("ss", GETDATE() ) , 2)+".txt"

Here's the problem:-
When the job runs, each time it tries to write to the log file it re-evaluates the filename, and as the seconds pass by the name changes! So instead of one file I end up with several:-

So the one execution of the job is now divided across three files! This is not what want!

Here's one way I fixed it:-
One of my Jobs is run from an MS-DOS batch file, so I was able to pass the constructed date/time sting into the DTSX file as a parameter. This works perfectly.

Here's my problem:-
Three more of my jobs are run as scheduled job from SQL Server Agent, so I can't pass in the date/time as a parameter each time (unless you know otherwise). And the clients' security policy won't allow the job to call an MS-DOS batch file which runs the DTSX package.
Or is there really some other way to stop the Log filename from re-evaluating on every write?

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Putting User Accounts On The Database

Feb 18, 2006

hii all;

My question is from 2 sections:

1- Is it secure to put user accounts (userName and password ...) on the database?

2- How can I set username and password for SQL server 2005 express file?


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Dataset Not Putting Text In Right Place..is There A Better Control?

Jun 4, 2008

The dataset2 control doesn't seem to want to place the text in the right spot. I put it right after the 1st Dataset and the user comments wound up all the way down in the footer of the site. I want them to appear in the white area just underneath the article text.
Here's a link to one of my articles so you can see this. 
Down at the bottom left corner you'll see white space below the article. I'd like to have all the comments lined up going down the page. Is the dataset the best control for this task?

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Putting The Master Database In Single User

Nov 18, 2002

How do you put the master database in single user mode if you want to restore it. the options in the permissions are greyed out? Thanks

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