Raiserror In Service Broker Internal Activation Stored Procedure

May 17, 2006

I use Try ... catch blok in my activation stored procedure. When SQL Server raise error (e.g. Primary key violation) in Try blok, XACT_STATE in Catch blok has value 1 = commitable transaction and I can use rollback transaction to savepoint. But when I use Raiserror() in Try blok, XACT_STATE in Catch blok has value -1 = uncommitable transaction and I can't use rollback transaction to savepoint. When I drop automatic activation for given queue and I run this stored procedure with Raiserror(), XACT_STATE has value 1 = commitable transaction.

What a problem may cause this different behavior ?

Best Regards,

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Internal Activation Of Service Broker

Nov 1, 2006

Hi, there,

I'm a Chinese fan of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Through studying for MS SQL Server 2005, now I have a question about ��internal activation of service broker��.

At the moment I have done a test. The description of test is as following:

Firstly I set the status of the activation to be off (ALTER QUEUE [dbo].[TargetQueue] WITH STATUS = ON , RETENTION = OFF , ACTIVATION ( STATUS = OFF , PROCEDURE_NAME = [dbo].[Usp_HelloWorld] , MAX_QUEUE_READERS = 5 , EXECUTE AS N'dbo' )). And filled the queue with100000 Messages. Then that running another application caused the usage of the CPU achieve 100%. Secondly reset the status of the activation to be on and monitored the ��sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks��. The instance of the stored procedure got the maximum number 5 very quickly. The server was much slower at current.

The SQL Server 2005 Books Online says: ��an activated stored procedure typically processes one or more messages and returns a response to the service that originated the message or messages. When messages arrive faster than the stored procedure processes messages, Service Broker starts another instance of the stored procedure, up to the maximum number defined by the queue.�? But it doesn��t mention the performance counter of the server, for example: If the usage of the CPU is very high, the queue readers should be as few as possible, even don't process the message of queue until the system is idle. Because a client choice service broker means he don��t care immediately process message, contrarily he care the throughput of the system and don��t bother the natural application.

So my question is whether the strategy of internal activation of service broker doesn��t care the performance counter of the server, just care the speed of process message. And the priority of queue monitor in SQL Server��s internal processes. Unfortunately I can��t find any information about these from books online and Internet.

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SQLCLR +Enterprise Library Data Access And Service Broker Internal Activation

Mar 10, 2007

I am trying to find a solution to my woes creating CLR activation stored procedure that references Enterprise library data access dlls. Does anyone know best practices to deploy .NET 2.0 assemblies as SQLCLR. I am using VS2005 SqlClrProject to deploy my .NET 2.0 assemblies to Sql Server and it fails with error such as "Assembly was not found in the sql catalog". If I manually try to load a referenced assembly within SqlServer by browsing to the target location, like for example, System.Management.dll it fails with similar error, trying to resolve its dependencies. Even if I manage to walk through the dependency tree and resolve it to the final dependent dll, I am only able to load it in "UNSAFE" mode. Any recommendations, suggestions and feedback are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2005 Service Broker - Activation Stored Procedure Memory Usuage

Nov 9, 2007

We are looking for some guidance with an issue we have picked up with our implementation of Service Broker here on the ABSA Capital project and I am hoping you can help or point us in the direction of someone.

The architecture we have implemented for service broker is to make use of an Activation stored procedure on two queues (1 SP per queue) to process the messages received. What we have found is that the activation stored procedure runs on a background session and its CPU time and memory just grows to the point where it brought one of our UAT servers to a grinding halt.

Is there anyway we can reduce the memory consumption of the activation stored procedure or is this one of those things that still need to be ironed out in Service Broker?

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Question On Internal Activation Stored Procedure Security Context

Jun 25, 2006

CLR function has the following few lines which is invoked from Internal Activation Stored Procedure:

SqlCommand command = Connection.CreateCommand();

command.CommandText = "CREATE ASSEMBLY " + """ + AsmName + """ +" AUTHORIZATION [dbo]"+ " FROM " + "'" + regasm.UncPath + "'" + " WITH PERMISSION_SET=SAFE";


I am getting the following error:

"Could not impersonate the client during assembly file operation."

The CLR function is invoked from Service Broker internal activation stored procedure.

"SELECT user_name()" returns dbo just before CREATE ASSEMBLY execution.

SqlContext.WindowsIdentity.Name is "NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM" as the Data Engine runs with the LocalSystem account.

How do I create a the necessary security context for "CREATE ASSEMBLY" to succeed ?

Service Broker Queue activation with EXECUTE AS = "SELF", "OWNER", domain account or dbo, all result in the above error. The Service Broker assembly having the internal activation stored procedure is registered "unsafe".

Many Thanks.

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Service Broker Activation

Jan 12, 2006


I'm having problems with activation.  I have a CLR stored procedure that runs fine when run directly (and consumes messages from the queue).  When I try to enable activation nothing happens.  I've tried different execute as options and looked in the sql server logs and I don't see anything indicating why.

I've checked sys.service_queues and all options look correct including activation options.  The sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks view is empty.

 Without any errors I'm having difficulty tracking down the problem.  I've seen references to service broker shutting down the procedure if it doesn't consume any messages but I haven't seen where this is indicated.

Any help appreciated.

Duncan Godwin


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Distributed Query Failing In SP Invoked By Service Broker Activation

Nov 18, 2005

I'm trying to set up Service Broker Services on SQL 2005 x86.  I've got two services set up, and a stored procedure associated with one of them.

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Internal Activation - Calls Stored Procs In Other DBs

Mar 7, 2006

Hi all

I am using internal activation on a queue to process the messages, should an error be encountered I call stored procedure A in the same database to log the error. Part of the processing in stored procedure A is a call to stored procedure B in another database (on the same server), however I have not been able to get this call to B to work. Currently I get the error "The server principal XXXXXX is not able to access the database YYYYYYY under the current security context".

I have tried various combinations (too many to remember) of database owners, roles and permissions as well as EXECUTE AS on both A and B and the Queue but none seem to work. Can anyone give me simple example of a setup which would allow this cross database call to work?



