Recommended Stretagy For Bi-Directional SQL DB Synchronization

Jul 23, 2005


Our company is an independent Voice applications solution provider with
number clients using our suite. We have a CT application suite which is
running with Application Server and SQL Server 7 / 2000 as DB Engines
at the back end.

The SQL server has two databases configured:

Logging Database - Massive updates every second, the data grows

Configuration Database - Generally small-sized and updated

Now we want to have the reslience implemented on the server. We have to
synchronize the two databases 'real-timely' and in 'efficient'
manner, so that if Primary server or its Databases gets unavailable,
the users are seamlessly switched over to the Secondry server that will
have its own set of data updated and well synchronized.

Typically, it can be explained as follows:

1. We will have 2 database servers A - Primary (acting as publisher)
and B - Secondary (acting as subscriber). Our application will be
initially connected to A.

2. When A becomes unavailable (for whatever reason), the application
will fail-over to B.

3. All the users will be switched to server B and the updates are being
done accordingly without being replicated on Server A temporarily.

4. When A is back on-line, A needs to be brought up-to-date with B
automatically (In other words, I shouldn't have to manually export all
the data from B to A ).

Our requirements are:

- The system should support Bi-directional Synchronization
between both the servers for their set of databases (the logging and

- There will be constant and heavy activity in Logging
Database, thus if one server gets down the data should be logged and
maintained as it is on second server and on fail-back no data-loss
should occur with minimum latency time.

- There could be a scenario when a server fails-over for a
week's time, there will be constant logging each second! Once it
fails-back the system should rapidly synchronize the data without
noticeable delay among the two server database sets.

- The system should also work fine if certain amount of
records are purged over a time period.

Our concern is, observing the above scenario, how any of your SQL
server replication strategy can help us achieve the requirements.


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Windows Synchronization Manager And Subscriber Web Synchronization

Dec 7, 2005


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Web Synchronization - Completed Synchronization Starts Again

Sep 6, 2006

Hello everybody,

There is some strange behaviour i've recently noticed while watching synchronization progress in Replication Monitor on SQL 2005 Server Standard with merge replication configured. The merge process seems to repeat several times.

This is the initial synchronizaion (reinitalization at the subsciber). Client is using Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication objects from .net framework assemblies.

The synchronization starts normally (status is "Running"). The last message of selected session box shows (among other messages): "Beginning evaluating partial replication filters" then "Finished evaluating partial replication filters" and finally "Merge completed after processing xxx changes... etc." after a few seconds. Status changes to "Completed" and then... the merge process starts again!! "Beginning evaluating partial replication filters" etc. And this repeats about 15-20 times.

And so whole process takes about 15 minutes instead about 45 seconds to complete initial synchronization. The number of changes is "Merge completed after processing ..." never change since the first such message.

Is this some bug in web synchronization or some invalid configuration setting? Why does merge process repeat itself so many times??

Please help, thanks in advance.


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Bi-directional Replication

Nov 18, 1999

SQL Version 7.0

I have set up bi-directional replication between two databases on one table that has the structure of

Table Name : tblTrade

id : int (identity)
TicketNo : int (globally assigned via a sp - therefore always unique)
Location : int (On Server 1 defaults to 1) ---|PRIMARY
(On Server 2 defaults to 2) ---|KEY
.General Trade Fields...

Hence when a trade is entered into Server1 the Location defaults to 1 and is then replicated via an horizontal partition filter on the Location field. And similar for Server2.

Now Inserts work fine. However when a the following operations occur

DELETE - A DELETE against a record on Server1 results in ALL records being deleted from Server2

UPDATE - An UPDATE operation against a record on Server1 then ALL records get updated with the UPDATE SET clause.

The same happens with Updates on Server2 replicated to Server1.

Now it looks like the WHERE clause is missing from the replicated statements.




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Do All Conversations Have To Be Bi-directional?

Mar 20, 2008

From a service broker newbie...

Most of the examples I've found and played with demonstrate two way conversation. A sender initiates a call, and gets a message back.

My Requirements doesn't really need two way communication. I have a scenario where triggers on two different tables result in modifications to a third table, and I don't want the triggers to deadlock each other, so an asynchronous queueing mechanism seems like the perfect solution...

But I can't seem to make it work one way.

I can get one message through, and then all subsequent messages hang up in the transmission queue with the very informative "One or more messages could not be delivered to the local service targeted by this dialog."

I'm thinking all the examples work the way they do because you have to notify the transmitter that the message was
received by sending a message back... and by not doing this I'm stuck in the first conversation. I was thinking that by doing END CONVERSATION <Msg Handle> in the stored procedure bound to the receiver's queue was doing that.

Do I have to communicate bi-directionally always? I guess this is a safety feature but I trust MSMQ to deliver messages...


