Querying Tables From Different Databases
Jul 20, 2005
I am quite new to ms-sql and I have a problem : I want to create an SQL
request which would copy serveral records from a table in a given database
to another table (with exactly the same structure) in another database
(theses two tables and databases already exist).
Could you please tell me how to do this ? I dont know how to access two
different databases in a single SQL request.
Thank you for you help.
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Dec 10, 2007
Dear Readers,Is it possible, like in Access, to link to tables in other SQL databases that are on the same server? I have a query that I originally had in Access that queered from multiply databases. It did this by having those other tables in the other databases linked to the database that had the query.
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Nov 15, 2006
Hi all,
How do I query two tables in different databases on the same SQL Server?
In short, I want to do:
Select A.*
from database 1. table 1 as A
inner join database 2. table 1 as B
on A.COL1 = B.COL1
Both database 1 and 2 are on the same SQL Server.
Please advise.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi;I am looking for suggestions about how to solve a problem using tsql.I have been asked to create a report concerning 4 tables.Each of the 4 tables is in its own database.The 4 tables are identical in name and structure.I would like to query all 4 of these tables and get the results as ifthey were one table.All suggestions welcome, thanks.Steve
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Apr 21, 2007
Hi All,
I am very new to sql and I am not really sure of what I am doing.
I have a bit of a complicated stored procedure that I am trying out. There is 3 parts to it to search for new articles,updates and discontinued articles for a particular Supplier. Right now I am just trying to get the first part working - I am trying to query another database that has 4 tables, 2 are joined ActiveArticle & ActiveArticlePrice and the other 2 are also joined UpdateArticle & UpdateArticlePrice. But all tables also hold data for ALL Suppliers, they are recognised by a GUID - SupplierGuid.
I want to compare them to each other to see if there are any new articles added to the Update tables. This is what I have so far, I was hoping someone could tell me if they see some obvious mistakes(I'm sure theres many!). For the first select, I tried adding a couple of parameters Flag and Text to use so that I can order it all once i have the 3 parts working. But I don't know the syntax is right, because then I also want to select all fields in both tables?.
CREATE PROCEDURE Portal_GetPriceListUpdates
@SupplierGUID uniqueidentifier
SELECT 'A' AS FLAG, 'New Product' AS TEXT, * FROM SupplierUnits.UpdateArticle UA, SupplierUnits.UpdateArticlePrice UAP WHERE EXISTS
(SELECT * FROM UA, UAP WHERE UA.SupplierGuid=@SupplierGUID AND UA.SupplierArticleNumber NOT IN (SELECT SupplierArticleNumber FROM SupplierUnits.ActiveArticle.SupplierArticleNumber))
I would appreciate any help!
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Jan 10, 2007
Hi,I'm having two databases in the name of n1,n2 having same designI want to query both the databases by giving the database name in queryDatabasesN1N2Table(both database contains same table)DetailTable detailsNo -intName -varchar(10)Now i want to check the detail table in both n1 and n2 using the selectqueryFor that I have written query it is not workingselect * from N1.DetailSelect * from N2.DetailThe above query is not working in query analyser,I'm getting error as"Invalid object name"In query analyser the Northwind database is currently selected, anywayI have given the database name it has to query from N1 database. How touse a select query with database name?Mani
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Feb 7, 2007
Hey there!
I'm not sure how to explain this but here goes...
I'm a bit stuck, a new project that's come about "requires" me to query multiple databases as if they were tables.
1 Oracle database which stores information on our staff (this database is a part of some MIS software and can't be changed in any way)
1 SQL Server 2005 database which stores information on staff sickness
Basically say theres 1 table in each database
Oracle DB
Lets say the query I want to perform is to select all the records from sickness where person code is 22334 and also get their name from the other db, so the output may look like
22334 Dann Rees 01/01/2007
22334 Dann Rees 03/01/2007
22334 Dann Rees 10/02/2007
Now I realise I can write a quick function to pull the information but this is just a basic example. Effectivley what I "need" is to be able to query sickness while sub querying people to get the names, or some kind of pass through query?
