Queries In Productions AND History Tables

Jun 18, 2004

I've got a large and growing database in SQL Server 7.0. I'd like to utilize a monthly stored procedure that will search various tables for records that are older than 3 months and copy this data out to corresponding history tables. Typically, most production queries are run only on the new data, but occasionally (like at year-end, for example), we will need to run some queries on data extending back 12 months -- that is, on data in the production tables AND in the history tables. Notwithstanding the fact that I've never done stored procedures*, I would like to know if it is possible to run a query that can search for data in both production and history tables at the same time. I know this sounds like a stupid question, but I read somewhere that doing this qould require some kind of Joining function that is complex...?


* Also, any good resources I could use for developing stored procedures?

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Insert / Update In Master Table And Also Save A History Of Changed Records : Using Data Flow/simple Sql Queries

Feb 9, 2007


My scenario:

I have a master securities table which has 7 fields. As a part of the daily process I am uploading flat files into database tables. The flat files contains the master(static) security data as well as the analytics(transaction) data. I need to

1) separate the master (static) data from the flat files,

2) check whether that data is present in the master table, if not then insert that data into the master table

3) If data present then move that existing record to an history table and then update the main master table.

All the 7 fields need to be checked to uniquely identify a single record in the master table.

How can this be done? Whether we can us a combination of data flow items or write a sql procedure to do all this.

Thanks in advance for your help.



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How Should I Name My History Tables ?

Sep 22, 2006


I want to backup an important table every week in creating some history tables.

I would like to create a Dts job or script to create every week a table with the day and month in its name. ( like : [important_table_09-07] , [important_table_09-14],... )

Any idea ?


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How Can I Create A History Of Tables?

May 31, 2006

I have to create a history of tables. Therefore I must know the previous structure of the table. I have to document the changes of the structures of the tables.
Is there a solution for the version 2000?

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History Tables: Always Subtables?

Mar 5, 2008

When creating history tables that are appended to whenever a record isupdated, should one append the corresponding child table records to theirhistory tables at the same time (so as to have a complete set for eachedit); or should one append the child tables only when those particulartables are edited? I have been doing the latter, but I thought I'd ask forothers' opinions.Thanks!Neil

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Regarding History Tables In Replication...

Feb 1, 2007


                             How frequently will the history tables get deleted in Merge Replication and Transactional Replication with updatable subscriptions??

                            When transactional replication with updatable subscriptions is running in the continuous mode, will the history tables get deleted frequently??

Parameters :

Version : SQL Server 2005 SP1

Mode : Continuous running mode

Subscription type : Pull (for transactional)



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Auto Create History Tables And Triggers

May 30, 2007

For my company, we have made it a standard to create history tables and triggers for the majority of our production tables. I recently grew tired of consistently spending the time needed to create these tables and triggers so I invested some time in creating a script that would auto generate these.

We recently launched a project which required nearly 100 history tables & triggers to be created. This would have normally taken a good day or two to complete. However, with this script it took a near 10 seconds. Here are some details about the script.

The code below creates a stored procedure that receives two input parameters (@TableName & @CreateTrigger) and performs the following actions:

1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter

2) Creates a History table ("History_" + @TableName) to mimic the original table, plus includes additional history columns.

3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table, which is used to populate the History table.

Created By: Bryan Massey
Created On: 3/11/2007
Comments: Stored proc performs the following actions:
1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter
2) Creates a History table ("History_" + @TableName) to mimic the original table, plus include
additional history columns.
3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table,
which is used to populate the History table.
******************************************* MODIFICATIONS **************************************************
MM/DD/YYYY - Modified By - Description of Changes
CREATE PROCEDURE DBO.History_Bat_AutoGenerateHistoryTableAndTrigger
@TableName VARCHAR(200),
@CreateTrigger CHAR(1) = 'Y' -- optional parameter; defaults to "Y"

