Basically, this is for a hotel reservation system. Charges vary
nightly, and customer changes (shortening/extending stay, changing
rooms, etc) happen quite often. Therefore, the entire stay is booked
as a series of nights.
The length of the stay is never known, so it needs to be derived via
the Arrive and Depart Dates, based on the entries in the table.
Notice, customers often stay in the same room, but with gaps between,
so a simple MIN and MAX doesn't work. The output needs to show
consecutive nights grouped together, only.
I've researched this quite a bit, but I just can't seem to make it
I have a table full of service invoice records. Some of the invoices are continuous, meaning that there may be an invoice from 01-16-2015 through the end of that month, but then another invoice that starts on feb 1 and goes for 6 months.
I want to only pull the most recent. Keep in mind that there may be other invoices in the same table for a different period. An example might be:
Hi,I have an SQl query that will list the results if it lies between two dates, for example;SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE { fn Now() } BETWEEN Date1 AND Date2This returns all results where Date1 and Date2 fall between the Current DateWhat i am looking for is a way to replace the { fn Now() } with a date of my choice.For example;SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE '10/10/2006' BETWEEN Date1 AND Date2However this does not work.Has anyone any ideas why this may be ??Thanks in advanceAndrew Vint
How can I query date only in a where clause and not include the time part? When I use the where below if the time part of the date entry has past then the rows are not returned.
WHERE A.Selected=1 AND A.EndDate Is Null OR A.Enddate >= GETDATE()
Hi, im trying to write a sql query to check if dates are in the db, ias it is it is telling me the dates are there and their not. any help would be great. George
here's what i have...
SQL2 = "SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE" _ & "(arvdate >=#" & request("arvdate") & "# AND endate <= #" & request("endate") & "#) " _ & "OR " _ & "(arvdate >=#" & request("arvdate") & "# AND endate >= #" & request("endate") & "#) " _ & " AND idrent = " & idrent _ & " AND confirmation = 1" _ & " ORDER BY arvdate"
The Sales table includes: date, description, price, consigner The Consignment table includes: lastday, consigner
I need a query that will display all rows in Sales assuming is less than or equal to Consigner.lastday. The .consigner fields need to be joined.
I have this and it isn't working:
SELECT DISTINCT [Sales Data].co1, [Sales Data].amount, [Sales Data].description, AS Expr1 FROM Consignment_Data INNER JOIN [Sales Data] ON Consignment_Data.co1 = [Sales Data].co1 WHERE ((([Sales_Data].[date])=[Consignment_Data].[date]));
This is for MS Access 2003. Can anyone help me? I would appreciate some advice, as my code isn't working at all
SELECT SUM(Total) AS WeekRetailTotal, COUNT(*) AS MonthRetailOrderNo, DATEPART(wk, OrderDate) AS SalesWeek, YEAR(OrderDate) AS SalesYear FROM dbo.Orders_Retail WHERE (account = @Account) AND (OrderStatus <> 'Deleted') AND (PayStatus <> 'Pending') AND (OrderStatus <> 'Refunded') GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate), DATEPART(wk, OrderDate) ORDER BY YEAR(OrderDate), DATEPART(wk, OrderDate)
etc etc for each week in a year and then it goes onto the next year.
What I would like to do, is feed the query a variable as the start week and year and then also for the endweek and year.
I've tried to do a WHERE DATEPART(wk, OrderDate) > @StartDate AND DATEPART(wk, OrderDate) < @EndDate AND YEar(OrderDate) > @StartYear AND YEAR(OrderDate) < @EndYear
But that's not correct, it only bring in the weeks in both years that are in between those two week range variables.
I need the startweek and year to be "one" starting point and the endweek and endyear be the ending point.
