I am trying to update a column in a table with an 8 digit string.
The 8 digit number is obtained from another column which is a comments
Comments Field :
1) RD-V0216970 RQST NON SMKING KING Unknown # : 22338921
2) Received verbal authorization Authorization # 040345
3) international plaza, singapore # 96722540
The code that I am using is
Here's what my result set looks like
But this is how I want my result set to look like
What I need is a way to restrict the search criteria to exactly 8
numeric digits. Any suggestions will be helpful.
I was wondering if someone would point out my flaw. I am attempting to get information separated by spaces, placed into separate columns. I tried without success several times yesterday to get what I desired and was not able to get it done. I am fairly new at developing SQL code and am low on the SQL coding totem pole of experience but would like your help.
My problem arises when I, in the second column, attempt to get only the information BETWEEN the first space: PATINDEX('% %', c1)+1 and the second space. I am coming up short and would like someone to point out my error or assist me in getting the query pointed in the right direction.
hi! i have one datatable with some file's details like id, name, createdate. i wrote one storedprocedure to search in that table by filename using wildcard character. its also working perfectly. But the problem is i want to arrange the results in ascending order depended by matching level. If I search for 'file123' it should give results in one order by matching level, means - lets think the results are 'fil23', file123', 'file', 'file1'. the results should be in order like 'file123', 'fil23', 'file1', 'file'. the results of the sp which i used, are order by datecreated. Please help me to do this.
the storeprocedure i used - "CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_DYN_SearchinFiles_DynByWildcardsADMIN] @searchparam nvarchar(50) AS BEGIN select Id, OriginalName, ContentType, FullName, Department, DateCreated, Client, username from Files_Dyn where PATINDEX('%' + @SearchParam + '%', OriginalName) > 0
Hi allUsing SQL Server 2000 SP3 on WIn2K Pro with SP2.When I do thisSELECT PATINDEX('%[%', 'ABC[DEF')GOI get a result of 0, when I would expect a result of 4.This works as I expect:SELECT PATINDEX('%]%', 'ABC]DEF')GOI must be missing something really obvious here Any help would beappreciated.
Hi all, My database is not case-sensitive, but I want output like... SELECT patindex('%[A-Z]%','gaurang Ahmedabad') The output should be first occurrence of uppercase A to Z, so output should be 9 it should not be 1. Above query is giving output as 1 bcoz the 1st character in the expression is 'g' and it is in A to Z, but this is not capital 'G'. The 1st capital letter in the expression is 'A' (9th character in the expression). Is there anyway to achieve this using PATINDEX? or Is there any other way to achieve this? Thanks, Gaurang Majithiya
Alright, I am trying to write a query that will select a column.. then search through the column and return me the fields with no underscores in them.
i.e we have fields that are like ABCD and ABCD_1. I want to basically return all of them up to the underscore.
so i am trying to use a substring combined with patindex. Here is my statement for patindex. patindex('%_%', short_name)
however, i cannot get patindex to ignore the fact that _ is a wildcard and treat it as character. Ive tried ('%[_]%', short_name) and ive tried ('%!_%', short_name) escape '!' and i just keep getting errors... If someone could help me out, that would be most appreciated. thank you.
I have a number of columns I'm selecting from a table, and I'd like to use PATINDEX to search for a string within a field. Upon finding this string it would return another string...:
However, I'm getting this error:Incorrect syntax near '>'.
I have a table which stores a big chunk of html text, which I have to search for and replace some strings. How can I write a query that makes use of regular expressions to do the following:
Below is a block of example text ====================================================================== " src="http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/blind%2010x10.gif?OpenImageResource" width=10> <img height=10 alt="" src="http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/blind%2010x10.gif?OpenImageResource" width=10><img height=11 alt="" http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/blablablabla?OpenDocument src="http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.ns http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/d8d4f0dfa09ba71142256cc50040ee51/ee9b4493dac727be422571c30027df61? OpenDocument" target=_self>
Now I want to search and replace the string that is highlighted in red with something like "FOUND" The below string is what I want to search for - I will used PATINDEX on the string below to find the start index of the string in the body, and then I will add on 114 to the when doing a replace:
what would the regular expression be and how does one type it in the query? I tried something like the below but it does not work, please advise ..... [a-z][0-9]{32} %/% [a-z][0-9]{32}
I have a value in a column '01-08-087-0101W5'. I would like to break this value down into 5 different columns. The column will be broken down at the dashes , so the 5 columns will have values like
01 08 087 101 5
I would also like to trim any leading 0's in the above values. i have been trying the following
SUBSTRING(column1,patindex('%[^0]%',column1) ,2) AS FROM_TWP
I am creating a view to pull data for a UPS integration I am doing. I currently have this view where I pull my data from. All is well accept for my PATINDEX,
Currently I have this PATINDEX So when a user puts this into delivery instructions "#999999" UPS_FINAL returns 999999 which is good for me to use. But The PATINDEX will also grab all kinds of neat stuff out of the delivery instructions field when I really only want whatever is after the # sign in the field.
