Query RowVersion In SQL Server 2005

Feb 6, 2007

Hello all,

I am new at SQL Server 2005 and have been reading everything I canfind
about the new optimistic concurrency control mechanisms. As far as I
can tell, the Snapshot Isolation Level is based avoids the use of
shared locks using rowversioning instead.

To control rowversions in SQL Server 2000 I was using an extra column
in each table containing a rowversion datatype. What i do with this is
find out if a row was modified. Is it possible in SQL Server 2005 to
avoid the use of this extra column, using the new versioning features?

What I mean is, if the Snapshot Isolation already manages rowversions
in TempDB, is it possible for me to query those versions using some
stored procedures or functions given by SQL Server 2005 system? What
functionalities does SQL Server 2005 gives me for that (any
documentation pointer would help)?

This would allow me to do the exact same processing that i was doing
with the rowversion column in SQL Server 2000 without the need for
that extra column.

For all of you my thanks and best wishes

Susana Guedes

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SQL Server 2005 - ROWVERSION With Datatype Timestamp

May 28, 2008

i wanted to read some datasets from a table with the ROWVERSION. Then i wanted to save these records with the ROWVERION- Column in a temp table. Now it seems i cant explicitely write data in a ROWVERSION Column. As i understand its only possible to write a default value in such columns. Only SQL Server itself can write into ROWVERSION columns.

Am i right with this meaning?
Thx in advance...

Greets Kamei

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Timestamp Or Rowversion

Mar 26, 2007

I am reading information of timestamp type in sql server.
I have read something about timestamp is deprecated and new type is rowversion, but in my sql server 2005 there isnt any type rowversion.

is timestamp deprecated?
how can I cast timestampt to datetime?


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Active Rowversion Function

Feb 6, 2008

In SQL 2005 I use this 'min_active_rowversion()' to return the lowest active rowversion but this function is not available in SQL 2000. Is there any similar kind of thing in SQL 2000. We have 2 different application one on SQL 2005 and other on SQL 2000.

Thanks !

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RowVersion/Timestamp To String

Feb 12, 2008

I have a RowVersion/Timestamp column in my table. I check against the RowVersion/Timestamp column when updating rows to check if a row has been updated by another user. I would like to call RAISERROR with a custom message which indicates the current RowVersion/Timestamp of the row in question.

What data type do I convert the RowVersion/Timestamp column into so I can make it part of the custom message which will be a string?

If I convert the RowVersion/Timestamp column into a bigint column, will the max value of RowVersion/Timestamp ever exceed the max value of a bigint? For example, convert(bigint, MyRowVersionColumn)

If the max value of the RowVersion/Timestamp column can exceed the max value for a bigint column, can I convert the RowVersion/Timestamp into a hex string?

Basically RowVersion/Timestamp columns are binary(8) or varbinary(8) so the question could also be answered if it is known if binary(8) can exceed the max value of bigint or if binary(8) can be converted into a hex string

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!

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Rowversion Output Parameter

Sep 14, 2007

Is there an equalivent to scope_identity that supports getting the rowversion value last provided by the system?

The reason I'm asking: We're updating a table, and I want to send the rowversion value back to the client as an output paramter so they can update again without running into a false positive concurrency error.

Without something like scope_identity, I have to run a select statement after the update just to get the rowversion that was provided by the system, and that hardly seems efficient.

My goal is to avoid the extra code and the select statement.

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SqlDataSource And Timestamp(Rowversion) Datatype

Mar 28, 2006

Hello, I'm attempting to use the Sql Timestamp (Rowversion in 2005) datatype for optimistic concurrency for my SqlDataSource because the table I'm updating has a few columns that can be null which breaks the optimistic concurrency code generated by visual studio. However, the Type's available for SqlDataSource parameters do not include "Timestamp" and everything else I've tried throws exceptions. SO, is there anyway to use the timestamp/rowversion datatype with a SqlDataSource? Many thanks for your help, I have been googling this for literally hours. Thanks again.Drew

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Running A Distributed Query Against A Loopback Linked Server In SQL Server 2005 Is Not Supported

Aug 27, 2007

I receive the following error message when I run a distributed query against a loopback linked server in SQL Server 2005:
The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction.