DECLARE @SQLTable VARCHAR(8000), @SQLTrigger VARCHAR(8000), @FieldList VARCHAR(6000), @FirstField VARCHAR(200)

SET @CRLF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
SET @FieldList = ''
SET @SQLTable = ''

DECLARE @TableDescr VARCHAR(500), @FieldName VARCHAR(100), @DataType VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @FieldLength VARCHAR(10), @Precision VARCHAR(10), @Scale VARCHAR(10), @FieldDescr VARCHAR(500), @AllowNulls VARCHAR(1)


-- query system tables to get table schema
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(500), SP2.value) AS TableDescription,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), SC.Name) AS FieldName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), ST.Name) AS DataType,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),SC.length) AS FieldLength, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.XPrec) AS FieldPrecision,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.XScale) AS FieldScale,
CASE SC.IsNullable WHEN 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS AllowNulls
FROM SysObjects SO
INNER JOIN SysTypes ST ON SC.xtype = ST.xtype
LEFT OUTER JOIN SysProperties SP2 ON SC.ID = SP2.ID AND SP2.SmallID = 0
WHERE SO.xtype = 'u' AND SO.Name = @TableName
ORDER BY SO.[name], SC.ColOrder

OPEN CurHistoryTable

FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @TableDescr, @FieldName, @DataType,
@FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNulls


-- create list of table columns
IF LEN(@FieldList) = 0
SET @FieldList = @FieldName
SET @FirstField = @FieldName
SET @FieldList = @FieldList + ', ' + @FieldName

IF LEN(@SQLTable) = 0
SET @SQLTable = 'CREATE TABLE [DBO].[History_' + @TableName + '] (' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[History' + @FieldName + '] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF

SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[' + @FieldName + '] ' + '[' + @DataType + ']'

SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @FieldLength + ')'
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @Precision + ', ' + @Scale + ')'

IF @AllowNulls = 'Y'
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NULL'
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NOT NULL'

SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ',' + @CRLF

FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @TableDescr, @FieldName, @DataType,
@FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNulls

CLOSE CurHistoryTable
DEALLOCATE CurHistoryTable

-- finish history table script with standard history columns
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedOn] [DATETIME] NULL,' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedByUserID] [SMALLINT] NULL,' + @CRLF

SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedByUserName] [VARCHAR](30) NULL,' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryAction] [CHAR](1) NOT NULL' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' )'


-- execute sql script to create history table

IF @@ERROR <> 0
PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TABLE FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************'

IF @CreateTrigger = 'Y'
-- create history trigger
SET @SQLTrigger = '/************************************************************************************************************' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created By: ' + SUSER_SNAME() + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created On: ' + @Date + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Comments: Auto generated trigger' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + '***********************************************************************************************/' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'CREATE TRIGGER [Trigger_' + @TableName + '_UpdateDelete] ON DBO.' + @TableName + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'FOR UPDATE, DELETE' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AS' + @CRLF + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'DECLARE @Action CHAR(1)' + @CRLF + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'IF EXISTS (SELECT ' + @FirstField + ' FROM Inserted)' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET @Action = ''U''' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'ELSE' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET @Action = ''D''' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'INSERT INTO History_' + @TableName + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '(' + @FieldList + ', HistoryCreatedOn, HistoryCreatedByUserName, HistoryAction)' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'SELECT ' + @FieldList + ', GETDATE(), SUSER_SNAME(), @Action' + @CRLF
SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'FROM DELETED'

--PRINT @SQLTrigger

-- execute sql script to create update/delete trigger

IF @@ERROR <> 0
PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TRIGGER FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************'


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Saving Tables That Are Generated By Queries As HTML File Or Sub-tables

Oct 17, 2006

I have a trade data tables (about 10) and I need to retrieve information based on input parameters. Each table has about 3-4 million rows.

