Q936971 / Modal Dialog Bug / Where To Download Fix?

Oct 18, 2007

I can't download this fix due to a block on FTM downloads and it is driving me round the bend.

Does anyone know where it is possible to get hold of the fix?

Was this included in SP1 (vs.net)?

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Modal Dialog Is Active Error

Mar 5, 2008

has anyone encountered the "microsoft visual studio cannot shut down because a modal dialog is active. close the active dialog and try again." error when shutting down.

i have been getting that every once and awhile, and do not see any open dialog windows that need to be closed, and i end up having to end-task on my visual studio session.

does anyone know what is causing this error and how to avoid it?

thanks a bunch!


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How To Persist Title Of 'modal Dialog' During Postback

Oct 18, 2007


Please give me some idea to persist or set title of modal dialog during postback.

The title of modal dialog is going lost whenever postback happen on modal dialog.

document.title is not working after postback.

Sandeep, India

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Microsoft Visual Studio Cannot Shut Down Because A Modal Dialog Is Active

Nov 17, 2006

if i get this message one more time I am going to put my fist through my monitor

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Microsoft Visual Studio Cannot Shut Down Because A Modal Dialog Is Active - Any Updates?

Jan 22, 2008

I installed the hotfix available at support.microsoft.com/kb/936971 and even rebooted the server, but I am still getting the error. I am working on a Windows 2003 server with SQL Server 2005 (and reporting services). I am not trying to publish any reports using SSRS. I'm just working on designs and saving them. Any help for this at this point?

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SQL Modal Problem

Aug 19, 2004

I have a form that just displays some data regarding web logs. My SQL is not too hot so i hope somebody can point me in the right direction. I have a DB table that amongst others has a server name and an execution times column. There are thousands of records each for every second within a particular week. I basically want to be able to select for each distinct server name the most popular execution time. For example if for server 'A' there are 5 records with an execution time of 0.5secs and 4 records with an execution time of 0.35secs then i want to return a record with the execution time of 0.5secs. However i want to be able to do this for every different occurrence of server name in my table. So i want to return records for server name 'B' and server name 'C' etc.

Here is the SQL i have at the moment but it only returns the most popular or most occurring execution time in the table not the most popular execution time for EVERY server name in my table. For example

Server_Name | Execution_Time
A | 0.5

SELECT DISTINCT instance, exec_time AS modal
FROM Llserverlogs
GROUP BY instance, exec_time
FROM llserverlogs
GROUP BY instance, exec_time))

Hope somebody can help and thanks in davance for the help.

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Modal Window Is Active Cannot Shut VS

Nov 26, 2007


While tryign to edit the XML for the rdl , i am stuck it will not allow me to edit and i have to kill the devenv process and open vs again.

I looked through some of the threads and tried apply KB 936971 Hot Fix and I am running into the following error.

The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch."

Did any one come across this. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated


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No Help Dialog In Vs Ssis

Mar 10, 2006

At this point in time, I can think of nothing more annoying than a button that doesn't work. Especially when that button is the HELP button.

Inside SSIS designer, say I add a "derived column tool" to the data flow task. Now if I double-click on the "derived column tool", and then click on the help button in the dialog box that appears, NO help is displayed. What gives?

I am using 64 bit editions of win2k3 and ss05.

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Cannot Show Requested Dialog

Dec 17, 2007

Hi,when i try to see the properties of database "sales" (sql server express 2005) in  Management Studio Express, i get this error message: (besides, when i try to expand the database, i get the error that it's emty)Cannot show requested dialog.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Cannot show requested dialog. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SqlMgmt)------------------------------An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)------------------------------The server principal "Myserveradmin" is not able to access the database "sales" under the current security context. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 916)But the webapplication still runs: i can insert records, update, delete ... from asp.net.Any way to recover it?ThanksTartuffe

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Blank Dialog Box When Starting SQL

May 18, 2006

When I start SQL Server Management Studio (Sql 2005), a blank dialog box pops up with nothing in it.  The title in the dialog box is "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio" and it has a yellow triangle with an explanation point in it but there is no message just an OK button.  I have to click the OK button to continue on to connect to the Sql databases.  It does this everytime I open it.  Anyone else getting this and how can I get rid of it? 