To resolve this problem, I was told that running a distributed query against a loopback linked server is not supported in SQL Server 2005. And I am suggested to use a remote server definition (sp_addserver) instead of a linked server definition to resolve this problem. (Although this is only a temporary resolution, which will deprecate in Katmai)

However, I run into another problem when I use the remote server definition. I receive the following error message:
Msg 18483, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Could not connect to server 'ServerNameSQL2005' because '' is not defined as a remote login at the server. Verify that you have specified the correct login name.

Could anyone please help me out?
(I include the reproduce steps for the first error message, followed by my resolution that generates the second error message)
Reproduce steps for the first error message

On the ComputerAInstanceA instance, run the following statement to create a database and a table:
USE DatabaseA
CREATE TABLE TestTable(Col1 int, Col2 varchar(50))
INSERT INTO TestTable VALUES (1, 'Hello World')

On the ComputerBInstanceB instance, run the following statement to create a database and a table:
USE DatabaseB
CREATE TABLE TestTable (Col1 int, Col2 varchar(50))

On the ComputerAInstanceA instance, create a linked server that links to the ComputerBInstanceB instance. Assume the name of the linked server is LNK_ServerB.

On the ComputerBInstanceB instance, create a linked server that links to the ComputerAInstanceA instance. Assume the name of the linked server is LNK_ServerA.

On the ComputerBInstanceB instance, run the following statement:
USE DatabaseB
SELECT * from LNK_ServerA.DatabaseA.dbo.TestTable

On the ComputerAInstanceA instance, run the following statement:
USE DatabaseA
EXEC LNK_ServerB.DatabaseB.dbo.InsertA
Then I receive the first error message.

My resolution that generates the second error message

On the ComputerBInstanceB instance, run the following statement:
sp_addserver 'ComputerAInstanceA'
sp_serveroption 'ComputerAInstanceA', 'Data Access', 'TRUE'
USE DatabaseB
SELECT * FROM [ComputerAInstanceA].DatabaseA.dbo.TestTable

On the ComputerAInstanceA instance, run the following statement:
USE DatabaseA
EXECUTE [ComputerBInstanceB].[DatabaseB].[dbo].[InsertA]
Then I receive the second error message.

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Can Distributed Query Read Sql Server 2000 From Sql Server 2005?

Nov 29, 2007

if it is possible to run a distributed query against 2000 from 2005, what would the OPENDATASOURCE parameters look like? I'd like to be able to pivot without copying my older 2000 db to 2005 or using linked servers..

For reference, here's an example of a distrib query that reads excel...

'Data Source=C: estxltest.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0')...[Customers$]

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SQL Server 2000 To SQL 2005 Linked Server - Query Problem

Jan 16, 2008


SQL 2000: 8.00.2187 x86, 8 way 700mhz, 6GB Ram
SQL 2005: 9.00.3042 IA64 2 Way Dual-Core 1.66Mhz 16 GB ram


Querys to the SQL 2005 box from SQL 2000 work but when the query is parameterised with non-literals (@variables) then the query run on the SQL 2005 box excludes any where clause causing the entire table to be returned to the SQL 200 box. When the query is parameterised using literal values the query is executed on SQL 2005 including the where clause.

At first I thought that the "Collation Compatible" setting was the culprit but setting this to 1 made no difference. Other SQL 2000 boxes work as expected and any queries from these using literal and non-literal parameters.

Please, any ideas?


SELECT A.Column FROM linkedServer.IA.dbo.Table Where A.Column = 'value'

Not Working (correctly anyway!)

DECALRE @Value tinyint
SET @Value = 22
SELECT A.Column FROM linkedServer.IA.dbo.Table Where A.Column = @value

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Error Query Data Through Linked Server , SQL Server 2005

May 27, 2008


I have a development and a production SQL server instance environment set up on 2 independent machines. Each machine is running Windows 2003 for an OS, while each server instance is version SQL Server 2005. On friday, I experienced difficulties querying one environment from the other through linked servers. I would get the error below:

Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "dev_server". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used

The linked servers had been previously set up and had been running without any issues. Dropping and recreating the linked servers did not help at all, and all attempts to google the error led to accounts of either SQL Server 2005-SQL Server 2000 procedures compatibility or 64 bit - 32 bit compatibily related errors. Neither of the two were relevant as both my environment have the same technology, both hardware and software.

