Record Exists Insert Or Update

Oct 25, 2007

I had implemented as in the link to insert or update

What i want to know is... how can i assume there are no duplicate records.
I used Distinct keyword and queried it showed me all are distint but some where i find some duplicates just don't know why i am having when i look at the data both are exactly same...

Please let me know how can i fix it.


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Update Table If Record Exists Else Insert ?

Dec 17, 2007

Is there a way to structure a query to update an existing table record if it already exists, otherwise insert a new record into that table?

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Checking To See If A Record Exists And If So Update Else Insert

Feb 9, 2007

I've decided to post this as a sticky given the frequency this question is asked.

For those of you wishing to build a package that determines if a source row exists in the destination and if so update it else insert it, this link is for you.

Thanks Jamie!

If you want to do a similar concept to Jamie's blog post above, but with the Konesan's Checksum Transformation to quickly compare MANY fields, you can visit here:


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Insert Record If None Exists

Oct 6, 2003

Hello folks,

I am new to msSQL and ASP, I need some help writing an SQL statement that will first check to see if a combination or record exists, if none found thant it will add it. I am working a section of a site that adds favorites to the database. Each user can have more that one favorite hence it has to check for that unique combination of the fields, UserID and FavID

My Code:
Dim objConnection, objRecordset, strSQL
Dim strFavID, strUserID
strFavID = request.Form("favid")
strUserID = request.Form("userid")

Set objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objConnection.Open Application("ConnectionString")

strSQL = "INSERT INTO FAV (UserID,FavID) (SELECT DISTINCT " & strUserID & " AS UserID " & _
strFavID & " AS FavID" & " FROM FAV)" & _
" WHERE " & strUserID & " & " & strFavID & " NOT IN (SELECT UserID, FavID FROM FAV)"

If strFavID <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next

Set objConnection = Nothing
End If

This code is giving me a syntax error, how do I write the correct statement. I am using MS Access 2k

Thanks for your help

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Don't Insert If Record Exists

Jun 21, 2004

/*if key values exist don't insert new record*/

/*if exists don't insert*/
WHEN ISNULL(gradeId, -1) = -1 THEN
(gtStudentId, assignmentId, score)
VALUES (@nStudent, @nAssignment, 0)

FROM tblScores
WHERE gtStudentId = @nStudent AND assignmentId = @nAssignment

tblScores has two fields comprising its primary key (gtStudentId, assignmentId) and the gradeId field is a required filed in this table.

I'm getting syntax errors when I click check syntax (near keywords insert from and end).

one other note: this CASE END is nested inside a BEGIN END loop, is this the problem? Is the 'End" of the 'Case' closing the 'End' of the 'Begin'?


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Checking To See If A Record Exists Else Insert

Apr 30, 2008

I am checking to see if the source record is available in the target table using a lookup transformation and if not found i have to insert this record.
I have connected the error flow of the lookup transformation to the target. I am acheiving expected results, but is this the best practise? I have not connected to the green arrow to any task.

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Insert If Not Exists Else Update

Apr 4, 2007


it's me again :)
I've got a - what I think - simple question.
There is table A with Col1,Col2,Col3 and Table B with Col1,Col2,Col3

I want all rows from B in A. If a row already exist in A, then update all columns, else just insert the row.
Can someone please help me with a small syntax.
Thank you!

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Feb 18, 2004


I have a 'Products' table (with: 'uid' and 'CatName' columns) and 'ProductCategory' table (with: 'uid', 'ProductID', 'CategoryID' columns).

I got stored procedure below to update or insert new row to 'ProductCategory' table whenever 'Products' table has been updated or new products has been added to it.

