Receive Messages From Queue Based On Message_type_name
Dec 15, 2006
I have 2 messages types for a queue and would like to use one application that receives messages of one type from the queue and another application that will receieve messages of a different type from the same queue.
Hi i am trying to create a batch process then commit for all messages on the queue. The problem i am having is when i run my query (As below) I only receive the first message and the corresponding end dialog for the message although i have 2000 records sitting in the queue. It is my understanding that receive without any criteria i.e top(1) or where clause should select everything of the queue. I tried receive top(100) expecting 100 records but still only got 2 back.
My activation sp must be able to read of various queues.
I load a variable with the queue name that activated the sp btu i cannot get the syntax working to receive or get a conversation group of a queue name that is a variable.
I have tried:
RECEIVE message_body, conversation_handle, message_type_name, message_sequence_number, conversation_group_id FROM @callingQueue INTO @msgTable WHERE conversation_group_id = @conversationGroup
), TIMEOUT 2000;
But i get this error:
Incorrect syntax near '@callingQueue'.
Looks like you cannot use a variable.
So i tried the following:
RECEIVE message_body, conversation_handle, message_type_name, message_sequence_number, conversation_group_id FROM @callingQueue INTO @msgTable WHERE conversation_group_id = @conversationGroup
I've found a pretty good code example on for a Asynchronous Trigger.
I've parsed through the Code, to understand how to wirte my own Async Trigger with a Service Broker, but the Code isn't working! It seems that the stored procedure don't receive the messages in the queue, but the queue get's filled.
CREATE SERVICE myService ON QUEUE myQueue (myContractANY) Procedure (greped from
CREATE PROC sp_myServiceProgram AS -- This procedure will get triggered automatically -- when a message arrives at the -- Let's retrieve any messages sent to us here: DECLARE @XML XML, @MessageBody VARBINARY(MAX), @MessageTypeName SYSNAME, @ID INT, @COL2 VARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @Queue TABLE ( MessageBody VARBINARY(MAX), MessageTypeName SYSNAME); WHILE (1 = 1) BEGIN WAITFOR ( RECEIVE message_body, message_type_name FROM myQueue INTO @Queue ), TIMEOUT 5000; -- If no messages exist, then break out of the loop: IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @Queue) BREAK; DECLARE c_Test CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT * FROM @Queue; OPEN c_Test; FETCH NEXT FROM c_Test INTO @MessageBody, @MessageTypeName; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Let's only deal with messages of Message Type -- myMsgXML: IF @MessageTypeName = 'myMsgXML' BEGIN SET @XML = CAST(@MessageBody AS XML); -- Now let's save the XML records into the -- historical table: INSERT INTO tblDotNetFunTriggerTestHistory SELECT tbl.rows.value('@ID', 'INT') AS ID, tbl.rows.value('@COL2', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS COL2, GETDATE() AS UPDATED FROM @XML.nodes('/inserted') tbl(rows); END FETCH NEXT FROM c_Test INTO @MessageBody, @MessageTypeName; END CLOSE c_Test; DEALLOCATE c_Test; -- Purge the temporary in-proc table: DELETE FROM @Queue; END Send Message in a Update Trigger
SELECT @XML = (SELECT * FROM inserted FOR XML AUTO); -- Send the XML records to the Service Broker queue: DECLARE @DialogHandle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @ConversationID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; /* The target Service Broker service is the same service as the initiating service; however, you can set up this type of trigger to send messages to a remote server or another database. */ BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION @DialogHandle FROM SERVICE myService TO SERVICE 'myService' ON CONTRACT myContractANY; SEND ON CONVERSATION @DialogHandle MESSAGE TYPE myMsgXML (@XML); -- Let's detect an error state for this dialog -- and rollback the entire transaction if one is -- detected: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.conversation_endpoints WHERE conversation_handle = @DialogHandle AND state = 'ER') RAISERROR('Dialog in error state.', 18, 127); ELSE BEGIN --I want to list the queue after the trigger so I disabled --END CONVERSATION @DialogHandle; COMMIT TRAN; END The Problem is, that the Procedure doesn't even get started! So I tried to receive the Queues manually
WAITFOR ( RECEIVE message_body, message_type_name FROM myQueue INTO @Queue ), TIMEOUT 5000;
and I run always into the timeout and get nothing back. A Select * FROM myQueue gives me some results back. Why I can't recevie? Would be grateful for help, or at least a good tutorial, I haven't found one yet.... thx and greez Karsten
Our Sql server is not responding, So we restarted the server and modified one of the sp code. After that we are getting frequently every 2 min giving the below error
The queue 855365233 in database 9 has activation enabled and contains unlocked messages but no RECEIVE has been executed for 453199 seconds
I have set up service broker to work between two instances of SQL server with Dialog Security (implemented using certificates). The initiator queue has a activation procedure attached to process the return messages.
