Query About Ansi-Syntax
Sep 25, 2005
I need to write a stored procedure where I need to joing 3 tables A, B and C having approximately 200K, 500K, 800K rows respectively.
1) If I use ansi-syntax (inner join) as against non-ansi syntax (A.col1 = B.col1), I get a better performance.
Any idea why?
2) If I write a query (shown below), it tries to join table A and B returning large number of rows.
Select A.Col1, A.Col2
from A, B
where A.Col3 = 'xyz'
Why does it try to join the table B with A though there is no join specified.
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Oct 25, 2007
A question for everyone:
With the introduction of SQL 2005, we now have to use ANSI-92 T-SQL Syntax and I was wondering if anyone had written a tool to convert queries from old ANSI SQL to the new syntax.
We have some code that has to change for the outer joins, but we also have a lot of code that should change for the inner joins. It doesn't seem that difficult to write something that parses an old piece of code and at least suggests a new version. Especially if the conversion code wasn't SQL code.
Thanks, in advance,
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Jan 11, 2005
Having problems rewriting my join condition using the "inner join" syntax.
My query, working with an intersection table:
SELECT Description, EmailAddress
FROM Accounts_Roles r, Accounts_Users u, Accounts_UserRoles ur
r.RoleID = ur.RoleID
u.UserID = ur.UserID
This works fine, but i want to write it using 'inner join' style, so I tried:
SELECT Description, EmailAddress
FROM Accounts_Roles r, Accounts_Users u
INNER JOIN Accounts_UserRoles ur
r.RoleID = ur.RoleID
u.UserID = ur.UserID
which gives me an error (The column prefix 'r' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.)
Any ideas as to how I'm screwing this up would be appreciated.
Gordon Z
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Oct 1, 2007
I've been using this syntax for years on SQL Server and now comes the time to convert to SQL 2005 (90 compatibility). This syntax returns four rows. Basically it returns one row for each servername/component/context/property/value even when there does not exist a property of 'fff' since it's a left join:
Code Block
select t1.* from tblconfiguration t1
,tblconfiguration t2
where t1.component = 'AdjProcessUtility'
and t1.servername *= t2.servername
and t1.component *= t2.component
and t1.context *= t2.context
and t1.property = 'proc'
and t2.property = 'fff'
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility DuplicatesReport Proc Adjustment.dbo.prcDuplicatesReport
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ExtractAdjFile Proc Adjustment.dbo.prcAdjExtractMFFiles
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ValidationProcess Proc prcAdjValidations
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ValidationReport Proc Adjustment.dbo.prcValidationReport
When the converted (using SQL enterprise Mgr) runs it returns no rows:
Code Block
FROM dbo.tblConfiguration t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblConfiguration t2 ON t1.ServerName = t2.ServerName AND t1.Component = t2.Component AND t1.Context = t2.Context
WHERE (t1.Component = 'AdjProcessUtility') AND (t1.Property = 'proc') AND (t2.Property = 'fff')
I don't really see how to change this query to make it work. I've searched the web and I really don't see any examples of left joins which use more than one column.
Here's the table definition:
Code Block
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblConfiguration
ServerName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
Component VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
Context VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
Property VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_tblConfiguration PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED( ServerName, Component, Context, Property ),
I use this table to define reports and there attribues. The rows repeat themselves except for the Property and Value columns
Here is some of the data:
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ExtractAdjFile Proc Adjustment.dbo.prcAdjExtractMFFiles
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ExtractAdjFile RunTime 13:25
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ExtractAdjFile Schedule 2,3,4,5,6
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ExtractAdjFile FixedRecLength 71
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ExtractAdjFile WriteFileHeader Y
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ExtractAdjFile WriteTempTable Y
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ValidationProcess Proc prcAdjValidations
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ValidationReport ReportClass ReportCSV
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ValidationReport Ids Validation
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ValidationReport RunTime 15:06
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ValidationReport Schedule 2,3,4,5,6
SQLEDEV1 AdjProcessUtility ValidationReport DefaultFileName Adj_ValidationReport_MMDDYYHHMM.csv
Any help is greatly appreciated,
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Oct 5, 2006
Hi everyone.. can anyone help me on how to solve my problem regarding on Select.. im using PB6.5 and running on MSSLQ2005 database.. i attached an image for your reference.. thnks!