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Service Broker Problem In Executing A Stored Procedure

Jan 3, 2008


i am having a problem with service broker. here is what i have

i have two databases (DB1 and DB2) and both are on seprate servers (seprate instances)
in DB1 i am putting raw data from plc using rssql.
once data gets into the table, i am executing a trigger which bind the data and send it to the target service.
in the target service i have a activated stored procedure which unbind data and then call a stored procedure which is on in DB2( i am using Linked Server ). on DB2 i am doing really really complex calculations thats why i have to use service broker to seprate the calculation to data input for performance.

i ran this query on both databases so i won't have to create the certificate.

now my problem is, its not executing the stored procedure from DB2 and disabling the service everytime i enter the data into rawdata table(DB1).
But if i run the stored procedure manuly from TSQL it works fine.

can you guyz help me out on this issue.


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SQL2005 + Service Broker + CLR Stored Procedure + XML + Temp Tables

Feb 8, 2008

This is killing me...and not slowly.

I have a stored procedure (a) which calls another stored procedure (b).

Stored procedure (b) is a C# stored procedure which simply writes out to a file data in XML format. Internally, it calls...select fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5from #tmptable for xml auto, elements

If I call stored procedure (a) from Query Analyser / SQL Management Studio everything works fine. Perfect.

But....we need this all to run asynchronously. So we used the Service Broker, configured the queues and messages and off we went. All worked as planned except our XML files were empty.

Further investigation showed that if we call select fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5from #tmptable

- without the 'xml' bits, we got a resultset back. But if we call it with the for xml auto, elements, the reader was empty. No errors are visible in the profiler, but the XmlReader refuses to read.

The binary / extended stored procedure is the same pysical binary that is called from Query analyser that works, but via the Service Broker refuses to do anything XML based. Outputting the data as normal text is cool, but not what we want.

----------------- UPDATE --------------
I changed the code so the CLR Stored proc was fired as a trigger on an update to a table. If I update the table in Query analyser, the trigger fires, the CLR Stored proc is called, the XML is generated.

If I update the table as part of my message handling in the Service Broker queue, the trigger is fired, the CLR Stored proc is called, the XML is generated EMPTY!!! The other TSQL statements work fine, but selecting for xml simply will not work for a procedure called, either implicitly or explicitly from the service broker.

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An Error Occurred In The Service Broker Internal Activator While Trying To Scan The User Queue '(null)' For Its Status. Error: 2

Apr 25, 2007

Hello - can't find any info on this error - can anyone shed some light?

There was a deadlock - which preceeded this message by 2 seconds.

