Query To Extract The Most Recent Information - Help Please
Mar 23, 2007
Hi all,
I have a table, three records of which look like this:
ID PersonID FirstName LastName PostCode
1 999 Barry White BW13 8GS
2 999 <null> <null> BW13 9GS
3 999 <null> Whites <null>
Both these records refer to the same "person". The records with ID of 2 and 3 represent updates to the record with an ID of 1. The problem is, only the updated data (along with the personID) is represented in records 2 and 3. I need to write query that will return a single record that looks like this:
PersonID FirstName LastName PostCode
999 Barry Whites BW13 9GS
in other words, the most recent information we have for that person.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'd be very grateful as this is proving to be a real pain in the butt!
I have a query where I am trying to display the most recent information about travelling method of customers using "t.collection_date". I am struggling to get MAX function working in the query.
SELECT P.id, P.forename, P.surname, P.dob, c.postcode, l.code_des, MAX(t.collection_date) FROM People p, MOT_HIST t, lk_mode_of_travel l, corresp_address c
WHERE p.ID = t.id (+) AND t.mode_of_travel = l.int_code (+) AND p.id = c.entity_id (+)
I have a problem in extracting information pertaing to a key value and matching that key value to another transaction but the order is based on another value in the same row.
Requirement using the above data is to extract data where the ret_ref_no is the same for more than one row but also check that the msg_type 420 happens before the 200. Is there a way of retrieving the information in this way using the tran_nr coloumn values? The tran_nr values is basically the serial number when the transaction is wrriten away to the DB.
I've managed only to retrive the 1st half of my query whereby the same ret_ref_nr is being used by more then one transaction. Still need to figure out the 2nd part where the msg_type of 420 happens before the 200.
SELECT * FROM SAMPLE WHERE ret_ref_no in ( SELECT ret_ref_no FROM SAMPLE GROUP BY ret_ref_no HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 )
I am using following sql to extract locking information in database. It only work on current selected database, how can I tune to work on all databases and not only currently selected?
SELECT DISTINCT ES.login_name AS LoginName, L.request_session_id AS BlockedBy_SPID, DATEDIFF(second,At.Transaction_begin_time, GETDATE()) AS Duration_Sec, DB_NAME(L.resource_database_id) AS DatabaseName,
Essentially, what I’m attempting to do is for each Customer, Division, SalesRepType determine who the most recent assigned SalesRepNumber is and when (EnterDate) that person was assigned. So using the sample data, I would expect the following results.
I’ve tried various ways of using a CTE and ROW_NUMBER trying to get at this, but the area that is giving me the problem is in Division A, SalesRepType 1. Here is what gets me close, but I’m picking on SalesRepNumber 200 instead of 100 for Division A and
SalesRepType 1. WITH cteCust (RowNum, CustomerNumber, Division, SalesRepType, SalesRepNumber, BeginDate) AS ( SELECT
I'm trying to retrieve the most recent data using the query below. The issue is there are multiple records which prevent distinct from working. If I could somehow get the most recent data (based on the eventdate field), that would work.
How would I go about this? I've tried order by and group by as well as max but that didn't seem to work. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 PERCENT SITES.Shape, SITES.OBJECTID, vw_sitemap.INTAKE_DATE, SITES.Expr6, vw_sitemap.intake_num, vw_sitemap.ProjectName, vw_sitemap.ProjectType, vw_sitemap.ApplicantName, vw_sitemap.PlannerInitials, vw_sitemap.file_num, vw_sitemap.status, vw_sitemap.EventDate FROM SITES INNER JOIN vw_sitemap ON SITEPTS.Expr6 = vw_sitemap.intake_num WHERE (vw_sitemap.INTAKE_DATE > CONVERT(DATETIME, '2004-12-31 00:00:00', 102))
date | number___________|_____________ 2007-01-01 | 432007-01-02 | 652007-01-03 | 232007-01-04 | 652007-01-05 | 232007-01-06 | 11 2007-01-07 | 52 2007-01-08 | 83 2007-01-09 | 44 and I want to get the most recent date in the past which I must go back where the sum of the numbers of the number column if greater than a certain number.
EG. From the above data, the date which I must go back to get a sum of 195 is 2007-01-05 as 44+83+52+11+23 is the least amount that is greater than 195.
Can anyone help, is this even possible? I'm flummoxed!
Table name Employee =============== emp_id, emp_name, emp_city
Table name EmpStatusReport =================== emp_id, action date
I need to write a sql query to get the emp_name, emp_city and the recent date when the user has sent status report over last 30 days. The user has sent a status report if action field in the empStatusReport is set to 'reported'. This table gets filled everytime user sends report.
