Query - Select Two Tables Where A.id=b.id

Dec 28, 2007


my query is:

SELECT a.symbol_art,b.node_key

FROM artykuly a, art_podz b

WHERE a.symbol_art=b.symbol_art

------------- -------------------

table: artykuly table art_pod

a.symbol_art b.symbol_art

AA-0001 AA-0001 = record ok

AA-0002 NULL = >>>>>>>>I want to view diference
records symbol_art in two tables

How select all a.symbol_art where in table art_podz b.symbol_art is no exists?



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Declaring A Table Variable Within A Select Table Joined To Other Select Tables In Query

Oct 15, 2007


I hope someone can answer this, I'm not even sure where to start looking for documentation on this. The SQL query I'm referencing is included at the bottom of this post.

I have a query with 3 select statements joined together like tables. It works great, except for the fact that I need to declare a variable and make it a table within two of those 3. The example is below. You'll see that I have three select statements made into tables A, B, and C, and that table A has a variable @years, which is a table.

This works when I just run table A by itself, but when I execute the entire query, I get an error about the "declare" keyword, and then some other errors near the word "as" and the ")" character. These are some of those errors that I find pretty meaningless that just mean I've really thrown something off.

So, am I not allowed to declare a variable within these SELECT tables that I'm creating and joining?

Thanks in advance,

Select * from


declare @years table (years int);

insert into @years



WHEN month(getdate()) in (1) THEN year(getdate())-1

WHEN month(getdate()) in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) THEN year(getdate())




, sum(tx.Dm_Time) LastMonthBillhours

, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) lasmosbillingpercentage


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-1


year(dm_date) = (select years from @years)

and tx.dm_billable = 1

group by u.fullname

) as A

left outer join



, sum(tx.Dm_Time) Billhours

, ((sum(tx.Dm_Time))


((day(getdate()) * ((5.0)/(7.0))) * 8)) perc


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


tx.Dm_Billable = '1'


month(tx.Dm_Date) = month(GetDate())


year(tx.Dm_Date) = year(GetDate())

group by u.fullname) as B


A.Fullname = B.Fullname

Left Outer Join




, sum(tx.Dm_Time) TwomosagoBillhours

, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) twomosagobillingpercentage


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-2

group by u.fullname

) as C


A.Fullname = C.Fullname

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Select Statement Help:How Do I Query Two Tables

Mar 20, 2006

How do I Query two tables and minus the result to be displayed in a gridview.  I will appreciate all the help that I can get in this regard. Find below my two select statement
1st Select StatementDim SelectString As String = "SELECT DISTINCT [Course_Code], [Course_Description], [Credit_Hr], [Course_Type], [Course_Method] FROM [MSISCourses] WHERE (([Course_Type] = Core) OR ([Course_Type] = Information Integration Project) "If radBtnView.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Course_Type] = 'Knowledge')"End IfIf chkGView.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'Data Management')"End IfIf chkGView2.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'General')"End IfIf chkGView1.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'Electronic Commerce')"End IfIf chkGView3.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'Network Administration and Security')"End IfIf chkGView4.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'Healthcare Information Systems')"End IfSqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = SelectString
2nd Select Statement"SELECT DISTINCT [Co_Code], [Co_Description], [Cr_Hr], [Co_Type], [Co_Method] FROM [StudentCourses] WHERE ([Co_Code] = StdIDLabel)"
my gridview<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="Course_Code" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3" GridLines="Horizontal"><Columns><asp:BoundField DataField="Course_Code" HeaderText="Course_Code" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="Course_Code" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Course_Description" HeaderText="Course_Description" SortExpression="Course_Description" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Credit_Hr" HeaderText="Credit_Hr" SortExpression="Credit_Hr" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Course_Type" HeaderText="Course_Type" SortExpression="Course_Type" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Course_Method" HeaderText="Course_Method" SortExpression="Course_Method" /> </Columns></asp:GridView>

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Select Query For Retrieving Data Using 3 Tables?

