Read File From FTP Task
Apr 8, 2008
Hi All,
I have to implement a functionality which is able to read files from FTP and file reside at subfolders and some of subfolder is also dynamic means it may be any thing.
FTP Folder structure is like that
-----------1 (any name)
-----------------1.1(any name)
--------------------------1.1.1 (Static name)
----------------------------------files...(any name)
I tried to read file through loop but i am getting error. i able to get folder name at this level "-----------1 (any name)".
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
Manish Jain
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May 22, 2006
I'm trying to read an xcel file from within the script task of SSIS. I've seen posts that kind of steer me in the right direction, but none to do exactly what I'm looking for. I am loading data from flat files into a database where the source file has text longer than the target column. In order to get the text to "fit" i would like to apply a series of standard abbreviations, for example replace "DOCTOR" with "DR". I started off by simply writing a series of if-then logic; if length (<source>) > <targetlengh>, then replace <long> with <short>. After writing this for 40+ abbreviations I soon realized that this is not the best way to do this. So I came up with the idea of storing all the abbreviations in a .xls file which would be opened and applied via a script task. The problem is that I'm new to (actually any flavor of VB) and have not been able to read the abbreviations file as of yet.
This is what I've tried thus far, which results with this error: Exception from HRESULT: 0xC001400B
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
' Add your code here
Dim local_SQLConnectionManager As New Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ConnectionManagerAdoNet()
Dim local_SQLConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim local_SQLDataReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim local_SQLCommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
'local_SQLConnectionManager = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.cConnections("Name of ConnectionManager")
local_SQLConnectionManager.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:DepartmentsDataServicesProjectsQNXT ConversionXWalksDesciptionAbbreviations.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;"
local_SQLConnection = CType(local_SQLConnectionManager.AcquireConnection(Nothing), System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)
local_SQLCommand.Connection = local_SQLConnection
local_SQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * from [sheet1$]"
local_SQLDataReader = local_SQLCommand.ExecuteReader()
If local_SQLDataReader.Read Then
'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.Variable("Just a variable").Value = local_SQLDataReader.GetString(0)
End If
End Sub
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Apr 29, 2015
I've a dataflow task on For Each Loop container at control flow of SSIS package. This For Each Loop container reads the CSV files from the specified location one by one, and populates a variable with current file name. Note, the tables where I would like to push the data from each CSV file are also having the same names as CSV file names.On the dataflow task, I've Flat File component as a source, this component uses the above variable to read the data of a particular file.
Now, here my question comes, how can I move the data to destination, SQL table, using the same variable name?I've tried to setup the OLE DB destination component dynamically but it executes well only for first time. It does not change the mappings as per the columns of the second CSV file. There're around 50 CSV files, each has different set off columns in it. These files needs to be migrated to SQL tables using the optimum way.
Which is the best way to setup the Dataflow task for this requirement?Also, I cannot use Bulk insert task here as we would like to keep a log of corrupted rows.
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Nov 26, 2007
OBJECTIVE: I would like to read a text file from SQL Server 2000, read the text file content, and load its conntents in a RichTextBoxTHINGS I'VE DONE AND HAVE WORKING:1) I've successfully load a text file (ex: textFile.txt) in sql server database table column (with datatype Image) 2) I've also able to load the file using a Handler as below: using System;using System.Web;using System.Data.SqlClient;public class HandlerImage : IHttpHandler {string connectionString;public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NWS_ScheduleSQL2000"].ConnectionString;int ImageID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["id"]);SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);string Command = "SELECT [Image], Image_Type FROM Images WHERE Image_Id=@Image_Id";SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Command, myConnection);cmd.Parameters.Add("@Image_Id", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = ImageID;SqlDataReader dr;myConnection.Open(); cmd.Prepare(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();if (dr.Read()){ //WRITE IMAGE TO THE BROWSERcontext.Response.ContentType = dr["Image_Type"].ToString();context.Response.BinaryWrite((byte[])dr["Image"]);}myConnection.Close();}public bool IsReusable {get {return false;}}}'>'>
<a href='<%# "HandlerDocument.ashx?id=" + Eval("Doc_ID") %>'>File
</a>- Click on this link, I'll be able to download or view the file WHAT I WANT TO DO, BUT HAVE PROBLEM:- I would like to be able to read CONTENT of this file and load it in a string as belowStreamReader SR = new StreamReader()SR = File.Open("File.txt");String contentText = SR.Readline();txtBox.text = contentText;BUT THIS ONLY WORK FOR files in the server.I would like to be able to read FILE CONTENTS from SQL Server.PLEASE HELP. I really appreciate it.
