Query To Search All Fields In Simple Table
Mar 1, 2006
I am trying to write a simple search page that will search all the fields in a database to find all records that match a user input string. The string could happen anywhere in any of the fields. I have a dataset and can write a query but am unsure what the format is for this simple task. I figured it would look like this:
SELECT Table.*
FROM Table
But thats not working. Can someone help.? Thanks..
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Jul 14, 2005
I apologize for the newbie sort of question, but I could not find an answer in an SQL book nor via Google.
I wish to search for a text string in ALL fields of a table. This will be used to provide a simple search box in a web application.
So far, the only method I've found to accomplish this is follows:
FROM Inventory
WHERE SerialNumber LIKE '%searchstring%' OR UserName LIKE '%searchstring%' OR Location LIKE '%searchstring%' ... etc
My goal is to accomplish something like the following. This, of course, does not execute properly since * can only be used following SELECT, but you can get an idea of the target behavior:
FROM Inventory
WHERE * LIKE '%searchstring%'
I'm using MSDE with Visual Basic .Net. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
Thanks for all help,
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Mar 16, 2007
I'm writing
small search engine for my page. I need SQL query that could do this:
White Red
Blue Green
Yellow RedF
string: Red
White Red
Yellow RedF
As you can
see I need all occurrences of word Red and word Red* but I don’t need *Red or
*Red* so I can't use LIKE %Red% :(.
P.S. Sorry
for my English.
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Jan 13, 2008
I have a table that has these columns:
LinkID, LinkURL, TimesRedirected
I have a webpage that keeps track of the url's of where the users are coming from. When they redirect to the page, the page will:
If the url of the previous page isn't in the database, add it
Otherwise, add to the TimesRedirected column.
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Dec 12, 2014
I have 2 tables.
Contacts (multiple contacts for one client)
I'm trying to do a search that pulls a contacts where the search matches either the First Name, last Name or the clients name. If it does return clients, I'd like it to also return all the contacts associated with it.
I have two problems:
1. The query is not bringing up a lot of clients. In many cases a letter brings nothing back. Like G and H even though A and B return results.
2. If it finds a client it only returns one contact. I'd like it to return all contacts for the client.
Here's my query:
SELECT addressbook.clientid, clients.clientname, addressbook.addressid, addressbook.fname, addressbook.lname FROM clients, addressbook where clients.clientid = addressbook.addressid
AND (addressbook.fname LIKE
'".strtoupper($_GET['txtsearch'])."%' OR addressbook.lname LIKE
'".strtoupper($_GET['txtsearch'])."%' OR clients.clientname LIKE
'" . strtoupper($_GET['txtsearch'])."%')
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Apr 30, 2008
Hello ALl, can anyone please tell me how to search for NULLS.
like i know one method....
select * from table
where col = 'NULL'
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to create a query that will show me who is phoning who in anorganisation from available Telephone Billing information. I am creating aMSAccess 2000 database with a few few tables, two of which are:TableMembers: (containg fields Refs, DateCreated, MembershipNo,OfficeLocation ...NB: Refs has a Primary Key - No Duplicates)TablePeople: (containing fields: Refs, Name, Addr, TelHome, TelWork,TelMobile & TelFax)TableTelBills: (containing fields: Refs, TelNo, DateCalled, Duration,TelType)I am trying to create a query that will use a simple searching criteria eg.,Like "*" [Enter the Tel No or part Tel No to search:] & "*"to search all the Tel fields in the TablePeople and TableTelBills (TelHome,TelWork, TelMobile, TelFax and TelNo) but am running in difficulties.I start by creating a query and adding the tables TablePeople andTableTelBills and TableMembers.I use the Refs from the Table Members as a base criteria but do not know howto create criteria that will search all Tel fields at once!I would appreciate any and all help people!Jan
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Jun 28, 2006
i am Create a StoreProcedure That Search in All Tables And Filds by Keyword
and return one result????????
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Jan 26, 2007
Hi, I'm trying to build a several tables using sql ce 3.1
I refer to the manual on Create Table:
The sample:
CompanyName nvarchar (50))
just simply doesn't work displaying this error:
SQL Execution Error
Executed statement: CREATE TABLE MyCustomers (CustID int IDENTITY (100,1) PRIMARY KEY,
CompanyName nvarchar (50))
Error Source: SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.Net Data Provider
Error Message: There was an error parsing the query. [Token line number =1,
Token line offset 40, Token in error=IDENTITY]
I tested against a SQL Desktop, everything is OK.
What's wrong with the sentence?
