I have enabled the query governor on our SQL2000 SP2 server with a
threshold of 3600. Now, some of the maintenance jobs fail due to the
limit being to low (e.g. one of the user databases integrity check
fails nightly).
I have tried to put the command 'SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT 0' just
before the line in the step which reads 'EXECUTE
master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-Plan etc'
but it has no effect.
Does anyone know how to get around this situation without using
sp_configure to change the query governor settings at a systemwide
I want to turn on the query governor cost limit option for 20 minutes so that queries do not run longer than 20 minutes but I could not find any info as if this option would also not allow database backup job or other maintenance jobs to run more than 20 minutes. We have backups (Via RedGate) run over 3.5 hours and others like rebuild indexes and integrity checks even more than 3.5 hours....
I was looking for a little insight on Resource Governor. I have a request from my manager to limit the resources a certain third party's DB can use on our system. We allow them to keep a DB on our SQL 2012 server so they can run query's to compare data to their server without linking the two machines.
I was looking into resource manager to perhaps accomplish this task but I'm not real familiar with it. If Resource governor can be used to only allow a DB named UserDB1 to use only 1GB or Memory at any one time?
Or perhaps there is another way aside from Resource governor?
I know that the query governor works off of estimated query plans, but the estimation is usually so far off from reality that it might as be generating a random number to determine whether a query should run.
Right now I have query governor set at 300. I've been able to run queries that take more than 10 minutes without any complaint from query governor.
What's really annoying though, is that it has also blocked queries that take less than a second to run. It blocked a query for having an estimated executing time of 338 seconds. When I set the limit up to 400, the query ran virtually instantly.
Is this just how query governor is suppose to work? Is there any way to make it work better?
I need to build TSQL query to return the Last unit Cost from my table of movement of goods SL (on CTE) but the MAX(Datalc) must be Less or Equal to my HeaderInvoice.
This is my script:
With MaxDates as ( SELECT ref, MAX(epcpond)[Unitcostprice], MAX(datalc) MaxDate FROM sl
the problem I have right now is that the Unitcostprice of my table of goods movements has a top date greather than the date of my bill.
invoice date : 29.01.2015 unitcost on invoice line = 13,599722 Maxdate (CTE) : 19.03.2015 unitCost from my table of movement of goods = 14,075
That ´s not correct because the MAxdates > invoice date and the unitCost of 14,075 is the cost on 19.03.2015 and not just before my invoice date.
I right in thinking that if the estimated subtree cost is higher than the cost threshold for parallelism then it will use a parallel plan? If so, I've read the cost threshold is measured in minutes but is the subtree cost measured in something else, the mysterious cost number? And if so, how are the two compared?
I have 2 different queries which produce same result. I want to know which querry is better and why? The query is used to display the employee details who is handling the maximum number of project.
Queries are the following
Query A
Code Snippet
SELECT EmployeeDetails.FirstName+' '+EmployeeDetails.LastName AS EmpName, COUNT(LUP_EmpProject.Empid) AS Number_Of_Projects FROM LUP_EmpProject INNER JOIN EmployeeDetails ON LUP_EmpProject.Empid=EmployeeDetails.Empid GROUP BY EmployeeDetails.FirstName+' '+EmployeeDetails.LastName, LUP_EmpProject.Empid HAVING COUNT(LUP_EmpProject.Empid)>0 AND COUNT(LUP_EmpProject.Empid)=(SELECT MAX(Number_Of_Projects) FROM (SELECT COUNT(LUP_EmpProject.Empid) Number_Of_Projects FROM LUP_EmpProject GROUP BY LUP_EmpProject.Empid)AS sub)
Query B
Code Snippet
SELECT LUP_EmpProject.EmpID, EmployeeDetails.FirstName + ' ' + EmployeeDetails.LastName AS EmpName, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfProjects FROM LUP_EmpProject INNER JOIN EmployeeDetails ON LUP_EmpProject.EmpID = EmployeeDetails.EmpID GROUP BY LUP_EmpProject.EmpID, EmployeeDetails.FirstName + ' ' + EmployeeDetails.LastName HAVING COUNT(*)=(SELECT MAX(Number_Of_Projects) FROM (SELECT COUNT(LUP_EmpProject.Empid) Number_Of_Projects FROM LUP_EmpProject GROUP BY LUP_EmpProject.Empid)AS sub
I have a query i have been optimizing. Now runs in about 15 minutes but was wondering if there is any way tr educe the SORT cost.
