I have been googling all day and not found a reasonable solution to my problem.
Here is what I am trying to do. The T-SQL code is included at the bottom of this message.
- The user can specify columns that are stored in a CVColumn table (the data for which comes from an external source). For example, we may provide LastName and FirstName columns and the user could add ShoeSize and FavoriteColor.
- When we get the data from the other source, we create it as a dataset in the *code* with each user-defined field as a column of the table and each person as a row in the table. This is used *everywhere* including binding to grids, etc... So the dataset may look like this: PersonID LastName FirstName ShoeSize FavoriteColor
- The dba has required that the data be stored in a normalized fashion. Since we don't know what the columns are - the data is stored in the *table* as: PersonID ColumnName ColumnValue
- When the user gets the data from the external source the first time, the code loops through every person row and every column of the row to insert fields into the table using an Insert stored proc. This performs reasonable well.
- When the code retrieves the data from the database, it needs to reformat the data into one row per person, one column per field so that all of the other code can do the binding, etc.
- So I created a temp table with the appropriate rows and columns and then updated that table with the appropriate data. *This* is the stored proc that has been running now for almost an hour.
- There *must* be a way to do this that performs better?
Here is my T-SQL:
Code Snippet DECLARE @columnNamesWithSizes varchar(8000) DECLARE @delim varchar(1) DECLARE @values varchar(8000) -- Get the set of column names SET @columnNamesWithSizes='swiCMKey VARCHAR(4092), swiCMContactManager VarChar(100), swiCMContactManagerID int, swiCMFolder VarChar(4092), swiCMCVFolder VarChar(4092)' SELECT @columnNamesWithSizes=COALESCE(@columnNamesWithSizes + ',', '') + ColumnName + ' VARCHAR(50)' FROM CVColumn -- Create the table with the desired set of columns EXEC ('CREATE TABLE ##tempTable ( ' + @columnNamesWithSizes + ')')
-- Insert the primary key into each row EXEC ('INSERT INTO ##tempTable (swiCMKey) SELECT DISTINCT ContactID as swiCMKey FROM CVContact') -- Use a cursor to loop through all of the records SET @delim='''' DECLARE @swiCMKey VARCHAR(4096) DECLARE contactList CURSOR FOR SELECT swiCMKey FROM ##tempTable OPEN contactList FETCH NEXT FROM contactList INTO @swiCMKey
-- Loop until all rows in temp table have been processed. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @values=null -- Retrieve all of the columns for this contact SELECT @values = COALESCE(@values + ',', '') + ColumnName + '=' + @delim + COALESCE(Value,'') + @delim FROM CVContact WHERE CVContact.ContactID=@swiCMKey
-- Perform the update to the temp table with the column values EXEC ('UPDATE ##tempTable SET ' + @values + ' WHERE swiCMKey=' + @delim + @swiCMKey + @delim)
-- Get the next one FETCH NEXT FROM contactList INTO @swiCMKey END CLOSE contactList DEALLOCATE contactList -- Return the results SELECT * from ##tempTable -- Kill the temp table DROP TABLE ##tempTable
Any ideas or othre suggestions would be much appreciated!
(BTW - up until today the data from the code-based dataset was stored as XML and then read back as XML. However, we found with 80,000+ people that it took 5 minutes to read the XML. But that is faster than this stored proc!<G>)
I have a Stored Procedure that has a query in it and it take 0 second and then a stored procedure that takes 16 seconds. From what I can tell they shoul be the same.
It doesn't recompile when i run the stored procedure, I checked that.
I have an ASP that has been working fine for several months, but itsuddenly broke. I wonder if windows update has installed some securitypatch that is causing it.The problem is that I am calling a stored procedure via an ASP(classic, not .NET) , but nothing happens. The procedure doesn't work,and I don't get any error messages.I've tried dropping and re-creating the user and permissions, to noavail. If it was a permissions problem, there would be an errormessage. I trace the calls in Profiler, and it has no complaints. Thedatabase is getting the stored proc call.I finally got it to work again, but this is not a viable solution forour production environment:1. response.write the SQL call to the stored procedure from the ASPand copy the text to the clipboard.2. log in to QueryAnalyzer using the same user as used by the ASP.3. paste and run the SQL call to the stored proc in query analyzer.After I have done this, it not only works in Query Analyzer, but thenthe ASP works too. It continues to work, even after I reboot themachine. This is truly bizzare and has us stumped. My hunch is thatwindows update installed something that has created this issue, but Ihave not been able to track it down.