Update part works just fine but when new row has been added to 'Products' this storedProc dosn't insert it into 'ProductCategory' table, it does that only when 'ProductCategory' table is empty, I'm afraid it's because first column 'uid' in 'ProductCategory' table is an Identity column... I’m not sure how should I go about that problem. This is my stored procedure:

DECLARE @CatNo INT, @CatName varchar(10)
SET @CatNo = 2
SET @CatName = 'bracket'

IF exists (SELECT ProductID from ProductCategory, Products where ProductCategory.ProductID = Products.uid and Products.CatName = @CatName )
UPDATE ProductCategory SET CategoryID = @CatNo
FROM Products WHERE Products.CatName = @CatName and ProductCategory.ProductID = Products.uid
INSERT INTO ProductCategory ( ProductID, CategoryID)
SELECT uid, @CatNo FROM Products
WHERE Products.CatName = @CatName

SET @CatNo = 3
SET @CatName = 'cable'

IF exists (SELECT ProductID from ProductCategory, Products where ProductCategory.ProductID = Products.uid and Products.CatName = @CatName )
UPDATE ProductCategory SET CategoryID = @CatNo
FROM Products WHERE Products.CatName = @CatName and ProductCategory.ProductID = Products.uid
INSERT INTO ProductCategory ( ProductID, CategoryID)
SELECT uid, @CatNo FROM Products
WHERE Products.CatName = @CatName
(... Goes for another 37 categories)

Thank you for help.


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How To Update If Exists Else Insert In One SQL Statement

Jul 20, 2005

In MS Access I can do in one SQL statement a update if exists else ainsert.Assuming my source staging table is called - SOURCE and my targettable is called - DEST and both of them have the same structure asfollowsKeycolumns==========MaterialCustomerYearNonKeyColumns=============SalesIn Access I can do a update if the record exists else do a insert inone update SQL statement as follows:UPDATE DEST SET DEST.SALES = SOURCE.SALESfrom DEST RIGHT OUTER JOIN SOURCEON (DEST.MATERIAL = SOURCE.MATERIAL ANDDEST.CUSTOMER = SOURCE.CUSTOMER ANDDEST.YEAR = SOURCE.YEAR)This query will add a record in SOURCE into DEST if that record doesnot exist in DEST else it does a update. This query however does notwork on SQL 2000Am I missing something please share your views how I can do this inSQL 2000.ThanksKaren

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Lookup &&amp; Update Record &&amp; Insert Record

Mar 26, 2008

Hi All,

I am trying to create package something like that..

1- New Customer table as OleDB source component
2- Lookup component - checks customer id with Dimension_Customer table
3- And if same customer exist : I have to update couple fields on Dimension_Customer table
4- if it does not exist then I have insert those records to Dimension_Customer table

I am able to move error output from lookup to Dimension_Customer table using oledb destination
but How can I update the existing ones?
I have tried to use oledb command but somehow it didnt work
my sql was like this : update Dimension_Customer set per_X='Y', per_Y= &Opt(it should come from lookup)

I will be appreciated if you can help me...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: After Update Trigger - Only Insert Records Not Exists

Jul 30, 2014

I have an address table, and a log table will only record changes in it. So we wrote a after udpate trigger for it. In our case the trigger only need to record historical changes into the log table. so it only needs to be an after update trigger.The trigger works fine until a day we found out there are same addresses exist in the log table for the same student. so below is what I modified the trigger to. I tested, it seems working OK. Also would like to know do I need to use if not exists statement, or just use in the where not exists like what I did in the following code:

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_stuPropertyAddressChangeLog] ON [dbo].[stuPropertyAddress]


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Update Record After Insert

May 30, 2008

Using trigger
want to update a field being inserted from another record in the same table.

the record being inserted I want to pull the bkjrcode from another record where the account = 1040 that also has the same ord# and inv# as the record being inserted.

Here is what I've tried with no luck.

create trigger [updategbkmut] on [dbo].[gbkmut]
after insert

update g1
set g1.bkjrcode = g2.bkjrcode
from gbkmut g1
inner join inserted i
on i.ord_no = g1.ord_no and i.inv_no = g1.inv_no
inner join gbkmut g2
on i.ord_no = g2.ord_no and i.inv_no = g2.inv_no
where i.freefield3 = 'Rebate' and g1.account = '1040'

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Trigger Insert Record On Update

Jul 20, 2004

I have a parent table with 27 Columns and Child Table with 37 colums - when even there is an update in any of the columns on Parent or Child table, I require new record inserted into Audit_Parent and Audit_child table. Please help with
SQL Code on Create Trigger and insert records into Audit_parent and Audit_child when an Update occurs on any of the columns.
Insert into AuditParent and AuditChild should occur whenever there is an update on either Parent or child table.



