Query Three Tables - Please Help

Jul 31, 2007


I need to be able pull certain data from our database. I need to find all stockitems (itemid column) that are a T item (binname column) and the memo to be created before the 01/02/2007 (timeanddatecreated column)

To get the data I need - I need to query three tables.

Stockitem - This has the column "itemid"
Stockitemmemo - This has the column "itemid" and "timeanddatecreated"
Binitem - This has the column "itemid" and "binname"

My results must be based on the following criteria......

All the itemid's have a 'T' in binitem.binname and the memo must have been created before 01/02/2007.

I do have two questions based on the above....

1. Does it make sense what I need?
2. Is it possible


Any help would be gratefully received.



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Query View Vs Query Tables Directly

May 19, 2008


I recently started working with a database that uses several views, none of which are indexed. I've compared the execution plans of querying against the view versus querying against the tables and as best I can tell from my limited knowledge the two seem to perform equally. It seems to me that having the view is just one more thing I need to keep track of.

I've done some google searches but haven't found anything that really tells me which performs better, querying the view or the tables directly. Generally speaking which is better?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

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Query Two Tables

Jun 25, 2007

hi,I have two tables,   t1                    t2col1                 col1    col2 1                      1          0 2                      1          0 3                      1          1 4                      2          0 5                      2          0 6                      3          1 7                      3          1 8                      4          1 9                      4          1 10                    4          1 11                    4          1t2.col1 is the key from t1.col1I want to retrieve all t1.col1 records which equal to t2.col1 and tb2.col2 has ONLY "1"the result should be: 3, 4I try:select tb1.col1 from t1 as tb1 where tb1.col1 in (select col1 from t2 where col1=tb1.col1 and col2=1 and ...???.)any help?

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Query On 2 Tables

Feb 16, 2005

Hello all,
If I write this query :SELECT [Client].[CLI_NAME], [Client].[CLI_PRENOM] FROM Client, Commandes the return is good.

But If I the query is :SELECT [Client].[CLI_NOM] & " " & [Commandes].[CMD_DATE_ORDER] As Ordered FROM Client, Commandes I have an error "Invalid column name.

The CLI_NOM field is on Client Table and CMD_DATE_ORDER is on the other Order table.
How to make a good query with an aliased column without error ?

Thanks for reply.

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2 Tables, 1 Query

Aug 25, 2005

I have two tables: 1 with data, the other 3 columns from the first table with rows filled with data that needs to be ommitted when a query is made on the first table.

For example, say I have a column named "meat" and there are rows in it with "beef" as the data. In the other table there is also a column with meat and beef as the data. I would need to query both tables to first get the data to be ommitted and then use that result to query the first table. I hope I'm making sense, any help would be appreciated

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Tables Used By Query

Oct 25, 2012

I want to get the list of tables which an SQL query is using. It could be through some query or parser written in jruby or R or any other language,any thrd party tool(freeware)or any scripts.

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Query From 3 Tables

Jun 5, 2008

I know it is simple query but I am confused.
I need to make a query from 3 tables in the same database. There are no relations between these tables.
Here is result I need.
15 775.5 398
18 192.23 399

Please help me.


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Query Two Tables

Sep 15, 2014

I'm doing a query from two tables. the table "pr" and the table "prre" with the following data: pr.no, pr.nome, pr.data, pr.recibo, pr.ettsuj, pr.ettdesc, prre.cr pr.eliquido, prre.rqtt , prre.ervu, prre.ere

I'm doing the following query:

select cast(pr.no as varchar) as 'Numero',pr.nome as 'Nome',pr.data as 'Data',cast(pr.recibo as varchar) as 'Recibo',
cast(prre.rqtt as integer) as 'Qt Dias', prre.ervu as 'valor unitario',prre.ere as 'Total Subsidio',
pr.ettsuj as 'Total iliquido', pr.ettdesc as 'Total Descontos', pr.eliquido as 'Total Liquido'
from pr
inner join prre on prre.prstamp=pr.prstamp

for this query is a list of salaries, with the fields, official number, expiration, name, date, receipt number, net total, the total gross, days subsidy amount, subsisidio.