Mysteriously, the linked server worked this morning without any issue at all. One co-worker suggests gremlins are at work, while another figures that my set up had 'checked out for the long weekend'. Unfortunately, neither explanation is plausible, so my quest to find out what could have gone wrong, and hopefully put preventitive measures in place for the future goes on. Does anybody have any idea what the issue could have been?


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SQL Server 2000 Query Slowing Down In SQL Server 2005

Aug 14, 2006

Hi everybody,

I have a query slower in SQL Server 2005 than in SQL Server 2000. I have a database in SQL 2000, I put it on the same server, but with SQL 2005 and the query take 5 seconds instead of 0 seconds. The DB compatibility is SQL Server 2000 (I tried with 2005 and result is the same). Execution plan seems right and I tried to change some DB options without results. It is weird, when I remove left join on MandatsEx, it take 2 seconds. The view currentEmployeeLevelHistoric returns 45 000 rows and mandatsex has 0 rows.

Here is the sample:

Select ls.EmployeNiveau.pk_EmployeNiveauID as NoNiveau,
IsNull(nullif(ls.Traduction.Description, ''), ls.TraductionDefaut.Description) + ' (' +
ls.currentLevelHIstoric.NoNiveau + ')' As Nom,
ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.DebAssign As DateAssignationDebut,
ls.EmployeNiveau.assignmentReason As AssignmentReason,
ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.FinAssign As DateAssignationFin,
ls.MandatsEx.noDossier, ls.MandatsEx.pk_MandatID,
'' As Period, ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.NiveauPrincipal,
ls.EmployeNiveau.fk_NiveauID_Niveaux, ls.EmployeNiveau.No_Ent_leg,
IsNull(nullif(TradPere.Description, ''), TradDefautPere.Description) + ' (' + NiveauPere.NoNiveau
+ ')' As NomSup,
ls.EmployeNiveau.No_Ent_leg + ls.EmployeNiveau.no_divisio + ls.EmployeNiveau.no_sec_eco +
ls.EmployeNiveau.no_etabli + ls.EmployeNiveau.no_mat as employeeScope,
case when ls.mandatExternalisation.fk_mandatID_MandatsEx is null then 2 else 1 end as
From ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric
Inner Join ls.EmployeNiveau on
ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.pk_EmployeNiveauID = ls.EmployeNiveau.pk_EmployeNiveauID
Inner join ls.currentLevelHistoric On
ls.EmployeNiveau.fk_NiveauID_Niveaux = ls.currentLevelHistoric.fk_niveauID_niveaux
Left Outer Join ls.TraductionDefaut On
ls.currentLevelHIstoric.fk_TraductionID_TraductionDefaut = ls.TraductionDefaut.pk_NoTraduction
Left Outer Join ls.Traduction On
ls.TraductionDefaut.pk_NoTraduction = ls.Traduction.No_Traduction and
ls.Traduction.Langue = 1
Left Join ls.MandatsEx on
ls.EmployeNiveau.fk_MandatID_MandatsEx = ls.MandatsEx.pk_MandatID
Left Join ls.mandatExternalisation on
ls.MandatsEx.pk_MandatID = ls.mandatExternalisation.fk_mandatID_MandatsEx
left Join ls.Niveaux as NiveauPere on
NiveauPere.niveauID = ls.currentLevelHIstoric.supId
Left Outer Join ls.TraductionDefaut As TradDefautPere On
NiveauPere.fk_TraductionID_TraductionDefaut = TradDefautPere.pk_NoTraduction
Left Outer Join ls.Traduction As TradPere On
TradDefautPere.pk_NoTraduction = TradPere.No_Traduction and
TradPere.Langue = 1
Where ls.EmployeNiveau.fk_EmploID_Emplos = 345158 and (convert(varchar,
ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.DebAssign, 112) <= '20060802' and
(ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.FinAssign is null or
convert(varchar, ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.FinAssign, 112) >= '20060802'))

Thank you

Steve Gadoury

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Sql Server 2005 Query Help.