Please remember this is just a very simple example and the "actual" queries will be far more complicated, for instance finding all the employees of a certain department who is male and was sick in January. All the data for that example is stored in people (oracle) except for the dates which is stores in sick (SQL 2005). Now these are easy enough if they were tables in 1 database....but their not, their tables in 2 databases, and theres nothing I can do to change that :(
All help appreciated as this is becoming very urgent.
Many thanks
(I couldnt post this in the General data access forum for some reason)
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Oct 24, 2005
Hi,I need to run a query that gets an ID from one database table and then matches it to another table in a different database, is a query of this type possible if so how?Thanks,drazic19
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Jun 16, 2014
My query pulls data from two separate databases, and it runs extremely slow. The queries run well when they are pulling from their own database. When I join them to pull from both databases.
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Jul 23, 2005
I know that a heterogeneous query joining tables from two different servershas performance penalties but is the same true when joining tables from twodifferent databases on the same SQL Server 2000 instance?We are looking at setting up a Data Warehouse using DTS on a SQL Server boxand I'm wondering about the best way to logically set it up; i.e. one bighonking db or several dbs determined by some logical organization. With thelatter there will still be some queries that would need data from more thanone db and I'm wondering if that will have worse performance than if theywere all in one db.I thought that was the case in older versions of SS, but I couldn't findanything in 2000's BOL that indicated a problem with that.TIA
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Sep 21, 2006
This is probably a simple solution but I'm a bit confused about which flows to use.
I have two databases on different servers that contain the same information but for the appropriate server. I want to retrieve data from each of the servers using a "select" statement.
Would I use a ForLoop and change the connection in a Script Task and then execute the SQL statement? Or can a ForEach Loop be used, but I'm not sure which type of enumerator.
Thanks for any help you can give.
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May 23, 2008
This is my problem
Table A Columns:
Both of these columns contain npanxx numbers which would be the first 6 digits of a phone number, example 217345 which is in illinois.
Table B Columns:
table B hold all npanxx numbers in the united states and what state it pertains to.
what i need to do is run a query to check and see what state the OriginatingNumber and the TerminatingNumber are in and decide if both numbers passed are in the same state or not.
so for example in Table A Row 1: OriginatingNumber is 217345 and the TerminatingNumber is 309454. I need to check both of these numbers against table B and it would return that both numbers are in IL. Basically I need to return a result of yes or no. yes they are in the same state or no they are not in the same state.
Any help would be great
Thanks for reading,
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi all,
lets say i have a table as follows
id name1 red2 orange3 green
and this has s join to another table via the id
id event 1 stop2 stop3 start
now if i make a view and drop these two tables the jkoin is there but i would liek to report on all names who have a event of "go"but it gives me no results , which is right . but how can i output all the names and in the evnet put a empty SO
name eventred emptyorange emptygreen empty
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Apr 18, 2006
Hi, while I'm trying to do Select statements, is there a way/setting whereby I don't have to constantly prefix the table names with a prefix?
For example, I'm working in multiple environments and they're differentiated by the prefix in their table names, uat.** vs prod.**
Any help would be appreciated.
Please email me at dickson.lau@rogers.com
Thanks again.
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Dec 8, 2005
I get a 90-120 second blocking when send 15 or so simultaneous queriesto SQL Server 2000 that query a view made up of two joined tables.After each query is blocking for the same amount of time they allreturn. Further identical queries of this type work in 3-4 seconds(caching?) until hours later where it happens again. If I query thetables directly (without the view) I still get the same blocking. If Iremove the join (it is a simple inner join on two columns) I do not getthe blocking.Any ideas?