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Connect To SQL Server Dialog

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Is it possible to avoid the last used server being in Query Analyzer'Connect to SQL Server' dialog by default(when I click on File/Connectin Query Analyzer) - I don't want to apply 'truncate table' scripts toa production server by mistake!Thanks

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Dialog Security Questions

Aug 10, 2006

Hi Remus

Thank you for the email reply.

However i am still not 100% clear, dialog security with certificates when there are hundreds of remote services seems a bit complicated.

I have a few more questions.

1. you said "When sending the first message (any direction), we look up the 'best' certificate for each user"

My inititor sevice is owned by dbo, i have created certificates only for named users not dbo, how would this work?

2. I am going to try settin gup this again, but at the central service i will create a seprate user for each remote service, authorize the remote certificate for this user and use this user in the remote service binding for that remote service, is this correct or am i still doing somehting wrong?

3. How does all of this relate to the endpoint security, i ahve the same scenario, 1 pricipal id with all remote certificates authorized for it for the endpoint? I have no idea how i would have to setup different user for each remote servcie as far as the endpoint goes as there is no remote service binding to dictate which user to use ?

I will keep try and experimenting maybe i will get it right sooner or later.

Thank You

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How To Identify A Dialog As Encrypted?

Oct 3, 2006

I am trying to lookup a dialog from conversation_endpoints, however if a dialog was created with the encryption setting to ON and thereis no master Key in the database then the record put in the conversation_endpoints is the same as one without encryption.

How can I distinguish between the one requested with no ecryption and requested with encryption but setup with none due to the lack of a key?

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The Dialog Has Exceeded The Specified LIFETIME

Mar 30, 2006


I'm trying to get the HelloWorld_CLR project that comes with the SQL 2005 samples download to work, which it seems to. However, after I run the application a few times, an exception indicating "the service queue ClientQueue is disabled." After running the following query I notice the body of the error message is consistently "The dialog has exceeded the specified LIFETIME."

select service_name as [SERVICE],

message_type_name as [TYPE],

CAST(message_body as nvarchar(max)) as BODY

from ClientQueue

I believe that the problem is a poison message causing a RECEIVE statement to get rolled back 5 times, disabling the queue. My question is: How do I troublshoot the issue from this point?



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Renaming Package Dialog

May 30, 2006

I created a new SSIS solution, right-clicked the default name "Package.dtsx" (under SSIS Packages), then renamed it. A dialog appears asking "Do you want to rename the package object as well"?

What are they referring to and what are the consequences of doing/not doing so?


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Open Query File Dialog Box

Oct 7, 2007

When I load up Query Analyzer and click File -> Open to open up a query
file, the open file dialog is always sorted by - i don't know
How can I set the default to open up with files ordered alphabetically?


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Error: Dialog Has Exceeded The Specified LIFETIME.

Nov 22, 2005

Hello again!

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Whats The Difference Between A Dialog And A Conversation?

Oct 3, 2006

As above

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Dialog Security With Different Instances Of A Service

Sep 20, 2005

I am in the process of evaluating the use of Service broker for messaging in a load balanced configuration, and am not having any success.  My configuration is as follows.   1) Master database on Box #1 which is the initiator of all dialogs 2) Target database on Box #2 3) Target database on Box #3   One of my goals is that the databases on Box #2 and #3 are as close to identical as possible.   My routing table on Box #1 looks something like the following   Name remote_service_name broker_instance address TargetOne TargetService
E96DC67E-F696-4D93-8545-C2E92157E32D tcp://server1:4022/ TargetTwo TargetService
56607120-26AA-4AAA-B9E4-F14689C40E41 tcp://server2:4022/   My messaging process begins with a dialog initiated from the master database (Box #1) to each of the target services.  At this time, only the first server "tcp://server1:4022/" is receiving messages.  The sys.transmission_queue shows a message outbound to "tcp://server2:4022/" with a blank status.   I believe that my delivery problem has something to do with the resolution of the dialog certificate need for the conversation.  The MSDN documentation states that:   "Service Broker uses a remote service binding to locate the certificate to use for a new conversation...The certificate for user_name must correspond to the certificate for a user in the database that hosts the remote service."    I am confused as to how I would configure remote service binding if one can not create more than one binding for the same remote_service_name.   The following throws an exception on the last creation of the binding.

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Confusion About Dialog Security Steps.

Aug 3, 2006

Hi There

I have done the following.

