Putting Zero At Front Of A Single Digit Variable?

Sep 28, 2014

I am retrieving the current month and setting a variable accordingly.

DECLARE @currMonthNum INT

My challenge is that at a later point I want to use the @currMonthNum value to 'build' a date in the style yyyymmdd and the variable is only one digit for the months January to September (e.g.: 1 to 9). For the months January to September I need to pad the variable with an extra zero (e.g.: 01 to 09).

Here is my attempt to do this...!

IF @currMonthNum IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
SET @currMonthNum = '0' + CAST(@currMonthNum AS nvarchar)

Unfortunately this does not give the desired result of two digits, however ironically if I add a + '0' to the end I get 10 to 90! It is like the 0 at the front is simply being ignored.

I have also tried setting the @currMonthNum variable to an nvarchar type before performing the character addition as well attempting to use the CONCAT command (however I don't think that CONCAT can be used when setting a variable).

how to display a zero in front of the months that require it?

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Variable To Hold Two Digit Month In A Expression

Mar 27, 2007

I'm using a file Task to rename files to include a Month and Year in the FIle. Part of the requirement in the file name is a two digit month. I have the following query built which will return a two digit month regardless if it's a one or two digit month.


This works perfect when running in T-SQL, but when attempting to define a variable in the expression

REPLACE(STR(MONTH(DATEADD("Month", -1,GETDATE())), 2), ' ', '0') expression keeps failing the evaluation?

Anyone run into a simliar issue or have a suggested work around?

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Putting The Master Database In Single User

Nov 18, 2002

How do you put the master database in single user mode if you want to restore it. the options in the permissions are greyed out? Thanks

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Putting Multiple Xml Files Data Into Database In A Single Transaction

Sep 27, 2006

First of all i do not know whether this is the right form to ask the question Let me describe the scenario iam using Iam generating xml files at a particular place and sending them to a server  xml1|--------------------->dataset1------------------------------>adapter1.update(dataset1)xml2|----------------------->dataset2----------------------------->adapter2.update(dataset2)xml3|----------------------->dataset3------------------------------>adapter3.update(dataset3) all the three updates should happen in only one transaction if any one of the update fails then the transaction should rollbackcan anyone tell me a way to do iti am desperately in search of any ways to do it can anybody help please   

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Putting SQL SELECT Sum() Into A Variable

Jan 18, 2008

I just want to get the sum of a table's column into a variable, in a stored procedure. The best I can do is
SET @TotalBalance = SELECT SUM(Balance) FROM AccountDetails
Not good enough, of course.

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Need 2 Digit Month Returned; Not 1 Digit

Sep 5, 2001

How can I return a 2 digit month into a variable for the months Jan thru September

SELECT DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) ---> returns 9 for September.. I need 09 returned in order to properly build my target file name...


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Select Several Values Into A Single Variable

May 11, 2006

Can somebody please tell me whether the following syntax is supportedor whether it's a "feature" that will someday stop working. It works inboth SQL Server 2000 and 2005 at the moment.declare @var varchar(1000)set @var = ''select @var = @var + colx from some_table where col1 = some_valuecolx is a varchar or at least is cast to one as part of the selectstatement. If the where clause would normally return more than one row,all returned values for colx are concatenated into @var.I've not seen this syntax before but that doesn't make it wrong ;-)Malc.

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How To Enclose Variable In Single Quotes In SP

Oct 9, 2015

Here is what I would like to execute

WHERE id =1 AND caldate >='10/1/2015' AND caldate <='10/31/2015'
and I don't know how to write this in SP
@id int,

[Code] ...

Is this a correct way to enclose a variable in single quotes?

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HOw Can Use Single Quotes With Variable In Select Caluse

Aug 18, 2007

define @strName as varchar(50) NULL

set @strName=(SELECT strname from Table)

SELECT '+ @strName +' from Table

It does not work

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UPDATE A Variable To Different Categories By A Single Step?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am trying to update variable 'Type' (which is a pre-defined variablewithout any value in it). Is there a way to combine Step1 to Step3 intoone single Update? I tried the query at the bottom but it didn't work.Thanks a lot!--STEP1:Update TABLE1set type = casewhen name like '%Airline%' then 'Airlines'else 'Others'end--STEP2:update TABLE1set type = casewhen name like '%Brokerage%' then 'Brokerage'else 'Others'endwhere type = 'Others'--STEP3:update TABLE1set type = casewhen name like '%card%' then 'Credit Card'else 'Others'endwhere type = 'Others'--Failed query:Update TABLE1set type = casewhen name like '%Airline%' then 'Airlines'else when name like '%Brokerage%' then 'Brokerage'else when name like '%card%' then 'Credit Card'else 'Others'end

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Sep 29, 2006

Hi !

