Record(row)length Of A Table

Apr 26, 1999


Does any one know how to find a record (row) length of a table?

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Max Record Length For DTS?

Apr 26, 2001

Hi folks,

I'm trying to load a flat file (text) into a table with 83 columns in it. The record length on the flat file is 251 characters long. For some reason when running the DTS import utility, DTS can't read the past the 142 character on the flat file, it spills on to the next line. The red bar is set on the 143 character when i use the fix field options in DTS import. Can the red bar be moved out further? Or is there a max field length using DTS?

anyone out there that can help?


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Record Length Issue

Aug 23, 2007

I am having issues with exporting a file from a table. The data is correct however the Record Length for our
mainframe is 100 and the file I am sending is 23036. Any help would be appreciated

Mainframe Specifications
Record Format:FB
Record Length:100
Block Size:27900

My SSIS package Export File

Record Format:VB
Record Length:23036
Block Size:27998

Table that is exported (Details)

---All Precision Set to Blank
---All Scale set to Blank

SSIS Packages Specifications:
Flat File Destination
Code Page:1252
Format:Fixed Width
Row Delimiter:{CR}{LF}

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Help With Fixed Length Record Loading

Dec 28, 2007

We are converting an old (circa 2000) VB app that used an Access database to a C#/SQL Server 2005 database. One of the key business processes in this app was to import large quantities of data (200K+ at a time). The format of the text file is fixed length and while we would love to change it we are unable to (the user community would burn us in effigee if not for real). I have been looking at DTS, BCP, and Bulk Insert using format files and, while I think we can get most of the way there I am not sure if I am understanding the format file structure completly. Below is the import specification for one of our files:

FieldName DataType Start Length
LOCID C 7 15
UNITS C 57 10

As you can see the each column is separated by a single space so that the second column starts two beyond the length of the first column, etc, etc. Here is an example of the data (the numbers in the first two rows are there to assist counting characters and do not exist in the real import file)
1 2 3 4 5 6
AFP29 01-SB-01 10-AUG-2000 0900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 01-SB-01 10-AUG-2000 0900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 01-SB-02 30-DEC-2000 0900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 XX-XX 10-AUG-2000 1000 ABB DRW 123.23 CFS
C123 01-SB-01 10-AUG-2000 0900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 10-AUG-2000 0900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 01-SB-01 0900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 01-SB-01 SDKJFDKL 0900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 01-SB-01 10-AUG-2000 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 01-SB-01 10-AUG-2000 900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS
AFP29 01-SB-01 10-AUG-2000 0900 ABB DRW DFDSF CFS
AFP29 01-SB-01 10-AUG-2000 0900 ABB DRW 9999.99 CFS

From what I have read about the structure of format files you start with the host file field order number, then the host file data type, then prefix length, then field length, then field terminator, then database column order, then database column name, and final the collation.
This looks like it would work great for delimeted files but in my case there are no delimiters. If I don't include a terminator ("") would the following format file spec import my data correctly?
1 SQLCHAR 0 5 "" 1 AFIID ""
2 SQLCHAR 0 15 "" 2 LOCID ""
3 SQLCHAR 0 11 "" 3 LOGDATE ""
4 SQLCHAR 0 4 "" 4 LOGTIME ""
5 SQLCHAR 0 4 "" 5 LOGCODE ""
6 SQLCHAR 0 3 "" 6 HEADDIR ""
7 SQLCHAR 0 7 "" 7 SLUGVOL ""
8 SQLCHAR 0 10 "
" 8 UNITS ""

Richard Anderson

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How To Alter Column Length Of The Master Table Along With The Slave Table?

Aug 13, 2006

In SQL Server 2005,here are two tables, created by the following SQL Statements:



For the length of Column ID is not enough, So I want to alter its length.The alter statement is:


For the table student is referenced by table score, the alter statement can not alter the column of the table student, and the SQL Server DBMS give the errors.

But, I can manually alter the length of the column ID in SQL SERVER Management Studio. How to alter column length of the master table(student) along with the slave table(score)?


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How To Create An Copy Of A Certain Record Except One Specific Column That Must Be Different && Insert The New Record In The Table

Sep 1, 2006

I have a table with a user column and other columns. User column id the primary key.

