Records Appearing And Then Disappearing

Jul 20, 2005


We have a SQL server db backend for our ERP system. I have written a
Crystal Report to extract data from one particular table called
itemspecbomw (c.30000 records) which contains amongst other things
Bill of Materials costings. When I run the report I know that some
rows are missing as when I look at values through the ERP system
itself, the values are different.

What I have found is that when I run the equivalent ERP system report,
the Crystal Report I have written shows extra rows. SQL Query Analyser
behaves exactly the same as the report I have written even when using
a "select * from". I have tested opening up a bigger tables (c. 700000
records) which appears without a problem. If anyone knows why this
mystery is happening, I woould be grateful for your help.

Many thanks,


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Disappearing Records

Jan 17, 2007

I am running an Access 2000 MDB against a SQL 7 back end, using ODBC linkedtables over a LAN and a WAN. The system has been operational for years withrelatively few problems.Recently, WAN users have been reporting several hundred records disappearingat a time. The records are all sequential, and they're in a table thatcontains about 60,000 records. This all started last week at about the sametime (not sure if before or after) that the WAN went down for a couple ofhours for an unknown reason. Since then, every once in a while, a WAN userwill report that several hundred records in a block are just "missing."Then, an hour or two later, they reappear.Any ideas as to what's going on or what can be done to rectify this?Thanks!Neil

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DTS And Disappearing Index

Jan 12, 2001

I have a similar problem to the one indicated by David Van Diest. I could not find any answers to his query.
Could anyone help!


Mon, 8 Feb 1999 16:24:55 -0600
From: David Van Diest
[sql7] DTS and disappearing indexes

I have noticed that if I use the Microsoft ODBC driver for SQL Server when I
transfer data from one database to another my indexes disappear. If I pick
other odbc source and then fill in the data source my indexs do not go away.

Anyone else see this behavior? I don`t think it should be working this way.



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SQL Commands Disappearing!?!?!?!

Nov 7, 2001

I am experiencing a situation where I issue a lengthy SQL command to MS SQL Server 7.0 through MTS and it "disappears" - no errors or recordsets are returned. The command is "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE LASTNAME LIKE 'SMITH%'". When I issue this command from SQL Query Analyzer it takes 27 seconds to return 87 rows. When I issue this exact same command through MTS it does not return at all.

I've used the SQL Profiler to analyze the requests. It shows the commands from MTS starting but they never stop (or at least the profiler never reports them as stopping). The same commands coming from Query Analyzer are reported as starting and stopping without fail.

Here's a twist: I can issue less demanding commands (ie, one that doesn't take so long to process) through MTS and they come back fine. For example, when a user logs into my application, I use an SQL statement to verify the user name and password and status the user as logged in. This is routed through MTS and it comes back fine in less than a second. Same application, same PC, same MTS and SQL server, same SQL database. The only difference is that the CUSTOMERS table has over 800,000 records and the USERS table has only 5 records.


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HELP!!!! Data Disappearing

Oct 25, 2001


I have three servers replicating. One is a publisher and two subscribers. If I put data in the publisher, some of it will disappear after replicating. When data is entered in one of the subscribers, the same thing happens.

Anyone have any ideas??? I am doing a merge replication and all servers are running SQL Server 2000.


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Databases Disappearing!!

Jun 16, 2004

Ok, I'm new here and I REALLY need some help here.

In my organisation, we have a Server with MSSQL 7 running with some databases. Some of the databases are published for replication.

Now, since Monday, we've been losing databases that are in use! :confused:

The files are disappearing and being marked as suspect in SQL. The physical file has been deleted from the machine even when SQL is running and on some databases are replicating. In one instance, we were making permission changes on a user and it just said that the file is no longer there. And when we checked, the msdb system database had disappeared as well. So now the server is showing up as having no databases. We were able to recover some of them through backups and a handy recovery tool. But now we are helpless as to WHY this is happening. We suspect Virus but we have Norton CorporateEdition running and Liveupdate updating every day.

I've searched the web for any one that had the same problem, but nothing came up. Only some stuff saying that space was an issue, but not on a drive with 21GB remaining and the biggest database is 3GB...

Any help, insight or resolution will be greatly appreciated.

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Columns Not Appearing.

Aug 1, 2007

I have generated a .dsv using named queries.

The dsv consists of 3 tables:

The client_guarantor and client_contacts tables both have a foreign key into the CLIENT table via the column CLIENT.client_id. To give you a visual, the .dsv design view would look something like this:
client_guarantor <- CLIENT -> client_contacts.