Apr 21, 2015

I want to retrieve the data from table "Document" and i need to check the below condition using 3 tables.


Here Project and Group is an another table.

Query : Select Document.Name from Document, Group, Project where
Document.ID = Group.ID and Document.ID= Project.ID.

is this right a way?

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[SQL2k5] Dynamic SQL Query Select On All User Tables

Jul 17, 2006

In one query, I would like to query every user table in a specified database for

SELECT TOP (3) COUNT_BIG([Event Count]) AS EventNum, [Target IP], MAX([Time]) as LastSeen
GROUP BY [Target IP]

How is this possible?

Please give examples, I am a beginner.

Assume every table has the same structure for columns event count, target ip, and time.

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Does It Locks Database/tables When Only Select Query Comes In SQLTransaction

Jul 12, 2006


I want to make SQLTransaction as global and use it checking the State.
But then where there are Only Select queries are going to fire, it will open transaction.

So, Does it locks database/tables when Only Select query comes in SQLTransaction.

If you have another successful way of doing this, Please suggest.

Thanking you.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Select Query To Pull Required Data From 3 Tables

Mar 19, 2014

I have three tables EmpIDs,EmpRoles and LatestRoles. I need to write a select Query to get roles of all employees present in EmpIDs table by referring EmpRoles and LatestRoles.

Where I stuck : The condition is first look into table EmpRoles and if it has more than one entry for a particular Employee ID than only need to get the Role from LatestRoles other wise consider the role from EmpRoles .


Create Table #EmpIDs (
EmplID int
Create Table #EmpRoles (
EMPID int,

[Code] ....

Employee ID 2 is having two roles defined in EmpRoles so for EmpID 2 need to fetch Role from LatestRoles table and for remaining ID's need to fetch from EmpRoles .

My Final Output of select query should be like below.

EmpID Role
1 Role1
2 Role2
3 Role1

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Query To Select Multiple Tables In Dataset Through ODBC Connection

Apr 10, 2007

Hi there,

I have a MS Access database (mdb) containing the following tables:






The Criminal table contains information about each criminal and the CrimeCommitted table contains information about the specific crimes. I've written the following query to return only the latest crime committed by each criminal:

Code Snippet

SELECT Criminal.CriminalID, Criminal.Firstname, Criminal.Lastname, Criminal.Nickname, Criminal.Gender, Criminal.DOB, Criminal.Eyes, Criminal.Complexion, Criminal.Weight, Criminal.Height, Criminal.Build, Criminal.Scars, Criminal.Occupation, Criminal.CrimeOrgID, Criminal.IQ, Criminal.Hideout, Criminal.CriminalType, Max(CrimeComitted.Date) AS Last_Crime_Comitted
FROM Criminal INNER JOIN CrimeComitted ON Criminal.CriminalID=CrimeComitted.CriminalID
GROUP BY Criminal.CriminalID, Criminal.Firstname, Criminal.Lastname, Criminal.Nickname, Criminal.Gender, Criminal.DOB, Criminal.Eyes, Criminal.Complexion, Criminal.Weight, Criminal.Height, Criminal.Build, Criminal.Scars, Criminal.Occupation, Criminal.CrimeOrgID, Criminal.IQ, Criminal.Hideout, Criminal.CriminalType;

This query works fine for obtaining the Criminal table data, but once i've include CrimeCommitted.Country in the SELECT statement, the data returned contained all the crimes committed by each criminal (i just need the latest crime).

The query doesn't work when another table, other than Criminal, is selected. How can i obtain the columns in the CrimeCommitted table in this query?

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Multiple Tables Select Performance - SQL 2005 - Should It Take 90 Seconds For A Select?