I'm receiving the messages from inside a SSIS package using Receive statement. Once I recive the message, I store the conversation handle, message type and message body in variables and execute the remaining ETL package based on the input.
Towards the end of the package, I send a message back to the Initiator for the same conversation to indicate sucess or failure.
Code Snippet
declare @conversation_handle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER
select @conversation_handle = <<SSIS User Variable>>;
SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversation_handle MESSAGE TYPE [/OLAP/Error] (N'<Error>My custom error</Error>');
END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle ;
The problem now is that, the initiator queue receives only the "" message. I would expect it to recieve "/OLAP/Error" first and then the "EndDialog" message.
Any idea on what's happening here? Any help is appreciated.
I'm writing some generalized stored procedures for use form managed code. The following stored proc works great:
CREATE PROCEDURE fnd_Send ( @Message VARCHAR(5000), @Contract SYSNAME, @MessageType SYSNAME, @FromService SYSNAME, @ToService VARCHAR(100), @Encrypted Bit ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Handle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER;
Notice the use of SYSNAME parameters €“ translating the parameter into an object name - allows it to work in the BEGIN DIALOG statement when an system object is needed. Works create and cues up generic messages.
The following will not compile:
CREATE PROCEDURE fnd_Receive ( @Queue SYSNAME, @Message VARCHAR(5000) out, @MessageType SYSNAME out ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Handle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER;
RECEIVE TOP (1) @Handle = conversation_handle, @MessageType = message_type_name, @Message = message_body FROM @Queue; END GO
It won€™t let me use the SYSNAME field @Queue in the FROM clause. I€™m getting an unfriendly:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fnd_Receive, Line 15 Incorrect syntax near '@Queue'.
It looks like maybe I can€™t bind a variable in the FROM clause €“ perhaps like you cannot in a SELECT statement. I can fall back to dynamic SQL in the stored proc or in the managed code; I was hoping not to.
Can anyone shed any light on this? Also, are there any other techniques I'm missing to avoid falling back to a dynamic SQL statement.
I am trying to send messages between 2 different server instances. I am getting the following errors in Profiler:
"This message could not be delivered because the user with ID 0 in database ID 14 does not have permission to send to the service. Service name: 'TestService1'."
"The target service name could not be found. Ensure that the service name is specified correctly and/or the routing information has been supplied."
The scripts for object creation and messaging is following at the first server instance:
DECLARE @status nvarchar(1024); SELECT status = GET_TRANSMISSION_STATUS(@dh);
on second server instance:
in first server, in sys.transmission_queue transmission_status is empty
Both servers in the same domain, and databases on this server has the same owner.
on both servers, select @@version: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (Intel X86) Apr 14 2006 01:12:25 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
I have a strange problem with messages getting stuck in a transmission queue. The set up is as follows:
1. Client database behind physical firewall 2. Firewall rules forward inbound traffic to Client Database 3. Server database has route to firewall 4. Client and Server databases on different physical networks
Over the last couple of days, the IP address of the PC that has the Client database on it changed. Messages were getting through to the Server from the Client but not the other way round. I presume this also meant that message acknowledgements were also not getting back to the Client because messages were stuck in the Client transmission queue.
Looking in more detail at the queued messages at the Server side, it appeared that the Server had received the messages, processed them, and sent back an end conversation. The state of the conversation in conversation_endpoints was DISCONNECTED OUTBOUND. Which I assume means that these would never get through to the Client?
What is the correct way of dealing with this situation? I tried doing an end conversation with cleanup at the Server end but this is clearly wrong because this removes any trace of the conversation from the Server and means that the messages now get through correclty (again) and processed (again). Meaning that we now have duplicate messages in our database.