The query below runs in sub second time if I don't call it as a stored procedure. I have looked at the execution plan for both the query and the query as a stored procedure and they are the same. When I put the query into a stored procedure it takes over 2 minutes to run. All feedback (even the ugly stuff) is more than welcome. I want to master this issue and forever put it behind me. This is the sql when I just execute it outright:1 DECLARE 2 @WebUserID nvarchar(20) 3 ,@DocumentTypeID int 4 ,@RouteID nvarchar(10) 5 ,@CustomerID nvarchar(15) 6 ,@DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20) 7 ,@StartDate datetime 8 ,@EndDate datetime 9 ,@OversoldOnly bit 10 ,@DexCustomersOnly bit 11 ,@DeviationsOnly bit 12 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly bit 13 ,@SignatureName nvarchar(45) 14 ,@SortExpression varchar(200) 15 ,@StartRowIndex int 16 ,@MaximumRows int 17 18 SET @WebUserID = 'manager' 19 SET @DocumentTypeID = 0 20 SET @DocumentIDPrefix = '%' 21 SET @StartDate = '04/17/2007' 22 SET @EndDate = '04/19/2007' 23 SET @OversoldOnly = 0 24 SET @DexCustomersOnly = 0 25 SET @DeviationsOnly = 0 26 SET @CashNoPaymentOnly = 0 27 SET @SortExpression = '' 28 SET @StartRowIndex = 0 29 SET @MaximumRows = 20; 30 31 WITH OrderedDocumentHistory AS 32 ( 33 SELECT 34 dh.DocumentHistoryID 35 ,dh.DocumentID 36 ,dh.DocumentTypeID 37 ,dh.DocumentTypeDesc 38 ,dh.RouteID 39 ,dh.RouteDesc 40 ,dh.CustomerID 41 ,dh.CustomerName 42 ,dh.DocDate 43 ,ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) AS 'HasReceipt' 44 ,ddt.Description AS 'SignatureReason' 45 ,a.Amount 46 ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate DESC) AS 'RowNumber' 47 FROM 48 DocumentHistory dh 49 INNER JOIN Customers c ON dh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID 50 INNER JOIN DeviationTypes ddt ON dh.DriverDeviationTypeID = ddt.DeviationTypeID 51 INNER JOIN 52 ( 53 SELECT 54 DocumentHistoryID 55 ,(COALESCE(SUM((CONVERT(INT, Units + DeviationUnits)) * (UnitPrice - UnitDiscount)) + SUM((CONVERT(INT, Cases + DeviationCases)) * (CasePrice - CaseDiscount)), 0.0)) AS Amount 56 FROM 57 DocumentHistoryItems dhia 58 GROUP BY 59 dhia.DocumentHistoryID 60 ) AS a ON a.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID 61 LEFT OUTER JOIN 62 ( 63 SELECT DISTINCT 64 dca.DocumentID 65 ,1 AS 'HasReceipt' 66 FROM 67 DocumentCollections dca 68 ) AS dc ON dh.DocumentID = dc.DocumentID 69 WHERE 70 dh.DocDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate 71 AND (dh.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID OR @DocumentTypeID IS NULL) 72 AND (dh.RouteID = @RouteID OR @RouteID IS NULL) 73 AND (dh.CustomerID = @CustomerID OR @CustomerID IS NULL) 74 AND dh.DocumentID LIKE @DocumentIDPrefix 75 AND CASE WHEN @OversoldOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits > 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases > 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END > 0 76 AND CASE WHEN @DexCustomersOnly = 1 THEN c.DEXEnable ELSE 'Y' END = 'Y' 77 AND CASE WHEN @DeviationsOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits != 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases != 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END != 0 78 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN dh.Terms ELSE 'CHECK/CASH' END = 'CHECK/CASH' 79 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN (SELECT MAX(dhio.AlcoholPct) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dhio.