We are currently developing a crm that has the following main tables: client, sales, actions, contacts and employees with up to 4 million records. The db contains several other tables with extra information but these aren't relevant for this problem.
Clients have sales, contacts and actions. sales and actions can have seperate contacts as well, and contacts can be related to employees in a way.
Offcourse a security model was implemented but this only provides the option to hide or show all the records of these main tables. Now people noticed that it is a must to let people see for example only companies they created or do sales with. In other words access must be given at a record level.
The first thing that pops in my head is to create a client_security, sales_security, ... table that contains the employee_id and client_id or sales_id, or ... And add a join with one of these security tables for each select that is executed.
I wonder (because of the huge amount of data) if there isn't a better way to get this done?
Another possible issue that came to mind was, that when some data doesn't need protection or some people have the rigth to see everything, we would have to create the records in the security table anyways, resulting in probably hundreds of thousands of records.
Feedback on our solution (if we can call it that allready), or even keywords to find more about this issue via google (record based security really isn't the best description I guess) are most appreciated.
Hi All,I have a table in SQL Server 2000 that contains several million memberids. Some of these member ids are duplicated in the table, and eachrecord is tagged with a 1 or a 2 in [recsrc] to indicate where theycame from.I want to remove all member ids records from the table that have arecsrc of 1 where the same member id also exists in the table with arecsrc of 2.So, if the member id has a recsrc of 1, and no other record exists inthe table with the same member id and a recsrc of 2, I want it leftuntouched.So, in a theortetical dataset of member id and recsrc:0001, 10002, 20001, 20003, 10004, 2I am looking to only delete the first record, because it has a recsrcof 1 and there is another record in the table with the same member idand a recsrc of 2.I'd very much appreciate it if someone could help me achieve this!Much warmth,Murray
I hope you can help me. I posted this in the microsoft sql server newsgroupa few days ago and got no response so I thought I'd try here. If I canprovide any clarification I'll be glad to do so.I'm trying to calculate a column based on the value of the previous record.I'm not very experienced with SQL-Server.I'm using the following table:CREATE TABLE tblPayment([PaymentID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[LoanID] [int] NULL ,[PaymentPeriod] [int] NULL ,[PaymentRecDate] [datetime] NULL ,[PaymentAMT] [money] NULL)I have a view based on this table. That view has the following calculatedcolumnsBeginningBalance: For the first record, this is equal to the loan amountfrom the loan table. For each additional record this is equal to the endingbalance from the previous payment record.Interest: BeginningBalance * the monthly interest rate from the loantablePrincipal: PaymentAMT - InterestEndingBalance: BeginningBalance - PrincipalIt might seem I could use a subquery to calculate the Beginning Balance asin:SELECT LoanID, PaymentPeriod, PaymentAMT,(SELECT SUM(PaymentAMT) FROM tblPayment AS tbl1WHERE tbl1.LoanID = tblPayment.LoanID AND tbl1.PaymentPeriod <tblPayment.PaymentPeriod) AS BeginBalanceFROM tblPaymentWHERE (LoanID = @LoanID)But this will not work, because the interest is calculated on the previousmonth's balance. I need to find a way to loop through the recordset. Isthis possible?Thank you,--Derek CooperDatabase9www.database9.com
First of all, I have never done any web-based stuff, so if thefollowing sounds ignorant, it's because I am!So far all our SQL Servers are accessed only over our network and weuse Windows authentication. Now the guy I'm working with on thedesign of our next stuff wants the two new databases (a transactionalone and my data warehouse) to be additionally accessed by web-basedapplications via our company intranet (NOT THE INTERNET). How do weauthenticate under these conditions? The webserver machine will betalking to the SQL Server ones, i.e. the databases will each be on thetheir own separate boxes. Can the webserver be a "user"? If so,and we want the actual users to have different privileges, then theweb-based apps have to manage that? Or is there a way for theweb-based apps to grab the Windows user and pass it to SQL Server?
I am attempting to set up a new user that has only the ability to run reports in the report manager.
I have created a new ActiveDirectory entry for DOMAINReportUser. I have a created a new folder with the reports, and have set this user as a Browser role on this directory, and all reports in the directory.