I am new to sql and dont quite understand how this search is working but I think I am in need of a better way to search the field
WHEN SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions, PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%', P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) IS NULL
THEN dbo.Address_Table.ups_code
ELSE SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions, PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%', P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) END AS UPS_FINAL
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I am looking to accomplish is a SUBSTRING that will search delivery_instructions
TOP (100) PERCENT P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.pick_ticket_no, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.order_no, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.customer_id, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_name, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_add1, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_add2, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_city, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_state, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.ship2_zip, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.po_no, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id AS Carrier, P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id AS Supplier,
P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) AS UPS_Shipper,
------------------Checks view for email address or assigns alternate------------------ (CASE WHEN charindex('@', p21_view_contacts.email_address) > 0 THEN p21_view_contacts.email_address ELSE
'email@domain.com' END) AS alternate_address,
'Y' AS QVN, 'email@domain.com' AS failureaddress,
------------When carrier_id is not one of these # then Null; else ------------------------------
CASE WHEN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id NOT IN (105188, 105191, 105194, 105197, 105200,
105203, 105206, 105209, 105212) THEN NULL
----------------- Looks for special Character in delivery_instructions; if NULL then ups_code; ELSE return value from delivery_instructions as UPS_Final--------------------
WHEN SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions, PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%', P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) IS NULL THEN dbo.Address_Table.ups_code ELSE SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions, PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%', P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6) END AS UPS_FINAL
FROM dbo.Address_Table INNER JOIN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket INNER JOIN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr ON P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.order_no =
P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.order_no ON dbo.Address_Table.id = P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.customer_id LEFT OUTER JOIN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_contacts ON P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.contact_id = P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_contacts.id
WHERE (P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.completed <> 'Y') AND (P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delete_flag <> 'Y') AND (P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.will_call <> 'Y') ORDER BY P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.pick_ticket_no
---Checks that input only contains numbers if PatIndex('%[^0-9]%','11') > 0 Begin Print 'Not all numbers' End Else Begin Print 'All numbers' End
---Checks that input only contains letters if PatIndex('%[^a-z]%','aaaaa') > 0 Begin Print 'Not all letters' End Else Begin Print 'All letters' End
--Checking for mixed input If PatIndex('%[^0-9][0-9]%','abc') > 0 Begin Print 'Alpha numeric data' End Else Begin Print 'Either all numbers or all letters' End
--Checks that value must start with a letter and a number If PatIndex('[^0-9][0-9]%','A1anamwar11') > 0 Begin Print 'Starts with a letter and a number' End Else Begin Print 'Does not start with a letter and a number' End
--Checks that value must End with a letter and a number If PatIndex('%[^0-9][0-9]','A1anamwar11a1') > 0 Begin Print 'Ends with a letter and a number' End Else Begin Print 'Does not End with a letter and a number' End
--Checks that value must Start with a letter and Ends with a number If PatIndex('[^0-9]%[0-9]','namwar1') > 0 Begin Print 'Starts with a letter and ends with a number' End Else Begin Print 'Does not start with a letter and ends with a number' End
Hello, I understand that it is not possible to use PATINDEX in a Derived Column transform. I'm trying to eliminate leading zeros from a column where the string is always 14 characters long, but the first non zero character could occur any number of characters from the left of the string. The following achieves what I need:
substring([Account No w/0s], patindex('%[^0]%', [Account No w/0s]), 14) AS ExtractedAcctNo
Does anyone happen to know how I might express this differently in a Derived Column transform? Should I consider a calling a function through an OLE DB Command transform on each row instead? Maybe I should have a SQL Task that runs an UPDATE statement against the column.
My database is not case-sensitive, but I want output like...
SELECT patindex('%[A-Z]%','gaurang Ahmedabad')
The output should be first occurrence of uppercase A to Z, so output should be 9 it should not be 1.
Above query is giving output as 1 bcoz the 1st character in the expression is 'g' and it is in A to Z, but this is not capital 'G'. The 1st capital letter in the expression is 'A' (9th character in the expression).
Is there anyway to achieve this using PATINDEX? or Is there any other way to achieve this?
I would like solving the following issue using the Patindex function i cannot retrieve or extract the single numeric value as an example in the the values below i would like retrieve the Value 2, but in my result set the value 22 also appears or it is completely omitted.