Recodset Destination Problem

Oct 25, 2007


I create data flow task to retrieve my data row by row so I used Recordset Destination to put my data into a variable. I have 10,000 rows of data and when I executed the data flow :
Test One : I executed it in my computer using RAM 2Gb and it still running for over 30 minutes then I stopped it.
Test Two : I executed it in my server using RAM 2Gb and it finished for 25 minutes.
Test Three : I executed it in my 64bit server using RAM 4Gb and it still running for over 30 minutes then I stopped it.
Test Four : I executed it in my computer again and it finished for 2 seconds. Don't believe it. Run it again and same result.
I confused with this Recordset Destination. I have some questions around it :
1. What's the prerequisite using it ?
2. Why my computer had different experience when executing this package ? same specification different result. The last one is more faster than the first.
3. Can we use Recordset Destination to retrieve data more than a million rows ?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,


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DB_E_ROWSNOTRELEASED ADO2.81 Recodset-&&>Seek() After Recordset&&>Update()

May 11, 2006

I am getting error 0x80040E25 when I try to call seek after update on a Recordset opened as (adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect)

9 - (13.250) - <2> - *** error in .DbRecordset.cpp, line 908
10 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERRORS FOR pRs = 200a420, seek, err=-2147217883(80040e25)
11 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: E R R O R 1 of 1.
12 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: DESCRIPTION: All HROWs must be released before new ones can be obtained. [,,,,,].
13 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: NUMBER: 80040E25
14 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: NATIVE_ERROR: 0
15 - (13.250) - <2> - ADO_ERROR: SOURCE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition OLE DB Provider

I registered SQL Mobile 3.0 dlls using regsvr32.exe so now I can connect to SQLCE3.0 databases on desktop using plain ADO with such connection string _T("Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.MOBILE.OLEDB.3.0; Data Source=") + name of the file

I have not asked this question before as it did not make sense -> there was no official SQLCE3.0 support on desktop. Now, since SQL CE is promiced to be supported on desktop as SQL/E I decided to ask.

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OLE DB DESTINATION And SQL Server Destination

Jul 4, 2007

Hey All:

I was totally confused.

When designing the SSIS dataflow part, firstly , i tried SQL Server Destination because my target server is a sql server.

then execute the task with failure.

Then i tried to use OLE DB DESTINATION instead of SQL Server Destination.

This Dataflow worked.

i can not figour out why.

By the way , i used the connection is OLE DB.And i choosed OLE DB source as the datasource cuz i can not find SQL server datasource.

Who can tell me some reasons for this?

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Specify Destination 'on The Fly' For ETL

Jan 11, 2007

Hello Experts:

I am trying to find a way within SSIS either automatically or manually/programmatically to allow an application to call the SSIS package for ETL and output the results to a destination specified 'on the fly' by the application.

Any ideas....

Thanks for your help,Karun

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OLE DB Destination

Sep 19, 2006

I am proceesing a file and using a OLE Db destination for inserting the rows present into a file to the table.

As of now OLE db destination points to the table and having the fileds mapping of input column and destination column.

now i want to perform some calculation and want insert the rows into table based on the value of some other column for ex.

if (column2 == 1)


column1 = column4 - column5


if (column3== 1)


column1 = column4 - Column6


Please let me know how to do this.

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Renaming Destination In DTS

Feb 11, 2004

I searched, but couldn't find anything to match what I am looking for...

Basically, is there any way to tell DTS to create a new table each time that the backup is run? I am scheduling the backup for 1 hour intervals for 5 days, but need the databases that are backed up to be unique, so i would end up wiht 120 of them total.

Is there any way to do this through DTS? Or am I hosed?

Thanks in advance

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Destination Error

Mar 3, 2008

When i try to run a package,its giving the following error.
What could be the possible reason for the error?

" Error: Unable to retrieve column information from the data source. Make sure your target table in the database is available. "

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Getting Destination Columns

Feb 22, 2007

How do i get all the destination columns of a table in a sqlserver destination component?

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Slow OLE DB Destination With SCD

Nov 27, 2006

Hi there,

I am using the SCD task, and noticed that the OLE DB Destination it generates does a "SELECT * FROM" from the destination table when i run my package (found this in trace). Now if this happens on a 20 000000 row destination table with computed fields on it, a lot of resources are wasted. Is there a way around this behaviour i.e. no select is done for the insert destination?


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How To Use Variables In OLE DB Or OLE Destination?

Nov 28, 2006

Hello -

I am making good progress with my ssis package. However, there is one new thing which I cannot graps yet. That is, how to use variables when I want to update or insert a new row. I have some columns in my tables that require the datetime that the update/insert occured, the person making the change, and a few other things that are not part of the incoming data source (an excel file).

I created some user variables for these things, but I cannot figure out how to use them with my OLE DB Command and OLE DB Destination. One handles Inserts and the other handles the Updates based on whether a row in the Excel file is new (an Insert) or already exists (an update). Along with the insert or update, I'd like to set the Lastupdate, Who, etc.

