I created a test table (name - "Nset") with the columns:
id (int), n1 (float), n2 (float), n3 (float) and c1 (varchar).
Then filled a table the followings information:
id n1 n2 n3 c1
1 0,1 0,1 0,6 one
2 0,2 0,1 0,5 one
3 0,7 0,5 0,1 two
4 0,4 0,9 0,3 two
5 0,5 0,1 0,5 three
And created a neural network with tuning by default. "id"-field is the key. n1, n2 and n3 are inputs. c1 - predict.
Then i tryed predict query, like:
(SELECT 0,5 AS [n1], 0,1 AS [n2], 0,5 AS [n3]) AS t
The result is "three". This is correct. And some other tests appeared correct.
But, when I filled the column c1 with numerical values (one = 1, two=2, three=3) and changed type to int, a predict query left off to work correctly.
Previous query return 4.
And other tests showed that a value returned large on unit.
Is the standarization of the inputs done automatically when running the Microsoft Neural Network algorithm or I should be transforming the variables before running the algorithm?
2) Predicted Probabilities
How do I create a table with the actual predicted probabilities of the model for each observation? In the Mining Model Prediction tab the output would be either 0 or 1, my question is how can I obtain the actual value of the estimated probability?
I am getting negative predictions (continuous) from a neural network model that has been trained on data that only contains positive values or zeros (no nulls).
Is there a setting that can limit the lower end of the output range to zero?
I am trying to get familiar with Microsoft neural networks to predict property prices. The results are better but I wanted to amend the default parameters passed to the neural network.
So on MINING MODEL TAB when I right click and go into SET ALGORITHM PARAMETERS, I can't see any parameters there, if I try to enter a parameter for example MAXIMUM_STATES and process the model I get the following error message
"The 'maximum_states' data mining parameter is not valid for the 'My Model' model"
I also added a decision tree model to the same structure and when go into SET ALGORITHM PARAMETERS pop menu it comes with many pre populated parameters with default values.
My question is that why I am unable to add parameters to the NEURAL NETWORK and why it does not come with pre populated parameters like DECISION TREES.
I have some accounting data, with some transaction attributes and amounts. I'm using Decision Trees to try and predict the next month's amount for certain combinations of attributes.
I've tried two different structures for the model:
A: one with 9 discrete text input attributes. B: And another with the same 9 attributes + a avarage Amount for all combinations of the nine attribute for every transaction.
When i've processed them and look in the dependency network, it says that the strongest link for the structure A is attribute "1". And for the second its the avarage-Amount attribute. Okey, that seems fine, but the second strongest link in structure B is attribute "2".
Shouldn't it be attribute 1 like in structure A?
Second question, if I run the same data in a Neural Network model, the prediction becomes much worst then the decision tree. I get many predictions that are negative values even though all training data contains positiv values. The StDev becomes the same for every row also.. What am I doing wrong with that one. I have alot of transactions and a read somewhere that a Neural Network should work better than a decision tree in a case similar to mine. The score in the "Lift chart" for the Neural Network model becomes 0,00 and for Decision Trees with the same data I get around 110.
I am wondering the best way to go about a task I have been assigned. We have two similar websites but each is located on a different network. One network is secure so it cannot be accessed on the normal WWW. The secure network will contain the master database. I need to write a program or do something with SQL server to retrieve all records from the WWW site and get them onto the secure database. I also in the future will need to update records from the WWW site if they have been updated. What is the easiest way to move data from one network to the other when I cannot connect to both databases simultaneously? Thanks, Matt
How can I copy a database from one server to another when they are not on the same network! I have tried to copy across the backup file from one and attempted a restore but i keep getting an error message (Abnormal execution). Is there a way to do this! HELP!
Does anyone know if SQL7 will work with Storage Area Networks(SAN's)? I've read that SQL2000 implements something called a Virtual Interface System Area Network (VI SAN) that allows communication with devices connected via a SAN.
My site is installing a SAN and I need to know if SQL7 can utilize those resources (Storage,etc) and how reliable if so. Randy
In SQL Servern Books is written: SQL Server Authentication is provided for backward compatibility only. When possible, use Windows Authentication.
