Question On Automatic Copying Table From One Datbase To Another On Same SQL Server

Apr 6, 2004

Currently have two databases. A live database and a history database. Also have the ability to purge data from the live to the history database. What I'm looking for is the ability, if the table doesn't exist in history, to automatically create the table in the history database using the format of the table within the live database. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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How To: Move A Datbase From Express To Server?

Mar 10, 2006

Thanks for reviewing my question.  I would like to know how do you bring a database from SQL Express into a SQL 2005 server?  I didn't find a way to import the SQLExpress (.mdf) file.
Many Thanks

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Copying SQL Server Table...

Oct 22, 1998

I`ve create a table which has 10 fields...Now I have to create 12 more tables which has same fields...
How can i duplicate or copy a table ?

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Copying Table From Local To Linked Server

Feb 17, 2004


I'm trying to copy all the data from a single table across to a remote linked server and I'm having all sorts of problems.

The SQL query I'm attampting is this:-


EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'GODZILLA', N'SQL Server'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'GODZILLA', 'False', 'rmtUser', 'lclUser', 'password'


SELECT horse_id, horse_filename, horse_time, horse_new, horse_driveLetter


EXEC sp_droplinkedsrvlogin 'GODZILLA', 'lclUser'
EXEC sp_dropserver 'GODZILLA'

Basically - this doesn't work as an error is returned:-


The object name 'GODZILLA.Racing.dbo.' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.

Now - it has no problem running a SELECT (ie read-only) query from the remote DB but why does it have a problem with writing? And if thats the issue, why doesn't it say so. Am I going about this the right way???

Please help!

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Copying A Table From A Local Sqlserver To A Remote Server

May 3, 2007

I have an sqlserver setup locally to chew thru pricefiles from our suppliers. The pricefiles comes in various formats mostly txt-files and are inserted via bulk-inserts and separeted by GO-statements, in the end I end up with a table containing unique partnumbers, the average price for the part, and number in stock. What i would like is to have a transact- statement in the end of all thoose sql-statements that copies the final table to a remote sqlserver that contains the DB used on my website. How do i connect to a remote server thru a sql-statement? is it possible?
If i just get the connection part explained, i can figure out the rest by myself.

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DTS: Copying Data From Text Files To A SQL Server Table

Sep 10, 2001

Hi all,

I got a situation here.....

From a source table (in SERVER1) I get ids of candidates and from another source (in SERVER2) I get their CVs (text files stored in various Folders). My destination table (in SERVER3) has two fields, CandidateId & CandidateCV.

I have to transfer the data in above fashion for nearly 1 million records.
How can I write a DTS package which picks up the text file from SERVER2 based on the CandidateId which comes from SERVER1? Probably I need some kind of looping mechanism which changes the candidate id & his CV file.

Can anyone help???


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Automate Copying Access Table To Sql Server 2005 Db

Apr 26, 2007

I have a table in MS Access that I would like to copy/import into SQL Server 2005. I would like to automate this process so that it copies the table over on a daily basis. Can someone tell me how this can be done?

Thank you in advance.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Copying ID Number To Another Field In Table

Jun 26, 2015

I need to have a table that has a primary key

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[testing](
[tid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[sometext] [varchar](150) NOT NULL,
[idcopied] [varchar](50) NULL,

..and eveytime I add 'sometext' as another row, the tid # needs to be duplicated to idcopied field

insert into [testing] (sometext,idcopied) values ('some junk',@@identity)


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Can Never Access Database Table From Code After Copying To Another SQL Server...

Nov 29, 2007

I am not sure I understand the problem I am causing, but I am a beginner!

Here's the situation: I have a table located on MS SQL server database number 1. Said table, which we'll call WIDGET_PRICES, is accessed regularly by my existing source code and has no problems.

At some point, I decide to move operations to MS SQL database number 2 and do a very simple database copy of WIDGET_PRICES from database 1 to database 2 using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

The end result, inevitably, is that my source code can no longer access the very same table as it is located on the new database server. The code hasn't changed, it's still trying to access WIDGET_PRICES as always. And, from what I see on my screen through Management Studio, WIDGET_PRICES appears just fine.