Hello, I have a sql query that I am requireing to get records on date parameters : SELECT * FROM table WHERE StartDate >= 2007/09/30 07:00:00 AND EndDate <= 2007/09/30 09:00:00 I have records with StartDate 2007/09/30 08:00:00, 2007/09/30 08:30:00 which this query does not select. I am trying to select all StartDate which fall between 2007/09/30 07:00:00 AND 2007/09/30 09:00:00. Any suggestions on the query design
I have figured out how to work with dates in SQL, but don't know how to put it all together to completea sql query I am working on. Here are some examples of the basic MS SQL date routines I know: SELECT DATEDIFF(day, '11-2-2007 11:11:11', '12-4-2007 11:11:11') -- Difference between two dates. SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) AS [MM/DD/YYYY] -- Get's today's date Now back to my problem....I have the following Query that must be modified so that the filter criteria is based upon the"StartDate" being greater than today's date. Can someone please help me out. SELECT StartDate, BuildingAddres, TotalSquareFeet, FinishDateFROM dbo.ConstructionTable Note that the date passed in for Start date will be in a format like the following '11-2-2007 09:1:11'. So if I were to pseudo code out the query it would be something like the following, where the pseudo codeis in parenthesis. SELECT StartDate, BuildingAddres, TotalSquareFeet, FinishDateFROM dbo.ConstructionTable (WHERE StartDate > Todays Date)
Hi., Can anyone please assist me in getting the following SQL Query to work. It returns no errors but also returns no records even though there is actually data in my database for that period. Dim DCriteria as StringDCriteria = "StartDate <= " & EDateDCriteria = DCriteria & " AND EndDate >= " & SDatestrSQL = "SELECT * FROM vwLeavePlan WHERE " & DCriteria This results in the follwoing SQL Statement: strSQL = SELECT * FROM vwLeavePlan WHERE StartDate <= 31/05/2005 AND EndDate >= 01/05/2005 Regards. Peter
i would like to create an SQL query, part of which involves comparing dates.
i have something like
Select ID, CONVERT(varchar(10), StartDate, 101), Name from Table WHERE StartDate .....
how can i compare the StartDate to something i have in the form of a string? for example, i have Date = 12/12/1998. and i would like to select where the StartDate in the DB = '12/12/1998'.
Been having a good root around the forums and the site here and there's some real smart people on here, i'm hoping one or more of them can help me out. I'm expecting this to be a simple question for some of you, however it's way beyond me at this point!
Product price is captured at time of order, so that reports aren't affected by discounts or promotions, and stored with the productid in orderitems.
I want to get a report between a set of dates and with certain flags set (see below example) and then get a list of unique products, quantity sold and sales values for that products. Results table would have 4 columns; ProductCode, ProductTitle, QuantitySold, Sales Value.
So far I have this:
SELECT Products.ProductCode, Products.ProductTitle, SUM(OrderItems.Quantity) AS QuantitySold FROM Orders INNER JOIN OrderItems ON Orders.OrderID = OrderItems.OrderID INNER JOIN Products ON OrderItems.ProductID = Products.ProductID WHERE (Orders.OrderDateTime BETWEEN '2007/01/01' AND '2007/12/31') AND (Orders.OrderSentToWP = 1) AND (Orders.OrderReceivedFromWP = 1) AND (Orders.OrderAuthorised = 1) AND (Orders.OrderCancelled = 0) AND (Orders.OrderDispatched = 1) AND (Orders.OrderApproved = 1) AND (Orders.OrderFraud = 0) AND Orders.OrderSiteID= 'someguid' GROUP BY Products.ProductCode, Products.ProductTitle
Which gets my summed quantities, and I guess I could use ASP to multiply that by the current price, but that defeats the point of setting the database up properly in the first place! I know how to design data, i just don't know how to get it back out again
I could most likely just do the whole thing in ASP and get it to output the correct answer, so if it's impossible/very difficult to do it in pure SQL then I'll go that route. Ideal situation would be a stored proc or saved query that I can pass a start date, an end date and a siteid to and that will get me the answers I want!
Thanks in advance to anyone that looks at this for me.
Also, any recommended books/sites to learn this kind of query?
I am trying to build a VBA Sub that uses a MS SQL query, this is fine it is just I am having trouble building the query to do what I need.
I need to be able to do a between month and years, so if I have a VBA routine that constructs a query from variables. Those variable will be a month and a year.
so I can return a count of all records that were logged between the month and year.
My poorly constructed query is below.