Jun 4, 2008


I'm having a problem with the below query. I'm trying to show the total amount of placements(sales) group by each month. I also want to show how much of the placements(sales) have been invoiced again groped by each month. The problem I'm having is some placements(sales) have more two invoices linked to them so the placementfee for that placement is being doubled.

How do I write the below code so that it only sums placementfee based on a distinct placementid?

is it possible to but something like this in the where clause -
where p.placementid = distinct/unique

Thanks in advance


DATENAME(MONTH, p.createdon) AS theMonth,
sum(p.placementfee) as 'Amount Boarded',
count(distinct p.placementid) 'Number of Deals'
,SUM(i.netsum) as 'Amount Invoiced',
SUM(p.placementfee)- SUM(i.netsum)as 'Waiting to invoice'

FROM placements p
left outer join placementinvoices pp on pp.placementid = p.placementid
left join invoices i on i.invoiceid = pp.invoiceid

WHEREp.createdon >= '20080101'
AND p.createdon < '20150101'

DATEPART(MONTH, p.createdon)


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Sql Server 2005 Query Questions

Apr 4, 2006

I recently upgraded to sql server 2005 for developing on my local system and cant seem to find the option that automatically sets the drop procedure at the top and the usernames on the bottom of a procedure that I script as new. I used to do it in the old query analyzer so Im sure its in there somewhere. Thanks in advance for any help.RyanOC

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Complex Sql Server 2005 Query

Nov 8, 2007

A sql server table is populated with records every 2 minutes. See below sample table
In the table, the Import_Date is a datetime field.

create table tblData
ID int identity(1, 1),
SourceID int,
SourceCode varchar(255)
Security varchar(255),
Bprice decimal(12, 8),
Aprice decimal(12, 8),
ImportDate datetime

Here is a populated table.
I have left gaps for better visual checks for you.


11sourceASecA100.2299.1212007-11-07 16:24:31.297
22sourceWSecH95.789.432007-11-07 16:24:31.297
33SourceXSecS50.56176.4442007-11-07 16:24:31.297
44SourceQSecZ87.982007-11-07 16:24:31.297
55SourceJSecH100.299.1222007-11-07 16:24:31.297
66SourceKSecU2007-11-07 16:24:31.297
77SourceTSecA50.56387.112007-11-07 16:24:31.297

81sourceASecA100.2699.1222007-11-07 16:26:15.123
92sourceWSecH99.54489.432007-11-07 16:26:15.123
103SourceXSecS50.56219.332007-11-07 16:26:15.123
114SourceQSecZ16.9887.982007-11-07 16:26:15.123
125SourceJSecH100.2199.1222007-11-07 16:26:15.123
136SourceKSecU2007-11-07 16:26:15.123
147SourceTSecA50.56287.1112007-11-07 16:26:15.123

151sourceASecA100.2187.1112007-11-07 16:26:15.123
162sourceWSecH99.6689.4322007-11-07 16:26:15.123
173SourceXSecS50.56219.332007-11-07 16:26:15.123
184SourceQSecZ16.98387.9832007-11-07 16:26:15.123
195SourceJSecH100.2399.1232007-11-07 16:26:15.123
206SourceKSecU2007-11-07 16:26:15.123
217SourceTSecA101.32587.1132007-11-07 16:26:15.123

I am trying to build a sql query to show which source is offering the max(Bprice) and who is offering the min(Aprice).
In addition if more than one sources are offering the same prices then they should be shown as shown below in the first record i.e. (SourceA, SourceT) --> 3 + 1 = 4
This is what I would like to see:


SecA101.325SourceT87.114SourceA, SourceT

What is the sql query to do this please?

This is what I have started with but it is not correct...

max(Bprice) as 'Max_Bprice',
SourceCode as 'Bprice_SourceCode',
min(Aprice) as 'Min_Aprice',
SourceCode as 'Aprice_SourceCode'
group by

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How To Scheduling A Query In Sql Server 2005

Apr 16, 2008

I want to schedule a query that ll insert a record in a table of the database at every 02:00 am. How should i do that. i am uisng sql server 2005?

Muhammad Saifullah

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Query Designer In SQL Server 2005

May 9, 2007

I would like to be able to use the Query Designer without having to close it out to test the query.

I seem to recall using Query Designer in 2000 as a stand-alone app outside of Enterprise Manager.