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Timestamp And Bi-directional Replication

Sep 27, 1999

The docs state that a timestamp column is required for bi-directional
replication. I am not syncing the databases since they are too big and
it is a new project so I can guarantee at start that there will be two
exact copies of data. The data is being converted from a FoxPro db to

The question is:
How do you design the timestamp columns for partioned bi-directional
replication? Does the publisher get the timestamp and the subscriber get
a binary(8)? Since there are two publishers is a distinct timestamp and
binary pair required for each server? See below...

Server: REP1 REP2
Table: tblTest tblTest
Columns: col1... col1...
tsREP1 timestamp tsREP1 binary(8)
tsREP2 binary(8) tsREP2 timestamp

Do the binary(8) columns need to be removed from the articles? Can
anyone explain how the timestamp is used to stop loop back? Is the loop
back check done on the Publisher or Subscriber?


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Bi-directional Replication On 2 Servers With 2 Different DBs

Jan 14, 2000

Server_1 contains DB_A and DB_B. Server_2 contains DB_A and DB_B.
Can replication be setup where Server_1 DB_A (publisher) publishes to Server_2
DB_A (subscriber) and Server_2 DB_B (publisher) publishes to Server_1 DB_B (subscriber)? The environment is NT 4 (sp3) and SQL 6.5 (sp5a). Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 7 Bi-directional Replication

Nov 12, 1999

Hi All

I am trying to set up bi-directional replication (between two domains) on a simple test table prior to installing it on my Live system. The table structure is along the lines of

id int (Primary Key)
name varchar(50)
location int

I use the Location field and the filter for the Publication. i.e. 1 = Server1 and 2 = Server2

Well I set the replication up on Server1 to Server2 and test the subscription and everything replicates perfectly. Note : When I set the Server2 subscription to Server1 I recreate the structure of the table on Server2

After performing a few replicated INSERTS into the table on Server1 and they have replicated through to Server2. I set Pub/Sub on Server2 to Server1. NOTE : on the setup of the subscription I select the option that the schema and data on the target table is correct.

As soon as I enter a line into the table on Server2 the replication monitor errors on Server2 with the message that the insert stored procedure for the replication cannot be found, indicating that they have not been created.




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Bi-directional Transaction Replication

Feb 28, 2006

Besides loopback detection, is there anything else that is needed to prevent the replication command from sending back to the source. Cos i am having problem with the subscriber B sending back the replication to A in the form of B as the publisher and A as the subscriber.


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Bi-directional Transaction Replication

Aug 25, 2005

Two Servers,1st 2nddatabase a -------> after replication a'b' <------- after replication bon 1st server a is replicated to 2ndon 2nd server b is replicated to 1stI tried with merge replication it is working fine.But if i tried to usetransactional replication it give some error like "accessviolation".Using tansactional replication is it possible.plz help me toslove this problem.Regards,Senthil prabu R

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Bidirectional Bi-directional Replication

Oct 24, 2007

Following setup s1<--- p1<-->p2 ---->s2 (bidirectional replication between publishers as each one have its own subscriber)
What are the disadvantages of this solution if only one publisher gets written to at the time.
How about schema changes (would I need to stop all activity on p1 & p2 similar to p2p replication) ?
Would changes get republished to s1 & s2 ?
Are identities the only problem when instead on p1 as main server I start using p2 ?
Thank you.

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Bi Directional Transactional Replication And Subscriber Name

Oct 19, 2004

I am trying to setup bi-directional transactional replication between 2 SQL Servers,
I add the subscription on both the servers using the code below.

EXEC sp_addsubscription @publication = N'test',
@article = N'all', @subscriber = 'AnyServer',
@destination_db = N'test', @sync_type = N'none',
@status = N'active', @update_mode = N'read only',
@loopback_detection = 'true'

I have defined 'AnyServer' on both the servers using cliconfg
(Server1's AnyServer pointed towards Server2 and Server2's AnyServer pointed towards Server1, I need to do that because there is a restriction to run the same code on both the servers),

After inserting a record on server1 in the 'test' database, the changes successfully transfers to the server2, then server2 sends it back to server1 and server1 generates the error of

"Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Table1'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Table1'."

It seems as if loop detection is failing if I keep the same subscriber name on both sides.

It runs fine when I change the subscriber name in the subscription (@subscriber = 'Server2' for server1 and @subscriber = 'Server1' for server2).

Can anybody explains this behavior to me?

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20,000 Ft. Directional Question About Technologies And Capabilities

Nov 20, 2006


My desire is to have my primary db in FL and an online hot standby in both my MI and CA offices. The hardware is in place, as well as T1 size pipes. The solution I'm looking for would have all databases online in case of hardware / environmental failure although the application would only be pointing at the primary (or designated) database server. We have another 3rd party solution available, but I'd like to stay native SQL if possible.