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Feb 28, 2007
When I was using Enterprise Manager (SQL 2000) and stored my query result (to file), it was stored in Ansi Encoding.
After I upgrade to SQL Server Management Studio (2005), it seams that when I store the query result to file it's Unicode Encoded. This give me a lot of trouble, when I use other program who I must read this file. For small result set, I can open it in Notepad, save it as ANSI, and then use it in my other program. When the result set is so big that Notepad not can help me, I can't use the stored result set.
There must be a way to store my Query result in Ansi encoding, but I don't know how I can do it. Hope some one know, and can help me solve this big problem.
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Feb 8, 1999
1) What is the restriction on the max no. of tables that can be used in any one query in v7.0? In 6.5 it was a max of 16 :(
2) Are non-ANSI-style joins permitted in v7? Just that we're thinking of upgrading but 50% of our stored procs/views have the old *= syntax
Brad Carr
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Jun 13, 2000
ok people, this is getting seriously frustrating! Please help!
As mentioned in a previous post, one of my batch jobs is printing fields with padding added, even when
the table column is defined as varchar.
I've been to the knowledge base, read the article on ansi padding, ran the test scripts.
But when I ran the select to display the columns,
Apparently the SET ANSI_PADDING ON/OFF option had no effect!
What am i doing wrong? What is missing? Do i have to run the Set Ansi Padding option in the Master DB
context? Have I unknowingly overridden the option somewhere else? Must I brush up on my COBOL
for a career change?
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Aug 7, 2001
My question here is whether or not MS SQL is processing joins according to the ANSI SQL standard. The situation is this, a friend of mine has the following query (The definition for the tables and the data in them are at the end of the message):
SELECT t.*, v.*
TableView V ON T.tx = V.tx
WHERE V.tx IS NULL and V.part IN (1,2)
My friend is implying that the OUTER join takes precedence over the WHERE clause and should return ALL rows from table3 that don't exist in the view. The view, as you will see below, is a partitioned view. My contention is that the proper join processing is to join the tables first and then apply the WHERE clause to that result set (regardless of the join type). In my friend's case, he expects this query to return four rows. My expectation is that it will return zero rows, because in the result set after the join is performed there are no rows that have a NULL in the v.tx column AND 1 or 2 in the v.part column. The actual ouput agrees with my premise and my friend is sure that this is not proper ANSI SQL join processing. Is this proper ANSI join processing or is MS SQL deviating from the standard?
/************************************************** **********************/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table1]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[Table1]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] (
[Part] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[tx] [INT] NULL
CONSTRAINT [CK_Table1] CHECK ([Part] = 1)
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[Table2]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2] (
[Part] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[tx] [INT] NULL
CONSTRAINT [CK_Table2] CHECK ([Part] = 2)
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table3]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[Table3]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table3] (
[tx] [int] NOT NULL
--DROP VIEW TableView
INSERT TableView (Part,Id,Tx) VALUES (1,1,1)
INSERT TableView (Part,Id,Tx) VALUES (1,2,2)
INSERT TableView (Part,Id,Tx) VALUES (1,3,NULL)
INSERT TableView (Part,Id,Tx) VALUES (2,4,4)
INSERT TableView (Part,Id,Tx) VALUES (2,5,5)
INSERT TableView (Part,Id,Tx) VALUES (2,6,NULL)
INSERT Table3 (tx) VALUES (1)
INSERT Table3 (tx) VALUES (2)
INSERT Table3 (tx) VALUES (3)
INSERT Table3 (tx) VALUES (4)
INSERT Table3 (tx) VALUES (5)
INSERT Table3 (tx) VALUES (6)
INSERT Table3 (tx) VALUES (7)
INSERT Table3 (tx) VALUES (8)
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Jul 13, 2004
Took a test and ran into a question. Have a look, am I even close?