How can I use Query Designer AND have the results show up in the same window?

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SQL Server 2005 - SELECT Query

Oct 18, 2006

HiI currently have a select query with "Description = 'input from userhere'" which basically returns the associated row containing theDescription field exactly as typed by the user, however, would it bepossible to, if not found, return the closest match? I am usingMicrosoft Visual Studio 2005 with C# as language and Microsoft SQLServer 2005 as database.Regards,Lionel Pinkhard---avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.Virus Database (VPS): 0642-0, 2006/10/17Tested on: 2006/10/18 12:46:07 PMavast! - copyright (c) 1988-2006 ALWIL Software.http://www.avast.com

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Query Performance - SQL Server 2005

Oct 17, 2007


I am having a table with 40 columns and it contains 4 million records. I got the results for one year in 40 secs. After tuning, it is retuning in 24 secs( what i have done is i created index on order by fields).

Can you please suggest me in which way I can increase the performance.

Note: I am using only one table with Primary Key.


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Query Plan In SQL Server 2005 SP2

Aug 14, 2007


The query included at the end of this post seems to use the 'wrong' index when executing and takes 2+ minutes to run. When I provide an index hint, it runs in under 1 second. This happens in both the Production and Development environments; both servers run SQL Server 2005 SP2.

When I run both the queries together in Query Analyzer (or SSMS), the Query Cost (relative to the batch) value for the query with the index hint = 83.24%.

Profiler stats for Original Query:

Duration = 130484 ms
CPU = 111141 ms
Reads = 85470

Profiler stats for Index Hint Query:

Duration = 64 ms
CPU = 687 ms
Reads = 5558

Statistics are updated every night (w/Fullscan)
Indexes are rebuilt/defragmented daily based on fragmentation levels.

What am I missing here/how do I fix this performance issue?
Doesn't Profiler take into account the "Subtree Cost" for the Index Seek (which Query Analyzer & SSMS consider to be so expensive)? What Events/Columns do I need to include in the Profiler trace to see this statistic when the query is executing?

Thanks much,

select min(AccessLevel)
from Groups-- WITH(INDEX = ByClassID)
where name = 'Student Leader'
and classid in (2067,2063,2069,2070,2079,2072,2073,2074,2075,2076,2077,2073,2079,2030,2039,2032,201,2034,2035,2036,2037,201,2039,2090,

INDEX Definition:
CREATE INDEX ByClassID ON Groups(ClassID) INCLUDE(Name,AccessLevel)

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Sql Server 2005 Query Analyser

Nov 29, 2006

is there a query analyzer for sql server 2005 as in sql server 2000?

bcoz i downloaded the 180 days evaluation version & installed it .

i have worked with sql server 2000. but there is no query analyzer for 2005 how can i write queries & execute?

of course there is vs 2005 which has come with sql server 2005 evaluation copy.

plz help!

bcoz i really want to work with sql server 2005

thanks in advance for ur replies

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Help Required Please + SQL Server 2005 + LIKE Query

Jan 10, 2008

Hi Guys

I am in need of some assistance please.

I am using SQL Server 2005 and C#(winforms).

For example if I have a winform with a textbox and search button. If I type in ABCD1234. I won't know what the data is coming into the X Table. So there will be hundreds of description data in the description field in X table.

So in the X Table, there are ABCD1234,ABCD_1234,ABCD/1234,ABCD 1234

But I will only pick this 'ABCD1234' record up, and the rest won't be picked. They are variations of the same description. It needs to pick also ABCD_1234,ABCD/1234,ABCD 1234

If also type in 5678, in another column like code in X Table. It would have 005678,05678,56780. But I will only pick this '5678' record up, and the rest won't be picked. They are variations of the same code.
It needs to pick also 005678,05678,56780


But another idea is a table of alternate descriptions for those that you know about and look those up and search for them all. But how can that be done?

Any ideas guys please? with examples if possible.

Thanks Newbie.....

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SQL Server 2005 And Query Notification

Jun 9, 2006

I have been testing SQLDependency and I have a two questions;

1) When using a stored procedure to run the dependency query, using a "clean" procedure (containing nothing but a select statement), works fine. Adding try..catch (which is a part of our coding standards), results in the subscription firing immediately because of an invalid query. Is this by design? If so, how can I implement error handling.

