Dec 19, 2000


Till couple of days ago.. I was able to watch different object counters in SQL Server performance monitor..

For some reason now i am unable to see non of the object counters related to sql server in performance monitor..

The error it records in event viewer is as follows..

The description for Event ID[1001] in Source [ SQLCTR70] could not be found.
It contains the following insertion string[s]: SQL Performance DLL Open function failed..

help is greatly appericated...

thanks indeed


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Setup And Upgrade :: Activity Monitor Shuts Down If Connect To Instance Its Monitoring With Performance Monitor

Aug 19, 2015

If I'm on a remote machine, meaning a computer not in the WSFC cluster, and I open SSMS 2014, point it to a SQL Instance, and open activity monitor:

1.  I get all the panes and charts except % Processor Time.

2.  Then, if I authenticate to the cluster's domain by mapping a drive with valid domain credentials, I'm free to put performance counters in the Perfmon - - - but SQL Activity Monitor shuts down with“The Activity Monitor is unable to execute queries against server SQL-V01INSTANCE1..Activity monitor for this instance will be placed into a paused state.Use the context menu in the overview pane to resume the activity monitor.

Additional information:  Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))(Mscorlib)”

3.  Of course, the Activity monitor can't be resumed via the context menu. Removing counters and closing the perfmon do not work.  I dropped the mapped drive and rebooted the machine.  That brought back 95% of the information in the Activity monitor.

4.  Further experimentation showed that any mapping of drive shares present on the SQL Server to the computer running SSMS cut off functionality of the 'overview' pane in the remote machine's SQL Activity monitor -- the monitor that had been trying to watch the server offering the shares.

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Guru Of Guru Needed -- Gag Zues

Mar 21, 2002

Is it possible to change table design without running an alter table SQL Script??

For example, change the following :

Table_A ( column1 int identity(1,1) <<----BEFORE
, column2 varchar(10) null
, column3 char(20) not null


Table_A ( column1 int identity(1,1) <<----AFTER
, column2 char(255) not null
, column3 varchar(20) null

Is it possible to change sysobjects and syscolumns or other system objects for this to occur??

I know this is not recommended but if I had to, what are the steps required to do this??

Thanks very much

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Performance Monitor

Jun 4, 2001

Would the Performance Monitor be the best tool
to use if you wanted to find out how many transactions
are being process a day?

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Performance Monitor

Dec 18, 2001

Hello all,

I want to know whether any performance monitoring tools/procedure available in market for SQL Server other than Performance monitor, Profiler, Query Ananlzer of SQL Server.

thank you in advance.


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Performance Monitor

May 11, 1999

Hi guys!
Please tell me where is mistake?
I have win.nt workst. 4.0 and SQL Server 6.5 Client Configuration Utility installed.
I open Performace monitor and try to add to chart sql server which already have been registered in SQL Enterprise Manager.
And I have error message: Computer name not found.


Thank you.Sev

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NT Performance Monitor

Oct 14, 1998

Until this week, I had full functionality of SQL Monitor`s capabilities to monitor SQL Server. Now, when I select our Production Server and attempt to `Add to Chart` I am unable to view/select any SQL Server... entries in the `Object` dropdown list box. When I click the down arrow with the Development server selected I DO see all of the SQL Server selections. This inability to `see` the SQL Server functions in the Performance Monitor for the Production server exists regardless of whether I attempt to view them from a Win NT 4.0 Workstation or at the Server`s console. Again, I had full functionality from both locations last week. The logins have not changed. What has changed?

ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated. I need to monitor this system and I`m running blind at the monent.

Mike Gaudet
Visages, Inc.

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Performance Monitor

Jan 4, 2001

Help ????????

I have a winnt and sql server 6.5 when i open up sql performace monitor it doesn't show any thing it comes blank when i go to reintialize the sqlserver object is not there i need to know how can i fix it

its urgent


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Sql Performance Monitor

Mar 13, 2008

Does anyone know of a good and preferably free sql performance monitor? I feel my site is running a little slowly after some changes i made and i would like to check it out. Thanks.

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Performance Monitor Question

Jul 19, 2000

I am learning about using the Performance Monitor (SQL Server 7.0).

What I am attempting to do, is to create a very simple log and then
see if I can have the information in the log charted back to me.

I create a log containing:
Process - Page File Bytes
System - % Total User Time

The size of the log file created is 122kb.

I am trying to make sure I very careful following the instructions
in the HELP contents info.

I believe I have correctly specified the type of data I am interested
in, the instance I am interested in, and the parent, etc..

Selected the time frame I am interested in using the scroll bars.

Everything seems to work, except for one thing. I get no chart

Any insight, suggestions, recommendations, etc. will be appreciated.

Thanks for your help. It is appreciated.

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Logical IO And Performance Monitor

Mar 29, 2000

Hi All,

I've been asked to trouble shoot an installation where many stored procedures are performing poorly. Upon examination I've found that the queries in these procs consume a large volume of logical IO (table scans etc). I'm trying to show that this could cause poor performance of the stored procedures as well as degredation of the server as a whole - but I cant find any suitable counters in Perfmon.

Anyone help?


