I am in the process of creating another database for one of our departments, I'm creating a diagram of the structure in visio 2003. I'm done with the diagram but when I try to export to sql it wont let me. Anyone ever had this problem before?? This is the Error message I'm getting
ODBC Error: 01000 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Warning: The table 'Audit_Tbl' has been created but its maximum row size (20070) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes.
Hi, i want to do the physical modeling using MS Visio. Whether is it availble with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or not?? If Yes, Could you please asssit what necessary loaded with Studio and Version Details.
Hey guys, this is my first post here. I just joined recently and I am loving the videos as they've really helped me step into ASP.NET and VB. Just some background, I used to be a CS major several years ago and programmed in Java and C, though I only went through 2 years before I moved majors. I didn't like the focus of my universities program, and decided to pursue other options. Ironically, I am now delving back into programming, but with a focus on web development, hence learning VB and ASP.NET. Anyways I am developing my first web application and I needed some help.Basically, what the program does is allow users to login to this web site and then store private information, which they can then access at a later time from any computer that is connected to the web. I have already setup user membership by following the video (lesson 8 of the ASP.NET series - Securing your Web site with Membership and Login Controls) from the Learnvisualstudio.net series. I can login to my site just fine, as well as creating a new user etc. The next step is designing the SQL database, and setting up the page that retrieves a users data, allowing them to view the private information they've stored, as well as to edit, create, and delete information.Unfortunately, while I can see the broad method of doing this, I am a bit lost in actually implementing it. The first stumbling block I am coming across is the SQL database itself. I have attached an image of how I have the database designed so far. Note that the aspnet_user table is the one that ASP.NET creates automatically when you enable membership controls and such.So basically, a user logs in, and they are greeted with a list of all of the "stickies" they have created. Each sticky has a title, as well as up to 4 fields, and you can enter the name of the field, as well as enter the actual data. It's foreign key ties back to the UserId that ASP.NET already created. The user can also organize their stickies into categories, hence that table. The Settings table will be where a users settings will be saved, such as which view mode they prefer etc. At this stage of development, that table is un-important and un-developed.So on to some of my questions. As it is designed now, there will be one table with every users stickies, as well as categories, and when a user logs in, the program will look at the category and stickies tables, and grab the ones that are associated to the users UserId. So one of my first questions is; is this a good design? I ask this from a security standpoint as well as a speed and efficiency standpoint. I want this site to be able to support at least 50,000 to 100,000 users, each with any number of "stickies" and "categories" With that size of a user base, would each user be looking at massive load times because the program would have to go through a very large table to grab only the ones that are linked with the users UserId? Say I have 50,000 users, and each user has 5 "stickies", that means that my user_stickies table would have 250,000 rows of data, and the program would be trying to find only 5 of those. Is this a really inefficient way of doing this? Should each user have their own category and stickies table? If so, how would I go about doing this? And in that case, instead of having a couple giant tables, my SQL DB would instead have a ton of tables, is this even any better?I have other questions, but I guess I'll start with this. What are your guys' thoughts? I am a newbie, so this may be a silly set of questions. I try to read up and research as much myself as I can, but sometimes you have so much information thrown at you at once its hard to grab out the specific answers you need.
I’m trying to design a database that allows the users to give each individual client/company unlimited addresses and salutations. I can build the design that accommodates this, but I cannot figure out how to handle them knowing which salutation to use with a mailing they might do to the clients.
I have put the Company Name and Position (title) in the address table so that when doing a mailing the company name and title are associated with the company address being mailed too. But again, I’m not sure how they would choose a salutation if they have many choices.
Hi, I designed the database and there are two points I'm not sure that my design was correct: 1) In my search engine (in interface) i have an expression builder and user can save the expression he created. In this case don't chreate view in database, but I have a table named "Expressions" which saves expression name and expression. The reason I made it was: If I create view it doesn't make db to work faster because the select query in view runs every time when view was opened, but it makes my code more generic . But isn't it a design error?