Currently the high costs left are the Table insert which is 58% and the Sort cost of 36%
The inner query below is around 400million rows and aggregates to around 15,000,000 rows)
SELECT@1 = DateKey FROM dbo.DimDate WHERE TheDate = CAST(DATEADD(WEEK, -1, GETDATE() -1) as DATE) SELECT@2 = DateKey FROM dbo.DimDate WHERE TheDate = CAST(DATEADD(WEEK, -2, GETDATE() -1) as DATE) SELECT@3 = DateKey FROM dbo.DimDate WHERE TheDate = CAST(DATEADD(WEEK, -3, GETDATE() -1) as DATE) SELECT@4 = DateKey FROM dbo.DimDate WHERE TheDate = CAST(DATEADD(WEEK, -4, GETDATE() -1) as DATE) SELECT@5 = DateKey FROM dbo.DimDate WHERE TheDate = CAST(DATEADD(WEEK, -5, GETDATE() -1) as DATE)
I am using a stored procedure that is behaving badly - the subtree cost is about 2000 and it takes between 3-4 seconds to run, and sometimes it takes over a minute to run. I have made some optimizations that cause the stored procedure to run in generally under 1 second (at most under 2 seconds), but the subtree cost of it jumps to 4000!! All of this while the server was experiencing similar load (the tests were done within minutes of each other).
I know that the subtree cost is a way to gauge the performance of a query against other queries, but I have typically seen the cost go in the same direction as the execution time (they both go up or the both go down).
How does SQL Server determine the cost (I know that is based on statistics, but I was wondering if anyone had more details)? Is it more important to have a lower subtree cost, or a lower execution time? Am I going to get into trouble later with this high subtree cost?
I have two queries yielding the same result that I wanted to compare for performance. I did enter both queries in one Mangement Studio query window and execute them as one batch with the actual query plan included.Query 1 took 8.2 seconds to complete and the query plan said that the cost was 21% of the batchQuery 2 took 2.3 seconds to complete and the query plan said that the cost was 79% of the batch.The queries were run on my local development machine. I was the only user. No other programs were running at the time of this test. The results are repeatable.I understand that the query with the lowest cost is not necessarily the fastest query. On the other hand, the difference is quite big. The query that has approx. 80% of the cost takes 20% of the time and the other way around. I have two questions:
Is such a discrepancy normal?Can conclusions be drawn from the cost distribution? For instance, does the query that takes 8.2 seconds but only costs 21% scale better?
Hi - does the workload governor kick in when more than 8 concurrent operations take place on MSDE as a whole, or does it kick on each database.
Ie. if I have 8 databases within MSDE - and there is 1 operation happening on each one at any given time, will one additional operation on any of the databases invoke the workload governor across ALL databases?
I am in the process of porting over an application from Access To SQL implementing SQL Server 2005 Express. My intention is to implement this database on a full time server and upgrade to a full blown version of SQL later. Am I correct in assuming that there is not limit on the number of concurrent connections to SQL Server Express since it was stated that the "Workload Governor" has been removed? Or does something else control the number of users that can be simultaneously connected to the server.
My reason for asking is I have 7 machines that need to access the server. I also have 2 databases that need to be accessed from each machine. If there is no limit, I will keep my databases seperate. However, if there is a limit, I will most likely merge the tables into 1 db.
I'm working on a VB.NET project where we are intending to use MSDE as ourback-end database. The actual number of users is expected to be low and Idon't have any concerns as to whether MSDE will be up to the job (most ofthe time). I'm aware that if we end up with lots of users connecting to oursite at once (which may happen as certain times in the year when people needinformation for deadlines) then the performance governor in MSDE will kickin and slow everything down.What I don't know is how do I find out whether the performance governor haskicked in?I would like to know how to monitor this so we can make an educated decisionas to when we need to migrate to a full version of SQL Server (if at all).Can anyone point me in the right direction for finding this out?thanks,Brian Cryer.
What is the reason everything here executes except the very last "INSERT INTO forums_UsersInRoles VALUES ((@@identity),11) "? IF I change the order of the last two queries it is the other one (now last) that is not executed. Is there a limit to how many you can run at a time?
strSQL = " BEGIN INSERT INTO forums_Users (UserName, Password, Email) VALUES ('" & request.form("UserName") & "','" & Request("UserPassword") & "','" & Request("UserEmail") & "'); INSERT INTO forums_UserProfile (UserID) VALUES (@@identity) ;INSERT INTO forums_UsersInRoles VALUES ((@@identity),11) END;"
I want to create a classifier function where I can restrict all the logins except two logins for the resource pool.
Case Scenario is : I am creating a resource pool and on that pool I want to restrict the users for that particular pool but I want to allow some of the user IDs full access to that databses so how could I create a script for that scenario.
Hi,I need to limit results in the following query type:http://www.somewhere.com/php/sql-a....ql_order=&pos=1I found a reference that says I should be able to use LIMIT x[,y], butI don't know where/exactly how to add that to the string. Once I knowwhat it's supposed to look like, and can write something to generateit.If someone could post an example using the above and limiting theoutput to 100 records starting at position 1, that would be great.