I have made it throught the security maze to gain access to these reports as this user, but I cannot dynamically run the reports. As the BUILTINAdministrator (content manager), I get a grayed background on the parameters and can run the reports. As this DOMAINReportUser, I get what looks like HTML parameter items, and cannot run a dynamic report. Even if I change the role of this user to Content Manager, I still cannot run a dynamic report.
How do you properly set up a user to be able to dynamically run, and only run, a report in Report Manager, and have this user only see reports in a single folder?
I have been fighting the security issues of creating a RS site and properly setting up access, and have yet to find a single site or person explaining the entire process in any coherant method.
There is a STIG Check that does not allow grant "Connect SQL" directly to any logins except SQL System and the SA account. My way of resolving this is to do the following:
Step One: We create a Server Role called SQL_APPLICATIONS – for the application accounts We create a Server Role called SQL_DBA – for the DBA accounts and give them direct “Connect SQL’ server permissions. MAKE THE ROLE OWNER = sysadmin (group)
Note: I think that creating a Server Role is only available starting with SQL Server 2012, but not sure. I am using SQL 2012
Step two: I add the members (Logins - SQL & Windows) – in this case any application accounts and DBA accounts to the new roles respectively
Step three: I remove the “Connect SQL” Permission from each Login
The first problem i noticed is that the maintenance plans failed with "The owner domainusername of job db_backup does not have server access.I am currently using a test system and wondered If you think I will have trouble with the application connecting when I try and implement on the production systems.
I have a report running and I am attempting to assign role based security. I added a group to the site level security. The group I added contains child groups. It doesn't seem that report server is looking into the child groups to see if the logged in user is a member of the child group. Is there anyway to get this to work instead of adding all the groups directly? I suspect that report server is using cominterop and cominterop is not traversing the directory tree?
In the role-based security model that is implemented for Reporting Services, users who are assigned to the Content Manager role can create and edit reports in Report Builder. Local administrators are automatically assigned to this role.
If you want other users to be able to work with a Report Builder report, you must create a role assignment for them that includes the default role "Report Consumer." Alternatively, you can create a custom role definition. As long as the customized role includes the "Consume reports" task, users who are assigned to that role will have sufficient permission to create and modify reports using Report Builder
However, when I try to give a contact those rights, the "Report Builder" link still does not show up for my users. Is there any other place where I can examine the security rights to see why the Report Builder permission is not granted to my users?
I am currently developing a project that requires a server level permission for one stored procedure (ALTER ANY LOGIN)
To this effect, I plan to create a certificate, sign the stored procedure with it, import the certificate into the master DB and assign privileges.
I also understand that modification to the code invalidates the signature (after all thats the point of signing something).
But what about user defined functions and stored procedures referenced by the signed procedure? Does SQL server follow the dependancy chain and include referenced procedures in the signature? Or does the privilege assigned to the certificate not apply when the nested procedure is executed?
If this is not the case couldn't a restricted database user just alter a nested stored procedure they have been granted ALTER access to and make themselves SA or something?
So to sum up, do you have to duplicate the functionality of otherwise nested procedures into a certificate signed procedure to protect server security?
We are developing a database in SQL and we are trialing some of our typical analysis undertaken on out dataset.
I have a problem with a update function. ID direction Holiday Lat Long Speed obstime - Datestamp LicenseID - varchar(7) status - int (0 or 1) O-Unoccipied, 1-occupied Pickup - Boolean Dropoff - Boolean
I am trying to update the 'Pickup' or 'Dropoff' when the status changes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 if the difference in the datestamp is less than 2 minutes. Pickup is when the status goes from 0 to 1 Drop off is when the status goes from 1 to 0
HiI need to set security for row level but not based on Database user'slogin. It should be based on the user table login. For the particularuser I need to allow only the particular records to access insert,update delete and select.Let me explain clearlyFor example think we are using asp/asp.net websiteEg:www.test.comSo take this is our website and if you try this URL then you will get awindow for Login name and password.For example the Login name is windows user name (Here windows usermeans server windows user and not client) and windows password. So ifyou have login user id you can able to login in our site and we haveanother check. We have our own usertable this table consist all theuser login names and user rights. We will check the windows user whologin in our site has rights in the usertable I mean he is present inthe usertable if he is not present then we will display a message youhave no rights to access this site.If he has login id in our usertable then he allowed viewing ourpages. Still if he has the login id we will check the user who loginhas how much right to access to each page and the records of each tableits all depend on the user rights.So, here I need the row level security. For each and every table weneed to check the corresponding user and executing the record producelot of business logic problem for us.So after the user login we need automatically to set row levelsecurity for all the tables. Based on the user who login.So from there if we try select * from <tablename> then we can only ableto get the allowed records to select, insert, update, delete.Please can some one help how to solve this?Note:For some help you can refer the below URL (See in that they only givenabout the row level and column level security for each database usersnot for our required concept)http://www.microsoft.com/technet/pr...5/multisec.mspxThanks in advanceRams
is this possible to retireve data from view where i need only userid with rolekey1.? tried with a function but its taking more time? any options in doing it in the view itself?