Is replication the way to go?

Does one-to-many work?

Can all the db's be online and available while replicating?

Can I catch up if switched to one of the other db's temporarily?

note:This is 100% SQL 2005.

Thanks -- sorry for the newbie-flavor of the question, but I'm sure a gazillion people have already been down this decision branch.

Dan Ribar

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Recommended Max Size Of 6.5 DB

May 31, 2002

I have a 6.5 database running on NT 4.0 that is approximately 43GB in used space. I am making a case to management for some sort of upgrade to the whole system.

What sizes of 6.5 databases would anyone consider more "risky"? Is 43GB large for 6.5 (my thought is that it is)?


Kurt Symanzik
Handleman Company

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Recommended DB Design

Feb 9, 2004

Let's say for instance that you have a group of tables that stores address information for different groups (i.e. Doctors, Patients, Providers, etc.) Would it be better to create each table to store the address information or create an Address table that would store this information with an Address type and a link back to each table?

I prefer the second choice, but am having a hard time convincing other devlopers to follow this route. Maybe if I have some input from a more experienced users group I can stress my point a little more effectively. Thanks in advance for any input you can provide.

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Two Approaches: Which One Is Recommended?

Jul 14, 2006

I need to import a CSV file with a few million records and 50 fields into a table. Only 1 column in the file needs to be transformed and a second column needs to be checked for data validity (e.g. don't want to let someone pass in 'CA' for an integer field.). Two approaches come to mind:

1. Use SSIS to read the file directly into the table, then apply t-sql to do a mass update to the single field that needs to be transformed. (with this approach it is not clear how to check the data valdity in each row via t-sql, though).

2. Use SSIS to import the file, 1 line at a time, transforming the data and checking its it goes. I suspect this approach will be much slower than that in 1) but I haven't tried it yet.

Which way do you think would be the fastest?



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Recommended Books

Aug 22, 2005

Can somebody recoommend me books for sql server 2005. I am interested specially in CLR inside sql and Business Intelligence.   

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Recommended Architecture For One-Many

Jun 5, 2007

In a situation where one may have a single master SQL Server that ultimately needs to communicate information back down to 1000's of downstream servers, what is the recommended architectural approach?

It doesn't feel right to have to add 1K-5K routes to the master SQL Server. Is there a way to have the dowstream servers "broadcast" their existence to the master, so that new servers can be added and updates can happen seamlessly? Does this fall into a pub-sub scenario or is there a better way? And, if so, how to ensure an open conversation (so that one server doesn't miss information that all the other servers received)? Should the master dynamically create routes or better to rely on an open conversation initiated by the downstream server?

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Recommended File Locations?

Apr 23, 2001

I know I've seen documentation on this but I can't find it at the time. What's the recommended file locations for a SQL install.. System and Data on a RAID drive and logs on a separate drive that's mirrored..? Oh and if anyone has links to this info let me know also.


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Recommended Owned Of A DataBase

Jan 18, 2002

What are current thoughts about who should own a Database?
I see 3 possibilities:
1. The DOMAINAdministrator (person wo starts up the Server at Bootup)
2. 'sa', or
3. a person/user closely tied to the database.

reasons for each?

Thanks for your opinions.

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Recommended Books For SQL 2000?

Jul 20, 2001

I have a couple of years of light experience with SQL server. I'd like to start studying to take the SQL 2000 exams. I have a good test environment set up and I'm reading through the Books Online. Can anyone recommend a book or books that might be helpful for me? My end goal here is to pass the test in the near future, but I want to really learn SQL rather than just learn to pass the test.



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Recommended OS For Sql Server 2000

Nov 5, 2004

i was pondering getting a MCDBA certification. i want to learn everything about the OS i'd use, so i just wanted to get some feedback on whether to go with NT or server 2003, etc. and anyone here recommend even getting or not bothering with the certification?

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Recommended Replication Type

Jul 27, 2007

We are replicating data from server1 to server2. We expect the connection between servers to be reliable, but we can not always guarantee uptime on both ends. We do not need real-time data access on server2. What type of replication would be best? The downside we see to snapshot is that the data will be growing over time and that means the amount replicated will continue to grow. Can we setup transaction replication and then schedule the updates so it only replicates transactions since the last update? Does this present any problems if the connection is lost at any time between the servers? At this time, we will not be making any changes to the data on server2 so it does not need to be updated on server1.

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Sa Password Recommended For End User?