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Dec 30, 2004
I've got a weird question --
Have any of you ever come across software that can convert MS Jet SQL to ANSI standard SQL or other SQL flavors?
Could be a huge help in my next project. Please let me know if you know of anything like this!!
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Oct 27, 2005
I have a 6.5 and 2000 db that allows over flow of data to be entered into the
fields, but I have another 2000 db that does not allow over flow of data to
be entered. How can I check the ansi_defaults in the db's? I went through
the book ol but it didn't explain how to see those values. Only how to set
it using the SET option. Which was SET ANSI_DEFAULTS off go. Does it set it for the whole db or just my session? I need to
change it for all logins to be consistant. Thanks
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Jul 23, 2005
Help....I have a DB I'm working with that I know doesn't work with theANSI-92 JOIN SYNTAX....I'm not sure how much this limits my ability todeal with the following situation, so I'm soliciting the help of aguru....I apologize for the lack of scripted table structure, but thisdatabase is embedded in an application that I have no true schema for.I have a crude diagram of the tables and some of the relationships, butI've managed to have manually mapped some of the fields in the tablesI'm working with.What I have is a table(A) that I need to join with 10 othertables.....I'm joining on an identifier in the (A) that may exist manytimes in any of the other 10 tables...and may not be in ANY of thetables.When I run this query:SELECTSAMPLES.PK_SampleUID,UDFSAMPLEDATA02.AlphaData,UDF SAMPLEDATA01.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA03.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA05.AlphaData, UDFSAMPLEDATA06.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA07.AlphaData, UDFSAMPLEDATA08.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA09.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA10.AlphaDat aFROM SAMPLES, UDFSAMPLEDATA01,UDFSAMPLEDATA02,UDFSAMPLEDATA03,UDFSAMPLEDATA05,U DFSAMPLEDATA06,UDFSAMPLEDATA07 ,UDFSAMPLEDATA08, UDFSAMPLEDATA09, UDFSAMPLEDATA10WHERE UDFSAMPLEDATA02.AlphaData<>' ' ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA01.FK_SampleUID=SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA02.FK_SampleUID=SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA03.FK_SampleUID= SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA05.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA06.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA07.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA08.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA09.FK_SampleUID=SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA10.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUIDI return what appears to be the gazillion COMBINATIONS of all thefields in all the tables....they query doesn't even finish before theODBC driver I'm working with crashes my VBscript....Is there some way to take the multiple returned rows from a join andwork them all into ONE row per identifier?Any help I can garner would just make my week!TIA!J
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May 2, 2006
I've mentioned this before, but now it's got me stuck. I have atable-valued function that was created using QA in SQL 2000. I can'tedit it using 2005 Mgt Studio, because the property AnsiNullsStatusisn't set (apparently SQL 2000 forgot to set it when creating thefunction). Now I find I really want to edit it in SQL 2005 MS withoutgoing to SQL 2000 QA on my laptop. So, using SQL 2005 MS, I droppedand re-created the function, having obtained the code from SQL 2000 QA.That should fix this, right? When SQL 2005 re-creates the function, itwill specify whatever it needs. But no, I still can't edit it! Theproperty is still not set!Can anyone help? Please?Thanks,Jim Geissman
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Jan 17, 2007
Hi folks,
How can I re-write the following code in ANSI SQL code:
select cast(datepart(month, dateadd(second, time_stamp, '1/1/1970 00:00:00')) as varchar) + '/' +
cast(datepart(day, dateadd(second, time_stamp, '1/1/1970 00:00:00')) as varchar) + '/'+ cast(datepart(year, dateadd(second, time_stamp, '1/1/1970 00:00:00')) as varchar), event_instance_id, max(time_stamp)
from usmuser.usm_sli_event_data
where event_instance_id=10019
group by cast(datepart(month, dateadd(second, time_stamp, '1/1/1970 00:00:00')) as varchar) + '/' +
cast(datepart(day, dateadd(second, time_stamp, '1/1/1970 00:00:00')) as varchar) + '/'+
cast(datepart(year, dateadd(second, time_stamp, '1/1/1970 00:00:00')) as varchar),
order by event_instance_id
Thanks for your help!