I use this .dsv to generate a model and deploy it. My problem arises once I get into report builder. It will not let me build a report that uses columns from all three tables. For instance, if i pull a column from the CLIENT table, then a column from the client_contacts table, and next try to get anything from the client_guarantor table, report builder lets me navigate back to the client_guarantor table (because i have added a column from CLIENT) but wont let me add any columns from client_guarantor to the report.

Am i missing something? I assume that since the CLIENT table can see both the client_guarantor and client_contacts tables, if I add anything from the CLIENT table into my report, I should have access to both other tables located in my model. Am I wrong in this assumption, or do I need to add some flag to my model or something??? Any help or insight is appreciated.

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Data Not Appearing

Aug 15, 2007

In the data flow, I have an "OLE DB source" container that calls an SP. The SP does a select statement at the end. If I hit the "Preview" button I'm seeing the results come back, however, when I go to the columns I'm not seeing anything. I don't see the column name. Is there any reason why I don't seem to see this column coming back?


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Parameters Not Appearing

Mar 17, 2008

Parameters do not appear when I jump to a linked report. What causes the parameters not to appear? I did not make them hidden, so why do they not appear? I can see them when I am within visual studio, but not when the report is published to the web?

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Disappearing Data

Dec 18, 2006

I am not sure where to put this but correct me if i'm in the wrong forum.

I've been working on this database for some time now. It's an Access 2003 database with a SQL backend. Everything was going well until one of the users noticed her data was disappearing after she send an email. The database has a memo field that gets pasted in the body of an email when it is created. Sometimes, when the user sends an email and goes back into the record, the memo field is blank. I know the field has data in it at the time of the email because it will give you an error if the field is null and you won't be able to send it. And, it goes into a history table with everything the user does with each record. I've checked this history table and it shows that all records in question, an email was sent. I have no idea why the data would disappear in this field. It does not happen all the time. I've performed the same steps and I can't duplicate the problem. There's no code associated with the memo field that deletes it after sending the email. Can anyone think of anything that would cause this?

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Disappearing Data In SQL Server

Apr 5, 2005

The problem i am facing here is disappearing data in sql server 2000. I
not sure what is the problem, but it is getting worse and worse. Anyone
can point me to a right direction whether this is a security
vulnerability which i need to download the patch, or is it my computer
is infected with virus., or is it a bug in sql server?

I remember having read somewhere about this problem also, but not sure
in which website already. Anyone, please help!!! Because we are going
to deploy to production server soon, and this is a problem that need to
be solve ASAP..

Thanks in advance...

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Mysterious Appearing Indexes

Jan 29, 2001

Second post for the day. I've just noticed a few indexes in our tables that have are named like such: hind_c_207_1. They seem to have been put in automatically, and are messing with our index structure. Anyone know where these come from and how I can stop them? Any help would be great.

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TempDB Users Disappearing

Nov 7, 2001

I am supporting a system that needs to allow users to have access to Temp DB. I set these users up using the GUI, but whenever the server is restarted, these users are wiped out. Is there anyway to keep these users when the server is rebooted?

Thanks for any help.

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Disappearing Stored Procedure

Oct 15, 1998

A user created stored procedure is dropped from system tables where no known drop procedure command is executed.

From ISQL the procedure runs properly after creation but, at sometime during execution the procudure dropped from the system tables.

Any help would be appreciated.

SQL Server 6.5 sp4, windows NT 4 sp3, db-library, visual C++

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URGENT! Rows Disappearing

Jul 4, 2006

Hello together,

strange things going on:

1. The table statistic shows for example 67 rows in a table, select count(*) only returns 63 rows.
2. Table statistic shows 50 rows, select count(*) returns 55 rows.

In both cases if you do an insert the newly inserted row sometimes can be retrieved by a select statement sometimes not. Row statistics sometimes is updated correctly, sometimes not.

Integrity check for these databases says everything is fine. DBCC CHECKDB, DBREINDEX, UPDATESTATISTICS, ... does not help or says everything is fine.

Already opened a case at HP's Microsoft support and they involved Microsoft itself but all are a little bit clueless at the moment.

As this is our main DB cluster and several databases are affected we had to stop most of our applications since last Thursday and now we are getting a little bit in trouble so any hint is very welcome.

Thanks in advance

PS: Restore is not an option - as all tools say everything is fine all of our backups from the last months include the error. Don't ask why nobody recognized the lost data earlier, seems they were stored but not required for some time.

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Fields In My Tables Are Disappearing!