SELECT [DateRaised] FROM HD_Call WHERE DateRaised BETWEEN DATEADD([MONTH], -1, GETDATE()) AND DATEADD([MONTH],0, GETDATE()) AND DateRaised BETWEEN DATEADD([YEAR], -2, GETDATE()) AND DATEADD([YEAR],0, GETDATE()) AND [completed] = 1 AND [Assignee] LIKE '%' AND [CallType] LIKE '%' Order By 1
i want a query which returns all the date between 2 dates . its like an calender.....for example i selected 2-1-2006(dd-mm-yyyy) to 18-03-2006 should returns like this 2-1-2006 3-1-2006 4-1-2006 . . . 16-03-2006 17-03-2006 18-03-2006
I have a column in a table that records when the date and time of an event took place.
Table Name: Chronicle Column Name: Created (of type DateTime)
I would like to select the Chronicle records that are between two dates. (e.g. 1 May 2001 and 20 May 2001) And I would like to select those records that are between two times. (e.g. 6:00am and 1:00pm)
Does anyone know how to do this or have any pointers for me? I can see it would be easier if I had the date in one column and the time in the other. Can it be done without doing that?
I have a table like FK_ID, Value, Date (here FK_ID is foreign key)this table getting updated frequently by daily bases that means one record per one day(For example in January month it has maximum 31 records or minimum 0 records, in February it has maximum 28 or 29 or minimum 0 records, based on calender year)I need to query this table to get missing dates in between particular monthsfor example for one FK_ID has only 25 records in Jan 2008 month and in Feb 2008 it has 10 records , so i need to get those missing 6 dates from JAN month and 18 dates from FEB monthhow can i query this
I have a strange problem that I haven't dealt with before.
I need to execute a piece of code based on date ranges. If the date range is:
Scenario 1:between 02/28 (Feb 28) and 07/31 (July 31) do x ----------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 2:between 08/01 (Aug 1) and 01/31 (Jan 31) do y
Can anyone help me with this code. I am having a SCD (Stupid Coder Day) and can't seem to do anything that is scalable - like accounting for leap years (Feb issue) and the fact that Scenario # 2 above is between 2 different calender years.
Table name Employee =============== emp_id, emp_name, emp_city
Table name EmpStatusReport =================== emp_id, action date
I need to write a sql query to get the emp_name, emp_city and the recent date when the user has sent status report over last 30 days. The user has sent a status report if action field in the empStatusReport is set to 'reported'. This table gets filled everytime user sends report.
I tried to the do the following:
select e.emp_name, e.emp_city, from employee e, EmpStatusReport esr where e.emp_id and esr.emp_id and /* = max( and > currentDate - 30 and esr <= currentDate */
I am not able to write a correct login for date part. Any help in this will be highly appreciated.
Anyone know how to format dates from 10/3/05 to 2005/10/03 in a query?
The only way I know is (cast(year(srecordeddate) as char(4)))+ cast('/'as char) + cast (month(srecordeddate) as char(2)).... Which seems so rediculous. There's gotta be a better way!
I have a strange problem that I haven't dealt with before.
I need to execute a piece of code based on date ranges. If the date range is:
Scenario 1:between 02/28 (Feb 28) and 07/31 (July 31) do x ----------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 2:between 08/01 (Aug 1) and 01/31 (Jan 31) do y
I am trying to automate a report. The report is supposed to generate a result that will differ based on the date ranges going into the future. E.g.
[1]. If the run date of the report is between '2/1/20xx' and '7/31/20xx' display <ABC> or
[2]. If the run date of the report is between '8/1/20xx' and '1/31/20xx' display <PQR>
In example # 2. I am moving from one year to the next (July to Dec and the one extra month of Jan). So for example, if the guy runs the report between August of 2008 and January of 2009, display <PQR>.
How do I achieve both # 1 & 2 above in a code? Does this explain better.
I am trying to test sp in Query Analyser as below but get the error
Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 4, Procedure spRMU_GetChaseFiles, Line 0 Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
How do I put the date as a parameter ? I think it may be to do with the fact that MaxDateOut is an expression in my view that the sp is based on. It is taking this as char when it should be datetime. So, how do I make this expression type date ?
