Query For Content In Varchar(2000)

Nov 12, 2007

I have a column with datatype varchar(2000). When I use the select statement to query for this column I only can see the content up 256 characters. How can I query to view the entire string above 256 characters?


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How To Modify Xml Content In SQL 2000

Jan 14, 2008

HiI have developed a sql procedure for updating some xml content using SQL 2005 xQuery features.For example:Declare @xmlContent = '<books><book name="asp"/>< book name = "sql"/></books>'--Now I want to add attribute "book_id" to the xml content.SET @xmlContent.modify('insert attribute book_id{"1" } into (/books/book[@name="asp"])[1] ')SET @xmlContent.modify('insert attribute book_id{"2" } into (/books/book[@name="sql"])[1] ')SELECT @xmlContent--OUTPUT will be<books><book name="asp" book_id="1"/><book name="sql" book_id="2"/></books>QUESTIONQ1. Do we have any extension or plugin such that this SQl 2005 xquery feature can be incorporated in SQL 2000?Q2. If the answer for Q1. is no (as I expect), then do we have any TSQL feature in SQL 2000 for modifying xml content?I found all examples in SQl 2000 related with "openxml" function which performs the select kind of operations only. Like selecting data in XML format OR converting xml data in to tabular format. But I couldn't find any xml modification TSQL in SQl 2000 which can add element/attributes or change values.one workaround could be to consider xml content as string and use string functions to modify the content.But is there any more sensible approach available in SQL 2000?    

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Text Box Content As Select Query Parameter

May 17, 2008

Hello, I'm learning about asp .net and I've created a simple application with SQLServer integration. I have 3 text boxes where I can insert text and then use them as parameters for the Select query string of a SqlDataSource which is then bound to a DataGrid.My question is: Is there any default configuration I can use with the SqlDataSource which do not add a given field as a parameter to the WHERE clause if the text box content is empty ? Sure I can sweep through all my text boxes, check if they're empty and dynamically build the WHERE clause with correct parameters, but is theres a built-in, more elegant way to solve this ?Thanks in advance.Arashikage  

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Simple? Multple ID Matching Varied Content Query.

Feb 23, 2006

this shoud be simple, but my brain's hurting.

I have a table with 3 fields...



I need to know All those unique IDs that have "start" against them, but have not got "stop" against them, I'm not interested in the other content strings.

I need to query it based on a specific application ID.

there will be many records from each IDnum, but only one start for each. I need to know all those IDnums that have "started" and not "stopped"



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Transact SQL :: How To Return Content Of Table As Columns In Query

Oct 1, 2015

I have

Customer table, tblCust: ID; Name

1 Peter2 Mary
Product table, tblProduct: ID; Name

1 Banana2 Orange3 Apple
Order tblOrder, tblOrder: CustID; ProductID; Amount

1 ;2 ;$20 – means Peter ordered $20 oranges

How do I write the SQL query so that the values in tblProduct become column, currently I have 20 items in that table. So, it will return something like this according to the information that I provide above?

Name Banana Orange Apple 

Peter 0 20 0

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VS Built-in Query Builder - Not Possible To Save Diagram Pane Content

Feb 18, 2008

I have VS2008 Express and I am using Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 which is distributed with it.

As I experienced, there is no possibility to use this database from Sql Server Management Studio (because it is version 3.5 and Management Studio demands version 3.1).

So, the only possibility to design a query is to use the built in Query Builder in Visual Studio Express. This query builder does not save the Diagram Pane content layout. I mean, when a query has 10 tables, I place these tables in the Diagram Pane in some order that makes sense (e.g. to make all relations visible). After saving and reopening the query in Query Builder, all tables are on the left side, in a complete disorder.

Is it possible to somehow save the Diagram Pane content along with the SQL ??

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Mar 29, 2000

I have a column in a table which is varchar(2000) in SQL Server7.0
when i select columnname from tablename, it truncates that
column and does not show me the complete contents.
i checked the compatibilty level of my database and it is 70.
in the BOL it says that if the compatibilty level is less than 70,
then it will truncate the column to 255.
what am i doing worng?
please help.