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Package For Update/insert And Check For New Record

Apr 21, 2008


i'm total newbee on SSIS packages and therefore need guidance.

I want to make a ssis package that (in order):

- check in table (tbl_orders) if there is any new order made
- if new order is made, update column (time_last_change)
- if this order has geography ID (ID_geography) inserted, insert name of geography.

Thank you in advance,

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Duplicate Last Record When Using SqlDataAdapter.Update For Insert Command

Jun 24, 2007

I'm getting duplicate records for the last record in the datatable. No matter how much or how little my datatable contains row records, it always duplicate the last one for some reason. Is there something wrong with my code below? EXAMID pulling from another stored procedure, which is outputed back to a variable.
---Data Access Layer---- If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
'INSERT EXAM ROSTERInsertComm = New SqlCommandsqladapter = New SqlDataAdapterInsertComm = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("ExamOfficers_AddOfficerSpecificExamRoster", conndb)InsertComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
sqladapter.InsertCommand = InsertCommInsertComm.Parameters.Add("@examid", SqlDbType.Int)InsertComm.Parameters("@examid").Value = examidInsertComm.Parameters.Add("@officerid", SqlDbType.Int, 12, "Officer_UID")InsertComm.Parameters.Add("@reimburse", SqlDbType.Bit, 12, "ReimburseToDb")InsertComm.Parameters.Add("@posttest", SqlDbType.Int, 12, "Post_Test")InsertComm.Parameters.Add("@pqcdate", SqlDbType.DateTime, 12, "pqc_date")InsertComm.Parameters.Add("@pqcscore", SqlDbType.Int, 12, "pqc_score")
sqladapter.UpdateBatchSize = 100InsertComm.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Nonesqladapter.Update(dt)
End If
----Stored Procedure----
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ExamOfficers_AddOfficerSpecificExamRoster]
@ExamID as int,@OfficerID as int,@reimburse as bit=NULL,@posttest as int=NULL,@pqcdate as datetime=NULL,@pqcscore as int=NULL
Insert Into Exam_Officers(EXAM_UID,Officer_UID,reimburse,post_test,pqc_date,pqc_score)values(@ExamID,@OfficerID,@reimburse,@posttest,@pqcdate,@pqcscore)

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I Don't Suppose BULK UPDATE Exists?... Like BULK INSERT?

Sep 27, 2007

I have to update a field within a table of 60 records or so. Each record has a different field value. it's type varchar. i was given an excel file with the field values and was thinking of a bulk update like bulk insert, but i don't recall that it's possible that way.

Is the only way to create a table, bulk insert, then merge the two tables together with UPDATE?

Just wanted to see if there was an easier way to do it, otherwise i'll take the latter route. Thanks!

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How To Know If A Record Exists

May 21, 2006

Hello,I have a TextBox and an Insert Button, it works like this: protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String strConn=SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO My_Table_1 (Column_1) VALUES ("+TextBox1.Text+")", new SqlConnection(strConn)); cmd.Connection.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Connection.Close(); } But, what code i must write for checking, if the value i am trying to insert already exists ??I mean something like this:if (TextBox1.Text does not Exists on any Record in My_Table_1) then        Insert itelse        Show Message : "Already exists a record with this value"Thank you SO MUCH, guys,Carlos.

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Check If Record Exists

Feb 1, 2007

 Hello,I created the following SQL script to check if a record exists:IF (EXISTS (SELECT LevelName FROM dbo.by27_Levels WHERE LOWER(@LevelName) = LOWER(LevelName)))  Return (1)ELSE  Return (0)And I also found in a web page another solution:IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM TABLENAME WHERE LevelName=@LevelName)  SELECT 1ELSE  SELECT 0- Which approach should I use?- Why "SELECT 1 FROM"?- And when should I use SELECT or RETURN?All I need is to know if the record exists ... nothing else.I will use this procedure on an ASP.NET 2.0 / C# web site.I am not sure if this important but anyway ...Thank You,Miguel

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Check If Record Exists

Dec 24, 2007

 I was wondering if someone can help.
 In what is the best way to check if a record exists if you are using an sql data reader?
For my application I need to display a button control (make it visible on the page) if a record is available after executing my sql select statement.
Mark :)