An example error is the one I just got:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e37'

Invalid object name 'YB_ITEMS'.

/yardbark/tampabay/header.asp, line 27

The only clue is that while my transferred tables often look named like "database1.WIDGET_PRICES on database 1, they wind up looking like database2.WIDGET_PRICES on dabase 2.

I include a little more detail and screenshots of the tables in questions at this web page.


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Copying Table Data From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000 - Very Slow When Using OLEDB Source And Destination Sources?

May 8, 2006

An SSIS package to transfer data from a DB instance on SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 is extremely slow. The package uses an OLEDB Source to OLEDB Destination for data transfer which is basically one table from sql server 2005 to sql server 2000. The job takes 5 minutes to transfer about 400 rows at night when there is very little activity on the server. During the day the job almost always times out.

On SQL Server 200 instances the job ran in minutes in the old 2000 package.

Is there an alternative to this. Tranfer Objects task does not work as there is apparently a defect according to Microsoft. Please let me know if there is any other option other than using a Execute 2000 package task or using an ActiveX Script to read records from one source and to insert them into the destination source, which I am not certain how long it might take and how viable will that be?

Any inputs will be much appreciated.



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Copying A Single Database Table From VWDE To SQL Server Management Express

Apr 9, 2007

Hello, As the heading states, I'd like to copy a database table from VWDE over to SQL SME, where it'll replace its namesake. I've tried the 'attach' method but was denied due to server permissions. Is there another way of doing this, or will I have to delete the database and then run a script to reinstate (annoyingly convoluted)? This would be so much easier if the host supported SQL 2005 Express.    Thanks in advance 

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Deleting Datbase

Apr 23, 2001

how do i delete an entire database when it keeps saying that the database is currently in use?

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Datbase Migration

Jan 21, 2008

HI Guys

I have a vary large NS-Access database that needs to be migrated with its data to SQL Server, are there any good tools available to do this ?

How would one proceed doing this ?

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Datbase Design Help

Jan 25, 2008

Four Entities-
Time Sheet

A consultant can work for many Clients at a time
A client can have many projects at a time
A Consultant may wok on many projects for many Clients
Time sheet is the time a consultant worked for a particular client on a particular project for a week.
I would appreciate if someone can help me design this database

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Recover Datbase

Mar 28, 2007

how can i recover sqlserver 6.5 datbase from tape.

pls help me?

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Build Datbase From Xsd/xml ??

Sep 13, 2006

Hello all. I have an .xsd file and a .xml file that goes with it. Are there any tools available that will build a database structure in SQL Server from either of these two files? I can't see the .xml file being of much use for building the structure, but how about the .xsd file?

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Automatic Table Filter

Apr 15, 2008


Here is my problem:

I use SQL Server 2005. I have approx. 50 tables in my database and 30 of them have a filed named "CompanyID". Example:
create table A (ID int identity, NAME varchar(100), COMPANYID int)
create table A (ID int identity, REF_ID int, FIELD1 varchar(100), FIELD2 varchar(100), COMPANYID int)

Also there are nearly 200 stored procedures that read data from these tables. Example:
create procedure ABC
some checks and expressions here
select ...
from A inner join
B on (A.ID = B.REF_ID)
where ...
/* ... */

All my queries in the Stored procedure does not filter the tables by CompanyID, so they process the entire data.

However, now we have a requirement to separate the data for each company. That means that we have to put a filter by CompanyID to each of those 20 tables in each query where the tables appear.

Firstly, I put the CompanyID in the context so now its value is accessible through the context_info() function. Thus I do not need now to pass it as a parameter to the stored procedures.