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID) ELSE 1 END > 0 80 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) ELSE 0 END = 0 81 AND (dh.SigName = @SignatureName OR @SignatureName IS NULL) 82 AND (c.WarehouseID IN (SELECT WarehouseID FROM WebUserWarehouses WHERE WebUserID = @WebUserID) 83 OR @WebUserID IS NULL) 84 ) 85 86 SELECT 87 DocumentHistoryID 88 ,DocumentID 89 ,DocumentTypeDesc 90 ,RouteID 91 ,RouteDesc 92 ,CustomerID 93 ,CustomerName 94 ,DocDate 95 ,Amount 96 ,HasReceipt 97 ,SignatureReason 98 FROM 99 OrderedDocumentHistory 100 WHERE 101 RowNumber BETWEEN (@StartRowIndex + 1) AND (@StartRowIndex + @MaximumRows) Here is the sql for creating the stored procedure. 1 CREATE Procedure w_DocumentHistory_Select 2 ( 3 @WebUserID nvarchar(20) 4 ,@DocumentTypeID int 5 ,@RouteID nvarchar(10) 6 ,@CustomerID nvarchar(15) 7 ,@DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20) 8 ,@StartDate datetime 9 ,@EndDate datetime 10 ,@OversoldOnly bit 11 ,@DexCustomersOnly bit 12 ,@DeviationsOnly bit 13 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly bit 14 ,@SignatureName nvarchar(45) 15 ,@SortExpression varchar(200) 16 ,@StartRowIndex int 17 ,@MaximumRows int 18 ) 19 AS 20 SET NOCOUNT ON 21 22 IF LEN(@SortExpression) = 0 OR @SortExpression IS NULL 23 SET @SortExpression = 'Number DESC' 24 25 IF @StartRowIndex IS NULL 26 SET @StartRowIndex = 0 27 28 IF @MaximumRows IS NULL 29 SELECT 30 @MaximumRows = COUNT(dh.DocumentHistoryID) 31 FROM 32 DocumentHistory dh; 33 34 WITH OrderedDocumentHistory AS 35 ( 36 SELECT 37 dh.DocumentHistoryID 38 ,dh.DocumentID 39 ,dh.DocumentTypeID 40 ,dh.DocumentTypeDesc 41 ,dh.RouteID 42 ,dh.RouteDesc 43 ,dh.CustomerID 44 ,dh.CustomerName 45 ,dh.DocDate 46 ,ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) AS 'HasReceipt' 47 ,ddt.Description AS 'SignatureReason' 48 ,a.Amount 49 ,CASE 50 WHEN @SortExpression = 'Number DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocumentID DESC)) 51 WHEN @SortExpression = 'Number ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocumentID ASC)) 52 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CustomerName DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.CustomerName DESC)) 53 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CustomerName ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.CustomerName ASC)) 54 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CompletedDate DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate DESC)) 55 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CompletedDate ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate ASC)) 56 WHEN @SortExpression = 'RouteDescription DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.RouteDesc DESC)) 57 WHEN @SortExpression = 'RouteDescription ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.RouteDesc ASC)) 58 END AS 'RowNumber' 59 FROM 60 DocumentHistory dh 61 INNER JOIN Customers c ON dh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID 62 INNER JOIN DeviationTypes ddt ON dh.DriverDeviationTypeID = ddt.DeviationTypeID 63 INNER JOIN 64 ( 65 SELECT 66 DocumentHistoryID 67 ,(COALESCE(SUM((CONVERT(INT, Units + DeviationUnits)) * (UnitPrice - UnitDiscount)) + SUM((CONVERT(INT, Cases + DeviationCases)) * (CasePrice - CaseDiscount)), 0.0)) AS Amount 68 FROM 69 DocumentHistoryItems dhia 70 GROUP BY 71 dhia.DocumentHistoryID 72 ) AS a ON a.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID 73 LEFT OUTER JOIN 74 ( 75 SELECT DISTINCT 76 dca.DocumentID 77 ,1 AS 'HasReceipt' 78 FROM 79 DocumentCollections dca 80 ) AS dc ON dh.DocumentID = dc.DocumentID 81 WHERE 82 dh.DocDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate 83 AND (dh.