Aug 12, 2007


I have a database app that deploys with sql 2005 express to each end-user. I would like to install sql 2005 express using Windows Authentication only. In this case, should I bother to set an sa password? And if I do set the sa password, how would I go about making sure that the sa password is different for every installation of sql express? Would it be recommended to save every end-user's sa password (possibly tens of thousands of passwords) just in case sql maintenance needs to be done on their computer? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Why Nested Views Are Not Recommended?

Jul 23, 2005

I'm reading a book 'Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming' by RobertVieirathere is a recommendation: "stay away from building views based onviews"Why? What's so wrong with nested views?

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Recommended Oracle Provider

May 31, 2007

I have been using the Microsoft Oracle Provider (MSDAORA) up until I needed to work with CLOB data types in Oracle. As much as I hate to switch providers at this phase in the project, I can't use MSDAORA due to the CLOB limitation.

So, what other providers are available?

I know that there is a native Oracle provider (OraOLEDB.Oracle.1) that is supported in SSIS. Does anyone have any comments on this?

Are there other options for Oracle?

Any comments, feedback, etc appreciated.



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Recommended SQL-server Book?

Feb 19, 2008


Could anyone recommend a good book on the SQL-Server, please? I need to understand how to retrieve data with select statements and commands. It is urgent!


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Recommended Way To Install Database Driven App.

Dec 19, 2003

I was wondering what everyones preferred way to install a database in an automated fashion is.. IE:

You have a webapp. It sdriven by SQL Server. You need to prompt the user for a server, username, password, and database. Once you have those, you execute thge scripts against the DB.

I've been using osql.exe. but heres the situation. The installer may be run from a system, which does not have the sql server client tools installed. Which will be a problem.

So, given the situation that the machine the application is being installed on, does not have the client tools installed. How would YOU execute the provided SQL script against a remote server.

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Recommended Method To Obtain SQLDataPath

Jul 20, 2005

I know the default data path on a SQL7 server is defined in theregistry key SQLDataPath. I want to be able to determine the defaultdata path in a VB.NET application on the local machine and remotemachines. Is using the Registry Class the best way to do that or isthere a SQL command that can tell me? I have read about xp_regread butI can't find it documented anywhere and I do not know what parameterlist it is expecting. I thought this path may be in an InformationSchema view, but I can't find it.Thanks for any help.

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Where To Use SQLCLR ? Data Access Is Not Recommended?

Sep 10, 2006

Just wondering which scenarios is suitable to use SQLCLR. Any kind of data access is not recommended I guess. Only things that cannot be easily done in TSQL should be done in SQLCLR but why? Can't those things be done in app layer itself? Scenarios recommended for SQL CLR:
- External data access like filesystem, registry etc
- Complex calculation
- Recursion without data access (this can be implemented with CTE for data access)

If data access with SQL CLR is not recommended why should CLR should be even used and logic reside in database layer.. it makes no sense to me. Any thoughts??

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Recommended Daily Database Maintenance

Jun 29, 2006

Some of our databases have many transactions (a million or more) a day. I have read that every so often I need to rebuild indexes, update statictics for all tables (however that is done), and shrink the transaction logs.

I'm confused by all this. What are the daily recommended database maintennace steps steps for database "health" and how can they be done?



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Looking For Recommended Approach To Merging Records

Aug 16, 2006

I am trying to create a dimension table and I am pulling in data from two tables to create it. I need all records from table A, any records from table B that are not in table A, and I need to use the fields from B for those records that do match. What would be the best way to approach this, merge join + derived columns, union all + aggrigation? Any suggestions?

It seems like it's harder to do this in ssis rather then just doing it in the database.

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Recommended Naming Convention For Tables/columns

May 9, 2008

I did a search (google and on the forums) and found a few suggestions here and there, but I'd like something more complete to follow as far as naming conventions are concerned.

I wrote my first DB based on MySQL/Ruby/Active Record type naming convention...

- plural table names
- all lower cased
- underscores between words
- "id" is auto incrementer for each table
- something+"_at" is for datetime fields
- something+"_on" is for date fields
- referencing the primary id in another table is "tablename (singular)" + "_id".

This worked great in Ruby/MySQL, but in C#/SQL Server, its an ambiguity nightmare! All of my "id" fields conflict and alot of my tables have "added_at" datetime fields and they all conflict with each other. Essentially, any field that's named the same in one table as in another conflict on joins.

For example: users post comments to stories submitted by users...

table = articles
field 1 = id
field 2 = title
field 3 = body
field 4 = user_id

table = comments
field 1 = id
field 2 = title
field 3 = body
field 4 = user_id
field 5 = article_id

Trying to join these two tables is an ambiguity nightmare but I'd like to not have to name every field uniquely or start adding table prefixes to them all...

I guess I just need some good suggestions or links to recommended table structure/naming conventions for SQL Server. Thanks in advance!

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