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Checking To See If A Record Exists Before Inserting

Feb 14, 2007

I can't seem to get this work.  I'm using SQL2005
I want to check if a record exists before entering it.  I just can't figure out how to check it before hand.
Thanks in advance. Protected Sub BTNCreateProdIDandName_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BTNCreateProdIDandName.Click
' Define data objects
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim comm As SqlCommand

' Reads the connection string from Web.config
Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("HbAdminMaintenance").ConnectionString
' Initialize connection
conn = New SqlConnection(connectionString)

' Check to see if the record exists
comm = New SqlCommand("EXISTS (SELECT (BuilderID, OptionNO FROM optionlist WHERE (BuilderID = @BuilderID) AND (OptionNO = @OptionNO)", conn)

'if the record is exists display this message.
LBerror.Text = "This item already exists in your Option List."

'If the record does not exist, add it. FYI - This part works fine by itself.
comm = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [OptionList] ([BuilderID], [OptionNO], [OptionName]) VALUES (@BuilderID, @OptionNO, @OptionName)", conn)

comm.Parameters.Add("@BuilderID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)
comm.Parameters("@BuilderID").Value = LBBuilderID.Text

comm.Parameters.Add("@OptionNO", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
comm.Parameters("@OptionNO").Value = DDLProdID.SelectedItem.Value

comm.Parameters.Add("@OptionName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
comm.Parameters("@OptionName").Value = DDLProdname.SelectedItem.Value

LBerror.Text = DDLProdname.SelectedItem.Value & " was added to your Option List."

'open connection
'Display error message
LBerror.Text = "There was an error adding this Option. Please try again."
'close connection
End Try

End If

End Sub  

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Checking A Table To See If A Record Already Exists

Sep 19, 2007

I've got two tables, one containing a list of company names(approx 10,000 records), the other containing a list of company employees (approx 30,000 records) joined by the CompanyID column.

I have a third table (approx 700 records) containing new employees to be added to the employee table. Each record in this table has the employees details plus the name of their company.

I want to write a query that will check each row in the third table to see if
a) the employee exists in the Employees table
b) the company exists in the Companies table and
c) the employee is listed under the correct company

The query should also handle any combination of the above. So if the company doesn't exist but the employee does, create the company on the companies table and update the appropriate record on the employees table with the new CompanyID etc. etc.

Oh, forgot to mention. The company names in the third table won't be exactly the same as the ones in the Company table so will need to use CharIndex.

Anybody got any ideas?

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Checking Whether Record ID Exists In Another Query

Jan 10, 2014

I'm trying to check which price grids are in use using the price grid_id, and seeing whether this grid_id exists in another query that checks all active contracts. If the grid_id is present (active) I want to return 'Yes', if not I want it to return 'No'.

There are 385 price grids, but my query is only returning the 315 that are active, and ignoring any that are not used. My code is below, how I can see all the records whether Yes or No:

Select distinct
pg.grid_id [Price Grid],
pg.grid_name [Grid Name],
case when exists
c.grid_id from
customers c
inner join deltickhdr dh on dh.acct = c.custnum and dh.stage <5
c.type = 'C' and
dh.dticket is not null) then 'Yes' else 'No' end [Active]

From gridhdr pg inner join customers c on c.grid_id = pg.grid_id

Order by pg.grid_id

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Finding If A Record Exists In Either Of Two Tables

Mar 17, 2008


I have two tables with the same field layout, and they both have the same field as the Primary Key. They just contain different data. I would like to know if a record exists in one, or both, tables.

The tables are InvTemp1 and SalesTemp1. The key for both is stock_number.

