-- Get the new Customer Identifier, return as OUTPUT param SELECT @NoteID = @@IDENTITY
-- Insert new notes for all the users that the note pertains to, in this case this will be by the assigned -- users. IF @FK_UserIDList IS NOT NULL EXECUTE spInsertNotesByAssignedUsers @NoteID, @FK_UserIDList
-- Insert New Address record -- Retrieve Address reference into @AddressId -- EXEC spInsertForUserNote -- @FK_UserID, --@NoteID, -- @BeenRead -- @Fax, -- @PKId, -- @AddressId OUTPUT
-------------------------------------------------- GO
This what i did , since i need to maintain five sql servers ,i thought i will build a repository so on my desk top (running sql server ) i created a table name master_dbscript with the following fields
server_name varchar(20), dbname varchar(20) db_create_scripts text
using enterprise manager-- all tasks --generate sql scripts , (cut & paste to the insert statement in query analyser, the following is the insert statement
insert into master_dbscript values ('isd11t','test','ALTER TABLE [dbo].[child] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_child_parent GO /****** Object: Trigger dbo.test_patcase Script Date: 25/08/2000 12:10:09 ******/ if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[test_patcase]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTrigger') = 1)drop trigger [dbo].[test_patcase] GO ')
oops it created all the objects in the database where i tried to run the insert statement. god saved me , i tried this with the test database.
when i tried the same with bcp it worked fine and i was able to see the record in my table (one record) ,note you cannot use dts because it will support maximum 8000 chars only .
I am executing the following query in the query analyser.
"select * from alien119700 order by alienid"
In the message pane it shows
SQL Server Execution Times: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms. SQL Server parse and compile time: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 4 ms. SQL Server parse and compile time: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.
(43 row(s) affected)
SQL Server Execution Times: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 454 ms. SQL Server parse and compile time: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.
We use SQL 2K(service pack 1).Our query analyser will freeze often.So we loose all query production work.Does anyone know if Version 2 has a fix?Please help.
I noticed that query analyser is much more quicker than EManager when I access my database from my hosting provider... is there any way to see the properties of the table X for example as one can do with EM...
I would be grateful if you could provide me with any query sample conserning this issue...
In my M/c the query analyser (SQL 2000) is not working when ever I try to run it by Using Enterprise manager / Explorer / Start menu - Program / Isqlw.exe.
When I Tried the task manager it shows the process isqlw is working. But I can't see any window coming up ..
Please help me otherwise I will go mad....using other tools to query . 50 % time i use this tool in work. U guys know how important it is .. Thank u
I am studying SQL Server by myself (I am a Sybase DBA) and I have a little problem with the Query Analyser.
I actually have 2 server in my PC (XP) and I can see them via SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I also can open Query Analyser for these two server via Enterprise Manager.
When I try to launch SQL Query Analyser from the start menu, I can't see any of my two server and can't chose a connection.
Do I need to write some parameter somewhere?
It's not a big problem as I can work via Enterprise Manager but I just want to know.
Is there antway I can get the Query Analyser to prompt me with a message saying '234 records will be updated' and then give me the option to continue or not.
I want to run an update query but want to see how many records it will update first.
HiI'm expecting the answer no here but its worth asking.If I wanted to test an arbitary program could I somehowsay in query analyser, start a global transaction on thisdatabase, run my tests, then at the end roll it back from withquery analyser?I know I can use backup and restore but this would beeasier, still, again, I don't think you can do this.TaF
ISTR QA running in 7.0 would return print statements and messages as thequery ran (well, after a "GO" statement anyway). In 2000 it doesn't returnany messages until after the entire query batch has completed. In wanting tokeep an eye on progress on long batches, how can I make 2000 work more like7.0 in this respect?
I have a strange problem running a stored proc in SQL 2000. The proc returns XML and I'm using ADO to call the proc and return the data as a stream. When I call the proc through ADO, it times out because it is taking 40 seconds to run and my command timeout is set to 30. I can increase this no problem but the strange thing is that when I run the same proc from within query analyser, it completes in under a second.
I put profiler on it tracing the command start and finish events and it's definitely taking 40 seconds between start and finish. The proc is used with various input parameters and the timeout is only occurring for some combinations of inputs, but it always seems to take much longer than it does when run from query analyser.
Can anyone suggest what might be causing the delay, or where I might look to find the problem?
If I have serveral queries as shown below: ================================================== ========== USE XXX SELECT XX_ZZZZZ, XX_YYY, XX_XXX FROM ZZZ_ZZZZ_ZZZZ WHERE QQQQQQQQQQQQQ ='PGL'
USE XXX SELECT AAA_AAAAA_AAAA,AA_BBB, CC_DDD FROM SSSS_SSSSS_SSSSS WHERE FFF_FFFF ='A' ================================================== =========== Can anyone tell me if the queries execute concurrently or is it one after the other?
My website is in asp and sql2000. My problem is the ISP gave access to database through query analyser. some days the transaction log is growing too high. so i want to clear it. i call up them and clear it. My question is can truncate the log file through query analyser ? I had limited access to database.
May I know how to clear the cache area in the analyser as I need to know the time taken for execution of an sql statement(query) before and after creation of indexes.
I´ve a simple doubt (I hope) ... is it possible export the results from a simple query to a ms access file using just the query analyser??? I´m using SQL Server 2000 and MS Access XP
I am trying to use debug option for a stored procedure from SQL Query Analyser and I get the error:
Server: Msg 504, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_sdidebug, Line 1 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Unable to connect to debugger on TRAX2STAGE (Error = 0x800706ba). Ensure that client-side components, such as SQLDBREG.EXE, are installed and registered on WKVKARAMCHED. Debugging disabled for connection 80.
I am trying to test sp in Query Analyser as below but get the error
Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 4, Procedure spRMU_GetChaseFiles, Line 0 Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
How do I put the date as a parameter ? I think it may be to do with the fact that MaxDateOut is an expression in my view that the sp is based on. It is taking this as char when it should be datetime. So, how do I make this expression type date ?
Could somone advise on how to change Names of Columns in a table via a script rather then Enterprise Manager. I have lots of columns (need to do it in bulk.) called like SUM(abc1...etc), which I can not change. This upsets the Business Objects because it thinks it needs a GROUP BY statement. I know in MapBasic there is something like " Alter Table "tablename" ( rename Date Date_of_Day ) " Is there an equivalent for TRANSACT SQL?. Please help, (and Happy Xmas!) Gezza