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Jan 18, 2006
This seems like a very simple question but i have never been able tofind an easy answer to it.I have a user table and i do a join with another table, we'll call theother table a results table.The results table has numerous rows with the userid foreign key.I want to make a query that will give me the number of rows in theresults table for each user where the result is some valueThe query is simple to make but will only show the users who have arecord in the results table the meet the where criteria, however i wantto display each user and show a record count of 0 when there are noresults in the results table that match the criteria.for example i have 2 tables.tblUsers_______________userid | username--------------------------1 | user12 | user2tblAnswers________________userid | answer----------------------------1 | 11 | 01 | 42 | 12 | 0if i run the query:select max(username), count(answer) from tblUsersleft outer join tblanswers on tblAnswers.userid = tblUSers.idwhere tblAnswers.answer = 4group by tblUsers.idi just getuser1 | 1i want to getuser1 | 1user2 | 0the only way ive found to do this is with a temp table and a curser tocreate all the users records and go back through an insert the answercount for each user. This approach seems very expensive and requires aquery that is 3 times larger than is needed for the same resultswithout including 0 count records. I know there must be a better way todo this.Any help is appreciated.
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Dec 27, 2006
Hi all,
I'm using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, and I have restored a database that was using SQL Server 2000 previous. All of that went fine - sprocs and tables/data all made it.
However, when viewing the tables in the object explorer in the management studio, all the tables are prefixed with the schema name (testuser - so the table names are like: testuser.pn_user). Now, all of the code I have queries the tablename only without prefixing testuser to it - but this doesn't work anymore (invalid object name.)
I've tested, and if I prefix the table names in my code with "testuser.", it starts working again, but would rather avoid doing this. Is there something I can do within Sql Server? I've made the "testuser" account "mapped" to the database I'm using (not sure what that means - I'm more of a software developer than a database guy.) Also, when I do "Properties" for the "testuser," the default database is set to the one I'm trying to query w/o the schema.
Any ideas?
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Jan 4, 2004
I am trying to query multiple tables that have the same column. They are a supposed to be a unique ID to the product, but not to the database. I have a primary key already set to each othe tables. The tables do not share anything between them, but i would like to search for these IDs in other tables before my insert command is executed. I am writing my code in VB. example of what i am trying to accomplish.
Table1 = TVs
1 87654 Samsung
Table2 = DVD_Players
2 765234 Kenwood
I want to search for SKU_ID in multiple tables( I think a total of 9 tables). I want to search between tables to catch for the same SKU_IDs. and if it finds it, raise error. I will be able to figure the vb.net portion. I just dont know how to go about the sql query portion. Thanks in advance and appreciate any help. Thanks!
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Jun 7, 2005
What I am trying to do now is combine multiple complex queries into one table
and query it showing the results on an ASP.net page.
I am currently using SQL Server 2000 backend. Each one of these queries are
pretty complex so I created each query as a Stored Procedure. These queries are
dynamic by each user, so the results will never be the same globally.
What I have done so far was created a master stored procedure passing the
current user's username as a parameter. Within the master SP (Stored Procedure)
it creates a temporary table inserts and executes multiple stored procedures and
inserts into the temporary directory. Each of the sub stored procedures all
have the same columns. After the insert to the temp tables, I then query the
temp table and return it to the function it was executed in code and fill it as
a System.Data.DataTable. I then bind the DataTable to a
Problem: When the page is rendered, it returns nothing. I
tested the master SP in the data environment and it works fine.
Suspect: ASP.net when the SP is executed, it sees that the
data is a disconnected datasource? Perhaps the session in the SQL Server when
the temp table is created isn't in SYSOBJECTS system table?
Here is an example of the code from the master SP:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TM_getAlerts @Username
varchar(32)ASCREATE TABLE #MyAlerts ([DATE] datetime, [TEXT]
varchar(200), [LINK] varchar(200) )
TM_getAlertsNewTasks @Username
TM_getAlertsLateTasks @Username
It is a fairly simple call... but why doesn't ASP.net doesn't see it when the
the DataTable is filled. I tried just executing one of the sub SP without
creating temporary tables and it works flawlessly. But the query in one of the
sub SP is a normal but complex select.
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Apr 23, 2008
I think this should be a dead easy one.
