Random Selection From Table Variable In Subquery As A Column In Select Statement
Nov 7, 2007
Consider the below code: I am trying to find a way so that my select statement (which will actually be used to insert records) can randomly place values in the Source and Type columns that it selects from a list which in this case is records in a table variable. I dont really want to perform the insert inside a loop since the production version will work with millions of records. Anyone have any suggestions of how to change the subqueries that constitute these columns so that they are randomized?
Declare @RandomRecordCount as int, @Counter as int
Select @RandomRecordCount = 1000
Declare @Type table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @Source table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @Users table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @NumericBase table (Number int not null)
Set @Counter = 0
while @Counter < @RandomRecordCount
Insert into @NumericBase(Number)Values(@Counter)
set @Counter = @Counter + 1
Insert into @Type(Name)
Select 'Type: Buick' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: Cadillac' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: Chevrolet' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: GMC'
Insert into @Source(Name)
Select 'Source: Japan' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: China' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: Spain' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: India' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: USA'
Insert into @Users(Name)
Select 'keith' UNION ALL
Select 'kevin' UNION ALL
Select 'chris' UNION ALL
Select 'chad' UNION ALL
Select 'brian'
1 ProviderId, -- static value
'' Identifier,
'' ClassificationCode,
(select TOP 1 Name from @Source order by newid()) Source,
(select TOP 1 Name from @Type order by newid()) Type
from @NumericBase
View 14 Replies
Nov 10, 2006
How do I use a variable to specify the column name in a select statement?
declare @columnName <type>
set @columnName='ID'
select @columnName from Table1
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Apr 23, 2007
Hi,I'm trying to dynamically assign the table name for a SELECT statement but can't get it to work. Given below is my code: SET ANSI_NULLS ON
CREATE PROCEDURE GetLastProjectNumber (@DeptCode varchar(20))
DECLARE @ProjectNumber int
SET @ProjectNumber = 'ProjectNumber' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char,@DeptCode),'.','')
SELECT MAX(@ProjectNumber)
FROM 'tbl_ProjectNumber' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char,@DeptCode),'.','');
END TRANSACTION Basically, I have a bunch of tables which were created dynamically using the code from this post and now I need to access the last row in a table that matches the supplied DeptCode. This is the error I get:Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetLastProjectNumber, Line 29Incorrect syntax near 'tbl_ProjectNumber'. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.
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Feb 6, 2008
Hello everyone,
I'm still quite new ASP.net, Visual Web Developer 2008, and SQL. It has been a fun learning experience so far. Anyways, the site I am designing needs to allow its users to extensively search several different databases (MS SQL databases). I have followed many of the tutorials and have found it rather easy to add table adapters, gridviews and other data features that use basic SQL Select statements. One of the major database tables contains several columns which I would like to include as a search parameters from a drop down list. I was wondering if there is any way I can write a select which will pass a variable to be used as a column name to the statement? For example:
This obviously doesnt work, but thats the gist of what I want to do. Any suggestions? I need this to be simple as possible, Most everything I'm doing is done through the visual design mode. Im still slow to learn C# and apply it in the codebehind files unless I have very detailed step by step instuctions.
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Jan 3, 2008
I have this SELECT statement.
SELECT [issueID], [name] FROM [MyIssue]
What I wanted to do is in addition to the above statement, I want to add two run time fields like this:
99 [issueID],'All Issues' [name]
So let's say the above select statements generates this list:
Summer 2007 Issue
Winter 2007 Issue
The two addition fields will make the result list like this:
01 Summer 2007 Issue
02 Winter 2007 Issue
99 All Issues
How do I accomplish this? Any help is much appreciated.
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Nov 19, 2006
I can use querys like these in Access:
SELECT Field1,
(SELECT Field2 FROM Table2 WHERE Key=1) AS Field2 FROM Table1
SELECT Field1,
(SELECT Count(Field2) FROM Table2 ) AS Field2 FROM Table1
But when I
try execute it with SQL Server Everywhere it says "Token in error
Is there some kind of limitations to do this with SQL Everywhere? SQL Everywhere seems to be nice compared with Access and JET but for my project it's useless if I can't use subquerys.
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Jul 12, 2004
Hello fellow .net developers,
In a website I'm working on I need to be able to put all of the user tables in a database in a dropdownlist.
Another dropdownlist then will autopopulate itself with the names of all the columns from the table selected in the first dropdownlist.
So, what I need to know is: is there a sql statement that can return this type of information?
