Query Based Textbox

Jun 4, 2007

Hello Everyone,

How do you display a dataset query result in a textbox?

Thanks for the easy answer...

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SQL Select Command With Where Clause Variable Based On ASP.NET TextBox

Apr 19, 2007

Please can someone advise how to use SQL select statement with where clasue which is based on a textBox.text value.
 ex. below example I set the textbox.text value to a C# variable called TextBoxValue1 but I receive error this is not a valid
This is all done in Page_Load event backend code.
string strCommandtext = "Select Type.TypeName, Type.TypeDesc FROM Type Where Type.TypeName = TextBoxValue1";

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Reporting Services :: Change Visibility Of Textbox (Tablix) Based On Data From Two Datasets?

Jun 11, 2010

I have two charts which are based on their own separate datasets.  One chart shows data aggregated by MONTH, the other chart shows data aggregated by WEEK.  I have put both of these charts inside a rectangle and set their visibility based on whether or not there is data returned by their respective datasets.  This part is working just fine.

However, I have added a tablix to the report, deleted all columns and rows leaving only one remaining row/column so it looks like a textbox.  This tablix is sitting on top of the two charts.  The problem i'm having is that when both charts return no data and they do not show up in the report, the tablix still remains visible. I need to set the visibility but based on a condition between the two different datasets behind each chart.

Here's what I need:  If ONE of the charts returns data, then I need the tablix to be visible.  If neither chart returns data, then I need the tablix to be invisible.  I'm trying to write an IIF statement comparing the two datasets but I get inscope errors.  Isn't it possible to compare values which are contained in two separate datasets in SSRS?

Seems like something like the following logic should work:

IIF(CountRows("Monthly_DataSet") > 0 OR CountRows("Weekly_DataSet") > 0 , FALSE, TRUE)

Obviously the above expression will return syntax errors, but you'll get the point as to how i'm thinking. How can I set the visibility of the tablix based on these two charts?

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Getting A Query Result Into A Textbox

Apr 17, 2008

This query should always return 1 row with columns visid, cid, visdate, comment. How can I get the value of visdate in textbox1?  This already works when the query is in a vb sub but I want to know how to do it this way too.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"     ConnectionString="<%$ connection string here%>"     SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [vis] WHERE ([visID] = @visID)">
   <SelectParameters>      <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Label1" Name="visID" PropertyName="Text" Type="Int32" />   </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Style="left: 117px; position: relative; top: 160px"></asp:TextBox>

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Query String In A Textbox

Apr 10, 2007

As I'm searching for solutions to my problem (see my most recent post before this one if you're interested), I keep coming upon "command-based expressions." I keep seeing examples such as:

= "select a,b from table1 where c=0"

I can't put that in a textbox can I? I tried it and it just spits out the string on report execution, it doesn't actually execute the command.

So what's up? Should that be able to be put right in a textbox? That would solve a world of problems for me if it could be.

Thanks for any info, as always.


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Header Textbox Display Name Of Query

Nov 5, 2007

I'm trying to create a reprot with 30+ datasets/querys. My report is made up of tables (one for each dataset), and it starts a new page whenever a new dataset is being displayed. I would like to have a header on every page, and have it display a custom name for the dataset on that page. How do I approach this?
Thanks for any answers or leads.

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How To Refer To Report Textbox Values In Another Textbox

May 24, 2007

I want to add up the values in a couple of text boxes in another textbox. How do I refer to the textboxes?

fields!textbox1.value doesn't work..what does?