Hi all - this one has me stumped... PLEASE HELP!!!
I have a back/forward navigation link that passes a URL.startrow number (lets call it n) - based on n - I only want to select the record that is the n'th record based on a sort order (gall_order) - (SQL SERVER).
<cfquery name="gallHomePic1st" datasource="id" maxrows="1"> SELECT id FROM gall_home ORDER BY gall_order asc </cfquery>
For e.g. - I want the 7th (14th - 21st etc) record based on gall_order asc.
Technology Type Size XYZ A 200 XYZ1 A 200 XYZ2 A 300 XYZ3 A 300 ABC1 X 238 ABC2 X 238 PQR B 320 MNO C 330
I have written a query on a table whose output will look like the above. I need to know if i should store this in a record set or create a temp table to get the following fuctionality.
Now I need to concatenate the Technology based on Type and size.
As you can see in Type A we have two sizes 200 and 300.
We need to group the Technology of type A with same size together.
So the output of the procedure should be
XYZ + XYZ1 XYZ2+ XYZ3 ABC1 + ABC2 etc.
We need to concatenate the Technology string with the next technology if they have the same type and size.
I have a business requirement to build a tabular data model, where I need to mask information of other Agents from a given Agent but I still need to show the overall sales of the given product.
For eg: IF an Agent is in APAC region he should see APAC region sales and also should be able see the sales of the same product in other region without knowing region specific break down.
For Agent "Tom" in APAC region, the numbers will look like this APAC_Sales = 100,000 Other_Sales = 500,000
And if "John" is in NA region, then the number will look like this for him
NA_Sales = 200,000 Other_Sales = 400,000
I wanted to create "Roles" based on the Region, so all the agents belong to "APAC" region will have same view as Tom and "NA" region agents will have John's view.
Hi People, hope someone can help me out here with a little problem. Basically i've go a asp.net page which has a listbox on. This list box is populated from a SQL database table with the datetime of the a selected field. Thus in the list box you get a list of strings looking like this "24/09/07 12:58" Also on the page is a submit button, and some other editing textboxes. The main issue here is the when the submit button is used i get the currently selected listbox timedate string and then pass this along with other items to update a record in the database based on the datetime in the listbox control.
Below is how i get the string from the listbox control Dim except_time As DateTime except_time = DropDownList1.SelectedValue The expect_time is then passed to store procedure along with some other vars, which looks like this -- =============================================-- Author: Lee Trueman-- Create date: 1st Sept 2007-- =============================================CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spExcept_UpdateData] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @validated bit, @update_time datetime, @except_time datetimeASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON -- Insert statements for procedure here UPDATE exceptions SET validated = @validated, update_time = @update_time WHERE (except_time = @except_time)END So validated and update_time should be updated when except_time is equal to @except_time
My problem is that the database never updates. If i debug the asp.net page the watch var shows the datetime in US format (I.e "09/24/07 12:58"), if this is true then this would explain why when it is passed to the stored proc nothing gets updated, as there would not be a date match. can anyone see any silly mistakes i'm doing here ????
I am trying to write a stored procedure that updates a value in a table based on the sort order. For example, my table has a field "OfferAmount". When this field is updated, I need to resort the records and update the "CurrRank" field with values 1 through whatever. As per my question marks below, I am not sure how to do this.