Table Names in Database: Customers, Suppliers
Columns in Customers Table: Name, Phone, Email, Address
I click on the word "Customers" in the first dropdownlist.
I then see the words "Name", "Phone", "Email", "Address" in the second dropdownlist.
I'm sure you all know this (but I'll say it anyways): I could hardcode this stuff in my code behind file, but that would be really annoying and if the table structure changes I would have to revise my code on the webpage. So any ideas on how to do this the right way would be really cool.
Thanks in advance,
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Nov 28, 2006
Hi there,
I am pulling back records from the DB in this case to get Wheel information. I am pulling back based on user input, but also need to query a second table that contains the Price and model number from another table based on a field being pulled back in the original select.
I am not sure if this makes sense, here is a working copy of the SQL I have , but it's not pretty. There must be another way of stating this statement that i am missing, can anyone give me some suggestiosn?
SELECT tblMacPak2.*,
(SELECT ListPrice
FROM tblMacPakPrices
WHERE WheelId = OEMWheel) AS ListPrice,
(SELECT PartNumber
FROM tblMacPakPrices
WHERE WheelId = OEMWheel) AS PartNumber
FROM tblMacPak2
WHERE (Make = N'honda') AND (Model = N'civic') AND (SubModel = N'standard') AND (YearRange = N'2006') AND (Factory_Wheel_Diameter = N'15')
3 selects in one statement...that can't be right.
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Aug 16, 2004
Is there a SELECT statement that will return a the column names of a given table?
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Jul 9, 2007
hello members
i want to no that weathere there is any procedure to select come random records from the database
for eg i want to select 10 students out of 100 randomly
is there any query for this in SQL server 200
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Mar 13, 2004
hi im creating 2 random numbers, matching one of them (i) to the QuestionsNo column in my database, and then making it display the whole record. the code below generate 2 random numbers but i cannot get the rest of it to work. i need it to match the random number to the QuestionNo field in my database and display the whole record. can anyone help me and tell me where im going wrong please????
Dim i,j as integer
i = CInt(Int((10 * Rnd()) + 1))
j = CInt(Int((10 * Rnd()) + 1))
example.InnerHtml = "Random Number : " & i
example1.InnerHtml = "Random Number : " & j
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE QuestionNo = " & i &""
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Mar 7, 2011
Due to localization I have the need to make child tables, where there is a composite Primary Key, between the Id column and the LanguageSign column. On the parent table the Id column is Identity column with auto increment.
The problem is that during the select into query to copy columns from parent to child, this auto increment behaviour of the parent-Id is copied to the child-Id. However I do not want that, because the same Id will be used by different LanguageSign entries
Is there a way to use 'select into' without copying the auto increment, or is my only option to make a whole new column without auto increment on the child and copy the records?
btw I have used this statement
ON , so that inserting into the Id column is possible. I can see however that this does not take away the auto increment...
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Aug 26, 2005
Hello,I have 1000 of records in my table. I wanna select random 100 of them? How?regards
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Sep 18, 2000
I need to write a select statement where I need to select the record randomely. Is there any function to do that? What's the best way to do that? Please help...
Thanks in a million.
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Jun 12, 2007
I Got the Sql query "Select Top 1 * from Books order by NewId()"........ for select Random row in a table .. any one can explain Above Query
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Oct 4, 2006
I am trying to set a vaiable from a select statement
FirstName <-----------@VALUE_KEEP
FirstName <-----------@COLUMN_NAME
SELECT FirstName from Contacts returns: Brent
How do I make this select statement work using the @COLUMN_NAME variable?
Any help greatly appreciated!