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Max - Query From Two Tables

Mar 5, 2015

I've got a problem with my query : [URL] ....

I want to say:

Pull all users whos status is New and they have at least one Completed delivery

The problem is, I am getting multiple delivery records form one patient, but I would like to see only newest one. So instead of this result:

2014-05-10 00:00:00.000CompletedReed BrewerNew830
2014-06-10 00:00:00.000CompletedReed BrewerNew830
2014-07-10 00:00:00.000CompletedReed BrewerNew830
2014-07-02 00:00:00.000CompletedColton DukeNew920

I would like to get this:

2014-07-10 00:00:00.000CompletedReed BrewerNew830
2014-07-02 00:00:00.000CompletedColton DukeNew920

I have tried to use Max , but it does not work ....


[Code] ....

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Query 2 Tables

Mar 15, 2007

I all,

i have a problem with a query.

I have two tables (Software and Licenses), and one software can have one or more licenses.

So what i want to get from this query is:

- all info of the software table
- and, if the software have or not, attributed licenses.

How can i do that?

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Two Tables Query

Jul 13, 2007


i have two tables generally:

- postid
- title
- body
- posttime
- commentcount
- commentid
- postid (FK)
- commenttext

Select t1.title, t1.body, t1.posttime, t2.commenttext

from bB_posts as t1
join bB_comments as t2
on t2.postid = t1.postid
(or t1.commentcount = 0)

This query prints out all the posts which have 1 or more complementary comments. But i would aslo like to print the posts which have 0 comments (seen in brackets).

how should i do this?

thank you

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Query On 2 Tables

Aug 22, 2007

Hi guys,

i have 2 tables in a database. Table A contains:
State City Employee_firstEmployee_LastAge
KarnatakaBangaloreDavid Na 23
KarnatakaBangalorePrakash Na 25
KarnatakaMysore Naina Na 26
KarnatakaMysore David Na 35
MaharashtraMumbai Parneet Na 24
MaharashtraMumbai Vikas Na 33
MaharashtraPune Amit Na 25
MaharashtraPune Amit Na 19

Table B contains:

State Employee_firstEmployee_LastSalary
KarnatakaDavid Reinjal 15556
KarnatakaPrakash Mehra 15323
KarnatakaDavid Petre 36524
KarnatakaKumar Mehra 56123
MaharashtraParneet Kaur 23315
MaharashtraVikas Pandey 35645
MaharashtraAmit D'Souza 23564
MaharashtraAmit Dhogla 12354

The output should be:

State CityEmployee_firstEmployee_LastAgeSalary
Karnataka BangaloreDavid Reinjal 2315556
Karnataka MysoreDavid Mehra 3556123
Karnataka MysoreNaina Petre 2636524
Karnataka BangalorePrakash Mehra 2515323
Maharashtra MumbaiParneet Kaur 2423315
Maharashtra MumbaiVikas Pandey 3335645
Maharashtra PuneAmit D'Souza 2523564
Maharashtra PuneAmit Dhogla 1912354

I tried using Inner join but it gave me a all together different output. how can i do using Union? Can anybody help me with this?


David Reinjal

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Query For Tables.

Mar 2, 2007

how can i fetch somw rows having same field value?

my table is like:

name id

x 1

y 2

z 2

w 5

so how can i get rows y and z for id=id ?