The table has columns like Commodity, Unit, Quantity, Value, Month, Country

A typical query I use to select data is "Select top 10 commodity , sum(value), sum(quantity) , column4, column5, column6 from table where month=xx and country=xxxx"

The column4 = (column2)/(total sum of value) and column 5=(column3)/(total sum of quantity). Column6=column5/column4.

It takes about 3-4 minutes for the query to complete and its a lot of time specially since I need to pull this information from a webpage.

I wanted to know if there is an alternate way to pull the data from server ?

I mean can I write a script that creates tables for all the input combinations i.e month x country (12x228) and save them in table (subtable-table) with a naming convention so from the web I can just pull the table with input parameters mapped to name convention and not running any runtime queries on database ??


Can I write a script that creates a html files for each table for all input combinations save them ?


Is there exists any other solution ?

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Cannot Access Any Tables In Queries

Nov 7, 2007

I am using SQL2005 (Installed on VISTA). It was running smoothly until today....for some reason I cannot access any tables in queries that I try to run in Management Studio. I can open the tables and see the information, but all queries I try to run result in the following error:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid object name 'DBO.BEYLEVEL16'.

I tried to run simple select queries on other tables but I get the same error message. Do not understand, eveything was working fine yesterday.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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Lost Tables And Queries

Aug 14, 2007

I appologise if this is dumb to anyone but I need a lot of help. I had a large program with over 50 tables and over 100 queries written in access. I upsized to SQL into a server windows 2003. Everything was cool and I made all corrections such that the program was working fine. The program resided in a D: accessory drive which was going bad. I copied my program to a different drive and replaced the D drive and returned my program to the new drive. I amde sure all shares and securities were the same. Lo and Behold My program now is missing all the queries and tables and when I run it it says it is disconnected. What happened to my tables I am currentely sobbing right now.

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Create Tables From Sql Queries In A .txt File

Apr 22, 2008


I am new to SSIS. I have a scenario:

I am creating a database using 'Execute SQL Task'. Then i have to create few tables in that database. where,I have my create table SQL queries for 5 tables in a .txt file.

How to approach this task...

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Queries On Recursive Self Join Tables

Oct 24, 2007

Good morning!
Or good "whatever daytime you read this"!

SQL Server 2005 has this nice new feature Common table expression or CTE, which allows quite easy to define a "drill down" in recursive self join tables.

By recursive self join tables I mean this common example:
idPerson INT <--------|
idReportsTo INT ---------|
PersonName VARCHAR

A CTE to "go down" the tree from any entry point and find all subs to a parent entry is well documented. I managed to make myself a CTE and use it a lot!

What I find myself needing too often is:
a) Look up from a deep position and find the entry that is for example 3 steps above my reference in the branch
b) Look up from a deep position and find the one that is 2nd or 3rd level (absolute) from top of the tree in the branch

I did try quite some versions, but I cannot get it to work. Any idea how you do the "drill up" with a CTE or another SQL solution.
Of course performance is always needed, so I'd like to avoid the cursors I got it working with and use now. (It is not working good I admit...)


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Print List Of Queries, Tables, Views And Sp

Oct 29, 2007

I just started a new job and 1st time on sql server, how can i print list of queries, tables, views, stored procedures and functions?

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Queries Using Tables From Diffrent Databases Or SQL Instances

Aug 10, 2007


I am new in SSIS.

I am using an OLEDB source and setted as SQL Command.

The Query is a JOIN between different databases.

How can I make the QUERY with different source (different databases or SQL Servers)?

I mean, any solution is OK, the important is to make queries against different databases with SSIS.


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Large FullText Tables - Slow Queries

May 31, 2007


I currently have a large table (35 million rows, over 80GB). I have one varchar(max) column on the table that is used in the fulltext index.

To query the complete index is fast, for example:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], 'ipod') CT

This took 70 seconds (which I can live with). However, I seldom run queries like this, most are more like:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], 'ipod') CT

JOIN Pages ITP ON ITP.PageID = CT.[Key]



WHERE ITB.ID IN (1342,246)

These queries are much slower (this example took 17 minutes). I understand that FT searches the index and returns all rows that match the query to SQL. SQL then performs the joins and counts only the correct results. (Correct me if I'm wrong here).

