Query Not Recognizing Inverted Comma

Nov 7, 2006

hi friends,

i am using a text box named comments in my jsp application...when i enter text with some wild characters ...for ex ' technology' (inverted coma)....and i press submit buttonthe page becomes blank....i am using mssql as database......datatype for comments is varchar.....
i don know where the problem lies
please help me to tackle the issue....
thanks in advance
Ganesh BS

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Inverted Table

Jun 1, 2008

Dears,I have the following table:  ID            Column1         Column2        Column31              Value1            Value2            Value3                 I would like to get all columns with the values using a SQL Query, something like this: Columns      ValuesID                  1Column1      Value1Column2      Value2Column3      Value3Thanks in advance  

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How To View Inverted Rows From Many-to-many Table

Mar 11, 2008

Hi, my name's John and this is my first post here at SQL team. I've learnt a lot from the forums here, never needed to post though. I'm pretty good at sql, but not that good and I think for the first time in couple of years I now have a query that I'm completely unable to create.
Let me explain the setup.
I've got three tables e.g.

Products (productid, Name)
100 Computer
200 Printer
300 PDA

ProductActions (ID, Name)
6 changed casing
8 Changed motherboard
7 replaced cd-drive

ProductPerformedActions (productid, actionid)

This basically shows a simple setup showing that product (computer) has been done the action "repaired" and product (printer) has been done the action "changed motherboard". The query i'd like to have is where I can select all products that have not been performed on cerrtain actions. e.g. a list of products that have not been performed on all actions, such as


I know its foundation is something like this:

select productid from products where productid not in
(select productid from productperformedactions....

which elimiantes products that have been performed an action on, but it also removes it for ALL actions,
which i'm trying to avoid. All i want is kind of a cross join, listing all actions, then inverting it, to show
all products that have NOT had it performed on them.
I hope this makes sense.


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SSIS Not Recognizing {CR}{LF}

Jan 29, 2007

Hi I am having a major problem with an SSIS package I am trying to write at the moment. The SSIS package is supposed to read a csv file and import it into a table. The issue I am having is that the file comes to me where the first 15 or so lines are terminated with a ,{CR}{LF}.



Then after the first 15 lines the row termination becomes a simple {CR}{LF}.


The problem I am having is that at row 16 SSIS fails to recognize the {CR}{LF} and starts merging rows together so that row 16 and 17 appear as one row, row 18 and 19 appear as one row and so forth. As far as I can determine is that it does not recognize the {CR}{LF} at the end of row 16 but then recognizes the {CR}{LF} at the end of row 17. It does not make any sense. I do have a script that runs prior to processing the file to remove unescaped quotes.

strInput = File.ReadAllText(strFilePath & "Project_Task.csv", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)

strInput = strInput.Replace(Chr(34) & Chr(34), "")

File.WriteAllText(strFilePath & "Project_Task.csv", strInput)

And I tried adding the following line to try and remove the ,{CR}{LF} and replace it with a simple {CR}{LF} but that just made matters worse and the merging of rows happened accross all the lines then.

strInput = strInput.Replace("," & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)

Using TextPad I looked at the original CSV file and determined that it was encoded in ASCII, I am at a loss as to why this is happening. If I open the file in excel it formats correctly, if I use SSIS the formating gets thrown off. The file is a simple .CSV with a text qualifier of " column delimeter of , and a row delimeter of {CR}{LF}.

Anyhelp would be appreciated.

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DB Engine :: How To Pass Values With Comma To Comma Separated Param In SP

Apr 27, 2015

I have one sp which has param name as cordinatorname varchar(max)

In where condition of my sp i passed as

coordinator=(coordinatorname in (select ltrim(rtrim(value)) from dbo.fnSPLIT(@coordinatorname,',')))

But now my promblm is for @coordinatorname i have values as 'coorcinator1', 'coordinato2,inc'

So when my ssrs report taking these values as multiselect, comma seperated coordinator2,inc also has comma already.

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Excel Not Recognizing Numbers

Oct 31, 2013

I've got a SQL query returning data into MS Excel.

One of the columns returns numbers that I then have a SUMIF formula totalling.

However, when the numbers get to Excel, they are not recognised as numbers so my SUM doesn't work. Even if I format the cells as number, general or currency, the sum doesn't work.

Excel knows that there is something in the cell but doesn't treat it as a number in any way.

Can I include something in the SQL statement so that it forces the results to be a number?