I tried to the do the following:
select e.emp_name, e.emp_city, esr.date from employee e, EmpStatusReport esr where e.emp_id and esr.emp_id and /* esr.date = max(esr.date) and esr.date > currentDate - 30 and esr <= currentDate */
I am not able to write a correct login for date part. Any help in this will be highly appreciated.
There is a large data table called emp_history on an SQL Server, which contains the employment history of each employee. The significant columns are as follows:
entry_id employee_id start_date position
where entry_id is the primary key and auto-increments.What I need, is to create a query to extract the employee_id and position, based on the most recent record (most recent start_date) for each employee.
I need to get all customer records with the most recent tDate. A customer should never have duplicate tDate records, as only one record per day is allowed per customer, yet there somehow there are duplicates. Given this, I need to get the record with the Max date and Max ID. the ID column is an auto-incrementing Identity column.Below is the code without the Max ID column logic
SELECT tCustID, MAX(tDate) AS tDate--get MAX tDate records FROM table1 GROUP BY tCustID
Have a table that list item#, date the standard cost went into effect and the standard cost. How do I find the difference in StdCost on the last EffectiveDate and second to last EffectiveDate. 5.59 (01/05/2015) minus 5.81 (09/29/.014) = -.22.
Hi i have a query select 12 * int( "SQLUSER"."BTT120".yyyy) + int("SQLUSER"."BTT120".mm) as actual, 12*year(CURRENT DATE) + month(CURRENT DATE) as ending, 12*year(CURRENT DATE) + month(CURRENT DATE)-3 as starting from "SQLUSER"."BTT120" where "SQLUSER"."BTT120".yyyy ='2007' and "SQLUSER"."BTT120".mm in ('10','11','12')
which gives me ourput
Actual ending Starting 24094 24097 24094
My actual requirment is to get the data for the rolling 3 months for which i used the same logic as above in the WHERE clause.
SELECT "SQLUSER"."BTT120".YYYY CONCAT "SQLUSER"."BTT120".MM AS MO_YR FROM "SQLUSER"."BTT120" where (12 * int( "SQLUSER"."BTT120".yyyy)) + int("SQLUSER"."BTT120".mm) between (12*year(CURRENT DATE)) + month(CURRENT DATE)-3 and (12*year(CURRENT DATE)) + month(CURRENT DATE)
everything looks good but iam not getting output, there is data for the date range
Hello,Please see the original data below. I would like to extract the accountwith the earliest opening date only, and leave all the accounts openedafter that out. Could anybody help me with the query? Thanks a lot!Original Dataperson_idaccountopen_date1000111111115/15/20031000122222226/20/20041000133333332/16/2005Ideal Outputperson_idaccountopen_date1000111111115/15/2003
Hi, I have a task that requires me to pull a list of tables used in a select query and put them into a string array. For arguments sake, let's say this is my query: select * from table1 tb1, table2 tb2 where ...
I can easily extract the 'from 'clause, in this case: table1 tb1,table2 tb2, but I still have to split out the Alias before I can use it. Can anyone show me a regex that can do this instead?
I am having trouble coming up with a query to extract the min and max time for each Task.. I am using Teradata SQL. The data below shows two tasks which both have the same File and Task ID. Each task starts with a Submitted Status and ends with a Rejected Status. What I need is to get the min and max time for each one of those tasks.. Unfortuneately my data below consists of values that don't have a unique identifier that I can use to split the tasks.
Hi , is it possible extract file name from script executed in query analyser ?
Example steps
1. open QA 2. open c:mySuperScript.sql code in c:mySuperScript.sql use master select @filename as [file executed] select count(*) as xfrom syslogins 3. run
-- result file executed ------------ c:mySuperScript.sql
x -- 112
Why we need it. Each database update created using sql compare tool from red-gate Script saved in Vss When script executed in production using QA we save output as proof of deployment currently we add to each script
select 'script= put you file name'+ char(13)+ 'server = ' + cast(@@servername as char(20))+ char(13)+ 'dbname= ' + cast(DB_NAME()as char(20)) + char(13) + 'execution date= '+ cast(getdate()as char(24))+ char(13)+ 'executed by = '+ system_user
We want wrap everything in procedure that will extract executed file name and other values
this procedure should be first line of code in each script
We extract 10k tables every night and I have a table that keeps track of ETL tables that fail or succeed. I would like to know if a table fails during the night and nobody kicks off another job to fix it during the day.
Table_Name = varchar(20) Time_Start = DateTime Status varchar(7) = Success or Error Duration = Number Time_End = DateTime
Select Table_Name into #MyTempTable From ETL.STATS_Table Where Status = 'Error' AND Cast(Time_Start as Date) = GetDate()
How do I take the table names from #MyTempTable and find out if they where successful for the same date? Duration time and Time_End fields aren't needed.