Please some advise or workaround will be appreciated
MSCD Fernando Zorrilla de San Martín
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Jul 20, 2005
I would like to search a table for a phrase, or for a partial phrase,eg on table product - for name or description, or name + descprition.How does one say select * from product where name + description like%phrase%or contains phraseCurrently I can get where name, or where descriotion like %phrase%,eg, where name like krups, or where description like coffee makerBut if I search for where name like %krups coffee maker% i get noresults. krups is in the name field, coffee maker is in thedescription field.Thanks,-M
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Aug 9, 2004
Hello all,
How can i write a sql statement that can give me the name of the fileds in a specified table.
Eg: if i have a table name "table1" , which has the fields "field1", "field2",........ How can i get these fields names using sql query.
any help.
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Aug 25, 2005
I have a database with three tablestbl_listings - listings of houses on for saletbl_intersted - table which tracks if a user is interested in thelisting, it has two columns mls(the key for tbl_listings) and user(userlogin)tbl_review - table which trackes if a user has reviewed the listing.Like tbl_interested it has two columns (the key for tbl_listings) anduser(user login)How can I create a query on tbl_listings for reocords reviewed by oneuser?I am trying to create a query for listings that are revied by useruserid. I am using the query below. It works fine unless there is arecord in tbl_interested for a differnt user.In reality I am calling this query from the web. On the website I havean intersted dropdown with the choices All, interested, not interested.The website also has a reviewed dropdown with all, reviewed and notreviewed.I am using the query below as a starting point. my query works finewith one user, but if a user2 enters a record in tbl_intersted itthrows off the left join for user1. How can I fix this?SELECT COUNT(B.reviewed) AS review_count,Count(B.mls) as mls_count,A.mls,FROM mls.tbl_listings ALEFT OUTER JOIN mls.tbl_review B ON A.mls = B.mlsLEFT OUTER JOIN mls.tbl_interested D ON A.mls = D.mlswhere (B.reviewed = 'userid') and ((D.interested is null) or(D.interested = 'userid'))----My query works fine if there is one user, however once user2 reviews arecord from tbl_listing user1
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Jul 10, 2006
...but apparently not me, I'm very new with this T-SQL stuff and am seeking the advice of the seasoned pros at this forum.
Description on my SQL-5 Environment:
Table I Sales: Prod_ID, Prod_DT, Sales_DT, Buyer_Name, Buyer_State
Table II Repairs: Prod_ID, Prod_DT, Sales_DT, Repair_DT
These 2 tables are joined by the common key Prod_ID & also and share the product's production & sales dates. What I would like to do is produce a rate summary similar to description below.
Production_YYYY, Production_MM, Sales_Cnt, Repairs_Cnt, Repair_Rate((Repairs_CNT/Sales_CNT)*100)
Important to remember that not all products experience repairs, so the basis for Sales_CNT needs to be the Sales Table, even thou Prod_DT also appears in Repairs Table.
It's simple enough for novice like me to produce 2 tables independently and then merge back those resulting tables into the single table output described above. But my question is how do I write a single SQL "SELECT" request that will produce the results into just a single table.
Thanks in advance for your help!
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Oct 16, 2007
Hi!In short description I want to make table with Articles and search Query for this table like there is search engine at templatemonster.com with templates and categories. Basicly I have table:- id - cat_name- 1 - Software- 2 - Hardware- 3 - Games- 4 - Internet- 5 - Events etc.And for example Article is in Software, Games and Events category, "1,3,5".Now user select to show articles in Games and Events categories, so "3,4,5"How write this search query? I don't have idea.
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Apr 17, 2008
Hi Guys,I have the following query: SELECT DecisionSessionID, RuleID, Operator1, Criteria1, AttributeForCriteria1, Operator2, Criteria2, AttributeForCriteria2, Operator3, Criteria3,
AttributeForCriteria3, Result
FROM myTable
WHERE (SessionID = @SessionID) Now I want that instead of the complicated Criteria1, Crieria 2 and Criteria 3 values the users sees the names whichare defined in myCriteria. I though the query might then look like this SELECT
Criteria1 (SELECT CriteriaName FROM myCriteria WHERE Criteria1 = CriteriaID),
Criteria2 (SELECT CriteriaName FROM myCriteria WHERE Criteria2 = CriteriaID).