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SP To Perform Query Based On Multiple Rows From Another Query's Result Set

Nov 7, 2007

I have two tables .. in one (containing user data, lets call it u).The important fields are:u.userName, u.userID (uniqueidentifier) and u.workgroupID (uniqueidentifier)The second table (w) has fieldsw.delegateID (uniqueidentifier), w.workgroupID (uniqueidentifier) The SP takes the delegateID and I want to gather all the people from table u where any of the workgroupID's for that delegate match in w.  one delegateID may be tied to multiple workgroupID's. I know I can create a temporary table (@wgs) and do a: INSERT INTO @wgs SELECT workgroupID from w WHERE delegateID = @delegateIDthat creates a result set with all the workgroupID's .. this may be one, none or multipleI then want to get all u.userName, u.userID FROM u WHERE u.workgroupIDThis query works on an individual workgroupID (using another temp table, @users to aggregate the results was my thought, so that's included)         INSERT INTO @users             SELECT u.userName,u.userID                 FROM  tableU u                LEFT JOIN tableW w ON w.workgroupID = u.workgroupID                WHERE u.workgroupID = @workGroupIDI'm trying to avoid looping or using a CURSOR for the performance hit (had to kick the development server after one of the cursor attempts yesterday)Essentially what I'm after is:             SELECT u.userName,u.userID
                FROM  tableU u
                LEFT JOIN tableW w ON w.workgroupID = u.workgroupID
                WHERE u.workgroupID = (SELECT workgroupID from w WHERE delegateID = @delegateID) ... but that syntax does not work and I haven't found another work around yet.TIA!    

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How To Use Value Calcuated In Query In Subsequent Query, All Based On Value In Querystring?

Jun 5, 2008

I have a vb.net page that I need to display a list of employees who work in a specific office, based on a MatterID passed in a query string.  But, I don't know how to get a value returned from one sql statement into a second.  Here's what I'm trying to do...
From the QueryString, we know that the MatterID = 4  ( xxx.aspx?MatterID=4)
Knowing that the Matterid=4, I query the database to get the OfficeId for that MID  (Select OfficeID from tMatter where Mid=4)   ~This returns an OfficeID of 6
So, then I need to do another query to get the employees where OfficeID = 6   (Select EmployeeID from tEmployees where OfficeID = 6)
How do I do these in one query, or how do I use the Calculated Value for the OfficeID in the 2nd statement? 

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Returning Results Based On One Query Into Existing Query

Aug 2, 2012

linking two tables together to get an end result

find below the code i have used

The first part of the query provides me with the info i need

SELECT sub.*,
case when rm_sales_band = '2M to 4M' then 'Kirsty' else RM end as rm
into #rmtmp


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Reference Textbox In Other Textbox

Sep 12, 2007

I dont know if i will explain this correctly, but my problem is with reporting service.
I'm supposed to Sum value in one textbox and than that sum use it in sum in other textbox.

Something like this:
I get error msg 'The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox49' contains an aggregate function (or RunningValue or RowNumber functions) in the argument to another aggregate function (or RunningValue). Aggregate functions cannot be nested inside other aggregate functions.'

Something like this wont work either Sum(Fields!abc.Value/ReportItems("textbox56").Value)*100
Error The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox55' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.

So, pls help if you know how to reference textbox in other in body of report.

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Trying To Save Editted Textbox Value In Table But Original Value Saves Instead - Trouble With Table Update Query

Jan 9, 2008

This program gets the values of A and B passed in. They are for table columns DXID and CODE. The textbox GET1 is initialized to B when the page is loaded. When I type another value in GET1 and try to save it, the original initialized value gets saved and not the new value I just typed in. A literal value, like "222" saves but the new GET1.TEXT doesn't.

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Best Way For A Set-based Query

Jul 23, 2005

I have a database where each row has a set of keywords separated bycommas eg .ROW 1 ID,<other columns>,"green,hat,man,boat"ROW 2 ID,<other columns>,"green,boat,seaside"ROW 3 ID,<other columns>,"red,hat"I want users to be able to find similar records to the one they arelooking it (this is art BTW). ie if they are looking at row 1 andclick "Find Similar Works of Art" I want to do a query where I findrecords that have a commonality of keywords and obviously the onesthat match the most keywords should be shown first. The keywords arecurrently just stored comma-separated in a single column but I am notattached to this. Nor are they guaranteed to come in any order (iethey are not alpha sorted) but they could be.Number of records is around 15000 on a hosted server.Any tips for best query/algorithm/data storage to achieve this? orreferences to useful sources?Thanks,RB

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Insert Based On Query

Nov 2, 2004

Hi everyone -

I have a simple query that will return a result set that
has a unique value in it (primary key) -

I would like to cycle through each of these values
returned from the query, and create a new row
in another table.