I want to create a copy of the record where the user="user1" and insert that copy in the same table in a new created record. But I want the new record to have a value of "user2" in the user column instead of "user1" since it's a primary key


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Restrict Inserting Record If Record Already Exist In Table

Apr 17, 2014

Is that possible to restrict inserting the record if record already exist in the table.

Scenario: query should be

We are inserting a bulk information of data, it should not insert the row if it already exist in the table. excluding that it should insert the other rows.

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Delete Record Based On Existence Of Another Record In Same Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a table in SQL Server 2000 that contains several million memberids. Some of these member ids are duplicated in the table, and eachrecord is tagged with a 1 or a 2 in [recsrc] to indicate where theycame from.I want to remove all member ids records from the table that have arecsrc of 1 where the same member id also exists in the table with arecsrc of 2.So, if the member id has a recsrc of 1, and no other record exists inthe table with the same member id and a recsrc of 2, I want it leftuntouched.So, in a theortetical dataset of member id and recsrc:0001, 10002, 20001, 20003, 10004, 2I am looking to only delete the first record, because it has a recsrcof 1 and there is another record in the table with the same member idand a recsrc of 2.I'd very much appreciate it if someone could help me achieve this!Much warmth,Murray

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Procedure Parameter Length Declaration Less Than Column Length?

Jun 30, 2014

is there any way or a tool to identify if in procedure the Parameter length was declarated less than table Column length ..

I have a table

CREATE TABLE TEST001 (KeyName Varchar(100) ) a procedure
WHERE KeyName = @KeyName
KeyName = @KeyName

Here table Column with 100 char length "KeyName" was compared with SP parameter "@KeyName" with length 40 char ..

IS there any way to find out all such usage on the ALL Procedures in the Database ?

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BlobColumn.GetBlobData() With Data Length &&> Integer Length (32767)

Mar 27, 2008

For those of you who would like to reference my exact issue, I'm dealing with the RSExecution SSIS package at the "Update Parameters" data flow task, at the Script Component.

The script tries to split parameter data into name and value. Unfortunately, I have several reports that are passing parameters that are very large. One example has over 65,000 characters all in the normal "&paramname=value&parm2=value..." format.

The code in the script works fine until it gets to one of these very large parameter sets. I have figured out what is causing the issue. Here's some code:

Dim paramBlob as Byte()
paramBlob = Row.BlobColumn.GetBlobData(0, Row.BlobColumn.Length)

The second parameter of the .GetBlobData function takes an INTEGER as its count! Therefore, no matter what kind of datatype I pass to the string that the script will later split, it will be limited to 32767 characters.


Does anyone know a workaround for this issue? I need all of the parameter data to be reported, and I would hate to have to skip over rows like this. Also, if I'm missing something, please fill me in!

Thanks for your help in advance,

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Joining Record With The Most Recent Record On Second Table

Apr 23, 2008

Could anybody help me with the following scenario:

Table 1 Table2

ID,Date1 ID, Date2

I would like to link the two tables and receive all records from table2 joined on ID and the record from table1 that has the most recent date.


Table1 data Table2 Data

ID Date1 ID Date2
31 1/1/2008 31 1/5/2008
34 1/4/3008 31 4/1/2008
31 3/2/2008

The first record in table2 would only link to the first record in table1
The second record in table2 would only link to the third record in table1

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Update A Record Based Of A Record In The Same Table

Aug 16, 2006

I am trying to update a record in a table based off of criteria of another record in the table.

So suppose I have 2 records

ID owner type

1 5678 past due

2 5678 late

So, I want to update the type field to "collections" only if the previous record for the same record is "past due". Any ideas?

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Measure The Table Length

Dec 28, 1999

I have created a table in the sql server 7.0 and I wanted to know the what is the size of the table, is there any storeprocedure or command that can be used to measure the space used by the table in the database

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Variable Length CSV To Table

Oct 23, 2007


I want to export one CSV file to a SQL table.

My problem is my Csv File is variable length file like :


Sql Table is like col1- - - - - - - Col 15

I want to make a package to import that variable length Csv to This Sql table like

000 amruth 20000 Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
000 amruth 20000 Praveen shell floor11 Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
000 amruth 20000 Praveen shell floor11 aaa aa aa aa aa aa aa

I hope you got the problem.

