Recommended SQL-server Book?

Feb 19, 2008


Could anyone recommend a good book on the SQL-Server, please? I need to understand how to retrieve data with select statements and commands. It is urgent!


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Recommended OS For Sql Server 2000

Nov 5, 2004

i was pondering getting a MCDBA certification. i want to learn everything about the OS i'd use, so i just wanted to get some feedback on whether to go with NT or server 2003, etc. and anyone here recommend even getting or not bothering with the certification?

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SQL Server Integration Services - Recommended Reading?

Jun 7, 2007


I'm new to SSIS.

Is there any recommended reading material that you suggest to learn more how SSIS works?

Thank you!

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Recommended MAX Connections To SQL Server With XP As The Server?

Jan 24, 2008

Good morning,

Say you have an application for a Retail operations. You have an XP computer in the back that hosts the SQL Server 2005 database and computers out front running transactions....

What would all of you recommend as the maximum amount of registers that could connect to the back database at one time before you start to notice slow performance? 10 computers? 20 computers? 30 computers? 100??

Specs of XP cpu will be:

Core 2 Duo 3.0 ghz
3 MB Ram

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SQL Server Book

Jun 23, 2006

Hi mates,

My company has just started in the SQL Server's world and we are going to buy books

on this software. Our systems will run on SQL Server Standard Ed. 2000.

The question is: should I buy books on SQL Server 2005 ? Or 2000?

I'm not quite sure what kind of material to buy nor the differences between them.

Could anyone give me a hand with this?



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SQL Server 2000 Book

Feb 18, 2007

Hi,I am looking for a book on SQL Server 2000. One that covers enterprise manager, query profiler, stored procedure syntax etc.I have about intermediate knowledge of both SQL and SQL Server 2000 but want to expand my knowledge for work etc. as I will be using it more and more for work.

I will predominately be using SQL Server as a backend for web and software applications, programming in .NET.Any recommendations? 

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Beginning SQL Server Book?

Jul 23, 2005

Greetings:I would like to ask for recommendations for a good beginning book onSQL Server. My web host offers a 100MB SQL Server database as part ofthe package, and I'd like to use the feature to learn.I am proficient in Access and familiar with basic connectivity to itvia ASP. I don't have my own license for SQL Server (and currentlycan't afford one) so all development will need to be done byinterfacing with the remote database. As such, I won't need a lot ofexplanation regarding installation and software setup.Does anyone here know of a good study resource for someone in thisscenario?Many thanks in advance,Kay

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Book On SQL Server 2000

Jun 14, 2007


I have been using SQL Server 2000 for sometime now but I am still not very familiar with some of the functionalities.

Just wondering if anyone can recommend me some "must have" SQL Server 2000 reference books.

Thank you.


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Book For SQL SERVER 2005

Nov 29, 2007

We are currently have SQLS ERVER 2000 . We are planning to upgrade to SQL SERVER 2005 Next month. I believe DTSPkgs have changed significantly in 2005.. I have not used SQLS ERVER 2005 a whole lot yet. Can you pl recommend me aa GOOD Book that I can read, to get a GOOD understanding of SQL SERVER 2005.

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A Book For Report Server

May 24, 2007

Dear all

Please can u suggest a good reference book available to study report server..



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SQL Server 7.0 Cert Book Question

May 28, 1999

I am looking for a set of books that realy cover the SQL
7.0 cert exams. Do you have any comments on the
following and or any suggestions.

Microsoft Sql Server 7.0 System Administration Training Kit
Microsoft Sql Server 7.0 Database Implementation Training Kit

Thank You,

Andy Robbins
Sr. Dba at Aurora Loan Services

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About Inside SQL Server 2005 E-book

Jan 8, 2007

Dear all,

Can you please help me to get Inside SQL Server 2005 e-book.
Where i can download this book?


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Sql Server && Java. Book Recommendation.

Jul 20, 2005

Greetings All, I would be much obliged if anyone can point me to agood book on Java/JDBC and SQL Server.Regards, Louis.

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Sql Server Stored Procedure Book Or Tutorial?

Jul 26, 2005

hi,are there any good books or tutorials anyone can recommend to someone who wants to get more into stored proc in sql server?  i'm already good with sql, use it everyday at work, but want to start learning more about stored proc, know just a little, how to write simple ones to retrieve and insert/update, but want to get more into them.  a book for beginners to advanced, thanks. 

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Beginner Book For MSFT SQL Server 2000

Aug 24, 2006

Can someone recommend a good book for a beginner to learn MSFT SQL SEVER 2000 ? Thank you. lar

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Free Online Book For Sql Server 2000

Mar 7, 2006

i am new to sql. plz let me know from where can i get free book to study sql server 2000.

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Teach Yourself Book For SQL Server Express Edition

Aug 7, 2007


I am new to SQL and in need to find a good book to learn.

I am from a small town in Canada and dont have access to local book store. I will need to order a teach yourself book on SQL server 2005 express edition.

Is there a book that is specially tailor for this with example from C# .NET instead of VB.NET?


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Sql Server 2005 Performance Tuning Book

Aug 26, 2007

Hello everyone ,

I am looking for an useful sql server 2005 performance tuning book. i have been searching for a real nice book as i m going to start my job from next month in a financial domain with one of the requirement as sql server 2005 performance i m looking forward a book which can help me doing well at my workplace. Any suggestions and links appreciated in advance .

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Book Data Mining With SQL Server 2005

Oct 24, 2007

Hi all,

Is this book still the only book written for SQL2005's data mining? Does anyone know where I can find its errata? I have never seen so many editorial errors (typos, mislabeling, etc.) in other books. I am not worried about those obvious errors, but I am afraid that some errors may be so deceiving that when I find out, a lot of time will have been spent on misguided effort.