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SQL Express Installer Not Recognizing IIS

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to install SQL Server Express with Advanced Services on a Vista machine. For some reason the installed does not pick up that IIS is up and running. Any Ideas?

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SCD Not Recognizing Unchanged Rows

Apr 27, 2007

My dimension table has a column called AccountNumber varchar(20), which is the business key.

I use SCD task to manage TYPE 2 changes on a particular column.

However, the SCD component doesn;t seem to recognize the change on the column. The datatype of the column in the dimension table and the datatype of the input column is same.

The datatype for the business key , which is varchar(20) is also same as the input column business key.

However, when I ran SQL profiler to see what is going on, I found that the SELECT statement

that was issued with the business key in the WHERE clause has char(20) instead of varchar(20)

for the business key. So, for example if the account number in the dimension table is '1234',

the SELECT statement is checking for '1234 '.

I trimmed the incoming string but I still get the problem. Any help would be appreciated.


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Comma Delimited File With Comma Inside A Column

Nov 9, 2007

Using Flat File Connection Manager, I am specifying Text Qualifier = Double quotes{"}, and i have TXT file with one column for lastname and first name as "LN,FN", and settings are set to comma delimted, now the connectin manager is creating two different columns for LN and FN,

it was never a problem in DTS 2000.

any work around.


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Added Column To Article But DTS Isn't Recognizing It

Dec 9, 2002

We're replicating columns in a table from 7.0 server to SQL2k server. Once we've got the data on SQL2k, we were able to take advantage of DTS that was not available in version 7.0.

I recenlty added a column to the article and changed the DTS accordingly (transformation columns). However, I'm getting this error ever though I added the new column in the DTS.

The number of columns in the bcp file does not match what is defined in the DTS package. Regenerate the package.


I've recreated the package with no luck. This is becoming urgent as it's supposed to go into production soon.

Please help!!



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Recognizing IIS During SQL SERVER 2005 Install

Feb 5, 2008

I have installed and reinstalled SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS on my Vista Home Edition system a couple of times trying to get it to recognize IIS during setup.

Prior to installing SQL SERVER I have gone through the steps for turning on IIS and the checkboxes are all checked in the Control Panel| Programs section which shows IIS 7 and all its features are turned on.

I can open IIS and IIS Service Manager.

Yet when I install SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS and the setup checks for required features, IIS is never found - always has the yellow triangle symbol next it it.

Can anyone help me understand what is going on and what I can do about it?

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SQL ERROR Not Recognizing The Fully Qualified Table Name

Aug 8, 2007

 Why am im i getting this error I am trying to join four table from different databases.select INBTable.InBound_Calls, OUTTable.OutBound_Calls, INBTable.Line_Number as INLine_Number,
OUTTable.Line_Number as OUTLine_Number, INBTable.Hold_Time as INHold_Time,OUTTable.Hold_Time as OUTHold_Time, INBAbandonInfo.INAbandon_Calls as INBAbandon_Calls,
OUTAbandonInfo.OutAbandon_Calls as OUTAbandon_Callsfrom sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_Report20070807IN as INBTable
JOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_Report20070807OUT as OUTTableon INBTable.Line_Number = OUTTable.Line_Number
sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_GraphIN_INAbandon as INBAbandonInfoJOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_GraphIN_OutAbandon.Line_Number as OUTAbandonInfo
on INBAbandonInfo.Line_Number = OUTAbandonInfo.Line_Number
 My Error Message:
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 8
Line 8: Incorrect syntax near 'sql2'.

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Problem Query Returning Float With Comma

Mar 18, 2004

I to all

i am bilding a web page, using asp and sql server

I have a few querys in the asp script. my problem is that the values from the query results to tables with float fiels, apear with a comma
and want a dot

like area= 23,5 and I would like to have area= 23.5

in the query analyser there is no problem it´s all dots
i have my web aplication running in 3 diferent machines and in 2 of them i dont have this problem. the query results to float fiels apear with a dot

in the 3 machines the database is the same , the odbc conection is similar. i have win xp professional in 2 machines and win 2000 server in other. the machine with this problem has xp pro

something i miss in the IIS...

i am lost

some hint would be very nice

thanks for your time and replay

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Query Result As Comma-separated List

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'n in an environment where I cannot make stored procedures. Now I needto make a query with a subquery in the SELECT part which gives a commaseparated list of results:SELECTp.id,listFunction(SELECT name FROM names WHERE name_parent=p.id) AS'nameList'FROM projects AS pThis query should return something like:1, "john,mike,petra"2, "bob,carl,sandra,peter,etclistFunction is (of course) not (yet) defined. Is this possible withoutthe use of stored procedures?Mike

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SQL XML :: Query Of XML Data / Insert A Comma Between Values

Jul 23, 2008

I'm trying to query an XML column in SQL. The problem I am having is that when multiple values exist it retuns them all in one field. I'd like to insert a comma between values.