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Feb 1, 2007
I have an application that uses the old join syntax instead of theSQL92 standards join syntax.I need to justify changing the code to the new standard.Is there any performance issue related to using the old syntax thatare documented?Are there any other issues that I use to justify a code upgrade?
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Oct 24, 2001
How to use ANSI-standard JOIN to write follow query which contains two outer join ?
SELECT a.*,b.title as classification,c.title as
FROM DBO.PROFILE a,DBO.classification b,DBO.employee c ,DBO.USER d
WHERE a.user_id = 1 and a.employee_id *=c.id and a.classification_id *=b.id
and d.id= 1
Many thanks
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Jun 21, 2001
This should be a relatively easy one... Are table variables, the data type, SQL (92 or 99) compliant?
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Dec 16, 2005
Hi all
Is theire any ANSI standard concatenation
i mean ANSI standard SQL statement
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Aug 8, 2005
Hello everyone,SQL Server 2000. I have a database in which there are several objectswhich have ansi nuls and quoted identifier turned ON. Is there a way Ican generate a script which:(1) Can identify all objects within the database that have those twoproperties turned ON and(2) Change the properties for these objects and turn the ansi nulls andquoted identifier OFF for those objects.I am trying to avoid going throuh gazillions of objects and manuallydoing this.Thanks for any help.Raziq.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
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Nov 4, 2006
How can we scan our code and identify the ANSI/SQL-92 non-compliant code?
Is there a tool/utility to do so?
I have already tried "SQL Best Practice Analyzer" and it seems it does not cover everything.
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Nov 30, 1998
I recently wrote a query similar to this:
Select e.name, e.employee_id, d.department_name
from employees e,departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id
An associate recommended that I change this query to add the words INNER JOIN like this:
Select e.name, e.employee_id, d.department_name
from employees e inner join departments d
on e.department_id = d.department_id
I was of the understanding that the first query was Microsoft SQL Syntax, and that the second example was ANSI SQL syntax, but that they executed on the server the same way. My associate however thinks that the second example will execute faster.
Would anyone like to confirm this?
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Aug 29, 2007
Hi.. I want to join this query
select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = " & Session("Call_ID") & "
select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = "& Session("Call_ID") & " and Events_Flag <> 0
in this query
select iCalls_Calls.Call_ID,iCalls_Calls.Requestor,Type,Scope,iCalls_Calls.Status_ID,iCalls_Status.Status_I D,
iCalls_Status.Status_Label from
((iCalls_Calls inner join iCalls_Status on iCalls_Calls.Status_ID=iCalls_Status.Status_ID ) inner join iCalls_Users on
iCalls_Calls.Requestor=iCalls_Users.User_ID) left outer join iCalls_Messages on iCalls_Calls.Call_ID=iCalls_Messages.Call_ID where Requestor='" & Session("User_ID") & "' AND iCalls_Calls.Status_ID <> 6 order by iCalls_Calls.Call_ID
The Place where i need to Join is after
and before
((iCalls_Calls inner join iCalls_Status on iCalls_Calls.Status_ID=iCalls_Status.Status_ID )
I want to add ( / ) in between these 2 queries. The reason is for example first query will return '5' and second '10' , so the output i need is 5 / 10. And i need to put this query in a variable (Countrec) like
select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = " & Session("Call_ID") & " ( / )
select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = "& Session("Call_ID") & " and Events_Flag <> 0 as Countrec
The Final Query would be something like this
select iCalls_Calls.Call_ID,iCalls_Calls.Requestor,Type,Scope,iCalls_Calls.Status_ID,iCalls_Status.Status_I D,
iCalls_Status.Status_Label, select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = " & Session("Call_ID") & " ( / )
select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = "& Session("Call_ID") & " and Events_Flag <> 0 as Countrec from
((iCalls_Calls inner join iCalls_Status on iCalls_Calls.Status_ID=iCalls_Status.Status_ID ) inner join iCalls_Users on
iCalls_Calls.Requestor=iCalls_Users.User_ID) left outer join iCalls_Messages on iCalls_Calls.Call_ID=iCalls_Messages.Call_ID where Requestor='" & Session("User_ID") & "' AND iCalls_Calls.Status_ID <> 6 order by iCalls_Calls.Call_ID
but this syntax is not correct..Please can U get me the Correct Syntax.