One solution I've seen to this to put data or "tags" into the FT column - so my Body column would become something like:

'{ID:1342}' + [Body]

That sounds like a very good idea. I could then change the 2nd query above to be:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], '("ID:1342" OR "ID:246") AND "ipod"') CT

That all works well until I want to select 1000 different ID's because the FT query will become very long and complex. Also I'm only including one column (ID) in this example - but I have about 7 or 8 columns that I would need to include in these "tags". Quering multiple columns become very complex quickly and no doubt I will reach a query limit at somepoint.

If anyone has any other suggestions to the above I'd love to hear them. Another thought I'm having is to partition the table. I can find very little online about how FT behaves on partitioned tables - I fear it behaves exactly the same, what I'd like to think is that I could partition the table on an ID say 100 per partition or something, and then fulltext would only search the relevant partitions. If it behaves like this it may work. If no-one knows then I'll give it ago, but this will take me a while due to the table size - so I'm hoping one of you clever lot know!

Many thanks for any advice.


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SQL 2012 :: Queries Based On ER Diagram And Joining Tables

Feb 22, 2015

I need to create a few select queries based on an er diagram.

These are my Create Table statements and import statements:

Create Table Agent (Aid integer primary key, Pid integer, aName text);
Create Table Product (Pid integer primary key, pName text);
Create Table Supplier (Sid integer primary key, sName text);
Create table Supplies (Sid integer, Pid integer, price decimal(8,2));

.import agent.txt Agent
.import product.txt Product
.import supplier.txt Supplier
.import supplies.txt Supplies

I think I got all my create table statements are correct.

I need to Find the number of agents for each supplier that has at least one agent. The result should be tuples of the form (sid, sName, number of agents)

-Select Sid, sName, count(Aid) from Agent A join Supplier S on (S.Sid = A.Sid) group by S.Sid, S.sName, Aid;
But it gives me this error: no such column: A.Sid

Im thinking I might have a problem with my create table statement and/or primary key statements?

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Execution Of Queries On Tables Without Table Owner Specified Fails.

Feb 7, 2006


Having some issues with our apps.
We are trying to get our applications to work with sql2005.

Ive got the databases "setup", and all our apps run fine...
...except for when queries are made without the owner of the
table being specified in the query.

The connection is opened with the username that is associated with that owner.
And it fails in Manager as well. Is there something im missing, because you should
be able to do this.

select * from <table_name>

Gives the error:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid object name '<table_name>'.

However if i were to query like this:
select * from <owner>.<table_name>

it works fine.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Joining Results Of Two Queries Without Creating Temporary Tables?

Nov 16, 2014

In the T-SQL below, I retrieved data from two queries and I've tried to join them to create a report in SSRS 2008 R2. The SQL runs, but I can't create a report from it. (I also couldn't get this query to run in an Excel file that connects to my SQL Server data base. I've used other T-SQL queries in this Excel file and they run fine.) I think that's because I am creating temporary tables. How do I modify my SQL so that I can get the same result without creating temporary tables?

/*This T-SQL gets the services for the EPN download from WITS*/

-- Select services entered in the last 20 days along with the MPI number and program code.

SELECT DISTINCT dbo.group_session_client.note, dbo.group_session_client.error_note, dbo.group_session_client.group_session_id,
dbo.group_session_client.group_session_client_id, dbo.group_session.signed_note, dbo.group_session.unsigned_note
into #temp_group_sessions
FROM dbo.group_session_client, dbo.group_session
WHERE dbo.group_session_client.group_session_id = dbo.group_session.group_session_id

-- Select group notes

dbo.client_ssrs.state_client_number, dbo.delivered_service_detail.program_name, dbo.delivered_service_detail.start_date,
dbo.delivered_service_detail.service_name, dbo.delivered_service_detail.cpt_code, dbo.delivered_service_detail.icd9_code_primary,