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Sql Query To Search In Two Tables

Jun 25, 2007

 i have two tables,

[OpporID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1000, 1) NOT NULL ,
[OpportunityID] [varchar] (16) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[OpportunityTypeID] [numeric](10, 0) NOT NULL ,
[SLABased] [int] NOT NULL ,
[LoginID] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[DateCreated] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[AccountID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[GeographyID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[VerticalID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BDMID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Probability] [int] NOT NULL ,
[PASStatus] [int] NULL ,
[InsertedDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[InsertedBy] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[UpdatedDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[UpdatedBy] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[UpdatedFlag] [int] NULL

[SkillNo] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[OpportunityID] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL ,
[OrderId] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL ,
[PracticeID] [int] NULL ,
[SkillID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[NoOfPeople] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Clientinterview] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Location] [int] NOT NULL ,
[JDAttached] [int] NOT NULL ,
[JDFilePath] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Status] [int] NULL ,
[Experience] [int] NULL ,
[InsertedDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[InsertedBy] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[UpdatedDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[UpdatedBy] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[UpdatedFlag] [int] NULL ,
[GeoLocation] [int] NULL

i want to make a stored procedure for custom search on these two tables
with the following fields given to the user as an option to make his
from opportunity table -
OpportunityTypeID,SLABased,AccountID ,

and from skill table
SkillID, Location, GeoLocation

and return all the fields of opportunity table.

Can some make the stored procedure for me..

thanks a lot.

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Query Using Multiple Tables

Feb 11, 2005

Hi, I have a problem which I thought it has a simple solution but now I'm not even sure it is possible.

I have 3 tables Clients <-oo ClientContacts oo-> Contacts
(the <-oo means one to may relation between the tables)

A Client may have related none, one or many Contact records. The table ClientContacts is the link that stores that information. The field ClientContacts.Category represents the type of the contact and it will be used in queries. It may be owner, accountant, employee, etc.

My goal is to run a query which will return

Clients.Company, Clients.MailingStreet, Clients.MailingCity, Clients.MailingState
Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName, Contacts.[E-mailAddress]
WHERE (Clients.WorkOnHold = 0)

The result should return values for
Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName, Contacts.[E-mailAddress] if the Client has attached Contact records filtered by category,
and '','','' or <NULL>,<NULL>,<NULL> if the Client does not have any Contact records.

I tryed an INNER JOIN but it will return juts the records having contact information.

Any solutions are appreciated.


CREATE TABLE [Clients] (
[ClientID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[Company] [varchar] (100),
[MailingStreet] [varchar] (50),
[MailingCity] [varchar] (35),
[MailingState] [varchar] (35) ,
[MailingZip] [varchar] (10),
[WorkOnHold] [bit] NULL ,
[ClientNotes] [varchar] (500),


CREATE TABLE [Contacts] (
[ContactID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[FirstName] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[LastName] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[JobTitle] [varchar] (50),
[BusinessStreet] [varchar] (50),
[BusinessCity] [varchar] (35),
[BusinessState] [varchar] (35),
[BusinessPhone] [varchar] (20),
[BusinessFax] [varchar] (20),
[E-mailAddress] [varchar] (255),


CREATE TABLE [ClientContacts] (
[ClientID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[ContactID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Category] [varchar] (50),
CONSTRAINT [FK_ClientContacts_Clients] FOREIGN KEY
) REFERENCES [Clients] (
CONSTRAINT [FK_ClientContacts_Contacts] FOREIGN KEY
) REFERENCES [Contacts] (

The INNER JOIN I tryed but is not good. It returns just clients having contacts attached.

SELECT Clients.Company, Clients.MailingStreet, Clients.MailingCity, Clients.MailingState, Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName,
FROM ClientContacts INNER JOIN
Clients ON ClientContacts.ClientID = Clients.ClientID INNER JOIN
Contacts ON ClientContacts.ContactID = Contacts.ContactID
WHERE (Clients.WorkOnHold = 0)

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Query To Get The Data Of Three Tables?

Aug 11, 2005


I have three tables in my db. One is clients, other calls, and other visits.
I want to get all the calls and visits of all clients in my db every row in each table separate in one row in the results table.
How can I do it?

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T-sql To Update 2 Tables With 1 Query?