2) I save 3 reserved fields in each table, and I don't know if I'll use them some day. The reason: adding a column to database is heavy operation. But isn't it a design error?
I have a few questions here about designing a database:
1. What is normalisation and de-norminalisation?
2. A quote:
normalisation has a series of steps (or rules) called forms the more steps you take, the more normalised your tables are......If you use the first 3 steps you would say that the tables are in their Third normal form
What is all that about - whats forms got to do with tables or what is he trying to say in the above quote?
3. When would you decide to create a new table in a database - i.e. what rules does everyone follow to say "ok i better capture this data in a new table and create a relationship to another table"
Hello gurus:Hopefully someone can shed some light on some questions I have. I amtasked to build an application that will schedule and track tasks. Ifirmly believe in not reinventing the wheel however also feel thatcustomizing is certainly not out of the question.I am looking to build something in ASP (or .NET) that can allow anindividual to work "disconnected" from the network while stillaccessing a database (MSDE?) that will sync with SQL 2000 oncere-connected. I have built multiple db apps that are strictly webbased and consider myself somewhat knowledgeable (read.. dangereous)SQL/ASP dude. I understand that for a stand-alone client app I mayhave to use .NET and load the framewsork on the client in order to runthe dynamic pages for database updates. Here are my questions:1) Is there a way for SQL server to "replicate" its tables into aschema/data recognized by MSDE (i.e. generate the "mother ship" tablesand schema first, then use SQL Server to automatically create (export)the client MSDE tables)2) are there tools to manage MSDE so one can see what the heck is inthere? I understand Enterprise manager will not work in this regard.3) Are there any resources (documents, tutorials etc..) for datareplication (i.e. dbsync from MSDE up to MSSQL and vice-versa)4) Am I wasting my time doing this from scratch because there isalready something out there that does all this that is moderatelypriced and customizable?Thanks for your attention and consideration.Eric B
I am trying to design a database for storing trule/false questions. I have no need to store any thing like chapters are topic. I want to just design a bare minimum tables for just storing questions and its responses. So does the following tables and fields suffice to achieve that?.
Questions_table(id(autogenerated),course_id,Questi on(text type)) id field uniquely identify each question, course_id(ex:CRS235) is used to identify which course a particular question belongs to, and Question filed store actual question.
Response_table(id,response) Response field is of int type, 1 for correct answer, 0 for wrong answer. I am not storing options for each question because every question has same options that is True/False.
So, will this work. Please advice and I would appreciate if any one can point me to a good resource on the web.
CREATE TABLE employees ( employee_number char(6) NOT NULL , known_as char(20) , surname char(20) , job_title char(20) , manager_number char(6) NULL , unique_identifier char(6) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ) --unique_identifier is in the format 000123456789
Now I have a conundrum when trying to create organization charts in Visio, so I figured I'd try reproduce the format that a bunch of walkthroughs suggest, which is with the first column being an int identity(1,1) column as the employeeID with the managerID being an int column also, referencing the employeeID. Hope I've not lost you just yet ;) So here's what I figured - create a new table with the new integer columns, slap my current data into it and then update the managerID as necessary...
Except I can't work out the update statement for this!
CREATE TABLE gvVisioTest ( employeeID int identity(1,1) , employee_number char(6) , job_title char(40) , department_reference char(10) , managerID int , manager_number char(6) ) GO
INSERT INTO gvVisioTest(employee_number, job_title, department_reference, manager_number) SELECT employee_number, job_title, department_reference, manager_number FROM employees GO
--Update managerID with relevant employeeID GO
DROP TABLE gvVisioTest
Any ideas?
Oh and this is legacy so the design is flawed, modified over time (the manager field is a bodge put in 5 years ago), so yeah unfortunately I have to work with what I've got :(
I am trying to generate a report from the database. I am using Visio 2010. I would like to include the table names, column names , column types and the comments that I entered in the NOTES field associated with the tables and columns. Basically, I would like to generate a data dictionary report.