How can Windows Authentication be realized in small networks from two ore more computers running Windows XP?
Having all a application written in VB Net 2005 for example, which connects to a central database on one computer. Where the cost and afford for a domain controller running Windows Server is not necessary.
If Windows Authentication can't be realized or can't be realized easy in such a scenario, and SQL Server Authentication is not supported any more, then SQL Server can't be taken as database server for this scenario, where the focus is at simplicity and low cost.
Hello there, I'm currently building up a SQL 2005 Active/Standby cluster in a DMZ. I have three NIC's in each server. Each NIC is connected to a different network: is the public NIC is the NIC used for communication betwen the cluster nodes (heartbeat) is the admin NIC I have installed my cluster using the network for public access. This means that my SQL virtual ip is Each server can be administered over the network (admin) and the cluster/sql sever ip is available from the (public) network. Now for my question: How can I assign a ip address from my admin network (e.g. to the existing SQL server cluster to make it available from my admin network while keeping the public ip. Thanx in advance!
I am having trouble setting up my Pull Subscription and I am new to replication.
I have several servers hosting a databased website that will be the same, except for user input and traffic. Quite simply, I need to copy most tables, SPs and data from network to network. I can't use FTP/Web synch ... as I mentioned the networks do not touch eachother or the internet.
On server Web1, it was easy to create a Publication called Pub via the wizard for my database: TheDB. Then on Web1, again, I added a Subscription to the Publication, indicating my second server, Web2, and the same database name: TheDB (I have already backed up and restored TheDB to all my servers). Here's one of the sp's I ran on Web1:
I copied the snapshot folder, ie. 20070709134423, onto CD and moved it into Web2's default replication folder, but I always receive: cannot connect to Distibutor. I've tried using an Alias, as well, but don't understand exactly how I should point that either. I checked the publication's PAL and my Web2 user has rights and is an owner of the Web2 TheDB database.
I have two problems while trying to train a neural network. My network have 10 continuous input ad 1 discrete output (3 states)
The parameters I chose are : -Hidden node ratio 10 -Holdout percentage 10
The others are default.
First,when i train it thanks to BI dev studio, the training is very fast (less than 5 seconds) and the results compared with the training set are bad (at least 30% of errors). Is there a way to improve the training (I don't care about the time required to train if it works)?
General data mining books talk about NN taking inputs which are between -1 and 1. Even Jamie's book says that's what it generally receives. I don't think this is a requirement for the Microsoft algorithm, but I wanted to ask if it was a best practice. If you're feeding it something like home values where 99% of homes are under $1 million you can use some normalization trick so that mansions don't skew the data. But if your data doesn't need such normalization, is there any need to normalize it to the -1 to 1 range?
Also, is the Microsoft algorithm sensitive to the relative size of different inputs? For instance, if InputA is home size (500-50,000 square feet) and InputB is months unoccupied (0-24 months), does that cause the Microsoft NN to weigh home size more heavily?
Hello , using MS Visual studio 2005 , I deployed sql table with NN algorithm , it successfuly deployed . But when I tabbed to "Mining Model Viewer" it gave me the following error :
The following system error occurred: Invalid procedure call or argument. Execution of the managed stored procedure GetAttributeScores failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Microsoft::AnalysisServices::AdomdServer::AdomdException.
I'm working with Analysis sevices 2005 developer edition. Looking through the documentation i becomes apperent that the NN algorithm takes 255 input attributes by default. This can be changed to any integer value, OK....
My problem is that I want to feed the network with 40000 input variables. In order to do so, I will have to do a select:
SELECT fld1, fld2, ...... fld39999, fld40000
FROM tblSometable
However, this is not possible, as the books online describes it is only possible to return 4096 columns from a select statement.
Question : How do I populate a NN in AS2005, with nmore than 4096 inputs ?!
I have read the threads regarding the Neural Network Viewer and I think I have a similar problem. I do have Service Pack 2 installed and I'm running the x64 version of SQL 2005.