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Apr 25, 2007
Hi everyone,
I€™d like to read the SqlStatement property for a Sql Task from a Script Task (previously Sql Task is executed) in execution.
Keeping on mind that such SqlStatement receives an input parameter.
Is it possible? I think so but how do I such thing?
Let me know if you need further details.
Thanks a lot for your time and thoughts,
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May 13, 2008
Hello Experts,
I am createing one task (user control) in SSIS. I have property grid in my GUI and 2 buttons (OK & Cancle).
PropertyGrid has Properties like SourceConnection, OutputConnection etc....right now I am able to populate Connections in list box next to Source and Output Property.
Now my question to you guys is depending on Source Connection it should read that text file associated with connection manager. After validation it should pick header (first line of text file bases on record type) and write it into new file when task is executed. I have following code for your reference. Please let me know I am going in right direction or not..
What should go here ?
->Under Class A
public override DTSExecResult Execute(Connections connections, VariableDispenser variableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents componentEvents, IDTSLogging log, object transaction)
//Some code to read file and write it into new file
return DTSExecResult.Success;
public const string Property_Task = "CustomErrorControl";
public const string Property_SourceConnection = "SourceConnection";
public void LoadFromXML(XmlElement node, IDTSInfoEvents infoEvents)
if (node.Name != Property_Task)
throw new Exception(String.Format("Invalid task element '{0}' in LoadFromXML.", node.Name));
_sourceConnectionId = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem(Property_SourceConnection).Value;
catch (Exception ex)
infoEvents.FireError(0, "LoadFromXML", ex.Message, "", 0);
public void SaveToXML(XmlDocument doc, IDTSInfoEvents infoEvents)
// // Create Task Element
XmlElement taskElement = doc.CreateElement("", Property_Task, "");
// // Save source FileConnection
XmlAttribute sourcefileAttribute = doc.CreateAttribute(Property_SourceConnection);
sourcefileAttribute.Value = _sourceConnectionId;
catch (Exception ex)
infoEvents.FireError(0, "SaveXML", ex.Message, "", 0);
In UI Class there is OK Click event.
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_taskHost.Properties[CustomErrorControl.Property_SourceConnection].SetValue(_taskHost, propertyGrid1.Text);
btnOK.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
catch (Exception ex)
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Jul 2, 2015
I have a filetable that contains a binary file. I need to do a selective read of the file stored in the file table. I can write a C# CLR function that will open the file, read n bytes the from a starting byte. Or I can write a SQL statement that reads the stream in the filetable into a VARBINARY variable using SUBSTRING beginning at the starting byte (offset from 1) for the same n bytes.
Both give me the same result. However, the SQL statement takes considerably longer to read. I know there is overhead in reading through SQL (interpreted language), but the difference in performance is substantial, and I can only attribute this performance degradation if SQL first tries to "load" the entire stream before it identifies the portion of the stream that it needs to read beginning at the starting byte offset.
I wonder if this is the case or if there is another option to read a stream from a filetable directly through SQL queries that is more efficient.
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Nov 1, 2007
I want to write a variable say testVar in PostExecute of my script. I also want to read the same variable at the start of my script block.
How to specify this variable in the script transformation editor
ReadOnlyVariables = ????
WriteOnlyVariables = ???
If i just define
WriteOnlyVariables = testVar
will it work . I mean i cannot use testVar in both read & write
Any suggestions...
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Sep 19, 2007
I'm having trouble with my configurations. All of my configurations are targeting variables and the various properties are all set to expressions containing the targeted variables. I would like (during debugging) to dump out all of the variables.
Is there a way to access all variables from a script task? It looks like you have to enumerate the variables you want in the ReadOnlyVariables or ReadWriteVariables properties. I'd rather not miss one by forgetting to list it.