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Transact SQL :: Recognizing Month And Proportion In A Date Range

Oct 8, 2015

I need to recognize only one month in a date range e to make a proportion of the quantity. Practically, period 31-08-2015 - 30-09-2015 is 31 days, 1 belonging August and 30 belonging September so 3.2258% of the quantity must belong August and 96.7742% September. The quantity 200, so 193.54 belong September (That's what I need to achieve). Range 01-09-2015 / 30-09-2015 Qty 500, all 500 belong September.

Range 01-07-2015 / 20-08-2015 Qty 2500 0 belong September. A little bit more complicated if I got 25-06-2015 / 16-12-2015. it 30 day for September and with a datediff I can count the days and make a proportion. I can write piece by piece the code but I'd prefer of course to have only one query for this.

The DDL:
create table forum (idd int, byfrom date, byto date, qty int)
insert into forum values

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Query For Taking Each Word In A String, And Putting A Comma After It?

Aug 29, 2007

Hey all, i'm making the pages meta keywords on my site dynamic, and i was wondering is there is a string, for example "Dell 17" Monitor Brand New", that would split it into each word for the meta keywords. example "Dell, 17", Monitor, Brand, New" (and possibly to not put a comma on the last word?) 

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Need Sql To Return The Result Of A Query As Comma Seperated Values.

Jun 28, 2005

Hi,   I need a sql that returns the query result as comma seperated list of values, instead of several rows. Below is the scenario...   Table Name - Customer   Columns - CustomerID, Join DateSay below is the data of Customer table ...CustomerID    JoinDate1                   04/01/20052                   01/03/20033                   06/02/20044                   01/05/20025                   09/07/2005Now i want to retrieve all the customerid's who have joined this year. Below is the query that i use for this case.Select CustomerID from Customer where JoinDate between '01/01/2005' and GetDate()This gives the below result as two rows.CustomerID15But i need to get the result as '1,5' (comma seperated list of resulting values).Any help is highly appreciatedThanks in AdvanceRamesh

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Search A Column Of Comma Delimited Numbers (was Help With Sql Query)

Nov 30, 2005

Hi, I need to search a column in my database (varchar:50) that contains a comma delimited string of numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10). Currently, I am doing the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM people WHERE clubs_belongs_to LIKE '%1%'

Where 1 is the number I'm searching for. The problem with the query above is that it returns records that contain 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, etc. in the clubs_belongs_to field. I want the query to only return those people who belong to club number 1, not 10, 11, 12, etc. Please help. Thanks in advance. I have tried using IN instead of LIKE, but that didn't seem to get the results I wanted either.

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Concatenated String Of Comma Separated Values (was Help With Query)

Nov 21, 2006

I have following 2 queries which return different results.

declare @accountIdListTemp varchar(max)
SELECT COALESCE(@accountIdListTemp + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),acct_id)
FROM (SELECT Distinct acct_id
FROM SomeTable) Result
print @accountIdListTemp

The above query return the values without concatenating it.

declare @pot_commaSeperatedList varchar(max)

into #accountIdListTemp
FROM SomeTable

SELECT @pot_commaSeperatedList = COALESCE(@pot_commaSeperatedList + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),acct_id)
FROM #accountIdListTemp
print @pot_commaSeperatedList
drop table #accountIdListTemp

This query returns result as concatenated string of comma separated values.

If i want to get similar result in a single query how can i get it?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query For Comma Delimited Output

Jan 29, 2014

Below is the sample data

create table #sample
(name varchar(100),
id int)

insert into #sample values ('customerid','15339119')
insert into #sample values ('Title','15339119')
insert into #sample values ('firstname','15339119')
insert into #sample values ('prevcr','2146822710')
insert into #sample values ('currcr','2146822710')
insert into #sample values ('brandcode','2146822710')

I need output as attached ...

