Querying SQL Express Database From Excel Macro

Apr 28, 2006

How do I query an SQL Express database from within an Excel 2002 VBA macro?

For example, how could I accomplish this in an Excel macro.

SELECT myID FROM MyTable WHERE Compound = string in cell A1

And then put the resulting ID number in cell A2. The relationship between Compound and myID is always one to one.

Thanks to all.


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DTS And Macro Excel

Jan 21, 2005


I have already set up a DTS package to convert my data to an excel file and I would like to alter the format of my data through my DTS without having to write a macro.

Do you know how to do this?

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Running An Excel Macro In DTS

Mar 16, 2002

Does anyone know how to do this?

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Excel Macro In Rdl File

Feb 29, 2008


Is it possible to embed excel macros in an rdl report and run those macros while exporting the rdl report to excel.


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Calling An Excel Macro Of A DTS Package

Nov 30, 2000

Can you call run an excel macro as part dts step. I would imagine it would be some active script, but am not sure.
Any Ideas ?.

I am running SQL 7.0 sp2, excel 97.

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Running SQL Server Job In An Excel Macro

Apr 19, 2007

I know this might be the wrong forums, but I thought that some SQL Server users might know the answer and have accomplished this before. Does anyone know how to run a SQL Server job through an Excel macro? I have the macro where it's entering the data into my database, but now I need to use the data by running the job. Thanks!

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Include Macro Code From Reporting Service When Exporting To Excel

Mar 19, 2008

To overcome the inability to manage the sheet tab names when exporting from Reporting Services to Excel, is there anyway to include a short macro with the exported Excel workbook to Auto_Run macro when the Excel file is opened to rename the tabs?

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Linking To EXCEL Database Sheet Using SQL 2005 Express

Aug 9, 2006

I'm followed instructions to create a linked server to an EXCEL document that has data in 1 sheet.

Used the instructions from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306397/EN-US/

Was planning to import data using a linked server as describe in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/Q321686

"How to import data from EXCEL to SQL Server (using linked servers). All went well until...

The EXCEL document shows up under linked servers correctly, but there were no tables.

I'm using the following:

Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2000

SQL Server Managerment Studio (2005)

Does anyone have Idea what I may do to correct this problem?

I 'm using this because I didn't see any other way to import Excel into SQL Database using SMO 2005.

SMO 2005 doesn't have DTS import export commands.

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Importing An Excel Spreadsheet Into A Sql Database Using Sql Server 2005 Express

Nov 29, 2006

hi, i have an excel spreadsheet with data that i want to place into a sql database.is there any easy way of doing this with sql server 2005 express?   

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Querying The Database

Jun 12, 2008

how to write a query to find the no of tables present in that database.

Any suggestions.

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Querying Large Database

Mar 2, 2005

I need to query a database with about 3 million records using a 'like' statement on various varchar columns. I've have a non-clustered index on the columns included in my query, but the performance is still pretty slow. Can anyone suggest ways to increase the speed of my queries? Does full-text indexing improve performance or does it just facilitate more advanced searches (which I don't need)? Would char instead of varchar datatypes be faster?


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Querying To Mysql Database

Sep 20, 2007

Hi, I have been using Microsoft Access for a couple of years and we have just switched to SQL Server. However, I'm having problems querying the Mysql databases our company has in place. I have managed to establish connections in the Visual Studio but can't seem to link tables from two different databases like I could in Access. Is this possible? Also, is it possible to connect to the mysql database via management studio? Apologies for my complete lack of knowledge!

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Querying Reportserver Database

Mar 24, 2008

Hi everybody,
Our SRS reporting security model had to be designed so that the access is by individual report basis and by user. I cannot give access to individual reports based on windows AD group. Because everybody in that group does not need to have access to a particular report. Two people from one AD group needs access to say Report1. Only one person need to have access to Report2 etc.... Creating lot of AD groups for the security is also not advisable.

Right now I can tell right away users having access to a particular report as the number of reports and the users is small. But I want to design a report that can give me a list of users who have access to a specific report.
How do I query the reportserver database to get this information. I mean is this information saved in any of the tables?
Can you please give any info that you know of such information?
Thank you in advance for all your help,

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Advise On Querying A Database Daily

Jun 2, 2004

I am implementing an application that is looking into another System’s database (DBF). I need to query out new orders that have been put in daily. What is the best way to handle this situation? Should I write a service or have a trigger setup in MSDE? I just need to do a simple SELECT statement that grabs orders between a date range and update my SQL database (MSDE). I am not looking for specific code examples, just a solution.

