I've taken over a database where for many tables the postcode field (equivilent to the US Zip Code) is the obvious primary key. [Mapping postcodes to distict or various types of area for statistical analysis]. However the people who set up the database have continually used an auto generated number for the primary key.
There are never any duplicate postcodes in the various tables, so my question is what is the advantage of either using or not using the postcodes as primary keys.
Does anyone have some code that can do the following:
Postcode N12 5FF Postcode NG4 5FF
I need to get the postcode N12 5FF based on the 'N' bt leave the NG4 5FF postcode behind. So obviously using LEFT will not work, does any have any code that will strip of the first alpha characters?
We have many postcodes in our database that are UK ones. Some cutomers enter then as one string. Example BA124XT
In the SQL table we have two columns PostCode and Country. Is it possible to write a SQL script that will insert a space three characters from the right of the postcode where the country is UK?
So before it would be BA124XT and after BA12 4XT for them all?
Hi - I know this isn't really a specific SQL Server question but Ican't think of a better forum.I want to implement a more sophisticated UK postcode search on a site- "LIKE 'NW%'" etc, is not bringing back good enough results.A feature that would allow me to ask: "give me all outward postcodesin a 30 mile radius of NW10" would be ideal.Has anyone had to do this before? - any advice on how muchappreciated. Some of the postcode products available don't reallyseem to offer this feature.NH
not sure exactly where I should ask this question, but im looking fora database of Australian Postcodes that included thelongitude/latitude.Does anyone know of such a thing? Preferably free...fingers crossed.many thanksjack
1 SELECT distinct A.EAIndex, 2 A.ChainCode AS ChainCode, 3 A.JobDate, 4 C.BillerName, 5 B.BusinessCode, 6 D.ChainName, 7 A.BillBegDate, 8 A.BillEndDate, 9 A.PostDate, 10 A.BillCount, 11 A.ChAmount, 12 A.PostAmount, 13 A.ProChargeFee, 14 A.BalanceStatus AS BalanceStatus, 15 B.BillerInfoCode AS BillerInfoCode , 16 CONVERT(varchar(10), A.BalanceDate, 112)BalanceDate, 17 A.AdjustDate, 18 C.BillerCode , 19 (a.ChAmount- a.ProChargeFee) AS Fee, 20 E.EABillerCode, E.RelAdjustDate 21 FROM ZT_EAccount A 22 Inner Join ZT_BillerInfo B On Right('00000'+Rtrim(Ltrim(A.BillerCode)),5) = Right('00000'+Rtrim(Ltrim(B.BillerInfoCode)),5) 23 Inner Join ZT_Biller C ON B.ParentCode = C.BillerCode 24 Inner Join ZT_Chain D On A.ChainCode = D.ChainCode 25 Inner Join ZT_EAccountAdjust E ON a.EAIndex=E.EAIndex and a.BillerCode=E.BusCode 26 Where A.JobDate BETWEEN '20071001' AND '20071005' AND C.CompanyCode='533' In line 13 I want to add a Query to make sure if ZT_BillerInfo.Rmflag = 1, if it's =1 then ProChargeFee =0if ZT_BillerInfo.RmFlag =0 , then ProChargeFee = a.ProChargeFee.I add this line �Case B.RmFlag = '1' then 0 else A.ProChargeFee 】instead of Line 13 (A.ProChargeFee)but I execute Sql I got error message on the line I have jsut modified..can you please help me to know why and how to correct it? thank you very much
I want to Add a if .. else statement to make sure if the Data is exist in Table if (exist ) { do a update query} else{ do a Insert Query} I Know how to update and how to insert but how to check if the data is exist in Table and how to add a if ..else to query? thank you very much
I have searched the net for the following but am not too sure how it's done. I am trying to create an if statement within a sql query where based on the results it will stop or continue something like:
count(*) from test_table where test_column = 0 go if result = 0 then ALTER TABLE test_table DROP COLUMN test_column go select into test_table_2 from test_table go
I have an ASP form that takes the information that is entered on the form and inserts it into a Microsoft Access database. It works great. In addition to the fields from the form, I also want to add the current date into the InitDate field. How would I modify the SQL query below to insert the current date into the COS database? conn.execute SqlQry Sql = "INSERT INTO COS ([Name of School], [Director of COS], [Address], [City], [State], [zip], [PhoneNumber], " Sql = Sql & "[general_notes], [type], [DEPT], ) " Sql = Sql & "VALUES ('" & m_CompanySchoolName & "', '" & m_FullName & "', '" & m_StreetAddress & "', '" & m_City Sql = Sql & "', '" & m_State & "', '" & m_Zip & "', '" & m_TelephoneNumber & "', '" & m_Message & "', 'COSMETOLOGY', '" Sql = Sql & m_Department & "', '" & m_EmailAddress & "')" response.write Sql response.end conn.execute Sql
I am trying to troubleshoot some high activity on one of my SQL Servers, and when I run sp_who2 'active' I get the current activity, and spid number. I check under Process Info for the spid, and wHEN i double click the spid, I get part of the sql statement run by that trouble spid. Is there a way to get the whole sql statement in Query Analyzer without running SQL Profiler. Thanks in advance for any help.