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Updating Varchar Field In SQL Server 2000

Oct 4, 2004

I would like to update a varchar field with an update statement that appends information to what is currently stored in the field, for example in the Statement field I may currently have a name (Mark) and I want to add a unique identifier to the end of the name so that it may look like, Markq1572, is there a way to do this in an update statement?

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Buffer Size Of Varchar In SQL Server 2000

Apr 11, 2008

Hi all

I am Importing data from CSV to Table using DTS package it showing error "exceeded Buffer size",
What is Buffer size of varchar in SQL Server2000

Appreciated your help

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What's Difference About Datatype Char,VarChar,NChar,NVarChar In Sql 2000 ?

Jan 9, 2006

Hi All:
         I am new to Sql 2000 database,Now  I'm planing to create a table in my databse,my table included below fields like this :
       PoNo(the length is 15 characters) ,Supplier Name(the length is 50 characters).etc
      but I don't how to select the datatype for them. should I  select  Char or VarChar ?
      which one is the best slection ?
  thans in advanced!

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Varchar Is Truncated In Query Analyzer ?

Sep 21, 1999

When I insert a varchar greater than size 256 through Query Analyzer and retrieves it back, it shows only the first 256 part of it. Is ther any server seetings I have to alter to incorporate bigger varchar values ? does anybody have any ideas?

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Query By Length Of Varchar Column

Sep 14, 2007

Hi mates,

I have a Table:Test with column text:varchar(255). I want get rows where text length to be longer than 100. Is it possible?

Thx in advance,

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How I Convert Varchar Sal Field To Numeric In Query

Feb 1, 2006

how i convert varchar sal field to numeric in query
select sum(sal) from emp1
error:the sum or average aggregate operation cannot take a varchar data type as an argument.

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SQL 2012 :: Query Returns 13864 On A Varchar Columns

Mar 24, 2015

We have a customer that is running SQL2012 and we are seeing a weird result on a query when we run it on their db. It is based off of a table that has about 30 columns but in this case we only care about 2 of them.

[Number] [varchar](15) NOT NULL
[Person_ID] [varchar](12) NULL

Here is the query we are doing:
Select Number,Person_ID From TableName where LP='ABC123'

The result I get back is the following:

The Person_ID should be a result of another table that created that Person_ID but it doesn't exist in that table. So we do not know where that 13864 is coming from. When we open that record through our application it shows Nothing for the Person_ID in that field.

When we do this query on our copy we get back

Which is exactly what we should see as the result.

Could there be a sql server setting that is set on their server that could possibly be given us back 13864 for a NULL value?

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Need Query To Select VarChar Rows That Can Convert To Integer

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table of zip codes, some with Canadian zips. I'd like to takea zip code and search for nearby zips. For example:Dim theZip As Integer = textbox1.text....Parameter.Add(@ziplow, SqlDbType.Int, 5).Value = (theZip - 10)....Parameter.Add(@ziphigh, SqlDbType.Int, 5).Value = (theZip + 10)SELECT * from ZIPCODES where Cast(zip_code as Integer) BETWEEN @lowzipAND @highzipProblem is the letters in the Canadian records cannot be cast asintegers for this process. I get this error:Syntax error converting the varchar value '53151 1' to a column of datatype int.Is there a SQL query that can exclude if no cast can be made to anInteger?Thanks!Anton

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Problems Moving Data Over 8000k In DB2 Varchar Column Into SQL Server Varchar(max) Using SSIS

Nov 20, 2007

I have looked far and wide and have not found anything that works to allow me to resolve this issue.

I am moving data from DB2 using the MS OLEDB Provider for DB2. The OLEDB source sees the column of data as DT_TEXT. I setup a destination to SQL Server 2005 and everything looks good until I try and run the package.