I have one Excel source with ... say 2 columns, I have an SQL Server destination with 3 columns.

I want the third column to be populated with a single value stored in a User::Variable.

Can someone help !


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Read Single Piece Of Data From SqlDataSource To A Variable?

Jan 17, 2006

First I want to say thanks to the folks how have helped me over the past week or two.
I'm missing a crucial piece of insight. How do I read a single piece of data from a SqlDataSource which only hold one row of data into a declared variable?
string zUserName = SqlDataSource.(get the value in the row that is labeled UserName)
It really doesn't matter to me whether it is an SqlDataSource or some other data container that hold the data I've selected. My goal is to be able to read some data from some predefined datasource into a declared variable.
If I am approaching this problem in the wrong way any advice or article links you could give me would be grealy appreciate.
Thanks, Bill

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Inserting Multiple Records From A Single Variable?

Apr 24, 2014

I have two tables. Table 1 has column "job", table 2 has column "job" and column "item". In table table 2 there are multiple "items" for each "job"

I would like to insert all of the "items" into table 1, based on a join table1.job = table2.job

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Error Single Quote Stored In Variable

Sep 2, 2014

I'm trying to create a Character string so that I can execute dynamic SQL.

The date is going to change.

DECLARE @PreSelect CHAR (1)
DECLARE @CurrentDate Date
SET @PreSelect = '''
SELECT @Preselect AS PreSelect

If I try this statement which what I really want. I would like to include the Quote with the Select.:


I get the following error:

Invalid object name 'RDB_DWH_ASSOCIATE_ENTITY'.

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Integration Services :: Single-row Result From Querying Binding With Variable

Jul 20, 2007

I set up a connection to mysql using ADO.NET's ODBC Data Provider. And I'm running a simple query to return one table's maximum ID(int32 unsigned).But when I bind the result to a variable and excute task. It gives out error message: "An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "MaxAuditLogID": "Result binding by name "MaxID" is not supported for this connection type. " I tried to change the type of variable around but with no luck.  

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SQL Server 2012 :: Assigning Multiple Rows To A Single Variable Parameter

Nov 27, 2014

The following works in query if I specify one student (PlanDetailUID) when running query. If I try to specify multiple students (PlanDetailUID) when running query, I get variable cannot take multiple entries. I assume I would need to replace (variables) in PART 2 with (case statements / using select everywhere) to get around the issue or is there a better way ?

[TransDate] [datetime] NULL,
[Description] [varchar](1000) NULL,
[Amount] [float] NULL,
[TotalDueNow] [float] NULL,


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In SSIS Execute SQL Task, Single-row Result From Querying Mysql Binding With A Variable

Jul 20, 2007

I set up a connection to mysql using ADO.NET's ODBC Data Provider. And I'm running a simple query to return one table's maximum ID(int32 unsigned). There is no problem to achieve that.

But when I bind the result to a variable and excute task. It gives out error message: "An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "MaxAuditLogID": "Result binding by name "MaxID" is not supported for this connection type. "

I tried to change the type of variable around but with no luck.

Could anyone help with this issue? Thanks!

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Set A Variable To Datetime And Time To Exact Milliseconds In SQL Server In Stored Procedure AS A Single String

Nov 1, 2007

I need to set a variable to datetime and time to exact milliseconds in SQL server in stored procedure.
set  MyUniqueNumber = 20071101190708733
ie. MyUniqueNumber contains yyyymmddhhminsecms
Please help, i tried  the following:
1. SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; ////// shows up with - & : , I want single string as in above example.2.
select cast(datepart(YYYY,getdate()) as varchar(4))+cast(datepart(mm,getdate()) as char(2))+convert(varchar(2),datepart(dd,getdate()),101 )+cast(datepart(hh,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(mi,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(ss,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(ms,getdate()) as char(4))
This one doesnot display day correctly, it should show 01 but shows 1

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6 Digit Number Only

Apr 10, 2008


I am trying to figure out and hope u guys help me.