Nov 30, 2005

is it possible to do something likeUPDATE Table1, Table2 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.ID=Table2.ParentID SET Table1.Name=xxx, Table2.Address=yyyI want to update at same time the Asp.net Users table and a "UsersDetails" table, sharing the same UserID key.

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Query Using Tables From 2 Server

Oct 31, 2000

Can anybody tell me how to use the query analyzer to
connect to 2 different servers in one query?
If I access a database on another server like that
[servername].[dbname].[dbo].[tablename] I recieve
an error that says: Server servername is not configured

Thanks in advance


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Query To Compare Two Tables

Aug 4, 1999


I am trying to write a query to compare the same column in each table with "not equal" expression.

My query is like this:

select tableOne.empl_ser_no from tableOne, tableTwo
where tableOnel.empl_ser_no <>(select empl_ser_no from tableTwo)

I am getting the following message from SQL Server:

Msg 512, Level 16, State 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is illegal when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >=, or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Command has been aborted.

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Going To Tables In Different Branches With One Query

Dec 1, 2004

Hi,I have five tables p,pm,m,i and bu. Tables 'pm' and 'm' are a branch of table 'p', and table 'bu' is another branch of table 'p'. I know how to run a query to get through the first four tables 'p','pm','m' and 'i' in the manner:

sql="SELECT p.id,p.project_name, p.fngp_item,p.project_leader,p.project_lead_center,p.project_location,m.milestone_name,i.keyed_name" & _", i.name, m.milestone_leader, m.mgr_opinion FROM PROJECT p INNER JOIN PROJECT_MILESTONE pm ON p.id = pm.source_id INNER " & _"JOIN MILESTONE m ON pm.related_id = m.id INNER JOIN [IDENTITY] i ON m.milestone_leader = i.id WHERE m.mgr_opinion='75' " & _ "order by p.project_location, p.project_lead_center"

But when i find an item where m.mgr_opinion is equal to 75 i don't know how to include in the query the item that belongs to the table 'bu', because it is in a different branch.Can anybody help me on that? Thanks

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How To Combine Two Tables (not Query)

Apr 6, 2005

I am new to SQL Server development, but I use the automated features in Enterprise Manager a lot.

I have a table with a specific format already existing in a SQL Server 2000 database. This is generated once a day from a flat file received from an outside vendor. I am now receiving a similar flat file from another vendor which is nearly identical, but with two differences.

First, the new flat file is missing two columns (not critical data).

Next, there is one column that is out of order in comparison to the other flat file (aside from the 2 missing columns).

I need a generic example of how to remove specific records from a table and add these new ones (from the new flat file) through the SQL Server. My intention is to have a job run at a specific time through the SQL Server.

Any help is appreciated. If you know of a good tutorial or something out there, I would be more than happy to check it out. Thank you so much for your help!

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Joining 3 Tables On The Query

Mar 15, 2007

I know how to join 2 tables, but I have a third I need to insert. For some reason, this doesn't work:


$rows = ff_select(
"select ".
"u.email as email, ".
"c.user_id as user_id, ".
"u.name as name, ".
"r.age as age ".
"from #__comprofiler as c ".
"left join #__users as u on c.user_id = u.id ".
"left join #__rnr_contest as r on c.user_id = r.userid ".
"where (r.age != chicken) and (r.age != nystrip) and (r.age != regrets) and (u.block = 0) and (c.cb_contactmethod LIKE '%Email%') and (u.usertype != 'Super Administrator') and (u.email != 'please@change.com') and (u.username != 'guest') and (u.username != 'piedmont') ".
"order by email"

anyone see why? It tells me that "chicken" is not a column which is weird because I don't think it's listed as a column in my query... is it?

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Query Using Multiple Tables, SUM()

May 25, 2007

I've run into an interesting challenge, and haven't figured out how to solve it yet. I'm fairly novice at MS SQL, and I would assume that there is a relatively simple/elegant solution. Here's what's going on:

I'm tracking projects that have a one to many relationship with sub-project type. There can be many entries for any given project and sub-project type. Each entry has a status.