Pardon the possibly senseless question - I have been an NT Administrator for some years, and have just gotten thrown into picking up some SQL DBA work and I'm still feeling my way around.
Is it possible to query the Master database for the setup information (etc) on the other databases? Several have been marked suspect due to a hard drive failure and I am trying to figure out what the original setup of the databases was.
Hello All,Could someone help provide a query that I can run todetermine the primary key and unique columns for anygiven table ?Thanks in Advance,Akintoye
Hi,I was just helping a coworker optimize a query. He had two versions:one which used UNION for each value for which he was tallying resultsand another query which used GROUP BY. Here is an aproximation of whatthey were:Query #1:---------SELECT 12 AS [Row],ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN T.my_date BETWEEN @week_start_date ANDDATEADD(d, 1, @week_start_date) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS [Monday],ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN T.my_date BETWEEN DATEADD(d, 1,@week_start_date) AND DATEADD(d, 2, @week_start_date) THEN 1 ELSE 0END), 0) AS [Tuesday]FROM My_Table TINNER JOIN Another_Table T2 ON T2.col1 = T.col1WHERE T.my_date BETWEEN @week_start_date AND @week_end_dateAND T.col2 = 5UNIONSELECT 13 AS [Row],ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN T.my_date BETWEEN @week_start_date ANDDATEADD(d, 1, @week_start_date) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS [Monday],ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN T.my_date BETWEEN DATEADD(d, 1,@week_start_date) AND DATEADD(d, 2, @week_start_date) THEN 1 ELSE 0END), 0) AS [Tuesday]FROM My_Table TINNER JOIN Another_Table T2 ON T2.col1 = T.col1WHERE T.my_date BETWEEN @week_start_date AND @week_end_dateAND T.col2 = 6Query #2:---------SELECT R.row_num AS [Row],ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN T.my_date BETWEEN @week_start_date ANDDATEADD(d, 1, @week_start_date) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS [Monday],ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN T.my_date BETWEEN DATEADD(d, 1,@week_start_date) AND DATEADD(d, 2, @week_start_date) THEN 1 ELSE 0END), 0) AS [Tuesday]FROM My_Table TINNER JOIN Another_Table T2 ON T2.col1 = T.col1INNER JOIN Report_Rows R ON R.col2 = T.col2WHERE T.my_date BETWEEN @week_start_date AND @week_end_dateGROUP BY ALL R.row_numORDER BY R.row_numThe Report_Rows table in this case would have had two rows mapping row12 to a column value of 5 and row 13 to a column value of 6. Thesecond query was performing horribly until I noticed the ALL keywordin the GROUP BY, which I didn't think was necessary. When I removedthat it performed more like I expected it to perform.Before I had noticed that I was scouring over the query plans andcouldn't figure out why in one instance the query optimizer chose tojoin My_Table and Another_Table, yet when the ALL keyword was there itchose to return all of the records from Another_Table (a rather largetable) and join it to the Report_Rows table before then joining toMy_Table, which had the date criteria in the WHERE clause.So, if you've read this far without giving up...1. Why would the ALL keyword cause this? I understand thefunctionality of ALL, but I still don't see why that caused thereordering of the joins.2. (more importantly) Are there any good resources that you know ofthat explain how the query optimizer choices its query paths? Do the"Inside SQL Server" books go into that much detail? Any good onlineresources?Thanks!-Tom.