I´m trying to select records which are between two dates. I use the following statement.
qry = System:tring::Format("SELECT sum(breakfast), sum(colacao), sum(lunch), sum(snacks), sum(dinner) FROM alunos, logtable WHERE alunos.cad_matr=logtable.studentid and alunos.cad_matr="+tbStudentId->Text+" and dateofmeal >=#"+dt->ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 00:00:00" )+"# and dateofmeal <=#"+dt2->ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 00:00:00" )+"#" );
Although the records exists the query does not get these records. If I go to the Query Design and use the same query it works but only if I enter the dates manually (dateofmel >=?).
Does anyone know how many consecutive users can be logged into a MSSQL database? I have a database online and need to know how many users can be logged on at a time. someone told me 150 users and others say 200 and stillothers say it's unlimited based on licensing. I tried Microsoft's homepage but got nothing so please don't suggest it. (I spent two hours there)
Suppose that N users are executing the code, one independent of the other, in the same time and they both commit the transaction at the same time. Can I suppose that the rows inserted in the table by one user will be consecutive?
Here is the query:WHERE DATEPART(month, " + tableName + ".timestamp)>='" + startTextBox.Text + "' AND DATEPART(month, " + tableName + ".timestamp)<='" + endTextBox.Text + "'This is in a program using C# which is why it's in quotes and all that good stuff. The query itself works properly when startTextBox.Text = 8 and endTextBox.Text = 9. Itreturns results for both months 8 and 9. But when I want a result from a single month, say just 9... I put 9 in both text boxes and it ends up returning no results.Logic would tell me that say that both logics should come back TRUE but for some reason it's failing. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Hello, I need to find the percentage of a a given contract start and end date for the year given.For example, the contract_start date is 05/08/2000 and the contract_end date is 04/30/2010, of course this will be 100% if you want to find the percentage for year 2008 but if you wanted to find the percentage for year 2010, then the percentage would be something like 42% (appr. 5 months) (b/c it would for year 2010, the contract would be from 01/01/2010 thru 04/30/2010)I need to find the percent from the beginning of the year, to the end.a few examples: start: 01/01/2007 end: 05/01/2007 if for year: 2007; this is 4 months @33.33% start: 05/01/ 2006 end: 06/01/2007 if for year: 2007, then 6 months @ 50% (01/01/2007 - 06/01/2007); but if it was for year 2006 then it would be 7 months @ 58% (05/01/2006 thru 12/31/2006) start: 01/01/2000 end: 03/01/2010 for year: 2008 then 12 months @ 100% Any help would be valued. Thank you!
It is all contained in one table. I have got the earliest years by using the YEAR() function and grouping by it. The only problem is that I am having a problem joining the table back onto itself with the subselect because of it's an aggregate.
Here is the first join I have....
SELECT DT.ClientID, Year1 FROM ( SELECT ClientID, YEAR(MyDate) as Year1 FROM MyTable ) AS DT GROUP BY ClientID, Year1 ORDER BY ClientID, Year1
I want to use that as my derived table and then join back to it... but it's not working...
I also want to order by date but when I do that it doesn't order correctly because of the conversion to char data type (for example, it puts 6/15/05 before 9/22/04 because it only looks at the first number(s) and not the year). If I try to cast it back to smalldatetime in the order by clause it tells me that ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION operator. I get the same message if I try putting just "r.RRDate" in the ORDER BY clause. It's not that big of a deal - I can lose the formatting on the date if I need to to get it to sort correctly, but this query gets used frequently and I'd like to keep the formatting if possible.
ID PID From To Code 1 1 14/02/07 17/02/07 X 2 1 17/02/07 19/02/07 X 3 1. 19/02/07 23/02/07 E 4 1 26/02/07 28/02/07 X 5 1 1/4/07 1/5/07 E 6 2 01/03/07 03/03/07 X 7 2 04/03/07 10/03/07 X 8 2 10/03/07 14/03/07 E
ID PID Date 4 1 26/02/07 7 2 04/03/07
I want to be able to create a select query on the above table. The table will show ID, PersonID (PID), From and to date, and code. If the code is X then the next €˜from record€™ should be the same date as the €˜to date€™. If the code is E then the next €˜to€™ date can be anytime after the previous €˜to€™ date. I want to be able to report on all record where there is a day difference between the previous €˜to€™ date. I.e. ID 4 and 7 €“ the previous records both have an X and there is at least a days difference between the dates.