I get the error:
[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft DB2 OLE DB Provider" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: Failed to retrieve long data for column "LIST_DATA_RCVD".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: There was an error with output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (287). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: The "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "OLE DB Source" (277) returned error code 0xC0209029. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Any suggestions on how I can get the large string data in the varchar column in DB2 into the varchar(max) column in SQL Server 2005?

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SQL2K Help! SQL Union Query And Varchar / Integer Conversion Problems =(

Aug 8, 2007

Hi, I need help.  Understatement of the year right now, too =
So... I've created a stored procedure that partially pulls a SQL union query to give me a complete one-line result set of a bunch of data... four separate selects comprise the query.
The tables are structured identically to each other, but the values being pulled are specific and distinct.  All of the non-date values stored are varchar values in the tables, and yet when I execute the SQL union query, I get the error message:  Syntax error converting the varchar value to a column of data type int.
 I know SQL does implicit conversions, however Im not sure why it's trying to do that with this query, I suppose.  it should have been straightforward.
Any suggestions?  Here is the query logic to look at, in case I'm missing the obvious 

SELECT ACCOUNT, LNAME, FNAME, SEX, DOB, cast(MA_ContentValue as decimal) as MA_ContentValue, cast(MA_DOS as smalldatetime) as MA_DOS,cast(LDL_ContentValue as decimal) as LDL_ContentValue, cast(LDL_DOS as smalldatetime) as LDL_DOS, cast(HgbA1C_ContentValue as decimal)as HgbA1C_ContentValue, HgbA1C_DOS, cast(Creatinine_ContentValue as decimal) as Creatinine_ContentValue, Creatinine_DOS
FROM ( SELECT     Account, Lname, FName, Sex, DOB,MA_ContentValue, MA_DOS,   0 as LDL_ContentValue, 0 as LDL_DOS,   0 as HgbA1C_ContentValue, 0 as HgbA1C_DOS,   0 as Creatinine_ContentValue, 0 as Creatinine_DOS FROM         dbo.vwDiabetic_MicroalbuminTop3  UNION  SELECT     Account, Lname, FName, Sex, DOB, 0 as MA_ContentValue, 0 as MA_DOS,   LDL_ContentValue, LDL_DOS,   0 as HgbA1C_ContentValue, 0 as HgbA1C_DOS,   0 as Creatinine_ContentValue, 0 as Creatinine_DOS FROM         dbo.vwDiabetic_LDLTop3  UNION  SELECT     Account, Lname, FName, Sex, DOB, 0 as MA_ContentValue, 0 as MA_DOS,   0 as LDL_ContentValue, 0 as LDL_DOS,   HgbA1C_ContentValue, HgbA1C_DOS,   0 as Creatinine_ContentValue, 0 as Creatinine_DOS FROM         dbo.vwDiabetic_HgbA1CTop3  UNION
 SELECT     Account, Lname, FName, Sex, DOB, 0 as MA_ContentValue, 0 as MA_DOS,   0 as LDL_ContentValue, 0 as LDL_DOS,   0 as HgbA1C_ContentValue, 0 as HgbA1C_DOS,   Creatinine_ContentValue, Creatinine_DOS FROM         dbo.vwDiabetic_CreatinineTop3) tbl1
Anything else that I can provide for someone to help me? I appreciate any/all feedback!

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Transact SQL :: Error Converting VARCHAR To BIGINT When Executing Query

Jun 4, 2015

SET @i = 20150315
SET @S = ''
SELECT @S = @S + '
SET @Count = '+@i+' + 1

SELECT @Count'

I am trying to execute the above query but it is throwing me an error.

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 6
Error converting data type varchar to bigint.

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DB Design :: Optimize A Query That Uses A Varchar Column That Is Used In Order By Clause

May 5, 2015

I am querying a tableA with 1.8 million rows, it has id as its primary key and is a clustered index. I need to select all rows where I order by lastname. Its taking me 45 seconds. Is there anything i can do to optimize the query.Will creating a fulltext index on lastname If so, can you give me an example on how to create a full text index on lastname?