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Query To Get Values From Datetime Column Into Comma Separated Text

Dec 20, 2005

Hi All
I am working on a query to get all the datetime values in a column in a table into a comma separated text.
     ColumnDate                                                  --------------------------- 2005-11-09 00:00:00.0002005-11-13 00:00:00.0002005-11-14 00:00:00.0002005-11-16 00:00:00.000
I wanted to get something like
2005-11-09, 2005-11-13, 2005-11-14, 2005-11-16 
Have just started SQL and hence am getting confused in what I think should be a relatively simple query. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks

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How To Insert Results Of A SQL Query Into The Field Of Another Table, As Comma Seperated Values.

Mar 7, 2008

I am currently working on an application that requires, insertion of the results of a SQL Query in to the field of another table, in the form of a comma separated values.

For example, to explain things in detail:

create table dbo.phone_details

(country varchar(20),
state varchar(30),
list_of_toll_free_numbers text)

insert into dbo,phone_details
( 'USA', 'CA', 'select Phone from phone_table where substring(phone, 1, 3) in ('800', '866', '877', '888')' )

The final output I desire is:

country state list_of_toll_free_numbers

---------- ------- -----------------------------------------
USA CA 8009877654, 8665764398, 8776543219

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Comma In Value Within Comma Separated File

Apr 10, 2006

I have a file which contains comma separated columns. One of columns contains names of companies. Sometimes the names of the companies have a comma as part of the name. For those, the value is surrounded by double-quotes.

But it seems that SSIS ignores the double quotes and ONLY looks for the column separator. This causes my value to be split in half.

Traditionally, I thought parsers that deal with this type of import do not automatically take the first comma following the double-quote as the column separator but instead look for the first comma following the ending quote. (i.e. Look at how Excel performs imports...)

I cannot set the column separator of the column to double-quote comma since only those values that HAVE a comma in them are qualified.

Any ideas?

Here is sample fie content to see what I mean:

342123, Jason, 12345
21, Kim,4567
32.43, John Paul, 1245
23, "Mr. T", 98764
12, "Peter, Paul, Mary", 09643

The last entry should be imported as 12 in the first column, "Peter, Paul, Mary" in the second column and 09643 in the third but instead ends up as 12 in the first, "Peter in second column and Paul, Mary", 09643 in the last.

(Oddly enough, if I remove the first column of numbers the import works like it is supposed.)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Obtaining A Comma Delimited List For Each Group In The Output Of A Group By Query?

Jan 10, 2014

I'd like to ask how you would get the OUTPUT below from the TABLE below:

id category
1 A
2 C
3 A
4 A
5 B
6 C
7 B


category count id's
A 3 1,3,4
B 2 5,7
C 2 2,6

The code would go something like:

Select category, count(*), .... as id's
from TABLE
group by category

I just need to find that .... part.

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Data Warehousing :: Query To Extract All Text After Hyphen From String Containing Comma Separated Text

Aug 27, 2015

I have a parameter value as shown below and this is dynamic and can grow 

Example : 101-NY, 102-CA, 165-GA
116-NY, 258-NJ, 254-PA, 245-DC, 298-AL
How do I get the values in the below format
NY,CA,GA   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state
NY,NJ,PA,DC,AL   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state

correct query that will fetch  only state names and not the numbers.

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Compiler Is Not Recognizing My Using Statement For SglConnection Statement

Feb 4, 2006

I am using ASP.NET 2.0, and am attempting to write some code to connect to the database and query a data table. The compiler is not recognizing my SqlConnection statement. It does recognize other commands. And just to make sure, I created other sql objects such as ObjectDataSource and SqlDataSource. The compiler does not find a problem with that code.
Basically the compiler is telling me that I am missing a "using" directive. The compiler is wrong though, because I am including the statement "usingSystemData" Can someone please take a look at my code below and to see if you notice what the problem might be?  Note that I numbered the lines of code below. Note that I also tried putting lines 3 trhough 6 before line 2(The page directive) but that did not fix the problem The compiler still gives me the same compiler message.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request.Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SqlConnection' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)Source Error:
Line 21: SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=password;database=master;");
1 <asp:sqldatasource runat="server"></asp:sqldatasource>
2 <%@ Page Language="C#"%>
3 using System;
4 using System.Data;
5 using System.Collections;
6 using System.Data.SqlClient;
8 <script runat=server>
10 protected void Page_Load(object o, EventArgs e)
11 {
12 ObjectDataSource dsa; // This works no problems from the compiler here
13 SqlDataSource ds; // This works no problems from the compiler
15 if (IsPostBack)
16 {
17 if (AuthenticateUser(txtUsername.Text,txtPassword.Text))
18 {
19 instructions.Text = "Congratulations, your authenticated!";
20 instructions.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
21 SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=password;database=master;");
22 String sqlStmt = "Select UserName from LogIn where UserName='" + txtUsername.Text + "' and password='" + sHashedPassword + "'";
23 }
24 else
25 {
26 instructions.Text = "Please try again!";
27 instructions.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
28 }
29 }
31 }
33 bool AuthenticateUser(string username, string password)
34 {
35 // Authentication code goes here
37 }