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Jun 20, 2007
BTW, I cannot use Office automation because MS office is not installed on the machine.
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Mar 24, 2008
Hi All,
I need to read a csv file, which is in remote server using SQl Bulk Insert Command.
Can I read a file Which is in remote server using BULK INSERT.
Thank you.......
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Mar 28, 2007
In the Control flow tab, I have an Execute SQL Task that outputs full Result set into a variable of an object type. Now how can I write the contents of the Full Result Set into a text file using Script Task. I also want to format the following way while I output into a file:
Column Name 1 : Column Value
Column Name 2: Column Value and so on
I tried writing the contents of the Object Variable into a file, but the file had an output of single word: System.__ComObject.
Code for Writing the Full Result Set into a Text File
Dim RSsqloutput as String = Dts.Variables("objVariable").Value.ToString
Dim strVal as String = "File completed on " & Now() & vbCrLf & "------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
oLogFile.WriteAllText("C:MyFile.txt", strValue)
oLogFile.WriteAllText("C:MyFile.txt", rsSQLOutput)
I went through this link that explains how to write XML Result Set into a File, But this doesn't help as it writes in XML format.
Would you please give me a hint of code how I can go upon.
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Oct 13, 2006
Hello all,
I have been struggling trying to read and/or write package level variables from within my custom task. I'd like to be able to get and set values from within the Execute method of my custom task. I have searched this forum and the books online and can't seem to find the answer. I thought maybe I could use an expression on my task (mapping the package variable to a custom task public property) but that doesn't seem to be working for me. I also would have thought I could use the VariableDispenser object from within my task but the collection is empty. I have 3 package level variables configured and can't seem to find a way to access them (with intentions of getting/setting). Could someone point me to a good doc or provide an example that may accomplish this? Thanks!
(I'm using package level variables as a means of passing simple information between tasks that are not using a DB, if there is a better way I'm open to suggestions.)
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Dec 6, 2007
HI, I need to trigger some packages upon existance of specific files in a particular directory. Sound lkike the file watcher task (from SQLIS) would do the job but I am wondering what is the difference of using this tool instead of a for each loop container. I mean, If a file exists in a directory, the for each loop container will detect it. Since the file watcher is not a service, the package containing it needs to ne scheduled on a regular basis for the filewatcher to detect the file, right? So, a for each loop container would do the job? So, waht wouldbe the advantage of using the file watcher task?
Thank you,
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Nov 7, 2007
A common issue that I run across with clients is they want only want to process a file if it's finished transmitting to the server. This SQL Server 2005 task reads the properties of a file and writes the values to a series of variables. For example, you can use this task to determine if the file is in use (still be uploaded or written to) and then conditionally run the Data Flow task to load the file if it's not being used. You can also use it to determine when the file was created in order to determine if it must be archived.
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Jan 8, 2002
Anyone reading XML disk-files into SQL Server?
I have a process that I may want to do this with.
It would be a stored procedure that would read the XML attributes into 2 tables, the number of attributes could be 1-N, so I thought XML would be a good choice. Also, one of the attributes could be up to 4000 characters. I think this may limit our options, can 100-150 4000 character strings be passed in a standard call to a query/proc in SQL?
Currently the client application makes round-trip network calls to save upwards of 100 pairs of data. 1 header row, and many detail rows. All within a transaction.
I think If we move an XML file to the SQL box, then do all the import/save work on the "Server" side it would be much better. Cutting the transaction time down a lot by not doing so many round-trips at network speed...
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Aug 28, 2003
Any one can help me how to read a file(.txt) with in the store procedure?
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Jan 4, 2006
i have a requirement in which i need to read from a .ini file in the stored procedure of sql server 2K.
is it possible? i tried searching on google but i cannot find anything that can help.
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Feb 14, 2007
Can any one tell me how to read the XML file using sql syntax.
I hav also posted my full requirement why I need to read the XML file in Transact_Sql forum list.
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Jun 6, 2007
Hi All
I am trying to load DBF files into SQL server within CLR (actually if just running the select statement outside, say within the SQLQuery window, i got the same result), but with the following error:
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "VFPOLEDB" for linked server "MYDBF" does not contain the table "T8866064". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
I created the linked server in this way
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'MYDBF',
@provider = 'VFPOLEDB',
@srvproduct = 'My Data',
@datasrc = 'c:data'
i did not create the login since my SQL instance is running under a superaccount with all privilege.