2) How does SQLDependency handle SQL Server restarts?
I see two options:
a) The subscription is fired listing a server restart message in the related service broker queue, but as far as I can tell, SQLDependency has no way of handling these messages given the connection has been broken. (Establishing a new connection and dependency won€™t read the said messages).
b) The SQLDependency listener on the client raises an error for the connection being terminated. Can I relay on this event to recreate a connection and dependency?

Help will be appriciated

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A Query In SQL Server 2000 And Sql Server 2005

May 5, 2008

Hi all,

I need your help.
I have 2 different databases. One of them is in the SQL Server 2000 and the other on is in the SQL Server 2005. I need to make a query out of these 2 databases.
Is there any way that I can do this?


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SQL Server 2005 Query/trigger/function (whatever It Is That I Need)

Dec 8, 2006

Hey guys maybe you can help me out, been trying to figure this one out all day at work. I know how to use columns in a table to calculate another column in that same table. But I need to do some math on columns from a totally seperate table. Here is my scenario
 table 1 = stock table
 table 2 = Purchase order table
 in table 2 there are line items that have ordered quantities for parts that we have ordered
 in table 1 under each part number is a field for "quantity on order"
I need to compute the "quantity on order" in table 1 by summing all of the quantities in table 2 where the partnumber = the partnumber from table 1
quantity on order (table 1) = sum of all quantities (table 2) where the part numbers match
so for part number 516 i have this
table 2
poNumber             partNumber                 quantity
1                             516                             1
2                             516                             12
3                             516                             4
table 1
partNumber            inStock              onOrder
516                          0                        17(this is what i am trying to figure out how to compute)
any help on this qould be appreciated. I would like the database to automatically do this itself if at all possible.

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How To Break Insert Query In Sql Server 2005 In To Two...

Jan 15, 2008

 I am inserting a lengthy query through the source code here it contains one big record called  description which  has 3 paragraph length.....its showing error also.Is there any way to  break the query in  to two and  execute?

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SQL Server 2005 Query With Date Function

Feb 5, 2008

I wrote a function and a SQL to get the  3 columns Date,Total Orders
& Amount, for dates between Date Started and Date Completed if I
pass different Dates in the SQL I get the correct result but if I pass
same dates then I don't get the result I am looking for .For Instance,if I give Date From=1/02/2008 ;Date To=1/8/2008(Different dates )I am getting values for all the three columns.But I give same dates for  Date From=01/02/2008 ;Date To=01/02/2008 then I am not getting the records.Some how I could not trace what could be the error in my SQL /Function.I appreciate if I could get some work around for this.Thanks!  Function:create function dbo.CreateDateList(@start datetime, @end datetime)returns @t table ( [date] datetime )asbegin if @start is null or @end is null return if @start > @end return set @start = convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), @start, 120), 120) set @end = convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), @end, 120), 120) while @start < @end begin insert into @t ( [date] ) values (@start) set @start = dateadd(day, 1, @start) end returnend ---------SELECT qUERY---------- SELECT Convert(Varchar(15), l.[date],101)as Date,COUNT(o.OrderID ) AS TotalOrders,ISNULL(Round(SUM(o.SubTotal),2),0) AS Amount , 1 as OrderByCol FROM dbo.CreateDateList(@DateFrom , @DateTo) l LEFT OUTER JOIN orders o ON o.Datecompleted >=Convert(Datetime, l.[date],101) and o.Datecompleted < dateadd(day,1,convert(Datetime, l.[date],101)) WHERE StoreID=@StoreID GROUP BY Convert(Varchar(15), l.[date],101) Union SELECT 'Grand Total' as Total,NULL AS TotalOrders, ISNULL(Round(SUM(o.SubTotal),2),0) AS Amount, 2 as OrderByCol FROM dbo.CreateDateList(@DateFrom , @DateTo) l LEFT OUTER JOIN orders o ON o.Datecompleted >=Convert(Datetime, l.[date],101) and o.Datecompleted < dateadd(day,1,convert(Datetime, l.[date],101)) WHERE StoreID=@StoreID Order by Date   