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Feb 28, 2007
I'm grappling with this issue which I thought was basic VB programming; I'm trying to insert a random number (between 100 and 999) into a SQL table column (=Status_ID). This is input as part of a user submitting helpdesk requests via a APS.Net Web Form. The 'Status_ID' field is obviously not visible to the user but will help reference this Helpdesk request on the database.Here is the code:Protected Sub submitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submitButton.Click If Page.IsValid Then ' Define data objects Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim comm As SqlCommand ' Read the connection string from web.config Dim connectionString As String = _ ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ITNet_Students").ConnectionString ' Initialize connection conn = New SqlConnection(connectionString) ' Create command comm = New SqlCommand( _ "INSERT INTO HelpDesk (First_Name, Last_Name, StudentID, PersonalEmail," & _ "CategoryID, SubjectID, Description, StatusID) " & _ "VALUES (@First_Name, @Last_Name, @StudentID, @PersonalEmail, " & _ "@CategoryID, @SubjectID, @Description, @StatusID)", conn) ' Use randomize Randomize() Dim randomvalue As Integer ' Generate random value between 999 and 100. randomvalue = Int((900 * Rnd()) + 100) ' Add command parameters comm.Parameters.Add("@First_Name", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) comm.Parameters("@First_Name").Value = fnameTextBox.Text . . . comm.Parameters.Add("@StatusID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int) comm.Parameters("@StatusID").Value = randomvalue 'Enclose database code in Try-Catch-Finally Try ' Open connection conn.Open() ' Execute the command comm.ExecuteNonQuery() ' Reload page if the query executed successfully Response.Redirect("HelpDesk.aspx") Catch ' Display error message dbErrorMessage.Text = _ "Error submitting the help desk request! Please try again later, and/or change the entered data!" Finally 'close connection conn.Close() End Try End If End Sub----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I keep getting the error message under 'Catch' and the page 'HelpDesk.aspx' is not reloading; the 'comm.ExecuteNonQuery()' is not executing.Can anyone spot any inconsistencies in the declaration of the 'randomvalue' variable?P.S: this code works fine if you replace 'randomvalue' with any integer in 'comm.Parameters("@StatusID").Value = randomvalue'
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Jun 14, 2007
I have some relatively simple SQL that acts differently between SQL Server 2000 and 2005. Although it is easy to fix I'd like to know if this difference is expected (documented) or a bug, and if there is perhaps a setting/switch I can use to avoid a code review of hundreds of stored procs to look for similar scenarios. Executed the following script in SQL Server 2005 –CREATE TABLE #Floats(FloatID INT IDENTITY,FloatNumber FLOAT NOT NULL)DECLARE @sngCounter floatSET @sngCounter = 20WHILE @sngCounter >= 0BEGININSERT INTO #Floats ( FloatNumber ) VALUES( @sngCounter )SET @sngCounter = @sngCounter - 1ENDSELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT * FROM #Floats ORDER BY FloatNumber) AS FloatNumbersDROP TABLE #FloatsGOProduces the following resultset –FloatID FloatNumber----------- -----------1 202 193 184 175 166 157 148 139 1210 1111 1012 913 814 715 616 517 418 319 220 121 0In SQL Server 2000 resultset is this –FloatID FloatNumber----------- --------21 0.020 1.019 2.018 3.017 4.016 5.015 6.014 7.013 8.012 9.011 10.010 11.09 12.08 13.07 14.06 15.05 16.04 17.03 18.02 19.01 20.0
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Oct 15, 2007
I hope someone can answer this, I'm not even sure where to start looking for documentation on this. The SQL query I'm referencing is included at the bottom of this post.
I have a query with 3 select statements joined together like tables. It works great, except for the fact that I need to declare a variable and make it a table within two of those 3. The example is below. You'll see that I have three select statements made into tables A, B, and C, and that table A has a variable @years, which is a table.
This works when I just run table A by itself, but when I execute the entire query, I get an error about the "declare" keyword, and then some other errors near the word "as" and the ")" character. These are some of those errors that I find pretty meaningless that just mean I've really thrown something off.
So, am I not allowed to declare a variable within these SELECT tables that I'm creating and joining?
Thanks in advance,
Select * from
declare @years table (years int);
insert into @years
WHEN month(getdate()) in (1) THEN year(getdate())-1
WHEN month(getdate()) in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) THEN year(getdate())
, sum(tx.Dm_Time) LastMonthBillhours
, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) lasmosbillingpercentage
Dm_TimeEntry tx
systemuserbase u
(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)
Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-1
year(dm_date) = (select years from @years)
and tx.dm_billable = 1
group by u.fullname
) as A
left outer join
, sum(tx.Dm_Time) Billhours
, ((sum(tx.Dm_Time))
((day(getdate()) * ((5.0)/(7.0))) * 8)) perc
Dm_TimeEntry tx
systemuserbase u
(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)
tx.Dm_Billable = '1'
month(tx.Dm_Date) = month(GetDate())
year(tx.Dm_Date) = year(GetDate())
group by u.fullname) as B
A.Fullname = B.Fullname
Left Outer Join
, sum(tx.Dm_Time) TwomosagoBillhours
, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) twomosagobillingpercentage
Dm_TimeEntry tx
systemuserbase u
(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)
Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-2
group by u.fullname
) as C
A.Fullname = C.Fullname
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Sep 6, 2006
Is there anyway to use a variable to define a column in a select statement. I can put the variable in but I'm sure it will be read as a literal instead of the column.
select @column_name from table
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Sep 19, 2007
I have a stored procedure that accepts the table name as a parameter. Is there anyway I can use this variable in my select statement after the 'from' clause. ie "select count(*) from @Table_Name"?