Criteria3 (SELECT CriteriaName FROM myCriteria WHERE Criteria3 = CriteriaID),
FROM dbo.aspnet_FuzzyRules
WHERE (DecisionSessionID = @DecisionSessionID) I am not very familiar with the sql syntax and as you can imagine the above psyeudo version is not really working.Do you know how the correct syntax for such a nested query would look like?many thanks,polynaux
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Jul 9, 2001
In my database/MY SERVER (SQL7/Win2K), I run a simple query with a Table/10000 rows (without cluster index):
it take over 30s. Why it's slow? How can I check for reason? How to configure my server to improve performance?
Thanks in advance.
Table 'spt_values'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
name minimum maximum config_value run_value
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------
affinity mask 0 2147483647 0 0
allow updates 0 1 1 1
cost threshold for parallelism 0 32767 5 5
cursor threshold -1 2147483647 -1 -1
default language 0 9999 0 0
default sortorder id 0 255 52 52
extended memory size (MB) 0 2147483647 0 0
fill factor (%) 0 100 0 0
index create memory (KB) 704 1600000 0 0
language in cache 3 100 3 3
language neutral full-text 0 1 0 0
lightweight pooling 0 1 0 0
locks 5000 2147483647 0 0
max async IO 1 255 32 32
max degree of parallelism 0 32 0 0
max server memory (MB) 4 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647
max text repl size (B) 0 2147483647 65536 65536
max worker threads 10 1024 255 255
media retention 0 365 0 0
min memory per query (KB) 512 2147483647 1024 1024
min server memory (MB) 0 2147483647 0 0
nested triggers 0 1 1 1
network packet size (B) 512 65535 4096 4096
open objects 0 2147483647 0 0
priority boost 0 1 1 1
query governor cost limit 0 2147483647 0 0
query wait (s) -1 2147483647 -1 -1
recovery interval (min) 0 32767 0 0
remote access 0 1 1 1
remote login timeout (s) 0 2147483647 5 5
remote proc trans 0 1 0 0
remote query timeout (s) 0 2147483647 0 0
resource timeout (s) 5 2147483647 10 10
scan for startup procs 0 1 0 0
set working set size 0 1 0 0
show advanced options 0 1 1 1
spin counter 1 2147483647 10000 10000
time slice (ms) 50 1000 100 100
two digit year cutoff 1753 9999 2049 2049
Unicode comparison style 0 2147483647 196609 196609
Unicode locale id 0 2147483647 1033 1033
user connections 0 32767 0 0
user options 0 4095 0 0
Table 'spt_values'. Scan count 43, logical reads 108, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'sysconfigures'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 2.
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May 24, 2008
Hi all,
I'm using SQL Server 2005 along side Visual Studio 2005, using VB to create a web application at work.
Now I'd like to bunch together some child fields in a gridview when displayed. Have a look at the attached pic to show what I would like.
Is this possible via a query or would I need to set something up on the gridview to do this?
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Oct 28, 2015
I have tableX with columns colA, colB, colC, colD and there are 2256 rows in the tableX.
I would like to find out the percentages of colA, colB, colC, colD that hold data (where it is not an empty string or NULL value).
So out of 2256 rows in the table, the user has stored data in colA 1987 times, colB 2250 times, colC 2256 times and colD 17 times.
So the report would say:
colA: 88.07%
colB: 99.73%
colC: 100%
colD: 0.01%
We have an application that has a bunch of fields that we believe are not being used and would like to remove them, but we need to prove this by looking at the data.
I know I could run a query, one at a time and change the column name, but this would take a long time as there are a lot of columns in this table. I am hoping there is some way to do this in one query.
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Jul 11, 2006
Hi, Im trying to create a simple search page to return a list of products from a table in a sql database. Id like to be able to search a product description column in a table I have called products using the contents of a text box. I was wondering how i can go about getting the search to check for all words the user types in rather than just a single word or an exact phrase. Im currently using the following sql query
SELECT [product_title], [product_description] FROM [products] WHERE ([product_description] LIKE '%' + @product_search + '%')
this works fine for single words and exact phrases but if i had product called 'fred w bloggs' and i enter 'fred bloggs' it will not return anything.
Please could anyone suggest how i shoud go about this?
Im not sure if my web hosting company will enable full text search or will this be required?
Thanks for any help!
pete_ (very new to asp.net!)
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Feb 10, 2008
Hi all I need to implement a search function in Asp.net. Its nothing complicated, just find out whether a value exists in a particular table and return a boolean accordingly. However, the table has about 300,000 records. Is simply querying the table from the web (SELECT barcode FROM tblProducts where ID=123) the best way considering the releant column has been indexed.Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks
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Mar 16, 2008
Hello new in sql and asp.net here.I have this Select * from InvoiceHeader where TransactionDate > '03/16/2008' That code isn't working instead of returning a row with a transaction date that is greater than 3/16/2008 what it return is all the row. How can fix this? Thanks!