I may have a misunderstanding of how SB works, but this seems like a problem.
If a queue is disable (i.e. status = off) and a message is sent to the queue the message is placed on the sys.transmission_queue. Once the queue is enabled I thought the messages were sent to the queue in the order they were placed on the sys.tranmission_queue? I have been troubleshooting a problem and this is not the case. Do I have a misunderstanding of how the sys.transmission_queue works?
I am developing automated .Net Unit Tests, and as a prerequisite of each test, I would like to clear the service broker queues of any messages. Executing the
RECEIVE * FROM statement appears to only return a message at a time, and not all as I expected. Any ideas on how to make this happen, besides not having to delete the queues and then having to rebuild them?
1) I drop the Service Broker on the Receiver by running the following sql script:
if exists (select * from where name = N'//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter') drop service [//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter]
2) I send some messages using the SQL Service broker on the sender side
3) The messages I send stay in sender transmission queue. Here is an example of what my transmission queue looks like after running select * from sys.transmission_queue on the sender.
02C54400-309C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 //TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter 386DDD04-7E55-466A-BE83-37EFC20910B9 tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender //TyMetrix360Audit/Contract 2007-11-26 14:58:10.207 0 //TyMetrix360Audit/Message 0 0 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Service Broker received an error message on this conversation. Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation. F620FA2D-309C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 //TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter 386DDD04-7E55-466A-BE83-37EFC20910B9 tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender //TyMetrix360Audit/Contract 2007-11-26 14:59:26.813 0 //TyMetrix360Audit/Message 0 0 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Service Broker received an error message on this conversation. Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation.
The main point is that the sys.transmission queue retains the messages with the error 'Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation.'
4. I execute the following sql statment on the sender:
select * from sys.conversation_endpoints
and see that the conversation that sent the messages are in state 'ER'
5. I then recreate the receiver with the following script:
create service [//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter] authorization dbo on queue dbo.TyMetrix360AuditQueue([//TyMetrix360Audit/Contract])
6. I send some more messages and see that the new messages are being received and processed correctly.
7. But what of the messages stuck in the sender transmission queue. How are these messages to be resent? Since the conversations are in state 'ER' it seems they are not being resent. Do I need to write a custom SQL script to resend them? I do not want to end the conversation because the message will be lost and not resent.
So, in conclusion, the main question is:
When the receiver goes down, or the receiver service broker simply does not exist and messages pile up the sender transmission queue like in my example how do these messages get resent when the receiver is restored?
By the way when I run
select service_broker_guid from sys.databases where database_id = db_id()
1. drop receiver side service broker with sql command : drop service [//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter]
2. send a message from the sender.
3. now the sys.transmission_queue on the sender keeps the message.
The relevant tables on the sender and receiver no look like this:
the following summarizes the transmission queue on the SENDER:
conversation handle message_body transmission status 5A0F1D1F-449C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 my message in binary, ie 0x.F4E1.... <blank>
the following summarizes the sys.conversation_endpoints on the SENDER:
conversation handle conversation_id state 5A0F1D1F-449C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 461891C8-5D53-4D89-A7C6-097FE2EDB22A CO
the following summarizes the transmission queue on the RECEIVER:
conversation handle message_body transmission status 5A0F1D1F-449C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 message body of error message...... One or more messages could not be delivered to the local service targeted by this dialog.
the following summarizes the sys.conversation_endpoints on the RECEIVER:
conversation handle conversation_id state 5A0F1D1F-449C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 461891C8-5D53-4D89-A7C6-097FE2EDB22A DO
What do I do now?
There is a message stuck in the sender transmission queue. You responded in my last post that I need to do a RECIEVE on the sender and end the conversation myself? This is not helping me. I am still confused about the answer to this. Can you provide some sort of code outline or steps to resolve this issue. As of now I do not know how to resend my messages stuck in the sender transmission queue and they can not be lost when the conversation is ended.
Also, I thought SQL Service broker was supposed to hadle things like this. It is common for the receiver to not be there. In this case the messages should resend automatically once the receiver is back up. Please help as there is no documentation online about how to resolve this issue and your last response was not adequate.