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID OR @DocumentTypeID IS NULL) 84 AND (dh.RouteID = @RouteID OR @RouteID IS NULL) 85 AND (dh.CustomerID = @CustomerID OR @CustomerID IS NULL) 86 AND dh.DocumentID LIKE @DocumentIDPrefix 87 AND CASE WHEN @OversoldOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits > 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases > 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END > 0 88 AND CASE WHEN @DexCustomersOnly = 1 THEN c.DEXEnable ELSE 'Y' END = 'Y' 89 AND CASE WHEN @DeviationsOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits != 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases != 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END != 0 90 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN dh.Terms ELSE 'CHECK/CASH' END = 'CHECK/CASH' 91 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN (SELECT MAX(dhio.AlcoholPct) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dhio.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID) ELSE 1 END > 0 92 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) ELSE 0 END = 0 93 AND (dh.SigName = @SignatureName OR @SignatureName IS NULL) 94 AND (c.WarehouseID IN (SELECT WarehouseID FROM WebUserWarehouses WHERE WebUserID = @WebUserID) 95 OR @WebUserID IS NULL) 96 ) 97 SELECT 98 DocumentHistoryID 99 ,DocumentID 100 ,DocumentTypeDesc 101 ,RouteID 102 ,RouteDesc 103 ,CustomerID 104 ,CustomerName 105 ,DocDate 106 ,Amount 107 ,HasReceipt 108 ,SignatureReason 109 FROM 110 OrderedDocumentHistory 111 WHERE 112 RowNumber BETWEEN (@StartRowIndex + 1) AND (@StartRowIndex + @MaximumRows)
Here is the code for calling the stored procedure:1 DECLARE @RC int 2 DECLARE @WebUserID nvarchar(20) 3 DECLARE @DocumentTypeID int 4 DECLARE @RouteID nvarchar(10) 5 DECLARE @CustomerID nvarchar(15) 6 DECLARE @DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20) 7 DECLARE @StartDate datetime 8 DECLARE @EndDate datetime 9 DECLARE @OversoldOnly bit 10 DECLARE @DexCustomersOnly bit 11 DECLARE @DeviationsOnly bit 12 DECLARE @CashNoPaymentOnly bit 13 DECLARE @SignatureName nvarchar(45) 14 DECLARE @SortExpression varchar(200) 15 DECLARE @StartRowIndex int 16 DECLARE @MaximumRows int 17 18 SET @WebUserID = 'manager' 19 SET @DocumentTypeID = 0 20 SET @DocumentIDPrefix = '%' 21 SET @StartDate = '04/17/2007' 22 SET @EndDate = '04/19/2007' 23 SET @OversoldOnly = 0 24 SET @DexCustomersOnly = 0 25 SET @DeviationsOnly = 0 26 SET @CashNoPaymentOnly = 0 27 SET @SortExpression = '' 28 SET @StartRowIndex = 0 29 SET @MaximumRows = 20; 30 31 EXECUTE @RC = [Odom].[dbo].[w_DocumentHistory_Select] 32 @WebUserID 33 ,@DocumentTypeID 34 ,@RouteID 35 ,@CustomerID 36 ,@DocumentIDPrefix 37 ,@StartDate 38 ,@EndDate 39 ,@OversoldOnly 40 ,@DexCustomersOnly 41 ,@DeviationsOnly 42 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly 43 ,@SignatureName 44 ,@SortExpression 45 ,@StartRowIndex 46 ,@MaximumRows
I have two tables, Employee and EmployeeEval, and need to try and Select the LastName, FirstName, EmployeeID, and DeptID from the Employee Table where there is no record of that employee in the EmployeeEval Table. I tried this and it won't work, I should get back like 80 employees when the query is written correctly: select e.deptid, (e.lastname + ', ' + e.firstname) as EmpName, e.employeeid from employee e INNER JOIN employeeeval ev ONe.employeeid <> ev.employeeid where periodid = 176 and e.companyid = '21' and e.FacilityID = '01'
I am working with a large application and am trying to track down a bug. I believe an error that occurs in the stored procedure isbubbling back up to the application and is causing the application not to run. Don't ask why, but we do not have some of the sourcecode that was used to build the application, so I am not able to trace into the code. So basically I want to examine the stored procedure. If I run the stored procedure through Query Analyzer, I get the following error message: Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetPortalSettings, Line 74RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 60002 in sysmessages. (1 row(s) affected) (1 row(s) affected) I don't know if the error message is sufficient enough to cause the application from not running? Does anyone know? If the RAISERROR occursmdiway