I am having data model diagram containing 150 odd tables in MS Office Visio 2007.The Datamodel Diagram even has the Relationships between the Tables.
Do we have any Procedure to export the Datamodel Diagram from the Visio to the Sql Server carrying all the relationships.
We are having the reverse engineer procedure to export database diagrams from Sql server to the datamodel diagram in the Visio in the same way, do we have any procedure to Export DataModel diagram from Visio to SQL Server to create tables with all the relationships?
Is it possible to import the SSIS workflow diagram into visio? Is there a way to extract the images and import them into SSIS for use with creating a workflow, or better yet, is there a way to re-engineering the workflow in SSIS with Visio?
For an initial step, I would like to re-create the SSIS workflow in Visio for presentations.
I'm running Visio 2003 on Windows XP with SQL Server 2005 Express rather than MSDE. Is this configuration supported? If yes, how does the SQL database get built since SSADMIN.exe (delivered with the Visio SDK) does not detect an MSDE compatible database when SQL Server 2005 Express is not installed?
Data mining add-in for Office Visio 2007 is great. But what I am concerning is-to end users (to technical users) how could we deliver the data mining models results in a better way (e.g. integrate with other possible clients ) to make it dynamically and easily undertood?
I'll try to explain what I'd like to do. On my SQL Server 2005, SSAS contains a mining model (In fact a cluster one). I'd like to show a detailed diagram build from this model on a web site. This diagram (and this is why I need automation) would depend on the user who's consulting it. For example, a firm A will see the number of its customers in each cluster, and this information will be different for another firm B
So, I thought about several steps to perform: 1) Feed the model with the data for each firm 2) Build a Visio diagram from the previous data using the DM addins for Visio 2007 3) Generate HTML using the Visio export wizard 4) Publish HTML And (important) this should be done automatically.
I made some experiments: Step 1 is easy to perform with SSIS Step 3 is also easy to do with the Visio SDK (using, among others, the exportAsHtml control) and Step 4 is trivial
I failed to perform stage 2, even with the SDK, since creating a diagram from a DM template requires the user to fill a wizard. By code, I'm able to create a document from a DM template, Drop a DM Stencil but when the wizard appears I'm unable to get a handle on it. And even if I was, I dunno if it would be a "clean" way of doing.
So my question is: first of all: isn't there an easier way to generate HTML from Mining Models automatically? And if my approach to this problem is the best (or the "least bad"), how to generate datamining Visio diagrams from code automatically?
Programmatically generating HTML visualizations of models using DM Add-ins the thread in sqlserverdatamining.com contains a code block listed below. This code doesn't work it fails in the statment : "helper.DrawDecisionTree(helper.ActivePage, parameter);" . It says "Visio rendering failed"..
I didn't understand the part "parameter.ConnectionName = "AdventureWorksConnection";" in the code block. Which type or object is expected by parameter.ConnectionName ? An Adomdconnection or Oledbconnection. Type is string but does it expect us the name of connection? Please help me because i didn't figure out the solution.
By the way i'm using Visio2007 and installed everything which has told in the article and added as reference.