I need a only 6 digit ID only eg

55 = 000055
405 = 000405
5544 = 005544

How i can do it in SQL server and which formula/datatype i must use?

Deaf can Do anything, except hear

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Erasing Digit

Feb 18, 2007

Hello. I have a column in my database which is holding phone number. The problem is that although I gave the number starting with zero but it will erase it automatically. So can you help me to solve this problem? Thank you

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Splitting 9 Digit Zip Codes

Jul 6, 2004

hey all
i am stuck with this little problem
I have a table with people's names and addresses and i have one column for the zip codes. sometimes it includes 5 digit zip codes like '70820' and some times it includes all nine digits like '70820-4565'

is there anyway to move the last 4 digits of the long zip codes into a new column? and remove the dash?


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Build ID W/Incrementing Digit

Jul 23, 2005

Help, I'm stuck! I have a Customer table:ID Name-- ---------------------1234 Christopher's Surf Boards4321 Christina's NailsI have to build a Account table:ID GPID-- --------------------1234 CHRIST004321 CHRIST01I've built a function that gives me the six alphas and concatenates thetwo digits. The GPID in the account table is the first six alphas ofthe company name plus two digits to ensure uniqueness. (Don't ask why Ican't use the existing id -- the story is long and boring.) I built afunction that creates the alpha part and assigns the first 00. I builta second function that I thought would check the Account table as I wasinserting and increment the numbers if the account number alreadyexisted. It doesn't work. In the above table, both IDs come out asCHRIST00. Here's the second function:ALTER FUNCTION fnValidateID(@mString varchar(15))RETURNS varchar(15)ASBEGINDECLARE@sTemp varchar(15),@sInc varchar(2),@iInc intBEGINset @sTemp = @mStringwhile exists (select GPID from dbo.tempID where GPID = @sTemp)beginset @iInc = convert(int,right(@mString,2)) + 1set @sInc = convert(varchar(2),@iInc)if len(@sInc) < 2 set @sInc = '0' + @sIncset @sTemp = substring(@sTemp,1,len(@sTemp) - 2) + @sIncend--NEXTENDRETURN @sTempENDMy first guess is that the code is okay, so far as it goes, but that Ican't check the values in the table at the same time I'm inserting intoit. (The Account table is empty, initially.) In any case, I can'tfigure out where I've gone wrong.Thanks.

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Check Digit Calculation

Nov 20, 2007

I'm needing help with the following check digit calculation.

I have a Table with the following columns

Newscan nchar(31)
checkdigit nchar (10)

Newscan ex value 012345670 600888081 307051111

I need to multiply each character by the following sequence starting on the left alternating the multiplyer skipping spaces

if the multiplyed number is greater than 9 I need to add the two digits together. Ex 2X9 = 18 for a saved value of 9

I then need to add the entire string together
divide that by 10 and take the right most character and subtract that from 10 to end up with a check digit number that I want to store in the column checkdigit.

I have a case statement that converts the alpha chars in the string to the correct numeric values but I'm lost after that on how to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance for any help or direction.

I tried to look at the bank routing check digit function but couldn't get to the code of it.


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Retrieving A 2 Digit Month

Nov 19, 2007

I am sure this will be an easy one for you pros, but I am having a case of the Mondays. I am trying to retrieve a date in the format 2007.01.01. In trying to do this I either end up with 1 or null when trying to create the 01 part. Below is some test code for the month portion.

SET @tst = DATEPART(Month, '1/1/2008')
SET @tst1 = '00'
--SET @tst = right(@tst1 + @tst, 2)
Select @tst, @tst1, @tst1 + @tst, right(@tst +tst, 2)

Result Set:

1 00 001 [blank]

What am I doing wrong here?


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Calculate Check Digit On Subset Of Ids

Jul 17, 2006

how do i calculate all the checkdigits for a subset of ids and return all the ids and checkdigits? basic calculation isn't the problem, just how to select the ids and utilize the ids in the calc. I am new to trying to do calculations on data.

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Need Help With GROUP BY And COUNT On 9 Digit Zipcode

Sep 3, 2007

I have a table with a column 'zipcode' that contains a 9 digit zipcode. I am am trying to figure out how I can create a query that returns the count of the most popular zipcodes based only on the first 5 digits.