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Mar 24, 2008
I have a table of articles:
ID | Date | Headline | Body
I'm trying to write a stored procedure that will search for a given keyword. Here's what I have:
CREATE PROCEDURE sproc_SearchArticles
@keyword varchar(50)
SELECT ID, Date, Headline, Body
FROM Articles
WHERE Body LIKE %@keyword%
That keeps giving me an error. If I put quotes around it, it will literally look for the term @keyword anywhere in the body.
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Feb 5, 2008
I have the following insert query which works great. The purpose of this query was to flatten out the Diagnosis codes (ex: SecDx1, SecDx2, etc.) [DX_Code field] in a table.
Code Snippet
INSERT INTO reports.Cardiology_Age55_Gender_ACUTEMI_ICD9
SecDX1 = [1],
SecDX2 = [2],
SecDX3 = [3],
SecDX4 = [4],
SecDX5 = [5],
SecDX6 = [6],
SecDX7 = [7],
SecDX8 = [8],
SecDX9 = [9],
SecDX10 = [10],
SecDX11 = [11],
SecDX12 = [12],
SecDX13 = [13],
SecDX14 = [14],
SecDX15 = [15]
Episode_Key, DX_Key,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Episode_Key ORDER BY DX_Key ) AS 'RowNumber', DX_Code
FROM srm.cdmab_dx_other
WHERE Episode_key is not null
) data
( max( DX_Code ) FOR RowNumber IN ( [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6],
[7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15] )) pvt
ORDER BY Episode_Key
The query below also works fine by itself. You may notice that the Episode_Key field appears in both the query above and below therefore providing a primary key / foreign key relationship. The srm.cdmab_dx_other table also appears in both queries. I would like to add the fields in the select statement below to the select statement above. Using the relationships in my FROM statements, can anyone help me figure this one out?
Code Snippet
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_lname)) + ', ' ,'')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_fname)) + ' ' ,'')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_mname)) + ' ','')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_sname)), '') AS PatientName,
CONVERT(CHAR(50), e.admission_date, 112) as Admit_Date,
CONVERT(CHAR(50), e.episode_date, 112) as Disch_Date,
e.episode_type as VisitTypeCode,
convert(int, pm.PatientAge) as PatientAge,
FROM srm.episodes e inner join
srm.cdmab_dx_other dxo on dxo.episode_key=e.episode_key inner join
srm.cdmab_base_info cbi on cbi.episode_key=e.episode_key inner join
srm.item_header ih on ih.item_key = e.episode_key inner join
srm.patients p on p.patient_key = ih.logical_parent_key inner join
ampfm.dct_VisitType d on d.VisitTypeCode=e.episode_type inner join
dbo.PtMstr pm on pm.AccountNumber = e.Account_Number
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Feb 1, 2008
Hello all, I am trying to build a simple search page using SQL Server 2005, Visual Web Developer in C#.I have enabled Full-Text Search on my DB and created the catalogs and indexes, but I am lost on the next step to build a search form that calls the data based on the users input in a textbox. Any suggestions? Thanks!Travis
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Mar 26, 2008
I'm not trying to do anything too fancy; given a string, I just wanna see if anything in the column of my database matches the string. I'm using an SQL query that takes a string, then selects the data using LIKE %searchword%.This works fine when the user enters only one word. But I guess you can see that a problem arises when they enter more than one word.So how can I implement a very simple search that will take more than one word?
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Mar 28, 2008
hello I have this code Select Waste.WasteName AS [Waste Name], InvoiceDetail.Volume, Branch.BranchLocation AS [Branch Location] From InvoiceHeader INNER JOIN InvoiceDetail ON InvoiceHeader.InvoiceNo = InvoiceDetail.InvoiceNo INNER JOIN Waste ON InvoiceDetail.WasteID = Waste.WasteID INNER JOIN Branch ON InvoiceDetail.BranchID = Branch.BranchID Where WasteName = 'Sludge' AND InvoiceDate >= '" + TextBox1.Text + "' AND InvoiceDate <= '" + TextBox2.Text + "'; The problem is everytime I will search for example InvoiceDate 03/27/2008, I need to add one day for example --> 03/28/2008 for me to be able to get that Invoicedate 03/27/2008.. What's do you think is the problem with my code? Thanks!
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Mar 30, 2005
I'm very new to SQL so please forgive my ignorance...
