I have 2 tables EmployeeA(Eng) and EmployeeB(Spanish) kept in seperate mdb's. I want to add the records into Sql Server 2005 table called StateEmployee.
1. Loop through 2 folders..one containing table EmployeeA in mdb and other containing tbl EmployeeB in diff mdb's.
2. Pick a file from EmployeeA and EmployeeB, both at the same time.
3. Count the total no of rows in both files. If equal proceed.
4. Compare the 'employeeid' of one row of employeeA to the employeeid of EmployeeB.
5. If employee id matches, load both the rows in Sql server else file it to the error table.
6. Loop through all rows simultaneously till end of row.
7. Go to next mdb.
How do i go about this step by step. I am fairly new to SSIS. I asked my other friends too but they have complex answers which i couldnt follow. Hope someone gives an 'easy to understand' solution with sample.
I think we dont have option to read Transaction file in SQLserver Other than using Logexplorer. IS this Logexplorer working file to audit the sql server. We are planning to buy Logexplorer. Is it good product to buy.
I have created a C2 Audit .trc file in sql server 2000 windows platform. i would like to be able to read it. I have tried the following but i get a message that the file does not exist or is not a recognizable trace file format or there was an error opening the file.
SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataaudittrace_20070207073931.trc', default) GO
I know the file and the path are valid. what else could be the problem??
I am trying to read a 36 byte files that contains compressed data. I create my Flat File data source and SSIS reads it fine UNTIL it hits a x00 in the file. Then it stops reading and I can't get any data after it. There is data after the x00. Here the entire hex string: C7 C7 CF 6A 00 00 05 02 3D 03 21 01 E0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D 3C 1E FD 02 C8 00 00 00 AE 41 E3 28 7C
To test, I changed the two x00 in bytes 5 and 6 to x01 and SSIS read until the next x00.
I have a challenge i am trying to overcome, hopefully soneone would have come across this issue before..
I am creating a DTS package that will be scheduled to run at a certain time everyday. A source folder exists that get a set of new files everyday.The DTS Package will then read each file and copy the data into a load table in my database the challenge is this:
I am trying to load files from a source folder into my load table, Within each file, the entires are in a specific format using pipes to seperate the data that goes into which column e.g
example of a file entry:
column1 | column2 | column3
data1 | data2 | data3
data1 | data2 | data3
data1 | data2 | data3
And now i am using DTS to specify the file format and map the cloumns as apprporiate to my table...all this is well and good, but my problem is each file has a different name as well as being timestamped, now how do i use DTS to specify the source folder, open each file sequentially and read (or more appropriate, copy the entries into my table, inserting new data from each file into my load table as well as overwriting old data in the load table from the files in the folder ?) is there a way in specifying your source folder in DTS rather than specifying the file in the Menu options (in the transformation data task properties )given, and or do i need to write a script for this(reading the file?)
can someone please give me a solution and how to approach this?
Hi€¦ During my web search looking for a solution I ran across SQL CE 3.5 articles. My questions about SQL CE 3.5 are: 1) Can SQL CE 3.5 handle a 4 €“ 6 GB file - Read - Parse (SQL) 2) Can SQL CE 3.5 act as a standalone client that a user can view a large (4-6 GB) text file? - Will I need a .NET (small) client to read the large (4-6 GB) text file? More info: The text file will reside on the machine where the SQL CE 3.5 is installed. There is no pull to get the data.
We have a package that is using a ForEach loop container to access files on a network drive. For some reason I am getting a message that the ForEach enumerator is empty and did not find any files that matched the pattern. For the pattern I left the default *.* for testing purposes. I have specified the file folder as \remoteserverfilesharesubfolder and also as \remoteserverc$filesharesubfolder and have gotten the same message. However when I map a network drive and set the file folder to the network drive it finds the files. Is this a permissions issue?
After I finish processing the file I want to move it to a new directory. Once this is deployed in production, the package will not be running under a domain account and probably won't have access to the network folder. Is there any way to specifiy in the connection manager itself that it should use a specific account to access the folder?
Has anyone had any trouble moving a package using a OLE DB Connection Manager reading DBASE IV files? While developing I never had a problem, the confiugration string described int his thread (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=76237&SiteID=1) worked just fine. Since I have enabled Configurations, my package will always fail when trying to read the dbf file. I've gone through just about every setting in the config file that I can think of.
Information: 0x4004300A at MyDataFlow, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0202009 at MyPackage, Connection manager "MyDBASEIVConnManager": An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".
Error: 0xC020801C at MyDataFlow, OLEDBFileSource [15]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "MyDBASEIVConnManager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
Error: 0xC0047017 at MyDataFlow, DTS.Pipeline: component "OLEDBFileSource" (15) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
Error: 0xC004700C at MyDataFlow, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.