This is what I have


SELECT Customers.Zipcode, Count(Customers.Zipcode) AS CountOfZipcode
FROM Customers
GROUP BY Customers.Zipcode
ORDER BY Count(Customers.Zipcode) DESC;

which does what I want it to do except it uses the whole 9 digits.

Any help would be appreciated

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Convert 1084313300 (Ten Digit) Value To Datetime

Jul 23, 2005

I have a field in a table that contains ten digit value representing a datetime. Is there any way to convert it to default datetime formatThanks--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com

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ISO 6346 Check Digit Calculation In T-SQL

Jul 23, 2005

create function dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(@char char)returns intasbeginreturncase upper(@char)when '0' then 0when '1' then 1when '2' then 2when '3' then 3when '4' then 4when '5' then 5when '6' then 6when '7' then 7when '8' then 8when '9' then 9when 'A' then 10when 'B' then 12when 'C' then 13when 'D' then 14when 'E' then 15when 'F' then 16when 'G' then 17when 'H' then 18when 'I' then 19when 'J' then 20when 'K' then 21when 'L' then 23when 'M' then 24when 'N' then 25when 'O' then 26when 'P' then 27when 'Q' then 28when 'R' then 29when 'S' then 30when 'T' then 31when 'U' then 32when 'V' then 34when 'W' then 35when 'X' then 36when 'Y' then 37when 'Z' then 38endendcreate function dbo.iso6346_check_digit(@string char(10))returns charasbeginreturn (dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,1,1) )*1+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,2,1) )*2+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,3,1) )*4+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,4,1) )*8+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,5,1) )*16+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,6,1) )*32+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,7,1) )*64+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,8,1) )*128+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,9,1) )*256+dbo.iso6346_char_to_number(substring(@string,10,1 ))*512)%11end

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Datepart (to Get 2 Digit Number For The Month)

Apr 28, 2008

I want to build a string that contains today's date (without the time).

For example, if select GETDATE() returns 2008-04-28 14:18:34.180, I want to end up with either

(1) 2008-04-28
(2) 20080428. (I always want the month to be represented by a 2 digit number)

Is there a datepart parameter that will give me (1) in one shot? I don't think so, since datepart returns an integer and (1) is not in the form of an integer.

So, I was trying to build (2) by using the yyyy, mm, and dd parameters to extract out the appropriate parts and casting them to a string and contatentating them. However, when I do the month portion, (using mm) it gives me the integer that represents the month, and this number can be 1 or 2 digits depending on the month. I always want it to be a 2 digit number. For example, if I'm in Apr, I want to end up with "04", not "4". This would also apply to the day portion. (although the date that I'm writing this post is on the 28th so I'm not certain what GETDATE() will return on dates that are 1 digit.)

The only way I can get the single digit month to write out as a 2 digit month is by doing a LEN() function on the string and if it is a length 1, then concatenate a "0" in front of it. I started doing this and the expression became too crazy, so I wanted to first check to see if someone can come up with something cleaner.

Thanks for looking.

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Transact SQL :: 4 Digit Number To Add To Table

Oct 15, 2015

I am currently working on an app and have an issue with a table in the database.  The table has 10,000 records in it and a column is added that is to use a 4 digit in sequence. The datatype for the new column is varchar since no math will ever be done on the added column.  If necessary, I can change the datatype but would prefer not to.  The 4 digit would start with 0000 at ID 1 and go to 9999 at ID 10000.  I'm thinking some type of update statement since it is updating each record but how would it be done sequentially?

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How To Select Data If Length = 12 Digit

Mar 29, 2008

hi everyone,

I'm looking for statement how to select if length digit = 12. as an example,


I just want to select if the length of data = 12 digit then the answer is 123456789012

Your kindness really appreciated, I really need the answer as quickly

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How To Select Part Of Mobile Number From Digit

Sep 12, 2014

There is column mobile_number in my table

I have to replace with star(*) to the middle six character from contact number of 10 digit.

For example

The Contact number is 9334459875

I have to display it as follows

93******75 first two digit and last two only.

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How To Generate Random UNIQUE 13 Digit Number?

Aug 22, 2007


I have a sql procedure. I need to create UNIQUE random 13 digit number to use for barcode.

How do I generate 13 digit UNIQUE random in sql procedure?

Advance thanks

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