I'm building a model from a single relational CASE table. Granted the table has many columns summarized at the customer level but there are it is well formed and has no NULL values (plenty of zero or blank values though). The only time I can get the NN Viewer to work is when I accept the attribute recommendations. It seems once I stray from these recommendation, even if there is still correlation with an attribute, I cannot view the model using the NN Viewer. My latest error message says:
"The provider could not determine the String value. For example, the row was just created, the default for the String column was not available, and the consumer had not yet set a new String value."
I get this message even when all input attributes are Continuous so I'm not sure what String column it is referring to.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm in a time crunch and I have sold the client on SQL Server 2005 capabilities. It's a bit embarrasing if I can't get this resolved.
-- Steve
P.S.: I don't recall having any issues with the NN Viewer prior to Service Pack 2 (although others have). Have you done regression testing to test this issue?
Hi all, I have a production website at Godaddy and an ASP.net 2.0 page that successfull connects to a SQL 2005 instance provided by Godaddy using SQL authentication(User ID/Password). The Godaddy database has become too small (200MB limit) and the plan is to use the SQL Server 2005 standard edition at my office. In other words, I want to host my own SQL server and keep the front-end at Godaddy. The ASP.net test page at Godaddy generates the basic connection errors when attempting to connect to my SQL server at the office. This error has several variations depending on how the connection string is configured: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.) In this case the connection string is: Data Source=xxx.xxx.xx.xxx,1433; Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Initial Catalog=Test; User ID=xxx; Password=xxx" I've embedded this connection string directly into the ASP.net test page in order to make this page independent of the web.config file. My MS SQL server is on a Small Bussiness Server 2003 with Sharepoint and Remote Workplace running, and this machine is behind a linksys router, and Routing and Remote Access is running in place of windows firewall. I've openned ports TCP 1433 and UDP 1434 on the router and Routing and Remote Access. Telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx 1433 connects successfull, and the SQL log shows listening on 1433. I don't know if telnet is telling me that there is successful connection to the port on the router, or if it makes it all the way to the SQL server. The SQL server is running the default instance MSSQLSERVER. Locally, I am able to connect using SQL 2005 Studio, and I am able to confirm this activity in the SQL log. Since I've openned port 1433, I also see numerous dictionary attacks in the SQL Log. Based on this, remote connectivity is there. The strange observation is that the SQL log shows no sign of a connection attempt from the ASP.net page. The connection appears to be failing before it reaches the SQL server. I've openned ports in the Linksys router and the NAT/Firewall the same way I've openned them for Sharepoint and Remote Workplace. I also found that when I move the ASP.net test page to another ISP, then the SQL connection that worked from the Godaddy website, is no longer able to connect. An explanation of this would also be very helpful to me. Is there something that needs to be configured to expose the SQL server to ASP.net pages that is different from remote access? Does IIS need to somehow be involved? Is there something in Small Business Server 2003 that could be interferring with ASP.net page requests to the SQL server? Do I need to run my machine as a web server to make this work? Any help with this configuration would be greatly appreciated.
What can we tell from the lift value of the attribute value in Neural Network? (any so-called threshold of this lift value which identifies whether or not an attribute value is important or whatever to the selecte output attribute value?) I mean with lift value of a particular value, when we describe the characteristics of a segmentaion with Neural network, what can we actually describe it?
I just dont know what can we desribe this for the segmentation by neural network viewer?
I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly and thansk a lot.
I am confused about the value of Probability of Value 1 or 2 (on a particular attribute value) in Neural Network viewer. E.g. the value of Probability of value 1 is actually very low (the same to the value of Probability of value 2), but why the bar which shows the strength of the probability of these two values are still so strong even stronger than other values of probability of value 1 or 2 based on other attribute values which have a much higher probability of value 1 or 2?
And how does the algorithm calculate the Probability of attribute value in nerual network by the way?
Hope my question is clear.
I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly and thanks a lot in advance.
I am in the process of training a Neural Networks, which could take significant iterations in the process of getting trained. While using other tools like I can visually see the convergence (in terms of error for the model). Is there a way to see any progress while training while using Analysis Server - Neural Network training? It would be useful to see the accuracy, interation number and timeout while in the process of training etc...