Here is the command so far:


FROM InvTemp1 INNER JOIN SalesTemp1 ON InvTemp1.Stock_number = SalesTemp1.Stock_number

WHERE (InvTemp1.Stock_number = '101053')

Thank you for any ideas,

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TOUGH INSERT: Copy Sale Record/Line Items For Duplicate Record

Jul 20, 2005

I have a client who needs to copy an existing sale. The problem isthe Sale is made up of three tables: Sale, SaleEquipment, SaleParts.Each sale can have multiple pieces of equipment with correspondingparts, or parts without equipment. My problem in copying is when I goto copy the parts, how do I get the NEW sale equipment ids updatedcorrectly on their corresponding parts?I can provide more information if necessary.Thank you!!Maria

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How To Create An Copy Of A Certain Record Except One Specific Column That Must Be Different &&amp; Insert The New Record In The Table

Sep 1, 2006

I have a table with a user column and other columns. User column id the primary key.

I want to create a copy of the record where the user="user1" and insert that copy in the same table in a new created record. But I want the new record to have a value of "user2" in the user column instead of "user1" since it's a primary key


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Need To Set A Field In A Select Statement Equal To Yes Or No If Record Exists In Separate Table

Jan 8, 2008

Hey gang,
I've got a query and I'm really not sure how to get what I need.  I've got a unix datasource that I've setup a linked server for on my SQL database so I'm using Select * From OpenQuery(DataSource, 'Query')
I am able to select all of the records from the first two tables that I need.  The problem I'm having is the last step.  I need a field in the select statement that is going to be a simple yes or no based off of if a customer number is present in a different table.  The table that I need to look into can have up to 99 instances of the customer number.  It's a "Note" table that stores a string, the customer number and the sequence number of the note.  Obviously I don't want to do a straight join and query because I don't want to get 99 duplicates records in the query I'm already pulling.
Here's my current Query this works fine:
Select *From OpenQuery(UnixData, 'Select CPAREC.CustomerNo, CPBASC_All.CustorCompName, CPAREC.DateAdded, CPAREC.Terms, CPAREC.CreditLimit, CPAREC.PowerNum
From CPAREC Inner Join CPBASC_All on CPAREC.CustomerNo = CPBASC_All.CustomerNo
Where DateAdded >= #12/01/07# and DateAdded <= #12/31/07#')
What I need to add is one more column to the results of this query that will let me know if the Customer number is found in a "Notes" table.  This table has 3 fields CustomerNo, SequenceNo, Note.
I don't want to join and select on customer number as the customer number maybe repeated as much as 99 times in the Notes table.  I just need to know if a single instance of the customer number was found in that table so I can set a column in my select statement as NotesExist (Yes or No)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Return User-defined Row When A Record Doesn't Exists

Dec 29, 2014

What I want to do is return a row of data when my query doesn't return a record. I have two tables:

SeqNo smallint NULL,
Payment decimal(10, 2) NULL

[Code] ....

So when I run the following query:

SELECT 'abc' + '-' + CAST(SeqNo AS VARCHAR) + '-' + CAST(Payment AS VARCHAR) FROM abc WHERE SeqNo = 1
SELECT 'def' + '-' + CAST(SeqNo AS VARCHAR) + '-' + CAST(Payment AS VARCHAR) FROM def WHERE SeqNo = 1

As you can see since 1 doesn't exists in table 'def' nothing is returned as expected. However, if a row isn't returned I want to be able to enter my own row such as


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Update A Record Based Of A Record In The Same Table

Aug 16, 2006

I am trying to update a record in a table based off of criteria of another record in the table.

So suppose I have 2 records

ID owner type

1 5678 past due

2 5678 late

So, I want to update the type field to "collections" only if the previous record for the same record is "past due". Any ideas?

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How To Update With SQL EXISTS(?)

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have 2 tables in an SQLServer db.I want to compare table A with table B and add any records that EXISTin table B but dont exist in table A, to table A.Can anyone help me with the SQL?TIAHitcher

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Insert If Not Exists

Mar 8, 2005

I have two tables that I have to compare:


123-456 1000 01
123-456 1000 02
123-456 2000 02
567-890 2000 01
567-890 2000 02

1000 00
1000 01
1000 02
2000 00
2000 01
2000 02

After Insert I should have:

wbs1 wbs2 wbs3
123-456 1000 00
123-456 1000 01
123-456 1000 02
123-456 2000 00
123-456 2000 01
123-456 2000 02
567-890 1000 00
567-890 1000 01
567-890 1000 02
567-890 2000 00
567-890 2000 01
567-890 2000 02

Basically, I need to insert the wbs2 and wbs3 where it does not exist in each wbs1.