What are my choices?



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Querying DB2 Database With Reporting Service

Jan 24, 2005


I'm in a trouble.
So, I need to query some data in DB2 with Reporting Service.
I don't know if there's a way to do it, without using DTS Package, because if I did it, I'd be replicating it, and it's not the case. 'Cause I just want to query the data in DB2 and not bring the data to SQL.

There's a provider that I can do it?
Suppose I use a Linked Server, and add a Net-Library based on their Operational System, it would resolve? If not, what would be the best way of resolving this trouble??

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Querying Table In Arbitrary Database

May 1, 2006

Would appreciate some help with this one. I need to run a query on a known table an arbitrary database. The DB name will be selected at runtime.

What I've tried:

DECLARE @DBName varchar(10)

FROM [@DBName].dbo.Table1

Invalid object name '@DBName.dbo.UPR00100'.

I've also tried without the square brackets around @DBName in the FROM clause. This results in: Incorrect syntax near '.'.

Thanks for the help

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Stored Procedure Querying Another Database

Feb 6, 2007

Hello,I need to come up with a stored procedure that will allow me to readdata from another database. The database I need to read the data fromis a UniData residing on a Unix server. The stored procedure needs toreside on my sql 2005 server. The task is very simple in Access as wehave ODBC connections set up to the UniData via Informix (or IBM)UniData ODBC drivers. I can easily combine my UniData and Sql Servertables from within access. However, I can't seem to find a way toreplicate the same behavior in MS SQL Stored Procedure without the useof Access. Is that even possible?Thanks,Marek

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Querying A Linked Server With Local Database...

Mar 25, 2008

I would like to query a linked server and join that database to my local database. I finally was able to get it to work and I got this query to work:

select * from openquery([hcda-storagesrvlaserfiche], 'select * from toc where parentid=358')

I would like to join one of my tables from my local database to the query. How can I do this? Thanks!

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Determining Database Role Of Querying User

Dec 7, 2007

I know that I can use:

IS_MEMBER('MyRoleName') = 1

to determine if a user is a member of a predetermined role, but how do I ask what the role name of the querying user is instead? Basically I want to do something like:

SELECT * FROM CityTable WHERE City IN (SELECT City FROM CitySecurity WHERE SelectGroup = ROLE_NAME)

I'm doing this because the "CitySecurity" table contains security information from another system that has been imported into SQL Server, where the 'SelectGroup', as part of process, will be named the same as the SQL Server role.


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Throwing Error When Querying The Image Of Database In SQL Server 2000.

Oct 3, 2007

I created an Image for the Database in sqlserver 2000. When I am querying directly the database as "Select * from employee", it is returning the result set.

But, when I am querying Database image with same query. It is giving error

Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'Employee'

It is expecting the Database Owner. If I do query like "Select * from [Owner].employee", it is working fine.

My requirement is not use owner in queries, it should be simple query ("Select * from employee").

Can any one, help me out.
Thanks in advance.

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SQL Reporting Services 2005: Querying A SQL Server 2000 Database

Feb 5, 2008

Is there any way to deploy reports to a Report Manager in SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 if the reports query SQL Server 2000 databases? Or are only 2005 databases able to deploy to the web?

Also, if I have a report that queries both, can I deploy it to the web on the 2005 Report Manager with a linked server to the 2000 server?

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Jul 26, 2004

Our IT department says to me all a stored procedure is, is a Macro. This is what Our network tech says to me. There are days I just want slap these people. This is the same one that made the Flat File comment, I think databases are very important and can be very complex I get annoyed when they IT people make them seems as if they are of no importance at all.

Venting again sorry

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Sep 22, 2004

Has anyone ever tried to run a stored procedure through a macro before?? And If so do you get a message that says that the stored procedure exectuted successfully but a macro Halt macro message that says "Action Failed"?? Now the stored procedure executes just fine its just that the macro itself is having some trouble. Can anyone help me?? please

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Macro Dreamweaver 8

Apr 19, 2008


I have Marco Dreamweaver 8 and SQL. I don't know how to tied them up. Anyone who can help me?