Code Block using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using Microsoft.SqlServer.DataMining.Office.Visio.Programability;
namespace DMDigramUsingViso { class Program { //This is the folder where the data mining addins have been installed. public const string DMAddinInstallPath = @"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server 2005 DM Add-Ins";
//This is the name of the Visio template file for the data mining addins. public const string VisioTemplateName = @"Microsoft Data Mining.vst";
//This is the name of the target HTML file. public const string WebFileName = @"TargetMail.htm";
//---------------------------------------------------- // Create the parameter object for the decision tree // drawing and populate the required parameters //---------------------------------------------------- ParameterDecisionTree parameter = new ParameterDecisionTree(); //Friendly name for the connection parameter.ConnectionName = "AdventureWorksConnection"; //Name of the Analysis Server parameter.DataSourceName = "localhost"; //Name of database parameter.CatalogName = "AdventureWorks"; //Name of the mining model parameter.ModelName = "Target Mail"; //Name of the decision tree predictable parameter.TreeName = "Bike Buyer"; //Flag to hide the progress dialog parameter.Silent = true;
//---------------------------------------------------- // Optional properties for the parameter object //---------------------------------------------------- //Shade tree nodes using support parameter.GradientType = GradientType.SupportGradient; //Show support in the nodes parameter.ShowSupport = false; //Fill color for the nodes parameter.FillColorArgb = System.Drawing.Color.Aqua.ToArgb(); //Fill pattern color for the nodes parameter.PatternColorArgb = System.Drawing.Color.Azure.ToArgb();
//---------------------------------------------------- // Drawing helper object which performs the actual rendering //---------------------------------------------------- DMDrawingHelper helper = new DMDrawingHelper(visioFile, false); //Start the Visio application helper.Start();
/* Helper object allows access to Visio object model using the following methods: helper.CreateNewDocument(); helper.CreateNewPage(); helper.ActiveDocument; helper.ActivePage; helper.Application; */
//Render the decision tree on the current active page Console.WriteLine("Rendering decision tree using the visio engine..."); helper.DrawDecisionTree(helper.ActivePage, parameter);
//Convert all the pages of the drawing to HTML Console.WriteLine("Converting to HTML using the visio engine..."); helper.SaveDocumentAsWebPage(helper.ActiveDocument, -1, -1, webFile, DMDrawingHelper.ShowNavigationBar | DMDrawingHelper.ShowPanAndZoom | DMDrawingHelper.ShowPropertiesWindow | DMDrawingHelper.ShowSearchTool);
//Close the Visio App helper.Close(); Console.WriteLine("HTML File is generated at : {0}", webFile);
Hi, I need to import an SQL string from MS Excel 2003 to SQL SERVER 2000. The string I need to import is composed by 5 different several blocks and looks like:
The detail of the SQL string is at: http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showpost.aspx?postid=2093921&siteid=1&sb=0&d=1&at=7&ft=11&tf=0&pageid=1
I am trying to implement OJ's suggestion: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2117223&SiteID=1 to use multi - batch processing to import the string to SQL SERVER, something like:
Code Snippet Dim SqlCnt, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3 'set the properties and open a connection
cmd1="use my_db" cmd2="create table mytb" cmd3="insert into mytb"
I may not be the best forum for this post, however I believe some onecan still help me or direct me somewhere else.I'm finding that win 2003 x64 and SQL 2005 CTP is slower than win 2003and SQL 2000.Machine A: Opteron 2.2 (248) w/ 2 cpus. 8GB memory. SCSI disk array.Windows Enterprise 2003 x64 final release. SQL Server 2005 enterpriseCTP.Machine B: Opeteron 2.2 (248) w/ 2 CPUs. 4GB Memory. IDE Drives.Windows Server 2003 (32bit) and SQL Server 2005 (standard).I'm using Cognos' DecisionStream as the ETL tool (32bit). I have theidentical job on both machines. Machine A is slower to do my nightlybuild (1h 20m) vs. Machine B (50m).I've done no tweaking of the databases. I Used SQL 2005's studio tocopy the database from Machine B to Machine A.The only major difference is the O/S and SQL, the machines are samespeed, however Machine A has twice the memory and faster disk; so Iwould expect it to be faster.Can anyone think of smoking guns I might be missing?TIA
1. Is it legal and OK to use a MSDN SQL copy on a production environment or is it strickly for test environments ??
2. If I own a legal copy of SQL 7 with 5 cals, can I legally use SQL MSDE and have more than 5 people access my SQL server or am I also limited to 5 users as my original ??
Ok, I'm doing a football database for fixtures and stuff. The problem I am having is that in a fixture, there is both a home, and an away team. The tables as a result are something like this:
It's not exactly like that, but you get the point. The question is, can I do a fixture query which results in one record per fixture, showing both teams details. The first in a hometeam field and the second in an away team field.