What frustrates me is that i can read most of the dbf files, but just a few of them is not readable.
Can anyone give me some hints on it?
by the way, i am using vfp9.0
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Jun 6, 2007
Need help reading a binary file see below for details...
I have uploaded a csv file into a sql table.
Now i want to extract the data and insert the data in the csv file into another sql table.
What commands can i use in sql to extract/ read the data ?
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Nov 4, 2003
Hi, I wrote a report builder that creates a CSV file but I can't redirect to the file to view it. ERROR Cannot find the Server!. This works fine on the dev machine but deploy it and it does not.
Dim Conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConStr"))
Dim Cm As SqlCommand
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim FileName As String = Guid.NewGuid.ToString & ".csv"
Dim FilePath As String = Server.MapPath("") & "CSVFiles" & FileName
Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Dim sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(fs)
Dim Line As String
Dim lItem As System.Xml.XmlElement
Dim i As Int16
If ValidatePage() Then
Cm = New SqlCommand(BuildQuery, Conn)
dr = Cm.ExecuteReader()
Dim lXmlDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
For Each lItem In lXmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("SELECT").ChildNodes
Select Case lItem.InnerText
Case "chkPRId"
Line &= "PR Id,"
Case "chkDateIssued"
Line &= "Date Issued,"
Case "chkOriginator"
Line &= "Originator,"
Case "chkBuyer"
Line &= "Buyer,"
Case "chkVendor"
Line &= "Vendor,"
Case "chkCostCode"
Line &= "Cost Code,"
Case "chkOracleRef"
Line &= "Oracle Reference,"
Case "chkTotal"
Line &= "Total,"
End Select
Line = Line.Substring(0, Line.Length - 1)
Line = ""
While dr.Read
For i = 0 To dr.FieldCount - 1
Line = Line & dr(i) & ","
Line = ""
End While
End If
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Jan 17, 2002
I received a SQL Server 6.5 database (.dat and .Log files). I'm currently running 7.0. Is there any way to read/import this data?
I tried to do this:
I have installed SQL Server 6.5. And After install, I have created a database with the same names (.dat an .log) and make it bigger than the first .dat and .log files.
Then, I have stoped the SQL server service, have deleted the .DAT and .LOG files that i have created, and have copied the first .DAT and .LOG in their place. I have Started the SQL server service and the database was beeing suspected. I stil unable to read data.
Can you help me?
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Aug 16, 1999
I need to read a binary file with extention *.dat like this:
tat.dat and import it in ms sql server 7.0.
Thanks for any help
Dr Bangaly Diané
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Feb 16, 2008
how can i read a txt file by using T-SQL commands.
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Dec 14, 2001
How can I read one external file (*.txt,*.csv) through
stored procedure in MS Sql Server 2000 ?
On the database Interbase its very simple :
[CREATE TABLE table [EXTERNAL [FILE] ’ <filespec>’]
( <col_def> [, <col_def> | <tconstraint> …]);
EXTERNAL [FILE]“<filespec>
” Declares that data for the table under creation resides
in a table or file outside the database;
<filespec> is the complete file specification of the
external file or table]
Please advice
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Mar 24, 2006
Ik like to read data from a file (well formatted) into as MS-SQL database.
What is the best way to do this.
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Apr 30, 2006
I am programming to read read sqlserver log file without shutdowning sqlserver. However it is said that the file is used by another process which I believe is sqlserver.
Is there any way to open log file without shutdowning server? I know that Log Explorer can read online log file. But I do not know the technology they are using.
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Mar 31, 2004
I need to know how to read an xml file using SQL. (in SQLServer)
Then i will manipulate the data and update my tables.
May be i can put the xml file in the IIS root.
Then what is required for the rest..
Thanks in advance
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Jun 2, 2004
I need to create/read files from t-sql? Does anyone know how can I do it?
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Feb 17, 2006
patelnimisha writes "i am try to read three xml files and transfer its data into sql databse.
i have no any idea about this qurey.
give me coding for this query"
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Apr 23, 2007
into the sql query analyzer?
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