I do not want to use a cursor -

The first query is pretty simple....

select p_id from table1 where active=0

the query i need to execute for each of the p_id that
is returned in the first example is....

insert into table2 (p_id_field, text_field) values (@p_id, 'text')

the @p_id is filled in from the primary query...

please advise


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Query Based On The Top MTD Sales

May 29, 2006

I need to write a query based on the top MTD sales in the series of each fabrics within series of Sales Group and Prod Group

Order by: Sales Group (alphabetical ord) , Prod Group (alphabetical ord) , sort Fabric Group based on the TOP MTD sales

Sales Gr: Active
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus, LG
Fabric Gr: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...

Sales Gr: Dance
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus, LG
Fabric Gr: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...

Sales Gr: Yoga
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus
Fabric Gr: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...

Thank you

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Max Query( Based On Two Table)

Mar 19, 2007

i've two table Rate and Topic

Sample Table

Table name==>Topic
above table TID is primary key

next table

Table Name==>Rate

above table RID is primary key and TID is foreign key..

i need Top 3 Topic but based on Maximum Rate of value

any query.........

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How Do I Set A Variable Value Based On A SQL Query

Apr 25, 2007

I have a SQL query that finds a value which I need to pass into an SSIS variable so I can use it later to set the filename for my data flow task. So far, I have been unsuccessful in determining how this is done.

google searches, etc seem to be fruitless for me, there are so many hits but none really seem to address what I want to do because there are so many things you can do with variables. Likewise the books online and the boks I have on SSIS also only give a very high level of info. I need some examples, if anyone could help I would appreciate it.

Here is the basic gist of my query:

exec SP_GET_FILE_NAME @file_name OUTPUT

I need to take the resulting @file_name and store it in an ssis variable. How?

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Changing The Query Based On Value

Jan 5, 2008

in the following procedure i want to pass in a value and as a result of the value I want to change the actual body of the query:

example, I pass in the value 'TS2' and I now want my query to see if TS2MIN < 70

i think I am doing it right, but it is throwing an error saying that "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'TS2MIN' to data type int."

any idea on what i am doing wrong?

ALTER proc SPU_YearlyTemp 905,'TS2',70,254,2007

SET @S=(

select top(10)*
into #tempMin
from sitecontroldataarchive
where siteid = @SITEID
and @S < @MIN --this is where the error occurs,
SELECT * FROM #tempMin

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How Do U Create A Table Based On A Query

Jan 23, 2002

Hi guys,
Can anyone please tell me how to create a table based on a query.

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Update Query Based On Another Dbase

Jun 5, 2000

Can i update a field in a table in 1 dbase based upon data in another table in another dbase.
could somebody let me know if this is possible.

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Insert Based On Query Values

Sep 20, 2002

Using SQL Server 7 w/SP4.

I need to insert into another table the results of a query. Thought about using a temp table for the first query results, then querying those for the insert, but can't figure out how to pass the search results as a value.



(@ID, @NAME)

Took a look at using SELECT INTO and INSERT INTO, but counldn't get those to work, either.

Thanks for any help.

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Select Query Based On Datetime

Feb 12, 2002

I need to select certain rows based on a "datetime" column. I need to select rows from 8am yesterday until 8am today.
In Oracle I would use:
select * from foo where TIMESTAMP >= trunc(sysdate - 1) + 8/24 AND TIMESTAMP < trunc(sysdate) + 8/24.
This would start at 8am yesterday and end at 7:59am today.

How would I do this with T-SQL?

thank you,


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Query Based (partly) On CSV Column

Feb 5, 2007

I'll try to simplify the problem as much as I can.

There's survey. It has different types of question answer pairs, but the problem is in Multiple Choices, Multiple Answers questions, where user can choose, for example 3 checkboxes from 5 at the web form, for the question.