Dec 4, 2007

I have a problem where my users complain that a select statement takes too long, at 90 seconds, to read 120 records out of a database.
The select statement reads from 9 tables three of which contain 1000000 records, the others contain between 100 and 250000 records.
I have checked that each column in the joins are indexed - they are (but some of them are clustered indexes, not unclustered).
I have run the SQL Profiler trace from the run of the query through the "Database Engine Tuning Advisor". That just suggested two statistics items which I added (no benefit) and two indexes for tables that are not involved at all in the query (I didn't add these).
I also ran the query through the Query window in SSMS with "Include Actual Execution Plan" enabled. This showed that all the execution time was being taken up by searches of the clustered indexes.
I have tried running the select with just three tables involved, and it completes fast. I added a fourth and it took 7 seconds. However there was no WHERE clause for the fourth table, so I got a cartesian product which might have explained the problem.
So my question is: Is it normal for such a type of read query to take 90 seconds to complete?
Is there anything I could do to speed it up.
Any other thoughts?

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Return The Results Of A Select Query In A Column Of Another Select Query.

Feb 8, 2008

Not sure if this is possible, but maybe. I have a table that contains a bunch of logs.
I'm doing something like SELECT * FROM LOGS. The primary key in this table is LogID.
I have another table that contains error messages. Each LogID could have multiple error messages associated with it. To get the error messages.
When I perform my first select query listed above, I would like one of the columns to be populated with ALL the error messages for that particular LogID (SELECT * FROM ERRORS WHERE LogID = MyLogID).
Any thoughts as to how I could accomplish such a daring feat?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query To Select Date Range From Two Tables With Same Date Range

Apr 6, 2015

I have 2 tables, one is table A which stores Resources Assign to work for a certain period. The structure is as below

Name StartDate EndDate
Tan 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Max 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Alan 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000 2015-04-02 00:30:00.000

The table B stores the item process time. The structure is as below

Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
V 2015-04-01 09:30:10.000 2015-04-01 09:34:45.000
Q 2015-04-01 10:39:01.000 2015-04-01 10:41:11.000
W 2015-04-01 11:44:00.000 2015-04-01 11:46:25.000
A 2015-04-01 16:40:10.000 2015-04-01 16:42:45.000
B 2015-04-01 16:43:01.000 2015-04-01 16:45:11.000
C 2015-04-01 16:47:00.000 2015-04-01 16:49:25.000

I need to select the item which process in 2015-04-01 16:40:00 and 2015-04-01 17:30:00. Beside that I need to know how many resource is assigned to process the item in that period of time. I only has the start date is 2015-04-01 16:40:00 and end date is 2015-04-01 17:30:00. How I can select the data from both tables. There is no need for JOIN, just seperate selections.

Another item process time is in 2015-04-01 10:00:00 and 2015-04-04 11:50:59.

The result expected is

Table A

Name StartDate EndDate
Alan 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000 2015-04-02 00:30:00.000

Table B

Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
A 2015-04-01 16:30:10.000 2015-04-01 16:32:45.000
B 2015-04-01 16:33:01.000 2015-04-01 16:35:11.000
C 2015-04-01 16:37:00.000 2015-04-02 16:39:25.000

Scenario 2 expected result

Table A

Name StartDate EndDate
Tan 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Max 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000

Table B

Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
Q 2015-04-01 10:39:01.000 2015-04-01 10:41:11.000
W 2015-04-01 11:44:00.000 2015-04-01 11:46:25.000

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Select Query Based Upon Results Of Another Select Query??

