Real Simple Liscensing Question For Sql Server 2005.

Apr 11, 2006

Hell, I host web pages on a server(s) that I own, located in a datacenter.

I am trying to figure out how to properly liscnese sql server 2005.

I have called microsoft, and the people i talk to dont seem to understand my situation.  They keep asking me about the number of employess i have, which is totally irrelevant. 

Let me give you a basic example.

Example 1.

My personal web page has a blog on it.  The blog data is stored in a SQL database.  Its a popular blog, thousands of anonymous people reading my blog every month via my webpage.  The only "thing" accessing the SQL databse is an script i write, which then turns around and presents the data via html over the www.  just like every other blog in the universe.

Example 2.

I sell artwork over the internet via my web page.   My web page uses a shopping cart system which makes use of an SQL database to keep track of inventory and orders etc.  No one ever tries to connect to my database, they just use the shopping cart on my web page which of course connects to the database.

Now according to the MS liscensing documentation it seems that i can buy sql server w/ 5 device CAL's.  Since I only have 1 or 2 webservers accessing the database server, that should be no problem right?

So my basic question is this:   is a single Device CAL enough to allow one webserver to connect to one sql server and then show dynamic content to thousands of anonymous users (whoever happens to visit my sites?).

Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

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Noob Alert! What I Thought Was A Real Simple Query...

Oct 22, 2007


I have a table which has the column [itemNumber] Which contains numbers from 000 to 999. I have another table which has the UPC data for given items
I am trying to get results from my query that will show me every number in the itemNumberSet table that does not already exist (in the substring) of the UPCcode column.

By using the query below i am able to retrieve the opposite, and it works by returning results that do exist in the UPCcode column. But I cannot seem to get it to do the opposite which is what i am after. I figured it would be as simple as using NOT IN but that returned 0 results.

SELECT itemNumber FROM itemNumberSet
WHERE itemNumber IN (select SUBSTRING(UPCcode, 9, 3) FROM itemUPCtable)
ORDER BY itemNumber

Thanks for any suggestions you might have.

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SQL Server 2005 REAL Annoying Problem

Jan 22, 2008

I am having a problem connecting to my SQL Server 2005 database at the same time with SQL Management Studio Express and from the website at the same time.
Everytime I want to view any pages in my site that access the database, I have to close management studio and restart the server for some reason or i get a failed login error message.
Is it NOT possible to work on the database at the same time as viewing pages in the website that access the database?
This freaking error is realy starting to bug me.
I sure hope that there is a work around or something for this.

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Real Problem Installing SQL Server Express 2005

Oct 7, 2006

When I first installed MS SQL Server 2005 Express Editon, I didn't I selected Windows Auth instead of mixed mode, so I uninstalled sql server and then attempted to reinstall. On the earlier installtion I did setup to instances which show in the "Control Panel/admin tool/services". Anyway, I used the unistall through the control panel, but on installing again it told me that I had instances aready running and needed to stop them. Couldn't work out how to do that. So after many different things, including using the MS's removal tool and windows installer clean up, I still failed. Now however I get the following error message:

Setup failed because Service MSSQL$SQLExpress is disabled for the current hardware profile. Services must be set with the current Hardware Profile logon property profile enabled. For more information on how to enable the hardware profile logon property refer to the product documentation.

Can someone help?



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Unresolved SQL Server 2005 Issues - Getting Real Fedup With It!

Nov 22, 2007

So for the last week of my life, literally, I have been trying to import excel files, text files, etc through the bcp utility, link server and also trying bulk insert....I am really, really tired of this not working and I am starting to think there is a bug in express. I first thought these issues might have to do with Vista but I have even tried and failed with XP SP2. I am not new to SQL Server, nor am I a new developer - I have over five years experience so I am really pissed about it at this point! I know most professional developers use SQL Server 2005 Enterprise or something other than Express which is why I am probably not getting answers. btw, this is not the first time I have posted about these issues either. I have referenced multiple sources including forums, books on-line and I even resorted to getting a SQL Server 2005 EXPRESS book for dummies! I have enabled remote connections for both named pipes and tcp/ip. I have started the sql browser service. I have given the correct permissions to the file I want to import and to the table I want to import the data to. The file contains the int values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 --> I have even tried saving this file as a .csv -- thanks a whole bunch sql server 2005 dev team for getting rid of the import/export wizard found in 2000, arrrrrgh!