Feb 24, 2006

I am using a hosted MSSQL 2000 database that powers the backend of mywebsite. Website visitors interact with it via ASP pages I havedeveloped. I also have an internal FileMaker 7 database thatperiodically synchs with it via Filemaker's ODBC functionality.Several times now, I have come in one day to discover that my ASP pagesdon't work. When I look into it, one of my MSSQL tables will be missinga few fields. There is nothing in any of my code that sends an ALTERTABLE command or any other command that affects table structure. Thesedeletions of fields is totally random.The most recent example was with a table called FreeTeacherSubs. I justdiscovered today that three fields went missing:HowDidYouHearAboutYES TEXTFollowUpCallOrEmail TEXTHowMaterialsFit TEXTSuffice to say I am baffled! Has anyone ever experienced fieldsdisappearing from their tables?Kevin

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Select 'message'; Not Appearing

May 15, 2007

Greetings.I am trying to add some debug to a stored procedure.I put some statements like this throughout the code:select 'some message here';but I never see them.I put them in a test procedure that works fine, so that I have a feeling thatwhen an insert fails in a down-stream try catch block, it messes up thedisplay of the information.Can someone tell me how to best go about outputting debug I can see from astored procedure, or if I am even correct about try catch blocks throwingerrors, messing up the debug visibility.I can post code if necessary. Just a general debug question here.thanksJeff Kish

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Disappearing Data -- SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

I'm using an Access front end to a SQL 2000 database.I have a form from which I enter data. Everything seems fine, I check thetables and my records are being inserted.When I close Access and reopen it, data from three of my tables is gone.SQL Profiler turns up nothing. If I try to access a problem table fromEnterprise manager while Access is open I get an ODBC error. If I try toaccess it after I close Access, the records are gone.Where do I start looking to figure out where the problem is? I'm at a lost.TIA for help.--Jake

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Rows Disappearing In View

Jul 15, 2007

I have two tables that have a column called "subscriberid". I imported rows into the main table, and it's sister table.

There are 90,000 rows in the main table and 94,021 in the other table.

It appears that roughly 4,000 rows have disappeared in the main table, but not in the other table, and I don't understand why?

I'm new to SQL Server 2005 Express and I'd appreciate any help you can give me.



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Disappearing Precedence Constraints

Jan 25, 2007

Has anyone seen precedence constraints disappear in a package after closing and opening again? In this case, it's not package-wide. Only constraints inside one Foreach Loop container disappeared. Any idea what causes this to happen?

p.s: Yes, I did Save All. Most of these contraints were saved in the package for more than a week anyway.

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Stored Procedure Disappearing Act

Apr 11, 2008

I created a simple stored procedure shown below. It works wonderfully. The only problem is that it likes to disappear on me. I am accessing it through a VB.Net program. The system will work fine throughout the day and suddenly it will be gone. I can exit Sql Server Management Studio and come back in and it will still be there so that is not causing it. The database stays connected all the time.

Any suggestions?

Code Snippet
FROM sys.procedures
WHERE name = N'VerifyPart'
DROP procedure VerifyPart;
--create a procedure for the part code tab verify part function
create procedure VerifyPart
@PartNumber varchar(50) = null,
@LastUpdated varchar(30) = null
--Update Part Number
update Parts
set LastUpdated = @LastUpdated
where PartNumber = @PartNumber

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Maintenance Plans Are Disappearing...

May 25, 2007

I'm not even sure where to post this, but has anyone had a problem with maintenance plans disappearing?

I mean the SSIS package and the job just disappearing....?

I have four servers. Two dev and two prod. I created a pretty simple maintenance plan to backup databases. There are four tasks in the plan. One for each of four databases. Backing each up to a separate file, all in the same folder.

The plan gets associated with a job that has it run daily, every six hours, with no end date.

The plan runs just fine. Then this morning, on one of the servers, the plan and its job are just gone.

This is the second time this has happened. And it's not the same server that it happened on the first time.

Why would a maintenance plan just disappear?



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BUG : Data Source Not Appearing

Dec 5, 2006


I am trying make some imports and I am using the wizard.

I have created a new project and added 2 new datasources. One for a DB2 database and one for a SQL Server database

I select Project | SS Import and Export Wizard and the wizard launches.

When I look under datasource I can't find my 2 created datasources. I can create new ones but this is not something I want.

Any help ?

Constantijn Enders

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Data Disappearing During Run Time

Jan 5, 2007

When I enter data into a SQL database and save it, the data that I have just added disapears, but when I close the applicaiton and re-open it, it's still there - is there any reason for this and any way to get it to stay?

Any ideas?

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ODBC Connections Disappearing

Mar 12, 2008

I have set up 80 connections to the SQL Server - mostly through code. People have been successfully using the database, but then when they come in to use their computer and the database the next day, their connection is completely gone! What is that all about? So far this has happened to 2 or 3 different users. Any idea why?

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Help- Expressions Appearing On Second Page?