Sep 6, 2006

Hi, not exactly too sure if this can be done but I have a need to run a query which will return a list of values from 1 column. Then I need to iterate this list to produce the resultset for return.
This is implemented as a stored procedure

declare @OwnerIdent varchar(7)
set @OwnerIdent='A12345B'

SELECT table1.val1 FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2
ON table1. Ident = table2.Ident
WHERE table2.Ident = @OwnerIdent

'Now for each result of the above I need to run the below query

SELECT Clients.Name , Clients.Address1 ,
Clients.BPhone, Clients.email
FROM Clients INNER JOIN Growers ON Clients.ClientKey = Growers.ClientKey
WHERE Growers.PIN = @newpin)

'@newpin being the result from first query

Any help appreciated

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Result Sets Using Select In Query Anlyzer Vs BCP Vs Select Into

Jul 9, 2002

When I run simple select against my view in Query Analyzer, I get result set in one sort order. The sort order differs, when I BCP the same view. Using third technique i.e. Select Into, I have observed the sort order is again different in the resulting table. My question is what is the difference in mechanisim of query analyzer, bcp, and select into.

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Date Select Query - Select Between Two Dates

Aug 22, 2006

have a table with students details in it, i want to select all the students who joined a class on a particular day and then i need another query to select all students who joined classes over the course of date range eg 03/12/2003 to 12/12/2003.

i have tried with the following query, i need help putting my queries together
select * from tblstudents where classID='1' and studentstartdate between ('03/12/2004') and ('03/12/2004')

when i run this query i get this message

Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

the studentstartdate field is set as datetime 8 and the date looks like this in the table 03/12/2004 03:12:15

please help

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding Count To Query Without Duplicating Original Select Query

Aug 5, 2014

I have the following code.

SELECT _bvSerialMasterFull.SerialNumber, _bvSerialMasterFull.SNStockLink, _bvSerialMasterFull.SNDateLMove, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentLoc,
_bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentAccLink, _bvSerialMasterFull.StockCode, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentAccount, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentLocationDesc,
_bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTxDate, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTxReference, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTrCodeID, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTransType,
_bvSerialNumbersFull.SNWarehouseID, _bvSerialNumbersFull.TransAccount, _bvSerialNumbersFull.TransTypeDesc,


However, as you can see, the original select query is run twice and joined together.What I was hoping for is this to be done in the original query without the need to duplicate the original query.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Pull Value Of Query And Not Value Of Variable When Query Using Select Top 1 Value From Table

Jun 26, 2015

how do I get the variables in the cursor, set statement, to NOT update the temp table with the value of the variable ? I want it to pull a date, not the column name stored in the variable...

create table #temptable (columname varchar(150), columnheader varchar(150), earliestdate varchar(120), mostrecentdate varchar(120))
insert into #temptable
SELECT ColumnName, headername, '', '' FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10
--column name
declare @cname varchar(30)


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How To Select From Two Tables....help, Please....

Dec 11, 2006

Hello. What's the correct way of declaring a condition that selects two tables,with the following condition? Here's my code, it does not work.
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [table_1, table_2] WHERE table_1_data IS NULL, table_2_data IS NULL"
 table_1_data is from table_1. 
 table_2_data is from table_2.

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Select From Different Tables

Jun 19, 2008

Hi I will be thankful if any one help me with the queryI have 5 tables  InventorySalesInvoiceMasterInventorySalesMasterInventorySalesInvoiceSalesDeliveryNodeIds with fields salesInvoiceId and salesDeliveryNoteIdInventorySalesReturnMasterInventorySalesInvoiceSalesReturnIds with fields salesInvoiceId and salesReturnIdI want to retrive datas from InventorySalesInvoiceMaster and the below query works fine but if salesReturnId is not present for a salesInvoice the qurey is not returning any value the query is select ISIM.salesInvoiceId,ICM.customerName,ISIM.salesInvoiceDate from InventorySalesInvoiceMaster ISIM,InventoryCustomerMaster ICM,InventorySalesMaster ISM,InventorySalesInvoiceSalesDeliveryNodeIds ISISDNID,InventorySalesInvoiceSalesReturnIds ISISRNID,InventorySalesReturnMaster ISRM where ISIM.customerId=ICM.customerId and ISM.salesId=ISISDNID.salesDeliveryNoteId and ISRM.salesReturnId=ISISRNID.salesReturnId and ISIM.salesInvoiceId=ISISRNID.salesInvoiceId  and ISIM.salesInvoiceId=ISISDNID.salesInvoiceId and ISIM.salesinvoiceId=32Thanks in AdvanceAnu Palavila 