When I try that is says "Must declare the table variable @Table_Name". Thanks!
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Apr 16, 2008
I'm trying to add a 'change password' control to my site and seem to be having some issues. I have code that works if I statically define what user is displayed on the form, but I cant get it to detect the 'authenticated' user and show them the reset for for that ID.If I take the "+ myid" out of the select statement and just define the username statically the form works properly. Error:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The column prefix
'System.Security.Principal' does not match with a table name or alias name used
in the query. Here's a piece of the code that is supposed to detect the current logged in user. However, it gives the error. (some of the code may be redundant but its not causing issues that I can tell) public void InitPage() { IPrincipal p = HttpContext.Current.User; String myid = HttpContext.Current.User.ToString(); SqlServer sqlServer = new SqlServer(Util.SqlConnectionString()); DataTable dt; SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myconnection"].ConnectionString); SqlDataAdapter cmd1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from USER WHERE USER_NAME = "+ myid, cnn); DataTable UIDtable = new DataTable(); cmd1.Fill(UIDtable); User_Id.Value = UIDtable.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); dt = sqlServer.USER_SELECT(Util.SiteURL(Request.QueryString["Pg"].ToString()), User_Id.Value);
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Dec 7, 2005
this querry below works perfect when i assign the us.UserID = 29 but i need to be able to use the @UsersMaxID variable..... when i debug all of my values are right where they need to be... even this on ((( @UsersMaxID ))) but for some reason it will not work with the next select statement...
can someone make the pain go away and help me here..??
ASDECLARE @GenericColumn Varchar (200) DECLARE @GenericValue Varchar (200)
SET @GenericColumn = 'FirstName'SET @GenericValue = 'Erik'
declare @tempResult varchar (1000)
-------------------------------------------Define the #Temporary Table----------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE #UsersTempTable ( ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,
UserID [int], FirstName [varchar](30), LastName [varchar](30), CompanyName [varchar](200), Address1 [varchar](75), Address2 [varchar](75), City [varchar](75),ActiveInd [int], Zip [varchar](10), WkPhone [varchar](12),HmPhone [varchar](12), Fax [varchar](12), Email [varchar](200), Website [varchar](200), UserType [varchar](20),Title [varchar](100),Note [text], StateCD [char](2), CountryCD [char](2), CompanyPhoto [varchar](50), CompanyDescr [varchar](2000)) ---------------------------------------Fill the temp table with the Customers data-----------------------------------SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #UsersTempTable (UserID, FirstName, LastName, CompanyName, Address1, Address2, City, ActiveInd, Zip, WkPhone, HmPhone,Fax, Email, Website, UserType, Title, Note, StateCD, CountryCD, CompanyPhoto, CompanyDescr)
Select Users.UserID, Users.FirstName,Users.LastName, Users.CompanyName, Users.Address1, Users.Address2, Users.City, Users.ActiveInd, Users.Zip, Users.WkPhone, Users.HmPhone,Users.Fax,Users.Email,Users.Website, Users.UserType,Users.Title, Users.Note,Users.StateCD, Users.CountryCD,Users.CompanyPhoto,Users.CompanyDescr
WHERE ' + @GenericColumn +' = ''' + @GenericValue + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL
SET @MaxID = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #UsersTempTable)SET @UsersMaxID = (SELECT UserID From #UsersTempTable WHERE ID = @MaxID)
SELECT SpecialtyName FROM Specialty s INNER JOIN UserSpecialty us ON s.SpecialtyCD = us.SpecialtyCD WHERE us.UserID = 29
SELECT * FROM #UsersTempTable
==========================================================================================SET @UsersMaxID = (SELECT UserID From #UsersTempTable WHERE ID = @MaxID)
SELECT SpecialtyName FROM Specialty s INNER JOIN UserSpecialty us ON s.SpecialtyCD = us.SpecialtyCD WHERE us.UserID = 29 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< i need @UserMaxID ........RIGHT HERE
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Dec 28, 2004
I have a table 'table_list' which contains two columns, table_name and a record_count. This table stores a list of tables and their corresponding record counts.