-- Form an outer join selecting all services with any group notes attached to them.

select * from #temp_services
LEFT OUTER JOIN #temp_group_sessions
on #temp_services.group_session_client_id = #temp_group_sessions.group_session_client_id

-- Drop temporary tables

DROP TABLE #temp_group_sessions;
DROP TABLE #temp_services;

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Systematically Manage Big List Of Queries And Tables

Sep 12, 2015

Suppose someone has to work on a lot of different SQL Server Databases which have got a lot of Tables and Queries / Views inside them.

After a period of time, it becomes very difficult to remember exactly what kind of columns are present within a given Table and View.

Any method by which one can keep a systematic list of all the Tables and Views that are present within a SQL Server Database, along with the columns that are present within them.

Are there any Add-on products or services etc. available in making this type of work systematic?

Currently I add comments to each queries inside SQL Server to remind me of what this query is doing, but this method is not great.

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Bad Performance In Queries With Jet4.0 And Linked ODBC-tables To SQL-Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

I changed from Access97 to AccessXP and I have immense performanceproblems.Details:- Access XP MDB with Jet 4.0 ( no ADP-Project )- Linked Tables to SQL-Server 2000 over ODBCI used the SQL Profile to watch the T-SQL-Command which Access ( whocreates the commands?) creates and noticed:1) some Jet-SQL commands with JOINS and Where-Statements aretranslated very well, using sp_prepexe and sp_execute, including thesimilar SQL-Statement as in JET.2) other Jet-SQL commands with JOINS and Where-Statements aretranslated very bad, because the Join wasn´t sent as a join, Accesscollects the data of the individual tables seperately.Access sends much to much data over the network, it is a disaster!3) in Access97 the same command was interpreted wellCould it be possible the Access uses a wrong protocol-stack, perhapsJet to OLEDB, OLEDB to ODBC, ODBC to SQL-Server orJet to ODBC, ODBC to OLEDB and OLEDB to SQL-Server instead ofJet to ODBC and ODBC direct to SQL-ServerDoes anyone knows anything about:- Command-Interpreter of JetODBC, Parameters, how to influence thecommand-interpreter- Protocol-Stack of a Jet4.0 / ODBC / SQL-Server applicationThanks , Andreas

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Integration Services :: Get Data From Source By Executing Set Of Queries That Have Temp Tables

Jul 29, 2015

I need to grab data from teradata(using odbc connection).. i have no issues if its just bunch of joins and wheres conditions.. but now i have a challenge. simple scenario, i have to create volatile table, dump data into this and then grab data from this volatile table. (Don't want to modify the query in such a way i don't have to use this volatile table.. its a pretty big query and i have no choice but create bunch of volatile tables, above scenarios is just mentioned on simple 1 volatile table ).

So i created a proc and trying to pass this string into teradata, not sure if it works.. what options i have.. (I dont have a leisure to create proc in terdata and get it executed when ever i want and then grab data from the table. )

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SQL Server 2012 :: Find Queries That Lock Tables Or Not Using Primary Key While Running Update

Jul 20, 2015

I need to search for such SPs in my database in which the queries for update a table contains where clause which uses non primary key while updating rows in table.

If employee table have empId as primary key and an Update query is using empName in where clause to update employee record then such SP should be listed. so there would be hundreds of tables with their primary key and thousands of SPs in a database. How can I find them where the "where" clause is using some other column than its primary key.

If there is any other hint or query to identify such queries that lock tables, I only found the above few queries that are not using primary key in where clause.