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Select From 3 Tables

Jul 17, 2006

Hi, I've got a problem... Let's say I have 3 tables each with only one column and the following information:




I want to make a select of the three tables to have the following result:

A, X, G
B, , H
C, ,

If I do the following select:

select isnull(a.column_a, '') as column_a,
isnull(b.column_b, '') as column_b,
isnull(c.column_c, '') as column_c
table_a a, table_b b, table_c c

I get all the possible combinations as a result.. any ideas?

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Select From 3 Tables

Sep 30, 2013

I'm using this statement to get info from 2 tables:

select holiday_notes.*, lookup.lookup_desc as type_desc from holiday_notes left join lookup on holiday_notes.[type]=lookup.lookup_id
where holiday_id=@holiday_id and delete_date is null order by create_date desc

It uses a specific id (holiday_id) to get the notes for that id.

What I need is all records from holiday_notes table, then the type (from holiday_id table) and also the holiday_name from Holiday_Ref table (which uses the holiday_id from holiday_notes table).I guess it's another join on the holiday_ref table? right join?

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SELECT From Two Tables Using LIKE

Dec 16, 2007

I'm using MS SQL 2005 server with two tables:

table 1

code code_description sub_category notes
SH Shirt (Made in USA) x 20
HA Hat (Factory) x 36
SH Shirt (Made in China) x 24

table 2

code code_description retail
---- ---------------- ------
TR Trousers 15.00
SH Shirt 10.95

I wish to be able to SELECT from both tables where code is like %S% and give the result:

SH Shirt
SH Shirt (Made in USA) x 20
SH Shirt (Made in China) x 24

How can I do this please?

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Select From Tables

May 13, 2006


i have created tables and i want to use a store procedure to get information from almost all of the tables...

lets say i have 4 tables - students, teachers,subjects and presence in classes.

students includes - name+phone+addresas+id

teachers includes - name+phone+degree+address+id and so on..

subjects includes- name+code+hours and so on

presence includes- id_student+id_teacher+code_subject+date and so on

now i want to create a table with all the students name , tachers name , subjects name what are in the presence table.

how can i get all of that information ? is it possible to write in one select statement?

what is right way to do it in a store procedure?

thnaks in advanced

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Transact SQL :: Use Query Results As Select Criteria For Another Query

Jul 10, 2015

I have a query that performs a comparison between 2 different databases and returns the results of the comparison. It returns 2 columns. The 1st column is the value of the object being compared, and the 2nd column is a number representing any discrepancies.What I would like to do is use the results from this 1st query in the where clause of another separate query so that this 2nd query will only run for any primary values from the 1st query where a secondary value in the 1st query is not equal to zero.I was thinking of using an "IN" function in the 2nd query to pull data from the 1st column in the 1st query where the 2nd column in the 1st query != 0, but I'm having trouble ironing out the correct syntax, and conceptualizing this optimally.

While I would prefer to only return values from the 1st query where the comparison value != 0 in order to have a concise list to work with, I am having difficulty in that the comparison value is a mathematical calculation of 2 different tables in 2 different databases, and so far I've been forced to include it in the select criteria because the where clause does not accept it.Also, I am not a DBA by trade. I am a system administrator writing SQL code for reporting data from an application I support.

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Transact SQL :: SELECT On Column Name From Query Result Set In Same Query?

May 9, 2015

I have a column colC in a table myTable that has a value (e.g. '0X'). The position of a non-zero character in column colC refers to the ordinal position of another column in the table myTable (in the aforementioned example, colB).