[Project1].[Id] AS [Id], 
[Project1].[DirectoryId] AS [DirectoryId], 
[Project1].[SPI] AS [SPI], 
[Project1].[FirstName] AS [FirstName], 
[Project1].[LastName] AS [LastName], 
[Project1].[NPI] AS [NPI], 
[Project1].[AddressLine1] AS [AddressLine1], 
[Project1].[AddressLine2] AS [AddressLine2], 


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The Data Types Varchar And Varchar Are Incompatible In The Modulo Operator

Jan 4, 2008

I am trying to create a store procedure inside of SQL Management Studio console and I kept getting errors. Here's my store procedure.

Code Block
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sqlOutlookSearch]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@OLIssueID int = NULL,
@searchString varchar(1000) = NULL
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
IF @OLIssueID <> 11111
SELECT * FROM [OLissue], [Outlook]
WHERE [OLissue].[issueID] = @OLIssueID AND [OLissue].[issueID] = [Outlook].[issueID] AND [Outlook].[contents] LIKE + ''%'' + @searchString + ''%''
SELECT * FROM [Outlook]
WHERE [Outlook].[contents] LIKE + ''%'' + @searchString + ''%''

And the error I kept getting is:

Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sqlOutlookSearch, Line 18

The data types varchar and varchar are incompatible in the modulo operator.

Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sqlOutlookSearch, Line 21

The data types varchar and varchar are incompatible in the modulo operator.

Any help is appreciated.

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SSIS - Importing Varchar From Access Into SQL2005 As Varchar

Nov 20, 2006

For the life of me I cannot figure out why SSIS will not convert varchar data. instead of using the table to table method, I wrote a SQL query so that I could transform the datatype ntext to varchar 512 understanding that natively MS is going towards all Unicode applications.

The source fields from Access are int, int, int and varchar(512). The same is true of the destination within SQL Server 2005. the field 'Answer' is the varchar field in question....

I get the following error

Validating (Error)


Error 0xc02020f6: Data Flow Task: Column "Answer" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004706b: Data Flow Task: "component "Destination - Query" (28)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004700c: Data Flow Task: One or more component failed validation.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0024107: Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

DTS used to be a very strong tool but a simple import such as this is causing me extreme grief and wondering of SQL2005 is ready for primetime. FYI SP1 is installed. I am running this from a workstation and not on the server if that makes a difference...

Any help would be appreciated.

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Am Using Sql Server 2005, Column Data Type Is Varchar, How To Write A Query To Sort

Aug 2, 2006

this data. need help
Sort following numbers by asc and desc order

Before query sort

Sort asc

Sort Desc

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Implicit Conversion From Data Type Ntext To Varchar Is Not Allowed. Use The CONVERT Function To Run This Query.

Oct 9, 2007

Hello Guys,Have been getting this error(
Implicit conversion from data type ntext to varchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
) when running on the live environment but it was fine when run locally. If anyone has similar problem please let me know the fix you have done.
Thank you.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Passing Parameters On Query - Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Numeric

Sep 1, 2014

I have the following code and i want to passed more than one value:

DECLARE @myvendedor AS varchar(255)
SET @myvendedor = '87,30'
print @myvendedor
SELECT top 10 ECOM.COM1,* from ecom (nolock) WHERE ecom.PORVEND=1 AND ECOM.VENDEDOR IN (@myvendedor)
Table Field ECOM.VENDEDOR is Numeric(4,0)

This error occur:

87,30 --Result of PRINT

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 6
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

I change :

DECLARE @myvendedor AS numeric(4,0)

and this error appear:

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 2
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

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Datatype Question Varchar(max), Varchar(250), Or Char(250)

Oct 18, 2007

I have a table that contains a lot of demographic information. The data is usually small (<20 chars) but ocassionally needs to handle large values (250 chars). Right now its set up for varchar(max) and I don't think I want to do this.

How does varchar(max) store info differently from varchar(250)? Either way doesn't it have to hold the container information? So the word "Crackers" have 8 characters to it and information sayings its 8 characters long in both cases. This meaning its taking up same amount of space?