BULK INSERT TestDB.dbo.tblTestData
FROM 'C:datamyData.txt' WITH (DATAFILETYPE = 'char', FIELDTERMINATOR =',');

Msg 4864, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 1 (columnValue).

Can ANYONE give me a real answer on h ow I can get this to actually work?


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Oracle 10G's Real Application Clusters (RAC) Counterpart In SQL Server 2005?

Jul 27, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Does SQL Server 2005 has a counterpart to Oracle 10G's Real Application Clusters (RAC)?


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SQL Server 2000/2005 Tutorial For Complex And Real Life Queries

Dec 13, 2007

I am not very good in queries. Could you please suggest me some web site/Tutorial/Artical where i can get Study Material for complex and real life queries. I know the syntexes, I just need to practice queries to enhance my skills

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SQL Server 2005 Counterpart On Oracle 10G's Real Application Clusters (RAC) Counterpart?

Jul 27, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Does SQL Server 2005 has a counterpart to Oracle 10G's Real Application Clusters (RAC)?



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Simple Pivot Sql Server 2005

Feb 12, 2008

Is there a way to include multiple aggregations in one pivot statement?

For example:

) as t
sum(balance) for status_cd in
) as p

will return:

1 2399059.92
2 174310512.4
3 2211823370
4 1564431422

But I'd also like to get a count for the pivot column. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thank you.

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Using Express 2005 As A Database For A Real Website

Oct 23, 2006

HiI’m abut developing a website that has a 200 megabytes  SQL database ,in my estimation  the maximum online users are 100 users for first year , I want to make shore a SQL express 2005 database  in good enough for my purpose. Another question is how much can I count on a SQL express 2005 database? I mean how much it could be grown and abut security (I mean is it as secure as SQL server?). Thanks.

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Simple Trigger For SQL Server Express 2005

Jun 12, 2008

I've this tableCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Attivita]( [IDAttivita] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [IDOwner] [int] NULL, [IDAttivitaStato] [varchar](1) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [IDAttivitaTipo] [varchar](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [IDAnagrafica] [int] NULL, [Data] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Attivita_Data] DEFAULT (getdate()), [Descrizione] [varchar](max) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [Privato] [bit] NULL, [LastUpdate] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Attivita_LastUpdate] DEFAULT (getdate()), CONSTRAINT [PK_Attivita] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [IDAttivita] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]How Can I create a trigger for modify the IDAttività Stato field in specific situaion: if IDAttivitaTipo ==  OK or  == NOIDAttivitaStato must be set to CPlease note that I can write in the IDAttivitaStato field (during my code operation).... but I would like also automatic update if the IDAttivitaTipo is OK or NO Can you help me for create this with a trigger?Thanks 

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Simple Migration From MySQL To SQL Server Express 2005?

Mar 18, 2006

Normally I'd go and write a bunch of code for doing it manually... But instead of that, maybe there is a smarter way?

What I know is that you can get some kind of dump out of MySQL but I would be very surprised if that could be directly read into SQL Express ??

So if you have a few step guide to migrate from MySQL to SQL Express, I am all ears (and eyes)!


(Yes I am aware there is some DTS thingy for this but could not find it in the Express folders)

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MSDE Or SQL 2005 Deployment Resources - Real World Input

Feb 9, 2006

I have traditionally done web app and client server programming and am have been playing around with a new tool (Win forms) app that I eventually want to distribute to other developers and a couple of business people in our organization. I have done apps in the past that all connect to a central server for data access. The I'm working on now will have an individual DB per user and should be available locally for a desktop version of the software.

I am looking for more resources on things to consider when deploying an app with either MSDE or SQL 2005 Express. More specifically, items like long term maintenance of the db once it's installed with the user, etc. (DB bloat, transaction files, auto maintenance routines I may want to build in, etc)

I have seen all of the msdn docs on what you need to deploy (and how to do it), but I'm looking fro input from people that have deployed it and any significant pitfalls they have run into with that sort of deployment.

Any links or book references would be appreciated, thank you,

Cy Huckaba

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A Simple Question On The Connection String Format On Sql Server 2005!

Feb 22, 2006

Hi everyone!
I am new to visual studio 2005 and sql server 2005.
Up to now i was using visual studio 2003 and ms access.

When i wanted to create  a web application that communicates with
an access database,  i just had to take the *.mdb file and put it
into a specific folder inside my application's folder and then use
Server.MapPath on the connection string (so it can run on any pc).