Fixture contains the details about the fixture like date and fixture id and has it been played
Team contains team info like team id, name, associated graphic
TeamFixture is the table which links the fixture to it's home and away team.
TeamFixture exists to prevent a many to many type relationship.
Make sense? Sorry if this turns out to be really easy, just can't get my head around it at the mo!
I would like to create a table called product. My objective is to get list of packages available for each product in data grid view column while selecting each product. Each product may have different packages type (eg:- Nos, CTN, OTR etc). Some product may have two packages and some for 3 packages etc. Quantity in each packages also may be differ ( for eg:- for some CTN may contain 12 nos or in other case 8 nos etc). Prices for each packages also will be different that also need to show. How to design the table..
Product name : Nestle milk | Rainbow milk packages : CTN,OTR, NOs |
CTN, NOs Price: 50,20,5 | 40,6
(Remarks for your reference):CTN=10nos, OTR=4 nos | CTN=8 Nos
I have some tasks that I need to accomplish within T-SQL but cannot find a means to accomplish them.
They are..
1. Check for the existance of an external text file.
2. Count the number of rows in an external text file.
3. Be able to run the BCP command from within T-SQL. I am currently using the BULK INSERT command which works fine but it does not allow the following..
I am tying to call BCP to output the contents of a table to a text file from with in a stored procedure. The procedure will be called from an ASP page ... My question is were does the file get created ??? I want to create the text file on server ONE and SQL server is running on server TWO and IIS is running on server THREE... do i have to have a drive letter mapped to server ONE and if so is it mapped on the SQl server or the IIS server ....
ie: exec master..xp_cmdshell bcp db..table out h:est.out -Uxx -Pxx -Sx
I have some tasks that I need to accomplish within T-SQL but cannot find a means to accomplish them.
They are..
1. Check for the existance of an external text file.
2. Count the number of rows in an external text file.
3. Be able to run the BCP command from within T-SQL. I am currently using the BULK INSERT command which works fine but it does not allow the following..
I have two questions, 1) Could anyone please point me in the right direction concerning information pertaining to NT Server Enterprise Edition verses NT Server Workstations. We are having problems running SQL Server 7.0 and the Enterprise Edition together on the same machine and was wanting to find information about compatability issues, if there are any, 2) I, on a SQL Server 6.5 database shrunk it by 2 Gb. When I looked to see if SQL Server released those 2 Gb back to the hard drive, I was amazed that it didn't! Did I miss something or will SQL Server 6.5 not release the space because of the initial set-up. And why did SQL Server 6.5 automatically take the space from the Transaction logs when neither of the devices were specified? Is the Transaction Log the default area for shrinkage?
Thanks in Advance! Daimon Russell daimon_r@hotmail.com
1. When we create DTS in SQL Server through DTS designer, where are they stored physically? 2. What would be the best way to modify a DTS without using DTS designer? 3. Is there any other way to create DTS apart from DTS designer and Visual Basic? 4. Is there any website which has detailed information for DTS? (which has more FAQs like above?)
In our production environment, we keep changing the servers frequently, and everytime that happens, I have to change the connection properties in all the DTS going to them one by one.
I am not too familiar with SQL Server, but my supervisor gave me the task of finding out the difference between SQL Enterprise and SQL Standard. He also asked me to research the difference between processor licences and client access licences. I will use the Internet as a resource, but I would also like to hear the opinions of someone who uses these programs or is knowledgable about them. So please any suggestions or any useful links would be very helpful.
I have two questions. 1) If a database is suspect we can have that trace from sysdatabases.There is a column named status.My question is in case of suspect datatbase what will be value in the field status of sysdatabases? 2) The password of an user login(created by using sp_addlogin stored procedure or any other way) is stored in the table sysxlogins of master database.The password is stored in a varbinary format.How can I get the actual password(means in a char format)?I mean how can I convert the varbinary value to a readable format?