Is there any possibility in SQL server 2005 to find out the source of some sql-query result? I need some kind of meta information about result I got. For example:
[if query is] select t1.id as id1, t2.id as id2, 67 as col67 from t1, t2
HI, i work on Sql Developer Edition when i select for any Company name in arabic it does not get any data ,why? although my data are inserted by arabic language,please help me asap,thank youand my code like this use todayselect CatID from dbo.tbl_Categories where CatName like '%اتصالات%'
I am trying to pull information about all the user created stored procedures in a database with a query. I have successfully pulled all the procs with parameters, but I want to result set to also contain the stored procedures without parameters. I can't quite get it. Any help would be appreciated:
SELECT procs.name as ProcName, params.name as ParameterName, types.name as ParamType, params.max_length, params.precision, params.scale, params.is_output FROM sys.procedures procs LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_parameters params ON procs.object_id = params.object_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.types types ON params.system_type_id = types.system_type_id
WHERE params.user_type_id = types.user_type_id AND procs.is_ms_shipped = 0 ORDER BY procname, params.parameter_id
I have a SQL query I need to design to select name and email addressesfor policies that are due and not renewed in a given time period. Theproblem is, the database keeps the information for every renewal inthe history of the policyholder.The information is in 2 tables, policy and customer, which share thecustid data. The polno changes with every renewal Renewals in 2004would be D, 2005 S, and 2006 L. polexpdates for a given customer couldbe 2007-03-21, 2006-03-21, 2005-03-21, and 2004-09-21, with polno of1234 (original policy), 1234D (renewal in 2004), 1234S (renewal in2005), and 1235L (renewed in 2006).The policy is identified in trantype as either 'rwl' for renewal, or'nbs' for new business.The policies would have poleffdates of 2004-03-21 (original 6 monthpolicy) 2004-09-21 (first 6 month renewal) , 2005-03-21 (2nd renewal,1 year), 2006-03-21(3rd renewal, 1 yr).I want ONLY THE LATEST information, and keep getting earlyinformation.My current query structure is:select c.lastname, c.email, p.polno, p.polexpdatefrom policy p, customer cwhere p.polid = c.polidand p.polexpdate between '2006-03-01 and 2006-03-31and p.polno like '1234%s'and p.trantype like 'rwl'and c.email is not nullunionselect c.lastname, c.email, p.polno, p.polexpdatefrom policy p, customer cwhere p.polid = c.polidand p.polexpdate between '2006-03-01 and 2006-03-31and p.polno like '1234%'and p.trantype like 'nbs'and c.email is not nullHow do I make this query give me ONLY the polno 123%, or 123%Sinformation, and not give me the information on policies that ALSOhave 123%L policies, and/ or renewal dates after 2006-03-31?Adding a 'and not polexpdate > 2006-03-31' does not work.I am working with SQL SERVER 2003. Was using SQL Server 7, but foundit was too restrictive, and I had a valid 2003 licence, so I upgraded,and still could not do it (after updating the syntax - things likeusing single quotes instead of double, etc)I keep getting those policies that were due in the stated range andHAVE been renewed as well as those which have not. I need to get onlythose which have NOT been renewed, and I cannot modify the database inany way.*** Free account sponsored by SecureIX.com ****** Encrypt your Internet usage with a free VPN account from http://www.SecureIX.com ***
I am trying to write a query that will be able to select different segments of data based on spelling of the last name.
For example, in my database of name information, I need to select anyone whose last name starts with 'AAA' to 'EJJ'
then need to select anyone whose last name starts with 'EJK' to 'JAE' and so on...
I have tried using LIKE and some other methods with the > operator, but I can't get it to work. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to select data based on the alphanumeric characters this way?
I have a group of about 5 servers (which will likely grow toabout 25 in the near future) with their names listed in a table in a database on one of the servers. I want to query all servers in that table using the following query to pull the storage drive, database name, created date, age and size of the databases for each server listed in the table:
SELECT left(mf.Physical_Name,2) AS Storage_Drive, DB_NAME(mf.database_id) AS DatabaseName, db.create_Date, DateDiff(day, db.create_date, getDate()) Age, sum((mf.size*8))/1024 SizeMB
[Code] ...
How would I best accomplish this if I want to implement it using a TSQL procedure?
I am currently working on a website that deals with sales of products. For one of my pages for the website I need it to be able to change the current sales information for a specific product.
The top part of the following code selects the specific product however I cannot get the update query to work.
Code: $describeQuery = "SELECT p.ID, p.NAME, dt.[Year], dt.[Month], dt.SalesVolume FROM Products p join (select ProductCode, sum(SalesVolume) as SalesVolume, [Year], [Month] from MonthlySales group by ProductCode, [Year], [Month])dt on dt.ProductCode = p.ID WHERE [NAME] = '$desiredProduct' AND [Year] = '$desiredYear' AND [Month] = '$desiredMonth'";
$editQuery = "UPDATE MonthlySales SET SalesVolume = '$NewSales' WHERE ID = '$desiredProduct' AND Year = '$desiredYear' AND Month = '$desiredMonth'";
I have created and deployed my first report. It renders fine for me and the other database admin. When others attempt to view it, we get the error
Query execution failed for data set 'periods'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand), For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Initially, We created a local group on the machine that hosts both the database and webserver and added the individuals to that group. Then, within SRS Report manager, we added that group to the Browswer role of the report. The error message was slightly different, in that it couldn't even open the Datasource.
We then added an individual to the database as dbreader, and got the above message. It apprently is starting to render, and when it encounters the first query (dataset "periods", which populates a drop down list for a parameter), it chokes. BTW, the Periods dataset executes a stored procedure dbo.Period_List that has no parameters. It returns a list of reporting periods.
I could not figure out how to "enable remote errors" or find an error log on the server. The C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesLogFiles Log files did not appear to record any errors.