Now, i want to do the same with sql server 2005 and visual studio 2005.
I use the connection string: "Server=MYSERVER;Initial
Catalog=test_db;Integrated Security=SSPI".

My problems are:
1) Can i just take the *.mdf file put it inside the App_Data folder like i did on access?
2) What should be the connection string so that my application can run on any pc (with sql server 2005)?

Thanx in advance guys!

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Execution Time Gap Between Simple Tsql And Stored Procedure In SQl Server 2005

Oct 16, 2007

Hi ,

I ma using sql server 2005.I have a bunch of statements of sql and i have created a stored procedure for those. When i execute i found that there is lot's of difference between execution time of stored procedure and direct sql in query windows.

can anyone help me to optimize the execution time for stored prcedure even stored prcedure is very simple.
I have used sql server 2000 and i am new in sql server 2005.

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Real Experiences With 64 Bit SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

I am about to buy some database hardware, and am considering buying adual 64-bit opteron server. In the past, we have run been running the32-bit version of SQL Server 2000.Has anybody tried the new 64-bit version of Sql Server 2000? Can weassume that something that works in the 32-bit world will work in the64 bit, or are we going to spend time debugging Microsoft code? Also,which flavor of 64-bit windows operating system did you use?Any experiences you want to share are much appreciated...-Cheers,Richard

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SQL Server For Real Time

Apr 12, 2007


We currently have a propriety in memory DB that is used to store the latest transactions in the system and we have a service that copies the data to a SQL Server every couple of seconds - For historical reporting purpose.

We would like to move into a more standard DB as our real time DB, since we have scalability and availability issues. We taught about using SQL Server since this is the DB we know, but I'm not sure it's built to handle real time data.

Does someone has any experience in using SQL Server for "Real Time" applications?

Does someone has any experience in storing the data files on RAM?

Does MS has a solution similar to Oracle's TimesTen, which is their real time DB?


Avi G..

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Real Easy Newby Q: SQL Server

Oct 28, 2005

This Q is so easy I can't find the answer anywhere!
Why is SQL Server called 'Server' ? I understand it is a lot more capable and robust than Access but where does 'server' come into it.
I currently use ASP and Access for dynamic websites but it is time to move up a notch.
Do I just buy SQL Server, make a database, upload it to the same place as before and hey presto?
can I run lots of websites (on different domains and servers) from databases created with my single license standard edition?

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SQL Server 2K Problem With Fractional Real Values

Jul 23, 2005

I have a field of type Real in my SQL 2K database. I stored a value of..35 in the field.When I "Open Table"->"Return All Rows" in the Enterprise Manager I getback .35 for the field value.I went to The SQL Query Analyzer and executed the following T-SQL:SELECT fieldFROM tableI got back 0.34999999 for the field.When running stored procs against the field I also get back 0.34999999.This is causing problems in my app. I can use the Round T-SQLstatement to get back the value I expect, but this causes appdevelopment problems. For a goof I put 1.35 in the field and T-SQL didreturn 1.35. This problem only seems to occur with 0.nnn values. Ialso tried a float data type for the field but I had the same problemsI had with real.Why is T-SQL returning 0.34999999 for my field?

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Viewing Commands Being Executed On Sql Server In Real Time

Sep 19, 2006

I saw a presentation last week where the speaker created some sorta sql server "watch window" (in Sql Server Management Studio I think) where he could watch all the commands being executed on his sql server database in real-time. For example he could navigate to web pages (that hit the database) and as he pressed buttons you could see the sql commands execute in this "watch window."  If other users hit the database at the same time you could see those sql queries execute as well.  I didn't think at the time to ask how he did it - does anyone know how to set this up?  I have a problem with my sql server right now and it would be useful to see which sql queries (etc) are being executed when.  Thanks in advance,J. Shane

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How To Create A Real (not Virtual) Table From View1 && View2 Ni Sql Server?

May 11, 2006

Hello all,my question might be trivial but since my background isn't DB i'll dareto ask it any way:how to create a real (not virtual) table from view1 & view2 ni sqlserver?what should i do specificly in the sql server application & what is thesyntax for that?i thank all of you,groupy.

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SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied - A Real Doozzy And Not Your Standard Problem!!

Sep 26, 2006

Hi ,

I am running SQL Server Desktop Engine on Windows XP. I am developing in .NET framework v1.1.

I intend to u/g to the express edition 2005 however should this old version of the engine be OK (particularly considering that Windows updates are being often run)?

Main question.