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JOINS To Sub-Queries -vs- JOINS To Tables

Aug 11, 2005

SQL Server 2000Howdy All.Is it going to be faster to join several tables together and thenselect what I need from the set or is it more efficient to select onlythose columns I need in each of the tables and then join them together?The joins are all Integer primary keys and the tables are all about thesame.I need the fastest most efficient method to extract the data as thisquery is one of the most used in the system.Thanks,Craig

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Job History

Jul 24, 2001

The 'view job history' on Enterprise Manager is showing me only 4 or 5 run histories. I want to see more history on each of the jobs.Even I changed the limit to 10000 lones from 1000 lines on the server properties in the job system option, I am still seeing only the last 4 or 5 histories for each job(there are a total of 70 jobs on the server).Any ideas??Thanks.

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Job History Not There

May 15, 2000

Anyone tell me why some of my SQL-agent jobs have no history?
Some jobs are reporting history fine, others say "No history"

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Job History

Jul 6, 2000

I have set up a job as sa.After that I changed the sa password.Now I am not able to view the job history since then.Do i need to delete the job and reschedule it?

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SQL Job History ???

Aug 18, 2004

I have a question about the sql job history. I have a sql 2000 server that was recording all the job history on my sql jobs just fine until the other day. Today I checked the history and the jobs didnt show the past history anymore. Just today's history. So if the job didnt run today there is no history for that particular job. This isn't true, the job was run a few days ago. I know that no one went in and cleard the history on the jobs. What causes this issue, is there a way to not make this happen in the future? Is there a way I can recover the past history for my jobs.

Thanks for your time!! TIA

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Where To See Job History

May 16, 2012

i have my job running every 5 min. I want to view the history log. In job history it shows only few hundreds of records.. But i want to see from beginning. where to view whole log of job history?

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Database History

Jan 14, 2008

I'm am looking for a smart solution for keeping history of changes in records in my sql database. Not only history of a record but also which user caused the change and when (I have the username in session).
for now I added 4 fields to each table: "created by","created on","cancelled by",cancelled on", when the user create a record the 2 first fields are filled and and a user delete a record the two last fields are filled and the record is not really deleted but it won't be shown again (I'm using "where createdby is null").
this solution is taking the performance down and it does not solve the editing record tracking. creating new records and cancelling old ones for editing/changing solve that but than I m having problems with the primary key and relations to other tables.
I tried also to use a table that holds records that descirbes every change in records in my tables. it's very hard to search old data that way.
I know that oracle databases has a smart solution for history...   please someone advise me..

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Maintaining History

Jun 11, 2008

hi ,
i am working on an application using c#, visual studio 2005, sql server 2005.
i have a few tables in sql server 2005.
i need to save the history. (i.e) all the inserts, updates, and deleats performed on the tables.
can any one suggest me how can i achieve that.
should i use triggers and save the changes in another table ???
waiting for your suggestion??
thank you

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Keeping Job History ...

Aug 26, 2002

SQl7, sp3, NT4

How do I keep th job history of a job, say if I re-create the job?

We recreate the jobs often as part of a code move, but I'd like to retain the history of the previous jobs?

** sp_help_jobhistory -- only shows the jobs that exist, and not old jobs that no longer reside on the server.


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Procedure History

Sep 12, 2000

I want to know where the history of stored procedures stored, I mean yesterday I created one procedure and today I dropped that procedure and recreate it, I checked in sysobjects table name,crdate it shows only the creation date of the procedure. Where can I find the Modification date or something related to procedure history.

Thanks in Advance,


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Conflict History

Feb 13, 2001


I'm using merge replication between 10 SQL server 7.0 SP2 machines. One central server is the publisher and 9 subscribers. I’ve setup an alert to get a message in case of conflicts. I defined it to trigger everytime the performance counter conflicts/sec rises above 0.

After some experimenting this seems now to work reliable, but there is still one point which bothers me. All conflicts are kept in the conflict history and everytime I get a message through the alert the number of copnflicts stated in the message increases by one.
Also if I open view replication conflicts in EM all conflicts can still be viewed even those I manually resolved. I can't even find a way to seen which conflicts are new ones and which have been resolved already. Does anybody know a way how to reset this numbers without going through all the conflict tables.


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