Also my concern will be running queries off of it, does a varchar(max) choke up queries because the fields cannot be properly analyzed? Is varchar(250) any better?

Should I just go with char(250) and watch my db size explode?

Usually the data that is 250 characters contain a lot of blank space that is removed using a SPROC so its not usually 250 characters for long.

Any insight to this would be appreciated.

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Update SQL 2000 Query (converting An Old Access 2k Query To SQL)

Mar 30, 2006

Hello, I have the following query in Access 2000 that I need to convertto SQL 2000:UPDATE tblShoes, tblBoxesSET tblShoes.Laces1 = NullWHERE (((tblShoes.ShoesID)=Int([tblBoxes].[ShoesID])) AND((tblBoxes.Code8)="A" Or (tblBoxes.Code8)="B"))WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;The ShoesID in the tblShoes table is an autonumber, however the recordsin the tblBoxes have the ShoesID converted to text.This query runs ok in Access, but when I try to run it in the SQLServer 2000 Query Analizer I get errors because of the comma in the"UPDATE tblShoes, tblBoxes" part. I only need to update the tblShoesfield named Laces1 to NULL for every record matching the ones in thetblBoxes that are marked with an "A" or an "B" in the tblBoxes.Code8field.Any help would be greatly appreciated.JR

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Convert Access Query To Sql 2000 Query

Jan 30, 2008

I'm having trouble converting this access query into a sql 2000 query.
Your help would be appreciated:


Here is what I have, but I'm not confident it is correct:
CASE WHEN (PTicketNum = '0' OR PTicketNum IS NULL) THEN 'M999Z' else PTicketNum END AS Ticket

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SQL Vs XML Page Content

Apr 2, 2008

I want to create the most effective way (google) to have content displayed on a web page. 
Currently, we are updating to SQL and populating to web via calling SQL statements hardcoded to page.  I want to know if this is ok to do, or should we be reading from a static XML file that is updated? 
 I think the XML is the way to go being that i may have answered my own question, but i was curious to what the experts on asp.net had to say.

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Moving Content From One Db To Another

Mar 9, 2007

an outside developer has sent us a mdf file that contains the need updates to a database.

here is where the problem comes in, how can i append the contents of the mdf file to an existing db?

there are about a dozen tables, 50 stored procs, and one new user.

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How To Store A Content Into Database

Aug 22, 2006

Hi everyone,
I'm just using TEXTBOX control to save data into my DB. My question is, if I have multiple lines of sentences, it does not store as what it looks like. For example;
Hello, Mike
It stores into the database as "Hello, Mike" and if I read from the database, it does not have seperate lines and shows it like this;
Hello, Mike
How can I store the contents into database and make the contents as original? (Sorry for the poor English, but I hope you understand it.)

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Automatic Content Expiry

Jun 21, 2007

Hi All,I have a job coming up which involves me creating a  vacancy system for our website.I (think) I'll only need one table:ID (PK)JobTitleJobLocationSalaryHoursJobDescriptionValidFrom (Date/Time)ValidTo (Date/Time)I'll display this data using a C#.Net repeater but I was wondering how I can automatically strip the page of the jobs that have gone past their expiry date? Is is straightforward to achieve?Thanks in advance,Brett 

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SQL Server As Content Store

Dec 29, 2003

Okay, moving to developing a small site that will be storing articles - that is a site largely consisting of html marked up articles with images. We already have an SQL Server so it is becoming the back-end.

So, since I'm not an SQL Server expert, some general advice on this would be appreciated? The articles, as I say in HTML (largely just markup for titles, and general text) would be stored in the DB? As Text datatypes?

How about the images...on disk or in SQL?

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Cannot Able To See The Content Of A Column In A Table?

Nov 12, 2001

hi everybody,

The problem is, I have a table with one column of varchar(8000) datatype. It has got 1000's of records. Through Query Analyzer, I am not able to view my records after 257 columns in my table, even I increased my textsize by using 'set textsize' command.

Any other setting is available to correct this. Any help is appreciated.


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