Aug 3, 2007

i have a list which is hidden at the top of my body and then some text boxes afterwards...this should all fit on the first page, but as soon as one of my textboxes has an expression the rest of the data skips to the second page

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Publication Changes Not Appearing At Subscriber?

Aug 3, 2007

I have setup a merge replication publication (SQL server 2005 wth SQL Mobile) with dynamic filters based on host name and when i sync to the pda all data appears fine. When I make changes on the PDA and synchronise, the changes are pushed back to the server fine.

However when I change data on the server and synchronise at the PDA, no changes ever appear!
Surely I must have missed something obvious or done something really stupid.

If i check the replication monitor it just says no changes so any suggestions would be great.


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SQL Server Database Disappearing!

Jun 26, 2007


We have a number of databases on our SQL Server 2005. One of them, AddressPoint, keeps disappearing completely every few days. I should qualify that - the database name still exists and is visible in Management Studio, but there is no + icon to expand to see the object types.

I can manually restore the database. But we are unable to identify any process that might be deleting the database.

So where do I even start in trying to track down the process that is deleting it? I have not been able to pinpoint a specific time when the deletion might have occurred, as I am not using the database regularly, and neither are our users, yet. The latest deletion definitely occurred within the last 24 hours, but that's as specific as I can be.



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Field List Disappearing

Mar 18, 2008

I'm trying to modify an existing report. But if I make any change at all to the query (anything at all, like add a space), when I switch to the layout tab, the list of fields in the field list disappears. Un-doing the change does not restore the field list. The query runs fine from the data tab and returns a valid resultset.

Any suggestions?

This is with RS 2000 and Visual Studio 2003. Specifically, I'm trying to modify the Sales Pipeline Detail report from CRM.

Mike G.

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Views Not Appearing In Browser Page...

Aug 14, 2006

Hi all, newbie here (to SQL Server and Visual Studio)...
After a few days of configuring and setting things up, I finally got visual studio 2005 to connect to my sql server 2005 express database.  I used server management studio to construct a database with 8 linked tables for my first main application.  I plugged in some data and, after setting up proper permissions, was able to get visual studio to connect and return data.
I set up a simple gridview on a page with a sql server connection object to test things out.  When I set the connection string to return data from a single table, everything works fine.  When I test the connnection within visual studio, I get the results I expect.  I build the page and load it up in my browser through the localhost, and I get the expected results. 
The problem comes when I try to use a view rather than a table.  I build the view in server management studio, and from within visual studio, when I test the connection I get the expected results.  However, after building the pages (and rebuilding the site), I get a blank grid in my broswer when I test through localhost.  I added another gridview to the page set to a table with a different connection string, and that grid appeared in my browser.  I modified that connection string in visual studio to the sql server view, and again, nothing appears in my browser.
I'm not sure if, during all of my tinkering with security and setups I may have inadvertantly shut off the abilty to use views, but I'm not receiving an error messages.  I just get a blank page.
Any ideas?Brian

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DBs Not Appearing In Query Analyer Dropdown

Jul 23, 2005

A couple of databases on one of our SQL Servers is missing in the dbdropdown in query analyzer.Does anyone know what I need to update to sync this with the actualdatabases?Thanks,Burt

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SQL 2005 - Disappearing Relationships In DB Diagram

Jun 20, 2006

Relationships between tables disappear without explanation in thedatabase diagram using SQL Server 2005.Many thanks for any thoughts/questions on the topic!

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Transaction Log File Disappearing Without Reason

Apr 17, 2007

Hi team,

At one of our SQL2005 servers we've got a really strange problem. The transaction logfile of one of our databases is suddenly disappearing without a reason. From that moment on the event log (application) is being filled up with SQLserver event 9001

Event Type: Error
Event Category: (2)
Event ID: 9001
Date: 16/04/2007
Time: 12:31:40
User: N/A
Computer: PBVSRV
The log for database 'Putboringen' is not available. Check the event log for related error messages. Resolve any errors and restart the database.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 29 23 00 00 15 00 00 00 )#......
0008: 12 00 00 00 50 00 42 00 ....P.B.
0010: 56 00 53 00 52 00 56 00 V.S.R.V.
0018: 5c 00 53 00 51 00 4c 00 .S.Q.L.
0020: 45 00 58 00 50 00 52 00 E.X.P.R.
0028: 45 00 53 00 53 00 00 00 E.S.S...
0030: 07 00 00 00 6d 00 61 00 ....m.a.
0038: 73 00 74 00 65 00 72 00 s.t.e.r.
0040: 00 00 ..

We already had this a few times before and really are unable to find the root cause for this. Can you help us out?

The server is a Dell PE1900 running SBS2003R2. Database is stored on a seperate volume (R5 configuration). Environment is +-5 workstations



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