Update CurrRank = ??? from tblAppKitOffers where appkitid = 3 AND (OfferStatusCode = 'O' OR OfferStatusCODE = 'D') ORDER BY tblAppKitOffers.OfferAmount Desc
I have a query which finds duplicate spec_items linked to a work order. What I want to do it remove the duplicates (and in some cases there will be more than one) leaving only the record with the highest [sr.id]
select sr.id, sr.linked_to_worknumber, sr.spec_checklist_id from spec_checklist_remind sr inner join spec_checklist_remind sc on sc.linked_to_worknumber = sr.linked_to_worknumber group by sr.id,sr.linked_to_worknumber, sr.spec_checklist_id Having sr.spec_checklist_id = 30 and count(*)>1 order by sr.linked_to_worknumber
I have inherited a query which currently returns multiple instances of each work order because of the joined tables. The code is here and I've detailed the criteria needed below but need the best way to accomplish this:
Each work order should only be returned once, and with the following additional criteria:
1. i.meter - this should return only the lowest number from that file.
2. sm.next_calendar_date - this should return only the most recent date out of those selected for the certificates on this piece of equipment
3. wh.meterstop as [Last Service Hours], wh.date_created as [Last Service] - this should return the number from wh.meterstop at the most recent wh.date_created for that piece of equipment.
This is a simple one, and I know that it has to be fairly common, but I just can't figure out an elegant way to do it. I have a table with the following fields: OrderID (FK, not unique) InstallationDate (Datetime) CreateDtTm (Datetime)
There is no PK or Unique ID on this table, though an combo of OrderID and CreateDtTm would ostensibly be a unique identifier.
For each OrderID, I need to pull the InstallationDate that was created most recently (based on CreateDtTm). Here's what I've got so far, and it works, but man is it ugly:
SELECT a.OrderID, InstallationDate
FROM ScheduleDateLog a
(SELECT OrderID, max(convert(varchar(10),CreateDtTm,102)+'||' +convert(varchar(10), InstallationDate,102)) as TopRecord
FROM ScheduleDateLog GROUP BY OrderID) as b
ON convert(varchar(10),CreateDtTm,102)+'||' +convert(varchar(10), InstallationDate,102)=b.TopRecord
May i know what is the SQL query to create another intermediate column which is used to store the sum of two columns of each and every record. Thank you.
Sql is not a strong point with me so I'm just going to throw this out there. I have a stored procedure that updates the quantity in my 'CartItems' table. Is there a way to have something else happen within the stored procedure that will update another field based on other parts of the record? There is a 'lineTotal' field that I need to equal the 'pounds * itemSell' fields which are both fields within this record. CREATE PROCEDURE UpdateCartItem(@cartItemID Int,@newQuantity numeric(9))ASUPDATE CartItems Set quantity = @newQuantityWHERE cartItemID = @cartItemIDGO
I'm writing a script that gathers a few variables from an outside source, then queries a table and looks for a record that has the exact values of those variables. If the record is not found, a new record is added. If the record is found, nothing happens.
Basically my SELECT statement looks something like this, then is followed by an If... Else statement
SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE LastName = varLastName AND FirstName = varFirstName AND Address = varAddress
If RecordSet.EOF = True Then 'Item Not Found, add new record 'code to add new record...... Else 'Item Found, do nothing End If
RecordSet.Update RecordSet.Close
Even when I try to delete the If.. statement and simply display the records, it comes up as blank. Is the syntax correct for my SELECT statement??
Well im new at this SSIS stuff and i have something that i am trying to do, but cannot get it to work.. Ill try to explain, and if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction it would be much appriciated..
I have 2 tables, one header table. and one lines table. This is a one - to -many relationship.. ie 1 header, many lines.. This is a Order Header, and Order Lines table setup.. Order header has Order numbers and and email address field that link to the lines table by order number. I also have a view which links all this info together.
I would like to export a excel file (preferable named from the order number column - but that can come later) for each order number in the header table. The excel file will contain the details from the View that was created. I want this to loop through all the header records in the header table and create a excel file for each one..
Down the track i want to add a send mail task to this and pass the email address to a variable so i can use it in the send mail task.. But ill get the main part working first..
Anyhelp would be more than helpful.. I tried to set this up, but i am stuck on the enumerator part..