04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,An error occurred in the Service Broker internal activator while trying to scan the user queue '(null)' for its status. Error: 2905<c/> State: 1.
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,External dump process return code 0x20000001.<nl/>External dump process returned no errors.
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,Stack Signature for the dump is 0x1229B5AA
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,78132A36 Module(MSVCR80+00002A36)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,781329AA Module(MSVCR80+000029AA)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01447720 Module(sqlservr+00447720)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0144789A Module(sqlservr+0044789A)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0144859B Module(sqlservr+0044859B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01447562 Module(sqlservr+00447562)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01006DAB Module(sqlservr+00006DAB)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01006BBC Module(sqlservr+00006BBC)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01006A96 Module(sqlservr+00006A96)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112F65C Module(sqlservr+0012F65C)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112F70F Module(sqlservr+0012F70F)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112CB04 Module(sqlservr+0012CB04)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112D1D1 Module(sqlservr+0012D1D1)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0112EA61 Module(sqlservr+0012EA61)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0108A5CB Module(sqlservr+0008A5CB)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0108A56B Module(sqlservr+0008A56B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01060A5A Module(sqlservr+00060A5A)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01476CB2 Module(sqlservr+00476CB2)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01476FD3 Module(sqlservr+00476FD3)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,017FA720 Module(sqlservr+007FA720)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,017FAADC Module(sqlservr+007FAADC)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01796B1B Module(sqlservr+00796B1B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,01793310 Module(sqlservr+00793310)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,0179438B Module(sqlservr+0079438B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Short Stack Dump
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SegSs: 00000023:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Esp: 1302E584: 13025387 80C87378 80C872F0 00000000 78140001 0009D9C2
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* EFlags: 00010202: 00610067 00650074 0049003B 0076006E 006C0061 00640069
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SegCs: 0000001B:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Ebp: 1302F67C: 1302F788 01793310 13025373 80C872F0 7093AB12 801E8B38
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Eip: 0179438B: 828B118B 000000E0 C085D0FF 00B9850F 9D890000 FFFFEF8C
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Edx: 00000E38:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Ecx: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Ebx: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Eax: A99EE598: 00000000 00000000 A99EE5B0 00000000 00000000 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Esi: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Edi: 80C872F0: 7093AB12 80C87FF0 00000007 B8A20008 7093AB15 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* dbghelp 14200000 14312FFF 00113000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 76780000 76913FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 764A0000 76633FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 76300000 76493FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 341D0000 343AFFFF 001e0000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 33590000 33764FFF 001d5000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 333F0000 33583FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 14490000 1467AFFF 001eb000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 13D10000 13EFBFFF 001ec000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* OLEDB32R 13770000 13780FFF 00011000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSDART 133D0000 133E9FFF 0001a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* oledb32 13350000 133C8FFF 00079000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msxml3 11BD0000 11CE1FFF 00112000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msxmlsql 11AF0000 11BC5FFF 000d6000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Xml 10FA0000 11193FFF 001f4000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Security 10F20000 10F61FFF 00042000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System 10C10000 10EF3FFF 002e4000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Security.ni 10A90000 10B45FFF 000b6000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Transactions 0FAD0000 0FB12FFF 00043000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.ni 7A440000 7ABFDFFF 007be000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* System.Data 102D0000 10596FFF 002c7000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* mscorjit 0F910000 0F962FFF 00053000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SqlAccess 0F8A0000 0F8F5FFF 00056000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SensApi 0F880000 0F884FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* cryptnet 0F680000 0F691FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SOFTPUB 0F670000 0F674FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* mscorsec 0F640000 0F652FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* mscorlib.ni 0EAC0000 0F5A7FFF 00ae8000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* mscorwks 080E0000 08640FFF 00561000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xplog70 07CA0000 07CA2FFF 00003000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xplog70 07C80000 07C8BFFF 0000c000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xpstar90 07C50000 07C75FFF 00026000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* odbcint 07C30000 07C46FFF 00017000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ATL80 7C630000 7C64AFFF 0001b000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* BatchParser90 07A40000 07A5EFFF 0001f000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ODBC32 07A00000 07A3CFFF 0003d000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SQLSCM90 079E0000 079E8FFF 00009000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xpstar90 07980000 079C7FFF 00048000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xpsqlbot 07960000 07965FFF 00006000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msftepxy 07490000 074A4FFF 00015000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SQLNCLIR 007A0000 007D2FFF 00033000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* comdlg32 762B0000 762F9FFF 0004a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* COMCTL32 77530000 775C6FFF 00097000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlncli 337A0000 339C1FFF 00222000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* CLBCatQ 777B0000 77832FFF 00083000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* xpsp2res 10000000 102C4FFF 002c5000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ntdsapi 766F0000 76704FFF 00015000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* wshtcpip 070B0000 070B7FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* hnetcfg 071F0000 07248FFF 00059000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* dssenh 070C0000 070E3FFF 00024000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* imagehlp 76C10000 76C38FFF 00029000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WINTRUST 76BB0000 76BDAFFF 0002b000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* dbghelp 06C10000 06D22FFF 00113000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msfte 069B0000 06C08FFF 00259000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* security 06190000 06193FFF 00004000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* rasadhlp 76F80000 76F84FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* winrnr 76F70000 76F76FFF 00007000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* DNSAPI 76ED0000 76EF8FFF 00029000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* RESUTILS 05D50000 05D62FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* CLUSAPI 05D30000 05D41FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* OLEAUT32 77D00000 77D8BFFF 0008c000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WSOCK32 71BB0000 71BB8FFF 00009000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* VERSION 77B90000 77B97FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MTXCLU 05D10000 05D28FFF 00019000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msvcp60 780C0000 78120FFF 00061000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSDTCPRX 05C90000 05D07FFF 00078000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* XOLEHLP 05C80000 05C85FFF 00006000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* COMRES 77010000 770D5FFF 000c6000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* schannel 76750000 76776FFF 00027000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* cryptdll 766E0000 766EBFFF 0000c000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* kerberos 05BC0000 05C17FFF 00058000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* iphlpapi 76CF0000 76D09FFF 0001a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msv1_0 76C90000 76CB6FFF 00027000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSCOREE 05950000 05994FFF 00045000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* AUTHZ 76C40000 76C53FFF 00014000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* rsaenh 04E90000 04EBEFFF 0002f000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WLDAP32 76F10000 76F3DFFF 0002e000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SAMLIB 5CCF0000 5CCFEFFF 0000f000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ole32 77670000 777A3FFF 00134000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* NTMARTA 77E00000 77E21FFF 00022000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SQLOS 344D0000 344D4FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlevn70 4F610000 4F7A3FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* instapi 48060000 48069FFF 0000a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* psapi 76B70000 76B7AFFF 0000b000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* comctl32 77420000 77522FFF 00103000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SHLWAPI 77DA0000 77DF1FFF 00052000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* SHELL32 7C8D0000 7D0D2FFF 00803000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* NETAPI32 71C40000 71C97FFF 00058000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* opends60 333E0000 333E6FFF 00007000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* USERENV 76920000 769E3FFF 000c4000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WS2HELP 71BF0000 71BF7FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* WS2_32 71C00000 71C16FFF 00017000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSWSOCK 71B20000 71B60FFF 00041000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Secur32 76F50000 76F62FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSASN1 76190000 761A1FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* CRYPT32 761B0000 76242FFF 00093000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* GDI32 77C00000 77C47FFF 00048000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* USER32 77380000 77411FFF 00092000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* RPCRT4 77C50000 77CEEFFF 0009f000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ADVAPI32 77F50000 77FEBFFF 0009c000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSVCP80 7C420000 7C4A6FFF 00087000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* msvcrt 77BA0000 77BF9FFF 0005a000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MSVCR80 78130000 781CAFFF 0009b000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* kernel32 77E40000 77F41FFF 00102000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* ntdll 7C800000 7C8BFFFF 000c0000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* sqlservr 01000000 02BCEFFF 01bcf000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* MODULE BASE END SIZE
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Access Violation occurred reading address 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* Exception Address = 0179438B Module(sqlservr+0079438B)
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* 04/25/07 08:20:12 spid 108
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* BEGIN STACK DUMP:
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 108 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,***Stack Dump being sent to D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0007.txt
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid108,Unknown,Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid60,Unknown,An error occurred in the Service Broker internal activator while trying to scan the user queue '(null)' for its status. Error: 2905<c/> State: 1.