EX: "Datalist"

ID Proj Sub-Proj Status
1 Alpha Review 1
2 Alpha Test 3
3 Alpha Review 2
4 Alpha Review 2
5 Alpha Test 4

In addition to the Datalist above, I've got a table which contains all valid combinations of Projects and Sub-Projects.

EX: "ValidCombos"

ID Proj Sub-Proj
1 Alpha Review
2 Alpha Test
3 Beta Review
4 Beta Rewrite
5 Beta Test

I need to make a query/table which contains the total number of IDs that have a given Project, Sub-Project, and Status.

EX using data from the tables above: "DesiredTable"

Proj Sub-Proj Status1 Status 2 Status3 Status4
Alpha Review 1 2 0 0
Alpha Test 0 0 1 1
Beta Review 0 0 0 0
Beta Rewrite 0 0 0 0
Beta Test 0 0 0 0

How do I do this? BIG thanks in advance!

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Help With A SQL Query Using Temp Tables

Aug 30, 2004

Hi All,

I have 4 temporary tables that hold criteria selected through a report wizard.
I've created a SQL statement and used the four tables in my WHERE/ AND clauses but the results retuned are not being filtered correctly.

Would somebody be kind enough to help me out please.

To briefly summarise, I have created a SQL statement that returns all rows in my recordset, I now need to implement some additional SQL to filter the recordset using my temporary tables, which contain the filters as follows:

(1) Temp table 1 (##tblTempAssetFilt) is mandatory and will always contain at least one row.
(2) Temp table 2 (##tblTempRepairTypeFilter) is optional and may never contain any rows. If this is the case then I have no reason to filter my resultset against this table.
(3) Temp table 3 (##tblTempRepairFilter) / Temp table 4 (##tblTempRepairElementFilter) are both optional, only one of these tables will contain data at one time. Again, as an optional filter the tables may never contain rows, and thus need to be ignored.

I have the following SQL, can somebody tell me how I would go about filtering the recordset using the temporary tables. The creation of the temporary tables occurs at the beginning so will always exist even when no rows have been inserted.

FROM tblActualWork [ActualWork]
JOIN tblRepair [Repair] ON ActualWork.intRepairID = Repair.intRepairID
JOIN tblRepairElement [RepairElement] ON Repair.intRepairElementID = RepairElement.intRepairElementID
JOIN tblRepairType [RepairType] ON Repair.intRepairTypeID = RepairType.intRepairTypeID
JOIN tblAsset [Asset] ON ActualWork.intAssetID = Asset.intAssetID
WHERE ActualWork.intAssetID IN (Select intAssetID From ##tblTempAssetFilter) AND Repair.intRepairTypeID IN (Select intRepairTypeID From ##tblTempRepairTypeFilter)
AND Repair.intRepairID IN (Select intRepairID From ##tblTempRepairFilter)
AND Repair.intRepairElementID IN (Select intRepairElementID From ##tblTempRepairElementFilter)

Any filtering must be based on the recordset filtered by temp table 1, which is a mandatory filter. Rows will always exist in this temp table.

Please help, not having much joy with this. Many thanks.

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Help Create Query Against Two Tables

Apr 5, 2006

stepdefinition has

task has

flowid and stepid for both tables match; meaning that if i found a record in task with a certain taskid, i could query stepdefinition with the same flowid and stepid to find the steptype.

well, i wanna do it the other way around. I query stepdefinition to find a list of flowids and stepids for a specific steptype.

select flowid, stepid from stepdefinition where steptype = -3

Now, I want to find all taskids in task for each flowid/stepid combination

here's a visual


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Combined Sum Of Query From Two Tables?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm running a query to show the transfer fees spent by a club with data from two tables :

SELECT SUM([Transfer Fee]) From [Summer_2001_2011] WHERE [New Club] LIKE 'Manchester City'
Union All
SELECT SUM([Transfer Fee]) From [Winter_2001_2011] WHERE [New Club] LIKE 'Manchester City'

Shows the sum from each table :


What do I need to add to the query to show the total from both tables?