through the stored procedure, does the stored procedure terminate execution? Also, Is there a way to trace into a stored procedure through Query Analyzer? -------------------------------------------As a side note, below is a small portion of my stored proc where the error is being raised: SELECT @PortalPermissionValue = isnull(max(PermissionValue),0)FROM Permission, PermissionType, #GroupsWHERE Permission.ResourceId = @PortalIdAND Permission.PartyId = #Groups.PartyIdAND Permission.PermissionTypeId = PermissionType.PermissionTypeId IF @PortalPermissionValue = 0BEGIN RAISERROR (60002, 16, 1) return -3END
Hi,In the past I build up the query string within VB.NET page and easy to add the filtering statements in the SQL statement since it is just a string. For example, if user selected an option then include it in the filter, otherwise, just return all rows from table:Codes in ASPX.VB: Dim SQL as String="SELECT * From Table1" IF UserOption <> Null then SQL = SQL & " WHERE Column1=" UserOption" End ifNow, since I have a complicated page which need to use Stored Procedure to manapulate a temporary table before the final result. But I found when I want to add some user options similar to above, I found I don't know how to do it in Stored Procedure. In the Stored Procedure Property screen, I can't insert a IF..THEN statement within a SELECT statement. Seems I can only check the user option first and then determine the SELECT statement to use. That is: IF UserOption THEN SELECT statement 1 ELSE SELECT statement 2.But it is impossible for me to do this way since I'm not only one user option on the page. User usually can have several filters/selections on his screen. So if check which user option(s) are selected and write a static SELECT statement for it, I will have to program a complicated store procedure to cater all combinations for all user options (where some options may be null).Hope you can understanding what my mean and give me advices.Regards,Raymond
In some of our business object reports we have to create variables to decode values to what we want. I am trying to replicate this in SQL Server and remember doing this in SQL server 2000 years ago back can't remember the exact way to do it. I remember running a query and calling stored proc within query which would return the value I wanted but not sure if I can still do this in SQL server 2008 and by that I mean doing it within query or have to do it another way.
Basically what I want is to have a procedure with all the variables replicated within that procedure so that when I run a query I can just call the appropriate bit of code by passing a specific name like
select job.dept, dbo.decodevariable('ShowJobDesc' job.jobtitle), job.salary from job
so 'ShowJobDesc' and the job.jobtitle would be used to decode each job title to return job description.Just a bit unsure and can't remember if I am doing this the right way, is this possible?
Is it possible to pass 5 variables to a proc and have IT do the thinking and query structuring? An example of what I'm try to do is have one proc for getting vehicles by make, model, and years example of what I'd like to accomplish:veh_list_vehicleInfo_byDetails @TypeID int, @MakeID int, @ModelID int, @begYear int, @endYear int AS BEGIN
declare @SQL as nvarchar(500) set @SQL = 'SELECT a.ID, b.Model, c.Make, d.Name, a.Year, a.Mileage, a.Price, a.Sale, a.Certified_Pre_Owned FROM veh_vehicles a INNER JOIN veh_model b ON a.ModelID = b.ID INNER JOIN veh_make c ON a.MakeID = c.ID INNER JOIN veh_location d ON a.LocationID = d.ID'
decalre @ATTRIBUTES as nvarchar(500) if @TypeID is not null AND @TypeID > 0 begin set @ATTRIBUTES = @ATTRIBUTES + ' a.TypeID = ' + @TypeID end if @MakeID is not null AND @MakeID > 0 begin set @ATTRIBUTES = @ATTRIBUTES + ' a.MakeID = ' + @MakeID end
....etc etc.......