Thanks for any help

- will

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XML Destination - XML Schema

Jul 2, 2007


I'm using an OLE DB Source to get some data from a db.

What´s the easiest way to output the data by using a specified XMLSchema?

Thank you!!

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SQL Server Destination [16]

Jan 15, 2006

[SQL Server Destination [16]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "Could not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object 'GlobalDTSQLIMPORT              ' could not be opened. Operating system error code 2(The system cannot find the file specified.). Make sure you are accessing a local server via Windows security.".

I'm trying to do a simple upload to a production server from an Access mdb of the kind I used to do routinely in DTS.  Any ideas?



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OLE DB Destination Component

Feb 6, 2007

when loading the transformed data into OLE DB destination, there is no options to truncate destination table first. Have to insert a middle step to run script to truncate the destination table first.

I'm very confused. We even has the options of keeping or deleting the data in destination table in SQL2000 DTS package. Why we don't have this option in SQL2005??

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Excel Destination

Sep 20, 2006

Does an empty file (text/ Excel) needs to be created manually for the connection manager for (text/excel)destinations. Can I create the file at run time?????

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Debugging The Ole Db Destination???

Oct 26, 2006

I have an OLE DB destination which should insert data into a table named in an SSIS variable.  When I run the package, I don't get any errors and I have a data viewer which shows that the data is reaching the OLE DB destination.  However, the data isn't being inserted into the destination table.

Can someone suggest how I should go about debugging this?

Thanks in advance.

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Runtime Destination.

Mar 31, 2008

Is it possible to create Flat file as runtime destination ?

For Ex:
Data retriew from SQL Server, in the fly destination flat file need to create along with timestamp (abcyyyymmdd.txt).


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Http Destination

Sep 19, 2007

I have been given a requirement to post data to a Peoplesoft Http gateway, using SSIS.

To be completely honest I havn't got a clue where to start with this, can anybody give me any pointers?
Am I going to have to use a script component?
Are there any decent examples / samples.

Sorry about the open nature of this question, but I really dont know where to start.

I think Biztalk may be a better option as in integration tool for this work.

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OLE DB Destination Hung

Feb 4, 2008

Inside my dataflow task, I've got 5 OLEDB Source components pulling data in from various SQL Server Instances.

I have an OLEDB Destination pointing to a single table that should receive all of records create by the combination of Merge Joins of these five sources.

Right now I'm working with a set of test data, and I've got 8 records coming through after all of my merge joins filter things out.

The problem I am seeing is that my OLEDB Destination turns yellow and then just sits there. I've looked in my Progress (Execution Results) tab when I run the package, and there's nothing alarming there.

I've run SQL Profiles on the database table I'm trying to insert data into. Nothing.

I've also change the destination from 'Table or view - fast load' to 'Table or view' . I've unchecked the table lock option for fast load. No dice.

The only thing I can say I've seen that looks suspicious is that I have added some data views between data flow components just before the data gets to the OLEDB Destination and a few of the fields in the data view will show <Missing LineageID> in the field rather than the value. I removed all of the columns that were behaving this way from the flow just to see if that was the problem or if, by removing these fields, I was able to get data to write to the table. This did not work. It does leave me wondering though.

Anyone have any idea why this might be happening or have had similar behavior?

Any help/ ideas of things to check would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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MaximumErrorCount Ole DB Destination

May 7, 2008

I have a problem with the maximum error count. I am creating a package to move data into a SQL Server table. If I don't have any errors I am fine. I am using an Ole DB Destination. To test the maximum errors I am creating primary key violations. The problem is that whenever I get an error on insert it is always 4 errors. So If I set the MaximumErrorCount to 5 it will always update the table even if I have 100 records with primary key violations (those records won't be insterted but all the rest will.

The SQLServerDestination has a maximumErrorCount value but it only works if you are on the same server.

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Sybase IQ As A DB Destination?

Aug 21, 2007

I found a post from over a year ago saying that Sybase IQ as a DB Destination is not supported by SSIS (there was a hack, but not something for a strategic solution).

Has there been any change to this in the mean time?

Is there anything in the pipeline?


A Sak

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Help With Raw File Destination

May 28, 2008

Hello All, I want to know.

I have an SSIS Map which I am running. The destination is Raw File Destination.

I want to know what is the Raw file destination.

I mean in what format and where I can view this data.

I tried notepad but its not showing proper results

Please let me know thankss

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OLE DB Destination - Why So Unstable?

Oct 17, 2007

All -

I'm seeking information on why this control is so unstable.

Example: I have an application that loads a specific flat file into a staging table. This kicks off our whole price update application. It is very simple really. A flat file connection is used to pipe the file contents to a data transformation control.
Said control converts the input into unicode strings suitable for loading the staging table. The ole db destination objects is set up using the sa password to gain access to the database in which the staging table resides. When I first create the control it works fine for about the first 3 to 4 times.