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Jan 13, 2005
I have a query that I am running out of sql server 2000 that is pulling duplicate records. I can probably figure it out but I am wondering if someone could look at it and point out errors in my syntax and/or structure.
SELECT p.ParticipantID, pr.RaceID, p.FirstName, p.LastName, pr.Bib, p.Gender, pr.Age,
pr.AgeGrp, p.DOB, p.Address, p.City, p.St, p.Zip, pr.Clyde, pr.WhlChr, pr.RcWlk,
p.Phone, p.Email, reg.ShrtSize, reg.ShrtStyle, reg.WhereReg, reg.DateReg, reg.AmtPd
FROM Participant p INNER JOIN PartReg reg ON p.ParticipantID = reg.ParticipantID JOIN PartRace pr
ON pr.ParticipantID = p.ParticipantID JOIN RaceData rd ON pr.RaceID = rd.RaceID
WHERE (rd.EventID = 45 AND pr.RaceID = reg.RaceID) ORDER BY p.LastName
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Jan 13, 2005
I have a query that I am running out of sql server 2000 that is pulling duplicate records. I can probably figure it out but I am wondering if someone could look at it and point out errors in my syntax and/or structure.
SELECT p.ParticipantID, pr.RaceID, p.FirstName, p.LastName, pr.Bib, p.Gender, pr.Age,
pr.AgeGrp, p.DOB, p.Address, p.City, p.St, p.Zip, pr.Clyde, pr.WhlChr, pr.RcWlk,
p.Phone, p.Email, reg.ShrtSize, reg.ShrtStyle, reg.WhereReg, reg.DateReg, reg.AmtPd
FROM Participant p INNER JOIN PartReg reg ON p.ParticipantID = reg.ParticipantID JOIN PartRace pr
ON pr.ParticipantID = p.ParticipantID JOIN RaceData rd ON pr.RaceID = rd.RaceID
WHERE (rd.EventID = 45 AND pr.RaceID = reg.RaceID) ORDER BY p.LastName
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Feb 6, 2008
am looking to make a select query that has some condition where it should look like:
select if(SomeField is null) then 'Not Set' else SomeField
from SomeTable
how it can be done ?????
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Nov 15, 2007
Hi guys<
I wan to know what command can I use to view the latest date of posting of interest in my database given the following tables
Table: DepositInterest
Fields: code1, code2, interestdate
code 1 and 2 are primary keys.
Then I tried to run a query using where clause but then it happened that all interestdate are viewed.
What I want is to just view the latest interestdate.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi all,I have the following tables:T1==ID Name-- ----1 Name12 Name2T2==ID Color-- ----1 Color11 Color22 Color22 Color3and I would like to get the following output (without duplicates):ID Colors-- ------1 Color1, Color22 Color2, Color3Is it possible?