I have an if statement for one of my columns in my query. I want to write the if statement as a part of my select statement. How would I do that. Do to a couple of rules I am not allowed to write a stored procedure for this.
I could use the "decode function" but
I have something like this: if column1 = '1' or column2 = '2' then select "Yes" etc..
I tried doing select decode (column1 or column2, , , ) but it doesn't work. Any ideas?
I have an if statement for one of my columns in my query. I want to write the if statement as a part of my select statement. How would I do that. Do to a couple of rules I am not allowed to write a stored procedure for this.
I could use the "decode function" but
I have something like this: if column1 = '1' or column2 = '2' then select "Yes" etc..
I tried doing select decode (column1 or column2, , , ) but it doesn't work. Any ideas?
I have a table called notes, with thousands of rows of "notes" entered by customer services agents. Each row has an account number, date and username columns.
An account can have many notes on thetable.
How can I select the last two notes on the table left for each account? Trying to use select top 2, but of course it's only giving me the top 2 notes for ALL accounts.
I have a C# server application which clients can send arbitrary SQL statements to. These can be absolutely anything - creating tables/views, selecting from tables/views, inserts, updates, deletes, you name it.
There are two return parameters from the server method which executes the SQL - a results set containing the data, and a count of the rows that were updated - (either one or the other should be populated depending on the type of command sent to it). To deal with this, what I planned on doing was (pseudocode follows..):
Unfortunately this doesn't really work, as OpenReaderCursor is able to execute Non Queries (eg. UPDATE/INSERT/DELETEs etc) but doesn't give me a row count, and trying the other way round, ExecuteNonQueryCommand is happy to execute SELECT statements, but I can't then of course return a results set as I don't have access to it.
My question then, if you will excuse the waffle above, is "Is there a simple way of determining if a string containing an SQL statement is a query?" - or will I have to come up with some way of dealing with this in my application code?
Please don't slate the design (ideally I would have two methods on the server, one for queries which returns results and the other for nonqueries which returns an updatecount) but there's nothing I can do, this is how it must be done (the interface was defined long long ago)
Hi all - having a prob trying to figure this one out! It's an accounts aplication and I need to produce a monthly statement for clients which will be mailed automatically at the end of the month...
I have 3 tables (simplified below):
Invoice invoiceid int invoicedate datetime clientid int subtotal decimal(19,2) paid int
Credit creditid int creditdate datetime clientid int subtotal decimal(19,2) paid int
Payments paymentid int paymentdate datetime amount decimal(19,2) allocated int
The report I need to generate has the client's details at the top and then a list of unpaid invoices, credits and unallocated payments - all sorted by date - with the following columns (sample data supplied)
Why couldn't they make SQL syntax error mistakes a little less vague.
Anyway, I was wondering, is it possible to use a set in your case statement?
CASE ( select distinct tbhtg.TrainingBlockHistoryTypeGroupingCd from tblTrainingBlockHistory tbh inner join tblTrainingBlockHistoryType tbht on tbh.TrainingBlockHistoryTypeCd = tbht.TrainingBlockHistoryTypeCd inner join tblTrainingBlockHistoryTypeGrouping tbhtg on tbht.TrainingBlockHistoryTypeGroupingCd = tbhtg.TrainingBlockHistoryTypeGroupingCd where (select dbo.fnTrainingBlockStatus( 1234, getdate())) = tbht.TrainingBlockHistoryTypeCd ) WHEN 'S' then (COUNT(DISTINCT TRD.TrainingBlockHistoryId) = COUNT(DISTINCT SWT.TrainingBlockHistoryId)) end
This is giving me an error on the WHEN statement. The error is "Incorrect syntax near '='" Have no idea how to fix this. But the select statement seems to work, and as far as I can tell, that is how you write a CASE statement.