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Online Query Tool SQL Server 2005

Feb 18, 2008

Hi,I was wondering if someone could help advise me.Basically i have a client who wants to upgrade from a desktop msaccess solution to a web based system using MS SQL Server 2005.Basically their main concern is in losing the ability to write ad-hocqueries using the MS Access query manager. I can obviously writestatic reports etc but whats the best way to give them someflexibility ??Can anyone advise me if there is any product that can do this for SQLServer 2005 (which im sure there is) but will work in a webenvironment.Or does anyone have any helpful ideas ???all help / advice greatly appreciatedCG

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Incorrect Results With T-sql Query In SQL Server 2005

Apr 18, 2006

I'm seeing some change in behavior for a query in SQL Server 2005 (compared to behavior in SQL Server 2000).  The query is as follows:
create table #projects (projectid int) insert into #projects select projectid from tblprojects where istemplate = 0 and projecttemplateid = 365

Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID
from tblProjects WITH (NOLOCK) 
     inner join #projects on #projects.projectid = tblprojects.projectid  
     Inner join tblMilestones WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblMilestones.ProjectID   
          and tblProjects.projectID in (
               select projectid 
               from tblMilestones 
               where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' )
                    and enabled = 1  )
This is dynamic SQL generated by the application when a user requests a report with variable parameters.  It works fine in SQL Server 2000.  It outputs 47 records which is correct. 

In SQL Server 2005, for some reason, the DISTINCT keyword is behaving as a TOP operator and outputs just 1 record.  (Results of Showplan Text at the end of this post).

If I modify the query even the slightest bit by:
1) Changing "where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' )
    and enabled = 1  )"
 To " where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) )
    and enabled = 1  "

2)  Changing " Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID"
 To   " Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID+''"

3) Removing the Distinct keyword, storing into a Temp table, then performing a distinct on the temp table


5) OR completely fixing the query (remove redundant loops, etc)

...it works fine (outputs 47 records).  It also works if I created new tables (eg. tMilestones instead of tblMilestones) and inserted about 10 records into each and ran the query referencing these new tables.

I reindexed the tables, updated stats, updated usage, ran DBCC FREEPROCCACHE, changed MaxDOP settings...nothing makes the query behave the way it does in SQL Server 2000 without modifying the query/adding the query hint.

Have you come across this?  Any ideas on what might be causing the "TOP" operation.  (Somewhat resembles the bug mentioned in this article: http://www.kbalertz.com/Feedback_910392.aspx - but this was apparently fixed POST-SQL Server 2000 SP4 - so has it not made it into SQL Server 2005 yet?).

I will appreciate any new insights you might have on this issue. 
Thanks much,

P.S. Results of Showplan Text:


(1 row(s) affected)

Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID from tblProjects WITH (NOLOCK) 
inner join #projects on #projects.projectid = tblprojects.projectid 
Inner join tblMilestones WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblMilestones.ProjectID  
and tblProjects.projectID in (
select tblMilestones.projectid from tblMilestones
where (parent = 683691 AND tblMilestones.PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) 
and tblMilestones.enabled = 1  )

(1 row(s) affected)

  |--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID]=ANY([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID])))
       |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]))
            |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]))
            |    |--Filter(WHERE:(CONVERT_IMPLICIT(tinyint,[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[Enabled],0)=(1)))
            |    |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([Uniq1014], [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) OPTIMIZED)
            |    |         |--Merge Join(Inner Join, MERGE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID], [Uniq1014])=([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID], [Uniq1014]), RESIDUAL:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] = [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] AND [Uniq1014] = [Uniq1014]))
            |    |         |    |--Sort(ORDER BY:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] ASC, [Uniq1014] ASC))
            |    |         |    |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[byPrimaryDate]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[PrimaryDate] >= '2006-04-15 00:00:00.000' AND [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[PrimaryDate] <= '2006-04-22 00:00:00.000') ORDERED FORWARD)
            |    |         |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[byParentID]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[Parent]=(683691)) ORDERED FORWARD)
            |    |         |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[projectid]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] AND [Uniq1014]=[Uniq1014]) LOOKUP ORDERED FORWARD)
            |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[PK_tblProjects_1]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
            |--Top(TOP EXPRESSION:((1)))
                 |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)
                      |--Table Scan(OBJECT:([tempdb].[dbo].[#projects]), WHERE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[tempdb].[dbo].[#projects].[projectid]))
                      |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[projectid]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) ORDERED FORWARD)