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Sep 17, 2005
Hello All,I have the following table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TBL_NAME] ([NAME] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[STANDARD_NAME] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOWith values:insert into tbl_namevalues('DAN', 'DANIEL')insert into tbl_namevalues('DANNY', 'DANIEL')insert into tbl_namevalues('DANYY', 'DANIEL')Question is:I need want to construct a query which returns all names for a standardname plus the standard name itself.e.g.if name = 'DAN' then return 'DAN', 'DANNY', 'DANYY', 'DANIEL'ff name = 'DANIEL', then return 'DAN', 'DANNY', 'DANYY', 'DANIEL'i have the following sql:declare @name varchar(50)select @name = 'DANIEL'select standard_name from tbl_name where name = @nameunionselect name from tbl_name where standard_name = (select standard_namefrom tbl_name where name = @name)unionselect name from tbl_name where standard_name = @nameunionselect standard_name from tbl_name where standard_name = @name----declare @name varchar(50)select @name = 'DANNY'select standard_name from tbl_name where name = @nameunionselect name from tbl_name where standard_name = (select standard_namefrom tbl_name where name = @name)unionselect name from tbl_name where standard_name = @nameunionselect standard_name from tbl_name where standard_name = @name----Both appear to work fine..can anyone see a fault or suggest a cleanerway to achieve the above ?Suggestions/pointers appreciatedThanks in advance
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Jan 20, 2007
sql query syntax?i write this query but error get : column not foundhow can i write ?SELECT c.stock_cat_name, a.stock_code, c.description, a.date,IIF(MID(a.type,2,1)="I",SUM(a.quantity),0) AS iqty,IIF(MID(a.type,2,1)="O",SUM(a.quantity),0) AS oqtyFROM stock_tran AS a LEFT JOIN stock AS c ON c.stock_code=a.stock_codeWHERE a.date>=[from_date] And a.date<=[to_date]GROUP BY c.stock_cat_name, a.stock_code, c.description, a.date,MID(a.type,2,1)ORDER BY c.stock_cat_name, a.stock_code, a.date, MID(a.type,2,1);this database driver sage line 50 odbci write a simpale query of this database, successful run but when iwrite in condition (IF) is not run error comes : column not found.rashesh
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Sep 11, 2006
Hi all! I am new here and I'm also new to SQL.. I hope somebody could help me regarding my problem.
I don't know if this is possible but I would like to have a code that
can integrate data from 3 tables. The names of my tables are Savings,
Loans and Insurances. Their common field is the MemberID. One member
could have zero or more Savings Accounts. At the same time, a member
could also have one or more accounts on Loans or Insurances.
How can I get the data that would appear like this:
MemberID - Savings Account - Loan Account - Insurance Account
- L0002
- I0001
- I0002
- I0003
I'm using MS SQL Server 2005.
Hope you guys could help me with this. Thanks a lot, in advance!
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Aug 2, 2006
Hi all, I have been fighting with this query and would like some advice. Please consider the following tables;
production_time (in minutes)
rec_id (ident key)
Prod_table (data)
widget_number shift date production_time
0001 1 08/02/06 5.00
0002 1 08/02/06 10.00
0003 1 08/02/06 7.00
0004 2 08/02/06 5.00
0005 2 07/31/06 3.00
Down_table (data)
rec_id down_shift down_date down_minutes
1 1 08/02/06 3.00
2 1 08/02/06 20.00
3 2 07/31/06 10.00
I would like to combine the production times and down times into one summary where the down time is in the same date and shift as the production time.
As you can see in my results below, I can group them correctly, but the down totals obviously repeat for each match. Is there any way of getting to the "Desired results"?
My Results
widget_number shift date production_time down_time
0001 1 08/02/06 5.00 23.00
0002 1 08/02/06 10.00 23.00
0003 1 08/02/06 7.00 23.00
0004 2 08/02/06 5.00 0.00
0005 2 07/31/06 3.00 10.00
Desired results
Widget_number shift date production_time down_time
0001 1 08/02/06 5.00 23.00
0002 1 08/02/06 10.00 NULL
0003 1 08/02/06 7.00 NULL
0004 2 08/02/06 5.00 0.00
0005 2 07/31/06 3.00 10.00
thank you in advance.
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Nov 13, 2007
Hi,I am using SQL Server 2005 32 bit version. Could any one clarify methe caption database option with some examples? I am quite confusedwith the explanation given in MSDN. Kindly help me.Thanks in Advance.Om Prakash
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