Scenario: (1) Initiator/Target are running on different machines; (2) Target is on SQL Standard Edition with service pack 1; (3) Initiator ends the conversation.
If Initiator is running on SQL Express Edition with service pack 1 or 2, €œSend message€? and €œEnd conversion€? will introduce two messages in initiator€™s sys.transmission_queue. One is empty message with correct message type; the other is empty message with no message type. Both of them are from the Target to the Initiator.
If Initiator is running on SQL Standard Edition with service pack 1, with same stored procedure (attached below), there is no message left in initiator€™s sys.transmission_queue.
We like to find the way to make Initiator on SQL Express Edition acting same as it on SQL Standard Edition, namely not left messages in the initiator€™s sys.transmission_queue
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CreateMessageForQueue] @message varchar(max) AS BEGIN
SEND ON CONVERSATION @handle MESSAGE TYPE LogMessage(@message);
Hello, This is info that I am still not certain about and I just need to make sure, my gut feeling is correct:
A. When a procedure is triggered upon reception of a message in a queue, what happens when the procedure fails and rolls back? 1. Message is left on the Queue. 2. is the worker procedure triggered again for the same message by the queue? 3. I am hoping the Queue keeps on triggering workers until it is empty.
My scenario is that my queue reader procedure only reads one message at a time, thus I do not loop to receive many messages.
B. For my scenario messages are independent and ordering does not matter. Thus I want to ensure my Queue reader procedures execute simultaneously. Is reading the Top message in one reader somehow blocking the queue for any other reader procedures? I.e. if I have BEGIN TRANSACTION when reading messages of the Queue, is that effectively going prevent many reader procedures working simultaneously. Again, I want to ensure that Service broker is effectively spawning procedures that work simultaneously.
I have spent days searching the web and forums for an answer to this simple question and cannot find an example.
I have built a service broker application on sql server 2005. The application puts some xml on an incoming queue which is basically a few parameters to be used in a query. This queue will then call a stored proc which does some business logic and puts the resulting results in another queue also in xml.
I have written a test harness in SQL to put messages on the inbound queue and then some sql to retrieve the returned code from the outbound queue.
What I want to do is be able to convert the SQL which does this into .net code to be used by an application. i.e. write in .net some code to put xml on a queue and then write some .net code to retrieve xml from another queue.
I wouldn't have thought this would be a difficult thing to do and would have been done hundreds of times, but unable to find anything to simply send and retrieve XML to service broker queues....
thanks for your help.. its really needed. I found some links, but they are really vague and often doing select statments in service broker or something like this. I don't want to call any sql, just send and recieve XML on the queues.
any example code that does this, would be really helpfull
In working through some examples, sometimes I will see this pattern for receiving messages: What is the purpose of the "nested" WAITFOR (RECEIVE? What is this actually doing? Is it receiving the same message in both RECEIVE?
WAITFOR ( RECEIVE @dh = [conversation_handle], @message_type = [message_type_name], @message_body = CAST([message_body] AS NVARCHAR(4000)) FROM [Queue]), TIMEOUT 1000; WHILE @dh IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @message_type = N'' BEGIN RAISERROR (N'Received error %s from service [Target]', 10, 1, @message_body) WITH LOG; END END CONVERSATION @dh; COMMIT; SELECT @dh = NULL; BEGIN TRANSACTION; WAITFOR ( RECEIVE @dh = [conversation_handle], @message_type = [message_type_name], @message_body = CAST([message_body] AS NVARCHAR(4000)) FROM [Queue]), TIMEOUT 1000; END COMMIT;
Other times I will see this pattern for receiving messages: Why do a RECEIVE TOP(1) instead of just a RECEIVE?
@conversationHandle = conversation_handle,
@messageTypeName = message_type_name,
@messageBody = message_body
FROM [Queue]), TIMEOUT 1000;
And other times I will see this pattern for receiving messages: What is the purpose of RECEIVING into an in-memory table when you can just process the message directly?
FROM [Queue]
INTO @tableMessages), TIMEOUT 1000;
What is the difference between the three approaches from an architectural and performance perspective? I need to process messages as fast as possible and I'm not sure why or when each should be used. Also, does the timeout have any impact on how FAST messages will be processed, or is it exactly what it says - a timeout - if a message is not found within the period then the procedure will break?