To get a column name (i.e., colA or colB) from table myTable, I can join ("ON cte.pos = cn.ORDINAL_POSITION") to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS for that table catalog, schema and name. But I want to show the value of what is in that column (e.g., 'ABC'), not just the name. Hoping for:

----------- -----
colB        123
colA        XYZ

I've tried dynamic SQL to no success, probably not executing the concept correctly...

Below is what I have:

CREATE TABLE myTable (colA VARCHAR(3), colB VARCHAR(3), colC VARCHAR(3))
INSERT INTO myTable (colA, colB, colC) VALUES ('ABC', '123', '0X')
INSERT INTO myTable (colA, colB, colC) VALUES ('XYZ', '789', 'X0')
;WITH cte AS
SELECT CAST(PATINDEX('%[^0]%', colC) AS SMALLINT) pos, STUFF(colC, 1, PATINDEX('%[^0]%', colC), '') colC

[Code] ....

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Select Multiple Tables

Jul 9, 2007

Hi there,I want to select records from 3 tables. In SQL Server 2005, I'm using of "For XML" like this:Select *, (Select * From dbo.PageModules Where (PageId = 1) For Xml Auto) As Modules, (Select * From dbo.PageRoles Where (PageId = 1) For Xml Auto) As Roles From dbo.PagesThat works fine in SQL 2005 but not in SQL 2000, Because SQL 2000 does not support nested "FOR XML".Is there any way for selecting records from multiple tables by a query?Thanks in advance 

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Update And Select From Two Tables.

Mar 10, 2008

Is there some sort of sql command where a tuple in a table has one of its cells updated depending on the value of a cell from another table. Please I would appreciate some help.

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SELECT Statement For 2 Tables

May 8, 2004

How do I make a SELECT statement to use in WebMatrix to access data that selects from 2 tables:
based on LastnameID it selects from table Contacts
and based on first name and Lastname it selects from student tables

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Select All Tables With Rowcount !!

Jul 27, 2001

Folks !!
Can someone suggest a select statement for Display of all the tables in the Db with their Row Count ?



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How To Select From Tables To A File?

Jul 20, 1999

I need to select data from within a stored procedure into a file, then FTP the file. Do I need to select it into a temporary table and bcp it or is there a better way?

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Better To Join Tables In DB Then In SELECT?

Feb 20, 2006

In my new job I have to administer an existing SQL-database with approx. 50 tables. In this database are no joins :confused: defined between the tables. We use a Visual Basic 6 application to create a GUI and within this VB6 app. there are several SELECT statements to retrieve the required data. In these SELECT statements are all the INNER and OUTER JOINS between the tables defined.
My question: is this a correct way to work with or is it better to create all the JOINs between the tables on the database itself? Or should I create different views and define the JOINs in there? My main concern is the speed to retrieve data and second the required time to administer this database.

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SELECT Statement Between Two Tables

Jan 28, 2005

I have two tables



In plain english I want to select * from absent where the employee's department (in the employee table) equals 'whatever'

Can anyone help please.

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Select Tables Where Name Begins With 'a'

Oct 4, 2005

how would i go about selecting data from a table...using the first letter of the staff_name field...

eg: i have a list at the top of my page..links, A - Z...for a staff directory page...and i want it so when you click on a link (A - Z), it display's only the people whose name begins with the letter clicked..

ive tried working my head arround it, using the left function to get the first letter...but i dont know how to structure my queries or my loop...

would anyone have any suggestions about this??

Thanks, Justin

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Select From Multiple Tables

Feb 24, 2012

I have three tables.

Table USERS Contains columns User_id and UserName
Table DOMAIN Contains columns Domain_id and DomainName
Table USER_DOMAIN Contains columns User_id, Domain_id, count, day, month, year

I am looking to run a report that pulls its information from USER_DOMAIN but instead of displaying User_id, Domain_id, it returns the UserName and DomainName associated.

The query to pull the info i need is very simple, where i am having problems is linking the user_id to the UserName and the Domain_id to the DomainName.

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