However, I don't know what is the easiest and fastest way to filter the tables. Example:

I modified the above mentioned procedure in the following way:
create procedure ABC
some checks and expressions here
-- gets the CompanyID from the context:
DECLARE @CompanyID int;
SELECT @CompanyID = CONVERT(float, CONVERT(varchar(128), context_info()))
select ...
from A inner join
B on (A.ID = B.REF_ID)
where ...
and A.COMPANYID = @CompanyID
and B.COMPANYID = @CompanyID
/* ... */

Now I have the desired filter by CompanyID. However, modifying over 200 stored procedures is rather tedious work and I don't think that this is the best approach. Is there any functionality in SQL Server that can provide the possibility to put an automatic filter to the tables.
For example: when I wrote "SELECT * FROM A", the actual statements to be executed would be "SELECT * FROM A WHERE CompanyID = CONVERT(float, CONVERT(varchar(128), context_info()))".

I was looking for something like "INSTEAD OF SELECT" triggers but I didn't manage to find any answer.

I would very grateful is someone suggests a solution for something like "global table filter" (that will help me make an easy refactoring)?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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Datbase Model Issue

Sep 28, 2004

I need input in how to define a proper model for a certain issue.
I've got a table, testcase. Each row in table testcase relates to 1 or more statistics tables. (the statistics differ a lot , thats way I can't place them in the very samt table) Now, there are like 50 different statistics tables. And each row may only store statistics in some of them. Whats a proper model for this?

Ex: create foregin keys in testcase table (for all statistics thats like 50 foreign keys) that has a primary key in each statistics table. I then must have a dummy value in each statistics table to ensure that we do not violate the referencial integrety.

Ex: create a relation between prim.key of table testcase that has a foreign key in each statistics table.

ex: many-to-many, but this violates the referential integrety...since we relates to multiple tables on one side.


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Datbase Mirroring Issues

Jan 12, 2008

I am going to do database mirroring for. I need to configure what needs to be installed for mirror server and witness server with OS perspective. Does Mirror server have to have same hardware and software config as Principle server?

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SQL Tools :: Adding Column To A Table Causes Copying Data Into Temp Table

Sep 23, 2015

If on the source I have a new column, the script generated by SqlPackage.exe recreates the table on the background with moving the data into a temp storage. If the table is big, such approach can cause issues.

Example of the script is below: in the source project I added columns [MyColumn_LINE_1]  and [MyColumn_LINE_5].

Is there any way I can make it generating an alter statement instead?

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tmp_ms_xx_MyTable] (

[Code] ....

The same script is generated regardless the table having data or not, having a clustered or nonclustered PK.

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Copying All Rows From One Table Into Another Existing Table And Overwriting Data

Feb 15, 2005

i have 2 tables (both containing the same column names/datatypes), say table1 and table2.. table1 is the most recent, but some rows were deleted on accident.. table2 was a backup that has all the data we need, but some of it is old, so what i want to do is overwrrite the rows in table 2 that also exist in table 1 with the table 1 rows, but the rows in table 2 that do not exist in table one, leave those as is.. both tables have a primary key, user_id.

any ideas on how i could do this easily?


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Automatic Insert Of Data Into A Related Table

Jul 20, 2006

I have two tables.  When my user completes an insert of data in table (1), I would like the second "related" table (2) to be automatically populated with defaults.  Is this possible?
My logical approach to this is:
1.  Build a handler for the OnInsert event of the first table
2.  In the handler, call the Insert Command on the SQLDataSource for the second table with the defaults specified in the DataSource.
What I'm not sure how to do is Step 2 or whats the best way.  How do I call the Insertcommand programmatically for a DataSource?  Or, is there a better way such as some kind of traditional hardwired SQL insert statement like in classical ASP?  Or is there a way to programmatically call a stored procedure and if so is the 3rd approach the best way?
How exactly would someone do this best?  It seems this would be a rather common thing someone might need to do.

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Copying Temp Table Data To Permanent Table

Nov 23, 2007

Hello guys..

Can u plz help me by giving me an idea how i can copy the temp table data to permanent table


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Data Transformation: Copying A Table To A Table... How Does It Work?

Feb 9, 2006


Probabaly a silly question yet as a DOTNET developer, I'm trying to simulate DTS when for example, I don't have permission to perform DTS on a production server.

