RDA - Dropping Pulled Errors_Table

Apr 1, 2008


I am using RDA with a desktop pc for a standalone security system.

After pulling a table and pushing it back out with more data i need to drop the table.. no problem i thought. I read that the errors table drops when you drop the related tracked table. However this doesn't seem to be the case, for me anyway.

Drop Tracked Table Code

Sub DropSwipes()
'Drop the Table
Dim x As String = db.QueryScalar("SELECT Table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables WHERE table_name = 'Swipes'")
If x = "Swipes" Then
db.Update("DROP TABLE Swipes")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Drop failed")
End Try
End Sub

After running this code and then trying to pull a new tracked table i get a "Table Swipe_Errors Already exists". The tracked table itself has been dropped though.

any solutions or sugguestions would be excellent

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MSDE Pulled?!

Jul 23, 2007


I've been hearing a rumour that msde is being pulled by Microsoft? and will no longer be distributeable by a date later on this month?

I've tried to google this to find an artical to support this but i can't find anything.... anyone got a link they could post?

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SQL Server Error - Need Help Before All My Hair Is Pulled Out

Mar 11, 2003

Hi all - I receive the error below at the end of one of my DTS packages. All steps in the package actually complete successfully but right at the end I get a Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library pop-up with the following:

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: c:WINNTsystem32mmc.exe
File: dbgheap.c
Line: 1011
Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)

my options are 'Abort', 'Debug', 'Ignore'.

Periodically when I get this error there is a DrWatson item written to the app log which reads:

The exception generated was c0000005 at address 10217A50 (strlen)

I've dug through the MS KB and can't find an exact match to this problem discussed.

I've completely rewrittent the package from scratch but still get the error. This is the only package that where this happens.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Convert Text Pulled From SQL Databse To UPPER And Lower, Etc

Aug 29, 2006

I'm still haven't resolved the issue with displaying information from a SQL database. The text I'm displaying is in ALL CAPS in the SQL database, and I'm trying to convert it so that when I display it in gridview, The First Letter Of Each Word Is Capitalized, as apposed to ALL CAPS.  I've tried the text-transform feature of CSS, but I noticed in a SQL book there are  LOWER() & UPPER() string functions. The ideal thing to do then, would be to do some select statement that converts all the incoming text to lowercase, then use the CSS text-transform: capitalize , to convert the first letter of each word to caps.  Basically, I need a select statement or something that converts my sql material to lowercase. Thanks.

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Want A Stored Procedure To Dynamically Select Views Pulled From A Table.

Feb 1, 2007

I am building a dashboard features that allows user to select reports from a dropdownlist. It is pulling from a table called Reports (cols: ReportID, Description, sqlView) In this Report table the report is associated to a view that queries the report.
And the user's selections are stored in table called UserReport (cols: userID, ReportID, createDt) .
I need to get a Dataset to contain datables of all reports selected. (for example a user select 3 reports, the dataset should contain 3 datables that represent the report).
I want to accomplish this by create a store procedure that queries the Reports table and then dynamically executes the views that related to the user selected reports. Can anyone give me an example on how to create the storeprocedure? 

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Why Would Tables Pulled In From ODBC In Access Be Different Than Tables In SQL 2005 Tables?

Jan 24, 2008

I'm new to my company, although not new to SQL 2005 and I found something interesting. I don't have an ERD yet, and so I was asking a co-worker what table some data was in, they told me a table that is NOT in SQL Server 2005's list of tables, views or synonyms.

I thought that was strange, and so I searched over and over again and still I couldn't find it. Then I did a select statement the table that Access thinks exists and SQL Server does not show and to my shock, the select statement pulled in data!

So how did this happen? How can I find the object in SSMS folder listing of tables/views or whatever and what am I overlooking?


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Dropping Tables

May 28, 2002

Is there a way we can prevent a object owner from dropping his tables. Example:

There is a user called 'tom' who is given create table permissions, 'tom' creates the table completes his dev and then the table is moved into production where 'tom' is still the owner. However, in production, 'tom' does not have the create table privs. Because 'tom' is the owner of the table, he is still able to drop the table in production. This is what I am trying to avoid. I would like to retain 'tom' as the owner and want to take away his create/drop privs.