(15 row(s) affected)


(1 row(s) affected)



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Problem With Query Using SQL Server 2005 September CTP

Oct 27, 2005

To SQL Server 2005 Team:   This query works fine on SQL Server 2000:   select   top 10 aename as EscrowOfficer,aomon,aoday,aoyeary2k,                              aemon,aeday,aeyeary2k,aprice,aescr#,aprpt#,abra#,arecmn, arecdy,arecyry2k,Source,absct,asrep1,asrep2,asrep3,asrep4, asrep5,arepc1,arepc2,arepc3,arepc4,arepc5,atname as TitleOfficer,              acust#,aagnts,aagntb,aempl#,titccd,titord,atiu,atmon,atday,atyeary2k, atoff#,acnty#,areals,arealb  from     SVRVMLAPORTALDB.RPStaging.dbo.inform where   aescr# in (      select   aescr#                                     from     SVRVMLAPORTALDB.RPStaging.dbo.inform                                     where  aoyeary2k >= 2004 and                                                 aomon between 1 and 12 and                                                 aoday between 1 and 31 and                                                 abra# <> 99)             or             aescr# in (       select   inform.aescr#                                     from     SVRVMLAPORTALDB.RPStaging.dbo.inform as inform                                                 inner join SVRVMLAPORTALDB.RPStaging.dbo.invoicehdr as invoicehdr on                                                             inform.aescr# = invoicehdr.aescr#                                     where  invoicehdr.ipostdatey2k >= 20040101 and                                                 inform.aoyeary2k < 2004 and                                                 inform.abra# <> 99)     The result set I get back (abbreviated for clarity) on SQL Server 2000 is:                        2      13     2004   3      15     €¦ MARGIE LLARINAS      9      10     2002   9      11     €¦ Leslie Azevedo       10     28     2004   12     2      €¦ Nesha Castelo        5      23     2005   8      22     €¦ Nesha Castelo       5      23     2005   7      29     €¦ Jill Stonebraker    9      21     2001   12     10     €¦ Jill Stonebraker    9      11     2002   10     31     €¦ Jill Stonebraker     10     31     2002   1      2      €¦ Jill Stonebraker    11     22     2002   1      29     €¦ Jill Stonebraker    12     19     2002   2      6      €¦

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Upgrade Query From Access To Sql Server 2005

Apr 6, 2006

I'm currently upgrading from Access to Sql Server, and I have a broken query that I cannot find a fix for.

The original query:

SELECT DISTINCT DownloadedNames.*FROM DownloadedSkims INNER JOIN (DownloadedNames INNER JOIN DownloadedInfo ON DownloadedNames.DNID = DownloadedInfo.DIDnID) ON DownloadedSkims.DM_ID = DownloadedInfo.DI_DM_IDWHERE DM_ID=23 AND (dWeek BETWEEN '6/26/2006' AND '9/18/2006')ORDER BY DIID, dWeek

I get the error "Msg 145, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified" when I test the query.

If anyone knows what changes I can make to the query, you'd really be helping me out.


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SQL Server 2005 - How To Convert A Query Into A Table?

Sep 11, 2007

I'm going through and restructuring a database scheme and was wondering if, after I make a query (view), how can I convert that into a table?


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How To Replace Sysindexes And Sysobjects In The Query For Sql Server 2005?

Feb 26, 2008

 hi all,i was using the system tables namely sysindexes and sysobjects  in sql server 2000. But now sql server 2005 is using instead of sql server 2000.  Since am using sysindexes and sysobjects, too much time is taking for the execution in sql server 2005. So I need to change the query suitable for sql server 2005.I have read in msdn that the system tables are replaced with corresponding catalog views in sql server 2005. The catelog view for sysobjects is sys.objects. plz check the link  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187997.aspxCould anyone please tell me how to replace the sysindexes and sysobjects in the query without rewriting the query too much. If I can replacesysobjects with just sys.objects, then it will be very helpful. Is it possible? And what about sysindexes.  Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!

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