END But I keep getting some errors regarding converting 'a.TypeID = ' to int ????? Please help!! I figured this would be easier than writing stored procs for EACH situation
Yesterday i face a strange SQL Server 2000 behaviour :-(
I had a query that was wrapped inside a stored procedure, as usual. Suddenly, the stored procedure execution time raised from 9 secs to 80.
So to understand where the problem was i cut and pasted the sp body's into a new query analyzer window an then executed it again. Speed back to 9 secs. Tried stored procedure again, and speed again set to 80 secs.
Tried to recompile sp. Nothing. Tried to restart SQL Server. Nothing. Tried to DROP & RE-CREATE sp. Done! Speed again at 9 secs.
My collegue asked me "why?", but i had no words. :confused: Do you have any explanation?
This should be an easy enough answer to find if I just knew what to search on!
I am building a query within my stored procedure based on what parameters are passed in. For example, suppose I have a table with first name and last name. I can call the sp with either first name or last name or both, so I build a query accordingly that says: select * from tblNames where FirstName = 'Hannah' or select * from tblNames where LastName = 'Montana' or select * from tblNames where FirstName = 'Hannah' and LastName='Montana'
My problem is putting the single quotes around the variable value. SELECT @whereClause = @whereClause + ' AND tblNames.LastName=' @LastName-with-singlequotes-around-it
1/ I create stored procedure in Query Analyser using: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.unshippedtotal @name char, @ytd int output AS select * from vwaccount select @ytd=sum(AccAccnnmb) from vwaccount return GO
But When I try to expand the list of stored procedures under the DB and the server name, I can t see my Stored Proc called "unshippedtotal"
Any ideas
2/ Another question pls: Can we use Query Analyser to do the same tasks we do with Entreprise Manager like creating and modifying tables, Creating Stored Procedures, Modifying Views... (I m more familiar with Entreprise Manager but somebody told me it s better to use Query Analyser)
I am brand spankin new to stored procedures and don't even know if what I want to do is possible. From everything I've read it seems like it will be. I have a table, punchcards. In this table are all the punch in/out times for a week. I want to create a stored proc to calculate how many hours a punchcard entry is.
Thats the dream.
The reality is that I can't even get a tinyint from a table to load to a variable and be printed out. I am using sql server 8.
Here is what I have as of this moment for my sp.
ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CalculatePunchcard AS DECLARE @dtPP DateTime SET @dtPP = (SELECT thursday_in1 FROM punchcards WHERE (punchcard_id = 1)) /* Also tried.... SELECT @dtPP=thursday_in1 FROM punchcards WHERE (punchcard_id = 1) */
RETURN /* for some reason i can't use GO ... even though every document i've read on stored procedures has used GO and none use RETURN */
The only output this is producing is ' Running dbo."usp_CalculatePunchcard". '
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am about to kick someone/something.
I have 3 paramaters@value1, @value2,@value3 being passed into a stored proc and each of these parameters can be blank. If one of them is blank and the rest of them have some valid values, then I should just exclude the column check for the value that is blank.
For e.g if all my parameters being passed are non- empty then I would do this select * from tblName where column1 like @value1 and column2 like @value2 and column3 like @value3
else if I have one of the parameter being passed as empty, I should ignore that parameter like if@value1 is empty then my sql should be
select * from tblName where column2 like @value2 and column3 like @value3
I don't want to do a dyanmic sql because of rights and security issue. I want it through a stored procedure only.
