Query For Taking Each Word In A String, And Putting A Comma After It?
Aug 29, 2007
Hey all, i'm making the pages meta keywords on my site dynamic, and i was wondering is there is a string, for example "Dell 17" Monitor Brand New", that would split it into each word for the meta keywords. example "Dell, 17", Monitor, Brand, New" (and possibly to not put a comma on the last word?)
I have nearly 1000 table. I need all the table structure in word document. Is it possible to take table structure using Stored Procedure. If it is How to do that.
Link ( GroupID int , MemberID int ) Member ( MemberID int , MemberName varchar(50), GroupID varchar(255) )
The Link table contains the records showing which Member is in which Group. One particular Member can be in multiple Groups and also a particular Group may have multiple Members.
The Member table contains the Member's ID, Member's Name, and a Group ID field (that will contains comma-separated Groups ID, showing in which Groups the particular Member is in).
We have the Link table ready, and the Member table' with first two fields is also ready. What we have to do now is to fill the GroupID field of the Member table, from the Link Table.
For instance,
Read all the GroupID field from the Link table against a MemberID, make a comma-separated string of the GroupID, then update the GroupID field of the corresponding Member in the Member table.
Please help me with a sql query or procedures that will do this job. I am using SQL SERVER 2000.
Hi allThis should be easy for one of you pros out there...I take a single string(one letter) from a textbox and want to query mydatabase for a name that starts with that letter.I know that the correct synthax when you know the letter is:WHERE FirstName LIKE 'O%'but when I have this:*****************Dim lastname As Stringlastname = txtlastname.TextDim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM [" & PubName & "] WHERE Last_Namelike ' txtlastname % ' "**********************************************It doesn't seem to work since my datagrid is empty afterwards. I alsotried:***************Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM [" & PubName & "] WHERE Last_Namelike '" & txtlastname & " % ' "****************without succes....It's probably just a synthax error on my part but I don'T know were..THanks guys!!JMT
I have a scenario where in I need to use a comma delimited string as input. And search the tables with each and every string in the comma delimited string.
I have a parameter value as shown below and this is dynamic and can grow
Example : 101-NY, 102-CA, 165-GA 116-NY, 258-NJ, 254-PA, 245-DC, 298-AL How do I get the values in the below format NY,CA,GA --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state NY,NJ,PA,DC,AL --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state
correct query that will fetch only state names and not the numbers.
I am having a colume as image datatype, in which candidates resume is stored in binary format. I have to search for particular words for eg. "ASP.Net, 2 Years" into that column I have converted that column as varchar and then searching above two words(after spliting them by comma) into that string using CHARINDEX
DECLARE @i int, @j int SET @i = select MIN(ResumeId) from table_name SET @j = select MAX(ResumeId) from table_name
WHILE (@i <= @j) BEGIN DECLARE @Resume varchar(max) SET @Resume = CAST((select Resume from table_name where ResumeId=100) as varbinary(max))
--code to search the particular word from @Resume
It is working fine, but it is very slow, taking 2+ minutes to scan 15000 records How can I make it faster or is there any other way to search?
I have a checkbox list on datalist as one column. when user selects more than one checkbox and click on apply. i concatenate IDs of checkboxes as '1,2'3' for e.g. and sending that to Stroe Procedure as varchar datatype parametrer. In Procedure i wanna update status of all three selected and i am using statement "update tbl set status=1 where pageid in('1,2,3'). It is saying it cannot convert varchar to int. How can i do this task? Thanks in advance.
I have a scenario which i must check if the value of the inputted word is exact (case sensitive) in a string. And print the word if correct. using a user defined function.
Example:The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog.
If the user enter "jump" it must print "jump". If the user enter "Jump" it must print "jump" which is the correct word.