SQL Server 200.
Can I query to find all the tables in a single schema? I can't for the life of me find this one out!
I'm currently using a dreaded cursor with an exists test to get the results I want but there is surely an easier way!
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi, all:This is probably a simple problem, but, as an SQL newbie, I'm having alittle trouble understanding multi-joins and subqueries.I have the following tables and columns:MemberTable-----MemberID (primary key)MemberNameAddressCountryFoodsTable------FoodID (primary key)FoodNameMusicTable-----MusicID (primary key)MusicNameMoviesTable-----MoviesID (primary key)MoviesName....and their linking tables...Members2FoodsTable-----MemberID (foreign key)FoodsID (foreign key)Members2MoviesTable-----MemberID (foreign key)MoviesID (foreign key)....and so forth.Now what I'm trying to do is retrieve a specific MemberID, his address info(from the Members table), and get a listing of his favorite Movies, Foods,Music, etc. I know I probably need to JOIN tables, but where do I JOIN thetables? Do I have to JOIN the various Music/Foods/Movies tables or is itthe Music/Members2Music and Foods/Members2Foods, etc. tables? And I assumeI would probably need to perform a subquery somewhere?I realize I'll need to first filter the Members, Members2Music,Members2Foods, etc. tables by the MemberID, and afterwards, retrieve alisting of the actual Music/Foods/Movies names. I'm just confused how to dothat. (By the way, I have a total of 10 other tables or in addition toMusic, Foods, etc. so it's a lot of table JOINing.)If someone could please help me out with the actual SQL coding, I'd reallyappreciate it!Thanks for the help!J
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Mar 15, 2008
Please, could anyone tell me how to get information from which attribute of which table is the attribute from the view derived(it could also be a complex expression, not just attribute)through querying system tables or views(INFORMATION_SCHEMA, preferably if possible, because it's standard)
i'm using MSSQL2005.
Thank you!
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Sep 3, 2007
I am learning T SQL and SQL queries and have limited VB knowledge, and have a some simple queries to run on a table with parameters, and would like verification of the proposed methodology and suggestions.
Simply put, I have a [Transactions] table with columns [Price], [Ticker], [TransDate], [TransType] and calculated columns for [Days] and [Profit].
There are two parameters, [@Dys] (to query a the table for transactions within a certain period[Days = 30] and [@TT] to query only the closed transactions ie... [TransType='C']
I have been studying Stored Procedures and will be writing a Stored Procedure, but need verification if the following will work... Getting the SUM and AVG calcluations for the fields above is not a problem but I need to display SUM and AVG information also for those transactions where [Profit >0] and [Profit <0], which is easy enough by creating a subquery. But the problem is:
1. If I use a SubQuery for [Profit <0] and for [Profit>0], can I create an alias for [Count(*)] (to get a row or transaction count for each, and then divide that into the Total [Count(*)] alias for the Transactions table to get a value for % profitable or Probability (% total Profitable trades versus % total Unprofitable trades)?
2. Or, do I need to create either temporary tables or views to have 3 distinct tables (1 table for Transactoins and 2 temp or Views for [Profit >0] and [Profit <0])?
Any suggestions and advice or examples on how to do this would be appreciated.
My questions are:
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Nov 8, 2006
I need help in writing a query.
The query should get top 10 items and their values from current year and the values for the same items from previous year table.
I was able to write the code for 1st part that gets values from 1st table but I don't know how to get the values from 2nd table.
The 2 tables does not have any primary/foreign key relations. Both tables have same structure and same columns.
I am attaching some images below to give more information.
Image of results from my query.
Image of how the final output should look like.