04/25/2007 08:20:12,spid60,Unknown,External dump process return code 0x20000001.<nl/>External dump process returned no errors.
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,Stack Signature for the dump is 0x1229B5AA
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,78132A36 Module(MSVCR80+00002A36)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,781329AA Module(MSVCR80+000029AA)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01447720 Module(sqlservr+00447720)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0144789A Module(sqlservr+0044789A)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0144859B Module(sqlservr+0044859B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01447562 Module(sqlservr+00447562)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01006DAB Module(sqlservr+00006DAB)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01006BBC Module(sqlservr+00006BBC)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01006A96 Module(sqlservr+00006A96)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112F65C Module(sqlservr+0012F65C)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112F70F Module(sqlservr+0012F70F)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112CB04 Module(sqlservr+0012CB04)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112D1D1 Module(sqlservr+0012D1D1)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0112EA61 Module(sqlservr+0012EA61)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0108A5CB Module(sqlservr+0008A5CB)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0108A56B Module(sqlservr+0008A56B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01060A5A Module(sqlservr+00060A5A)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01476CB2 Module(sqlservr+00476CB2)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01476FD3 Module(sqlservr+00476FD3)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,017FA720 Module(sqlservr+007FA720)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,017FAADC Module(sqlservr+007FAADC)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01796B1B Module(sqlservr+00796B1B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,01793310 Module(sqlservr+00793310)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,0179438B Module(sqlservr+0079438B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Short Stack Dump
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SegSs: 00000023:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Esp: 1189E584: 11895387 80C87378 80C872F0 00000000 03E90001 00087C2D
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* EFlags: 00010202: 00610067 00650074 0049003B 0076006E 006C0061 00640069
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SegCs: 0000001B:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Ebp: 1189F67C: 1189F788 01793310 11895373 80C872F0 7093AB12 801E8B38
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Eip: 0179438B: 828B118B 000000E0 C085D0FF 00B9850F 9D890000 FFFFEF8C
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Edx: 00000E38:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Ecx: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Ebx: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Eax: 5ADE8598: 00000000 00000000 5ADE85B0 00000000 00000000 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Esi: 00000000:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Edi: 80C872F0: 7093AB12 80C87FF0 00000007 B8A20008 7093AB15 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* dbghelp 14200000 14312FFF 00113000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 76780000 76913FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 764A0000 76633FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 76300000 76493FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 341D0000 343AFFFF 001e0000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 33590000 33764FFF 001d5000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 333F0000 33583FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 14490000 1467AFFF 001eb000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 13D10000 13EFBFFF 001ec000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* OLEDB32R 13770000 13780FFF 00011000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSDART 133D0000 133E9FFF 0001a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* oledb32 13350000 133C8FFF 00079000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msxml3 11BD0000 11CE1FFF 00112000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msxmlsql 11AF0000 11BC5FFF 000d6000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Xml 10FA0000 11193FFF 001f4000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Security 10F20000 10F61FFF 00042000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System 10C10000 10EF3FFF 002e4000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Security.ni 10A90000 10B45FFF 000b6000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Transactions 0FAD0000 0FB12FFF 00043000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.ni 7A440000 7ABFDFFF 007be000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* System.Data 102D0000 10596FFF 002c7000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* mscorjit 0F910000 0F962FFF 00053000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SqlAccess 0F8A0000 0F8F5FFF 00056000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SensApi 0F880000 0F884FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* cryptnet 0F680000 0F691FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SOFTPUB 0F670000 0F674FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* mscorsec 0F640000 0F652FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* mscorlib.ni 0EAC0000 0F5A7FFF 00ae8000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* mscorwks 080E0000 08640FFF 00561000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xplog70 07CA0000 07CA2FFF 00003000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xplog70 07C80000 07C8BFFF 0000c000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xpstar90 07C50000 07C75FFF 00026000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* odbcint 07C30000 07C46FFF 00017000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ATL80 7C630000 7C64AFFF 0001b000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* BatchParser90 07A40000 07A5EFFF 0001f000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ODBC32 07A00000 07A3CFFF 0003d000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SQLSCM90 079E0000 079E8FFF 00009000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xpstar90 07980000 079C7FFF 00048000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xpsqlbot 07960000 07965FFF 00006000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msftepxy 07490000 074A4FFF 00015000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SQLNCLIR 007A0000 007D2FFF 00033000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* comdlg32 762B0000 762F9FFF 0004a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* COMCTL32 77530000 775C6FFF 00097000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlncli 337A0000 339C1FFF 00222000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* CLBCatQ 777B0000 77832FFF 00083000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* xpsp2res 10000000 102C4FFF 002c5000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ntdsapi 766F0000 76704FFF 00015000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* wshtcpip 070B0000 070B7FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* hnetcfg 071F0000 07248FFF 00059000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* dssenh 070C0000 070E3FFF 00024000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* imagehlp 76C10000 76C38FFF 00029000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WINTRUST 76BB0000 76BDAFFF 0002b000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* dbghelp 06C10000 06D22FFF 00113000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msfte 069B0000 06C08FFF 00259000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* security 06190000 06193FFF 00004000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* rasadhlp 76F80000 76F84FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* winrnr 76F70000 76F76FFF 00007000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* DNSAPI 76ED0000 76EF8FFF 00029000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* RESUTILS 05D50000 05D62FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* CLUSAPI 05D30000 05D41FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* OLEAUT32 77D00000 77D8BFFF 0008c000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WSOCK32 71BB0000 71BB8FFF 00009000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* VERSION 77B90000 77B97FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MTXCLU 05D10000 05D28FFF 00019000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msvcp60 780C0000 78120FFF 00061000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSDTCPRX 05C90000 05D07FFF 00078000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* XOLEHLP 05C80000 05C85FFF 00006000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* COMRES 77010000 770D5FFF 000c6000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* schannel 76750000 76776FFF 00027000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* cryptdll 766E0000 766EBFFF 0000c000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* kerberos 05BC0000 05C17FFF 00058000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* iphlpapi 76CF0000 76D09FFF 0001a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msv1_0 76C90000 76CB6FFF 00027000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSCOREE 05950000 05994FFF 00045000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* AUTHZ 76C40000 76C53FFF 00014000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* rsaenh 04E90000 04EBEFFF 0002f000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WLDAP32 76F10000 76F3DFFF 0002e000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SAMLIB 5CCF0000 5CCFEFFF 0000f000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ole32 77670000 777A3FFF 00134000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* NTMARTA 77E00000 77E21FFF 00022000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SQLOS 344D0000 344D4FFF 00005000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlevn70 4F610000 4F7A3FFF 00194000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* instapi 48060000 48069FFF 0000a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* psapi 76B70000 76B7AFFF 0000b000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* comctl32 77420000 77522FFF 00103000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SHLWAPI 77DA0000 77DF1FFF 00052000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* SHELL32 7C8D0000 7D0D2FFF 00803000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* NETAPI32 71C40000 71C97FFF 00058000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* opends60 333E0000 333E6FFF 00007000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* USERENV 76920000 769E3FFF 000c4000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WS2HELP 71BF0000 71BF7FFF 00008000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* WS2_32 71C00000 71C16FFF 00017000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSWSOCK 71B20000 71B60FFF 00041000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Secur32 76F50000 76F62FFF 00013000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSASN1 76190000 761A1FFF 00012000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* CRYPT32 761B0000 76242FFF 00093000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* GDI32 77C00000 77C47FFF 00048000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* USER32 77380000 77411FFF 00092000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* RPCRT4 77C50000 77CEEFFF 0009f000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ADVAPI32 77F50000 77FEBFFF 0009c000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSVCP80 7C420000 7C4A6FFF 00087000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* msvcrt 77BA0000 77BF9FFF 0005a000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MSVCR80 78130000 781CAFFF 0009b000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* kernel32 77E40000 77F41FFF 00102000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* ntdll 7C800000 7C8BFFFF 000c0000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* sqlservr 01000000 02BCEFFF 01bcf000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* MODULE BASE END SIZE
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Access Violation occurred reading address 00000000
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* Exception Address = 0179438B Module(sqlservr+0079438B)
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* 04/25/07 08:20:10 spid 60
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* BEGIN STACK DUMP:
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,*
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,* *******************************************************************************
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 60 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,***Stack Dump being sent to D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0006.txt
04/25/2007 08:20:10,spid60,Unknown,Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'