Also, this CASE statement is inside the HAVING clause - is that going to be a problem?
Hi Group!I am having a problem of using SUM under UPDATE statement. I understandthat SQL does not allow me to use SUM in UPDATE, but unfortunately, Ican not find a way to get around it. Can someone please give me someidea? Thanks a million!--Here is the criteria:Under the same PORTFOLIO_ID, if the ACCOUNT_OPENDATE is in the samemonth as the PORTFOLIO_OPENDATE, then sum the account_openamt for thesame PRODUCT, and update the CHECKING_OPENAMT, SAVINGS_OPENAMT,CD_OPENAMT, etc in table PORTFOLIO. For other accounts opened NOT inthe same month as the PORTFOLIO_OPENDATE, just ignore them.--Here are the tablescreate table portfolio(portfolio_id int,portfolio_opendate smalldatetime,checking_openamt money,savings_openamt money,cd_openamt money)insert into portfolio values(1,'2/15/2005',0,0,0)create table account(portfolio_id int,product varchar(20),account_opendate smalldatetime,account_openamt money)insert into account values(1,'checking','2/15/2005',2000)insert into account values(1,'checking','2/20/2005',3000)insert into account values(1,'savings','2/20/2005',3000)insert into account values(1,'cd','5/15/2005',5000)--Ideal Output--id portfolio_opendatechecking_openamtsavings_openamtcd_openamt1 2/15/2005500030000--Here is my query:update portfolioset checking_openamt=sum(b.account_openamt) --problem appears!from portfolio as ajoin account as bon a.id=b.idand year(a.portfolio_opendate)=year(b.account_opendate )and month(a.portfolio_opendate)=month(b.account_openda te)and product ='checking'--and product='savings'--and product='cd'Thanks again!!
In my select statement, I return a column for 'datediff' using a CASEquery. I call this column 'Elapsed_days'is there anyway I can use this result later on in the same select? IEI want to refer to 'elasped days' in another CASE query rather thanhave to re-write something which incorporates the original one.Simpler the better - I'm new!Make any sense?Hope so
I'll appreciate any help with the following problem:
TYPE DATE AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 20070701 3041.29 1 20070701 1442.20
Issue: Instead of retrieving 2 rows showing 2 type of records, I want to display the 2 type in 2 columns (need to return in 1 row).
Can I get this desired result as following in 1 query statement:
Hello I have a newbie question. If I have a table of the form:Table1{id, name} with the valuesid: 9 , name: test1,id: 7 , name: test2,id: 3 , name: test3,id: 15 , name: test4, id: 5 , name: test5,id: 13 , name: test6,.........If I have a list generated from user selection ( LIST{1, 7, 8, 15} ,) will I in a way be able to use this list in a query of the form, thus only having to make one query to the database: SELECT id, nameFROM Table1WHERE Table1.id in LIST Or is the solution to make multiple queries to the database, one for each member of the list, of the form:SELECT id, nameFROM Table1WHERE ID = @IDThanks in advance /dresen
I have a select statement and I would like to know which when clause(1st set of whens) was fired and the value of the then for further use in my query. I am wondering if this is possibly, and how it would be done. If i try and set a @variable at the beginning of the case statament i get an error, here is my query SELECT PIE.productID, PIE.quantity, CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5 as width, CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5 as length, ***throws an error**** @sqft = CASE --- but the then clause of this CASE is the value i want for later use in this same query WHEN CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5 > (2.0 * (CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5)) THEN CEILING((((CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5) * 1.5) * CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5)/1.0)*1.0 WHEN CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5 > (2.0 * (CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5)) THEN CEILING((((CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5) * 1.5) * CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5)/1.0)*1.0 ELSE CEILING((CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5) * (CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5)/1.0)*1.0 END AS sqft, CASE WHEN @custMarkup = 1 THEN (SELECT PML1 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID) WHEN @custMarkup = 2 THEN (SELECT PML2 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID) WHEN @custMarkup = 3 THEN (SELECT PML3 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID) WHEN @custMarkup = 4 THEN (SELECT PML4 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID) WHEN @custMarkup = 5 THEN (SELECT PML5 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID) END AS markup FROM ProductsInEstimate PIE WHERE estID = @estid