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Need Help With SQL Macro In MS Access

Aug 27, 2005

Having trouble with this assignment. My teachers say it should work but itjust doesn't. This part of a macro is designed to take payment from the costand show the balance owing. What am I doing wrong. The sql is shown below.No error message is showing but the process still dosen't work.UPDATE [wedding] INNER JOIN deal ON wedding.deal = deal.deal SETwedding.balance = (deal!cost - [wedding]!paid)

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Running An Macro From DTS Package

May 21, 2002

Hi all,
I am trying to run a Excel macro from a DTS package.I've created the macro and Batch file to run a macro, and i am executing a batch file from DTS package.I am able to run a macro when i am executing a DTS package manually.but its not working when i schedule the process. any solutions?
its not the security problem also.I've checked it.

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Trigger That Runs An Macro Access

Feb 14, 2005


can I run a macro Access from a trigger ?

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Execute Macro Code In ActiveX

Apr 17, 2008

Hi All

I just have a excel macro code, It is working in excel itself.
But I want to execute within SSIL package.

When I am trying through Active X, It is returning error.

Can any one help me please....

MichaelRaj Arokiyasamy

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SQL Command To Process An Access Macro?

Jul 20, 2005

Here's the scenario. Using a campaigning applicaion for aneNewsletter. It writes to an Access table. I have an ASP web page thatwrites to another table. I chained 3 Access queries together into aMacro to copy that data to the campaigning table, give a numericidentifier to that record, and then delete all records with thatidentifier (in the 2nd table). This will keep the ASP > Access tableclean.The campaigning software allows for a pre-processing SQL command tobe run. I would like to automate the updating of the table byinitiating this Access Macro from the SQL command. Anyone have anyideas on the command/syntax?Thanks in advanceJasonJoin Bytes!

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After Execute Remove Macro From SSIS Package

Apr 18, 2008

Hi all

I am running a excel macro from SSIS package, after executing macro I just want to remove the module(Macro code) from Excel file.

can you please tell me how it?

MichaelRaj Arokiyasamy

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How To Create Table Names By Using Macro Variable? Thanks!

Oct 21, 2005

Greetings!I am now doing one type of analysis every month, and wanted to creattable names in a more efficient way.Here is what happens now, everytime I do the analysis, I will create atable called something like customer_20050930, and then update thetable by using several update steps. Then next month I will create atable called customer_20051031. Does anyone know if there is a betterway to do it? like using a macro variable for the month-end date? Noweverytime I have to change the table name in every single update step,which would cause errors if I forget to change one of them. By using amacro, I would only need to change it once.Thanks!

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How Do I Run A Macro In Visual Studio Or Business Intelligence??

Oct 8, 2007

Hi Guys
I create some reports by connecting the SQL database using Business Intelligence.
I do these reports each fortnight so I want to automate these tasks using a macro.
How do I create or record a macro in BI??

I will need to have input parameters in it as well

When I click 'Tools' menu, I cant see any 'macro' submenu in it.

Please help guys

I am using SQL Server 2005


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Running Access XP Macro With Script Task

Feb 24, 2007

I found this and have done everything it says to do, but I can't get the script to compile. Any ideas on how to run a access macro in SSIS??

Baiscally to execute an Access Macros in SSIS package we need to Download

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access DLL from Office XP PIAs.

Download site


1) Extract the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access DLL from Oxppia.exe

2) Drag and Drop Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access DLL to Global Assembley Directory(GAC) ie: C:WINNTassembly for Windows 2000 -- C:WINDOWSassembly for ( Win Xp and Win 2003)

3) Copy paste Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access to C:WINNTMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 for Windows 2000 -- C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 ( Win Xp and Win 2003)

4) Add DLL reference in the Script Task

5) Add the below Code

1) Create a New Project in SSIS

2) Drag and Drop Script Task

3) Copy Paste the code in script task editor

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access


Dim objAccess As New Access.Application

objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase("D:TestMacro.mdb", False) ' Add the Access File Path

objAccess.DoCmd.RunMacro("Macro1") ' Replace Macro1 with the name of your macro



objAccess = Nothing

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

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