View 5 Replies View Related

How Can Internal Activation Use More Resources?

May 5, 2007


I'm using service broker queue with internal activation to run a stored procedure.
The DB server is windows 2003 R2, 4 cpu, with SQL server 2005 SP2.
When I'm runing the stored procedure directly from the sql management studio it takes about 75% of the cpu and running for about a minute, but when the stored procedure is activated by the queue internal activation (as a background process) it uses only 25% of the machine cpu (my guess it uses only 1 cpu insted of all 4 cpu) and running for much longer time (sometimes even more than one hour).
How can I change this behavior? I want it to run as fast as possible.

The queue decleration is:

PROCEDURE_NAME = ProcessTasksProc,

Thanks in advance,
Shai Brumer

View 9 Replies View Related

Internal Activation Best Practices?

Jun 1, 2006

I am looking for an example of a SP that shows the best practices for internal activation? In BOL this topic describes the typical patter for reading messages from a queue. What is the typical pattern for reading messages from a queue using an internally activated SP? Do we still need to loop (considering the message arrival actually fired the sp)?

Any advice provided would be helpful.


View 4 Replies View Related

How To Prevent The Hang On The Initator Service Broker If The Target Service Broker Is Not Started?

Sep 10, 2007

How to prevent the hang on the initator service broker if the target service broker is not started?

Our case has two service brokers (two databases), sometime, the target is need to turn off. But the sitation is the initator service broker (in fact, the message is sent from triggers) become hang, I want to prevent this case and continue to operation, and the messages should queue and will continue to send to target service broker when it startup. How should I do?

View 3 Replies View Related

1st Timer Question ... I Can't Seem To Get Internal Activation To Work.

Aug 14, 2007

New to service broker, and my books haven't come in yet. I'm trying to figure out how Internal Activation works.

The following code seems to "work", in terms of the inline code, but it doesn't seem to be going through the activation PROCs. Is there something else I need to set or do?

TIA, Bob

USE master;


-- Ensure Service Broker functionality is enabled.





-- Drop all sample objects if present.

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.services WHERE name = N'BobsReceiveService') DROP SERVICE BobsReceiveService;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues WHERE name = N'BobsReceiveQueue') DROP QUEUE BobsReceiveQueue;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.services WHERE name = N'BobsSendService') DROP SERVICE BobsSendService;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues WHERE name = N'BobsSendQueue') DROP QUEUE BobsSendQueue;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_contracts WHERE name = N'BobsContract') DROP CONTRACT BobsContract;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE name = N'BobsSendMessageType') DROP MESSAGE TYPE BobsSendMessageType;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE name = N'BobsReceiveMessageType') DROP MESSAGE TYPE BobsReceiveMessageType;




CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.USP_BobsSendQueueMonitor



(status tinyint --Status of the message. For messages returned by the RECEIVE command, the status is always 1. Messages in the queue may contain one of the following values: 0=Received message1=Ready2=Not yet complete3=Retained sent message

,queuing_order bigint --Message order number within the queue.

,conversation_group_id uniqueidentifier --Identifier for the conversation group that this message belongs to.

,conversation_handle uniqueidentifier --Handle for the conversation that this message is part of.

,message_sequence_number bigint --Sequence number of the message within the conversation.

,service_name nvarchar(512) --Name of the service that the conversation is to.

,service_id int --SQL Server object identifier of the service that the conversation is to.

,service_contract_name nvarchar(256) --Name of the contract that the conversation follows.

,service_contract_id int --SQL Server object identifier of the contract that the conversation follows.

,message_type_name nvarchar(256) --Name of the message type that describes the message.

,message_type_id int --SQL Server object identifier of the message type that describes the message.

,validation nchar(2) --Validation used for the message. E=Empty N=None X=XML

,message_body varbinary(MAX) --Content of the message.

,message_id uniqueidentifier --Unique identifier for the message.



-- The WHERE clause of the RECEIVE statement may only contain search conditions that use conversation_handle or conversation_group_id.

-- The search condition may not contain any of the other columns in the queue.

-- The conversation_handle or conversation_group_id may not be an expression.

DECLARE @SendDialog_Handle uniqueidentifier;

DECLARE @SendMsg varbinary(MAX);

DECLARE @SendMsgName nvarchar(256);




@SendDialog_Handle = conversation_handle

,@SendMsg = message_body

,@SendMsgName = message_type_name



SELECT 'SEND',@SendDialog_Handle AS conversation_handle,CAST(@SendMsg AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS message_body,@SendMsgName AS message_type_name;



CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.USP_BobsReceiveQueueMonitor



(status tinyint --Status of the message. For messages returned by the RECEIVE command, the status is always 1. Messages in the queue may contain one of the following values: 0=Received message1=Ready2=Not yet complete3=Retained sent message

,queuing_order bigint --Message order number within the queue.

,conversation_group_id uniqueidentifier --Identifier for the conversation group that this message belongs to.

,conversation_handle uniqueidentifier --Handle for the conversation that this message is part of.

,message_sequence_number bigint --Sequence number of the message within the conversation.