Also, all the three columns can have null values in the table. Please let me know what is the best possible way to do this. Thanks in advance !.
Hi, In SQL 2000, to debug a stored proc I would launch QA, right click and hit debug. How do I accomplish this with SQL 2005. I can't see that it came with QA. Thank you, Steve
I need to call the stored procedure below. Basically what I need to know is if the query returns a record? Note I would be happy if I could just return the number Zero if no records are returned. Can someone please help me out here?Here is my query so far in SQL Server. I just don't know how to return a value based upon the result of the records returned from the query. GOCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNameStatus]( @CountryId decimal, @NameId decimal, @DescriptionId decimal)AS SELECT Name.Active FROM Name INNER JOIN NameDescription ON Name.NameId = NameDescription.NameId WHERE Name.CountryId=@CountryId AND Name.NameId=@NameId AND NameDescription.DescriptionId=@DescriptionId AND Name.Active='Y'
I apologize for the long post but I am trying to give as much information as I can about the steps I've taken to troubleshoot this.
We have a stored procedure that builds a sql statement and executes it using the Execute command. When I execute the stored procedure through query analyzer it takes close to 5 seconds to execute. When I print out the exact same statement and execute it directly in query analyzer as "raw sql", it takes 0.5 seconds - meaning it takes 10 times longer for the code to execute in the stored proc. I altered the stored proc to execute the printed sql instead of building but it still takes the full 5 seconds and there were no changes in the execution plan. This makes me confident that the issue is not caused by the dynamic sql. I've used with recompile to make sure that the stored procedure caches the most recent execution plan. When I compare the execution plans, the stored proc uses a nested loop whereas the raw sql statement uses a hash join. Seeing that, I added the hash hint to the stored proc and doing so brought down the execution time down from 5 secs to 2 secs but still the raw sql statement uses a clustered index whereas the stored proc uses a non-clustered index and that makes the statement 4 times slower. This proves how efficient clustered indexes are over non-clustered ones, but it doesn't help me since, as far as I know, I can't force SQL Server to use the clustered index.
Does anyone know why sql server is generating such an inefficient execution plan for the stored proc compared to the execution plan that it generates when executing the raw sql statement? The only thing I can think of is that some stats are not updated and that somehow throws off the stored proc. But then again, shouldn't it affect the raw sql statement?
I am having trouble executing a stored procedure on a remote server. On my local server, I have a linked server setup as follows: Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563
This works fine on my local server:
Select * From [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.dbo.TableName
This does not work (Attempting to execute a remote stored proc named 'Data_Add':
When I attempt to run the above, I get the following error: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
Could anyone shed some light on what I need to do to get this to work?
Hi All,Quick question, I have always heard it best practice to check for exist, ifso, drop, then create the proc. I just wanted to know why that's a bestpractice. I am trying to put that theory in place at my work, but they areasking for a good reason to do this before actually implementing. All Icould think of was that so when you're creating a proc you won't get anerror if the procedure already exists, but doesn't it also have to do withCompilation and perhaps Execution. Does anyone have a good argument fordoing stored procs this way? All feedback is appreciated.TIA,~CK
Could some body in microsoft database team explain this behavior? Problem is predominant when cardinality of a column is very high and a where clause is specified on that column. Both use the same index.
Hi there... I wrote a SP to check for different types of exceptions in a few database tables. When I was writing the scripts, everything seemed to execute fairly quickly and I was satisfied with the performance. When I completed the scripts and compiled them into a stored procedure and ran it (using Exec), it took a lot longer to run than I thought it would. So I went through each section of the script and ran each portion individually to see which part was taking so long.... but all the scripts ran very quickly. The individual scripts, run separately, took a combined total of 0:26 to run.... but the SP was taking 1:30 to run. (????) So then I took ALL the script contained in the SP and ran it by itself in the Query Analyzer.... it took 0:27 to run. (??????)
So basically... the script that I wrote takes 27 seconds to execute, when run by itself in the Query Analyzer... but when I take that very same script and turn it into a Store Procedure and run it, it takes a minute and a half.