I am trying to build a dynamic where statement for my sql stored prcoedure if len(@Office) > 0 select @strWhereClause = N'cvEh.chOfficeId in (select id from dbo.csfParseDeLimitedText( ' + @vchOffice + ',' + ''',''' + '))' + ' and ' + @strWhereClause In this case users can enter comma delimited string in their search criteria. So if they enter we1, we2, we3 then my sql statement should look like select @strWhereClause = cvEh.chOfficeId in (select id from dbo.csfParseDeLimitedText('we1', 'we2', 'we3'),',') My csfParseDeLimitedText function looks like this Create FUNCTION [dbo].[csfParseDeLimitedText] (@p_text varchar(4000), @p_Delimeter char(1))RETURNS @results TABLE (id varchar(100))ASBEGIN declare @i1 varchar(200)declare @i2 varchar(200)declare @tempResults Table (id varchar(100))while len(@p_text) > 0 and charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) <> 0beginselect @i1 = left(@p_text, charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) - 1)insert @tempResults select @i1select @p_text = right(@p_text, len(@p_text) - charindex(@p_Delimeter,@p_text))endinsert @tempResults select @p_text insert @resultsselect *from @tempResultsreturnEND
My problem is it does not put quotes around the comma delimited stringso I want to put 'we1' , 'we2'. These single quotes are not coming in the dynamic sql statement. How can I modify my query so that single quotes around each entry should show up. Any help will be greatky appreciated. Thanks
I want to bring a string parameter to where clause like this:
select .. from ... Where Code IN (@Code)
When @Code is 'ABC' it works but when @code is 'ABC, XYZ' it won't work. I know for IN statement we should use IN ('ABC', 'XYZ') and I tried make @code = '''ABC'', ''XYZ''' still not working. I tried
Print '''ABC'', ''XYZ'''
I got 'ABC', 'XYZ' but why it does not work in @Code?
Hi there,I have created a sp and function that returns amongst other things acomma seperated string of values via a one to many relationship, thecode works perfectly but i am not sure how to test its performance.. Isthis an efficient way to achieve my solution.. If not any suggestionshow i can improve it.. What are the best ways to check query speed???MY SP:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Jobs_GetJobsASBEGINSELECT j.Id, j.Inserted, Title, Reference, dbo.fn_GetJobLocations(j.id)AS location, salary, summary, logoFROM Jobs_Jobs j INNER JOIN Client c ON j.ClientID = c.idORDER BY j.Inserted DESCENDGO--------------------------------------------MY Function:CREATE FUNCTION fn_GetJobLocations (@JobID int)RETURNS varchar(5000) ASBEGINDECLARE @LocList varchar(5000)SELECT @LocList = COALESCE(@LocList + ', ','') + ll.location_nameFROM Jobs_Locations l inner join List_Locations ll onll.LocationID = l.LocationIDWHERE l.JobID = @JobIDRETURN @LocListENDAny help or guidance much appreciated...
I'm passing a comma delimited string to my SP, e.g.:"3,8,10,16,23,24"I need to retreive each number in this string and for every number found I need to execute some sode, say add "AND SportID="+numberfoundHow can I do that?
I have the following table:id name1 yes2 no3 what4 is5 this6 niceThe amount of rows can vary from 1 to 50. I only need the name column.What SQL statement do I have to execute to get the following:yes,no,what,is,this,nice, (trailing , is acceptable)Thanks!
Hi,I would like to parse out each value that is seperatedby a comma in a field and use that value to join to another table.What would be the easiest way to do so without having towrite a function or routine ?EX.Table AAACOL1 COL21 11, 124, 1562 11, 505, 600, 700, ...Table BBBCOL1 COL211 Desc11124 Desc124156 Desc 156
I have a parameter called Id in my SP which will be of nvarchar data type and i'm going to get the multiple ids at a time seperated by commas in that parameter from the application. Now my requirement is to update a table with these comma seperated ids in seperate rows.
For example, if i have 2 parameters called Id1 and Id2. Id1 will contain only one value and will be of int data type and Id2 will be of nvarchar data type as i can get multiple ids delimited by a comma from the application.
Suppose Id1 = 1 and Id2 = '1,2,3,4'. Then I have to update id2 in the tables seperately like wherever Id1 is '1' i need to update Id2 column for 4 rows with the value 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively in different rows.
how can i do this in T-SQL? How can i split the data of parameter Id2 in 4 different rows?
I have a field called CustomerName Varchar 100 and I wish to write a function that can do the following in a script component task
create a function called CleanString (ByVal CustomerName as String) As String
CleanString Returns the last word of a Customer name if the CustomerName field contains more than one word or if the CustomerName field does not contain Corp or Ltd
ie parse 'Mr John Tools' and the function returns 'Tools'
ie parse 'TechnicalBooks' and the function returns 'TechnicalBooks'
ie parse 'Microsoft Corp' return 'Microsoft Corp'
ie parse 'Digidesign Ltd' return 'Digidesign Ltd'
Any idea of a regular expression or existing piece of existing code I can have