What I have now will find the values that need to be inserted for a particular project but I don't know how to go through each project and perform the insert:

Select * from PR_template Where Not Exists
(Select Wbs1, Wbs2, Wbs3 from PR where PR.WBS2 = PR_Template.WBS2
And PR.WBS3 = PR_Template.Wbs3 and pr.wbs1 = '123-456')
Order by wbs2, wbs3 asc

Thank You

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Msg 156 On Insert Where Not Exists

Sep 28, 2007

I'm getting the following error on this query:

Insert into ILS_CustList values ('05-888', '05-888 - NV') where not exists (select jobid from ILS_CustList where jobid = '05-888')

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where'.

What's the problem?

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Using NOT EXISTS In An INSERT Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

I am using the following code to insert records into a destination tablethat has a three column primary key i.e. (PupilID, TermID &SubjectGroup). The source table records all the pupils in a school with(amongst other things) a column (about 50) for each subject the pupilmight potentially sit. In these columns are recorded the study groupthat they belong to for those subjects. The destination table holds arecord per pupil per subject per term, against which the teacher willultimately record the pupils performance.The code as shown runs perfectly until the operator tries to insert aselection of records that include some that already exist. What I wouldlike it to do is, record those, which do not exist and discard theremainder. However, whenever a single duplicate occurs SQL rejects thewhole batch. I know that my solution will probably involve using the�NOT EXISTS� expression, but try as I might I cannot get it to work. Tofurther complicate things, the code is being run from within VBA usingthe RunSQL command.The variables �strFieldName�, �strGroup� & �strTerm are declared at thestart of the procedure and originate from options selected on an Accessform.INSERT INTO dbo.yInterimReportData (PupilID, LastName, FirstName,TermID, SubjectGroup) SELECT PupilID, LastName, FirstName," & "'" &strTerm & "'" & "," & "'" & strGroup & "'" & "FROM dbo.Pupils WHERE (" &strFieldName & " = " & "'" & strGroup & "')Any Ideas?RegardsColin*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Update Rows With Next Higher Id, If It Exists

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to determine the next registered session of a student so Ican calculate the number of skipped sessions.Scenario: I have a student registration summary table. One row foreach student and the student's registered session. I want to update agiven row with the next higher registered session (into a field callednext_registered_session_skey if the row exists). I can then use thediff of the skeys to determine how many sessions the student skippedfor each registration period.Example: Student X registers each fall for one session for 4 years.The file might look like:STUDENT_ID SESSION_ID SESSION_SKEYNEXT_REGISTRED_SESSION_SKEY123456789 200201 100null123456789 200301 104null123456789 200401 108null123456789 200501 112nullI need to update the NEXT_REGISTRED_SESSION_SKEY so I end up with:STUDENT_ID SESSION_ID SESSION_SKEYNEXT_REGISTRED_SESSION_SKEY123456789 200201 100104123456789 200301 104108123456789 200401 108112123456789 200501 112nullI can then say SESSIONS_SKIPPED = NEXT_REGISTRED_SESSION_SKEY �SESSION_KEY (logically speaking, not syntactically)This is what I have so far as example:UPDATE F_REGISTRATIONSET NEXT_REGISTERED_SESSION_SKEY = (select top 1 nextr.session_skeyfrom f_registration rinner joinf_registration nextron r.student_skey = nextr.student_skey and nextr.session_skey[color=blue]> r.session_skey[/color]order by r.session_skey desc)WHERE STUDENT_ID = '577665705';SELECT student_skey, student_id, session_id, session_skey,next_registered_session_skey, * FROM F_REGISTRATION WHERE STUDENT_ID= '577665705' order by session_skey descRESULTS:STUDENT_SKEY STUDENT_ID SESSION_ID SESSION_SKEYNEXT_REGISTERED_SESSION_SKEY125137 577665705 200404 309 311125137 577665705 200403 308 311125137 577665705 200402 307 311125137 577665705 199804 285 311125137 577665705 199803 284 311125137 577665705 199802 283 311125137 577665705 199704 281 311TIARob(I restricted with the where = �577665705' so I did not have to waitto update all the rows)

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