I am trying to set up a stored procedure to retrieve to 20 messages from a queue into a table to implement a batched process. I have the following code in a stored procedure.
WAITFOR ( RECEIVE top (20) -- get batched so that we can process same listid once message_type_name, message_body, -- the message contents conversation_handle -- the identifier of the dialog this message was received on FROM into @PayloadData ), TIMEOUT 3000 -- if the queue is empty for three second, give UPDATE and go away
However, the stored procedure is only retrieving 1 message at a time from the queue. Did I miss some other setting
Hello Guys, I really need you help to debug this query. OBJECTIVE:THE QUERY SHOULD GIVE ME THE FIELDS I MENTIONED IN THE FIRST QUERY WITH THE CONDITIONS BELOW. CONDITION 1: RateReview field should have yesterday's date CONDITION 2: Email will be send to customer only once so Customer_GUID is UniqueIdentifier CONDITION 3: Customer shouldnt' have opted to get out from receiving any email so Termination field should be NULL ONe Customer can have many transwactions Is there any way i write the code specifying that no email should be sent more than once evereven if customer buys 10 tickets. Only one email sent so i need to specify that if this email has gone to particulare CUSTOMER_GUID then Ignore that record and do not send any email. This would be done by some tool known as StrongMail.
SELECT CAST(a.Transaction_GUID AS varchar(36)) as Transaction_GUID, CAST(a.Customer_GUID AS varchar(36)) as Customer_GUID, Film_id as MovieId, First_nm as FirstName, Last_nm as LastName, Email_nm as EmailAddress,
from ( select MIN(CAST(customer_guid AS varchar(36))) as Customer_GUID, Transaction_GUID from tblTransaction (nolock) where RateReview_dm > DATEADD(dd,-1,GETDATE()) and RateReview_dm < GETDATE()
and Terminate_dm is null and customer_guid not in ( select CAST(customer_guid AS varchar(36)) as Customer_GUID from tblTransaction (nolock) where RateReview_dm > DATEADD(dd,-1,GETDATE()) and RateReview_dm < GETDATE()
and Terminate_dm is null ) group by transaction_guid, customer_guid )z inner jointblTransaction a onz.Transaction_GUID = a.Transaction_GUID
Hai ,I created a table with primary key clustered. I have entered the datathru E.Manager . If a close the table and open it again , Ii shows therows with the (default) ascending order. Is, there any way to get therows in the user entered order(neither asc or dec order)With ThanksRaghu
I built a system where I am sending batches of messages using a single conversation. I want to pull these messages out of my queue using Service Broker. I may have more than one batch sitting in the queue waiting to be picked up, so....
In my SSIS package i started by getting a unique list of conversation_handles where the message type is my end of batch message ( should only be one per batch). Then I used the foreach loop construct thinking I could pass the conversation_handles around and into the data flow.
In the data flow I want to pull all of the messages at once. It looks like the receive statement is designed to do this with the concept of using a table variable.
So I built this SQL to use in for the SQL Command of my OLE DB Source. It gives me this error "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific errorr"
select top 1 @ch = conversation_handle from dm.[consultant queue] where message_type_name = 'BatchEnd' order by queuing_order;
-- select conversation_handle, message_type_name, message_body receive conversation_handle, message_type_name, message_body from dm.[consultant queue] into @messages where conversation_handle = @ch
select conversation_handle, message_type_name, message_body from @messages
I have tried sneaking the parameter into the SQL in other ways, but always get the same I have tried sneaking the parameter into the SQL in other ways, but always get the same error message. It just seems that SSIS, or OLE DB, don't want to pass parameters into a block of SQL that is executing this receive command. Has anyone else done something similar to what I am doing here? Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Obviously by using SSIS I want to work on the whole batch at once and not iterate message by message. Right now I just don't like the idea that I am getting the conversation_handle twice and possibly getting a different batch of messages to process.