2 Servers across the net work Server A and Server B.

I have created private keys at each and copied to public keys across.

I create an endpoint at each with validation by the certificates. I then create appropriate users and logins at each and import the public certificates with authorization to the users who have send permission on the endpoints.

That is transport security sorted and it works.

Now from what i have learnt from examples, to setup dialog security i do the following.

create a private key in each DB :

create certificate Store001DialogPri

with subject = 'Store001DialogPri',

start_date = '07/20/2006'

active for begin_dialog = on;


I then copy the public key to each server, create a user only in each DB and import the public keys with authorization on the user. And grant send to the appropriate servcies to the user.

I then create appropriate remote service bindings with this user.

Now this works for me. Everythign seems A OK.

However i am going thorugh the Service Broker "bible", and there are a ton of steps i am not doing but my setup works ???

Steps i am not doing for example is when i create the private keys in the DB i should authorize them to a user i create who is then gratnted CONTROL permission on the SERVICES.

Now i do not do this but everything seems to be working. I thought i finally understood dialogs security but now i am totally confused ?

Is what i am doing correct ? If so why are these all these additinal steps mentioned ? WHat am i missing ?


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Solution From Course 2541B Not Showing Dialog

Feb 21, 2008

I'm studying course 2541B (Core Data Access with MVS 2005) and doing the labs.
Unit04 (Performing disconnected operations programmatocally) should show a dialog while running the solution but instead I just get a directorylisting of the /StoreTracker/ directory.
Why does this occur and what can i do about it?

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Dialog Security And Message Encryption

Apr 25, 2006

I understand that Dialog Security + certificates can be used to encryption individual dialogs. I have several demos working now that do just this.However, I don't fully understand exactly when the messages are encrypted, and if they are ever written to a queue on the initiating service prior to being encrypted. I want to make sure that admins can't simply query the transmission queues to get clear text messages, because I have strict requirements that I encrypt all personal data that is stored anywhere in a database.
BOL is a little unclear on this topic. The relevant doc reads:For a dialog that uses security, Service Broker encrypts all
messages sent outside a SQL Server instance. Messages that remain within a SQL
Server instance are never encrypted. In dialog security, only the database that
hosts the initiating service and the database that hosts the target service need
to have access to the certificates used for security. That is, an instance that
performs message forwarding is not required to have the capability to decrypt
the messages that the instance forwards.Does this imply that message destined for an external service aren't encrypted until they leave the instance? Or does Service Broker figure out that the message is destined for a remote service and therefore applies encryption to the message_body prior to the message hitting the transmission queue on the initiating service?Many thanks, Kevin

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Failed To Open Connection Dialog

Sep 5, 2007

when i want to open sql it show me error message and when i try again with ctrl+n it works but not complite! i have both .NET2003 and 2005 in my computer under mssql2005 windows2003EP

Failed to open connection dialog.


Could not load file or assembly 'SqlMgmt, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013141A) (mscorlib)


Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013141A)



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Cannot See Local Database Template In Add New Item Dialog Box

Aug 6, 2007

Per MSDN instructions I downloaded the folliwng: .NET Framework 2.0, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Compact 3.5, and Visual Basic Expess Edition. When following the tutorial to create a database, I was never able to see the Local Database template. I am taking the programming lessons in VB, and I am up to Creating Your First Datatbase. It is a requirement that SQL Server Compact 3.5 be installed. Which I have done.

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How To Stop The Connect To Database Engine Dialog

Feb 16, 2008

I am working (or trying to work) in Management Studio. I have one database that I use on my one and only machine. ( I am not using any of the default databases.) I have several queries saved as files, which I open as needed. Every time I open a file I get that VERY ANOYING Connect to Database Engine dialog box. OK, it's no big thing. I don't use Server Authentication so all I have to do is hit enter and I get connected. But why should I even have to hit enter once after I'm already connected?




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Why Is Sys.conversation_endpoints Filling Up Even When Reusing Dialog Conversations

Aug 5, 2007

Hi! I'm wondering why is my sys.conversation_endpoints table inserting a new row for each message i send even when i reuse conversations?
when i send the first message i get the first row in the sys.conversation_endpoints with a uniqueidentifier for the conversation_handle. this uniqueidentifier is then saved in the table which i query the next time i send a message to reuse the dialog conversation.
But even though it looks like the uniqueidentifier is reused i still get a new row for every message i send with a different conversation_handle?
this happens in both target and initator db.