Then, invariably it will eventually fail, the failure occurs on the column mappings, the control 'insists' on forgetting the column mappings.

I've done everything I can think of to validate that I'm doing something incorrect in setting up the data flow or this control in particular - and I cannot see anything. My thinking is that if I had done something wrong, it should fail immediately; not after 3 or 4 successful passes.

This is the only thing that I am having problems with, but since it involves being able to load data into the database in the first place, it is kind of an important thing; and it is very disappointing to constantly have this trouble. Am I experiencing something unique here, or is this control problematic and unstable at the moment?



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SQL Server Destination

Sep 11, 2007

I have created a data flow with 2 target components ( SQL Server destination )
I ran the package and everything went fine.
Unfortunatelly when I changed TransactionOption in the package properties to Required. It got stuck in the very beggining.
The service DTC is working.
Does someone know why I can't load 2 targets in one transaction ?

Thanks ahead

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Using A Variable In OLE DB Destination SQL Command

Nov 14, 2007

Hi all,
 I have created a global variable and it will read the user input from a web application. How can i pass this variable into OLE DB destination SQL command so that i can retrieve the user specified table? Or is there a better way to do this?

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Change The Name Of The Destination File

Jul 2, 2002

I am exporting a table to an excel format. The package should change the name of the destination file everytime the package is executed(preceded by date). I need to deploy this urgently.

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Dynamic Excel Destination In DTS

Jan 29, 2004

Hello everybody .
I am building DTS transfer data from
SQL server into Excel file

source query constant ,but destination will be supplied by parameter

At design time I created destination
excel file and saved a copy of it like
C: empl_excel.xls

presently dts work in following order
1. set datasource of destination
from global varaibale(@@X)
2. execute xp_cmdshell to copy
C: empl_execel.xls to file in @@X
3.Run transformation

How to eliminate step 2 ?
If I run step 1 and 3 ,I get error "table does not exist"
How dynamicly create table in excel and map columns for transfer

Thank you


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Text File Destination

Aug 29, 2006

Hi, I am new to SQL Server. Trying to convert a pc sas program to a SQL Server 2000 DTS package. Need fixed format comma delimited destination text file from a DB2 data source. Problem: SQL wants to make financial field 19 bytes long but I want it to be 12. Tried casting as a DECIMAL(7,2) but SQL still wants it to be 19 bytes long. Tried converting to CHAR but then it is still left-justified. I need decimal to be in the third byte from the right. Is this possible?

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Set DTS Destination As Temp Table?

Mar 2, 2004


My DTS package does nothing special it just pulls in an data from another server (specifying the SQL in a Global V).

This data is then altered using various Stored Procedures.

What would be nice is if the data's destination table could be a #temp table (within tempdb) and then my sps could access it and perform their various operations.

At the moment i cannot get this to work and instead all i can think of is to Create a table within the main working db and insert the data into that and then insert the data into a #temp table and DROP the table i created in the working database.

There must be a better way to achieve this.
Is there any way to copy the data straight to the #temp table i have created?

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Source Destination Error

Mar 4, 2008

Hi, I need help please!

I get the following error on my OLE DB Destination: column"Oprcode" cannot convert between unicode & non-unicode string data type.
Please Assist on what i should do!


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Destination Columns Question

Jul 23, 2005

When I create a DTS to export a text file from a table, if I click onthe Define Columns button and then Populate from source, then execute,it changes one of the types to not quotable and the size to 19, whichin turn is changing the file width. The field that it is changing hasa numeric data type and the remainder of the fields are text (allvarying sizes). Is it doing this because it is numeric or is theresome other explaination? And is there anyway to stop it fromhappening?

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DTS - Need To Set Destination Filename Dynamically

Nov 24, 2006

I have a stored procedure that (after selecting, incrementing and updating)returns the next sequential filename.I haven't been able to plug it in to the destination textfile filename in myDTS package.I know it has something to do with Dynamic Properties and I can navigate tothe property I want to set, but just can't seem to get the result of mystored procedure into the filename.I know somebody must have done this before.ThanksJoe

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Recordset Destination Used In A FOREACH?

Feb 1, 2007

Hi all,

Can a Recordset destination be used as source for a ForEach loop.

Correct me if i'm wrong but the Recordset is stored in a variable of type Object? So what stops my ForEach loop from itterating?



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Extra Column In Destination

Feb 27, 2007

I have worked with straight-forward simplistic SSIS up to now, so I apologize if this is a simple question. I have a SQL table destination that accepts daily data from an AS400 table. We now have a need to datestamp the incoming data so I added a new column to the destination table where I want today's date. Is there a data flow transformation that I need to use to default the destination column to today's date? Time is not a consideration and not needed, just the date.

Thanks for the information.

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