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Dropping The Statistics

Nov 17, 2000

Does anyone have any generic scripts that Drop all the statistics that SQL auto generates?? I have hundreds of '_WA_....'
indicies that are auto created by SS7 and I just want to get rid of ALL of them. Thanks!

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DRopping Primary Key.

Dec 7, 1999

Simple heres the syntax Alter Table XX Drop PRIMARY KEY.

This is not working whats up?


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Dropping A Column

Apr 12, 2001

Whats the quickest way to drop a column from a table with 1 million rows.
This is for SQL Server 6.5

Thanks for all the responses,

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Dropping Connections - 6.5

May 22, 2001

I need to drop a database but cannot because there are 2 open connections that I cannot drop via EM. Is there a way to do this without starting and stopping??

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Dropping Columns

Jul 20, 1998


I`m new at SQL Server so excuse me if this question sounds dumb.

Does anybody know how to drop columns in a table. I know I can drop and re-build the table,
but I would prefer and easier way.



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Dropping Database

Dec 21, 1998


After I drop the database, I backed up the master database, I recreate the database with new name. When I tried to do the import on the command level,
It gives me the error:
Attempt to locate entry in the sysdatabases for database 'db1' by name,
failed -- no entry found in that name.

What should I do? Thanks.

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Dropping Defaults

Jul 6, 2001

I have run the following script to create a default on a table:

alter table TableXYY
add default 0 for ColumnX

Now, how do I delete this default (without re-creating the table)??


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Dropping Users

Jul 23, 2001

Anyone know how to drop all users associated with a particular login not matter what database they're contained in?

ie login AdminUser / User AdminUser (in databases master, Dev1)

Thus, is there a way to drop the AdminUser login above and associated user
AdminUser in databases master, Dev1 in example above.


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Dropping Database

Sep 7, 2007

Hi friends,

How I can drop a database insatance from a different server ( data base is SQL Server 2005) from my code

Hoping a early reply ....
Thanks :)

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Dropping A Set Of Tables

Feb 22, 2004

I am using SQL server 7 database and ASP as front end. I run an application where a text file is loaded into database. After this is done procedures are run to create a set of tables that have snapshots of the data in the text file.. each time i load a new text file i want to create the snapshots.. i hve written a stored procedure to create tables and insert values into the tables.. however how do i delete the tables i created the previous time.. the number of snapshots and their names will depend on the size of the text file.. how do i refer to all the snapshots created and drop them all before creating new ones?
plese guide

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Dropping All Indexes

Jan 3, 2007

Looking for suggestions.

I have a database that is giving me a bad Index error. When I go to drop the necessary Index it is telling me that it either does not exist or cannot be dropped. However when I try to build that index, it tells me one already exists.

Is there any way to drop all of the indexes or at the very least see what the indexes are? This particular database is using 2005 Express.

Any help would be great!

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Dropping Constraints

Oct 15, 2007

How to remove the constraints on a table in sql server 2000? I need to drop the column, so i need to drop the constraint before that.

Alter Table Table_Name NO CHECK constraints ALL.

Once I execute the above one, it says, "Successfully Executed" but when I try to drop it doesnt allow me and gives me the following error:

Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The object 'DF_Users_Created_by' is dependent on column 'CREATED_BY'.
Server: Msg 4922, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN CREATED_BY failed because one or more objects access this column.

Any ideas?


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Dropping A Constraint

Sep 20, 2006

I think the answer to this question will be something like 'you'll have to re-initialize the subscribers', but I need to ask anyway...

I created a publication where my foreign key constraint we NOT created with NOT FOR REPLICATION. My publication is configured to replicate DDL changes. Is there any way I can drop and re-create the constraint in the publisher and get replication to push the change to the subscribers?

Thanks for your help


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Trouble Dropping A Job

Mar 10, 2007

I have trouble dropping a job that was a maintence plan.

I get the following error. Is there a way around this?

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Drop failed for Job 'Maintenne Plan'.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_subplan_job_id". The conflict occurred in database "msdb", table "dbo.sysmaintplan_subplans", column 'job_id'.
The statement has been terminated. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 547)


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Dropping A Database From ASP.NET

Jan 16, 2008

I am trying to run a dymanic DROP DATABASE <dbname> command in a stored procedure called from ASP.NET. I typically connect from the .net using a SQL builtin account. I am getting this error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot drop the database 'db_testco', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

The database is there for sure asI can browse it via the Studio manager. What permission do I need to set for my .net login to allow it to drop ? I tried adding the Delete permission to the database and still no go...