I followed an example using the AdventureWorks database to set up a simple messaging test on one database:
Code Block -- We will use adventure works as the sample database USE AdventureWorks GO -- First, we need to create a message type. Note that our message type is -- very simple and allowed any type of content CREATE MESSAGE TYPE JobRequest VALIDATION = NONE GO -- Once the message type has been created, we need to create a contract -- that specifies who can send what types of messages CREATE CONTRACT JobRequestor (JobRequest SENT BY INITIATOR) GO -- The communication is between two endpoints. Thus, we need two queues to -- hold messages CREATE QUEUE RequestorQueue CREATE QUEUE ReceiverQueue GO -- Create the required services and bind them to be above created queues CREATE SERVICE Requestor ON QUEUE RequestorQueue CREATE SERVICE Receiver ON QUEUE ReceiverQueue (JobRequestor) GO -- At this point, we can begin the conversation between the two services by -- sending messages DECLARE @conversationHandle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @message NVARCHAR(100) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION; BEGIN DIALOG @conversationHandle FROM SERVICE Requestor TO SERVICE 'Receiver' ON CONTRACT JobRequestor WITH ENCRYPTION=OFF, LIFETIME= 600; -- Send a message on the conversation SET @message = N'Hello, World'; SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle MESSAGE TYPE JobRequest (@message) COMMIT TRANSACTION END GO -- Receive a message from the queue RECEIVE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max), message_body) AS message FROM ReceiverQueue -- Cleanup DROP SERVICE Sender DROP SERVICE Receiver DROP QUEUE SenderQueue DROP QUEUE ReceiverQueue DROP CONTRACT HelloContract DROP MESSAGE TYPE HelloMessage GO
This all works fine but if I run the section that creates the message and then copy the RECEIVE section to a new query window and execute it, nothing is returned. If I run the RECEIVE section within the same query window it returns the 'Hello World' message as expected. I am new to Service Broker and so am assuming that I am missing something obvious!!
Is there a way to get more than one file with a single ftp task in SQL 2005??
I need to get 5 files from one server. They are in two different directories is that makes any difference. Right now I have a separate task for each but would like to have one task if possible.
Hi, My msdb grown up abnormally to 35 GB. I used :
use msdb go SELECT TOP 10 OBJECT_NAME([object_id]), * FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats WHERE index_id IN (0,1) ORDER BY in_row_reserved_page_count DESC;
And i found queue_messages_407672500 table is occupying a lot of space.
When i tried to query : select TOP 5 * FROM queue_messages_407672500 ; I got error: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid object name 'queue_messages_407672500'.
Also , to clear the queued messages in msdb , i tried to use : RECEIVE TOP (1) * FROM queue_messages_407672500 ; But got the same error as above.
Please suggest , how can i shrink the msdb now, as without receving the messages i am not able to shrink it.
I am getting problem in unique row in database table, but not getting unique row because I have used Distinct keyword but not getting unique row so how can we do?
I have two table one table information another table Id. But second table in two code same but I am using distinct keyword i get some row unique but second table in two row in same code but when i am fetching row same auto_id render same id create duplicate row. But I am getting only unique row.
I have a set of service broker services setup that rely on external activation to process messages. I'm using the GotDotNet ExternalActivator, and it launches console applications that do the actual retrieval from the queues. The console applications are written to run continuously to avoid the cost of starting up .NET based console apps over and over again.
I am observing very odd timing behavior. With the receive queues empty and the external activator configured to run a minimum and maximum of 5 instances, I observe in SQL Profiler that most of the receive operations finish in about the same amount of time as my WAITFOR command in my receive stored procedure. However, there is usually one receive command that consistently takes upwards of 30 seconds and often causes sql timeout exceptions to be thrown. I know that I could code around this, but I wasn't really expecting this behavior.
Does anyone have any thoughts on why it might be occurring? I would have expected to routinely see my receive operations taking 15 seconds, give or take, especially when the queue is empty. Also, I have observed this behaviour on both SQL 2k5 Express and Dev Editions, so I don't think it's a version thing.
The stored procedure I am using to do the receive is:
I have a problem using service broker, a send the message from server SSB1(initiator) and a receive this message on server SSB2(target), but I don't receive response to SSB1...
In my server SSB2 has this messages on Profiler: - This message could not be delivered because it is a duplicate. - Could not forward the message because forwarding is disabled in this SQL Server instance. - The message could not be delivered because it could not be classified. Enable broker message classification trace to see the reason for the failure.
Message from SSB1 Profiler:
- This message was dropped because it could not be dispatched on time. State: 1