I am emphasizing three tables:

IDquestion (primary)
question (textual question)

IDanswer (primary)
IDquestion (foreign,to table tbl_questions)
answer (textual answer)

IDresult (primary)
IDquestion (foreign, to tbl_question)
result (string based on CSV, may contain few IDanswers, because visitor may choose few checkboxes, for example it can be "4,6,7")

Inside those tables are data (I'll put here just two questions):

1_________Which OS do you use?
2_________Which databases do you use?
3________1_________Mac OS
4________2_________SQL Server
5________2_________MS Access
9________2_________No, I do not use databases
Is there a possibility to make query, using columns, but also the data inside the CSV format in results (varchar or char) column?

Result of the query would be:
2_________4________SQL Server

Further queries based on this query should be able to make statistics (GROUP BY).

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Looking For Browser-based Query Tool

Feb 2, 2005

Does anyone know of a vendor who provides a packaged application that allows a user to pass T-SQL commands from a browser, to our IIS web server, to our SQL Server database?


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Display Results Based On Query

Mar 3, 2005


I don't know if anyone has encountered this before but here goes:

I've a select clause below:
result = "Select * from person where LocalName LIKE N'" + queryLocalName + "'"

queryLocalName is an input field that allows the user to search for non-English characters in the database.

What I'm wondering is what kind of effect is the N in the where clause is having?

I can't seem to get it to work when doing it via the web. I've tested in the database itself, got it to work using the SQL Analyser but when testing on the web, it can't find because ? are appearing in the result.

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Query To Parse One Column Based On Another

Nov 24, 2014

I have a table that is something like this:

Animal | Count
Dog |10
Dog |5
Dog |16
Dog |2
Cat |1
Cat |12
Cat |14
Cat |7

I need to write a query that will return something like this:

Dog_Count| Cat_ Count
10 |10
5 |5
16 |16
2 |2

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Query Based On Group By Clause

Jun 21, 2008

suppose i have two tables, table1 columns(empcode (pk), empDept) and table2 columns(empcode (FK),Date,Attendance) i wanted to write a query to get output like
Accounts 10
EDP Section 0 **
Admin 2
Stationary 0**

if no employee is absent in the department it has to display Zero

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Query Parameter Based On Columnna,e...

Jun 24, 2008

good day dudes! here's my 2nd questione for ye'all...

my databases:

- shiftid
- shiftname
- timestart
- timeend
- flexwindow
- status

- employeeid
- month
- year
- day1shiftid
- day2shiftid
- day3shiftid
- day29shiftid
- day30shiftid
- day31shiftid

how can I query the plotted shift sched of employees for a particular day? like I would like to know what shift the employees were scheduled
from day1 to 15 of May 2008? the days that I would like to query would be dynamic so it can be day1 to 15 or day3 to day5 or just day20...

any of you guys nice enough to enlighten me?

U + U + D + D + L + R + L + R + Sel + Start...

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Adding A Column Based On A Query

Mar 27, 2015

I have 2 independent queries which run just fine, the 2nd one returns a dollar value. I need this dollar value as a column in my first query so that I can return it in a reporting program. The 2 queries are pasted below.

SELECT dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.InvoiceNumber AS "InvoiceNumber",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.TransactionType AS "TransactionType",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.Date AS "Date",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.DueDate AS "DueDate",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.CustomerName AS "CustomerName",

[Code] ....

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Add A Column Based On A Select Query

Mar 5, 2006

Supose I have the following select:

Select Name, Age, (select TelNums from Telephone)
From Person

The problem is that (select TelNums from Telephone) can return more than 1 record:


I was wondering how I can make a select to return the tel numbers like: 'tel1,tel2,tel2'

»»» Ken.A

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Complicated Query - Select Based On Value