I've made a simple .net search page which queries an sql database with the following query, (in a stored procedure):
SELECT Category, Number, RegisteredUser, DeptName, Surname, Forename, Site, IDFROM tblTelephonesWHERE (@surname IS NULL OR Surname LIKE @surname) AND (@site IS NULL OR Site = @site) AND (@deptname IS NULL OR DeptName LIKE @deptname)
This works fine, as expected if i leave fields null or enter an exact match, but I (of course) have to add a wildcard in my search string for a wildcard search. For example, looking for 'duncan' i need to enter 'du%' or 'duncan'.
What I really want is for all searches to have wildcards behind them so only the first few characters need be inputted, and I could just search for 'd' or 'dun' without adding the '%' to get 'duncan'. I think I am aware of the implications of this approach and do want to go ahead as there are only about 850 records.
Any help or links to useful articles would really be greatly appreciated.
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Mar 30, 2005
This question probably applies to Visual Web Developer but I don't know if it belongs in this Forum or that, sorry if you have to move it.
Hi there kind person reading this
I've created a stored procedure in SQL2000 that selects records where (name = @name) AND (site = @site). It works as I have tested it with Enterprise Manager.
I have also created a page with VWD that has a drop-down list populated with the site records and a text box. I have put an SQL data source on the page that is configured to select from the stored procedure. However, I can't set the @name and @site variables to collect from the ddl and txtbox through the wizard! I've tried selecting a Control as the source for @site but neither the ddl or txtbox appear in the control dropdown list. So I want to crack it with handwritten code.
Does anyone know of a post or article that can help me link the ddl and txtbox to a search button, which calls the stored procedure with the chosen variables allowing me to put the returned data into a gridview? I've been through a great walkthrough for VWD (Student Activities) but it doesn't seem to apply to the latest version - or there's something wrong with my (seems fine though) instalation. Thanks if you can help, I owe you a
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Apr 15, 2008
I have a table of news articles:
ID | Headline | Article
I'm trying to write a search function that will search through the text in the Article column. Here's my stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE sproc_SearchNews
@keyword varchar(50)
SELECTID, Headline, Article
WHEREArticle LIKE '%' + REPLACE(@keyword, '%20', '%') + '%'
There's a few problems with this however...
1. If I enter "Dog" into the search, it will skip over the article if it contains "dog". I need to convert the search term and the article text to lowercase.
2. If I enter "iron" into the search, it will find articles containing "iron", but it will also find articles containing "environment". How can I fix that without affecting my multiple word search in the WHERE clause?
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Oct 28, 2015
I have created a table(T1) from select query result, that Select query is parameterised. Now I need to update the select query table(T1) based on the result every time.
Below is my Query:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RPT_Cost_copy]
(SELECT a.meu, a.mep2, SUM(a.mest) as excst
FROM mei as A WHERE a.myar=@yr and a.mprd=@mth AND LTRIM(A.MCU) <> '' AND LTRIM(A.MRP2) <> ''
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Dec 7, 2004
I have a search form in an ASP.NET/VB page. The form has the input text box and the button "search". The keywords are passed in the URL to results.aspx.
Here is an example of what I get in the URL, when I write the keywords "asp", "book" and "london" in the input text box and click "search":
The database table has 3 fields: "id", "title" and "description".
I want to display all the records where at least one of the keywords is found in any of the 2 fields "title" and "description".
1. I suppose I need to get the words out of the URL to be used by SQL.
Maybe: string[] searchString = request.queryString("search").split('search'); ???
How can i make this run when page loads? I supose i need it. Right?
2. How should the SQL look? I supose i need to use the "Like" command
SELECT * FROM books WHERE title LIKE ...
But how to I use it if I can have 1, 2, 3, ... keywords?
Can someone help me?
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Mar 2, 2007
I've done some simple sql's for searching a field using Like,But this one is different.
I am adding a param named @searchText
I would like to bring back all records in all the fields listedbelow that has that string in the field...
WHERE a.manufacturer = b.manufacturerIDAND a.location = c.locationIDAND a.Status = d.statusIDAND a.EquipmentType = e.IDAND a.calLab = f.ID AND a.testTechnology = g.id AND (c.locationID = @location OR @location = 0)
So, each line/field above I want to search for the string and includein the dataset.
Anyone can point me in the right direction?
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Dec 22, 2006
Hi,I want to run queries on a table that has binary fields in it. How do Ifilter on a binary field? E.g. One of the fields is called'Account_Manager_ID' which is binary - I would like to do a simple Select *from company where Account_Manager_ID = 'blah blah blah'When I do this, it returns no data. How do I get round this?Thanks!
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