,service_name nvarchar(512) --Name of the service that the conversation is to.

,service_id int --SQL Server object identifier of the service that the conversation is to.

,service_contract_name nvarchar(256) --Name of the contract that the conversation follows.

,service_contract_id int --SQL Server object identifier of the contract that the conversation follows.

,message_type_name nvarchar(256) --Name of the message type that describes the message.

,message_type_id int --SQL Server object identifier of the message type that describes the message.

,validation nchar(2) --Validation used for the message. E=Empty N=None X=XML

,message_body varbinary(MAX) --Content of the message.

,message_id uniqueidentifier --Unique identifier for the message.



-- The WHERE clause of the RECEIVE statement may only contain search conditions that use conversation_handle or conversation_group_id.

-- The search condition may not contain any of the other columns in the queue.

-- The conversation_handle or conversation_group_id may not be an expression.

DECLARE @ReceiveDialog_Handle uniqueidentifier;

DECLARE @ReceiveMsg varbinary(MAX);

DECLARE @ReceiveMsgName nvarchar(256);




@ReceiveDialog_Handle = conversation_handle

,@ReceiveMsg = message_body

,@ReceiveMsgName = message_type_name



SELECT 'RECEIVE',@ReceiveDialog_Handle AS conversation_handle,CAST(@ReceiveMsg AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS message_body,@ReceiveMsgName AS message_type_name;






(BobsSendMessageType SENT BY INITIATOR

,BobsReceiveMessageType SENT BY TARGET





,PROCEDURE_NAME = dbo.USP_BobsSendQueueMonitor





CREATE SERVICE BobsSendService ON QUEUE BobsSendQueue;

CREATE QUEUE BobsReceiveQueue



,PROCEDURE_NAME = dbo.USP_BobsReceiveQueueMonitor





CREATE SERVICE BobsReceiveService ON QUEUE BobsReceiveQueue (BobsContract);




SET @SendMsg = N'Hello Bob';



SEND ON CONVERSATION @BobsDialog_Handle MESSAGE TYPE BobsSendMessageType (@SendMsg);


SELECT 'Conversation started on Handle ' + CAST(@BobsDialog_Handle AS VARCHAR(36));



DECLARE @ReceiveMsg NVARCHAR(100);

DECLARE @ResponseMsg NVARCHAR(100);


SET @ResponseMsg = N'Back at ya';



@BobsDialog_Handle = conversation_handle

,@ReceiveMsg = message_body

,@ReceiveMsgName = message_type_name




SELECT @ReceiveMsgName AS ReceiveMsgName,@ReceiveMsg AS ReceiveMsg;

SEND ON CONVERSATION @BobsDialog_Handle MESSAGE TYPE BobsReceiveMessageType (@ResponseMsg);

END CONVERSATION @BobsDialog_Handle;


DECLARE @ResponseMsg NVARCHAR(100);





@BobsDialog_Handle = conversation_handle

,@ResponseMsg = message_body

,@ResponseMsgName = message_type_name

FROM BobsSendQueue;

END CONVERSATION @BobsDialog_Handle;


SELECT @ResponseMsgName AS ResponseMsgName, @ResponseMsg AS ResponseMsg;


IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.services WHERE name = N'BobsReceiveService') DROP SERVICE BobsReceiveService;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues WHERE name = N'BobsReceiveQueue') DROP QUEUE BobsReceiveQueue;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.services WHERE name = N'BobsSendService') DROP SERVICE BobsSendService;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues WHERE name = N'BobsSendQueue') DROP QUEUE BobsSendQueue;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_contracts WHERE name = N'BobsContract') DROP CONTRACT BobsContract;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE name = N'BobsSendMessageType') DROP MESSAGE TYPE BobsSendMessageType;

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE name = N'BobsReceiveMessageType') DROP MESSAGE TYPE BobsReceiveMessageType;


View 3 Replies View Related

The SQL Server Service Broker For The Current Database Is Not Enabled, And As A Result Query Notifications Are Not Supported. Please Enable The Service Broker For This Database If You Wish To Use Notifications.

Feb 16, 2008

Hello,          I receive this error  "The SQL Server Service Broker for the current database is not enabled, and as a result query notifications are not supported.  Please enable the Service Broker for this database if you wish to use notifications." I attach the database in Management Studio to query and enable the broker using the scrip below but to no avail. ALTER DATABASE DataName SET ENABLE_BROKER ‘''<<------successfulandSELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'Database name' ‘'''<<-------value is 1 Global.asax ...    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)        System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.Start(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("dataConnectionString1").ConnectionString)    End Sub...Web.config ...    <connectionStrings>        <add name="dataConnectionString1" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|jbp_data.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />        <add name="ASPNETDBConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />    </connectionStrings>... Hope you could help.  cheers,imperialx 

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Service Broker Activated Procedure Getting Deadlock While Running Mulitple Queue_reader Threads

Mar 7, 2008


I am getting deadlock on activated procedure which I am using to receive message from the Service Broker Queue.

Deadlock details:

Two threads are tring to do delete on internal table queue_messages_122847900 ends up in a dead lock.

Activated procedure code

RECEIVE TOP(1) @xmlMessage = message_body,
@handle = conversation_handle,
@message_type = message_type_name
FROM TransactionQueue;

IF (@message_type = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/EndDialog')
After this I do process the message and some other processing

And then


Note I do have single conversation group

Is their a problem in the way I am receiving and processing messages. Is it possible because of the delay between RECEIVE and END CONVERSATION same message is read by two different threads.


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Architectural (broker) Place Of SQL Service Broker

Apr 5, 2007


I am struggling with the position SSB could take in an SOA. If I would want a broker in the general sense, meaning an intermediary sitting between applications which exchange information through messaging, would SSB be a good candidate? I know Biztalk is probably the primary candidate, but in my scenario I would end up with Biztalk apps with empty orchestrations. Also, I think Biztalk is more expensive to manage. So I am looking for a lightweight broker for a simple SOA targeted at application interoperability, no fancy business processes in sight.

I look forward to some responses.

Kind regards,


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Conversation Handle Processed By An Activated Stored Procedure Service Can Not Be Invoked By A CLR Service Instance?