I tried with BulkInsert using ; as column Delimiter and as Row Delimiter
and Flat File connection with Same Delimiters but its not working.

its importing like :

000 1 amruth 20000
000 1 amruth 20000;praveen;shell;floor11
000 1 amruth 20000;praveen;shell;floor11;aaa;aa;aa;aa;aa;aa;aa

its inserting like this in 4th column.

If any body can help me on this please reply Asap.

Thanks in advance

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CommandParameters.length Don't Match Parametervalues.length

Feb 24, 2008

I am trying to narrow down this problem.  Basically, I added 3 columns to my article table.  It holds the article id, article text, author and so on.  I tested my program before adding the additional field to the program.  The program works fine and I can add an article, and edit the same article even though it skips over the 3 new fields in the database.  It just puts nulls into those columns.So, now I have added one of the column names I added in the database to the code. I changed my businesslogic article.vb code and the addarticle.aspx, as well as the New article area in the addartivle.aspx.vb  page. The form now has an additional textbox field for the ShortDesc which is a short description of the article. This is the problem now:  The command parameters.length is 9 and there are 10 parameter values.  Right in the middle of the 10 values is the #4 value which I inserted into the code.  It says Nothing when I hover my mouse over the code after my program throws the exception in 17 below.  Why is  command parameters.length set to 9 instead of 10?  Why isn't it reading the information for value 4 like all the other values and placing it's value there and calculating 10 instead of 9? Where are these set in the program?  Sounds to me like they are hard coded in someplace and I need to change them to match everything else.  1 ' This method assigns an array of values to an array of SqlParameters.2 ' Parameters:3 ' -commandParameters - array of SqlParameters to be assigned values4 ' -array of objects holding the values to be assigned5 Private Overloads Shared Sub AssignParameterValues(ByVal commandParameters() As SqlParameter, ByVal parameterValues() As Object)6 7 Dim i As Integer8 Dim j As Integer9 10 If (commandParameters Is Nothing) AndAlso (parameterValues Is Nothing) Then11 ' Do nothing if we get no data12 Return13 End If14 15 ' We must have the same number of values as we pave parameters to put them in16 If commandParameters.Length <> parameterValues.Length Then17 Throw New ArgumentException("Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count.") 18 End If19 20 ' Value array21 j = commandParameters.Length - 122 For i = 0 To j23 ' If the current array value derives from IDbDataParameter, then assign its Value property24 If TypeOf parameterValues(i) Is IDbDataParameter Then25 Dim paramInstance As IDbDataParameter = CType(parameterValues(i), IDbDataParameter)26 If (paramInstance.Value Is Nothing) Then27 commandParameters(i).Value = DBNull.Value28 Else29 commandParameters(i).Value = paramInstance.Value30 End If31 ElseIf (parameterValues(i) Is Nothing) Then32 commandParameters(i).Value = DBNull.Value33 Else34 commandParameters(i).Value = parameterValues(i)35 End If36 Next37 End Sub ' AssignParameterValues38 39 40 41  

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SQL 2012 :: Length Of Columns In A Table?

Jan 20, 2015

I am working on a migration project and need to derive the total length of the columns for a particular table. I have the following query designed for the same:

from sys.all_columns c
join sys.all_objects t
on t.object_id = c.object_id
group by

This query gives me correct results except for data types varchar(max), nvarchar and xml for which the max_length is stored as -1 which causes my results to be incorrect when summed up. Is there any other way to find out the maximum data length for such type of columns?

Here is my table DDL:

[COL_1] [bigint] NULL,
[COL_2] [bit] NULL,
[COL_3] [char](10) NULL,
[COL_4] [date] NULL,


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Simple Question, Set Length In A New Table

Jan 31, 2007

using SQL (server man studio) EXPRESS

when I create a table

I only see... (col-column)

col name ; Data type ; ALLOW NULLS

how can I set the length of an integer field

or is it because it is so express, I just have to set up the data type -- such as integer


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How To Determine Length Of Table Row In Sql 2005

Sep 14, 2006

How, other than by doing the addition on my own, can I detemrine the length of a row in a table?