The Store Procedure code is:
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[free_customsHS4](
@TblName1 varchar(20),
@TblType varchar(20),
@District varchar(6),
@Month varchar(3)
Declare @SQuery nvarchar(3000)
set @TblName1 = '[' + @TblName1 + ']'
set @TblType = '[' + @TblType + ']'
SELECT @SQuery = 'select top 10 a.commodity1 as HS4, b.descrip_1 as Description,
sum(a.all_val_mo) as [Amount],
(sum(a.all_val_mo)/(select Sum(a.all_val_mo) FROM ' + @TblName1 + 'a
where a.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and a.district=' + @District +'))*100 as [% Share]
FROM ' + @TblName1 + ' a left outer join ' + @TblType + ' b on a.commodity1=b.commodity1
where a.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and a.district=' + @District +'
Group by a.commodity1, b.descrip_1
order by [Amount] desc'
EXEC sp_executesql @SQuery
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May 31, 2007
I am trying to query the Topics in my discussion forum...The Topic contains a "last_poster_id" and a "author_id" I need the username and userid for both "last_poster_id" and "author_id" in the table "aspnet_Users"How do I do this?I would guess I need to use sub select statements. Can someone help me?
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Apr 14, 1999
I'm writing an intranet application - a web survey engine.
I'd like to create a new database for each user that creates a survey form...
versus creating new tables for each survey.
Memory and disk space is not exactly the problem... just user permissions. If I dump all the results onto one database, doesn't it mean that this user can have access to all other tables(including the results of other surveys??)
Question is, does SQL Server reserve a bunch of memory for each database that I create, thereby hogging up a lot of space if I create more than one database.
Thank you.
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Apr 25, 2008
hi all,
i want to write SQL query that create table and insert in this table all databases' name and their tables' name that exist in my server.
DB name Table name
------- ----------
Northwind product
Northwind customers
Northwind Employees
Pubs authors
Pubs discounts
Pubs employee
msdb log_shipping_databases
msdb log_shipping_monitor
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Mar 11, 2002
Credit for this script really goes to ToddV (see http://www.sqlteam.com/Forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=13737)
The following script issues a DBREINDEX command against every table in every database on your server. It can be modified to issue other commands, but this one in particular is helpful as we are migrating about 30 databases from SQL 7 to SQL 2000 (new server) and re-indexing is recommended. Here's the script:
DECLARE @SQL NVarchar(4000)
SET @SQL = ''
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + 'EXEC ' + NAME + '..sp_MSforeachtable @command1=''DBCC DBREINDEX (''''*'''')'', @replacechar=''*''' + Char(13)
FROM MASTER..Sysdatabases
WHERE dbid > 6 -- skip the 6 built-in databases. Remove to process ALL
PRINT @SQL -- Only if you want to see the code you're about to execute.
Notes: There is a limit (nvarchar 4000) to how big your command can be, so too many databases will halt this.
GENERAL-ly speaking...
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Feb 6, 2007
Hi All,
Is it possible to join 2 tables from 2 different databases in Stored Procedure.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 3, 2007
i have one database ASPNETDB.MDF created by default when adding a user to my site, and MyData.mds - my database...i want to join the aspnet_Users table with another table created by me (in myData.mds), how can i do that? is hard if i should re-write all the data from myData into the ASPNETDB,i even writed both connectionStrings in the web.config but still with no succes...
is there any trick in the SQL statment? please help me
thank you
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Dec 21, 2007
Let's say I created some tables in SQL server using the designer. Tables -> Right click -> New Table ->... How would I send someone else the script for creating that table? Or how would I send somebody else the tables?
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Jan 23, 2008
I am using Vista Business with Visual Web Developer and Sql Server Express 2005. I want to be able to access the data from two tables in a query. Both tables are attached to the application.
To refer to the two databases I have used the following
DATABASE.OWNER.TABLE (specifically TaskMgr.dbo.TaskTable)
For both databases I get the error "Invalid object name"
What am I missing?
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Jan 2, 2006
Hi :)
I would like to know if it is possible to link two databases together
(in my case ASPNETDB, and another mdf database) so that I can run
queries on those shared tables. For example, I would like to use the
uniqueidentifiers from the ASPNETDB tables in my own tables.
Thank you!
(I do use the latest version of Visual Web Developer).
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