Dec 1, 2006

I have a initiator and a target service broker peer.

Both are controlled by a C# unit test. The initiator uses the Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer class. The target service uses stored procedure activation.

Sending a message from the initiator to the target, saves the content of the message, along with its conversation handle in the target's database specific table.

The unit test needs - at a later time - to instruct the target to send a message back on the same conversation handle to the initiator service.

For this the C# unit test creates a Conversation off of the saved conversation handle:

Service client = new Service("cleintservicename", conn, tran);

Conversation dialog = null;

dialog = new Conversation(client, convHandle);
Sending the message on this dialog generates an error "Message body: <Error xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/Error"><Code>-8495</Code><Description>The conversation has already been acknowledged by another instance of this service.</Description></Error>".
Is the error due to the fact that a service - using the activated stored procedure already picked up the conversation, so that a new reference to the service can not be created through the Service class in CLR?
If so, I might need then to skip the activated stored procedure in favor or a CLR service, alltogether?
Any help - greatly appreciated.

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Service Broker TO Service Could Not Be Found Message Origin: Transport

Mar 30, 2007

I am trying to send a message between to SQL Server 2005 instances on two different machines. I have checked all my routes and all my objects appear to be setup correctly. However, when running Profiler on the target machine, I receive the "This message has been dropped because the TO service could not be found. Service name: "[tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/MyService]". Message origin: "Transport". This is my activated stored procedure that is sending the message to the target service. I am using certificate security. Any help appreciated....

CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_ProcessMessage]




DECLARE @conversation_handle uniqueidentifier


WHILE (1=1)




@conversation_handle = conversation_handle,

@message_body = message_body

FROM [tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyQueue]

), TIMEOUT 1000;






END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle

IF @message_body IS NOT NULL


BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION @conversation_handle

FROM SERVICE [tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyService]

TO SERVICE '[tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/MyService]'

ON CONTRACT [tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyMessage/v1.0]


SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversation_handle

MESSAGE TYPE [tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/VisitMessage]







My endpoints are created like so:












And my routes like so:

GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::[tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyService] TO CertOwner



TO SERVICE '[tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/MyService]'

WITH USER = CertOwner,


CREATE ROUTE [tcp://mydomain.com/INITIATE/MyRoute]

WITH SERVICE_NAME = '[tcp://mydomain.com/TARGET/MyService]',

BROKER_INSTANCE = N'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',

ADDRESS = N'TCP://xxx.xx.xx.xx:4022'


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Service Broker And .net Windows Service

Sep 26, 2007

I am doing some research to see if the Service Broker technology would help my company with our Enterprise application. Here is our scenario: We have a 3 tier system. The first tier needs to contact the second tier asynchronously. Hence, using queues is a good option. However, the process that needs to happen on the second tier is mostly process intensive with little database updates. Is it still worth our time to use Service Broker?

I like the concept of Activation that Service Broker provides. But, from what I am reading most of the documentation describes activation as a way to call another stored proc. I definitely dont' want to do any process intensive work on the SQL server. So here comes my question...

How would I use a windows service to listen to the activation event from the Service Broker. I could have multiple windows services watching the same queue (scalable). Would I have to handle collisions myself? If so, I think I would rather keep it simple, and just use a simple table as my queue.

Thanks for your comments in advance...

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Activation Procedure Design

Apr 24, 2007

I've been experimenting with Service Broker and was surprised at one aspect of the design: the interface to Activation stored procedures.

I would have expected the queue to be a parameted passed to the procedure rather than having to hard code the queue query into the SP.

In a system with lots of queues it seems plausible that the same activation procedure might want to be used with several queues.

Any comments?


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Sender Activation Procedure Never Gets Called

Jan 25, 2008


I have implemented the code from the 'Recycling Conversations' post that Remus Resanu has posted. For some reason my sender activation procedure never gets called. I thought it was working at one point but now can not get it to work. Messages are being sent correctly from sender to receiver but the c_audit_send_queue_activation procedure never gets called.

According to my code that calls 'begin conversation timer(@dlg) timeout=30;' I would think that after 30 seconds that my activated procedure would get called with a DialogTimer message but it does not. Nor does the activation procedure on the sender get called when I manually end conversations on the receiver side.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Here is my send procedure:

Code Snippet
create procedure [dbo].[c_audit_p_send_message]
@msg nvarchar(max)
if @msg is not null
begin try
set nocount on;
declare @dlg uniqueidentifier
declare @counter int;
declare @error int;
declare @errid bigint, @dbname nvarchar(128)
set @counter = 1;
begin transaction;
select @dlg = dialog_id from dbo.audit_dialog with(holdlock) where audit_dialog_id_X = @@spid
if @dlg is null
begin dialog conversation @dlg
from service [tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender]
to service '//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter','7A9690F7-11A5-4ABB-ACBA-EECC1A58ACB7'
on contract [//TyMetrix360Audit/Contract] with encryption = off;
begin conversation timer(@dlg) timeout=30;
insert into dbo.audit_dialog(audit_dialog_id_X, dialog_id) values(@@spid, @dlg)
send on conversation @dlg message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message] (@msg)
set @error = @@ERROR;
if @error = 0
set @counter = @counter + 1;
if @counter > 10
raiserror(N'Failed to SEND on a converstation for more than 10 times.',16,1) with log;
insert into audit_error (error_procedure, error_line, error_number, error_message, error_severity, error_state, audited_data)
select error_procedure(), error_line(), error_number(), error_message(), error_severity(), error_state(), @msg
delete from dbo.audit_dialog where dialog_id = @dlg;
set @dlg = null;
commit transaction;
end try
begin catch
insert into audit_error (error_procedure, error_line, error_number, error_message, error_severity, error_state, audited_data)
select error_procedure(), error_line(), error_number(), error_message(), error_severity(), error_state(), @msg
select @errid = scope_identity(), @dbname = db_name()
raiserror (N'Error while sending Service Broker message to TyMetrix360Audit. Error info can be found in ''%s.dbo.AUDIT_ERROR'' table with id: %I64d', 16, 1, @dbname, @errid) with log;
end catch

here is the activatation procedure:

Code Snippet
create procedure [dbo].[c_audit_p_send_queue_activation]
declare @dlg uniqueidentifier
declare @msgtype sysname
declare @msg varbinary(max)
begin transaction;
receive top(1) @dlg = conversation_handle, @msgtype = message_type_name, @msg = message_body from dbo.TyMetrix360AuditQueue
if @dlg is not null
delete from audit_dialog where dialog_id = @dlg
if @msgtype = N'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/DialogTimer'
send on conversation @dlg
message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/EndConversation] ('');
else if @msgtype= N'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/EndDialog'
end conversation @dlg
else if @msgtype = N'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/Error'
end conversation @dlg
declare @error int;
declare @description nvarchar(4000);
with xmlnamespaces ('http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/Error' as ssb)
select @error = cast(@msg as xml).value('(//ssb:Error/ssb:Code)[1]', 'int'), @description = cast(@msg as xml).value('(//ssb:Error/ssb:Description)[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)')
raiserror(N'Received error Code:%i Description:''%s''', 16, 1, @error, @description) with log;
insert into audit_error (error_procedure, error_line, error_number, error_message, error_severity, error_state, audited_data)
select error_procedure(), error_line(), error_number(), error_message(), error_severity(), error_state(), @msg
commit transaction;

and here is the code that creates the service broker on the sender:

Code Snippet
if exists (select * from sys.routes where name = 'TyMetrix360Route') drop route TyMetrix360Route
if exists (select * from sys.services where name = N'tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender') drop service [tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender]
if exists (select * from sys.service_queues where name = N'TyMetrix360AuditQueue') drop queue TyMetrix360AuditQueue
if exists (select * from sys.service_contracts where name = N'//TyMetrix360Audit/Contract') drop contract [//TyMetrix360Audit/Contract]
if exists (select * from sys.service_message_types where name = N'//TyMetrix360Audit/Message') drop message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message]
if exists (select * from sys.service_message_types where name = N'//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/Blob') drop message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/Blob]
if exists (select * from sys.service_message_types where name = N'//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/EndConversation') drop message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/EndConversation]
create route TyMetrix360Route authorization dbo with
create message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message] validation=none;
create message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/Blob] validation=none;
create message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/EndConversation] validation=none;
create contract [//TyMetrix360Audit/Contract]([//TyMetrix360Audit/Message] sent by initiator, [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/Blob] sent by initiator, [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message/EndConversation] sent by initiator);
create queue dbo.TyMetrix360AuditQueue
alter queue dbo.TyMetrix360AuditQueue with activation(status=on,max_queue_readers=1,procedure_name=[c_audit_p_send_queue_activation],execute as owner);
create service [tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender] authorization dbo on queue dbo.TyMetrix360AuditQueue
grant send on service::[tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender] to public

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SQL Service Broker

Apr 5, 2008

Hi to all,           I want to study Sql server Service broker, have some questions1. What is the use of service broker ?2. Where this will use ? (With example)3. How to enable Service broker? Because i have sql server 2005 version but no folder like service broker. 

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Service Broker Example.

Aug 29, 2006

Im having a hard time understanding everything required to create a simple Service Broker example. Can someone please assist? Source code would be ideal, but if not "do this, do that" would even be helpful.


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Service Broker

Sep 8, 2006

I am trying to implement service broker. I send a message from my application code to the database to execute a specific stored procedure. How do i return the result set obtained by the execution of the stored procedure to the application.

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Service Broker

May 16, 2006

My service broker seems to be broken... The database was restored from another crashed server but i have tried the


The error i'm getting is

Service Broker needs to access the master key in the database 'SpyderOnTheWeb'. Error code 25. The master key has to exist and th service master key encryption is required.

Error: 28054, Severity 11, State: 1.

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Service Broker And NAT

Sep 26, 2006


It will be great to have an update on MS plans to solve the problem of using
Service Broker for remote users who sit behind the NAT.
Any news will be appreciated.


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Service Broker

Sep 11, 2006

Hello , I am trying to Implement distribution of the Stock Quotes over the LAN(only within the Network) and showing the live changing stock Quotes on the front end (in datagrid) installed at each clients desktop.I am receiving the Stock prices over the TCP / IP from the Stock Exchange. I am recieving atleast 10-15 messages per second over the TCP / IP from the Stock Exchange. Now i need to distribute this feed to Each connected client.

I tried doing it from TCP / IP , but in vein. Can we install the SQL 2005 Database Client Version on every client and use Service broker instaed of Live TCP / IP connections programmatically?

Ideally Can i dump the meesages from Stock Exchange in to each connected client's database locally and each front end application will keep a record of all the incomming messages.i.e Front end have a notification event , it will referesh the Datagrid in Front end accordingly...

ALL my front end application are made in dot net

Pls suggest if this above workflow will help me


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Service Broker + .Net 1.1

Jan 8, 2008


Is it possible to develop Service Broker in .Net 1.1 (VS 2003)? Currently I have a project developed in .Net 1.1 and I want to add a new method utilize the message queue concept (instead of using MSMQ, using Service Broker SQL 2005), although my DB is SQL server 2005.


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How To Use Service Broker And When

Jul 3, 2007

Hi all

if any one have any white paper or artical cover this issue kindly i need it

thanks , regards

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Is SQl Service Broker What I Need??

May 16, 2007


I am looking at the Service Broker as a way to notify multiple clients that there has been data changed on a table in the shared database. These clients may or may not be online. When there is a change, the notification should fire off a query to refresh the clients local cache. Is this a situation where Service Broker would help me? Can multiple clients recieve the notification at different times ( some recieve while online, some recieve when they come back online)? Any help on this would be appreciated. It seems from what I read that the messages are pulled off the queue when a notification has taken place. Is this correct? If so, can I set it to behave differently?



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Service Broker From Behind The NAT

Sep 15, 2005

Let's assume the situation: we have Initiator and Target. Target is behind ISP's NAT and can't be published outside. So, when Initiator sends a message to Target, Target will not be able to establish a backward connection and will not send an acknowledge. Initiator will retry and retry...

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