Jul 23, 2005

SQL2K on W2KserverI need some help revamping a rather complicated query. I've given thetable and existing query information below. (FYI, changing thedatabase structure is right out.)The current query lists addresses with two particular types('MN30D843J2', 'SC93JDL39D'). I need to change this to (1) check eachcontact for address type 'AM39DK3KD9' and then (2) if the contact hastype 'AM39DK3KD9' select types ('AM39DK3KD9', 'ASKD943KDI') OR if thecontact does not have that type then select types ('MN30D843J2','SC93JDL39D'). (Context - the current query selects two standardaddress types "Main" and "Secondary"; we've added new data and now havetypes "Alternate Main" and "Alternate Secondary". If the Contact hasAlternate addresses, I need to select those; if not, I need to selectthe standard addresses. There are other address types in use, so Imust specify which types to select.)Can anyone point me in the right direction?Thanks very much! jamilehCREATE TABLE [CONTACTS] ([CONTACT_X] [char] (10),[LONGNAME] [char] (75),[ACTIVE] [bit])CREATE TABLE [CONTACTADDRESSES] ([CONTACT_X] [char] (10),[ADDRESS_X] [char] (10),[ADDRESSTYPE_REFX] [char] (10),[ACTIVE] [bit])CREATE TABLE [ADDRESSES] ([ADDRESS_X] [char] (10),[ADDRESSLINE1] [char] (60),[ADDRESSLINE2] [char] (60),[CITY] [char] (20),[STATE] [char] (2),[ZIPCODE] [char] (11),[PHONE] [char] (10))CREATE TABLE [REFERENCETABLE] ([REFERENCETABLE_X] [char] (10),[ADDRESS_X] [char] (10),[DESCRIPTION] [char] (60))CREATE TABLE [MASTERTABLE] ([CONTACT_X] [char] (10),[RECORDTYPE] [char] (1),[ACTIVE] [bit])CREATE VIEW vw_CONTACTInfo_ListLocASSELECT CONTACTS.CONTACT_X, CONTACTS.LONGNAME,CONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESSTYPE_REFX,Type_REFERENCETABLE.DESCRIPTION AS Type_DESCRIPTION,CONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESS_X, ADDRESSES.ADDRESSLINE1,ADDRESSES.ADDRESSLINE2, ADDRESSES.CITY, ADDRESSES.STATE,ADDRESSES.ZIPCODE, ADDRESSES.PHONEFROM CONTACTS INNER JOIN CONTACTADDRESSES ONCONTACTS.CONTACT_X = CONTACTADDRESSES.CONTACT_X INNER JOINADDRESSES ON CONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESS_X =ADDRESSES.ADDRESS_XINNER JOIN REFERENCETABLE Type_REFERENCETABLE ONCONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESSTYPE_REFX =Type_REFERENCETABLE.REFERENCETABLE_XWHERE (CONTACTS.ACTIVE = 1) AND (CONTACTADDRESSES.ADDRESSTYPE_REFXIN('MN30D843J2', 'SC93JDL39D') AND (CONTACTADDRESSES.ACTIVE =1)) AND(CONTACTS.CONTACT_X IN(SELECT CONTACT_X FROM MASTERTABLE WHEREACTIVE = 1 AND RECORDTYPE = 'E'))

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Insert Based On A Select Query

Sep 20, 2005

Hi,I have a SQL query:select products.name, products.notes, products.purchase_date,products.serial_no, products.total_value, products.product_code,products.quantity, products.product_group, products.lhs1_name,lhs1.department, lhs1.address1, lhs1.city, lhs1.countryfrom products, lhs1where products.lhs1_id = lhs1.idI want to insert the results of this query into a table called 'temp' in thedatabase. I used to copy and paste this into excel then import it but itdoesn't always work.Is there a way to do it all in a SQL script. Please be aware that myknowledge of SQL is fairly basic so please explain things clearly.Thanks,Darren

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Run Query Based On Values In Another Table

Mar 29, 2007

Newbie transiting from VBA to TSQL, using SQL Server 2005 Enterprise:Need help to do this:Open Table_AWITH TableADO UNTIL .EOFRead value from TableA.ColumnARun SQL Statement on TableB based on valueMove to the next recordLOOPENDHow do I do this in TSQL?Thanks,Bubbles

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