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Get Max Length Of Every Column Of A Table In One Query

May 20, 2008


I have a table with 500 columns, most of them are type of varchar. I would have the following data set:

ColumnName DataTypeLength MaxLength
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------
ColA 50 42
ColB 10 7
ColC 50 8
.... ... ...

I can have a query to get the data type length (hom many varchar) for each columns:

SELECT column_name, data_Type, character_maximum_length
FROM information_Schema.columns
WHERE table_name='***'
ORDER BY ordinal_position

but I have problem to get the actual maximum length of the each column. Anybody have the similar query?


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Total Length Of Data Type In A Table

Oct 3, 2007


I would like to know the total length of data type in a table. I ran the following query. Will this give me the correct information? I also ran sp_columns <table name> and it too give the length. But There is a difference in the numbers. Am I doing something wrong and which is the correct the query or sp_column.

select sum(length) from syscolumns
where id in (select id from sysobjects
where name = 'XYZABC')

sp_columns XYZABC

Thanks !

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Changing Column Length Of A Replicated Table

Jul 31, 2006

Can I increase the length of a varchar column of table involved in transactional replication without dropping and recreating publication/subscription?

Any help/short-cuts/undocumented features greatly appreciated.



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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert From Table 1 To Table 2 Only If Record Doesn't Exist In Table 2?

Jul 24, 2015

I'm inserting from TempAccrual to VacationAccrual . It works nicely, however if I run this script again it will insert the same values again in VacationAccrual. How do I block that? IF there is a small change in one of the column in TempAccrual then allow insert. Here is my query

INSERT INTO vacationaccrual

[Code] ....

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INSERT New Record Works OK In Local Table, BUT Not If The Target SS DB/table Is In A Different Physical Server

Apr 23, 2008

Hi... I was hoping if someone could share me some thoughts with the issue that I am having at the moment.

Problem: When I run the package in my local machine and update local SS DB/table - new records writes OK in the table. BUT when I changed my destination meaning write record into another physical SS DB/table there is no INSERT data occurs. AND SO when I move/copy over that same package into another server (e.g. server that do not write record earlier) and run it locally IT WORKS fine too.

What I am trying to do is very simple - Add new records in a SS table using SSIS . I only care for new rows and not even changed rows.
Here is my logic -
1. Create Ole DB source to RemoteSERVER - using SELECT stmt
2. I have LoopUp component that will look for NEW records - Directs all rows that don't find match and redirect rows (error output).
3. Since I don't care for any rows that is matched in my lookup - I do nothing or I trash the rows
4. I send the error rows (NEW rows) into OleDB destination

RESULTS when I run the package locally and destination table is also local - WORKS FINE;
But when I run the package locally and destination table is in another Sserver (remote) - now rows is written.

The package is run thru BIDS manually so there is no sucurity restrictions attached to it.

I am not sure what I am missing. And I do not see error in my package either. It is not failing.

Thanks in advance!

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Automatically Adding Records To Child Table When Record Added To Parent Table

Aug 19, 2006

In SQL Server 2000, I have a parent table with a cascade update to a child table. I want to add a record to the child table whenever I add a table to the parent table. Thanks

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Capturing Record Count For A Table In Oracle And Saving It In A Table In SQL Server

Jun 11, 2007

I would like to find out how to capture record count for a table in oracle using SSIS and then writing that value in a SQL Server table.

I understand that I can use a variable to accomplish this task. Well first issue I run into is that what import statement do I need to use in the design script section of Script Task. I see that in many examples following statement is used for SQL Server databases:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Which Import statement I need to use to for Oracle database. I am using a OLE DB Connection.

any idea?


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Transact SQL :: Update Table With Its Value And Data From Row In Temp Table For Matching Record?

Oct 25, 2015

I have a temp table like this

  ID int,
  Source varchar(50),
  Date datetime,
  CID varchar(50),
  Segments int,
  Air_Date datetime,


Getting Error

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure PublishToDestination, Line 34 Incorrect syntax near 'd'.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Few Record Loss In Table Primary Key Where Same Records Exists In Foreign Key Table?

Jun 21, 2015

Previously same records exists in table having primary key and table having foreign key . we have faced 7 records were lost from primary key table but same record exists in foreign key table.