What I am trying to do is, to be able to write a select statement, that can read each table name in the 'table_name' column, execute a select count(*) for the same, and update its record_count with the result of select count(*).
This is the code in my procedure..
set @tab_list = CURSOR FOR select * from table_list
OPEN @tab_list
DECLARE @tab_name varchar(256)
DECLARE @rec_cnt int
FETCH NEXT FROM @tab_list INTO @tab_name, @rec_cnt
select count(*) from @tab_name
This select is looping around along with FETCH till all the table names are exhausted and their counts are updated from the cursor back into the table.
Problem is that, I am not able to use select count(*) from @tab_name, and its not accepting a variable there.
Please help me to construct the select statement that is similiar to
x=<table name>
select * from x
where x is a variable and the table name gets substituted.
what is the syntax for it ?
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Sep 23, 2006
Is it possible to add a variable in SSIS like
name of variable: myVar
Scope: Data Flow Task
Data Type: String
Value:SELECT hello FROM blah WHERE (azerty = @[User::pda]) AND (qwerty = @[User::phone])
@[User::pda] and @[User::phone] are also variables in SSIS just like the myVar I made
I know I'm doing something wrong with the data type because it's stores the whole select statement as a string
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Dec 19, 2003
Select icount + 1 as icount from table
Select counter() as icount from table
The above is wrong ...just a sample to show what I am trying to accomplish.
Is there a function in SQL statement? Thanks.
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Mar 9, 2008
hey all,
I have the following query:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SelectMostRecentArticle]
DECLARE @article_id INT
SELECT @article_id = (
SELECT TOP 1 article_id
FROM article
ORDER BY article_id DESC
DECLARE @comment_count INT
SELECT @comment_count = (
SELECT COUNT(comment_id)
FROM comment
JOIN article ON article_id = comment_article_id
GROUP BY article_id
HAVING article_id = @article_id
SELECT TOP 1 article_id, article_author_id,
article_title, article_body, article_post_date,
article_edit_date, article_status, article_author_id
article_author_ip, author_display_name,
category_id, category_name--, comment_count AS @comment_count
FROM article
JOIN author ON author_id = article_author_id
JOIN category ON category_id = article_category_id
GROUP BY article_id, article_title, article_body, article_post_date,
article_edit_date, article_status, article_author_ip,article_author_id,
author_display_name, category_id, category_name
HAVING article_id = @article_id
as you can see, im trying to return a comment_count value, but the only way I can do this is by defining the variable.
I have had to do it this way, because I cannot say COUNT(comment.comment_id) AS comment_count or it returns an error that it cant reference the comment.comment_id.
But when change it to FROM article, comment; I get errors about the article_author_id and article_comment_id.
And i cant add a join, because it would return the amount of rows of the comment...
unless someone could help with what i Just decribed (as i would prefer to do it this way), how would i return the variable value as part of the select statement?
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Nov 12, 2013
I am trying to figure out a way to retrieve a field value and assign it to a local variable with out destroying the whole structure of my T-SQL statement.
Here is the code:
WHEN '07' THEN 1
WHEN '09' THEN 2
[Code] ....
The error message is
Msg 141, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations.
How to modify this statement?
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Feb 11, 2008
I'm new to sql stored procedures but I would like to store the results
of an sql statement in a variable such as:
SET @value = select max(price) from product
but this does not work, can someone tell me how I would go
about in storing the results in a variable.
@value is declared as int
Thanks in advance,
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May 21, 2006
I have concatenated a long Select Statement and assigned it to a variable. (i.e.)
@a = Select * from foo ---Obviously mine is much more robust
How do I execute @a to actually Select * from foo?
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Apr 21, 2015
Everything about this query works except I'm trying to capture the @companyid (which is a variable) into a column in my table via my select statement.
My error is Invalid column name 'A113', etc. However it is the A113 I'm trying to insert into the first column of the table SAP_GLsummary
-- retrieves a list of gl balances from all companies
truncate table sap_glsummary
declare @companyID char(6)
declare c_company cursor for
select INTERID from dbo.GP_Interid
open c_company fetch next from c_company into @companyID
[Code] .....
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Jul 31, 2014
I need to write a select statement that take the upper table and select the lower table.
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May 7, 2008
In my program i have function that will get one value from Database.
Here i want to assign the output of the sql query to a local variable.
Its like select emp_id into Num from emp where emp_roll=222;
here NUM is local variable which was declared in my program.
Is it correct.?
can anyone please guide me..?
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