Hello,I ran a query that I thought would take an hour, but instead took 14hours to run. The consequence was it bogged down our data warehouseand the overnight build was adversely impacted.Is there a local setting I can set to limit the execution time myquery will take? I dont want to have a server setting and impact otherqueries, just the one I am running.I know there will be people asking about the 14 hour build and what isit doing and so forth. I will address that but I also look to thesesituations as a learning opportunity.Thanks in advance.Rob
Hello SQL gurus!I am trying to write a query that will return a set of continguous rowsfrom a table, and limit the number of rows returned when a maximumtotal has been reached by adding a value in one of the columns.For example, the two columns below represent 2 columns in a table.a 2b 2c 2d 3e 4f 5g 5I want to start at, say "c", and return all the rows after it as longas the sum of the numbers in column 2 (starting at "c") don't exceed10. The result I'm after would be thusc 2d 3e 4....because 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 < 10Any ideas? Many thanks.
I get 100 rows of result, i want to write a sql query similar to the one available in MySql database where in i can specify the starting row and number of rows of records i want,
something like,
select * from emp LIMIT 10,20
I want all the records from the 10th row to the 20th row.
This would be helpful for me to do paging in the front end , where is i can navigate to the next previous buttons and fetch the corresponding records.
I want to do something like in google, previous next screens.
So I am trying to limit the number of rows fetched from a query.
somethin like,
select * from emp where startRowNum=10 and NoOfRecords = 20
Yes, I do know what this means and why the error is thrown but this is not my question.
I have two servers that are both running Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 200 SP3. Below are the results from both servers using @@version
Sever 1 (BB)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86) Dec 17 2002 14:22:05 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
Server 2 (Genesis)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86) Dec 17 2002 14:22:05 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
These servers are identical or so it seems. I've got a real ugly query that uses views and a derived table to get results. The problem is the 256 limit message only comes up on one server and on the other (Genesis) the query runs fine. I get the error though it reads a 260 limit on a box with SP4 applied. I've also run the query on a box that is Windows 2003, sql2k and sp4 and the query runs but not on a similar server here. This is all very odd. Please note that the database structure, views, etc are all exactly the same as far as I know.
Any suggestions? There seems to be no pattern between versions of Windows and/or SP levels.
I was working on the SSRS Report Designer and was trying to copy and paste a huge SQL query from SQL Management Studio (like I always do) to the dataset window.
This method usually works, but for this extremely long SQL query with nested SELECTs and JOINs, it seems as though the Report Designer dataset query window limits the number of characters including carriage returns I can input in it.
When I paste my SQL query from SQL Management Studio, it seems to paste only three quarters of the query, and thereafter I am not able to manually key in anything else or even make a line feed in the dataset query window.
Is there a limit to the number of characters I can key in here ? If so, is there any workarounds or configurations I can try ?
I am not sure about the architecture of the Issue Tracker and hence not sure if it applies here. But I will post in any case and wait for users on this forums comments as well.
===========Earlier post================== This question is regarding the architecture of TimeEntry. In some programs it builds an arrayList for Master-detail type of relationship and when user is ready to save it by clicking 'submit' it build a variable with pipe delimited fields. This is then passed to a sql query.
This to me does not seem to be an efficient manner. Because the max character is 1500 chars as parameter to SQL query.
I was wondering if instead I could store it as an XML and then use the XML to import in to SQL.
Any ideas is greatly appreciated, I am running in to problems where my variable construct does increase to more than 1500 chars. Any thoughts are much appreciated in this regards.
I am a newbie to SQL Server. I have a problem, in filtering the records returned by a query. I have a table which contains 1 million records, it has a user defined primary key which is of character type. The problem is i need to filter the output of a select query on the table based on two parameters i send to that query. The first parameter will be the starting row number and the second one is the ending row number. I need a procedure to do this.
For Eg: MyProc_GetRowsFromBigTable(startRowNo,endRowNo) should get me only the rows in the specified range.
How to restrict resources usage based on individual Databases in resource governor?
We have many databases in one instance; I would like to restrict resource usage to each database respectively.
I created 2 pools as pool_login, pool_DBNAME, and 2 workload groups as GroupLogin,GroupDBNAME, and also the classifier function.After setup above, I use following statement to check what sessions are in each group .
Even if there are spids which are accessing database DBNAME, I can’t see that they fall into the group GroupDBNAME and pool pool_DBNAME.
SELECT s.group_id, CAST(g.name as nvarchar(20)), s.session_id, s.login_time, CAST(s.host_name as nvarchar(20)), CAST(s.program_name AS nvarchar(20)) FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s INNER JOIN sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups g ON g.group_id = s.group_id ORDER BY g.name GO
Following is the code to create pool, group,classifier function:
USE master GO; -- Create a resource pool pool_login. CREATE RESOURCE POOL pool_login WITH
[Code] ....
-- Create a workload group to use this pool.
-- Register the classifier function with Resource Governor.