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Recommended Max Size Of 6.5 DB

May 31, 2002

I have a 6.5 database running on NT 4.0 that is approximately 43GB in used space. I am making a case to management for some sort of upgrade to the whole system.

What sizes of 6.5 databases would anyone consider more "risky"? Is 43GB large for 6.5 (my thought is that it is)?


Kurt Symanzik
Handleman Company

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Recommended DB Design

Feb 9, 2004

Let's say for instance that you have a group of tables that stores address information for different groups (i.e. Doctors, Patients, Providers, etc.) Would it be better to create each table to store the address information or create an Address table that would store this information with an Address type and a link back to each table?

I prefer the second choice, but am having a hard time convincing other devlopers to follow this route. Maybe if I have some input from a more experienced users group I can stress my point a little more effectively. Thanks in advance for any input you can provide.

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Two Approaches: Which One Is Recommended?

Jul 14, 2006

I need to import a CSV file with a few million records and 50 fields into a table. Only 1 column in the file needs to be transformed and a second column needs to be checked for data validity (e.g. don't want to let someone pass in 'CA' for an integer field.). Two approaches come to mind:

1. Use SSIS to read the file directly into the table, then apply t-sql to do a mass update to the single field that needs to be transformed. (with this approach it is not clear how to check the data valdity in each row via t-sql, though).

2. Use SSIS to import the file, 1 line at a time, transforming the data and checking its it goes. I suspect this approach will be much slower than that in 1) but I haven't tried it yet.

Which way do you think would be the fastest?



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Recommended Books

Aug 22, 2005

Can somebody recoommend me books for sql server 2005. I am interested specially in CLR inside sql and Business Intelligence.   

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Recommended Architecture For One-Many

Jun 5, 2007

In a situation where one may have a single master SQL Server that ultimately needs to communicate information back down to 1000's of downstream servers, what is the recommended architectural approach?

It doesn't feel right to have to add 1K-5K routes to the master SQL Server. Is there a way to have the dowstream servers "broadcast" their existence to the master, so that new servers can be added and updates can happen seamlessly? Does this fall into a pub-sub scenario or is there a better way? And, if so, how to ensure an open conversation (so that one server doesn't miss information that all the other servers received)? Should the master dynamically create routes or better to rely on an open conversation initiated by the downstream server?

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Recommended File Locations?

Apr 23, 2001

I know I've seen documentation on this but I can't find it at the time. What's the recommended file locations for a SQL install.. System and Data on a RAID drive and logs on a separate drive that's mirrored..? Oh and if anyone has links to this info let me know also.


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Recommended Owned Of A DataBase

Jan 18, 2002

What are current thoughts about who should own a Database?
I see 3 possibilities:
1. The DOMAINAdministrator (person wo starts up the Server at Bootup)
2. 'sa', or
3. a person/user closely tied to the database.

reasons for each?

Thanks for your opinions.

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Recommended Books For SQL 2000?

Jul 20, 2001

I have a couple of years of light experience with SQL server. I'd like to start studying to take the SQL 2000 exams. I have a good test environment set up and I'm reading through the Books Online. Can anyone recommend a book or books that might be helpful for me? My end goal here is to pass the test in the near future, but I want to really learn SQL rather than just learn to pass the test.



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Recommended Replication Type

Jul 27, 2007

We are replicating data from server1 to server2. We expect the connection between servers to be reliable, but we can not always guarantee uptime on both ends. We do not need real-time data access on server2. What type of replication would be best? The downside we see to snapshot is that the data will be growing over time and that means the amount replicated will continue to grow. Can we setup transaction replication and then schedule the updates so it only replicates transactions since the last update? Does this present any problems if the connection is lost at any time between the servers? At this time, we will not be making any changes to the data on server2 so it does not need to be updated on server1.

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Sa Password Recommended For End User?

Aug 12, 2007


I have a database app that deploys with sql 2005 express to each end-user. I would like to install sql 2005 express using Windows Authentication only. In this case, should I bother to set an sa password? And if I do set the sa password, how would I go about making sure that the sa password is different for every installation of sql express? Would it be recommended to save every end-user's sa password (possibly tens of thousands of passwords) just in case sql maintenance needs to be done on their computer? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Why Nested Views Are Not Recommended?

Jul 23, 2005

I'm reading a book 'Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming' by RobertVieirathere is a recommendation: "stay away from building views based onviews"Why? What's so wrong with nested views?

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Recommended Oracle Provider

May 31, 2007

I have been using the Microsoft Oracle Provider (MSDAORA) up until I needed to work with CLOB data types in Oracle. As much as I hate to switch providers at this phase in the project, I can't use MSDAORA due to the CLOB limitation.

So, what other providers are available?

I know that there is a native Oracle provider (OraOLEDB.Oracle.1) that is supported in SSIS. Does anyone have any comments on this?

Are there other options for Oracle?

Any comments, feedback, etc appreciated.



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Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Book By Kirk Haselden

Oct 30, 2006

Hello, I would love to know where people are discussing the book Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services book by Kirk Hasleden.

I'm on page 41 and I'm getting an error with the example in the "SELECT "2004" FROM Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears"
part because there is not a table called Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears in the AdventureWorks database.

Thank youo

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SQL Server 2000 Book Recommendations? Including Good Coverage Of Reporting Services

Jul 23, 2005

What up-to-date books on this topic can people here recommend? Thanks.- Bob

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