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Procedure Or Query To Make A Comma-separated String From One Table And Update Another Table's Field With This String.

Feb 13, 2006

We have the following two tables :

Link  ( GroupID int , MemberID int )
Member ( MemberID int , MemberName varchar(50), GroupID varchar(255) )

The Link table contains the records showing which Member is in which Group. One particular Member can be in
multiple Groups and also a particular Group may have multiple Members.

The Member table contains the Member's ID, Member's Name, and a Group ID field (that will contains comma-separated
Groups ID, showing in which Groups the particular Member is in).

We have the Link table ready, and the Member table' with first two fields is also ready. What we have to do now is to
fill the GroupID field of the Member table, from the Link Table.

For instance,

Read all the GroupID field from the Link table against a MemberID, make a comma-separated string of the GroupID,
then update the GroupID field of the corresponding Member in the Member table.

Please help me with a sql query or procedures that will do this job. I am using SQL SERVER 2000.

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SELECT WHERE (any Value In Comma Delimited List) IN (comma Delimited List)

Jul 2, 2005

I want to allow visitors to filter a list of events to show only those belonging to categories selected from a checklist.

Here is an approach I am trying:

TABLE Events(EventID int, Categories varchar(200))

EventID Catetories
1           ‘6,8,9’
2           ‘2,3’

PROCEDURE ListFilteredEvents
   @FilterList varchar(200)    -- contains ‘3,5’
WHERE (any value in Categories) IN @FilterList



How can I select all records where any value in the Categories column
matches a value in @FilterList. In this example, record 2 would be
selected since it belongs to category 3, which is also in @FilterList.

I’ve looked at the table of numbers approach, which works when
selecting records where a column value is in the parameter list, but I
can’t see how to make this work when the column itself also contains a
comma delimited list.

Can someone suggest an approach?

Any examples would be greatly appreciated!

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Comma Delimited Row

Jun 23, 2006


Good evening! I have a problem. I have a namelist coming from a distribution list of an active directory. When I converted it to csv file, the members reside in just one column and separated by a comma. I want the names to be separated in a row one by one. I tried it on excel and I used the transpose column but to no avail. My last resort is to import it on sql but the names on the column was cut and not complete. Do you have any idea how to do this. Your help is highly appreciated.

this is the sample file..

kelly.yap, lizzy.fox, yahoo, finance.dep, hope.miller, porly.john

the maximum names in a row is 566.

thanks in advance.

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Comma Separated Value

Feb 5, 2004

Suppose I have a table like this

code Value
1 a
1 a
1 b
2 c
2 c
1 d
2 g

Now my require ment that I want a distinct comma separated report about these data.Means for code 1 I need a comma separated distinct values.In this case it should be a,b,d
My output should be like this
1 a,b,d
2 c,g
Can anybody help me I can I do this with the help of a cursor or any other way?

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Remove Comma At End

Nov 14, 2013

I have a list of id concat them and remove the last comma at the end.

INSERT @TempGroup
SELECT 220100000000002


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Comma Separated Value

Jun 26, 2007

I’m passing a comma separated parameter (home, world, child) into stored procedure.
I have a Slitter function which is basically creates a table out of delimited list.

My stored procedure needs to find matched records in one of the table based on delimited list.

I have something like this:

WHERE WordName IN (SELECT * FROM dbo.fxSplitter('home,world,child, ',')

I would like to have my stored procedure be able to select rows, even if comma delimited parameter holds part of the name like this “hom, wor, chil� .
Another words it will be SELECT * FROM Word WHERE WordName LIKE '%hom%' OR WordName LIKE '%wor%' OR WordName LIKE '%chil%'

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