Wanted some candid feedback on this idea. Everyone knows that neural nets are a black box in terms of the weights and such it uses. The best you can do is to get an idea how "sensitive" the NN is to each input. I don't know of any example code that's out there to help you do this in an automated manner (correct me if I'm wrong) so I'm thinking about writing a sproc that would help with this task.
Basically, the sproc would take in the mining model's name and the key of one case. Let's say the case and its attributes are:
ZipCode=93901 (the case key)
Predict likelihood to respond to an offer
For that case, it would go through an iteration per input. First it would test the first input, MedianIncome. It would run 100 predictions using the input values listed above. All the inputs would remain the same throughout except for MedianIncome where it would try out the complete range of that input. Based upon how much the prediction changes, you would have an idea how sensitive the model is to MedianIncome. Then it would move on to the next input and do the same.
When it's done testing each input, it could spit out a dataset listing all the inputs in order of how sensitive the model is to them and a few other stats like min and max prediction.
Say that I have 100,000 attributes/feature selections for my SQL Server Neural Network Algorithm.
Customer Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 ..... Atr100000 ============================== Jack 1 0 1 ..... 1 Sam 0 1 1 ...... 0 Mary 1 1 0 ...... 1
Knowing the fact I can't fit those info on a table and SQL Server's Neural Network does not support table prediction . What's an alternative to use Neural Network in SQL Server 2005 to solve my problem?
I've successfully created and processed a very simple neural network mining model (defined against a cube). However, when I go to the model viewer in BI studio, it displays the following error:
"Execution of the managed stored procedure GetAttributeScores failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Input string was not in a correct format.."
Any ideas about what's going wrong? This is with SQL Server 2005 SP1.
I have a mining structure that I am using to perform a text-mining classification task. The mining structure contains three models: a decision tree, a naive bayes and a neural network.
Both the decision tree and the naive bayes models process without any problems, but I am having significant difficulties with the neural network model.
Initially when I processed the model, processing would fail altogether with the following error message:
"Memory error: Allocation failure : Not enough storage is available to process this command"
This was remedied by taking the steps prescribed in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917885 (I upgraded to SQL 2005 SP1 and applied all available hotfixes listed in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918222/). This got me to the point where the model (seemingly) processed correctly after restricting the MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES to a relatively low number. So after processing, I went to try and browse the neural network model and view the lift chart...
"Execution of the managed stored procedure GetAttributeScores failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Input string was not in a correct format.."
(see http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=935340&SiteID=17)
Also when I would attempt to view the lift chart and the classification matrix the queries would time out with the following error message:
XML for Analysis parser: The XML for Analysis request timed out before it was completed.
Execution of the managed stored procedure GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Microsoft::AnalysisServices::AdomdServer::AdomdException.
Now, my poking around on Technet lead me to believe that this issue could finally be resolved by uprading to the CTP release of SQL server 2005 SP2. Now I am still encountering problems. When I go to browse the model in the Neural Network Viewer, I see the correct drop down menus to select attributes and attribute values in the "Input" and "Output" panes but I see no data displayed in the "Variables" pane at the bottom.
Interestingly, while I cannot view the model contents in the graphical viewer, the mining model contents viewer reveals model contents that look to be pretty normal for a trained neural network.
Attempts to view the lift chart time out with the error message:
XML for Analysis parser: The XML for Analysis request timed out before it was completed.
Execution of the managed stored procedure GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Microsoft::AnalysisServices::AdomdServer::AdomdException.
and when I run predictions against the trained NN model in the "Mining Model Prediction" pane it predicts the same value for every case in the testing set.
I bought the book €œData Mining with SQL Server 2005€?, but I can€™t find the solution to a problem I have.
I want to retrieve from C# the logistic regression Attribute Value (AV) Scores for the Logistic Regression Algorithm. I can see the Scores from the Microsoft Logistic Regression Viewer (the same of Neural Network Viewer), but I cannot retrieve them via DMX, OLEDB or similar.
Otherwise, is there a formula that I can use to compute that score from the coefficient, support, or probability values of the Attribute Value pair (I can read this values from DMX)? I can access to them via DMX:
with a query like