Setup: SQL 2005 SP2 2 Node cluster.


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Best Way Of Dropping The Column

Oct 11, 2007


I have a table with multiple column and has millions of rows in it(say about 50 millions ) and its in production.
What is the best way of dropping the a column from the table without impacting the systems performance. Remeber this table will be used some application to get some data out of it.


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Need Help Dropping Master Key

Apr 11, 2007

I am having following issue recreating my service broker

This could be a trivial fix...

when i execute the following query..

open master key decryption by password = 'pass1234$'

alter master key drop encryption by password = 'pass1234$'

close master key

drop master key


I get the following result..

Msg 15558, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

Cannot drop encryption by password '********'.

Msg 15580, Level 16, State 1, Line 5

Cannot drop master key because certificate 'BackofficeServiceAccount' is encrypted by it.

But 'BackofficeServiceAccount' was already dropped.

Can any one help me how to drop master key?

I appreciate any input..


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Trigger Dropping

Apr 12, 2006


I think I am doing something wrong. I am trying to make the trigger fire when I want to drop the same trigger. For example I have the following trigger defined:

USE AdventureWorks2000






PRINT 'You must disable Trigger "Incheckstock" to drop Trigger!'








DROP TRIGGER Incheckstock


I created the trigger Incheckstock and i want to see if the same trigger fires itself if when i am trying to drop the trigger with the same name (kind of recursive one). Is this possible in SQL 2005?. If I asked a dumb question, please correct me.


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Update Is Dropping A Number

Jan 20, 2007

I'm having a problem updating my Client profile table. I intially put
the data in with the "INSERT" SQL command that part works great. but
when I retrive the data to edit the profile it returns the correct
details and phone numbers. The problem is when I use the "UPDATE" SQL
command it saves all the data correctly except for the mobile phone
number which it drops off the last number all the time. Field sizes etc
are okay. Any help appreaciated

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Dropping Excel Sheet

May 14, 2002

I guess nobodys heard of this? I'm using DTS to transform data to Excel spreadsheet. I have a DROP TABLE `data$` then a CREATE TABLE `data$` the old data is cleared but the new data is appended to the blank rows of the old data. So if I had 5 rows before now I have 10. And the new data has 5 blank rows before it.

I've tried deleting the excel file & replacing it with a new one.
I've used the wizard thinking it was me but no good, it still happens.


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Dropping SQL Server Connections

Jul 17, 2001

I am using Access 2000 to link tables from SQL Server. The tables are linked using ODBC DSN`s. I am running a query to return some rows to Access, but once I have returned the rows, I want to drop the linked table connection to SQL Server, because it is locking a table on the server. I think I need to write a bit of VBA code, but I don`t know where to start. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Dropping Clustered Indexes

Sep 20, 2001

SQL 7 created by default a clustered index on my primary key field. I would like to drop this index and recreate it on another field, but it is not allowing me. Error message states: "An explicit DROP INDEX is not allowed... It is being used for PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT enforcement." Can anybody advise how I can solve this? TIA

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MS SQL Server 7 Dropping Indexes

Mar 2, 2000

Has anyone heard of MS SQL Server 7 dropping indexes?
I had created an index on a table. The next day
the index had disappeared. Has anyone expirienced such
a problem?

Thanks in advance


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Dropping Distribution Database

May 2, 2000

i would like to drop a distribution database after disabling both susbscriber and publisher .but i get a message saying distribution database is still in use .and as far as i can tell its there is no one using it .also stopped sql agent but no luck . and when i do select @@ servername i get servername is null how do i correct it .


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Dropping Users In Database

Dec 23, 1999

Is there a way in SQL to drop any users from a database. I am trying to schedule some nightly DB maintenance and some users are still in there sometimes. I need to be able to kick the out to do dbcc checkdbs, etc. Is there a way for me to do this without stopping the SQL services?

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DTS Import Dropping Records

Jul 15, 1999

I am importing records from a text file into the database. The DTS pacakage is dropping some of the records for some reason.

There are no contraints on the table I am importing the records into.

Has anyone experienced this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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