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Query For Tables In A Database...

Feb 23, 2004

Good Morning

Shopping for help writing a query for my VB Program to execute against
SQL Server. Here is what I have so far:

FROM sysobjects
WHERE (xtype = 'U')

Is there a way to add to that query to get the list of tables that have the properties COST and PARTNUMBER?


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Delete From 2 Tables With 1 SQL Query

Mar 23, 2004

I have 2 tables that are joined together by a primary key (Order Number). Can I use one SQL query to delete from both of the tables. One table contains the order information from a client (Order Number, Customer Name etc). The other table has order information (Order Number, Item Number, Quantity Ordered etc.)

I need one statement that will allow me to remove the items from both tables. Can this be done.

Thanks in Advance


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SQL 2012 :: Query With Three Tables?

Jul 22, 2015

I currently have a query that uses three tables [Table1, Table2, Table3]. Each table only has two columns: Group and something else. I want a query that gives me the group and those three something else.

Table1: Group and Info1
Table2: Group and Info2
Table3: Group and Info3
Query: Group, Info1, Info2, Info3

The groups never repeat in a single table.

However, the groups are not identical in every table. I want the groups to never repeat twice: All the groups should appear if they are there at least once in one of the table, and provide Info1, Info2, Info3 (blank if it's not there in its table, filled if it is).

That should be a fairly simple query, I just can't seem to make it work so groups don't repeat.

Little visual example.

Table1: Group - Info1
1 - a
2 - b
4 - c
5 - d

Table2: Group - Info2
1- aa
3- bb
4- cc

Table3: Group - Info3

5- aaa

The query would give me this:

1 - a - aa - ""
2 - b - "" - ""
3 - "" - bb - ""
4 - c - cc - ""
5 - d - "" - aaa

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Query For Multiple Tables

Apr 17, 2008

hi friends,

I m using pubs database. without using contains keyword i m getting result. if i use contains keyword i m not getting result.

select j.job_desc,e.fname,e.lname from jobs j,employee e where j.job_id=e.job_id and fname='Victoria'

This query displays as

desc fname lname
Managing EditorVictoriaAshworth

Below query displays as empty value
desc fname lname

select j.job_desc,e.fname,e.lname from jobs j,employee e where CONTAINS (e.fname, ' "Victoria" ')

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Join Query With Three Tables

Aug 30, 2013

I need to make a query to extract data from three tables.The tables are:


CREATE TABLE [Customer] (
[CustomerName] VARCHAR(60) NULL,
[CustomerNif] VARCHAR(10) NULL,


I wrote this SQL Query based in several tutorial on the net:

"SELECT c.CustomerName, sh.IncidentDesc, sh.IncidentTechInCharge, sih.IncidentChangeTo, sih.IncidentChangeDate FROM Customer c INNER JOIN SupportHistory sh ON c.CustomerCode = 'sh.IncidentCustomerCode' INNER JOIN SupportIncidentHistory sih ON sh.IncidentID = sih.IncidentID"

but it does not return any results.

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Query To Join 3 Tables

Nov 15, 2013

I have 2 tables:

Element(Element_Id, Element_Name) and Parent_Child(Parent_Id, Child_Id). Parent_Id and Child Id are actually the element Ids only. An element can have more than 1 parent or more than one child.

Now i want the output like this:

Element_Id Element_Name Parent_Name Child_Name

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Delete Query For Two Tables

Nov 26, 2013

I have two tables PROFILES & ROLE

ID varchar(20) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
Name varchar(40) NULL,
Address varchar(25) NULL

[Code] ...

This query joins both the tables and gets displayed in a grid.

select P.ID, Name, Address, Role, Applications
Inner Join ROLE R

I need to write a delete query which deletes data from both the table in a single query.

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