Error: 0xC0024107 at MyDataFlow: There were errors during task validation.
My requirement is I have to read 2 sets of files from a folder. For example, I have to read all files starting with either 'a' or 'b' only. In 'Foreach Loop', if I say 'a*,b*', it is not working. Instead of comma (,), I tried colon, semi-colon and pipeline characters also. It is not working. So I am using 2 loops now. But I would like to know is there any way to do it using a single loop?
Hi I have written a piece of code for Login form which reads the user id and password from db. It works fine with the Sql server 2000 but I get a error with Sql server 2005. SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=D\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=model;Integrated Security=True"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from JsLoginDetails", conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { if ((Login1.UserName == dr.GetValue(0).ToString()) && Login1.Password == dr.GetValue(1).ToString()) { Response.Redirect("MainJs.aspx"); } else { Login1.FailureText = "Invalid Userid Or Password"; } } dr.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } I get and error Invalid object name 'JsLoginDetails'. pls help thnksdiv
I posted this in the Windows Forms Data Binding section, and they directed me to the .Net data section. I posted it there and waited a week with no replies. I'm hoping someone here can at least give me an idea of what the problem might be.
I proposed on a new server that we separate Data Files, Log Files, tempDB, Backups, etc. onto separate LUNS on a SAN with High Speed Solid State Drives.I was told that with the new technology with solid state SAN's that it would decrease performance and that it did not work the same way as it did when you had RAID 5's etc.I thought that if things were cared out correctly by a SAN Administrator they would know how to configure for optimal performance.
step 1 read data from table A into cursor (500 rows)
step 2 fetch cursor and if values in cursor do not exixts in table B(has 1000000 rows) then insert cursor data into table B
How I undestand result provided by profiler CPU = 108 good or bad ? READ = 0 good ,took no time read data ,all indexes in place WRITE = 109 mmm.... something really wrong with writing to disks , why it took so long to insert 500 records DURATION = 1709 good or bad ?
Hi,I have a Excel sheet that have a column with mixed data:column can contain data like "892-234-32A" or like "892298343233432"I need to get all data column such as "text" to avoid numeric field show asexponential number.I'm trying with:SELECT CAST (CODICE as bigint(25)) FROMOPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel8.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;Database=C: empxadpdist1.xls' , Foglio1$)But I get error conversion type "from nvarchar to bigint" when query meetthe alphanumeric field.Any tips ?Thanks in advancePieroItaly
Not sure if I am posting this in the correct placed. Here is what I am trying to do. Read an xml files which is very large and is our store xml file. I want to import this data into a database nightly. I can down load the file and I have noticed that it has one line in it that will keep me from reading it: <!DOCTYPE StoreExport SYSTEM "http://..../doc/dtd/StoreExport.dtd"> Once I removed this line I can get the data needed to go into the database. I would removed the old table first then replace it with the information from here.
Can anyone help. I hope I have given enough information for this type of issue. I was told integration services would do this, but I am not sure how. Could someone point me in the right direction.
I have a trigger written in C# which I have added to the insert event on a table, however, when testing it generates a "System.Data.SQLClient.SqlException; Cannot use text, ntext, or image columns in the 'inserted' and 'deleted' tables"
My code is attempting to read all the column names & the data contained in them as the record is created, so a solution that allows me to read all the data from each column is what I am after.
switch (triggContext.TriggerAction) { case TriggerAction.Insert: command.CommandText = "SELECT * from " + "inserted"; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); //userName = (string)reader[0]; //realName = (string)reader[1]; // prepare data as name value pairs for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { data = data + reader.GetName(i) + ":" + (string)reader[ i ] + " "; } break; ... }}
Not sure if I am posting this in the correct placed. Here is what I am trying to do. Read an xml files which is very large and is our store xml file. I want to import this data into a database nightly. I can down load the file and I have noticed that it has one line in it that will keep me from reading it: <!DOCTYPE StoreExport SYSTEM "http://..../doc/dtd/StoreExport.dtd"> Once I removed this line I can get the data needed to go into the database. I would removed the old table first then replace it with the information from here.
Can anyone help. I hope I have given enough information for this type of issue.
Hi Everyone, I am looking for some help, as i am pulling my hair out looking for information. I have been using asp for many years and am now starting to learn .net. so far so good.... I am now wanted to connect to a database, execute a simple select statement and then read/write the information out. I can't help but think in old asp code and i am having a hard time finding what i need to perfom this simple task. I have used the grid controls etc, and these are very good - however, i need to connect to a database in the code-behind file and perfom various functions in the background. If any of you could be so kind as to perhaps show me some demo code i would be grateful. I would like to do: A) Connect to a database (sql server 2000)B) Execute a simple SQL select statementC) Read the returned informationD) put this information into variables used elsewhereE) how do you check if no records are returned? such as the .EOF in asp? Many thanks Darren
I'm trying to read a byte array of an image datatype from sql server, and then to put this in another field in the database. I get a byte array, but somehow the image doesn't get into the db well with the sql parameters. Does anyone have an idea how to tackle this problem?