Hi, I am having trouble getting my query right. i am using a stored procedure to retrieve this data and bind it to my grid view. Problem: I can't associate a field with a column that i am returning with my record set. Details: I have query that i want to return 9 columns (UserName, Pre-Approved, Processing, Underwriting, Conditioned, Approved, Docs Out, Docs Back, Conditions Met). The username column lists all loan agents. I want the other 8 columns to list the name of the borrower (crestline..borrower.lastname) that is associate with that loan agent and that loan state. Each time a record is found where there is a valid loan agent (UserName) that meets the 'where' conditions, there will be a borrower. the 'LoanKey' field is a primary key that lets me get the borrower name from the borrower table. I dont know how to construct my query such that those borrower names get associated with their respective column header. if the query works, my Gridview should look like this ('Name' refers to the borrower name) UserName | Pre-Approved | Processing | UnderWriting | Conditioned | Approved | Docs Out | Docs Back | Conditions Met Bob | | | | Name | | | | Bob | | Name | | | | | | Bob | | | | | | | Name | Steve | | | Name | | | | | Steve | | | | | | Name | |
Here is my sql call: SELECT cfcdb..users.username, crestline..borrower.lastname,CASE WHEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus='Pre-Approved' THEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus ELSE NULL END AS 'Pre-Approved',CASE WHEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus='Processing' THEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus ELSE NULL END AS 'Processing',CASE WHEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus='Underwriting' THEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus ELSE NULL END AS 'Underwriting',CASE WHEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus='Conditioned' THEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus ELSE NULL END AS 'Conditioned',CASE WHEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus='Approved' THEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus ELSE NULL END AS 'Approved',CASE WHEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus='Docs Out' THEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus ELSE NULL END AS 'Docs Out',CASE WHEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus='Docs Back' THEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus ELSE NULL END AS 'Docs Back',CASE WHEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus='Conditions Met' THEN crestline..loansp.LoanStatus ELSE NULL END AS 'Conditions Met'FROM cfcdb..usersinner join (crestline..loansp inner join crestline..borrower on crestline..loansp.loankey = crestline..borrower.loankey)on crestline..loansp.fstnamelo=cfcdb..users.firstname AND crestline..loansp.lstnamelo=cfcdb..users.lastnameinner join cfcdb..users_roleson cfcdb..users.username = cfcdb..users_roles.usernamewhere cfcdb..users.active = 1 AND cfcdb..users_roles.groupid = 'agent'AND crestline..loansp.enloanstat <> 'Closed' AND crestline..loansp.enloanstat <> 'Cancelled' AND crestline..loansp.enloanstat <> 'Declined' AND crestline..loansp.enloanstat <> 'On Hold'order by cfcdb..users.username asc
I'd like to make a logic statement, that would take as arguments result of the sql select query. In more details: I would like to create a local Bool variable that would be false if some value is NULL in the table (or select query).Query example:select taskID from Users where Login=@usernameWhich classes/methods should i use to solve this problem? I use SqlDataSource to get access to database and i think i should use something like SqlDataSource.UpdateCommand and SqlDataSource.UpdateParameters but dont know how to build from this a logic statement.Thanks in advance
I need to pull one field from one table and one field from another table that is i need to pull 'eGroupName' field from 'Exception' Table and 'eGroup Description' field from 'eGroup' Table but there is no connection between these two tables means there is no forign key relationship between these two tables but i need to pull both fields . If i use INNER JOIN i need to mention relationship between both tables right? so how to write query for this , and one more thing is i need to add an extra column as "Location"which is not there in either of tables for that i need to use CASE Statement as if DataSource = 1 then "ABC" else "BCD" . pls help me out in writing SQL Statement??? is this correct ?? its showing me errors Select Exception.eGroupName, eGroup.eGroupDescription from Exception Inner Join eGroup ON ??? (case when 'DataSource =1' then 'ABC' then 'BCD' endcase) Where ..... Pls correct me Thanks
Hello friends , I have table (MoneyTrans) with following structure [Id] [bigint] NOT NULL, [TransDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL, [TransName] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, -- CAN have values 'Deposit' / 'WithDraw' [Amount] [money] NOT NULL I need to write a query to generate following output Trans Date, total deposits, total withdrawls, closing balance i.e. Trans Date, sum(amount) for TransName='Deposit' and Date=TransDate , sum(amount) for TransName=Withdraw and Date=TransDate , Closing balance (Sum of deposit - sum of withdraw for date < = TransDate ) I am working on this for past two days with out getting a right solution. Any help is appreciated Sara