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Transact SQL :: Insert A Record Into Second table Where There Is Not A Match In First Table

Jun 25, 2015

I have a table in different databases with the same name.  My goal is to compare the two tables, and insert a record into the second table where there is not a match in the first table.  So far, my query looks like the following:

SELECT [metal] FROM [ProductionDatabase].[dbo].[Metalurgy]
SELECT [metal] FROM [TestDatabase].[dbo].[Metalurgy]

This gives me a list of records from [Production].[dbo].[Metalurgy] which do not reside in [TestDatabase].[dbo].[Metalurgy].  Now, I need to use that list to insert missing records into [TestDatabase].[dbo].[Metalurgy].  How can I modify the above code to INSERT the missing records?

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HOW TO: Delete All Records From A Table Where A Child Record From Another Table Does Not Exist.

Mar 17, 2008

I need to delete all records in the TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA table that do not have a corresponding record in the TBL_VERIFICATION table.

Primary Table: TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA
PK: Serial Number
PK: ProcessedDateTime

PK: Serial Number


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Comapring A Record In Table With Other Records In Same Table

Sep 10, 2004

We want to compare one record in a table with other remaing records of the table that meet a criteria of a business logic.

eg.I have startcall_time,end_calltime as fields with other 50 fields.
As a business logic we need to subtract start_calltime of new record from end_calltime of previous record and do some calculations.These calculations have to be done for all the calls where endcalltime(of a record)-startcall(timeof a different record )meet a criteria.

A procedure in MS SQl is what we need to write.

Please help .


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HT Insert Table A Record Fields Into Table B

Jun 13, 2008

All- Supposing I have table_a and table_b. Table_a has fields FIRST_A and LAST_A for people's first and last names. Similarly, table_b has FIRST_B and LAST_B for people's first and last names.

How would I create a record in table_b for each record in table_a, such that for each added record, the values of FIRST_A is copied to FIRST_B and LAST_A is copied to LAST_B. (Table_b will have other fields that are left unfilled.)



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Return 10 Records Table 1 And 1 Record Table 2

Jan 5, 2006

I have looked everywhere but cannot find the solutions. I have two tables.

Table1 = tblvacation (10 records)
fields vacation_id, land, destination
Table2 = tblimages (1000 records)
fields image_id, vacation_id, folder, name

Both are related through vacation_id. Every vacation however has many pictures. I need a query where the result would give me back all records (vacations) from Table 1 with only 1 record from Table 2(one image per vacation).

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Newbie-DELETE A Record In A Table A That Is Related To Table B, And Table B Related To Table A

Mar 20, 2008

Hi thanks for looking at my question

Using sqlServer management studio 2005

My Tables are something like this:

--Table 1 "Employee"
CREATE TABLE [MyCompany].[Employee](
[EmployeeGID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BranchFID] [int] NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[MiddleName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[LastName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE [MyCompany].[Employee]
REFERENCES [myCompany].[Branch] ([BranchGID])
ALTER TABLE [MyCompany].[Employee] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Employee_BranchFID]

-- Table 2 "Branch"
CREATE TABLE [Mycompany].[Branch](
[BranchGID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BranchName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[City] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[ManagerFID] [int] NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE [MyCompany].[Branch]
REFERENCES [MyCompany].[Employee] ([EmployeeGID])
ALTER TABLE [MyCompany].[Branch]

--Foreign IDs = FID
--generated IDs = GID
Then I try a simple single row DELETE

DELETE FROM MyCompany.Employee
WHERE EmployeeGID= 39

Well this might look like a very basic error:
I get this Error after trying to delete something from Table €œEmployee€?

The DELETE statement conflicted with the
REFERENCE constraint "FK_Branch_ManagerFID".
The conflict occurred in database "MyDatabase",
table "myCompany.Branch", column 'ManagerFID'.

Yes what I€™ve been doing is to deactivate the foreign key constraint, in both tables when performing these kinds of operations, same thing if I try to delete a €œBranch€? entry, basically each entry in €œbranch€? and €œEmployee€? is child of each other which makes things more complicated.

My question is, is there a simple way to overcome this obstacle without having to deactivate the foreign key constraints every time or a good way to prevent this from happening in the first place? Is this when I have to use €œON DELETE CASCADE€? or something?


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