For ages the database has worked well then one day recently (just after running a Windows update) the following error occurred SQL Server does not exist or access denied .

I followed my code and this is the result of an exception being thrown in my code due to one of two obvious possibilities.

Everything looks fine as far as SQL Server DEsktop Engine (including services and TCP/IP protocols. Yes I have check cliconf.exe and svrnetcn.exe !!)

I specified mixed mode access (at setup) and In .NET my connection string is :

ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=false;IntegratedSecurity=sspi;Database=ShedDb;server=warehouse1";

I notice that when I try to login to the database engine with OSQL it does not recognise the original sa password??

Somehow this has been changed (I definitely have not)

Q1. Is it possible that a virus (Worm) could have done this?

Q2. I think that I am stuffed(sorry) because now the sa has changed I cannot perform any admin functions (like resetting the sa pw) Is there any way to change the sa password in this sitatuon?

Q3. The database is locally setup on my development system. When I use the above mentioned connection string I assume that because I do not mention a userid and password that database access is being achieved via Windows authentication (I did specify mixed mode at setup) Is this correct?

Q4. I can appreciate the severity of the sa password being altered. However if Windows authentication is being used by my application, why should this matter? How does Windows authentication work?

Q5. I do have a backup of all the databases including master, model, temp... (I think that the sa password is stored in master). Would the crude approach of simply copying the backup of these backup database files (like master.mdf and master.ldf) suffice in fixing this problem?

Any help would be appreciated.



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(Project Real Implementation) Error Code: 0x80004005 OLEDB Connection To SQL Server

Mar 25, 2008

Hi List
Im trying to set up an implementation of Project Real --it works like this-
Create two system environment variables called REAL_Root_Dir and
REAL_Configuration with the values given below. Click on
Start -> Control Panel -> System. Go to the Advanced Panel, click Environment Variables button, then New in the System variables box.

If the Project REAL files were installed at C:Microsoft Project REAL, then the variable values will be:

Variable Name: REAL_Root_Dir
Variable Value: C:Microsoft Project REALETL

Variable Name: REAL_Configuration
Variable Value: %REAL_Root_Dir%REAL_Config.dtsconfig

The package OLEDB connections work like this
First read enviroment variable to get location of config file
Next read Config File to get connection string for Config Database
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Connections[SQL - Configuration].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=DataWarehouseABC;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;</ConfiguredValue>
Next read Config database to get connection strings for Source and Destination databases

Destination database is called "DataWarehouseABC"
Source database is called "SnapshotABC"

the Source database OLEDB connection works 100%
however the destination OLDB connection we get this error below
PS--Both source and destination databases are on the same development machine , however both databases are restored bak files from another production machine

Error 1 Error loading LoadGroup_Daily.dtsx: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Login failed for user 'xxxxxx'.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Cannot open database "DataWarehouseABC" requested by the login. The login failed.".

Any ideas on how one OLEDB Connection in this package can get this corruption

thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2014 :: SSAS Stored Procs (CLR) - Identify Real Data Type Of MDX Value Returned From Expression

Feb 13, 2015

I have a SSAS stored procedure with a signature:

public Set DoSomthing(Set toBeProcessed, Set measuresToWorkWith)The set measurseToWorkWith is passed as {[Measures].[Measure1], [Measures].[Measure2] ...}

with the measures being real or query-scoped calculated members.

To get the value of the measure for each tuple in the set toBeProcessed, I create an Expression for each tuple (measure) in the set measuresToWorkWith then for each tuple in toBeProcessed call expression.Calculate(tuple) which returns a MDXValue.

My problem is that in order to make the code generic I need to get the real (.NET) data type of the MDXValue. The class only has explicit conversion methods ToInt16() etc which implies that the data type is known at design time.

However, if one of the measures is a query-scoped calculation then it could return a .NET double, int, bool or string.

If the measure is real then I can look up its metadata. However, it appears that if it is a formula (scoped member) then are all bets are off?

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I Think I Found SQL 2005 Bug By Doing Simple Group BY!!!