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SQL Performance Monitor Problem

Oct 7, 1999

When I run the PerformanceMonitor for SQL7 on my computer the Object-combobox shows the SQL-parameters.
But when I run the PerfMon on another computer (with SQL7) these parameters won't show.
Is this a registry-problem or??? What can I do to make these parameters visible???


/Hans Bck

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Performance Monitor Objects Not Available

Jul 22, 1999

anyone else having issues with the SQL Server 7.0 specific objects in performance monitor not being available from remote locations. I am monitoring our production SQL Server 7.0 machine from my local, development SQL Server 7.0 box. If I try to access the SQL Server objects for the development server (local) I have no problem. If I try to access the production machine's (remote) objects, they are not available in the object drop down. I'm also able to access the development objects from my workstation (third machine) but not production.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated...I would really love to be able to see how well (or not so well) the databases are performing in real time.



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No SQL Performance Monitor Counters

Jan 24, 2000

Any suggestions on getting them back? Reinstalling SQL didn't do anything. And yes, I am server administrator.


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Performance Monitor - No SQL Server Object

Feb 14, 2000

Hi SQL lovers!

I'm trying to set up Performance Monitor to watch my SQL Servers. There should be an SQL object in the drop down list in the 'Add To Chart' dialogue box in PerfMon. But not for me! What am i missing here?

I've started the saved Performance Monitor file you get with SQL Server and i can see the 5 already added objects (buffer cache etc..) but when i go to add more, there is no SQL Server object - strange!?

Can anyone help?

Immense thanks,
Kyle Henly.
Allegedly a DBA!
Halcrow Group UK.

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Intresting Question On Performance Monitor

Nov 2, 2000

Hi Everyone...

I cannot see the all the objects related in SQL SERVER Performance Monitor on one of our SQL SERVER..

The thing is before couple of days when i checked i was able to see all the object of sqlserver in performance monitor..

But for some reason I cant see it now..I am able to see only related to operation system..

Can anyone help me out.. to get back the sql server object in performance monitor..

Help is greatly appericated..

Thanks indeed

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SQL Server Items Not Available In Performance Monitor

Jul 6, 2000

We have SQL Server 7.0 running on a NT 4 sp6 server and non of its items track in performance monitor. Under the SQL program tab, when performance monitor is clicked, it comes up and has items for SQL, but they all track as zero. You can "add" other items such as processor items and they track fine. Any ideas???

Thanks in advance!

Ray Peterson
EPA Seattle

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Missing Performance Monitor Counters

Jul 9, 1999

The SQL server perfmon counters are missing from one of my MSSQL 7.0 servers - they do appear in others just fine.

Can anyone tell me what is wrong and/or how I can add the counters? I have seen archieve notes on this topic but can't access them for some reason (page appears blank when I click on link)

I am using perfmon to remotely monitor the problem server. My login has sysadmin permissions and is an NT admin. on both the server and the monitoring client. The login account for MSSQL server and SQL Agent services are both sysadmins.

Many thanks

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Missing Performance Monitor Objects....

Mar 7, 2001

I need help in anyone with this problem.

I started out with trying to get to know the existing SQL Servers (6.5 and 7.0). I am missing some Performance Monitor objects (ie SQL Server: Buffer Manager, SQL Server: General Statistics, etc). I am surprised that it is missing.

A typical SQL Server setup:
* NT 4 with SP6
* SQL Server 7 (standard) with SP2
* 2gig Mem
* Over 50gig HD

Does any of you ever have this problem? Any solutions? Any answer would be greatly appreciated.



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SQL Server Object In NT Performance Monitor

Nov 23, 1999

I am experiencing problems gathering Stats from Performance Monitor on SQL Server. I am running NT4 with SP5 applied, with SQL Server 7.00.699 . My problem is that I can use the "Performance Monitor" under the Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 sub-menu (Start Menu) to monitor the SQL Server Stats on my machine, but I am unable to monitor any of the servers in our enterprise. Performance Monitor does not even list the SQL Server Object. Does anyone have any suggestions please?

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Missing Counters In Performance Monitor

Aug 20, 2003

Im missing all SQL Server counters in the Performance Monitor

and have looked at article:

but this article refers to SQL 7...I have 2K with SP3 and MS03-031

How can I get my counters ? thanks

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Using Performance Monitor To Dump Transaction Log

Jan 12, 1999

Hi, I am trying to set up an auto dump for Transaction log using performance monitor ( Log space used(%) )... Although I followed the steps, it did not work... can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong ?

1. create an error # using Server/message/New etc...
2. Defined sql exec alert : right click sql exective/manage alerts/operators..
3. Defined performance monitor using add to alert and set Alert if radio botton to over %80.and Run_Program on Alert: c:mssqlinnE 5555 /T /S servername

then I inset 2000 rows is a table I still get :

Msg 1105, Level 17, State 1
Can't allocate space for object 'publishers' in database 'test' because the 'default' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.

I thought what I did is the right thing to do, but it seems that I am doing something wrong, Please help.