I've tried to understand this by i don't.

Also for the moment i don't end conversations. But as i understand it this shouldn't matter.

Also the message successfully arives to the target and sys.transmission_queue is empty in both databases.
Neither queues have any error messages in them.


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SQL Server CE Doesn't Show In Reference Dialog

Jan 29, 2007

I already have VS2005 SP1 installed and after installing :


When I create a Smart Device project and and try to add a reference to SQL Server CE only the old version (3.0.3600.0) shows up. How do I get the new one (3.1) to show up?

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Run Dts Package From External App Gives Assertion Failed Dialog Box

May 16, 2007


To quote my honorable colleague who posted some time ago in this forum "If i'd had any hair left, I'd pull it all out".

I am trying to run package from an external .NET app. The package is stored in the SQL server MSDB with protection level to 'Rely on sql server'

The package uses an environment variable for the configuration dtsconfig file.

I use manageddts to load the package from the sql server


When I launch my app from the visual studio environment (in debug mode) I get this error message window:

Assertion Failed

at STrace.ReadTraceValues()

at STrace..cctor()

at ...

at ManagedHelper.GetNextManagedInfo(DTs_M...

This message window comes several times, one after the other. I have to click ignore to continue.

When i run this program from the command line , it runs without this message.

I've already put my package load in a separate function with debuggerstepthroug, but to no avail.

<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _

Private Function LoadPkg(ByRef app As Application, ByVal PackageName As String) As Package

Return app.LoadFromSqlServer(PackageName, m_SSISServername _

, "myname", "mypassw", Nothing)

End Function

Is there anything that can be done to avoid these warnings?

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Service Broker Dialog And Transport Security

May 25, 2006

what is the difference between the Dialog security and the transport security?

If I disable the dialog security can the messages be sent to the a different SQL server instance. As the transport security will encrypt the messages.

If I don't create a certificate to be used by the transport security can the messages be sent to another SQL server instance?

Can a message be sent to another SQL Server instance without creating a REMOTE Service Binding?

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Opening A PDF Report Without The OPEN/Save Dialog

Mar 8, 2006

Is there a way to render the PDF report in the same broswer window you just called it from without the Open/Save dialog box coming up. The report is being call directly by URL parameters for PDF format

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How To Use A Dialog Retry Timer For Doing A Web Service Call

Feb 7, 2007

Hi Remus,

I just started looking into SB about a week ago, so my question is likely to be pretty lame. However, that's not going to stop me from asking it :-)

We're trying to do something similar to what you're describing here. How do you "reset" a dialog timer? Why would you need to deal with resetting timers (or with timers at all for that matter) in the event of a success? Couldn't you rewrite the logic to be as follows?

begin transaction
receive message
if message is web request
save state of request (http address, caller etc)
else if message is retry timer message
load state of request
do the web request (no transaction open)
if success
begin transaction
send back response
end conversation
set a retry timer on the dialog (say 1 minute) using BEGIN DIALOG TIMER

Also, when you set the retry timer you have to associate it with the saved request state, right? Otherwise, how will the service know which request to load on receipt of the timer message?


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Announcing A GUI Tool For Configuring Dialog Security And Routing

Apr 8, 2006


Setting up Service Broker routes, endpoints and security is just too hard. One has to run pages and pages of Transact-SQL code just to get the €˜Hello, world€™ example work between two separate SQL Instances and the chances of making a mistake are overwhelming.
Well, not anymore! I€™ve just uploaded into the Service Broker team code gallery a new GUI tool for doing just that: easily configure two services to be able to have conversations. The tool uses the €˜Service Listing€™ concept. A Service Listing is like an identity card for a service. It is an XML document that contains all the necessary information needed to establish a conversation with that service. When two parties need to establish a conversation, they can exchange the Service Listings of the two services and the tool will create the entire infrastructure needed to establish the conversation. Optionally it can also create the message types and contracts supported by a target service in the initiator service database....

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Visual Studio Configure Sync Settings Dialog

Jul 5, 2006

I saw a powerpoint slide with a Configure Sync Settings dialog in visual studio. I am unable to find this dialog in visual studio team system. Can someone tell me how to get to this Configure sync settings dialog?

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