In particular and interested regards caching of rows before the service decides to flush the buffer and write to the target table. Safe to assume DTS is cursor based?

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How Can I Insert Id Field Automatic In Table By Stored Procedure

Sep 25, 2005

i have a  student table     and i created a  stored procedure   to insert a new student in this  table  but  student_id field  wich  i put it as  primary key got error  because  allready  record has same value  .how i can know  the last row's student_id value  and  input a new valid value    in one stored procedure thanks

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Copying Specific Data From Table In DB1 To Table In DB2

Feb 22, 2006

I need to copy the following columns from my Employee table in my Performance DB to my Employee table in my VacationRequest DB: CompanyID, FacilityID, EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, [Password] = 'nippert', Role = 'Employee' I tried the advice on this website but to no avail:

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Update A Table By Copying A Column From Another Table

Jul 20, 2005

I need to update a table by copying a column from another table(having the samestructure, but on another database), from the record having the sameprimary key.1 - What is the correct query?2 - I tried copying them record by record, but the datatype is ntext,(it displays <longtext> in the result pane), and trying to update it results in thefollowing errormessage:The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery oraggregateexpression.I tried variations of the following:UPDATE TABLESET column0 = (SELECTcolumn0FROManotherDB.dbo.TABLEWHEREanotherDB.dbo.TABLE.column1 = column1)WHEREanotherDB.dbo.TABLE.column1 = column1

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Feb 20, 2008

select * into dbo.ashutosh from attribute where 1=2


//the logic is to use where clause with 1=2 which will never be true and hence it will not return any row//

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Copying Data From One Table To Another Table In Another Database

Jan 2, 2008

I have "inherited" a project working on a SQL 2000 database. The project calculates commissions based on data from an invoice header table and an invoice details table. The goal is to extract data from the primary database tables, perform limited manipulations, and store the resultant data into a table in a different database for reference and reporting. I have the query complete that extracts and manipulates the data, but I am stuck in trying to add this data to the final storage/reporting table. I would also like to do error checking to be certain that a record is not "re-inserted" from the source data to the destination table. Thanks in advance, Barry

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How To Switch Off Automatic Blanking Of Table Views In Enterprise Manager ?

Aug 10, 2006

Hi Sqlserver experts,I use the SQL Server enterprise manager of MSSQL 2000 regularly.I'm often annoyed by the automatic blanking of the table views.If this happens then mostly with the hint :"The Results pane have been cleared to conserve server resources.To re-establish the result set, run query again."Is there any possibility to switch that blanking off ?Best regards,Daniel Wetzler

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DB Design :: Define Automatic Sequence On A Table Primary Key Field?

Jun 13, 2015

I am designing a database. I want to define a automatic sequence  on a table primary key field. what is the best solution for it?

I know I can enable identity property for a field, but  it has some problems ( for example its seed jumps on restart and unsuccessful events)

I also can use some calculated sequences. for example I can calculate max of the filed values and after incrementing use it as key for new inserted record.

which one is better?

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Copying A Table From One Db To Another

Mar 5, 2001

I have 2 databases on the same sql server. Both have the same tables. I need to copy the contents of tableA from the source database to TableA on the destination database. Can I do this using a SQL script or some kind of script, and if so how and what would the syntax be.

please reply via e-mail

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Copying A Row From One Table To Another

Mar 18, 2005

Hi, I'm pretty new to SQL so am still learning the syntax etc.

I have 2 tables, one called Railways and another called Sheet1$ (an import from Excel).

In Railways, I have 5 Fields:


At the moment, all are populated with data (300 records) but Full_Name is showing values of <NULL>.

I want to populate Full_Name with the Data in Sheet1$ which has the field Full_Name (which is populated with the data I need)

What is the query I need to run to get SQL to copy the data from Sheet1$ (Full_Name) into Railways (Full_Name) - replacing all of the <NULL> values?

I've tried using the import wizard but without success.

Thanks in advance.

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