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Missong SQL Counters On The NT Performance Monitor

Mar 11, 1999

Does any one know, how I can add SQLServer performance monitoring counters back on my NT server. For some reason I am missing these counters. I really do not want to reinstall either the NT OS or SQL OS if there is anyway to aviod this.

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Performance Monitor Missing Instances

Nov 4, 1998

I am running performance monitor on a number of servers without any problems, however on one server, when I select SQL Server Log, It does not show a list of the available db's under the instances.

Other counters, say under SQL Server appear fine.

The server is running SQL 6.5 sp 4, I am running the monitor from an NT 4 Workstation, with full administrator rights on the server.

Thanks in advance for any help

(I have tried MS Tech Sup Online and can find no hits for this one)

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No SQL Server Performance Monitor Counters

Jul 2, 2004

On some of my database servers, there are SQL Server counters in Performance Monitor. On other servers these are not present. How can I turn these on?

I know with the disc counters you need to explicitly enable them:
diskperf -yv

Is there a parallel for SQL Server? I don't remember doing anything to get them working on the servers that have them. All online articles seem to assume that they just exist.


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SQL Server Performance Monitor Counters

Jan 12, 2004

I've always assumed SQL Server performance monitor counters get automatically installed when SQL Server is installed. I recently installed SQL Server on a remote server and noticed the SQL Server performance monitor counters do not appear in Perfmon. Aren't these counters automatically installed during setup?


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SQL Performance Monitor Counters For Licensing Info

Dec 18, 2000

SQL 6.5 had counters for monitoring SQL licenses. Where did Microsoft hide them in SQL 7.0? Or did they just disappear? If they are gone, is anyone doing anything to monitor the licenses with something like perfmon? User Connections doesn't help because the application takes several and not always the same number of user connections for one license.

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Automating Dump Transaction Log Using Performance Monitor

Feb 8, 1999

hi, Does anyone have done this before. if so, please enlight me with your experience


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SQL Server Object In Performance Monitor - Missing

Mar 28, 1999


I have a curious problem. I have a development environment SQL Server 6.5 sp 5a and a production environment sp 4
When I view the performance monitor in the development environment I can see the SQL Server object counter but on the production environment I can see all object except sql server objects.
What could the problem be ? Add chart on the production server shows me all ojects other that SQL Server and the same is not true for development !

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SQL Server Performance Monitor Log File Usage ??

Nov 4, 1999


I logged some of the parameters of my SQL server using the Performance monitor into a log file - smn5.log & the log settings in smn5.pml. I started the log and the log file (smn5.log) started growing in size indicating that it was collecting data.

I then went to Options button and said Save. After this in the File menu, I selected Export Log and saved it in a .CSV file, expecting it to contain the Logged data. However, it contains only the Log settings as shown below :
Reported on L&T1362
Log File C:MSSQLLOGsmn5
Interval: 15.000 seconds

SQLServer-Procedure Cache,ERMINTRUDE
SQLServer-Procedure Cache,FLORENCE

Could some one please tell me how to gather and view the logged information ? smn5.log contains 10MB of data - the perf. monitor shows that.


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3rd Party Performance Tuning Monitor/software?

Dec 21, 2006

Hi all, My boss has asked me to research and recommend a product that our developers (not database developers, but front-end developers that *cringe* get into the database to make the occasional stored procedure) can use to determine the relative efficiency of thier code and/or the database structure and keys.

We currently have a few licensed versions of Quest's Coefficient software, which I think is very usable for such things (I do on a regular basis), but he doesn't think that is "friendly" enough for a GUI developer that is not a database expert.

Any thought and/or suggestions for a 3rd party software package that y'all have used or are using that might fit the bill? I don't mind doing the footwork and research, just thought I would "seek the advice of my peers" to get started.

Yeah, I know the design should drive the database, but we are in various stages of "getting there", so any help in the interim is a good thing.

Thanks for the thoughts and waste of brain cells on my behalf.

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Performance Monitor -- Buffer Cache Object

Jul 2, 2007

Does the performance counter Buffer cache object refer to Data cache and procedure cache or just refers to Data cache???

I was of the opinion that Buffer cache means data cache and Plan cache means procedure cache. Can someone throw some light???



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Replication Monitor Reveals Poor Performance - But What To Do To Fix It?

Jun 29, 2006

The client production server CPU starts thrashing. Task manager indicates that SQL server is gobbling CPU cycles. Having a look at the replication monitor, it is obvious that indivual synchronisations to the mobile devices are taking significantly longer expected.

Observing an indivual synchronisation attempt, the Upload changes to Publisher rows are very quickly resolved.

The Download changes to Subscriber seems to take up a very long time.

Along the way, the estimated completion does a few interesting things, like going from 100% complete with no estimated time to complete, back to seomthing like 77% with 2 minutes left to complete.

This sort of behaviour occurs when there are only a hundred rows to download.

Synchronisations for minimal amounts of data suddenly taking anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes. Totally unacceptable form the client perspective but seems that 2005 behaves quite different from 2000 and the tricks are yet to reveal themselves.

Note - It is a server hardware issue as there is in excess of 3 GB ram, the database is on a SAN and there are 4 3Ghz CPUS in operation.

Any possible help appreciated as this issue is beginning to drag on.

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