Hi I need to read a very big table more than 60,000 record but it is giving the following problem: But if it is small table there is no problem. Same problem also views.
Server Error in '/POBuilds' Application.
Runtime Error Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine. Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
<configuration> <system.web> <customErrors mode="Off"/> </system.web> </configuration>Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.
I am using SQL Server 2000, VS 2003 I have Education table in which there is a field CGPA having float data type (null allowed) I retreive the data from SQL server using stroed proc and store it in SqlDataReader dr while reading if CGPA contains 0 then it raises an error that "Specified cast is not valid" other wise it does not raise any error. while (dr.Read()){ Education e = new Education(); e.EducationId = dr.GetInt32(0); e.Country = dr.GetInt32(1); e.InstitutionName = dr.GetString(2); e.Grade = dr.GetString(3); e.CGPA = dr.GetFloat(4); // ERROR HERE e.Percentage = dr.GetFloat(5); e.PassingYear = dr.GetString(6);} where as in Education CGPA is also the float property can any one tell me how to read 0 value of float from SQL server
I have a database that contains news items. There's a column that contains the actual article. In that field, there are paragraphs with page breaks. The page breaks in the database are represented as squares (unrecognizable characters I guess). When I try to read in the data, it doesn't recognize the page breaks, and it comes out all in one large paragraph. Is there any way to get around this?
Hi, I have a data structure called 'Quote' which contains a number of different variables and controls ranging from text boxes, check boxes and radio buttons, i need to be able to read and write this from a database.
First I think a description of my overall project is needed:
Project Description I have been given a brief that basically says: i have to create a programmed solution in VB to solve a problem. This problem can be anything we like, and I personally have chosen to create a program that manages quotes for building Log Cabins (this is very contrived and far from anything someone would do in the real world).
My solution will allow a generic user to create a quote (using a form with controls such as text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons) , and then save this to file. These users may then wish to load/edit this quote at a later date, from another form.
Whilst completing this project, i'll only have up to about 5 records (quotes) within the system, so i dont need the ability to store hundreds of records. And each record will be relatively short, with only about 10-15 data items within the data structure.
Also the Admin (or business owner in this case) need to be able to view all saved quotes in a presentable format, and edit them if needs be, from within this same program.
This solution does not need to be absolutely perfect and 100% efficiently coded, or have all the bells and whistles a real-world program would have. This is for an A level computing project by the way.
So basically, i need to be able to read from the database (to populate a Data Grid (i imagine this is best way?)) and so Admin can access any quote and edit it (editing is not vital, but viewing/printing is. Maybe i should stop at just viewing any quote?). Also i need generic users to be able to fill in the Edit Quote form and then save this data into the database.
And is a data structure really required for me to use a database?
I've never used databases in VB before (but have used them elsewhere, mainly Access) and so am completely new to this. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
Hi, i'm writing a SOCKET Port Listener for a Database, it must be multi-threaded and listen on a port for a record that when it comes in, it must write the record to the SQL database (MS SQL Server). I've got the listener to read the data over the port already and write the record into a string which i have already sliced up. Now i need to create a connection to the database and insert the variables into the database.
If Someone will please be able to give me a rough idea of how i could accomplish this with some sample code, then i will be greatful, i'm new to C#, but here is my code that i have so far.
//This is the Connection that i have made and where i am currently stuck, i dunno how to go further. Any help will be welcome.
public class ConnectionToMSDatabase { public void InsertDataIntoDatabase(string TableName, string connectionString, string dataFields) { string InsertSQLStatement; InsertSQLStatement = "INSERT INTO " + TableName + " VALUES (" + dataFields + ")";
I have text output files which are semi-structured.(Headers + irregular length tables below)
Is there a simple method of getting them into sql format(line by line) to try and extract data from them?
I know this won't be easy but its been worrying me for a long time. I have a method of importing the data into excel, but although difficult, it must be possible to get a system to get it into sql server. This must be a fairly common issue.
I installed the Adventureworks sample database and can see it from the server managment studio express. I am doing now an tutorial from Microsoft to display the data in a grid view using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express.
I am connecting to the DB with this connection string: "Data Source=STK-SASA-MX025SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=True" and I can see all the tables of the database. When I try to select some fields from the database using the wizard, like: SELECT [Name] FROM [ProductCategory] I get the following error message:
Invalid object name: ProductCategory, and to check the syntax and the types, but it seems to me quite standard SQL.