Any ideas why?? I thought SP's were supposed to run faster because they're pre-compiled.
I have a sp that was taking very little time (about 34 sec). But suddenly is stacked. It is running and running and running but not LOCKED neither SUSPENDED. It is always RUNNABLE. I have made Index and statistics optimization but nothing. I looked into execution plan but everything seems ok. All the time is in 3 indexes that are Index Seek and not Table Scan!!! So why is stacked... I do not know how much time it takes because I have to stop it. (SQL SERVER 2008 R2, the database was migrated from SQL SERVER 2000)
I have a stored procedure "uspX" that calls another stored procedure "uspY" and I need to retrieve the return value from uspY and use it within uspX. Does anyone know the syntax for this?
I have about 5 stored procedures that, among other things, execute exactly the same SELECT statement
Instead of copying the SELECT statement 5 times, I'd like each stored proc to call a single stored proc that executes the SELECT statement and returns the resultset to the calling stored proc
The SELECT statement in question retrieves a single row from a table containing 10 columns.
Is there a way for a stored proc to call another stored proc and gain access to the resultset of the called stored proc?
I know about stored proc return values and about output parameters, but I think I am looking for something different.
I would like to know if the following is possible/permissible:
myCLRstoredproc (or some C# stored proc) { //call some T SQL stored procedure spSQL and get the result set here to work with
spSQL (
spSQL2 ( // some other t-sql stored proc )
Can we do that? I know that doing this in SQL server would throw (nested EXECUTE not allowed). I dont want to go re-writing the spSQL in C# again, I just want to get whatever spSQL returns and then work with the result set to do row-level computations, thereby avoiding to use cursors in spSQL.
I need to call a SQL Server stored procedure, which takes over five hours to run, from an asp.NET web page. This procedure then calls a DTS package which is what takes 5+ hours to run. I need the user to be able to click on the 'run' button and have the page kick off the stored procedure (or the DTS Package if that will work instead) and display a message saying the load has begun and to check a 'status' link.
Right now I get a page timeout because it's waiting for results.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, cat72
I have 3 tables, that appear as follows (insignificant fields are not mentioned for brevity):
RETAIL(code, CurrentLocation) ~ 2.6 million records
LOCAUDIT(code, Date, Time, Location) ~ 3.6 million records
STAFF(ID, NAME) ~ 40K records
Each record in the RETAIL table represents a document. The LOCAUDIT table maintains history information for documents: locations they've been to. A location can be represented by a staff (from STAFF table), or an unlimited range of different names - not enumerated in a table.
The query we run tries to find the currentlocation for each document in the RETAIL table (if any). Since a document may have been to many location, I'm interested in the last location which has the max Date,Time.
To perform the query, I created two views:
What the query does is update the current location of each document. If the current location is a staff, we find the name of the staff member (hence the case).
In addition to clustered indexes on the primary keys, I've also created an index on (Code, Date, Time) on LOCAUDIT.
However, the query still seems to take up to 3 hours sometimes to run on a server with 4 CPU's and a whole bunch of memory. Can anyone suggest some way to improve this, add more effective indexes, or rewrite the queries all together. Any help is appreciated..
Recently my system encounter some problem when retrieving certain record from MSSQL. For an example i have a database which contains 1.5 million of members. so i have a perl scripts that will execute to query based on certain range.
the schedule like below: 1 script - 1-250k (Query finish less than 5 mins) <interval 5 mins> 1 script - 250k-500k (Query finish less than 5 mins) <interval 5 mins> 1 script - 500k-750k (Query finish less than 5 mins) <interval 5 mins> 1 script - 750k-1M (Query finish in 1++ hours) <interval 5 mins> 1 script - 1M-1.25M (Query finish in 1++ hours) <interval 5 mins> 1 script - 1.25M-1.50M (Query finish in 1++ hours) END
After the 4th query, the query seems to work very slow, and this problem only raise on windows 2003 with mssql 2005, current server that run smoothly is win2k with mssql2000.
anyone have any idea on this problem either cause by operating system and database or related to something else?