Jul 4, 2007

I did:
select city, count(*) from classifieds_address group by city
You would think it would distiguish between "Koh Phangan" and "Koh Phangan ". No!!! It shows them as one row in SQL!!! Is this SQL bug?
Aberdeen 1bayombong 1Brooklyn 4Castle Peak Bay 1Causeway Bay 2Chiang Mai 1Hong Kong 1Hong Kong  Wan Chai 1Hong Kong Island 10Hong Kong Sheung Wan 1Karachi 1Koh Phangan 21Koh Samui 37Koh Tao 9Kowloon 13Kowloon, Tsim Sha Tsui 1Lantau Island 1Mid-Levels 3New Territories 2New York 3North Point 1Oligar 1Tsim Sha Tsui 1Wan Chai 5Yau Ma Tei 1Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon 1

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2005: SIMPLE QUESTION: Error Log

May 30, 2006

Hello,When I received a message "... See the SQL Server errorlog for details...." I opened Management / SQL Server Logs where I see:Current - 2006-05-30 12:19:00Archive #1 - 2006-05-30 09:49:00Archive #2 - 2006-05-30 08:27:00etc.But each of these logs contains "0 Item(s)". How to see log entries?Thank you very much/RAM/

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Simple Database Problem (mssql 2005)

Nov 30, 2006

How do you copy all stored procedures into a .sql file using Microsoft SQL server management studio?I am trying to make a database installation file that should have all the tables and SP in it, can't find away to copy that information to a .sql file.

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Simple Objects Transfer From 2000 Db To 2005 Db

Feb 1, 2006

creating a simple package and cant get it to run below is the error. when i check the source 2k db its there see below...

i am clue free of the issus...

SSIS error message

Error: 0xC002F325 at Transfer SQL Server Objects Task, Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: Execution failed with the following error: "ERROR : errorCode=0 description='FK_MoreBDRInformation_dbo_BatchDataReports' is not a constraint. helpFile= helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}".

source Server DB sysobjects table record

name id xtype uid info status base_schema_ver replinfo parent_obj crdate ftcatid schema_ver stats_schema_ver type userstat sysstat indexdel refdate version deltrig instrig updtrig seltrig category cache
FK_MoreBDRInformation_dbo_BatchDataReports 1618573300 F 1 0 0 0 0 86043838 2006-01-31 12:35:41.530 0 0 0 F 0 11 0 2006-01-31 12:35:41.530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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SQL 2005 Express Timeout On Simple Queries

May 5, 2007

Hi everybody!

I have made a simple application with VB6 and SQL 2005 Express.

And after testing it in a network simulated with Virtual-Machine Workstation, the "real world" application was first getting slower and slower, and finally giving timeout errors.

It is even difficult to connect. The application times out always at 30 secs although the ado connection timeout was established longer (45)

I have checked on the machine where the server is installed, just in case the slow down was due to network problems, but it fail locally too.

Any help is wellcome

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What Will Happen If I Choose RecoveryModel Is Simple In SQL 2005

Aug 14, 2007

We are using SQL 2005 for maintaing the Poerplant database,for that we have to run reports to get the data from the database.We have selected "RecoveryModel" is Simple.but if we select recovery model "Simple" we cannot get the full Database backup.And if we select the Recovery Model is "Full" the size of transaction log files for historical database is growing like anyway.So what i think that if we choose recovery model as "Simple" the size of transaction log files will be in controlable size.But if select Recovery model is"Full" then the size of transaction logfiles are growing.

Plz give ur valueable suggestion.


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Few Simple (silly) Questions On SQL 2005 &&amp; CLR Integration.

Mar 2, 2007

Hi all,

I need few clarifications from you experts regarding SQL server 2005 & CLR integration ( my questions might be simple and silly, please bear with me).

A web service should be invoked from the SQL Server , Is CLR stored procedure only way to do that ?
Does SQL Server uses the CLR only when the CLR support is enabled ? OR SQL Server itself runs on top of the CLR no matter it is enabled or not ?
What are the major disadvantages of using CLR stored procedures instead of T-SQL?

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server 2014 :: Gathering Stored Procedure Execution Time In Real Time?

Jun 11, 2015

Is there a way to keep track in real time on how long a stored procedure is running for? So what I want to do is fire off a trace in a stored procedure if that stored procedure is running for over like 5 minutes.

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Simple Customers ~ Orders Table Handling Question SQL Express 2005

Dec 13, 2007

I want to refer in a table quotes to customers and itemes from another table.

here is my table list in database:

I want to create another table which through it I can create qoutes for customers suing a collection of items in PriceList table.

for example I want to be able to create something like this:

my quote example
Items (retrieved from PriceList table):
belongsTo (a relation to CustomerID in Cstomers table):
Discount, Date, WrittenBy, etc.

how many tables do I have to use for it, and what queries I have to write, and do I have to create any special relationships?


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